[Q] User generated layouts - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all
I am developing an app in which I would like to allow user-generated content. Specifically, this will be a remote control application, and I would like people to be able to add custom layouts, capable of sending "events" through the app, but I am not sure how to do so.
There are a couple of ways I have been looking at. The first is using a WebView so that this content can be developed in HTML. This would be nice and easy from their point of view, but it does have it's downsides, especially where security is concerned. If I was to do this, I would want to bind a "send" Javascript interface to my app, but disallow any other Javascript (I do not, for example, want it to be able to relay the button presses to some other place). I'm not sure exactly how I could do this.
The second way I can see would be to use an XML file and build up the layout from that. Here, the only way I could see it to parse the XML file and programatically build the layout. This seems a lot of work, and I would rather avoid that.
A third way would be to import a layout purely as an image plus an XML file describing hot-spots for triggering events. This seems to have too many limitations.
The final option is to expose an interface to other apps, and allow users to build separate applications which hook in to provide these layouts. This seems a terrible approach for such a simple objective.
So, does anyone know of a simple way to do what I am after, or any comments on the options listed above? Has anyone done anything similar, or know of an open-source project which acheives something similar?
Thanks in advance


[Q] Phone Audit with desktop application

If anyone is familiar with Speccy for the PC they know more or less what I am looking for.
I am looking for an app that does a thorough audit of a phone (Android platform) but not only displays it on the phone (plenty of apps do that). Id want it to export the audit to a file that can then be opened on a desktop application with a easier to navigate and study interface.
Currently like I said there is a number of applications that can do part of this as an added feature, but I have not seen any dedicated app to do an audit of the phone, things from programs, spaced used, network, hardware, permissions for particular programs, etc. Id like it to be as thorough as possible, but to be viewable in a reasonably ok interface on a desktop.
Browser maybe preferably for the linux and iOS users so that it isn't tied down to one Operating system.
Any ideas of something like this, or anyone working on something similar?
sorry for reviving this thread but I'm interested as well.

Modifying Android

Hi all,
We are looking at releasing a new Android device, and have a few ideas for modifying the Android platform for this release, but we are having a hard time fulfilling these ideas. The product will be using OS4.2. I have copied details below for any guidance or advise:
1) Removing the App overview button. We want to remove the button on the home page that is selected to open the App overview page. How can we achieve this?
2) Automatic WiFi selection. It would be beneficial to the product to have the WiFi only on when in certain Apps (all Apps will be preinstalled to the device). If it is any easier, we could also have the WiFi go off automatically in certain devices. Preferably the former, but if one is easier than the other, we don't mind.
There are other modifications we will be undertaking, however these have been achieved. If someone could provide assistance with this, that would be great.
Is there anyone that can assist with this?


Hello fellow XDA's,
I know it's maybe stupid to ask you for this - but i feel little confused when i am looking for information about "how to build a web browser for windows phone8" so i was thinking if is it possible to share some old code for beginners.
Looking for easy web browser just for training purposes:good:
You might be able to find some old ones floating around, though probably not anything for the new frameworks (WP8.1, etc.).
The usual and easy approach is to start with a simple XAML app that has a WebBrowser control filling most of the layout. Then you add whatever controls you want (URL bar, etc.) around that, wire up the relevant events and any data storage you want to have (bookmarks, data synch, etc.) in the back-end C# or VB pages.
If you want to get Fancy and try implementing a different rendering engine than the built-in IE-based one... well, good luck! You'll need to do quite a lot of work just to port one to Windows Phone, although WebKit minus the JavaScript JIT should be possible (it was ported for RT last year). Then you'd need to create a XAML control to display it, or else use the DirectX APIs to draw it directly in a C++ app.

[Q] Beginner's Guide to Android Software Security Testing?

Does anyone know if there is a Guide/CheatSheet for Security Testing Apps on Android?
I am a software tester and whilst I know my way around security testing for the web, I'm looking for a jump start in Security Testing for Android. Just the basics really, things like how to manipulate text fields, cause buffer overruns etc in Apps.
An example case would be an app which we are developing that allows a user to input free text. I want to be able to prove the point that we need to sanitise the user's input here, so ideally, I'd like to know of a string that I can enter, which will cause an undesired effect on the page which displays the user's input.
eg, In a web page, I enter "<IMG SRC=javascript:alert('Sanitise User Input')>" and an alert is fired on displaying that input.
Like I say, I know my way around this type of thing for the web, but I'm not an Android Dev and I don't know how to manipulate the code with my input.
So, Does anyone have any pointers/source of info/ideas?
Thanks Folks,
(Long-time lurker, infrequent poster)

How to automate gestures (swiping, tapping) in Android? (UI Automation)

Apologies if this is in the wrong section, mods please move if need be.
I am using a public app on the play store. I would like to perform an operations similar to that one might do when unit testing UI elements.
The app consists of mainly a list view of rectangular cards arranged in a vertical orientation. The app allows me to accept batches (orders) in which I perform deliveries for payment. There are also other users who use this same app so competition is fierce. If I do not accept a lucrative batch as fast as possible, someone else will. Even then its possible due to latency or simply bad luck that I do not get the batch. It is also bad because I tend to stare at my screen a lot while driving
I had an idea. I'm seeking some solution similar to the Robot class in Java, with the exception that the app be able to analyze the contents of the List View (which are View Groups composed of TextViews).
I was able to partially emulate what I want using UIAutomator, but it is a cumbersome solution because it requires ADB to run everytime. Not only that the swiping function on the UIDevice object in UIAutomator does not work on this particular app.
I have heard there are better utilities that can accomplish this. I have root on my phone.
Any advise?

