Ok so I almost got banned.... Thank god I live in the amaze forums - HTC Amaze 4G

Ok so while I was browsing the s3 forums and found a revolution thread (for those that don't know revolution is also adjust reviewers etc)
So he this is how the convo went..
E: Me
R: k guys I will make a new Rom with a new samsung base but I will do it without a kitchen
E:how are you going to build off a new base without a kitchen or linux
R: dude get out of my thread blah blah you follow me everywere blah blah
E: I don't follow you anywhere I'm just curious. I'm also warning these people cause you put out Roms that are 90% broken, and you chased away like 5-10 devs from xda
R-omg bro that is 100% bullsh&@% I know more than what I did before
E: you are quick to be offended, I was just asking a question about development, if what I said was a lie than why get all angry
Then boom I got a pm from a mod saying that I would get penalized next time I do that
He also said that he expected more from an RC
Well excuse my French but I was being fair besides all I said was the truth

Also mods you could close this wenever, I just wanted to be heard
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2

I don't think you were doing anything wrong. You didn't say anything to him that was against the rules. So there is no need for you to be pentalized.
Sent from my epic amaze 4g

sounds like he's in bed with one of the mods.

Was that the guy that had an issue with xboarder?
Sent from an Amazing Ruby Phone

TheRedDrake said:
Was that the guy that had an issue with xboarder?
Sent from an Amazing Ruby Phone
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Well that's just ****, maybe the mods his friend *wink* *wink* and that guy should just leave for being a........
@Eclipze-Btw I love ur roms man keep it up!
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium

I never understood what happened between x and him. But man does this sortadissapoint me
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Xparent Green Tapatalk 2

Honestly man, you should have just not commented in his thread. I understand the desire to warn people about him, but its honestly not worth arguing with him or anyone else about what he does. If he bricks someones phone, thats on them. We all know the risks involved when it comes to modifying our phones.
Not saying you did something wrong, but in the long run you'll realize its just not worth the hassle to say anything at all, regardless the reason. He's not a dev and he's not going to give you an educated answer like a dev can anyways. Just continue to work on the amaze like you've been doing and let the s3 forum figure out on their own who he is...
Sent from my SGH-T999

Smh, that's just bull. Just keep away E, not worth getting banned over.
sent from a galaxy you'll never see.

I've also seen him in the htc one s, and man some of the stuff he says like he knows more stuff about s off but he can't say anything bc the ones working on it wouldn't like that, he got everyone all hyped up and on his good side and also managed to piss others off. I just laughed he still the same old
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium

I would have dropped the ban hammer on you in a heartbeat, then I would have whacked you with an ugly stick.
But then again, that MIGHT be why I'm not a mod.
Since I am old, and you are young, and us old people are supposed to say things full of wisdom and $h**.. don't stoop to his level. Plus, you can't argue with someone that may have less IQ than the number of cheerios on your spoon in the morning.
Just sayin'.

There was a saying I heard not too long ago it goes something like:
"You can't argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
Don't let other people stop you from the great work you're doing here Eclipze. We all appreciate it very much.
Oh and to Silent, every time I have a question to something and do a search you are usually the one who posted the answer. Thanks man!
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2

Nshih422 said:
There was a saying I heard not too long ago it goes something like:
"You can't argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
Don't let other people stop you from the great work you're doing here Eclipze. We all appreciate it very much.
Oh and to Silent, every time I have a question to something and do a search you are usually the one who posted the answer. Thanks man!
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
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That is so true man. My only question.. Someone like that would have already been banned.. I thought he was banned, but kept changing his name
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Nshih422 said:
"You can't argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and then bludgeon you with experience"
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fixed... heh heh
sent on a mastadon by way of intercontinental epic journey

Well, just to clarify somethng Eclipse...A Mod can not ban anyone. Only Senior Mods have the power to ban you. With that said, a ban is an absolute last resort, unless it involves spamming, pirating, or another serious offense. If you were threatened with a ban for that, you could complin about that Mod. We as Mods also have a code to follow. Being heavy handed, or aggressive is frowned upon. You should have received a friendly PM, politely asking you to refrain from that. I've never had a problem with you, and I think it was overkill. Not how I would ha r handled it.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.

PeartFan40 said:
Well, just to clarify somethng Eclipse...A Mod can not ban anyone. Only Senior Mods have the power to ban you. With that said, a ban is an absolute last resort, unless it involves spamming, pirating, or another serious offense. If you were threatened with a ban for that, you could complin about that Mod. We as Mods also have a code to follow. Being heavy handed, or aggressive is frowned upon. You should have received a friendly PM, politely asking you to refrain from that. I've never had a problem with you, and I think it was overkill. Not how I would ha r handled it.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.
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Ban.. hammer.. wielded by Thor..
Where have you been anyways PeartFan40? All the noobs going crazy in her(here)!

