HTC Rezound Help Thread - HTC Rezound

This thread was created for the sole purpose to help any and all in need of assistance with their Rezound be it bricking, rooting, etc. Any question you may have related to your Rezound can be posted here whether you feel it is dumb or not. This thread is to be a source of answers and I DO tolerate repeated questions. I want this to be a friendly environment with full intent on helping anyone within the Rezound community. I do not tolerate flaming or trolling of any kind and I will see to it personally that such offenders will be removed/banned from this thread.
So you are here for answers? We are here to help!​Our Rezound community is full of well educated individuals who are more than happy to assist you with any Rezound objective you wish to accomplish. You need only ask. Keep in mind that asking within the thread allows everyone to see your question where as sending a pm limits you to the knowledge of one specific individual.
When you have questions about anything, one of us is bound to have an answer. We help people no matter the question, status, or experience.
The only stupid question, is a question that is not asked.
This OP will be modified over time to include FAQ's and links to other helpful materials.
One on One Live Support
The following member/s have offered their 1 on 1 live support for any questions or needs you may have:
AshtonTS - [email protected]
Looking for custom made HBOOTS? Look here -

I'm also here to help. pm me for my gtalk account

See, this is how it is supposed to be. Just spent about 20 minutes with the op, holding my hand through setting up system tuner pro while he's helping 2 others on gtalk at the same time. I'm glad to see that, like myself, others are still willing to help people out. Huge thanks bro.
We're not as evil on the rezound forum as people think, we are just misunderstood
Sent from my ADR6425LVW

I have a gtalk too.
Maybe you should make a list of people that are available to consult and have it stickied so people go there first instead of posting another thread. It's probably faster to get help from someone in gtalk anyway.

Po1soNNN said:
I have a gtalk too.
Maybe you should make a list of people that are available to consult and have it stickied so people go there first instead of posting another thread. It's probably faster to get help from someone in gtalk anyway.
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a lot faster especially while on a PC at same time to send links,screens and files

dyetheskin said:
a lot faster especially while on a PC at same time to send links,screens and files
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We should try it. I know there are tons of smart people that would love to help out if we made like a Rezound Geek Squad or Rezound Tech Support or something like that haha

Po1soNNN said:
We should try it. I know there are tons of smart people that would love to help out if we made like a Rezound Geek Squad or Rezound Tech Support or something like that haha
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hey now I had that secret first lol

Hey sign me up guys I like helping too

apophis9283 said:
I decided to make a post as I was having a flood of people requesting help so..........
1) I don't mind helping people, I love helping but please understand I have things I need to do
2) I am really good at helping people, As there are many roms, tweaks, settings, I cannot know everything about every rom, tweak and settings
3) I only help over Gtalk, Its quicker and it saves space on the XDA servers.
4)My Gtalk status is a good indication whether I am able to help.
5)My Gtalk is [email protected]
I am happy to help out as much as I can. If its something that might take awhile, let me know. We can plan a certain time to do it.
That is all, I am ending my rant now.
Edit: If for some reason I am not available dyetheskin is willing to help, please respect him the same way. PM him for his gtalk acct.
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You are one of the last good members willing to give up you personal time for others. thank you for helping the community.

please don't PM me for help, thank you.
i mean uh what?

Look, this is not what I meant by posting this thread. I can't in good faith just let anyone start giving help to other. I had a similar case a while back where someone else told the person to relock the bootloader and he had an eng Hboot. I am sorry, this is not meant to be a sign up list or anything like that. I have interacted with dyetheskin before and have seen his abilities. I am asking that people please not post here unless it is a request for help or you have a quick question.

apophis9283 said:
Look, this is not what I meant by posting this thread. I can't in good faith just let anyone start giving help to other. I had a similar case a while back where someone else told the person to relock the bootloader and he had an eng Hboot. I am sorry, this is not meant to be a sign up list or anything like that. I have interacted with dyetheskin before and have seen his abilities. I am asking that people please not post here unless it is a request for help or you have a quick question.
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I guess no help squad then. I'll just continue helping people anyway.

