Display two dates using Calenderview widget - Android

I am newbie to android development . I intend to develop a calender in android. For this I see a widget Calender-view
Calender display & change line color seems all fine. What I want is two dates to be displayed in each of the date box
How can that be possible . Can experts suggest be some ideas
DO I need to create two separate activities for two set of calender & then super impose the view
or use some sort of render-script to display updates the date text box.
or use some drawable property of a inherited view.
Their is a public interface to update the date text box. The input is resource id. I wonder what kind of resource it experts to update the date field.
any suggestion will be appropriate


[App] Pocket Quotes 1.0

Current version: 1.0
Description: Pocket Quotes allows you to track as many stocks as you want, and to display daily/weekly/yearly charts of a stock.
Source code and CAB installer at: http://pocketquotes.codeplex.com
Last update: 6/4/09
1. Unlimited number of stocks that can be tracked
2. Can configure interval of updates
3. Can keep comma delimited file of update history
4. Pocket PC and PC versions
5. Open Source, written in Basic4ppc
Version .12
Version .12 has been uploaded to the main post.
1. CAB installation
2. Added ability to add/delete stocks
3. Modified screen to show % change
Pocket Quotes great on my Samsung Epix
I've been looking for a stock quote app for my Epix (320x320 screen) for quite a while. Couldn't find a free/inexpensive one that worked on my display.
Thought about trying to program one for myself, but it's been a long time since I've done any "real" programming. Found this app via the forums at basic4ppc and then found the CAB installation here.
I love it! It works great! Thank you for coding and sharing this!
Had a couple of suggestions for possible future enhancements beyond those you had listed above:
Display a progress bar or message when updating stocks.
Allow the user to change the font size for the list of stocks.
Allow the user to optionally turn on/off the display of the detail box and have a longer list of stocks shown.
Allow the user to optionally input a user-friendly name to display in place of the ticker symbol on the main list. e.g. "Ford" instead of just "F".
Allow user to specify the order of the stocks, or keep them in alphabetical order.
Optionally let the user choose to display the list either with alternating colors OR with color coded backgrounds in the list box which indicate postive changes (green), negative changes (red), or no change (gray).
Implement a settings dialog to allow the user to configure any options you implement.
Publicize this app more and provide a way for people to make donations to show their appreciation
As I said, I am very grateful that you built and shared this app. You did a great job making it smart enough to adjust the display to the device on which it is running.
My suggestions are just ways in which you might enhance it to allow your users to customize it more to their liking.
4/25 Update: Found one additional issue. Can't seem to download stock market indices. For example, the Dow Jones Industrial average (symbol "^DJI"). Looks like the "^DJI" is being turned into "%5EDJI" and then not returning any prices.
gibbers said:
I've been looking for a stock quote app for my Epix (320x320 screen) for quite a while. Couldn't find a free/inexpensive one that worked on my display.
Thought about trying to program one for myself, but it's been a long time since I've done any "real" programming. Found this app via the forums at basic4ppc and then found the CAB installation here.
I love it! It works great! Thank you for coding and sharing this!
Had a couple of suggestions for possible future enhancements beyond those you had listed above:
Display a progress bar or message when updating stocks.
Allow the user to change the font size for the list of stocks.
Allow the user to optionally turn on/off the display of the detail box and have a longer list of stocks shown.
Allow the user to optionally input a user-friendly name to display in place of the ticker symbol on the main list. e.g. "Ford" instead of just "F".
Allow user to specify the order of the stocks, or keep them in alphabetical order.
Optionally let the user choose to display the list either with alternating colors OR with color coded backgrounds in the list box which indicate postive changes (green), negative changes (red), or no change (gray).
Implement a settings dialog to allow the user to configure any options you implement.
Publicize this app more and provide a way for people to make donations to show their appreciation
As I said, I am very grateful that you built and shared this app. You did a great job making it smart enough to adjust the display to the device on which it is running.
My suggestions are just ways in which you might enhance it to allow your users to customize it more to their liking.
