Notifications totally cutting music - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When notifications sound plays, it totally cut the playing music too play itself. Is there a way to change that?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app

Outside of completely muting the notifications, I don't think there is.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda app-developers app

But i heard this was fixed in ICS..? That the music wouldn't stop totally.. Does it depend player?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app


Not that I know of. Personally I think this is a useful feature, but if you really want to change it, you could look into custom roms that don't have this feature, but that might be a bit too much work for such a small hiccup. Or choose none for the notification sound, but then you wont be notified EVER really... so sorry bout that

Normally the music should lower so you hear the notification then music volume come back. It's like fade. That is how it is normally.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app


Music stops

When I turn off my screen when using music app my phone stops playing it mid song sometimes Why is that?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
frankiedizzle87 said:
When I turn off my screen when using music app my phone stops playing it mid song sometimes Why is that?
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I have the same problem with my Atrix. I tried with Winamp too and it has the same problem. I even uninstalled task manager assuming it is killing music app but it didnt help. Would like to know solution if any.
I have no idea
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Hmm, haven't had that problem. Have you guys messed with your power settings at all?
Man_of_Leisure said:
Hmm, haven't had that problem. Have you guys messed with your power settings at all?
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nopes, no changes. it has been on the night saver mode all the time (and i experienced this problem during day time ). no additional power related apps installed.
Me neither I have no idea and its really annoying especially in the car
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Music Wont PLAY when i turn off screen
When i turn the screen off the music stops after a while i am rooted and have the AUD rom or what ever is clled but its been doing that since b4 i aRooted so i dont know
Same here...
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
frankiedizzle87 said:
When I turn off my screen when using music app my phone stops playing it mid song sometimes Why is that?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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Some apps are on your "auto-end" list. Things that shut down every time you press the power button to turn of the screen. That setting can be taken care of in the Task Manager.
Hope it helps.

Vibration while music playing

I use Power Amp as my main music player, ive noticed the phone vibrates when im playing music and only stops when i turn off vibration (density) but i want to have it on but would sooner not have it vibrating when my music is on, can someone tell me how i can fix this issue?
Settings>sound>disable auto haptic
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
svetius said:
Settings>sound>disable auto haptic
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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Job done thanks
I found this whilst using spotify. If you click auto feedback where you can select which apps u want it to work in and which ones you dont. I unticked spotify but kept it enabled for me games etc.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA

Silent but Rings

if the phone is on silent, is there a way to make certain contacts ring? So meaning bypassing the silent mode?
This is one odd request, why would you want this function?
create profile using apps in playstore. u remember nokia??
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
What ascariz said.. or maybe try to set the notification sound to a silent one or something close.. you can probably download a tone that is blank .. then just assign a different tone to a contact. .. maybe
Good luck
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
sorry for the late reply..
my thoughts are around if i am in a meeting i have my phone on silent but set a ringtone for someone important, e.g. mum/dad and the phone will ring.
ill check out some of the apps on playstore.
You can with tasker. I just created a profile for night that silents the phone but allows anyone on my favorites list to by pass it with a phone call. One of android 's more pricey apps but well worth it in my opinion. Examples on how to do it can be found on tasker's wiki.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Search "selective silence" in play store. Been using it forever and it works great. Just add the numbers you want to ring when your phone is in silent mode. Very small and free app. By ChainsDD I think.
Hope that helps
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
There's an app called Tasker, I've set it up to go off silent with a certain text
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium

JB sound question

Hey everybody! I just switched from gingerbread to jb and I turn up the volume and I see that I can control all the volumes, which is cool, but I only want to change the sound for media and not ringtone and anything. So is there anyway to only turn up media like it is on gingerbread.
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
Not that I know of. I've had this problem too. But JB is worth it.
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
It will default to sound when media is playing. But no, I don't think you can change it without changing the actual ROM build.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Make sense but since I just either have notifications on or off, it'd be nice to have it like gingerbread
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
atcq28 said:
Make sense but since I just either have notifications on or off, it'd be nice to have it like gingerbread
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
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This may be a question to ask the developer in the specific thread that the ROM is updated in. or at least search in the thread to see if anyone else has asked.

Headphone sound help

Hello everyone. I've been using my player and out of nowhere I hear through my headphones the sound keeps messing up. Sound works perfect after a reboot or if I'm using the speakers but headphones seem to be the only time sound messes up. My headphones aren't the problem since I've tried them on other devices and tried other headphones with the same result. Anyone know what it might be?
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
atcq28 said:
Hello everyone. I've been using my player and out of nowhere I hear through my headphones the sound keeps messing up. Sound works perfect after a reboot or if I'm using the speakers but headphones seem to be the only time sound messes up. My headphones aren't the problem since I've tried them on other devices and tried other headphones with the same result. Anyone know what it might be?
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
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Can you clarify on this issues. What do you mean it keeps messing up? For example do you hear static or does it sound muffled?
It sounds laggy. Like if you were to listen to a scratched CD. But only when listening through headphones
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
Did you ROM it? Or drop it?
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
I was tinkering around and put all my settings to default and I haven't been have the problem. Maybe it was just cause my settings were messed up.
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
Probably because it was using too much memory.
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