No service. My 600$ device is dead :( - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello folks.
I bought my SG3 via buy and sell forum. It was brand new in the box.
It seemed a little suspicious to me that the seller dropped the price by 200$ explaining his motive by saying that he wanted a quick sale.
I fell for his trap. Bought the phone. First few days it was working fine and i was able to make calls and messages, then one morning it showed a "No service" message on the home screen and since then i wasn't able to use it as a phone. I started looking for solution to my problem, then i was advised by a friend to check the imei of my phone to see if it was reported as stolen. When i checked, it turned out that this phone was reported as lost. And im guessing that the scumbag who sold me the phone , reported it as lost to his insurance company, who reacted to this by blocking my phone. I have no way of contacting this seller anymore to sort out this issue as i am in different country, but i was wondering if it is possible to do something about the "No service" issue. Is there any way i could make my phone function as a proper phone again and not just a multimedia device ?

msgbpx said:
Hello folks.
I bought my SG3 via buy and sell forum. It was brand new in the box.
It seemed a little suspicious to me that the seller dropped the price by 200$ explaining his motive by saying that he wanted a quick sale.
I fell for his trap. Bought the phone. First few days it was working fine and i was able to make calls and messages, then one morning it showed a "No service" message on the home screen and since then i wasn't able to use it as a phone. I started looking for solution to my problem, then i was advised by a friend to check the imei of my phone to see if it was reported as stolen. When i checked, it turned out that this phone was reported as lost. And im guessing that the scumbag who sold me the phone , reported it as lost to his insurance company, who reacted to this by blocking my phone. I have no way of contacting this seller anymore to sort out this issue as i am in different country, but i was wondering if it is possible to do something about the "No service" issue. Is there any way i could make my phone function as a proper phone again and not just a multimedia device ?
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I guess you will have to put this down to a learning curve, or you could simply sell it overseas, chances are you can sell it to someone in another country for the same price, imei's aren't blocked globally,
Or you could do the right thing and contact the police and have it returned, if the person has reported it stolen and you can prove by any means that you bought it then maybe they can prosecute him / her for selling it to you and then reporting it stolen, i believe that is fraud.
Going down that route will mean that you miss out on all angles, besides getting the satisfaction of knowing that that person will be getting a very suspect phone call from the plod.

unlucky buddy. I would agree with the above post and report it to the police

And installing a new Rom won't help ? Like there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it ?

msgbpx said:
And installing a new Rom won't help ? Like there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it ?
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what carrier do you have? check your it a generic IMEI starting with 00? if so...just repair your EFS and it should work fine

What country are you in?
I know changing the imei number is possible in certain cases but in the UK it is a criminal offence if I'm not mistaken.

-josh- said:
What country are you in?
I know changing the imei number is possible in certain cases but in the UK it is a criminal offence if I'm not mistaken.
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Illegal pal
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Report a fraud. With some luck you can have it extended to Interpol and thus have an international search warrant against him (it's not as uncommon as it sounds)
Should the seller be got hold of, you might (or rather should) be able to get your money back.
Selling stolen goods is illegal, additionally noone would buy it if you told them it was stolen.

I don't no how but there is a way to fix this....
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I don't no how but there is a way to fix this....
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The issue is NOT that the efs folder is corrupt but that the device has been reported stolen.
So no there is no fix.

The phone was bought from Ireland. I am located in Norway right now . Phone's imei starts from 353 which is an irish mobile phone calling code.
I contacted few friends in Ireland to see if they can do something about it for me. They went to the police but police said the couldn't do anything about it without actual proof of sale.

Imei isn't blocked globally, you should be able to use the phone in Norway.
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kofiaa said:
Imei isn't blocked globally, you should be able to use the phone in Norway.
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The problem is. When i insert a sim card , it works for about 24 hours fine but then the next day it gives me NO SERVICE , i tried with 3 sim cards and same thing happened but then again i was using sim cards of the same network.