I didnt mean it to be that way. I just never meant it to turn into this. This was me offering people who needed help, help. I think its awesome that others willing to help. If you can help them then do so. Im not saying dont.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

I may end up throwing an A-Team together to help others. So many people need help and I am only one person. Maybe 3 or 4 guys that will go above and beyond to help others. I have had several people offer to help, why not utilize the people offering to help. Stay tuned.

Apophis, could you do a couple of screen snots of how you have Dsb's kernel set up in syst tuner? Thanks in advance.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

JeramyEggs said:
Apophis, could you do a couple of screen snots of how you have Dsb's kernel set up in syst tuner? Thanks in advance.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Ask and you shall receive!

apophis9283 said:
Ask and you shall receive!
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Holy Crap those voltages are high. Battery life must be bad?!?
Edit: didn't notice that was the upper end of your table.

Po1soNNN said:
I have a gtalk too.
Maybe you should make a list of people that are available to consult and have it stickied so people go there first instead of posting another thread. It's probably faster to get help from someone in gtalk anyway.
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Agreed. My gtalk is [email protected] (its an ancient email account) don't hate :b. Back when I had a Droid 2 I helped a lot of people on droidforums.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app

As of right now, i have 3 others that I trust to help others. You all have to realize that some times I get asked questions in which if I were wrong I could damage the phone. When I talk about helping others I try to provide 100% accurate info. I would also want anyone else that I have to do the same.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

apophis9283 said:
As of right now, i have 3 others that I trust to help others. You all have to realize that some times I get asked questions in which if I were wrong I could damage the phone. When I talk about helping others I try to provide 100% accurate info. I would also want anyone else that I have to do the same.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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You could make it the people you trust and other people would need to be qualified like a recognized contributor or something. I understand what you mean when you say it can be dangerous but I really think with the right people that having a group or list of people you can contact for help would really benefit the rezound community and maybe inspire other device communities to do the same.


Clockwork Mod on AT&T Note

Anyone have a good idea if we are gonna get CM9 for the AT&T version of the Note soon? Its ok at stock but I'd be so happy to be able to throw ClockWork on it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
If you are looking for CWM for doing installations and nandroid and stuff look at the dev section. Otherwise I know not what you speak of.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
The first rule of xda is you do not ask for ETA's.
The second rule of xda is you DO NOT ask for ETA's.
i want an ETA on when we can BOOOOO this man.......
Ouch! My most sincere and humble apologies. i know the Devs do great work and I am completely appreciative of that work.
hopefully I did not offend too terribly much..
ReggieSmith said:
Ouch! My most sincere and humble apologies. i know the Devs do great work and I am completely appreciative of that work.
hopefully I did not offend too terribly much..
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We are just messing with
it is a no no, but its understandable bruh we all want to know....but we just let them work
CWM in DEV Section
ReggieSmith said:
Ouch! My most sincere and humble apologies. i know the Devs do great work and I am completely appreciative of that work.
hopefully I did not offend too terribly much..
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Look in the third section under At&t Galaxy Note Forums and you will find work on CWM. If this helps, hit the thanks button....
the2rrell said:
We are just messing with
it is a no no, but its understandable bruh we all want to know....but we just let them work
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And I appreciate that. I have seen some forums where the more "senior" members trash any and all questions that new members may ask. But thankfully its not like that here.
ReggieSmith said:
And I appreciate that. I have seen some forums where the more "senior" members trash any and all questions that new members may ask. But thankfully its not like that here.
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So far, this forum is the friendliest I have seen, so welcome. Like others have mentioned, there is an Alpha build of CWM available, but as of right now, flashing anything triggers the flash counter, which can prevent you from utilizing your warranty for an exchange. If you are worried about having to return your Note for some reason right now, I would wait until we have a workaround for the flash counter. If not, we have the TPC ROM and DaG's OC/UV kernel that are both stable and will get rid of the problems with the stock ROM.
As with any ROM or development, don't ask for ETA's in the future. Seeing as you are new to this, nobody will be mad, but continued pestering will drive devs away and get people very upset. Now that you know, I'm sure you won't be a problem. haha. Also, with CyanogenMod, asking for ETA's is even more frowned upon usually. You're fine though, no worries. And as I said before, welcome.
On the Infuse forums, we had several devs driven away by people pestering devs for ETAs, asking unnecessary and repetitive questions without reading, and constant bickering and fighting in the forums that just cluttered threads with useless bullcrap. I hope that our forum stays clear of the level of asshattery that occurred there, but if you do your part to stay clear of it, then we will all be able to work together and have a great community.
Just to make clear, I'm not ragging you at all for asking, as you are new, just making some friendly suggestions to keep you and all of us happy from here on out. I wish everybody was as friendly and accepting as you. Haha.
GOSH !! I feel so much love in this group, hehe
StarLog said:
GOSH !! I feel so much love in this group, hehe
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I hear yah, I am still using my Infuse because I do not yet have my Note, but I have abandoned the forums for it for the most part because I was just so sick of how ridiculous it was.
StarLog said:
GOSH !! I feel so much love in this group, hehe
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Just one BIG happy family. (BIG for BIG PHONE)
By the way. I tried the international version method of reseting binary counter...did not work as I suspected...I got to remember to be patientttttt
post had link to forum instuctions
Just something to Note (hardee har har), ClockWork Mod and CM9 (CyanogenMod) are two different things, just to clear that up