Point blank I am disgusted by "him" being on xda. He has been trolling and spamming for a while (although not as much recently).
Either way thanks for the clarification
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2

PeartFan40 said:
Well, just to clarify somethng Eclipse...A Mod can not ban anyone. Only Senior Mods have the power to ban you. With that said, a ban is an absolute last resort, unless it involves spamming, pirating, or another serious offense. If you were threatened with a ban for that, you could complin about that Mod. We as Mods also have a code to follow. Being heavy handed, or aggressive is frowned upon. You should have received a friendly PM, politely asking you to refrain from that. I've never had a problem with you, and I think it was overkill. Not how I would ha r handled it.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.
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and that is why we like you being our moderator

EclipzeRemix said:
Point blank I am disgusted by "him" being on xda. He has been trolling and spamming for a while (although not as much recently).
Either way thanks for the clarification
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I had no idea he was here too. We had the "pleasure" of having him on the sidekick forums and youre right, all his **** was half-baked and yet he got to walk around like he owned the place. He definitely has a mod in his pocket, he got all kinds of people leaving the sk forums and he single handedly killed the device. The one or two real devs there bailed cause they got tired of his talking down to other people acting like he was gods gift to developing.
It makes me kind of angry that he has/is poisoning so many forums with his nonsense.


What's really good here?

As of late, there have been numerous outbursts by forum members that have caused this forum to go haywire and this place isn't as welcoming as it should be. A great Dev has already raised his concerns for the hostility that has occurred and it is obvious OUR actions have been the root of this issue.
I know we're all excited about this new phone and the possibilities once S-Off is achieved but we really need to come together and combine our knowledge (some more than others obviously) and make this a great experience for all. There will be many new "faces" to android and HTC phones in general which do not know how things work but let's try to be patient and not snap back with snooty or disrespectful remarks.
At the end of the day, we are all here to improve our device ad increase in knowledge. It takes respect to earn respect so let's keep it cool between all of us (members, Devs, & Mods) so we may continue to be productive and learn.
Basically keep your effin mouth shut and fingers still unless u have something real to add. Any problems u have with someone keep it in pm's. One of the biggest reasons why this forum sucks and alot of ppl left and refuse to come back. Grow up and shut up
Sorry not feeling good i have the flu
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA Premium App
Agreed I Help Anyone And Everyone If I Know The Answer.
Don't Post A Hundred Questions Asking Why I Type In Capital Letters.
church101 said:
Basically keep your effin mouth shut and fingers still unless u have something real to add. Any problems u have with someone keep it in pm's. One of the biggest reasons why this forum sucks and alot of ppl left and refuse to come back. Grow up and shut up
Sorry not feeling good i have the flu
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dude you and your 230 posts and one thanks are telling people to shut up? xda does not suck. and every forum goes through this waiting for root. i know that because ive been through it. some of us have been here for a while helping others and modding htc and android apps and roms. having the flu is no excuse for your rudeness
Sent from my HTC
LTE 4G Rezound
i wasn't on the forums all day, and i come back to this?!?! haha wtf happened
Why all the hostility guys? Let's take a step back and relax. I don't care if this is XDA, Android Forums, RootzWiki... they're all here for us to communicate about the devices and to help each other. I enjoy getting on the forums and helping to troubleshoot issues or to celebrate new modifications for our devices, but it makes it difficult when everyone is fighting each other.
Let's just be calm and patient. We're very close to having Rezound freedom. Once it's official, things will be much calmer and everyone will want to work together on this device!
jayochs said:
i wasn't on the forums all day, and i come back to this?!?! haha wtf happened
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See what happens when you aren't around to keep me calm lol
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
Hahah damn my job! You guys think you're mad? Our main store f'ed us hard...sent us micro sim cards for rezounds, then promised to over night us regular ones, and then over nighter us micros. We lost five 4g phone sales today, 3 of which were mine (tbolt, and two rezounds) because we didn't have sim cards to activate their phones. The boss called the main store yelling and madethem Saturday over night us regular Sims even tho it cost them like 25 shipping haha we've had it...such an angry day....keep in mind we dont have 4g here so selling 4g phones is really damn hard. Gd it