4/25 Update: Found one additional issue. Can't seem to download stock market indices. For example, the Dow Jones Industrial average (symbol "^DJI"). Looks like the "^DJI" is being turned into "%5EDJI" and then not returning any prices.
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Thanks for the feedback and suggestions - I had stopped working on this because it didn't look like there was any interest. I'll take some of your ideas and add them to the next release (which will be after I finish taking the PMP certification - preparing for that is taking up a lot of my spare time)
I'll check on the DJ symbols - they should work since it works within Yahoo and I'm using the Yahoo feed for updates.
also eur/usd parameter should b configurable as well...
good appz
gibbers said:
I've been looking for a stock quote app for my Epix (320x320 screen) for quite a while. Couldn't find a free/inexpensive one that worked on my display.
Thought about trying to program one for myself, but it's been a long time since I've done any "real" programming. Found this app via the forums at basic4ppc and then found the CAB installation here.
I love it! It works great! Thank you for coding and sharing this!
Had a couple of suggestions for possible future enhancements beyond those you had listed above:
Display a progress bar or message when updating stocks.
Allow the user to change the font size for the list of stocks.
Allow the user to optionally turn on/off the display of the detail box and have a longer list of stocks shown.
Allow the user to optionally input a user-friendly name to display in place of the ticker symbol on the main list. e.g. "Ford" instead of just "F".
Allow user to specify the order of the stocks, or keep them in alphabetical order.
Optionally let the user choose to display the list either with alternating colors OR with color coded backgrounds in the list box which indicate postive changes (green), negative changes (red), or no change (gray).
Implement a settings dialog to allow the user to configure any options you implement.
Publicize this app more and provide a way for people to make donations to show their appreciation
As I said, I am very grateful that you built and shared this app. You did a great job making it smart enough to adjust the display to the device on which it is running.
My suggestions are just ways in which you might enhance it to allow your users to customize it more to their liking.
4/25 Update: Found one additional issue. Can't seem to download stock market indices. For example, the Dow Jones Industrial average (symbol "^DJI"). Looks like the "^DJI" is being turned into "%5EDJI" and then not returning any prices.
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I fixed the VGA display (Portrait only) and tested the Dow Jones - it doesn't work because "^DJI" is passed as part of the string and http doesn't like that. I need to urlencode it and see if that works.
I'll work on some of the other suggestions and get a developer's release out soon.
Version D-14
I have placed version D-14 (developer's release) on the main post. Unzip and copy to your PDA.
I have not implemented any of the excellent suggestions yet - I'm working on stabilizing the core functionality before I start adding to it.
Changes included in this release:
1. Added a splash screen on start-up (it's downloading stock updates in the background)
2. Fixed sort when adding stock symbol
3. Fixed VGA display (still only Portrait though)
4. URL encoded "^" for DJI - but it still doesn't work. I need to work with the Yahoo RSS feed to see why not
5. Fixed delete symbol bug (it didn't update all of the arrays, causing the wrong details to be displayed on a symbol)
For anyone with B4PPC, I added the source code to the zip file. Requires the ListView and fgControls library (included)
Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
UPDATE: Version D-14 uploaded to first post. I had left off a zero in the timer control, causing the program to refresh 6 seconds x setting - needed to be every 60 seconds per each minute in the setting.
Release D-15
Release D-13 has been uploaded to the main post
1. Add downloading of stock chart when selecting stock symbol
2. Organized program images into gfx directory
3. Minor bug fixes & tweaks
Downloaded and tried D-15. Couple of new issues introduced.
Delete does not seem to be working for me. I can select it from the context menu, but after a brief delay it just repaints the screen without deleting anything. I can add stocks, but can't delete them without editing the pocketquotes.ini file.
Also the detail display is no longer displaying properly on my Epix (320x320 resolution). The bottom of the first row of characters with stock name is cut off, and I can only see the "Close" and "Highest" labels. The close price displays OK, but the Highest price gets truncated on the right (even though there is space on the screen to display it.) Also the bottom line which displays the last trade date is ovelaying other data and the bottom of the last trade text is also cut off.