Questions about Rules

My question is of a serious nature.Even though Im not exactly new here I am new to the Rezound section.I noticed earlier that a thread I was reading was shut down.It was shutdown mid-read and i have a question about that.
It seems that one person whined about dmeadows asking for donations not for himself but for another awesome developer who has the ability to bring something everybody wants but nobody else has the ability to deliver including the gentleman who got the thread shut down.
Maybe a Mod can help me understand the rules.As long as xda has existed these sorts of "Help a Dev help us" threads have existed and were perfectly ok.See Here: thread&
But one thread gets closed down because someone who is a well known donation hound complains because they arent getting the attention and/or donations.If you are going to apply your gestapo tactic rules to one apply them to all,not just when your buddy complains to you about it in a pm.Im genuinely confused about this.I read and reread the rules and dont understand where it says this is acceptable behavior.
that whole situation reminds me and hopefully reminds the one who's allowed themselves to be intimidated to "practice before you preach"
I'm not really sure whats going on around here recently... people are acting all sorts of edgy in Rezound land. All I can say is - WOW. I'm starting to think humanity is devolving quickly.
or is the correct word de-evolving??
As I said in another thread:
The donations for Protekk were merely made to purchase him a Rezound, with this Rezound he could work on the RIL. NOT AOSP/AOKP Roms. What he does after is his choice.
Sent from my Htc Rezound
Follow me on twitter @lmrtech
I believe I may have made a mistake myself and posted in the wrong section.Please feel free to move this or even delete it after I get an answer.
I completely agree. all were willing to contribute to a cause. can't get progress going without the device.also just because there's unfinished projects doesn't mean someone deserves to be put on the spot like that.
dyetheskin said:
I completely agree. all were willing to contribute to a cause. can't get progress going without the device.also just because there's unfinished projects doesn't mean someone deserves to be put on the spot like that.
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Agree wholeheartedly.
the overall point is to be a team and help each other not go after someone which is clearly a rule they broke themselves. breaking one rule to publicly point out another rule which is still questionable broken or not is not why we're here. this behavior needs to stop and we need to be a team if we are going to make goals happen
dyetheskin said:
the overall point is to be a team and help each other not go after someone which is clearly a rule they broke themselves. breaking one rule to publicly point out another rule which is still questionable broken or not is not why we're here. this behavior needs to stop and we need to be a team if we are going to make goals happen
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You are absolutely right.What I fail to understand is that prior to this incident there was a gazillion and one Bounty threads dating back to the beginnings of Android threads here on XDA and there wasn't any issue with it till someone got jealous.I think it just violates to the core everything Android is supposed to be about when someone gets their panties in a wad over pure jealousy.
Sent from my Tracfone
bob24260 said:
You are absolutely right.What I fail to understand is that prior to this incident there was a gazillion and one Bounty threads dating back to the beginnings of Android threads here on XDA and there wasn't any issue with it till someone got jealous.I think it just violates to the core everything Android is supposed to be about when someone gets their panties in a wad over pure jealousy.
Sent from my Tracfone
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I'm sure if the bounty was for Cyanogen, this would be a different scenario.
Sent from my Htc Rezound
Follow me on twitter @lmrtech
bob24260 said:
You are absolutely right.What I fail to understand is that prior to this incident there was a gazillion and one Bounty threads dating back to the beginnings of Android threads here on XDA.I think it just violates to the core everything Android is supposed to be about when someone gets their panties in a wad over pure jealousy.
Sent from my Tracfone
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It does. It was a move that is similar to Apple trying to stomp out competition by patent trolling. And believe me, that particular developer has just lost a lot of respect from the community. I for one have no problems saying publicly that I don't condone that behavior, nor will I support developers who engage in that kind of activity.
