Paranoid Camera 2.0 - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi this will be my first post.
I have been using the Paranoid Android roms from the start. And I enjoyed the development around it. I really liked that the devs mada a PA jelly bean version.
But here is the problem. I like jelly bean for its performance and butteriness. And the cool new features. In de the newest PA jb version there is no Camera to album slide function, you only can click the icon of the last picture taken.
I know this sounds a bit silly, but I really miss this feature. It was integrated in the previous versions of PA jb but not in the latest 2.0..
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xkyuz said:
Hi this will be my first post.
I have been using the Paranoid Android roms from the start. And I enjoyed the development around it. I really liked that the devs mada a PA jelly bean version.
But here is the problem. I like jelly bean for its performance and butteriness. And the cool new features. In de the newest PA jb version there is no Camera to album slide function, you only can click the icon of the last picture taken.
I know this sounds a bit silly, but I really miss this feature. It was integrated in the previous versions of PA jb but not in the latest 2.0..
Sent from my BearPhone S II using xda premium
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If you want to know why, just PM the developer.
Problem solved
Swyped from my Galaxy SII

Jokesy said:
If you want to know why, just PM the developer.
Problem solved
Swyped from my Galaxy SII
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dont pm the developer,he doesnt need non dev related messages, why not ask in the pa forum

xkyuz said:
Hi this will be my first post.
I have been using the Paranoid Android roms from the start. And I enjoyed the development around it. I really liked that the devs mada a PA jelly bean version.
But here is the problem. I like jelly bean for its performance and butteriness. And the cool new features. In de the newest PA jb version there is no Camera to album slide function, you only can click the icon of the last picture taken.
I know this sounds a bit silly, but I really miss this feature. It was integrated in the previous versions of PA jb but not in the latest 2.0..
Sent from my BearPhone S II using xda premium
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Your request will be added back in 2.1 which will be unloaded any moment from now.
Swyped from my Galaxy SII

It wasn't removed, just swipe from the buttons, not the preview area. It's because CM added pinch to zoom to camera

D4rKn3sSyS said:
It wasn't removed, just swipe from the buttons, not the preview area. It's because CM added pinch to zoom to camera
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Hey man. Keep up the good work.
ParanoidAndroid is the simply the best ever!
Swyped from my Galaxy SII

D4rKn3sSyS said:
It wasn't removed, just swipe from the buttons, not the preview area. It's because CM added pinch to zoom to camera
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That was what the answer I was looking for, thank you very much and keep up the fantastic work!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium


Next Cyanogen RC?