Afaik it's just random chance that your IMEI starts with the prefix code for the country it was bought in.
Does it work again for a short time when removing hhe battery for a few minutes or changing the Sim to one you already tried? If no, then it simply takes some time for hhe carrier to actually recognize you're on the bad-people list.
Countries often work closely together to block stolen goods so you're more or less out of luck if that's true.
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In EU all the countries are working together and the database is general. How you bought the phone ? On internet ? If so, don't you have any receipt ? If you bought directly from that idiot, why don't you made a hand made proof with scanned ID and signed, so you could had something.
If you have nothing, try to check the databases who reported it as lost or stolen. A shop could help you. Try to check who reported the phone as stolen or lost and who added the phone on the blacklist. This way you can find the idiot or, better, the insurance company and report the fraud. Keeping the phone can attract you problems. Don't forget, Google is keeping all the IMEI when you add a phone, they can track you, Samsung Dive can find you...and some day you can have the police at your door. In Spain, for example, stealing something over 500 euros is considered criminal act and your chance to share a room with others for the next 3 years increases a lot.

Via XDA Portal .
IMEI code
The first two numbers is RBI (Reporting Body Identifier)
next four numbers is TAC (Type Allocation Code)
So its not a location code at the beginning .

demlasjr said:
In EU all the countries are working together and the database is general. How you bought the phone ? On internet ? If so, don't you have any receipt ? If you bought directly from that idiot, why don't you made a hand made proof with scanned ID and signed, so you could had something.
If you have nothing, try to check the databases who reported it as lost or stolen. A shop could help you. Try to check who reported the phone as stolen or lost and who added the phone on the blacklist. This way you can find the idiot or, better, the insurance company and report the fraud. Keeping the phone can attract you problems. Don't forget, Google is keeping all the IMEI when you add a phone, they can track you, Samsung Dive can find you...and some day you can have the police at your door. In Spain, for example, stealing something over 500 euros is considered criminal act and your chance to share a room with others for the next 3 years increases a lot.
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Exactly, it's better you report the incident or you remove your Gmail and use the phone as a media player.
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kofiaa said:
Exactly, it's better you report the incident or you remove your Gmail and use the phone as a media player.
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report it,,,, and assume the lesson it wont work again at least in a legal manner

firomero said:
report it,,,, and assume the lesson it wont work again at least in a legal manner
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Trust me, if you act first is always better than being the last. In this case everybody, including the police and mobile providers will know your intentions and that somebody phished you. Being silent and searching for ways "to hide" the phone only will give you problems, unless you want to use the phone as an ipod. Trust me, an police and providers can help you. Phishing is a crime too, so that idiot can be caught before doing the same thing to others.
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Unlocked phone from provider