I believe the problem was the phone was purchased and the thread wasn't closed. And there were references that people should donate some extra cash to protekk
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Dstu03 said:
I believe the problem was the phone was purchased and the thread wasn't closed. And there were references that people should donate some extra cash to protekk
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ok well this could have been it. but there are other ways to go around this. one is if you just click the report button and tell the mod that he received the phone and that it should be closed.
what they did was go in and flame the $h|T out of Dmeadows, when all they had to do was suggest to him that he needs to contact the mods to close it.
this is why i wont post stuff on xda anymore. it seems like there are more people out to flame then just help. most of the people just jumped on the ban wagon when a dev was involved. all the dev had to do was pm meadows and that would have been it. but he just wanted to post so everyone can see how much of a BA he was. that is not needed at all.
Wow. I just saw the thread with the people involved. Shocked at who it was and what they said.
A simple PM wouldve helped. When you come out your face like that you lose really quick.
Ijs, d helped us get joelz here and joelz work has helped the complainer and others out and im sure prot would done the same . Its messed up really, and i can see what people mean with how the community is going down, especially when the devs are part of it too, smh. Lol crazy.
synisterwolf said:
ok well this could have been it. but there are other ways to go around this. one is if you just click the report button and tell the mod that he received the phone and that it should be closed.
what they did was go in and flame the $h|T out of Dmeadows, when all they had to do was suggest to him that he needs to contact the mods to close it.
this is why i wont post stuff on xda anymore. it seems like there are more people out to flame then just help. most of the people just jumped on the ban wagon when a dev was involved. all the dev had to do was pm meadows and that would have been it. but he just wanted to post so everyone can see how much of a BA he was. that is not needed at all.
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i really dont know what to do on here but i guess i jumped on the bandwagon and i apologize for that im not to familiar with the rules.i think that scott has lost a lot of respect from the rezound community
Dstu03 said:
I believe the problem was the phone was purchased and the thread wasn't closed. And there were references that people should donate some extra cash to protekk
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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I understand what you're saying there and I partially agree but the part I am most agitated about and have a hard time understanding is the fact that one person is being told they are breaking the rules by asking for something that doesn't yet exist,but that same thing he is getting ripped on for has occurred over and over since Androids beginnings on XDA but it was never made an issue of before and allowed to happen by mods and administration alike.But when one person who out of pure jealousy makes an issue out of it,the rule is then enforced.
Sent from my Tracfone
SO glad that people see that a simple PM would have been a better choice. You guys give me hope that XDA can be fixed.
Flaming doesnt get us anywhere. Plus D was trying to do a good thing for the community. HE got the ball rolling on getting the correct people involved and bringing more options and development to our phones.
I dont want to add anymore and i know im breaking a rule by attacking one individual. This should note be considered a flame, but as an inspiration to RELAX. We are all trying to achieve one goal.
who complained? was it markus?
synisterwolf said:
SO glad that people see that a simple PM would have been a better choice. You guys give me hope that XDA can be fixed.
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I dont' think XDA is the real problem... its just a few bad attitudes in here. XDA has the largest user base, meaning there's a larger pool of potential trouble-makers. It does surely get annoying from time to time, but if everybody on XDA simply moved to another forum, the same drama would likely just follow the users...
I'm not really sure there is a solution, except for ignoring the trouble makers..
johnwaynegacy said:
who complained? was it markus?
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Nah, just check the get protekk a rezound thread and you'll see.

