Hi Guys I Have An Samsung Galaxy SL GT-I9003 Android 2.3.6 DDLE1:crying:
But Samsung Galaxy S Advance Has Android 4.0.4 ICS
They Both Have Same Hardware Requirements But Different Versions Why?
Please Reply.Thanks in Advance.
Moved To AOKP Jelly Bean Rom
karthik gowtham said:
Hi Guys I Have An Samsung Galaxy SL GT-I9003 Android 2.3.6 DDLE1:crying:
But Samsung Galaxy S Advance Has Android 4.0.4 ICS
They Both Have Same Hardware Requirements But Different Versions Why?
Please Reply.Thanks in Advance.
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Since no one answered my question i rooted my galaxy sl gt-i9003 and moved to latest AOKP Jelly Bean Rom Build 28/09/2012.
Anyone having galaxy sl and seeing this thread can root thier phone using this forum (thanks to ganeshbiyer) :
and install this AOKP Rom in this form (thanks to vurrut for his post) :
Since no one answered i have done this
read this
i am not responsible for any damages during the process
i am not responsible for bricked phones and sd cards
read the threads carefully and install the rom
dont post any complaints about me on any damages
install correct roms on coressponding phones only
dont held me for any damages.......
karthik gowtham said:
Hi Guys I Have An Samsung Galaxy SL GT-I9003 Android 2.3.6 DDLE1:crying:
But Samsung Galaxy S Advance Has Android 4.0.4 ICS
They Both Have Same Hardware Requirements But Different Versions Why?
Please Reply.Thanks in Advance.
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You should have asked this question in Galaxy SL I9003 forum, Then you would have rec any replies from developers, or by any Senior member..:laugh:
[email protected] said:
You should have asked this question in Galaxy SL I9003 forum, Then you would have rec any replies from developers, or by any Senior member..:laugh:
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No Iam Not An Copy cat i saw in samsung website
karthik gowtham said:
No Iam Not An Copy cat i saw in samsung website
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how did u do tht??
can u pls help me do tht because my phone is lagging
tharun.joseph said:
how did u do tht??
can u pls help me do tht because my phone is lagging
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hey You Can Refer The Orginal Post
karthik gowtham said:
Since no one answered my question i rooted my galaxy sl gt-i9003 and moved to latest AOKP Jelly Bean Rom Build 28/09/2012.
Anyone having galaxy sl and seeing this thread can root thier phone using this forum (thanks to ganeshbiyer) :
and install this AOKP Rom in this form (thanks to vurrut for his post) :
Since no one answered i have done this
read this
i am not responsible for any damages during the process
i am not responsible for bricked phones and sd cards
read the threads carefully and install the rom
dont post any complaints about me on any damages
install correct roms on coressponding phones only
dont held me for any damages.......
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Is there no CF-Root File for Galaxy SL 2.3.6 DDLE1?
suhailadi said:
Is there no CF-Root File for Galaxy SL 2.3.6 DDLE1?
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Yes,Buddy There is No CF-Root For DDLE1 So U Have To Update It To DDLF2 And Flash This Rom
CF Root For DDLF2
Flash It With Odin3 V1.85 Only In Download Mode
karthik gowtham said:
Hi Guys I Have An Samsung Galaxy SL GT-I9003 Android 2.3.6 DDLE1:crying:
But Samsung Galaxy S Advance Has Android 4.0.4 ICS
They Both Have Same Hardware Requirements But Different Versions Why?
Please Reply.Thanks in Advance.
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unlock root v3.1 have root i9003 Android 2.3.6 DDLE1 easy
Hey there I have a question :
I will have the Turkbeyrom V30.3 on my Samsung Galaxy S2 .
Android is 2.3.4
It's rooted and I have Lite'ning Rom v6.1 .
Can Anyone help me ?
My Languages : Turkish,German
I don't know how it is going with this rom
What is your question ?
adridu59 said:
What is your question ?
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I will have a Custom Rom on my Samsung galaxy S2
KVPPMA said:
I will have a Custom Rom on my Samsung galaxy S2
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Yes, you will have a custom ROM on your Galaxy.
Can you put a question mark on?
How can I do this need I anything ( New Kernel ) ?
I'm New but I have the Root on my Handy
dear friends,
Im new to android and recently bought galaxy S2, came to know that there are no custom rom available for this model. is there anybody developing rom for this model?, or any links guiding for the same. thanks in advance.
The GT-I900 and it's variants is the Samsung Galaxy S. This is the SGS2 forum. Look into the appropriate forum here on XDA..
i know, gt i900g is variant of galaxy s2
dsr_dr said:
i know, gt i900g is variant of galaxy s2
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what phone have you i9100 G or as you posted i9000 G
If you dont know that read codes under the battery .
i guess he is talking about i9100g samsung galaxy s2
muralicoolsam said:
i guess he is talking about i9100g samsung galaxy s2
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Possible but a lot of muppets on here flash the wrong firmware on the wrong phone as they dont have i9100 .
Twice he has posted 1900G not i9100G
As their are custom roms for the i9100G he is either to lazy to search or has indeed got a i900G .
He as most muppets are male .