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
fernando sor said:
dude you and your 230 posts and one thanks are telling people to shut up? xda does not suck. and every forum goes through this waiting for root. i know that because ive been through it. some of us have been here for a while helping others and modding htc and android apps and roms. having the flu is no excuse for your rudeness
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Why does your post count have anything to do with how legitimate your opinion is? That seems very e-peenish. That guy could have over 1k posts in another forum? And don't tell me it has to do with respect, because clearly you have none either.
jayochs said:
Hahah damn my job! You guys think you're mad? Our main store f'ed us hard...sent us micro sim cards for rezounds, then promised to over night us regular ones, and then over nighter us micros. We lost five 4g phone sales today, 3 of which were mine (tbolt, and two rezounds) because we didn't have sim cards to activate their phones. The boss called the main store yelling and madethem Saturday over night us regular Sims even tho it cost them like 25 shipping haha we've had it...such an angry day....keep in mind we dont have 4g here so selling 4g phones is really damn hard. Gd it
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You got to remember man, you are dealing with VZW. Always exepect the worse.
mustbepbs said:
Why does your post count have anything to do with how legitimate your opinion is? That seems very e-peenish. That guy could have over 1k posts in another forum? And don't tell me it has to do with respect, because clearly you have none either.
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Go weep said the scythians to darius
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
Doesn't matter what rep you have in real life, on another site, in your wives family. They have no relevance anywhere else. You don't step into any new community and act like an ass.
Well i guess i should get my post count up so i can act like a ****ing idiot .
I only comment when i have something to add not to grow my e-penis.
Keep thinking you have the best forums here maybe you'll wake up someday. Its ppl like u who drive everyone away. Enuff trolling for now i have better things to do in real life
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA Premium App
church101 said:
Well i guess i should get my post count up so i can act like a ****ing idiot .
I only comment when i have something to add not to grow my e-penis.
Keep thinking you have the best forums here maybe you'll wake up someday. Its ppl like u who drive everyone away. Enuff trolling for now i have better things to do in real life
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Nice. Your reputation is growing. Keep up the good work
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
I'm just sticking up for xda. If you hate it then leave. I've done my part. If you Google my name with xda after it you will see my work has been posted to different forums by others.
If you have such great things to say I certainly have not seen it in this forum or anywhere else.
If you tell people to shut the f up you will probably be flamed. Plain and simple
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
church101 said:
Basically keep your effin mouth shut and fingers still unless u have something real to add. Any problems u have with someone keep it in pm's. One of the biggest reasons why this forum sucks and alot of ppl left and refuse to come back. Grow up and shut up
Sorry not feeling good i have the flu
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Wow! If XDA sucks is because of comments like that. But XDA doesn't suck.
fernando sor said:
I'm just sticking up for xda. If you hate it then leave. I've done my part. If you Google my name with xda after it you will see my work has been posted to different forums by others.
If you have such great things to say I certainly have not seen it in this forum or anywhere else.
If you tell people to shut the f up you will probably be flamed. Plain and simple
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Some peoples kids! lol
Fern, you ready to do this! I get mine on Wednesday!
Scrosler did you get the rezound?
Sweet just saw your edit. Yeah im digging it! Great phone
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
fernando sor said:
Scrosler did you get the rezound?
Sweet just saw your edit. Yeah im digging it! Great phone
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Yep, should be here on Wednesday! I am pretty amped. I got it for a penny on Amazon!
scrosler said:
Yep, should be here on Wednesday! I am pretty amped. I got it for a penny on Amazon!
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Lol im i only one who payed 250??
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium

See you guys the 15th!

imma take a break from XDA for a while, ill be back June 15th
i wont even look at these forums or any forums untill then
See you guys then
Why? Lol
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
ENJOY THE VACATION BRO... Take it easy...
Heat lose to Thunder in 7
This doesn't sound like a bad idea though... Im probably gonna do the same, but ill come back when the ban hammer cools a little bit. (So much pointless banning)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
You do what you gotta do bro, sometimes it is better to take a break and get refreshed..
ziggy46 said:
This doesn't sound like a bad idea though... Im probably gonna do the same, but ill come back when the ban hammer cools a little bit. (So much pointless banning)
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Who's banned? Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing - did someone blatantly do the wrong thing- someone who knew better?
Too much drama and banning here lately I'm not surprised you taking a break.. Take it easy bro
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Silentbtdeadly said:
You do what you gotta do bro, sometimes it is better to take a break and get refreshed..
Who's banned? Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing - did someone blatantly do the wrong thing- someone who knew better?
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I just read about a couple people getting banned for a really stupid reason... The reason being for having a signature that has another forum in it.
I know its against the xda rules but come on! Is a big site like xda really gonna have anything to worry about lol. Nobody's gonna steal its fame.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
ziggy46 said:
This doesn't sound like a bad idea though... Im probably gonna do the same, but ill come back when the ban hammer cools a little bit. (So much pointless banning)
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The banning process is a collective effort. It's a decision that is made by a group of people. Bans are almost always well deserved and only initiated after other measures have failed. I hope this helps.
"if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" ~Rush
Brought to you courtesy of my Galaxy Note (i717) using XDA Premiero!
PeartFan40 said:
The banning process is a collective effort. It's a decision that is made by a group of people. Bans are almost always well deserved and only initiated after other measures have failed. I hope this helps.
"if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" ~Rush
Brought to you courtesy of my Galaxy Note (i717) using XDA Premiero!
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I know, but you understand what I'm getting at right? You, the mods, should be worried about bigger and more productive things. Not these little things. I'm almost afraid to post sometimes for the fear of getting a infraction from not studying the rule book
"Don't sweat the small stuff". Some things are better overlooked.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
ziggy46 said:
I just read about a couple people getting banned for a really stupid reason... The reason being for having a signature that has another forum in it.
I know its against the xda rules but come on! Is a big site like xda really gonna have anything to worry about lol. Nobody's gonna steal its fame.
There were several contributing factors that led to this decision. With that said, this is not the place for this type of discussion. Please stay on topic. thank you.
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PeartFan40 said:
ziggy46 said:
I just read about a couple people getting banned for a really stupid reason... The reason being for having a signature that has another forum in it.
I know its against the xda rules but come on! Is a big site like xda really gonna have anything to worry about lol. Nobody's gonna steal its fame.
There were several contributing factors that led to this decision. With that said, this is not the place for this type of discussion. Please stay on topic. thank you.
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Ok I'm done
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Eclipse, take as much time as you need bro. You certainly deserve a vacation. If you need anything, you know how to get in touch with me. Your hard work is greatly appreciated around here.
"if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" ~Rush
Brought to you courtesy of my Galaxy Note (i717) using XDA Premiero!
ziggy46 said:
I just read about a couple people getting banned for a really stupid reason... The reason being for having a signature that has another forum in it.
I know its against the xda rules but come on! Is a big site like xda really gonna have anything to worry about lol. Nobody's gonna steal its fame.
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Well, it kinda serves a purpose - I mean do we want one coherent community, or do we want a fractured one where people are trying to redirect users to THEIR forum rather than use this one- whatever their motivation. Like if we are talking about the same outside forum, I think that a lot of those actions hurt amaze owners in the long run..
Me personally, I have no allegiance to do anything but help others as I help myself if I can, I'm not opposed to people on other forums benefiting from anything I do, but neither would I try to direct them here or vice versa.
I do recall what our mod saying as being absolutely true - they don't hand out bans lightly, and their rules are not ridiculous or hard to follow by far. I see some get away with some things(some devs pointing to other miui forums in their sig for example, not here), but no one really just ignores them altogether for the most part.
Meh, I'm shutting up, I really don't want to see any drama filled arguments, or at least don't want to contribute to starting one by far.
I've already posted, but someone's gotta get back on topic... He's just taking a little break. Lol pretty simple. Show support to the guy. He's busted ads trying to help the community. Enjoy the vaca and hopefully it will be a lil better next month........ When the sgs3 is lurking
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
glacierguy said:
I've already posted, but someone's gotta get back on topic... He's just taking a little break. Lol pretty simple. Show support to the guy. He's busted ads trying to help the community. Enjoy the vaca and hopefully it will be a lil better next month........ When the sgs3 is lurking
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T Mobile might get the Quad Core GS3
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Ok this is my last post cya
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
ziggy46 said:
I know, but you understand what I'm getting at right? You, the mods, should be worried about bigger and more productive things. Not these little things. I'm almost afraid to post sometimes for the fear of getting a infraction from not studying the rule book
"Don't sweat the small stuff". Some things are better overlooked.
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I understand where you're coming from. Rules are set in place for a reason, and every member should know them, and follow them. Without rules, XDA would be chaotic. While certain things can be overlooked, others can not. Don't be afraid to post, that's not what we want for our members. That's why I.encourage everyone to read the rules and understand them. When I joined XDA back in 2007, I will admit that I didn't take the time to read the rules, as a result, I was making mistakes, posting in the wrong sections. Because of that, Moderators were moving, closing, and giving me warnings tonread the rules. Needless to say, my experience on XDA wasn't a pleasurable one. I decided to read the rules, and it taught me a lot of important things about how XDA operates. It was the best thing I did, and because of that, I was able to avoid making mistakes, which in turn kept the Moderators off my back. Now that I'm a Moderator I have a new appreciation for what Moderators do.
The same thing can be said about the Developers. They work so hard to bring us a lot of great things. They also spend a lot of time creating FAQ's to help members hack/mod their phones, yet some people just can't be bothered to take the time and read, read, read. :banghead:
At the end of the day, most problems could be avoided if people simply read the rules and followed them. Like I said earlier cerain minor offenses can be overlooked, while others can not. At the risk of sounding harsh, the rules are not a democracy, and those who fail to read and obide by them, will suffer the concequences.
Hope this helps.
"if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" ~Rush
Brought to you courtesy of my Galaxy Note (i717) using XDA Premiero!
Ok guys, let's get back on topic now. Let's support oue developers, they work hard, and deserve our support.
"if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" ~Rush
Brought to you courtesy of my Galaxy Note (i717) using XDA Premiero!
Enjoy your vacation Eclipze. Maybe I'll catch you on IRC.
Thread closed.

A Request.