Willing to Help I'm a new member to this forum, but have been browsing it for at least a few months now; since having gotten my GSII (I777) in October. I'm not much into programming but am willing to give my honest (and in my opinion tasteful opinion) if anyone needs a tester for certain things; themes, what have you. I'm new, but willing to help out any developers or anything who need some help in this category. Cus I've got some time to devote, I figured I'd offer. Take care everyone!
VanillaCracker said: I'm a new member to this forum, but have been browsing it for at least a few months now; since having gotten my GSII (I777) in October. I'm not much into programming but am willing to give my honest (and in my opinion tasteful opinion) if anyone needs a tester for certain things; themes, what have you. I'm new, but willing to help out any developers or anything who need some help in this category. Cus I've got some time to devote, I figured I'd offer. Take care everyone!
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You really felt the need to make a thread about this?
Nick281051 said:
You really felt the need to make a thread about this?
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And double-posted it. Not very helpful or respectful.
Miami_Son said:
And double-posted it. Not very helpful or respectful.
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He was so willling that he wanted to let us know twice
Wow you guys felt the need to bust his chops..
What a bunch of asshats.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
Yeah, that's how this forum rolls, a bunch of mean people...
So it would seem.. He's just trying to be helpful..
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
Stevenrogers_420 said:
Wow you guys felt the need to bust his chops..
What a bunch of asshats.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Because it is totally unnecessary. What if everyone started threads like these? We would have a million to wade through. That's why we're being "asshats." I wish people wouldn't go right to name calling when neither Miami nor I did anything wrong.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Stevenrogers_420 said:
So it would seem.. He's just trying to be helpful..
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How is it helpful to start not one, but two basically useless threads just to say, "Here I am!" If you want to help and can, then just do it instead of trying to make yourself look like the forum's savior. There is a forum for introductions because they don't belong anywhere else.
Man you guys have serious issues..
The reason I went right to name calling is that is exactly how your behaving. You don't want his help then shut the **** up and let it pass.
You wanna be moderators need to get a hobby...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
How else is someone going to make it known that he wants to help besides making a thread? Go through messaging all the developers and message random people he may think could start developing? Oh and by the way... If anyone wants a mirror to some file i'd be happy to upload to my dropbox and give a link. Just to help out..
Stevenrogers_420 said:
Man you guys have serious issues..
The reason I went right to name calling is that is exactly how your behaving. You don't want his help then shut the **** up and let it pass.
You wanna be moderators need to get a hobby...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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No actually we aren't wanna be moderators, they have enough work. We just try to lessen their load. Posts likr this simply should not be made. Yeah the cursing really gets your point across. Nice job there dude.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
obtained said:
How else is someone going to make it known that he wants to help besides making a thread? Go through messaging all the developers and message random people he may think could start developing? Oh and by the way... If anyone wants a mirror to some file i'd be happy to upload to my dropbox and give a link. Just to help out..
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They don't. If the developers offer it that's all well and great and if you ask in their thread has usually okay too but making a thread is simply not necessary.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Nick281051 said:
They don't. If the developers offer it that's all well and great and if you ask in their thread has usually okay too but making a thread is simply not necessary.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
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I understand it's not entirely necessary. but why not? I just read all the rules and there's absolutely nothing that says anything against this thread. The rules do mention things against what has been said about the guy starting this thread. And rule #10 seems to make starting this thread perfectly ok, right?
You want to help? Then find a thread where you have expertise or desire and post in it. Starting one of these threads is unnecessary and starting two just shows how clueless you are. I won't even comment on the racial undertones of his member name.
Alright folks...
Yes, he shouldn't have posted this in a new thread, and certainly not twice. However, XDA is a place for CIVIL discourse.
We can politely point out his error, then report the thread for a Mod and move on. All the junk that follows is nearly as bad as the OP.
Simply ignoring bad posts/threads is a lot easier than flaming the OP then flaming each other.
Now let's all move on...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Ugh. I understand the OP was just trying to be helpful and thats commendable, but its not necessary to make a thread about it. At the very lest, a post can be made in the rom/kernel threads donating his time to help.
Trolls be trollin...