Hi, there's this guy who bought a Samsung Galaxy S III from this guy, who's on a contract but the phone works on other carriers. The previous owner, only used the device for a day. My question is, could the previous owner, rip the guy who bought the phone off by claiming it to be stolen, having it blocked, rendering it useless or is that not possible since it seems to be unlocked?
I'm asking on his behalf as he bought an S II, which seems to be blocked as it doesn't register on any carrier in the country, including the one they guy he bought it from claims it was on.
(sorry if it was asked before, this application crashes when I do a search)
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Narada2XK said:
Hi, there's this guy who bought a Samsung Galaxy S III from this guy, who's on a contract but the phone works on other carriers. The previous owner, only used the device for a day. My question is, could the previous owner, rip the guy who bought the phone off by claiming it to be stolen, having it blocked, rendering it useless or is that not possible since it seems to be unlocked?
I'm asking on his behalf as he bought an S II, which seems to be blocked as it doesn't register on any carrier in the country, including the one they guy he bought it from claims it was on.
(sorry if it was asked before, this application crashes when I do a search)
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yes if the previous owner told hes carrier that hes s3 was stolen they could block it
Network lock has nothing to do with this.
Basically your scenario is feasible. The phone's imer (unique id) is marked as blocked, rendering it more or less completely unusuable.
Since changing the Imei is not only hard to do but also very, very, very illegal the only chance your friend has is to report the rip-off to the police.
However note that your scenario has a flaw. It most certainly was not the seller who blocked the phone by reporting it as stolen but the original owner who the seller stole it from.
Since buying stolen goods is illegal (afaik even if bought without it's knowledge) you got an issue =S
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d4fseeker said:
Network lock has nothing to do with this.
Basically your scenario is feasible. The phone's imer (unique id) is marked as blocked, rendering it more or less completely unusuable.
Since changing the Imei is not only hard to do but also very, very, very illegal the only chance your friend has is to report the rip-off to the police.
However note that your scenario has a flaw. It most certainly was not the seller who blocked the phone by reporting it as stolen but the original owner who the seller stole it from.
Since buying stolen goods is illegal (afaik even if bought without it's knowledge) you got an issue =S
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Regarding the SGSII, the person claimed it was theirs and locked to the O2 network, the current owner only has his word.
Another question, I had a Samsung Galaxy Note stolen from me last year around Thanksgiving time as it was on it's way to me about that time. I bought it from an online store and it was forwarded to my country, yada yada. They claim that I cannot block the phone because it was unlocked, how true is that? What's the difference between mine and one from a service provider if it's unlocked and has no branding?
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There's also what is unfortunately becoming quite a common scam... Sell "unwanted" upgrade, then a bit later (whenever the buyer's right to dispute and refund runs out) report it lost or stolen to the network who block the imei and the seller just claims on their insurance and get a new handset.
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It is possible to change imei but as above it is illegal in this country. I installed a Rom (I can't remember which one) on my old SGS and that changed my imei. Don't think it was meant to just a side effect
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As for the sell a phone and report it stolen scam, well that has be around as long as phones have been mobile and expensive. I remember this over ten years ago. Just be wary of shady characters selling cheap phones
sent from my SGS3 Using XDA app
cannot block the phone because it was unlocked, how true is that? What's the difference between mine and one from a service provider if it's unlocked and has no branding?
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It can get blocked alright however there's a problem... politics (as usual).
Carriers have no central database of "unwanted IMEI" in the like of Interpol for "internationaly wanted" people, but they each have their own.
They _MIGHT_ share it with their partners but that's as far as the sharing goes.
Let's say I steal it in one country and sell it in another country; there is a very high chance the buyer will never get blocked.
However IMEI-databases are more or less pointless. "Shady caracters" with some relations and knowledge will flash a new firmware (easy to do) and replace the IMEI (not so easy, illegal but usually feasible for people with the right knowledge) so the phone is completely "new".
Alternatively they might buy or otherwise acquire (e.g. through official repair shops) faulty devices and transplat IMEI numbers into the stolen phone which basically is swapping a single file on the phone.
The databases are more an attempt at preventing stupid people from getting any ideas than really protecting - they fight the consequence, not the cause.
I installed a Rom (I can't remember which one) on my old SGS and that changed my imei.
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That usually means your phone lost or corrupted it's IMEI and went back to factory-default setting. That also means that 99% of the networks will refuse to accept you.

Easy method to restore imei number.