I would like to make a request to the community.
We, as a community really need to shape-up. This place is absolutely crazy. There are harmless threads that turn into spam and people complaining about aosp. The fact is we need to stop this. All of you know you hate this too but stooping down to the level of these trolls only makes things worse.
What we really need is for the mod team to really come down hard on this place. Not just the trolls but everyone. Everyone has a role in this.
People need to be infracted or banned or whatever and these threads need to be sent to the damn trash.
This isn't just a job for the mods either. Users need to stop feeding the fire that trolls start.
We need to take the initiative to shape up before this community goes down as the one that scared everyone off and died. Seriously think about it...
I've been wondering why people aren't banned.
blestsol said:
I've been wondering why people aren't banned.
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Seriously people need to get banned at least temporarily.
It's pretty simple, really. Ignore them, report them, they will go away.
trickster2369 said:
It's pretty simple, really. Ignore them, report them, they will go away.
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I know I do but there's still people that argue bck with them and it grows exponentially before the thread is closed or deleted
I must be in the wrong threads.
I use Nilsp's ROM exclusively, so I don't get into many other threads. His thread is relatively clean, with very few people asking questions answered in the first page...and absolutely no sniping at all.
douger1957 said:
I must be in the wrong threads.
I use Nilsp's ROM exclusively, so I don't get into many other threads. His thread is relatively clean, with very few people asking questions answered in the first page...and absolutely no sniping at all.
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Lucky you. You absolutely dodged everything that happened
It's because Nils is a super classy guy with super classy users.
...says the guy with the Cornholio avatar.
BBEgo said:
It's because Nils is a super classy guy with super classy users.
...says the guy with the Cornholio avatar.
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One of these days when I'm not texting the ladies or playing with an aokp build I'm gonna try out his rom
Mikion and Chef Holmes have both been temporarily disabled I think. They both flamed the hell out of all Joelz's threads.
I don't get what the dispute is between XDA and The MikMik. They're both resources for Android development so it makes no sense? If it were Android vs iOS, maybe I'd understand more but this is lunacy.
Developers such as Newt and Scott both frequent both sites and share their work on both so what's the big deal?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
jimbo.levy said:
Mikion and Chef Holmes have both been temporarily disabled I think. They both flamed the hell out of all Joelz's threads.
I don't get what the dispute is between XDA and The MikMik. They're both resources for Android development so it makes no sense? If it were Android vs iOS, maybe I'd understand more but this is lunacy.
Developers such as Newt and Scott both frequent both sites and share their work on both so what's the big deal?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Chefthomas not chef holmes...IDK what happened, he used to be a really cool guy....
AshtonTS said:
Chefthomas not chef holmes...IDK what happened, he used to be a really cool guy....
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Haha you got it dude, I knew it was something like that
But yeah, me too. I was quite surprised when I saw it to be honest. I still don't get the animosity from some of the folks at The MikMik towards XDA though...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
jimbo.levy said:
Haha you got it dude, I knew it was something like that
But yeah, me too. I was quite surprised when I saw it to be honest. I still don't get the animosity from some of the folks at The MikMik towards XDA though...
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neither do it all i know is that it needs to stop.
It's the internet no matter what you do morons will ruin everything... Ignore them and move on.
Po1soNNN said:
neither do it all i know is that it needs to stop.
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I am guessing it is probably due to the fact that if you mention stuff from devs here over there no one gets mad, but so help you god if you mention a dev that went to themikmik over here, as you are probably about to start a flame war...
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I don't think the mod team even exists anymore in this section.
I haven't seen YZ in forever. Numerous people have wanted their threads closed, but they stay open, and all the flame threads still exist.
jimbo.levy said:
I still don't get the animosity from some of the folks at The MikMik towards XDA though...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Me either but it supports my reasons not to run any of their roms if they support a community like that
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
GrayTheWolf said:
I don't think the mod team even exists anymore in this section.
I haven't seen YZ in forever. Numerous people have wanted their threads closed, but they stay open, and all the flame threads still exist.
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The mods are still around. I posted a farewell thread the other day and decided to change the title of the OP and tell everyone about it (sorry about that by the ways guys).
Now that thread has been completely removed, so they're definitely still active...
The ironic part about it, is that I'm still on the Rezound forums even though I bought a Nexus (I still own my Rezound though so I guess I'm allowed - no more trolling, I swear).
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
superchilpil said:
Me either but it supports my reasons not to run any of their roms if they support a community like that
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You should actually go spend a week there and say this again. I can very well say the same thing about xda.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
nosympathy said:
You should actually go spend a week there and say this again. I can very well say the same thing about xda.
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Yep, and every time someone tries to bring up the xda drama the mods/admins tell everyone to stop. They are definitely taking the high road for the most part.
My opinion, we need to just stop already. These threads are just giving validity to our reputation. We all just need to relax, be respectful to each other, and show some appreciation for the work that the devs do for us for free.
As for the dev on dev public fighting - this just needs to not be tolerated. Period. Either take it to PM, or just shrug your shoulders and say "meh" and keep on keeping on. The only thing the public fighting does is get the rest of the community fired up and then the bashing amongst the devs fans starts. I think the public dev fighting is what really tarnishes this community. Their are always *****y, ungrateful, douchebags within the normal every day users. Everyone just needs to ignore them and let the mod team handle it.
My .02 cents of course.