[Q] Stock Amaze, ROM reccomendations

Getting a stock Amaze today.
Background: I've rooted, S-off'd, and ROM'd *other* HTC phones before and used ARHD on the Sensation.
I'm looking for root, stability, and good battery life. I don't care much about minor performance tweaks.
Is hasoon2000's all in one tool the best way to root today?
Are any of the rom's a big improvement over stock with no serious side effects?
I know there are FAQs and Wiki's, but I've also been around XDA long enough to ask before diving in to a new phone before I use possibly outdated guides.
Thanks in advance.
You've been around long enough... then I'm sure u can read the dev threads and judge for yourself. Recommendations are for the indecisive
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 2
I swear, if people spent half the time answering questions as they did explaining why they're not answering questions they don't even know the answer to on XDA...
Anyhow, the all-in-one tool seems to have done the trick (perm root/recovery).
I'll report back when I try a ROM.
sisquoc15 said:
I swear, if people spent half the time answering questions as they did explaining why they're not answering questions they don't even know the answer to on XDA...
Anyhow, the all-in-one tool seems to have done the trick (perm root/recovery).
I'll report back when I try a ROM.
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This is xda-developers not xda-helpers, I'd be a little nicer than that if I were you and he has a point, there's loads of threads around here, doesn't hurt to read and do your own research, no two people like the same thing because they should, we all have our own preferences.
sisquoc15 said:
I swear, if people spent half the time answering questions as they did explaining why they're not answering questions they don't even know the answer to on XDA...
Anyhow, the all-in-one tool seems to have done the trick (perm root/recovery).
I'll report back when I try a ROM.
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Stop being lazy and whining. Try the couple/few (not like there's a ton) that are out there and make up your own mind.
Asking whig Rom is better is insulting to devs that may not get mentioned. Read OPs and threads and see if Any known issues are there.
But u have been around a while... I'm sure u know that
Edit.. looks like u run arhd on your sensation... That MAY be a good start don't u think?
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
You guys know that it is a running joke everywhere else on the internet how unhelpful people on these forums can be.
This is a Q&A forum. I ask a Q, you might give an A. Here's how to figure it if you should respond:
If know the answer to the question and you have the time/patience to give a helpful answer, go for it. If no, move along.
Instead you've wasted everyone's time and clouded the thread by arguing about the value of the question. At 88 views, at least some people are interested in an answer.
I'm sure you know a lot about this phone and have helped many people, but I don't care if you invented sliced bread if you don't know the answer to my question or have the time to answer it.
If you need help interacting with other people in a forum when you do know the answer to the question, I've provided the template below. You might "sticky" it.
Welcome to our forum. The [wiki/guide] (insert link, maybe if you're feeling super helpful, certainly not required) [is/is not] up to date and is a good resource for [rooting/recovery setup/etc]. I have tried [x,y,z] roms and I find [x] is best for battery life, but [important feature] is not working for [me/other people].
Again, if you don't know this information or don't have the time/patience to give a helpful answer, you needn't respond.
Your time and efforts are valuable. Don't waste them.
Only if u would put the effort into reading and experimenting as you did your short essay above, this thread wouldn't be needed.
Good luck on your quest
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
sisquoc15 said:
You guys know that it is a running joke everywhere else on the internet how unhelpful people on these forums can be.
This is a Q&A forum. I ask a Q, you might give an A. Here's how to figure it if you should respond:
If know the answer to the question and you have the time/patience to give a helpful answer, go for it. If no, move along.
Instead you've wasted everyone's time and clouded the thread by arguing about the value of the question. At 88 views, at least some people are interested in an answer.
I'm sure you know a lot about this phone and have helped many people, but I don't care if you invented sliced bread if you don't know the answer to my question or have the time to answer it.
If you need help interacting with other people in a forum when you do know the answer to the question, I've provided the template below. You might "sticky" it.
Welcome to our forum. The [wiki/guide] (insert link, maybe if you're feeling super helpful, certainly not required) [is/is not] up to date and is a good resource for [rooting/recovery setup/etc]. I have tried [x,y,z] roms and I find [x] is best for battery life, but [important feature] is not working for [me/other people].