Hey guys whens the next cyanogenmod 9 or 10 stable gonna be released?
Im currently running the nightly of cm-9 and notice theyve sorted out the camera flash.
is it just a matter of sorting out fm and hdmi now?
Yep it looks like its far from ready.
No homescreen settings
Cannot resize widgets
Cannot turn off crt animation
Camera has less features than cm9
In fact I dont see any improvement in using jelly bean :S
ill go back to cm9 nightlies thanks!
I dont believe that the cm team actually announce ETA's on their software.
Cyanogenmod don't work to a release schedule, they release when it's ready.
The team have stated that the first rule of Cyanogenmod is don't ask for eta's
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
well i was jus wondering if i should go ahead with the expt build on cm10
but there doesnt seem to be a changelog anywhere so i can see how buggy it is
so how buggy is it?
jbonetwo said:
well i was jus wondering if i should go ahead with the expt build on cm10
but there doesnt seem to be a changelog anywhere so i can see how buggy it is
so how buggy is it?
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If you are worried then the answer is no flash or read the CM threads and judge for yourself .
There're a 101 pages on the cm10 discussion thread.
I'm asking if someone with experience can give me a run down of the current bugs or point me toward a changelog.
jbonetwo said:
There're a 101 pages on the cm10 discussion thread.
I'm asking if someone with experience can give me a run down of the current bugs or point me toward a changelog.
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For me, there are only 3 problems with the current CM10, and I'm flashing it since Preview #2.
1 - HW Composer not fully working, causing minor hiccups on animations and scrolling
2 - FM Radio not working properly
3 - Memory leak after a time using it (you have to reboot the phone daily)
That's all, but in my opinion, it's WAYYYY better than ICS already.
Thx for the input. From the way it sounds me thinks ill go cm10 later tonight!
Changelog for CM9:
CM9 Nightly build changes:
CM10 Nightly build changes:
haranbh said:
For me, there are only 3 problems with the current CM10, and I'm flashing it since Preview #2.
1 - HW Composer not fully working, causing minor hiccups on animations and scrolling
2 - FM Radio not working properly
3 - Memory leak after a time using it (you have to reboot the phone daily)
That's all, but in my opinion, it's WAYYYY better than ICS already.
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not only for you, its common for all cm10 users, btw you will never get option 2
bala_gamer said:
not only for you, its common for all cm10 users, btw you will never get option 2
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Stock FM Radio never works, but I can use Spirit FM on CM9 and can't on CM10.
Yep it looks like its far from ready.
No homescreen settings
Cannot resize widgets
Cannot turn off crt animation
Camera has less features than cm9
In fact I dont see any improvement in using jelly bean :S
ill go back to cm9 nightlies thanks!
jbonetwo said:
Yep it looks like its far from ready.
No homescreen settings
Cannot resize widgets
Cannot turn off crt animation
Camera has less features than cm9
In fact I dont see any improvement in using jelly bean :S
ill go back to cm9 nightlies thanks!
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Just use Nova Launcher.
Camera is just fine.
I'm asking myself that question, too. I stuck with sammy rom right now but I want to change to cm10 as soon as possible. The cm10 releases are "experimental" at the moment, which says to me to not use it as daily driver.
I don't find cm10 any smoother or faster than stock sammy based roms but I find it much cooler esp. the theme chooser is awesome. cm10, apex launcher and aosp sammy camera is an awesome combination. I would stuck which that if a stable release of cm10 would be right around the corner and just like you I don't know if the rom is very early or as good as ready
haranbh said:
Stock FM Radio never works, but I can use Spirit FM on CM9 and can't on CM10.
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Not yet. Give it time
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
jbonetwo said:
Hey guys whens the next cyanogenmod 9 or 10 stable gonna be released?
Im currently running the nightly of cm-9 and notice theyve sorted out the camera flash.
is it just a matter of sorting out fm and hdmi now?
Yep it looks like its far from ready.
No homescreen settings
Cannot resize widgets
Cannot turn off crt animation
Camera has less features than cm9
In fact I dont see any improvement in using jelly bean :S
ill go back to cm9 nightlies thanks!
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#1 rule of cyanogen mod since day one don't ask for ETAs.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

CM9 camera alternatives

what are any good alternatives to Cm9 Camera? All I need from camera is picture taking
ashrack0 said:
what are any good alternatives to Cm9 Camera? All I need from camera is picture taking
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All u need is to follow RULES!! Dont become a SPAMMER!!! When u ask a question add "[Q]" mark in front... Then post any QUESTIONS in Q & A section.. General section is meant for other things. NOT FOR SPAMMING!!
Prashanthme said:
All u need is to follow RULES!! Dont become a SPAMMER!!! When u ask a question add "[Q]" mark in front... Then post any QUESTIONS in Q & A section.. General section is meant for other things. NOT FOR SPAMMING!!
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Was there a need for the CAPITAL LETTERS aggression? I know he didn't put the question mark etc, but the reply was worse off.
A community is respected by the behavior it serves to the noobs, or newcomers - and its one of the reasons I like XDA
lol - have a beer :good:
and ashrack0 - you can download camera 360 or instagram or vignette from the Market - those are pretty much the best ones in my opinion
any idea how to get the stock camera.apk from ICS 4.0.4 onto cyanogenmod 9?
arkoze said:
any idea how to get the stock camera.apk from ICS 4.0.4 onto cyanogenmod 9?
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It's not possible for now
ashrack0 said:
what are any good alternatives to Cm9 Camera? All I need from camera is picture taking
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These are good ones in no particular order:
-camera 360 (free) (try this first, you will live it)
-camera fx (free)
-LGcamera pro(paid)
-ucam (paid)
-pro capture (paid)
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Jokesy said:
It's not possible for now
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what is the reason for that?
ashrack0 said:
what is the reason for that?
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because some developers have been unsuccessful while trying to port it.
Stock camera is part of Touchwiz framework and will not work without it.
However, The folks at galaxy Siii somehow managed to port their stock camera for Aosp based Roms
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Jokesy said:
because some developers have been unsuccessful while trying to port it.
Stock camera is part of Touchwiz framework and will not work without it.
However, The folks at galaxy Siii somehow managed to port their stock camera for Aosp based Roms
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII
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so the camera that is in CM9, is it AOSP stock camera or CM9 custom made camera?
ashrack0 said:
so the camera that is in CM9, is it AOSP stock camera or CM9 custom made camera?
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unmodified Aosp camera app
Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy SII

Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Keyboard availible here!!!

The Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Keyboard can be downloaded here as a CWM flashable .zip. I found this on another website (Not XDA) but if it's against the rules to do this sort of thing please let me know as i'm new to posting zips ect. The keyboard is off 4.2 not 4.1. It has the swipe gestures and improved word recognition. The only difference I can see is that the word above your finger when sliding across keys has no box around it. I flashed it and all was well apart from the fact that after flashing it CWM came up with back button disabled and I couldn't select anything in CWM so make a backup unlike me who stupidly forgot in the rush to flash it!
Only for cm9 I'm guessing?
iJimaniac said:
Only for cm9 I'm guessing?
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Well I'm running Remics UX but I think Remics CM9 based. You can try it though to see if it works. By the way this i think can be used for the player 4.0 too.
Only Android 4.0X
safariking said:
Only Android 4.0X
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Yeah. 4.0 or 4.1 if you have it.
Can this be flashed other devices?
thebeastglasser said:
Can this be flashed other devices?
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I think it required CM9. I am not 100% sure though. You can always do a Nandroid backup and try it out.
Karim.younus said:
Well I'm running Remics UX but I think Remics CM9 based. You can try it though to see if it works. By the way this i think can be used for the player 4.0 too.
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Remics-UX is CM9 based on the SGP 5/4.0, and CM10 on many other devices. As far as I know, Supermaster34 will be porting a CM10 build if/when it's ready for our device(s).
There was an apk but that was only for stock ROMs.
Higgs_Boson said:
Remics-UX is CM9 based on the SGP 5/4.0, and CM10 on many other devices. As far as I know, Supermaster34 will be porting a CM10 build if/when it's ready for our device(s).
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I'll also be developing RemICS-JB for the galaxy player 5 and maybe 4 when they get CM10. CM10 is currently in pre-alpha and can only be used properly on a USA player due to the buttons not working on other versions. I'm planning on making a nav bar add on and trying to implement a home button patch but it may take a while
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Supermaster34 said:
I'll also be developing RemICS-JB for the galaxy player 5 and maybe 4 when they get CM10. CM10 is currently in pre-alpha and can only be used properly on a USA player due to the buttons not working on other versions. I'm planning on making a nav bar add on and trying to implement a home button patch but it may take a while
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Sweet. Why is it that as soon as we get one version of Android cracked another one is released? Lol
Supermaster34 said:
I'll also be developing RemICS-JB for the galaxy player 5 and maybe 4 when they get CM10. CM10 is currently in pre-alpha and can only be used properly on a USA player due to the buttons not working on other versions. I'm planning on making a nav bar add on and trying to implement a home button patch but it may take a while
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Neodymium wants to port the camera fix bu the way, you should talk to him about it.
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JB 4.2 apps