Hello everyone,
My name is Samrina, my brother has broken my S3 it does not work any-more. He told network that he lost his phone, but he only lost his sim, and (PAY as you go) and they asked for imei number and he gave them the imei number for my S3. HE is so stupid so now my phone does not work, and he called them back and they will not take the imei off the block list, and also Samsung will not fix this because it is rooted and warranty is void. Now, the only other option is to send the phone to another country and they said it will work their and that they can also unlock it, they want £150 to unlock it by fixing the Imei number.
I don't know much about mobile phones but I already paid £500 when I bought the phone, now it is useless. Can anyone help? or is the only option to make sale in another country? stupid! they will not take off black list my imei number for a mistake. so unfair.
Samrina said:
Hello everyone,
My name is Samrina, my brother has broken my S3 it does not work any-more. He told network that he lost his phone, but he only lost his sim, and (PAY as you go) and they asked for imei number and he gave them the imei number for my S3. HE is so stupid so now my phone does not work, and he called them back and they will not take the imei off the block list, and also Samsung will not fix this because it is rooted and warranty is void. Now, the only other option is to send the phone to another country and they said it will work their and that they can also unlock it, they want £150 to unlock it by fixing the Imei number.
I don't know much about mobile phones but I already paid £500 when I bought the phone, now it is useless. Can anyone help? or is the only option to make sale in another country? stupid! they will not take off black list my imei number for a mistake. so unfair.
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need to go to Samsung service centre with proof of purchase, id, etc and they may just do it, you can't change the imei as it is illegal
slaphead20 said:
need to go to Samsung service centre with proof of purchase, id, etc and they may just do it, you can't change the imei as it is illegal
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I have done this, they will not change it. They said they want written letter from mobile company that blocked it, but the mobile company are so lame, they said they can't do anything about it, and will not answer further correspondence. And that I need to contact GSM imei blocking some nonsense. It is not illegal to fix your own imei number, also I will fix it in another country where it will be legal.
Just tell me one, thing if it is possible or not to fix the imei number with current tools? or is this impossible?
Samrina said:
I have done this, they will not change it. They said they want written letter from mobile company that blocked it, but the mobile company are so lame, they said they can't do anything about it, and will not answer further correspondence. And that I need to contact GSM imei blocking some nonsense. It is not illegal to fix your own imei number, also I will fix it in another country where it will be legal.
Just tell me one, thing if it is possible or not to fix the imei number with current tools? or is this impossible?
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What number would you be changing your imei to? Once you change the imei to anything other than what is on your phone's sticker is illegal. Since your brother reported the phone missing it's better he goes and solves the issue. This isn't something you can do on the phone he needs to do it in person.
No one on xda will help anyone with changing their imei.
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kofiaa said:
What number would you be changing your imei to? Once you change the imei to anything other than what is on your phone's sticker is illegal. Since your brother reported the phone missing it's better he goes and solves the issue. This isn't something you can do on the phone he needs to do it in person.
No one on xda will help anyone with changing their imei.
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Can you just tell me is this possible or not, I am not asking it be done for me how show me how to do it, all I am asking is, is it possible, because a mobile phone repair guy wants £150 to change it for me. He is from Pakistan, over there it is legal for them to change imei numbers. But I don't know if this person is trust-able.
Samrina said:
Can you just tell me is this possible or not, I am not asking it be done for me how show me how to do it, all I am asking is, is it possible, because a mobile phone repair guy wants £150 to change it for me. He is from Pakistan, over there it is legal for them to change imei numbers. But I don't know if this person is trust-able.
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No it's not legal anywhere what you can do is, go to consumer court and file in a complain and send a copy of it to both your service provider and samsung. It will be solved as soon as possible or if you are lucky you can get a renumeration too
Nikhil'Da Devil said:
No it's not legal anywhere what you can do is, go to customer court and file in a complain and send a copy of it to both your service provider and samsung. It will be solved as soon as possible or if you are lucky you can get a renumeration too
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how to do this? last time I went to court, the squerity guard touched me inappropriately they are perverts.
Why does this thread just seem completely wrong in everyway, maybe I'm hearing alarm bells, or maybe I'm just wrong!!
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Whatever the reason. What you are asking to do is illegal. The network has black listed the phone because it was lost/stolen.
Suck up and get your 'brother' to call the network and unblock it. But is suspect this story is rubbish
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Samrina said:
Can you just tell me is this possible or not, I am not asking it be done for me how show me how to do it, all I am asking is, is it possible, because a mobile phone repair guy wants £150 to change it for me. He is from Pakistan, over there it is legal for them to change imei numbers. But I don't know if this person is trust-able.
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I would imagine it is possible to change an IMEI but if someone over here finds out you have had it changed it looks to anyone like you have stolen the phone, the police will check the sticker IMEI and see that phone has been reported lost, they will then check the IMEI the software is reporting and see that it is different.
Open and closed case you have a phone reported lost or stolen, with a falsified IMEI you look guilty and you will get arrested and have to prove it is your phone (contract doesn't count because that is tied to the sim)
Discussion of illegal IMEI cloning is banned on XDA OP please close this post .
"Assuming" the story is legit its your brothers fcukup so give him your old phone and make him buy you a replacement. If he refuses kick his ass!!!! If you decide to let him off out of brotherly love put it down to experience.
Lol. Op is such a liar. Burn in hell you thieving prick.
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Fact it is illegal to change imei numbers on your phone. It has to be the one on the sticker, if your story is true then all you have to do is go to the police station along with your proof of recipt and tell them you found your phone. They will make a call and unblock your phone in a matter of minutes.
I remember my sister left her handbag in nandos once here in the uk she had a Samsung d900i at the time. Me and my sister just the left the store and she remembered she left her handbag and went in to get it it was gone. cleaning lady said she didn't see it. So we went and reported it o the police. She had her contract phone credit cards bank cards cash. and sentimental stuff in it.
Anyway we reported the imei number to them and they blocked the imei on the phone. Next day we get a call that the cleaner lady had my sisters bag we went to pick up her bag and all was good the lady got the sack. We came home and the phone was blocked so i rang the company they couldn't do **** for me. So we took the recipt and the phone to the police station including the box and said a couple of days ago my sisters phone was stolen we got it back here is my proof. They made a call and instantly it was unblocked. That was 6 years ago. Maybe it is still the same.
If your story is legit this should work.
Samrina said:
Can you just tell me is this possible or not, I am not asking it be done for me how show me how to do it, all I am asking is, is it possible, because a mobile phone repair guy wants £150 to change it for me. He is from Pakistan, over there it is legal for them to change imei numbers. But I don't know if this person is trust-able.
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NO, it isn't legal!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with you?
And that 'guard touching me inappropriately' sounds like a load of bollocks. I'm sorry but you're definitely lying. No one will help you.
Thread closed

