[Q] Options... - Thunderbolt Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi...I'm new to the world of rooting and such...I rooted my Thunderbolt last week using the one-click program (found from different thread on XDA)...Now, I would like to install a more current rom since ICS is still not available. Also, I would like to improve this phone's perforrmace (I know it can do more).
There are a lot of different rom's at there and I am looking for something stable and does not cause any loss of phone features(very important)...The sense interface is nice, but I do not know what else people are using. If possilbe, something that is not an all day affair to download, setup and so-on.
Please give me some thoughts (I know this is very subjective, but most of you will have better insight that I do about what will work and the level of difficulty to set-up).
Also what happens to the phone when future updates are released from either HTC or Verizon??
My phone is Sense 2.1, Gingerbread 2.3.4 and Software(Radio??): 2.11.605.19710RD.
Also, will I have to worry about things like different kernels or radio upgrades??
I appreciate everyone's input in advance and I know there will be many thoughts.

HTC finished our ics build and we are now waiting on Verizon to decide whether or not to push the ota. If you're looking for a stable rom and everything works then try thundershed 1.6 or any rom with that as a base. They are all very good roms. I personally prefer sfkcm7.2. As for ics liquid ics is really very good and most of the issue with it are minimal. If a working camcorder is a must then its not for you.
Sent from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk 2

Looking for Light...
disconnecktie said:
HTC finished our ics build and we are now waiting on Verizon to decide whether or not to push the ota. If you're looking for a stable rom and everything works then try thundershed 1.6 or any rom with that as a base. They are all very good roms. I personally prefer sfkcm7.2. As for ics liquid ics is really very good and most of the issue with it are minimal. If a working camcorder is a must then its not for you.
Sent from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk 2
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Thank you for the information...can you reply with download links and screens shots for these rom's??
Also, can you help me understand what steps I will have to follow for this to work correctly?? Meaning additional software, formatting etc. so everything is working afterwards.
The Liquid ICS I think I will stay away from for now...What will happen when OTA updates are sent??
Sidebar: Currently, my Standalone GPS Services icon is constantly flashing in the toolbar and draining the battery...only way around is to manually toggle off & on the service...This started after I ran v6 supercharger script...Did I do something wrong or does this script not work well with the Thunderbolt??
Thanks again,

The only thing I would suggest that you download is 4ext recovery. There is a thread for it in the development forums. It will replace clockworkmod recovery with 4ext recovery and it is all touch screen. You can buy the full version from the market and I will say it is worth the money. If you dint have titanium backup that is another that you should download. You can get a free version from the market. Don't worry about otas once you flash an aosp rom. That has been disabled in the rom to prevent bad things from happening. Most sense based roms have it removed to but if you get the notification then postpone it as long as possible and Google how to disable it. I know the name of the file that needs to be renamed I just don't remember exactly where it is located.
Link to thundershed http://rootzwiki.com/index.php?/topic/13354-{CUST}--ThunderShed-v1.6--|--CM7.2--[ICS-ish]-{June,-4}
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Agree with the Thundershed recommendation. It has been more stable than the stock phone with with better performance and way better battery life. Everything works including the wifi hot spot.
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda app-developers app

Thundershed is great and all the roms based off it are good too.
Sent from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk 2


Opinions on the ICS ROMs?

Just curious what people think of the latest ROMs, what the fastest, smoothest, best looking are, etc...
Been using Scott's CleanROM ICS a lot and really like it, but was thinking to myself, that most of them seem to credit the same devs for various contributions and things... so in the end, are they all pretty much the same?
I know that if you ask a Dev they will say how theirs is different, but I would love to hear from end users who have used them all extensively, which ones they prefer and why.
I think that they are all great, but perhaps some are better in certain areas than others, and so a conversation that lays all that out might be beneficial to people who want to just to an ICS ROM, but don't know what one is right for them, and the "trial and error" process might be more than they are able to willing to tackle.