Finally, in the Add dialog, it looks like there may be a display problem. But I think it was there before too. Below the label which says "Enter Stock", it looks like there is something there, but I can only see a few of the top pixels above the Cancel button.
Just reverted back to D-13 version, and it appears delete does not work for me with this version either. In this version, If I delete a stock, it is removed from the list. But it reappears when I close and reopen the app.
Do you have access to an emulator to see how it runs on a square screen device? If not I could probably figure out how to get a screen cap if it would help.
gibbers said:
Downloaded and tried D-15. Couple of new issues introduced.
Delete does not seem to be working for me. I can select it from the context menu, but after a brief delay it just repaints the screen without deleting anything. I can add stocks, but can't delete them without editing the pocketquotes.ini file.
Also the detail display is no longer displaying properly on my Epix (320x320 resolution). The bottom of the first row of characters with stock name is cut off, and I can only see the "Close" and "Highest" labels. The close price displays OK, but the Highest price gets truncated on the right (even though there is space on the screen to display it.) Also the bottom line which displays the last trade date is ovelaying other data and the bottom of the last trade text is also cut off.
Finally, in the Add dialog, it looks like there may be a display problem. But I think it was there before too. Below the label which says "Enter Stock", it looks like there is something there, but I can only see a few of the top pixels above the Cancel button.
Just reverted back to D-13 version, and it appears delete does not work for me with this version either. In this version, If I delete a stock, it is removed from the list. But it reappears when I close and reopen the app.
Do you have access to an emulator to see how it runs on a square screen device? If not I could probably figure out how to get a screen cap if it would help.
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First, thanks for the feedback.
When you delete a stock, it should go to the download routine (it will display the download image) and then repaint the screen. On my PDA it does not put the symbol that was deleted back there.
Can you send me the stock symbols that you are using? I'll try a test with that.
As for the display on 320x320 - that is a resolution that I've always had mixed results with. I think I am going to remove the stock detail area at the bottom and display it when you click on the symbol (the one that shows the chart) This will make it easier to program as I can use the entire available screen for listing the stocks.
I'll check the add code. I may need to add a refresh or something to force a screen update. There should be a panel with an input box. I did notice it does a refresh download (which it shouldn't do at this point)
Last, I'll install the emulators so I can run some additional testing.
Version D-16
gibbers said:
Downloaded and tried D-15. Couple of new issues introduced.
Delete does not seem to be working for me. I can select it from the context menu, but after a brief delay it just repaints the screen without deleting anything. I can add stocks, but can't delete them without editing the pocketquotes.ini file.
Also the detail display is no longer displaying properly on my Epix (320x320 resolution). The bottom of the first row of characters with stock name is cut off, and I can only see the "Close" and "Highest" labels. The close price displays OK, but the Highest price gets truncated on the right (even though there is space on the screen to display it.) Also the bottom line which displays the last trade date is ovelaying other data and the bottom of the last trade text is also cut off.
Finally, in the Add dialog, it looks like there may be a display problem. But I think it was there before too. Below the label which says "Enter Stock", it looks like there is something there, but I can only see a few of the top pixels above the Cancel button.
Just reverted back to D-13 version, and it appears delete does not work for me with this version either. In this version, If I delete a stock, it is removed from the list. But it reappears when I close and reopen the app.
Do you have access to an emulator to see how it runs on a square screen device? If not I could probably figure out how to get a screen cap if it would help.
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I have uploaded D-16 to the main post.
1. Stock detail info moved to chart page; main page only shows list of stock symbols
2. Moved "Add Stock Symbol" from pop-up panel to new page; should display
I am in the process of setting up the emulators, but since function has been moved off onto a separate page, they should display properly on all screen sizes (portrait mode only)
Display Issues on Samsung Epix
Looks like Version D-16 still has some issues on my phone.
It appears that the details display area shrunk between version D-13 and D-15.