[Q] s3 blocked

hi people of xda.....
iv got a chance to buy a galaxy s3 that has been blocked through the network t-mobile is it possible for it to unblocked using odin or some other software??
I heard that it's possible using an app called voodoo.
Though i'm not so sure.
But it might be possible.
Search the forums
IF the phone is blocked by provider (not SIM-locked) - that usually means that it was claimed as stolen.
I have no idea how'r you, but I'd never bought the item marked as stolen...
doesnt unblocking involve change of imei and that is very illegal which will attract the police
just try a different network and them sell the phone abroad untill its fully locked
The word blocked means someone has reported it lost or stolen the IMEI has had a block on and it will not work on any network.
Changing your IMEI is illegal and we cannot discuss it on XDA.
However if you mean locked it can be unlocked from t-mobile to work on any network, that is a SIM lock.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
i do mean blocked but i dnt wanna do owt illegal i.e change imei i dnt know how you do that anyway... reason asking is a friend of mine was cleaning his loft out and his fone died and he cudnt remember were he left it so he rang t-mobile who i presume blocked it through insurance and he got another one.... a few days later he found his fone... so thats the reason for asking bout unblocking etc.....
You ask the network to unblock it and return the new phone if asked to .
The IMEI is blocked by the network and XDA cannot help in any illegal practice as trying to change an IMEI .
Do not buy it as you are buying a stolen phone that belongs to the insurance company .
So, in other words: you and your friend made a deal:
HE will claim it as missing/stolen, HE will take money from insurance, YOU will pay him some % of the price, right?
Well, I can assure you that this is illegal as well.
spamtrash said:
So, in other words: you and your friend made a deal:
HE will claim it as missing/stolen, HE will take money from insurance, YOU will pay him some % of the price, right?
Well, I can assure you that this is illegal as well.
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no the phone was advertised on a facebook buy and sell site am not into illegal crap i just wanted to know if it was possible for it to be done
You need a court order for that. The block is not in the hardware or firmware, but in the network, and since you have no control of the network, there is nothing you can do.
If you want to play fair, your only choice now is to return the phone to your friend so he can give it to the real owners now: the insurance company. Only they can request the carrier to unblock the phone.
You may keep the USB cable, power supply and headphones!
---- side note:
BTW, your friend is a dimwit, isn't him? Not being able to find a phone - that features SamsungDive - is a very dumb argument.
And, since it is a S III it does have SamsungDive, so both the carrier and insurance company can easily find out where the phone is. Since the phone has been reported as stolen, don't be surprised if the cops knock on your door in a few hours.
galaxygaz said:
no the phone was advertised on a facebook buy and sell site am not into illegal crap i just wanted to know if it was possible for it to be done
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That conflicts with your story about the friends, doesn't it?