For reference, CM7 that I had on the DX is my all time favorite ROM, and it is the benchmark for me, so any ROM I go to, is to try and get as close to that experience as possible.
Check out BAMF 1.1 ICS....
I've tried the others and this one has been the most stable, the most current version has great battery life as well.
lraed74 said:
Check out BAMF 1.1 ICS....
I've tried the others and this one has been the most stable, the most current version has great battery life as well.
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Bamf is good. I also like Nils Business and Rezrom . Try them all out to see what you like.
Which one has the nicest eye candy, themes, etc?
They all seem fast and smooth, so I am sorta looking for the best UI.
SquireSCA said:
Which one has the nicest eye candy, themes, etc?
They all seem fast and smooth, so I am sorta looking for the best UI.
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Rezrom always has awesome themes. Nils too. Scotts roms are awesome but are closer to stock theme wise
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aostl said:
Rezrom always has awesome themes. Nils too. Scotts roms are awesome but are closer to stock theme wise
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
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Ok, cool, I will check that one out as well. Just ran a Nandroid backup so I guess I am ready to experiment. All of these latest versions are based off of the latest RUU, so I should not have to mess with that, or kernels for that matter, correct? Just the ROM itself, and if I don't like it, a simple Nandroid restore?
Of course I have to wipe data and cache before each install, but other than that, nothing else to do?
SquireSCA said:
Which one has the nicest eye candy, themes, etc?
They all seem fast and smooth, so I am sorta looking for the best UI.
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last i heard mike d is working on some kicka$$ themes and a ics dialer. he hasn't released them yet though.
mighty_markus12 said:
last i heard mike d is working on some kicka$$ themes and a ics dialer. he hasn't released them yet though.
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Cool. I am trying RezROM 3.1 right now and I do like the UI and theming, and it appears that version 3.2 is about to drop, if I read the thread correctly...
SquireSCA said:
Of course I have to wipe data and cache before each install, but other than that, nothing else to do?
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Nope. They all use the same kernel I think because kernel source isn't out. Just nandroid.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
I'm running RezROM and loving it. One of the best things about the Rezound is the list of developers. Whether it's Bored, Nils, or Scott, their ROMS are rock solid and well-supported. Other devs are excellent, too, but these 3 are the ones I look to first.
ive been running Rezrom 3.1 on old firmware with the patch and it seems very nice. only small issue ive has was it seems like ringtones want to go off the media volume and not the ringtone volume setting but i think that is being worked on for the next version.
my only concern on the current wave of roms would be whether it could run on old firmware or not.
ikk788 said:
ive been running Rezrom 3.1 on old firmware with the patch and it seems very nice. only small issue ive has was it seems like ringtones want to go off the media volume and not the ringtone volume setting but i think that is being worked on for the next version.
my only concern on the current wave of roms would be whether it could run on old firmware or not.
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I would assume that patching the new ROMs to run on the old firmware will be phased out. It will probably be around for a little while to make it easy for those who may want to go back to GB. Since the new ICS ROMs are pretty much rock solid the only real reason anyone would want to do that is for returning their phone though. Once the official OTA comes I'm sure noone will be making the patches any more. I could be wrong though.
I kinda hope they keep making patches personally, I for one, have had no rush to get the leaked firmware, unless a ROM blows me off my feet that requires it, none have yet.
I've got a feeling that once the AOSP ROMs are working properly they will probably be built around the new firmware. The battery life improvement was worth the 20 minutes or so to do the flash for me. I assume with the patch to run the old firmware with the new ROMs the data arrows are working? Kind of a small thing, but sure is nice to have them back. LOL
Cleanrom DE is pretty nice, has an aosp feel but still has some sense parts, seems pretty smooth but I can never get any of the ics launchers as smooth as sense was
They are all great!!!