And the chart display area grew between version D-15 and D-16.
In terms of the Add Panel, it looks pretty much the same in all three versions, and is functional. Is there some text cut off which is peeking up from behind the cancel button on my display?
In the attached images, note that the ^DJI chart does display. It's just the quotes for ^DJI and other indices that don't work. Maybe a clue to fixing it? Or maybe not.
I still can't delete any symbols from the UI. I'm going to try deleting the ini file, since it was originally created with an old version, and manually edited on my PC. I figure a fresh start couldn't hurt and so far I don't have many symbols to re-add anyway. Will let you know how that works out.
I like the idea of the combined chart and details screen. If you can figure out how to get the display area for details to be sized right (as it was in D-13), then maybe you could use whatever is left on the screen to display the chart.
Also meant to add, that the display of the actual stocks on D16 works well. Just missing the data for the market indices.
I appreciate the work you are putting into this. I think you are on your way to a great little utility here.
Tried with a brand new .ini file. Similiar issues. It appears that you created a default .ini with the auto companies. I deleted all except HMC without issue. Then I added all the symbols I had before. And tried to delete several. None could be deleted. Except the HMC one. Then I couldn't delete others. The only thing I could see was that HMC was first entry on the list in the .ini file. And the remainder of the entries were NOT in alphabetical order. Are they supposed to be in alpha order in the .ini file? Could it be that the indices are somehow messing things up?
gibbers said:
Tried with a brand new .ini file. Similiar issues. It appears that you created a default .ini with the auto companies. I deleted all except HMC without issue. Then I added all the symbols I had before. And tried to delete several. None could be deleted. Except the HMC one. Then I couldn't delete others. The only thing I could see was that HMC was first entry on the list in the .ini file. And the remainder of the entries were NOT in alphabetical order. Are they supposed to be in alpha order in the .ini file? Could it be that the indices are somehow messing things up?
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That sounds like it could be the problem why it's not deleting; the "^" symbol is messing things up.
The screen display is cutting off some information on the 320x320 display (works ok on VGA and QVGA) - I have some code that I need to apply to setting the form for 320x320. It's really a simple calculation where if the display is 320 I use an offset factor of 1.25, and if its VGA I use an offset factor of 2. I just need to apply this for your display.
Thanks for the images - it helps me to see what is happening. I'm having trouble getting the networking to work within the emulator so it's not downloading stock data (I may have to build an off-line mode to work around this)
I'll get an update back to you later today.
Version .19
Developer's Release .19
1. Added "splash" screen when updating stocks
2. Added configuration to change list row colors
3. Moved stock info to graph screen - main shows only list of stocks
4. Fixed sort when adding new stock
5. Fixed SIP when adding stock
Still working on some of the other suggestions.
I will cab this on the next release. I'm going to add in a update from web feature (I just implemented the same on pocket quotes) so that users can be sure that they always have the latest version.
Release 1.0
I've updated "Pocket Quotes" and released the first public release 1.0 with source code on my wiki: http://campusbbs.freehostia.com/doku.php?id=pocket_quotes
See main post for screen shots.
Some of the features added:
1. Additional charts added (now includes daily, weekly, yearly)
2. Update from the web
digitaldon37 said:
I've updated "Pocket Quotes" and released the first public release 1.0 with source code on my wiki: http://campusbbs.freehostia.com/doku.php?id=pocket_quotes
See main post for screen shots.
Some of the features added:
1. Additional charts added (now includes daily, weekly, yearly)
2. Update from the web
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Thank you for making a stock quote program. I have been looking for a long time and there are relatively few programs that work well. I like many of the things you have done but there are some things I like from other community members. Please take a quick look at the post below.
I like the way each stock line shows red or green depending on stock up/down or profit/loss. Also, its nice to have the added screen space that the scroll bar takes up. Perhaps the scroll bar is not needed?

Widgets for Androkkid

On ssj5trunks' (the developer of Androkkid) request, I 'm opening a thread for widget for this great program.