[Q] Recycle Blocked Phone?

It would appear I've been silly and bought a blocked phone on Gumtree.
I bought it almost a year ago though and it's working on 3's network all this time, but none of the other networks work apparently. I didn't know this and sold it on eBay, the recipient couldn't get it working and I've had the phone back and given him a refund. He says he had a CheckMEND done and it says it's blocked on some networks.
I'm reading what CheckMEND say about recycling them and I get the impression if no-one claims it after 28 days it's deemed to be mine and I would then get the £££
I just wonder if anyone else has experience of this and any advice on what I should do?
AndyCr15 said:
It would appear I've been silly and bought a blocked phone on Gumtree.
I bought it almost a year ago though and it's working on 3's network all this time, but none of the other networks work apparently. I didn't know this and sold it on eBay, the recipient couldn't get it working and I've had the phone back and given him a refund. He says he had a CheckMEND done and it says it's blocked on some networks.
I'm reading what CheckMEND say about recycling them and I get the impression if no-one claims it after 28 days it's deemed to be mine and I would then get the £££
I just wonder if anyone else has experience of this and any advice on what I should do?
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It doesn't work because it doesn't accept others sim card or it's blacklisted (by IMEI number) because it is flag as stollen ?
If it's a Sim lock protection, no problem. If it's your IMEI number, the phone is dead and your can put it in a bin or use it as an expansive mp3/mp4 player.
lelinuxien52 said:
If it's your IMEI number, the phone is dead and your can put it in a bin or use it as an expansive mp3/mp4 player.
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and that's how I know you didn't read the link provided
I know people (as part of their job role) who have used check mend to end up with police knocking at their door...
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Glebun said:
and that's how I know you didn't read the link provided
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You are right. Sorry :cyclops:

bought a stolen ultra...