Personally I don't like running non official firmware. When HTC releases the official firmware we are probably going to have to go through the entire process again anyways. Also if HTC doesnt deem it fit for official release then i am not using it unless I am having a major issue that needs to be fixed. I wonder if the New firmware would fix my ics performance issues though
I am running ICS now as a daily driver on the old firmware. It is still a tad slower than gb performance wise for me. I have gone back and forth a couple times. I can see why people would want to stay on old firmware or gb til official ics is release. Hopefully ics performs a little better when it becomes official.
Sent from my Rezound
I used to love Sense, but as time has gone on I've grown kind of sick of it, plus it takes a heavy toll on the battery and resources. So now I've been looking for something closer to AOSP. The first ROM I used was Xtreme Outcast's ROM. It was slightly themed and close to AOSP. He hasn't updated in a while so I've tried scrosler's CleanROM DE, because he's on the newest leak, and so far I really like it. It's got some Sense elements, which I still have mixed feelings on, but it's really smooth, and has improved my battery life loads.
I am still using the original ICS leak based off 4.0.1. I have put so much time into it, and have it running so nearly perfectly that I am hesitant to even bother with the more recent leaks and will probably just hold off until official ICS is out or until AOSP RIL is working.
a.mcdear said:
have it running so nearly perfectly that I am hesitant to even bother with the more recent leaks and will probably just hold off until official ICS is out or until AOSP RIL is working.
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My thoughts exactly, my setup is working completely stable so I have no issue to change until a similar situation.

[Q] Trying to figure out what to do next (noob questions)

First of all I would like to apologize if you have heard these questions a thousand times before, but I have done a fair amount of reading and haven't gotten enough concrete answers to be confident enough to continue.
I just got up the courage to root my Fascinate after over a year of having it by following droidstyle's excellent guide. It was very painless and worked first shot, so no worries there. Now I'm at the point of what to do next... I have already frozen the bloatware and looked into some 'root-friendly' apps but I'm not sure where to go from here. I think I've decided I want to get the most out of this thing as I'm not due for an upgrade for (what seems like) a long time. I'm under the impression that installing a good ICS rom is the way to go but I just have a few noob questions before I continue.
1) From what I have been reading Glitched AOKP ICS is the best rom to use currently on the Fascinate, correct? Also quick question, regarding the link to download it... is the current version the build 34 one or the milestone 5 one at the top?
2) Rooting my phone initially didn't erase any of my apps or data. What will installing an ICS rom erase, if anything? I will make backups of course, but I'm just wondering what to expect. Will the 'bloatware' apps still be there or will installing ICS install new system apps?
3) What market apps should I consider 'must haves' to tweak stuff? I already bought setcpu but haven't invested in anything else yet.
4) I plan to follow section 4 of droidstyle's guide but need clarification... even though I have rooted stock 2.3, I should still follow all steps right?
Thank you for listening to my noob questions and thanks to anyone who can offer advice. I have been building and working on computers for years but this cell phone hacking stuff is all new to me (obviously).
Crawshayi said:
First of all I would like to apologize if you have heard these questions a thousand times before, but I have done a fair amount of reading and haven't gotten enough concrete answers to be confident enough to continue.
I just got up the courage to root my Fascinate after over a year of having it by following droidstyle's excellent guide. It was very painless and worked first shot, so no worries there. Now I'm at the point of what to do next... I have already frozen the bloatware and looked into some 'root-friendly' apps but I'm not sure where to go from here. I think I've decided I want to get the most out of this thing as I'm not due for an upgrade for (what seems like) a long time. I'm under the impression that installing a good ICS rom is the way to go but I just have a few noob questions before I continue.
1) From what I have been reading Glitched AOKP ICS is the best rom to use currently on the Fascinate, correct? Also quick question, regarding the link to download it... is the current version the build 34 one or the milestone 5 one at the top?
2) Rooting my phone initially didn't erase any of my apps or data. What will installing an ICS rom erase, if anything? I will make backups of course, but I'm just wondering what to expect. Will the 'bloatware' apps still be there or will installing ICS install new system apps?