Ya members its samsung galaxy s2 i9100g
i couldnt find a rom for the above ... can any one start a thread for i9100g and its development
binzidd said:
i couldnt find a rom for the above ... can any one start a thread for i9100g and its development
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Starting a thread is not going to help, some recognized developers or cookers should be interested in development for this variant.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Samsung Galaxy Ace
csc: S5830EPLKP3
Gingerbread 2.3.6
Germany (E-Plus) [March 2012]
Download: https://hotfile.com/dl/150376150/e70cad3/S5830XWKTE_S5830EPLKP3_ELP.rar.html
Source: Samfirmware.com
Have "no strange" SGN LockScreen?
any changes from kpt?
What about changes?
Any info on this rom? is it better than xxkpt ?
i have a galaxy ace gt-s5830m and install this rom on it but my phone now bricked(not up) what can i do? any custom rom or orginal ? plz help me !
o O
zahed123 said:
i have a galaxy ace gt-s5830m and install this rom on it but my phone now bricked(not up) what can i do? any custom rom or orginal ? plz help me !
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YES dude welcome in the happy no0b land. This is the best way too waste your poket money .
1.) The tread name is [ROM] Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S5830 S5830XWKTE Gingerbread 2.3.6 Germany [March 2012]
2.) You searching for Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S5830m S5830????? Gingerbread 2.3.6 Germany
3.) it sound like that your ACE is in an BOOT LOOP cause you put in the wrong version
4.) Go to Samfirmware.com and search for your M version Firmware
5.) Try to flash it again
good luck
pxgpxg said:
YES dude welcome in the happy no0b land. This is the best way too waste your poket money .
1.) The tread name is [ROM] Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S5830 S5830XWKTE Gingerbread 2.3.6 Germany [March 2012]
2.) You searching for Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S5830m S5830????? Gingerbread 2.3.6 Germany
3.) it sound like that your ACE is in an BOOT LOOP cause you put in the wrong version
4.) Go to Samfirmware.com and search for your M version Firmware
5.) Try to flash it again
good luck
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1) This thread is way too old. Look at the date please.
2) No, he is not a noob. Only a newbie.
Old thread is Old.
Thread Closed
hello, I've come to see I can install on my S5830M one rom for Galaxy Ace S5830 Android Forums Development or Original Galaxy Ace S5830 Android Development, or the forum I can only S5830i Galaxy Ace Android Development.
I've been a long time in XDA and recently got this phone and do not know if I can use that roms, appreciate if you could guide me a bit.
PD: sorry for my bad English
Okay, it depends. There are two options that I will give you: MindCr and Ceberus V5, I've tried both of them, and they have an ics style, but it is based on stock. For me those are the best roms for s5830m
Sent from my GT-S5830M using xda app-developers app
Aggromaster said:
hello, I've come to see I can install on my S5830M one rom for Galaxy Ace S5830 Android Forums Development or Original Galaxy Ace S5830 Android Development, or the forum I can only S5830i Galaxy Ace Android Development.
I've been a long time in XDA and recently got this phone and do not know if I can use that roms, appreciate if you could guide me a bit.
PD: sorry for my bad English
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Wrong section, go to the correct thread (5830i), if you knew your phone only suppots 5830i roms why did you ask for it in GT-S5830 thread??
Thank for you understanding it
If you install a S5830 rom in your S5830i you will brick your phone.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
I am using the 5830M version, flash any rom made for the 5830I as it will not hurt your phone cause they use the same chip, etc...
Sent from my GT-S5830i
Hello I'm new here and need some help please, I have flashed some ROM made for 5830I in my 5830M and stay in a boot loop, so I have to backup, I made all wipes required but still have this problem, anyone knows about a ROM that works fine. thanks for any help :good:
i need stock " original rom arabic EGYPT for my mob samsung galaxy s duos 7562 .
also if i can update it to Jelly bean , i'll be thankful for your great help .
Check out sammobile or samsung updates site. No JB for GT-S7562 yet.
Sent from my GT-S7562 using xda app-developers app
hello everybody
im new here :laugh:
i want to change my rom from my gts 7562, im leaving in georgia (near russia ) and i want to know if it will be no probleme with my network after changing my rom base and use rom KyleOPEN ROM or PMP Light ROM v2
i have already root my phone.
thank for answer and sorry if im not in the good topic
nobody for helping me
Nobody can tell me if its working network if i change the rom base
bulit said:
hello everybody
im new here :laugh:
i want to change my rom from my gts 7562, im leaving in georgia (near russia ) and i want to know if it will be no probleme with my network after changing my rom base and use rom KyleOPEN ROM or PMP Light ROM v2
i have already root my phone.
thank for answer and sorry if im not in the good topic
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Since you have roooted successfully I really don't think there will be any problems.
i have a 7562i,is it same as 7562?
i have a 7562i,is it same as 7562??
where can i find the rom suitable for my phone?
sendtosandy said:
i have a 7562i,is it same as 7562??
where can i find the rom suitable for my phone?
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it isnt the same, you have to wait or develop yourself some ROM
i have rooted my s7562 using odin flash, i want to install new custom rom, any good suggestions, it should be stable
another thing i need how to do steps for that, will it lead to lose root. is there chance of bricking phone
boyofsharm said:
i need stock " original rom arabic EGYPT for my mob samsung galaxy s duos 7562 .
also if i can update it to Jelly bean , i'll be thankful for your great help .
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