The Androkkid comes with these widgets:
Battery: Widget without text for QVGA is here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4879711&postcount=126
Line Operator
wmdirk has supplied a widget library to facilitate the development of widgets, version 1.4, Dec. 26, 2009: http://sites.google.com/site/wmdsoft/wmd-androkkid-lib
After talking to wmdirk (and because I no longer use Androkkid), I've decided to change this first post. wmdirk's widgets will not be updated here but on his webpage http://sites.google.com/site/wmdsoft/home. He seems to be the only one currently making widgets for Androkkid, and he is very successful in doing so. But some of the widgets are not free, and I didn't want to mix the free and the commercially available in one list. However, this thread will still be used by wmdirk to answer questions regarding his widgets, and to announce new ones.
Other widgets that have to be installed separately (I'll try to keep this updated and with the newest first):
This is a list of wmdirk's widgets: some of them free http://sites.google.com/site/wmdsoft/home
Other widgets: all free
RSS Script / Widget by qkzoo Jan. 10, 2010: Not really a widget, but a Mortscript that can be used in conjunction with WMD's RegInfo widget. It downloads the XML from an RSS feed, strips the relevent data out of it, and plugs it into your registry.
Weather radar script by qkzoo, Dec. 2, 2009: Displays animated radar from Accuweather http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=5061832&postcount=346
hgWeather widget 0.4 by ajige updated Nov. 23, 2009: Shows weather for up to 4 days or icon only, very configurable. http://sites.google.com/site/ajiget/programs/widgets-for-androkkid
Bluetooth widget by fherfort Updated Oct. 16, 2009
GORAPSWeather Widget by goraps Oct. 15, 2009: Shows weather for today with detailed info and forecast for 4 days.
hgBattery widget by ajige Oct. 6, 2009: It's rather simple, but it shows the % in text and color, and whether it's charging. Clicking on it takes you to the power settings. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4879711&postcount=126
hgTasksToday by ajige Oct. 1, 2009:will show up to 7 outlook tasks that are due today. Clicking on the widget will take you to the tasks program. The widget will redraw every 10 min. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4917995&postcount=186
Unzip the files to the Widget directory and Androkkid will automatically detect the widgets. Then holding on the desktop, click add, then widget, then select it, and ok and they should show up on the desktop.
The widgets can be skinned by changing the background image - bg.png in the gfx directory. However, it's important to keep the same size as the original, otherwise the font won't show well.
Perhaps I´m too stupid, but how do i install these widgets?
I had a look at the androkkid discussion, but don´t find a solution.....
Thanks for the help.
musikusbawue said:
Perhaps I´m too stupid, but how do i install these widgets?
I had a look at the androkkid discussion, but don´t find a solution.....
Thanks for the help.
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No, you are not stupid, I'm the one who was sloppy and forgot instructions.
You should just unzip the files to the Widget directory and Androkkid will automatically detect it. Then holding on the desktop, click add, then widget, then select it, and ok.
The weather widget has a settings menu you can reach by clicking in the top half. Not all the settings have an effect yet. Clicking lower on the widget, should refresh, but I'm not sure that's working yet. Also I forgot to delete a debug message. Will try and upload a new version today.
Wether widget updated in first post (messages used for debug purposes have been removed).
Also updated information re installation and skinning.
+1 I look forward to see some more widgets. Your hard work is apperciated. thanks
B-Real206 said:
+1 I look forward to see some more widgets. Your hard work is apperciated. thanks
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yes, i agree! I am really looking forward to the buildout of a library of widgets. good job!
Here is a Weaher Widget I have been working on. I have beased it on Titanium Weather. I shoukd have it ready in a couple of days for some testing. It depends on how my time permits. I plan on having the next 4 days forecast in the empty area in the middle.
Very nice! Cant wait to preview.
goraps said:
Here is a Weaher Widget I have been working on. I have beased it on Titanium Weather. I shoukd have it ready in a couple of days for some testing. It depends on how my time permits. I plan on having the next 4 days forecast in the empty area in the middle.