3) What market apps should I consider 'must haves' to tweak stuff? I already bought setcpu but haven't invested in anything else yet.
4) I plan to follow section 4 of droidstyle's guide but need clarification... even though I have rooted stock 2.3, I should still follow all steps right?
Thank you for listening to my noob questions and thanks to anyone who can offer advice. I have been building and working on computers for years but this cell phone hacking stuff is all new to me (obviously).
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1) M5 is newest. Get glitched build off of the exynos server.
2) Complete wipe. A desktop equivalent would be formatting your hard drive with Windows Vista installed and doing a fresh install of windows 7.
Backup all data and contacts locally or on the cloud. Do NOT use Verizon to backup your contact data. Use Google or a local backup instead.
No bloatware will be present since custom roms do not come from the carrier.
3) NSTools. Maybe Root Explorer or wi-fi tether for google
4) Just follow the guide. Rooting doesn't have much to do with recovery and intalling ics and such.
Not to knock ICS, because I love AOKP, but you could also consider working your way there over time. I had a lot of fun playing with different Touchwiz ROMs like SC3 and TSM Res. You may even find one along the way that you want to stick with for a while. At the very least, you'll learn to get where a complete data wipe doesn't even slow you down.
There's so much good stuff still available for this phone. My phone is sheer perfections right now, but I still have plans to try out GeeWiz and MIUI.
Everyone knows the current destination is Glitched AOKP, but the fun is in the journey.
I agree. I would download everything rom,kernel, and app you can find for the phone between here and rootzwiki, just in case links go dead. Tsm res and awesome sauce are two very good roms that I had a ton of fun with. They are more forgiving to the new user as far as making mistakes goes. Couple of things to know before you continue are that you can use the three finger method to get into recovery on touchwiz roms but not the ics roms(must enter recovery through power off menu). You also cant just flash back and forth from touchwiz roms and cm7 or ics roms, as you have to follow certain steps
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Well I was planning on jumping right into ICS as it looks amazing and I don't think I want to wait... however I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of trying different roms later on down the road. Is it going to be a pain to go backwards from ICS, or just flash like usual? Also, to those that have tried most of the 'good' roms, what would you consider your top 3 non-ICS?
Also on the subject of backing up my apps... I have been using Mybackup as it seems the most simplistic to use and reliable. Will my apps be exactly as they were when I backed them up (after switching to ICS) or is it just better to re-download what I need and configure them again?
I hate to spam some more questions but I figure since I already am... just a few more...
I haven't really messed with Setcpu that much, but is it bad to have it at 100/1000 or should I keep the max lower than that? And last one... what's the best wifi tether to use so Verizon won't send their goons after me? Is the USB tether from clockwork mod any good?
Thanks to all of you for your input. I think I'll be attempting to flash to ICS tomorrow night and hopefully all goes well.
You can go from touchwiz roms to isc roms by flashing but you need to do a lot more using the computer to go backwards. It will make more sense once you have a better understanding. Use titanium backup to backup your apps. If you really dont have any then just redownload them. If you are on the touchwiz roms you can use setcpu, but for ics roms you are going to be using an app called nstools or from control (built into settings section of rom). Again, more of this will make sense later down the road that is why I figured it would be better to start on a from like tsm Res or awesome sauslce
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Well I'm still on the fence here on what to do. I really want to run ICS but with all the little glitches I've read about I think maybe I'll try some of the better GB roms first... I think TSM Res looks top for me with the features, but I might try more than just 1. I've heard not to restore data backups when going ICS... does this apply to GB roms as well? Should I also switch the radio or is what I have the same as the GB one? Thanks
Crawshayi said:
Well I'm still on the fence here on what to do. I really want to run ICS but with all the little glitches I've read about I think maybe I'll try some of the better GB roms first... I think TSM Res looks top for me with the features, but I might try more than just 1. I've heard not to restore data backups when going ICS... does this apply to GB roms as well? Should I also switch the radio or is what I have the same as the GB one? Thanks
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AOKP milestone 5. You WILL thank me for it. Make sure its Steve's glitchy (the kernel of course) build.