A bar of soap in a sock for Private Pile.
dsb9938 does some great work. As a (non-Android) developer myself, I know how frustrating it can be when software issues arise, especially when you have ungrateful users that feel like they are entitled to a piece of software that is developed for free by someone in their spare time that asks for nothing in return. It's disgusting. This is why we can't have nice things.
I hope that dsb9938 decides to come back. We need people like him to help unlock our devices full potential. Screw the whiners. Let them be drown in their own misery.
I agree with you... But this thread is getting locked in 3-2-1 BOOM!
Sent from my HTC DROID DNA.
I was really dissapointed when I see closing threads of DSB. I was using his great kernel. He made so much for us... WTF. I missed a lot. Is there anything we can do to deal somehow the issue with this lurke69 ??
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
Melodycd said:
I was really dissapointed when I see closing threads of DSB. I was using his great kernel. He made so much for us... WTF. I missed a lot. Is there anything we can do to deal somehow the issue with this lurke69 ??
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His account us temporarily disabled but he could probably make a new one or something since its not IP banning
Ban him. Pure and simple
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
Brilliant guys.. at least get the guys name correct..Lol
If you can't handle the heat get out of the "kitchen".....
RLKirk said:
So there is no thread for *****ing so I am making myself one. I absolutely hate to no end that a couple of douchefags can ruin a good thing for everyone. One such big douchebag is that retard Luke666. How can he go in and start *****ing to a good dev like DSB who is doing so much good work for little to nothing or free. I am absolutely pissed of the outcome of the situation but I respect DSB's decision to move away from the jumpsuit and hope one day he can change his mind. I am from the rezound forums which had so much bull**** go on. I wish everyone that wants to run thier mouth would just scream at theirselfs in the mirror or bang their head on a door frame its all just BS but ok then we cant all get what we want. If a mod can close this thread as not to cause I flame war it would be great I just needed to get this off my chest. I hope everyone, well everyone but Luke667 had a Merry Christmas and has a Happy New Year
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And this comment makes you better than Luke 666 or Luke 667 or Luke1333? This is the issue with xda members. If you don't have something good to help the situation out don't say anything. Name calling isn't the answer.
Ranger093 said:
If you can't handle the heat get out of the "kitchen".....
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This is in no way helpful
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
This looks like the Rezound forum all over again. Sigh...
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
WizeGuyDezignz said:
This looks like the Rezound forum all over again. Sigh...
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
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kids who read GPL and think they are owed, and DESERVE something. people like DSB do it in his free time, and people expect paid support.
that is what this is.
All i have to say about all of this is. Anyone should be able to say there opinion. That is in a good way. If you are just writing a post to piss someone off i believe that you should be banned from the forums. No ifs, and's, or buts.
It is ridiculous anyone would grip about a mod that clearly starts off with the phrase "I am in no way responsible..." I haven't even switched from the stock rom just because I want things to work. If I was willing to explore and felt like reloading my setup to switch roms, I wouldn't *****. It is to be expected. When a new rom is released, I wait to see what the issues (if any) are before I would attempt a re-flash.
There are good devs on this board but I have seen quite a few of them get chased away by whiners and complainers. Hell, I am still using a rom from Roebeet on my GTab who used to be here but left for the same reason. He actually started his own website to build roms. It is a hobby, not a job. Don't expect stuff and you will not be disappointed.
Just remember, a lot of these whiners are the new generation who will be running this country in a few years and making it suck for all of us.
So I just picked up my replacement DNA last night and it just hit me. How am I going to unlock and root without the unsecured kernel? Or anybody else for that matter. This is bigger than first imagined if only very early adopters have root. Wow this sucks bad.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
While Luke's comments weren't "productive" , they also were not rude or ban worthy. While I enjoy dsb's work, he has a bad attitude in general and I thought it was disrespectful as well as made him look like a giant cry baby for saying he'd never release anything else because Luke asked him to have some accountability for the fact he messed up on his latest kernel, 2.3.1 which was rebooting everybodies phones. Luke may have gone about it the wrong way, but I believe he felt as I did. Felt that dsb was ignoring the fact that there was something seriously wrong with his latest kernel. Dsb had incinuated that it wasn't his kernel that made everbodies phones lock up and reboot, but it was "problems with the phone, even on stock". Nobody minds if you make a mistake and your work directly messes up phones. At least take responsibility and admit you were wrong so you can start working on a fix. Also dsb was frequently rude to commentors who did nothing wrong or acted flip towards them. This behavior is simply unacceptable especially for a recognised developer. Recognized developers represent xda and they should carry themselves with respect for others and themselves while posting on the forums, even if others don't always.
To the OP of this thread. Grow up.
Danzoman316 said:
So I just picked up my replacement DNA last night and it just hit me. How am I going to unlock and root without the unsecured kernel? Or anybody else for that matter. This is bigger than first imagined if only very early adopters have root. Wow this sucks bad.
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You can still do all those things. I followed the cube kernal from day one and to me the luke guy is being made a villian here. don't know him, don't care to know him. but DSB was very sarcastic to him on the forums. that's when they both started talking crap. either way it sucks and hope he decides to return. i used all the kernals he made and ended up sticking with the unsecured. but swipe to unlock was great. unless you've read the entire cube thread don't jump to judge.
Luke *****ed about every build and he kept egging on the dev every chance he could. As noted in another thread about this, Luke was rude to the moderators too so it's not just DSB.
orangechoochoo said:
Luke *****ed about every build and he kept egging on the dev every chance he could. As noted in another thread about this, Luke was rude to the moderators too so it's not just DSB.
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Luke definitely is missing a filter. Again for me this isn't about Luke's actions but Dsb's. Dsb will constantly run into lukes everywhere in life. Not just on the forums. My advice to dsb is to work on his forbearance for others.