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Looks great - so much better than mine! And great that more people are making widgets!
looking forward to your weather widget goraps
Another preview.
Maybe ready in a few days. Just got to work on the update process.
Good job on the widgets!
Having problems finding information on how the widget interfaces with Androkkid and need some example code. A simple "Hello World" widget would be useful and would provide a springboard for creation of new widgets.
Failing that some source code of any developed widget to date.
Edit: Scratch that, just noticed some widget source code on the main site
Looking for the Weather code for London England and Bedford England which site are they on as I put in the Weather.com code for it and it crashed Androkkid
edit is it UKXX0014 for bedford and UKXX0085 for London ??
buffystar said:
Looking for the Weather code for London England and Bedford England which site are they on as I put in the Weather.com code for it and it crashed Androkkid
edit is it UKXX0014 for bedford and UKXX0085 for London ??
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I'll try to have a new version of the weather widget with the source code later today, and I'll have some more error testing to try and prevent crashes.
It is important though to be connected to the internet when installing the weather widget or changing the location.
In order to test the weather codes, you can put the following in your browser's adress bar:
and it should give you the same weather forecast I'm using in the widget
hgWeather updated with source.
The weather is updated from the Yahoo RSS weather feed.
It will show the current and next day's forecast. You can add several widgets to use for several cities.
It is important though to be connected to the internet when installing the weather widget or changing the location.
Unzip the files to the Widget directory and Androkkid will automatically detect the widget. Then holding on the desktop, click add, then widget, then select it, and ok and they should show up on the desktop.
In order to test the weather codes, you can put the following in your browser's adress bar (exchange UKXX0085 for your city code):
and it should give you the same weather forecast I'm using in the widget
Bacground (bg.bmp) can be changed as long as the size is the same.
Or the background can be transparent.
Font color and size can be changed.
Weather icons can be changed as long as the naming convention is the same. The included icons comes from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=354111&page=180, post 1798
Additionally icons can be found here: http://pixel.dnsalias.net/weatherpanel/wiki/index.php/Weather_Icons
Clicking in the upper half will take you to the settings.
Clicking in the lower half will update the weather.
Most of the weather code comes from: http://www.cjcraft.com/blog/2008/06/19/30DaysOfNETWindowsMobileApplicationsDay18MobileWeather.aspx
It would be great if other people could improve on this widget.
I used the free developer tool Sharp Develop to compile the widget.
Just tried with weather code UKXX1730 it has updated and allows me to add to the page but i am only seeing the bottom half of the image you have provided plus if i change the temp to c instead of f it still shows farenheit temperature.
im not sure how others feel but ideally i would like to add a weather widget to my homescreen along with the clock and a row of priority icons or have a small icon sized image which when clicked on brings up full details
alecoddlyiv said:
Just tried with weather code UKXX1730 it has updated and allows me to add to the page but i am only seeing the bottom half of the image you have provided plus if i change the temp to c instead of f it still shows farenheit temperature.
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Are you using the version posted yesterday? Because with the latest version, when I change from f to c or opposite, it changes temperature. But you need to be connected to the internet when changing from temperature unit.
When you say only the bottom shows, what parts are showing? City? Current weather? Next day's forecast?
Sometimes you have to click several times before it properly updates from the internet.
im not sure how others feel but ideally i would like to add a weather widget to my homescreen along with the clock and a row of priority icons or have a small icon sized image which when clicked on brings up full details
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Yes, that has been my goal too, but I'm having some problems with the forecast rss, so I'm giving it a rest for now. But the code is there so maybe someone else wants to give it a try? I would also like to have better support for different cities.
Otherwise, you could use the transparent version, set the color of the code to the same as the background, and then you would only see the icons.
If i have time i create the top bar widget to add TopBar in Android with widget and not in Androkkid directly.
Or if anyone want create it i think this is a good widget for all.
I look for the problem of Menu for contact.