i just bought a ultra off craigslist ....
it was fine for 2 days ... now the phone is blocked .. cant call out service...
i checked on the imei canada website .. it says this phone is stolen ... wtf .....
cant get hold of the guy who sold me the phone ... not sure that was him report it stolen or not ...
dont think i call Bell and they will do anything about it ....
i read online about changin imei ... and that should work .... in theory
any idea how do i do that?? i dont want to weast my 500$$$$
or any other suggestion ....
madsatan said:
i just bought a ultra off craigslist ....
it was fine for 2 days ... now the phone is blocked .. cant call out service...
i checked on the imei canada website .. it says this phone is stolen ... wtf .....
cant get hold of the guy who sold me the phone ... not sure that was him report it stolen or not ...
dont think i call Bell and they will do anything about it ....
i read online about changin imei ... and that should work .... in theory
any idea how do i do that?? i dont want to weast my 500$$$$
or any other suggestion ....
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There is an easy way to chnge the IMEI, just downgrade from .290 to any older firmware :laugh:
Wont solve the outgoing acll problem as the IMEI will be all 0's, but it will have changed.
Other than that file a Police report for the fraud, return the phone to the person who had it stolen and clame the $500 back with creditcard protection?
so change imei wont work ??
return the phone to the person who had it stolen.... ya right ... thats mean i lose out 500$$ just like that ....
what does it do for me when i go file a police report... they gonna take the phone away .. i still lose 500
if there no way to fix this problem
i might as well just keep it and use it as a very expensive tablet ...
damn it ....
blueether said:
There is an easy way to chnge the IMEI, just downgrade from .290 to any older firmware :laugh:
Wont solve the outgoing acll problem as the IMEI will be all 0's, but it will have changed.
Other than that file a Police report for the fraud, return the phone to the person who had it stolen and clame the $500 back with creditcard protection?
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madsatan said:
so change imei wont work ??
return the phone to the person who had it stolen.... ya right ... thats mean i lose out 500$$ just like that ....
what does it do for me when i go file a police report... they gonna take the phone away .. i still lose 500
if there no way to fix this problem
i might as well just keep it and use it as a very expensive tablet ...
damn it ....
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was it a direct credit?
If so then the bank will require police authorisation to contact the other bank for a reverse transaction. This is very difficult to do as police will probably deferred it to the digital fraud squad. and they are always busy.
If it was credit card you have 20 days to contact them to reverse it. After that you'll need to contact them saying you have been defauded. Credit card companies are insured against this. and you will get your money back.
Paypal. Easiest option. You will always win with proof i.e. photos / video of the device not working.
hamdogg said:
Paypal. Easiest option. You will always win with proof i.e. photos / video of the device not working.
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This was a craigslist transaction
Just a heads up, it's not allowed to discuss IMEI changing/manipulation on XDA. I would edit that part out of the OP so the thread doesn't get locked. We can discuss what you can do to solve this whole debacle though.
Sent from my C6806_GPe using Tapatalk
how can i change the title of this thread??
LordManhattan said:
Just a heads up, it's not allowed to discuss IMEI changing/manipulation on XDA. I would edit that part out of the OP so the thread doesn't get locked. We can discuss what you can do to solve this whole debacle though.
Sent from my C6806_GPe using Tapatalk
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madsatan said:
how can i change the title of this thread??
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Use the advanced editor. Click edit on the first post and then advanced.
Sent from my C6806_GPe using Tapatalk
As said previously imei changes are illegal and definitely not discussed on xda.
Personally I would call Bell immediately and let them know so it's on record, then I'd contact the police. Police are pretty good when someone's doing the right thing.
Show them the Craigslist transaction and leave the rest up to the powers that be.
The only way you'll definitely get your money back is by selling it on and leading some other poor unsuspecting person down the same path which let's face it would be a crappy thing to do.
Sent from my C6833 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
SpyderTracks said:
As said previously imei changes are illegal and definitely not discussed on xda.
Personally I would call Bell immediately and let them know so it's on record, then I'd contact the police. Police are pretty good when someone's doing the right thing.
Show them the Craigslist transaction and leave the rest up to the powers that be.
The only way you'll definitely get your money back is by selling it on and leading some other poor unsuspecting person down the same path which let's face it would be a crappy thing to do.
Sent from my C6833 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I remember reading a post where someone had a similar experience and called Bell to find out whether or not their phone was on a blacklist - the representative apparently admitted to the guy that it was indeed on a blacklist and then asked him if he'd like it removed from the list.
The user claimed that after that conversation his phone started working perfectly.
I think I also recall him saying he'd called in around noon - and that it may have been his second call to them - his claim was that they don't get a lot of calls around the time he called in and so it was an inexperience rep who was able to remove the hold on the handset.
I don't know where I read this - but you could try searching the forum with keywords like Bell, Stolen, IMEI, Change, Rep - etc.
Good luck - that sucks balls.