Again, if you don't know this information or don't have the time/patience to give a helpful answer, you needn't respond.
Your time and efforts are valuable. Don't waste them.
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Very well said.
Get used to it because this is how the Amaze forum matter what, you'll get bashed lol
Edit: I recommend you sell your Amaze and get something with more support/development and a better community.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
Truth is the question was not needed
If you want stock look for stock roms
If you want aosp then look for aosp roms
If your looking for pr0n you are in the wrong site, you want xxxda.....
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
lonz358 said:
Get used to it because this is how the Amaze forum matter what, you'll get bashed lol
Edit: I recommend you sell your Amaze and get something with more support/development and a better community.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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So you're saying that all the people we helped, all the work we do and all the praise saying this is the nicest community many have ever been apart of in the introduction thread was a lie? Your laziness and lack of understanding is not our fault, we help as much as we can, but some things are truly pushing it. This place is for development, not a play ground for those unwilling to even help themselves.
Sent from a Galaxy Nexus?
Dark Nightmare said:
So you're saying that all the people we helped, all the work we do and all the praise saying this is the nicest community many have ever been apart of in the introduction thread was a lie? Your laziness and lack of understanding is not our fault, we help as much as we can, but some things are truly pushing it. This place is for development, not a play ground for those unwilling to even help themselves.
Sent from a Galaxy Nexus?
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This is Q&A, he asked what Rom would you RECOMMEND...this is Q&A rite? If your not gonna answer his simple question than keep it moving...y try to make him look bad?
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lonz358 said:
This is Q&A, he asked what Rom would you RECOMMEND...this is Q&A rite? If your not gonna answer his simple question than keep it moving...y try to make him look bad?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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There's loads of threads of roms with hundreds, possible thousands of post on user input about how the roms run, advantages and disadvantages, no two users would like the same rom, I preferred stock lightly modified by me while gg like quick Droid and Ziggy liked speed rom, do you think I can recommend a rom to them or its a better idea for them to try them out for themselves? I'd recommend stock but he obviously doesn't like stock or he wouldn't be looking for a custom rom, then what? I tell him speed rom is nice because someone said so but I have no clue myself? Like really, grow up, this is no place for childish questions and responses, there was no need for things to get all hostile here, your best option would be to try thing's on your own, if you can't make your own decisions from your own personal liking and experience, then you sir will settle for second best because of your attitude towards it
For the record, what others think about the support on this site, really doesn't matter, this place is for development, not support. We offer help when we can because as a human trait, people do stupid things or just can't keep their cool long enough to sort out an issue. Therefore count it a privilege many take the time out of their day and work to write the multiple guides here and the devs for releasing their work.
Sent from a Galaxy Nexus?
lonz358 said:
.y try to make him look bad?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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Didn't have to try...
On another note... Asking which Rom is better is a flame war waiting to happen and is offensive to the devs whose roms aren't mentioned. And since user experience and needs vary, you will never get a helpful answer. Mix that with all the fanboys in the amaze forum and u get a mess.. how do I know? Cuz there is already multiple threads asking which Rom is better than which.. I READ.
The correct answer is to quit being lazy, read, and try for yourself. Stop getting so butt hurt. I'm not talking about ur mother, just your internet bestie
Get over it.
Why is this thread still even going?
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
Here's something XDA is not about...It's not about this ridiculousness. I say this over and over again...we all are here because we share a common interest. What is there to argue, debate, flame, insult, [ad nauseum] about?
Thread closed until I hear from OP.
The rest of you know better.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"~Rush
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium.