I test it in my diamond and when i try it work, i retest it.
ssj5trunks said:
If i have time i create the top bar widget to add TopBar in Android with widget and not in Androkkid directly.
Or if anyone want create it i think this is a good widget for all.
I look for the problem of Menu for contact.
I test it in my diamond and when i try it work, i retest it.
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Yes please do this would be cool!!!
OK. So I have finished the initial release of GORAPSWeather Widget for Androkkid. This is my first Androkkid Widget so please bare with me.
First all the credit to ssj5trunks for such a great app and the source code to the Hero Clock widget which I used as the code base for this widget.
Second thanks to Showaco for his Titanium Weather which I used as the weather base for this widget.
Note: This widget requires Mortscript.
Installation and Setup Instructions
1) Downlad and unpack GORAPSWeather.zip
2) Open GorapsWeather.mscr with a text editor and make the appropriate changes to the two variables: location and units.
- Change location to the accuweather.com location code for your location.
If you need to find your code go to www.accuweather.com/m and search for your city. Then you will see the location code in the URL. It will look something like NAM|CA|ON|MARKHAM.
- Change units to C or F.
3) Save your edited script.
4) Copy the GORAPSWeather folder to the Androkkid widgets folder on your phone.
5) Execute the click on the GorapsWeather.mscr in a file explorer to initialize the values. If you don't do this and add the widget it will crash Androkkid.
6) Add the widget to your Androkkid desktop. Clicking on the widget will update the weather data.
I hope you like it.

[Q] Have a custom listview with A-Z filters on the right

I couldn't post this question in the Android Development section so posting it here.
I am enclosing an image of my application to make it easy to ask my question.The app shows 400 entries. I want to implement a A-Z filter on the right side of the listview containing the entries like the Android Contacts application shows and i have highlighted what exact functionality i want to implement.
I have looked over stackoverflow which tend to describe using a AbsListView or SectionIndexer .... but i think it only sections it, doesn't make a a-z filter on the right

Replacement for Friend Stream

I found a, new to me, widget that will replace the missing Friend Stream. The app is called SocialStream and is a 2 part app.
The first is a widget that looks kind of like the older version of Friend Stream. It will display Facebook, Twitter and RSS feeds. It allows you to choose the update time and how many posts are available to be seen. You can also set the color of the link and regular text. This is all done at the time you set up the widget.
Edit to add: To get the color selection to work you need to choose the new color and then tap on the color dot in the middle. This will select the new color and then tap save settings to get out of the settings area.
The second part of the app is a status updater. It will update your status is Facebook and Twitter at the same time. It is called kAmMa's Status Updater and is located in the app drawer. This is where you set up the logins for your accounts and what RSS feeds you want to see.
My overall opinion right now is that it is an OK replacement for Friend Stream. It is not nearly as polished as Friend Stream and was a bit more difficult to get started. I'm having trouble changing the link text color which makes the links hard for me to read right at the moment. I'm hoping to get it figured out. It doesn't seem to be maintained any longer as the last post in the thread was from March of this year so I wouldn't expect it to get any better. It's not available via the Play Store so you will need to side load it.
Link to Widget: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=795673

[ help needed in developing an app ]

Hello everyone. I have started to learn making android apps. I have just played wid buttons textviews editTexts layouts.
So now I have planned to make something usefull which can be used by other. I have think of to make app which can take attendance directly in our phone.
For that I need a 1st page just to display the welcome screen and author name etc. then I need a second page in which the actual content will be there I.e my attendance stuff with button etc.
So I have created a splash. xml in which there a custom background which I made in PS , a analog clock in middle of layout and a textView.
the text of textView is "press to continue" and I have set the property clickable to true so that if I press on that textView I want to transfer my control from splash.xml to main_activity.xml.
So my questions is
1. how to transfer control from one .xml to another .xml
2. how to add a list in layout which is scrollable
3. how to store abset and present list separately in sdcard and each time the user save the result it should keep all the record and should not erase the previously saved records