Verizon charged me $799. For unreturned equipment...Resolved

Soo 3 week ago I got a text message saying I was being billed for a device wich I need to send in..It was for a galaxy s3 they said they never recieved..I called the rep ...they located the device with my tracking number and said they would credit the account...2 weeks later the charge is still on my bill for $799..So I call again spoke to a rep for about a hour ...she got to the bottom of it and said it was absolutly verizons mistake the charge will be off in 24 hrs...well three days later its still there..I called immediatlty asked for a supervisor..got to one and after immediate review of the notes of the account she says she irs taking care of this right know it will take 24hrs to reflect on the account..I took her full name and rep id...3 days later wich is today the charge for $799 is still on my bill...I immediatlty filed a B.B.B. complaint angainst verizon At 9:30 this morning .the complant containted all the info, tracking number of the device I returned, and also the reps and supervisors I spoke to names and ID numbers.....Now at 5:00 pm today (same day) I get a call from a rep of the presidents of verizons office...no ****..He said He reviewed my claim sent in from the BBB and was very sorry for how I was treated..He himself issued the credit..and admitted it should have been handle the first time that they said theyd credit me.....also admitted it was verizons mistake..and gave me an extra 100 credit on top of that.....so moral of the story..if you have a problem you cant get resolved..call the BBB they take a complaint very serious.....and get issused resolved
Sent from a unlocked and cocked GSIII...........
imnuts said:
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LOL, OMG doesn't anybody learn how to use punctuation anymore???
imnuts said:
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Good job, man. You really put him in his place.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk HD
Glad you go it sorted but why would they charge you $799 with no tax for a device that is $599?
Also, why is this in the Note II section?
mutelight said:
Glad you go it sorted but why would they charge you $799 with no tax for a device that is $599?
Also, why is this in the Note II section?
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Becuase I sent the s3 in for my note 2 im using now...and I typed that story from the phone so exuse my lazynes in grammar
Sent from a unlocked and cocked GN2..........
Bradh024 said:
Good job, man. You really put him in his place.
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I guess some folks missed the OP's point. He was explaining that the BBB can be an asset if you can't get anywhere with Verizon. Next thing you know, he's getting slammed for his writing style. I don't get it...
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Corki2 said:
I guess some folks missed the OP's point. He was explaining that the BBB can be an asset if you can't get anywhere with Verizon. Next thing you know, he's getting slammed for his writing style. I don't get it...
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BBB has no real power.
Janker5050 said:
Becuase I sent the s3 in for my note 2 im using now...and I typed that story from the phone so exuse my lazynes in grammar
Sent from a unlocked and cocked GN2..........
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Corki2 said:
I guess some folks missed the OP's point. He was explaining that the BBB can be an asset if you can't get anywhere with Verizon. Next thing you know, he's getting slammed for his writing style. I don't get it...
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For the most part, if I didn't include the Tapatalk signature, you'd never know I was posting from my phone. People need to stop being so lazy and actually use proper punctuation and such when using their phone or tablet. Hell, you could use voice typing to do a better job with punctuation than what is in the OP, how much lazier can you get than posting without typing? All you do is make it hard for everyone to read what is there, especially if you're reading a paragraph that long on a phone with poor punctuation.
Call me a **** if you want, but if you want me to take you seriously, post so that I can read it.
Janker5050 said:
Becuase I sent the s3 in for my note 2 im using now...and I typed that story from the phone so exuse my lazynes in grammar
Sent from a unlocked and cocked GN2..........
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Which is a $699 phone from VZW. Where did they get the $799 figure from?
Chk Chk... BOOM. Done with it, eh imnuts? Agreed, though. Jesus, some of us read through these forums for countless hours, and it is/gets really annoying and hard on the eyes.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
imnuts said:
For the most part, if I didn't include the Tapatalk signature, you'd never know I was posting from my phone. People need to stop being so lazy and actually use proper punctuation and such when using their phone or tablet. Hell, you could use voice typing to do a better job with punctuation than what is in the OP, how much lazier can you get than posting without typing? All you do is make it hard for everyone to read what is there, especially if you're reading a paragraph that long on a phone with poor punctuation.
Call me a **** if you want, but if you want me to take you seriously, post so that I can read it.
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Dude If you had nothing to say about the subject of the post, why not move on, like most other people would have...Why waste your time...Let me see......umm....you must have nothing better to do. IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN SLANDER SOMEONES POST THAT MAKES THIS SITE HAVE A BAD NAME. I WAS PLAYING WITH MY 6 YEAR OLD SON WHILE TYPING THE OP ON A PHONE..WHEN YOU WERE BASHING IT, YOU WERE TROLLING THE FORUMS WITH NOTHING BETTER TO AND NO INTENTION OF HELPING PEOPLE OR MAKING A POST WITH SOME CONTRIBUTION TO ANDROID.. SO THAT MAKES IT CLEAR TO ME YOU HAVE....NO LIFE OR MORALS, OR RESPECT FOR PEOPLE.SO YOU RUIN A POST THAT COULD HAVE HELPED PEOPLE IN MY SITUATION....GREAT JOB. IM GLAD I KNOW SOME GOT OFF ON FLAMING MY ......... ........ ...... Now go have fun trying to make yourself look cool by trolling and flaming other peoples post thats not up to ur standard since you have nothing else better to do...PUT THAT EFFORT INTO SOME OF THE GEAT, USEFUL DEVELOPMENT STUFF YOU PUT OUT AND YOU WOULD BE A GOOD MEMBER.....