I want to revert back to the stock ROM of the Amaze. How do I do that?

The link associated with this FAQ is not working for me. Is it just me?
Amaze bible thread.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Dark Nightmare said:
Amaze bible thread.
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Thanks for the link.
I guess I made a bad attempt at trying to help. I just wanted to bring attention to the link attached in that thread. I could not access it.
I'll have never completely understood why it is that people on this forum have to act as though they are being put out by others posting questions. Yeah..yeah..yeah.. Search the forum... Read the post you idiot.. Don't post without reading...etc. etc.. etc...
Regardless of how stupid you may believe I am... It does not change that fact that the link ( attached to the thread:"FAQ for the HTC Amaze 4G. Read Frequently Asked Questions before you post a question! / Q - I want to revert back to the stock ROM of the Amaze. How do I do that?" does not work.
Instead of jacking with me because you think I am not capable of finding info... why not use that energy to fully read my post and help fix the problem. I was just trying to help others that search the forum. Sorry that bothers you.
I post in other forums and help/try-to-help others. I never talk down to them. I direct them to the answers they seek. If I do not have anything worthwhile to add to their post...I just leave it alone. Everyone is new at some point... And everyone needs a hand up at some point... Help...or don't help. Anything else is wasting time. It's just that simple.
Why not use the energy u spent in writing that short story into using google?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Do you want to go completely stock, or flash a stock Rom and keep root? I can't post link from my phone, but in dev section there is a list of rooted and deodexed completely stock roms. Hope this helps. Just flash like a custom Rom from recovery.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
You need to calm down and chill, the links in that thread may be broken, but there's also a reason why we have the bible thread with EVERYTHING possible included. Therefore, simply search there and you'd not have the need to worry about broken links. I'll talk to Hasoon about fixing the links, my point being, your rant wasn't needed since it's pretty obvious now for someone that's been around the block to not know the basics of finding things around here.
Dark Nightmare said:
You need to calm down and chill, the links in that thread may be broken, but there's also a reason why we have the bible thread with EVERYTHING possible included. Therefore, simply search there and you'd not have the need to worry about broken links. I'll talk to Hasoon about fixing the links, my point being, your rant wasn't needed since it's pretty obvious now for someone that's been around the block to not know the basics of finding things around here.
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I rant was not needed. Your words also walk hand-in-hand with my point. For someone to post...":banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead:"was also not needed and only disrupted the topic at hand.
Like I said...I was really just trying to help. I will not make that mistake again. I am still a noob to this particular forum and dread everytime I have to come here to seek answers. Again...thank you Dark Nightmare for your help and response.
@glacierguy: I'm done dude..have at it.
badgerdave said:
I rant was not needed. Your words also walk hand-in-hand with my point. For someone to post...":banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead:"was also not needed and only disrupted the topic at hand.
Like I said...I was really just trying to help. I will not make that mistake again. I am still a noob to this particular forum and dread everytime I have to come here to seek answers. Again...thank you Dark Nightmare for your help and response.
@glacierguy: I'm done dude..have at it.
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Lol I'm your first thanks of many to come I'm sure
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
badgerdave said:
I rant was not needed. Your words also walk hand-in-hand with my point. For someone to post...":banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead:"was also not needed and only disrupted the topic at hand.
Like I said...I was really just trying to help. I will not make that mistake again. I am still a noob to this particular forum and dread everytime I have to come here to seek answers. Again...thank you Dark Nightmare for your help and response.
@glacierguy: I'm done dude..have at it.
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You're not a n00b, can we let this go please? Some people get frustrated seeing the same thing being posted again and again, that's why most users will post a rude response, though I wouldn't say GG was rude, it didn't even seem to be directed at anyone in specific, anyways, my point is, the bible thread was created to lessen questions being asked and also simplify the doing of everything that's currently possible on this device, so you can't really be mad at anyone responding in a blank manner either. But on the other hand, just let it go, try to read around, if you find a broken link or so, post it in the relevant thread and if you think the OP is a nice enough individual to accept a PM, then shoot them a PM and sort it out that way, no need to get hostile, okay? Great, so take relax and have fun, this place is a pretty quiet easy going group, join in the fun and just don't take things personal.
glacierguy said:
Lol I'm your first thanks of many to come I'm sure
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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Lol seriously dude, chill, how is that s3 running? Think the display is worth swapping my nexus for?
Dark Nightmare said:
Lol seriously dude, chill, how is that s3 running? Think the display is worth swapping my nexus for?
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Ill buy your nexus and I saw someone post on the nexus forum that they switched to the s3 and want there nexus back, I wouldn't switch yet lol
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
fuego77 said:
Ill buy your nexus and I saw someone post on the nexus forum that they switched to the s3 and want there nexus back, I wouldn't switch yet lol
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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I've seen mixed feelings about the switch, in my group, some prefer their nexus, some sold theirs, some kept both, which half of them used the nexus more, so it's bit of an iffy situation, to be honest, I love my nexus, this one is better than the first one I got, so I just may stick to it, though if given the opportunity to swap, I will try out the s3 knowing I could always swap it back since someone will want one.
Dark Nightmare said:
Lol seriously dude, chill, how is that s3 running? Think the display is worth swapping my nexus for?
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Lol fair enough.
Phone is the real deal. Display is amazing... BUT so is the nexus and every other sammy display. My buddy has the nexus amd loves it...
And the S3 for tmo has Cyanogen himself posting REAL CM9 AND CM10 for us which is as good as it gets
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