Hey Guys,
I found these over in the Galaxy Nexus forum but it works with my PA 2.53 Nov.4 build. Its the Full google apps for 4.2 Jelly Bean including: the Launcher, Gmail, calendar, clock, ringtones, wall papers, camera, gallery, keyboard, and playstore 3.9.17. I found only one issue so far and its that the launcher doesn't show a tab in my settings so i can modify homescreen settings and whatnot. You can still use the original that comes with the ROM though. Its pretty cool so check em out and let me know if you see the same issue i did or any others and try to post what ROM your using and your kernal) if its different than the one that came with the ROM (ex//im using PA 2.53 Nov.4th with the KKX. 12 kernal) so others can help as best as possible.
Thanks go to klobkelosh, GNUFABIO,MariusOX,sharingan92, and Garner
Anything in there that's "note" worthy? and do you know if the stills durning video recording are working? TIA
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Its not the video player that is broken its the recorder, it doesnt seem to be supported or something for some reason. I just download camera ICS for video recording and it works fine. The camera and gallery would be worth it to me but along with that you just get an updated version of Gmail and other google apps. It's cool if you're into staying up to date with the newest and greatest.
amhatter said:
Anything in there that's "note" worthy? and do you know if the stills durning video recording are working? TIA
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Atrix2destroyer said:
Hey Guys,
I found these over in the Galaxy Nexus forum but it works with my PA 2.53 Nov.4 build. Its the Full google apps for 4.2 Jelly Bean including: the Launcher, Gmail, calendar, clock, ringtones, wall papers, camera, gallery, keyboard, and playstore 3.9.17. I found only one issue so far and its that the launcher doesn't show a tab in my settings so i can modify homescreen settings and whatnot. You can still use the original that comes with the ROM though. Its pretty cool so check em out and let me know if you see the same issue i did or any others and try to post what ROM your using and your kernal) if its different than the one that came with the ROM (ex//im using PA 2.53 Nov.4th with the KKX. 12 kernal) so others can help as best as possible.
Thanks go to klobkelosh, GNUFABIO,MariusOX,sharingan92, and Garner
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Sent from your Momma's phone
Smehhhrrrrr hahahhaa I forgot to include it my bad
Adizzzle said:
Sent from your Momma's phone
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Atrix2destroyer said:
Smehhhrrrrr hahahhaa I forgot to include it my bad
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Seems like your link is dead, and holy ****e is it ever a long one.
[color=#ffa4ff00]Sent from your Momma's phone[/color]
My Blog:
I clicked on it and it worked fine for me, try this on
Adizzzle said:
Seems like your link is dead, and holy ****e is it ever a long one.
[color=#ffa4ff00]Sent from your Momma's phone[/color]
My Blog:
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Please does anybody have the link for the JB 4.2 Google apps or 4.2 Google apps. I would like to run it on Jelly Beer for the Note i717
kjacw said:
Please does anybody have the link for the JB 4.2 Google apps or 4.2 Google apps. I would like to run it on Jelly Beer for the Note i717
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This one? The one that has the gapps listed in the first post? 4.2 gapps will just cause you problems with the camera, and it's a downgrade from the 4.1 camera.
Some one already posted this. No need for another thread.
A little search will take you very far

Is it possible to put the stock Jelly Bean lockscreen instead of the stock motorola?

Hey, just wondering, im currently running the 98.72.8.XT912.Verizon.en.US version of 4.1.2 (then the GSM patch)
and i really do prefer the stock jelly bean lockscreen, especially the 4.2 jelly bean but id settle for the 4.1 lockscreen because im board of the stock motorola lockscreen so any help that could point me in the right direction or tell me its impossible would be great help.
thanks in advance
I use holo locker and works great
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I'll have a look thanks for the recommendation
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RAZRsharpChopSticks said:
I'll have a look thanks for the recommendation
Sent from my MOTOROLA RAZR using xda app-developers app
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alternatively you can try widget locker as well. I used to use that coupled with roynam's lockscreen notification widget.
if you're rooted and dont mind flashing new roms, you can try AOKP, CM10.1 or Liquidsmooth. all are using 4.2.2 and are relatively stable with few bugs(camera flash, etc etc). I personally use the liquidsmooth rom as a daily driver with few issues
The bug with camera flash on CM10.1 is resolved with latest nightly (23rd March). :good:
davtse said:
alternatively you can try widget locker as well. I used to use that coupled with roynam's lockscreen notification widget.
if you're rooted and dont mind flashing new roms, you can try AOKP, CM10.1 or Liquidsmooth. all are using 4.2.2 and are relatively stable with few bugs(camera flash, etc etc). I personally use the liquidsmooth rom as a daily driver with few issues
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Thank for the recommendation, is getting on those ROM's possible from the 4.1.2 jellybean update?
RAZRsharpChopSticks said:
Thank for the recommendation, is getting on those ROM's possible from the 4.1.2 jellybean update?
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I believe that the kexec versions will run on both jb and ICS version kernels. Best would be to follow the threads closely as this can change from time to time.
I took your advise and went on to CM10.1 and its working great, thanks for the heads up
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RAZRsharpChopSticks said:
I took your advise and went on to CM10.1 and its working great, thanks for the heads up
Sent from my XT910 using xda app-developers app
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no problem! Have fun using 4.2, it's lightyears ahead of 4.1.2 imho!:good:
If you want better battery life, you can try Dtrail's Dwiz Kexec, it's a work in progress, but it's really promising!