Sent from a unlocked and cocked GN2!!!!!!!!!!!
Janker5050 said:
Dude If you had nothing to say about the subject of the post, why not move on, like most other people would have...Why waste your time...Let me see......umm....you must have nothing better to do. IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN SLANDER SOMEONES POST THAT MAKES THIS SITE HAVE A BAD NAME. I WAS PLAYING WITH MY 6 YEAR OLD SON WHILE TYPING THE OP ON A PHONE..WHEN YOU WERE BASHING IT, YOU WERE TROLLING THE FORUMS WITH NOTHING BETTER TO AND NO INTENTION OF HELPING PEOPLE OR MAKING A POST WITH SOME CONTRIBUTION TO ANDROID.. SO THAT MAKES IT CLEAR TO ME YOU HAVE....NO LIFE OR MORALS, OR RESPECT FOR PEOPLE.SO YOU RUIN A POST THAT COULD HAVE HELPED PEOPLE IN MY SITUATION....GREAT JOB. IM GLAD I KNOW SOME GOT OFF ON FLAMING MY ......... ........ ...... Now go have fun trying to make yourself look cool by trolling and flaming other peoples post thats not up to ur standard since you have nothing else better to do...PUT THAT EFFORT INTO SOME OF THE GEAT, USEFUL DEVELOPMENT STUFF YOU PUT OUT AND YOU WOULD BE A GOOD MEMBER.....
Sent from a unlocked and cocked GN2!!!!!!!!!!!
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I was enjoying the N2 section of this forum as it seemed like a higher caliber group than some of the other sections. I assumed it was because there were more adult business type folks using the N2. Apparently I was wrong. But then again, I think I saw a thread here for donations for the guy so he could get a N2 and develope for it. You'd think he'd be busy developing.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
imnuts said:
For the most part, if I didn't include the Tapatalk signature, you'd never know I was posting from my phone. People need to stop being so lazy and actually use proper punctuation and such when using their phone or tablet. Hell, you could use voice typing to do a better job with punctuation than what is in the OP, how much lazier can you get than posting without typing? All you do is make it hard for everyone to read what is there, especially if you're reading a paragraph that long on a phone with poor punctuation.
Call me a **** if you want, but if you want me to take you seriously, post so that I can read it.
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Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
Janker5050 said:
Dude If you had nothing to say about the subject of the post, why not move on, like most other people would have...Why waste your time...Let me see......umm....you must have nothing better to do. IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN SLANDER SOMEONES POST THAT MAKES THIS SITE HAVE A BAD NAME. I WAS PLAYING WITH MY 6 YEAR OLD SON WHILE TYPING THE OP ON A PHONE..WHEN YOU WERE BASHING IT, YOU WERE TROLLING THE FORUMS WITH NOTHING BETTER TO AND NO INTENTION OF HELPING PEOPLE OR MAKING A POST WITH SOME CONTRIBUTION TO ANDROID.. SO THAT MAKES IT CLEAR TO ME YOU HAVE....NO LIFE OR MORALS, OR RESPECT FOR PEOPLE.SO YOU RUIN A POST THAT COULD HAVE HELPED PEOPLE IN MY SITUATION....GREAT JOB. IM GLAD I KNOW SOME GOT OFF ON FLAMING MY ......... ........ ...... Now go have fun trying to make yourself look cool by trolling and flaming other peoples post thats not up to ur standard since you have nothing else better to do...PUT THAT EFFORT INTO SOME OF THE GEAT, USEFUL DEVELOPMENT STUFF YOU PUT OUT AND YOU WOULD BE A GOOD MEMBER.....
Sent from a unlocked and cocked GN2!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey guy, someone saying you should of made some page breaks doesn't call for you telling them they have no morals. Lol. It was a playful joke, my man. Take a breath!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
If ANYONE has anything negative to say about somebodies punctuation or grammar than you must be VERY lonely at home at your mommas house........................ Come on, who cares if he/she wants to write a certain way. This community is turning into sh** because somebody always has some smart ass comment or wants to downgrade somebody. Sorry if the OP did not fit your requirements to post a helpful response but you simply just don't have to comment. This type of crap is why I rarely even post anymore. Treat people how you would like to be treated. Point Blank! This community has turned into people with very LARGE ego's that want attention. Well look... You got it! :good:
jersey973 said:
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Stay classy bro.
shojus said:
If ANYONE has anything negative to say about somebodies punctuation or grammar than you must be VERY lonely at home at your mommas house........................ Come on, who cares if he/she wants to write a certain way. This community is turning into sh** because somebody always has some smart ass comment or wants to downgrade somebody. Sorry if the OP did not fit your requirements to post a helpful response but you simply just don't have to comment. This type of crap is why I rarely even post anymore. Treat people how you would like to be treated. Point Blank! This community has turned into people with very LARGE ego's that want attention. Well look... You got it! :good:
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Well said!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Say what you want about grammar and how unimportant it is.
I say, take a little pride in how you speak. People will judge you by it in this world and anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.
Grammar doesn't have to be perfect, but you also don't have to use a 500-word run-on sentence.
If you know poor grammar, slang, capitals, etc. bothers people and you keep doing it...that tells me that you have no respect for others.
Would you speak like that in public? Most mature people would look down on it too.
Yes, it is irritating when people speak up about poor grammar, but take it as an opportunity to improve yourself instead of treating it like an insult.
I feel ya. I have been lit up numerous times for missing a few .... or ,,,, . I can see if its horrible to read. But sometimes the Grammer police gotta chill a bit.
sent from my sch-l605 clean rom, o.c., wireless charging modded, 64 ulta sd, just about do anything phone!!!!