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mezster said:
AOKP milestone 5. You WILL thank me for it. Make sure its Steve's glitchy (the kernel of course) build.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
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You don't like the one they just released a few days ago?
Crawshayi said:
You don't like the one they just released a few days ago?
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That is a nightly and has a minor bug where apps on SD card force close. No biggie for more experienced users who know its a nightly and can deal. Nightlies are bleeding edge releases and as such can contain a bug or two. Milestones are stable releases to be used as a reliable daily driver if one is needed (some do). I recommend the m5 release since it is a milestone and you are new to this. I also want to see you have the best experience possible.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
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I'm in a similar spot. I put CM7 on my wife's phone a while ago, but she has downloaded so much crap on it it's running like garbage and crashing.
Does the AOKP M5 have any bugs I should be aware of? As long as it's working well and everything is working (WiFi, Camera, MMS, etc), she'll be fine with it as a daily driver.
Two other questions I have.
Where can I get the correct glitchy Kernel?
Do I just need to download the ROM and kernel, wipe data/cache, then flash the ROM then kernel, then gapps (in that order) in Clockwork Recovery? Anything else?
She really likes the ICS stuff I've been showing her on my Rezound, especially the speech to text typing.
Thanks for your feedback.
Added Information:
Just to make sure my i's are dotted and my t's are crossed--
Build for Verizon Fascinate:
fascinatemtd Samsung Fascinate
Glitch Kernel:
Are those right?
Should I update radios as well? (Assuming yes since going to AOKP from CM7). Which ones should I do? Again, is this a simple flash in CWR? What's the install sequence?
EtherBoo said:
I'm in a similar spot. I put CM7 on my wife's phone a while ago, but she has downloaded so much crap on it it's running like garbage and crashing.
Does the AOKP M5 have any bugs I should be aware of? As long as it's working well and everything is working (WiFi, Camera, MMS, etc), she'll be fine with it as a daily driver.
Two other questions I have.
Where can I get the correct glitchy Kernel?
Do I just need to download the ROM and kernel, wipe data/cache, then flash the ROM then kernel, then gapps (in that order) in Clockwork Recovery? Anything else?
She really likes the ICS stuff I've been showing her on my Rezound, especially the speech to text typing.
Thanks for your feedback.
Added Information:
Just to make sure my i's are dotted and my t's are crossed--
Build for Verizon Fascinate:
fascinatemtd Samsung Fascinate
Glitch Kernel:
Are those right?
Should I update radios as well? (Assuming yes since going to AOKP from CM7). Which ones should I do? Again, is this a simple flash in CWR? What's the install sequence?
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Get the Milestone 5 Glitched build found HERE
It includes the Glitch kernel, so no need to flash separately, and also has a few extra cherry picks thrown in. This is a Milestone build, so no real bugs, should run smooth as silk.
I'm not sure of the recommended radio for fascinate on ICS.
jbreakfield said:
Get the Milestone 5 Glitched build found HERE
It includes the Glitch kernel, so no need to flash separately, and also has a few extra cherry picks thrown in. This is a Milestone build, so no real bugs, should run smooth as silk.
I'm not sure of the recommended radio for fascinate on ICS.
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Might sound like a cheesy question, but what radios are you running?
Thanks for your help.
jbreakfield said:
Get the Milestone 5 Glitched build found HERE
It includes the Glitch kernel, so no need to flash separately, and also has a few extra cherry picks thrown in. This is a Milestone build, so no real bugs, should run smooth as silk.
I'm not sure of the recommended radio for fascinate on ICS.
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Get the Glitched build as it has fixes, extra available RAM, and much more not available in the AOKP official build.
Wifi, cam, and MMS all work fine. I can't honestly think of anything not working off the top of my head. NovaLauncher (Regular is free, Prime is $4 and well worth it for gestures) is recommended at this point since Apex has gotten a little slow.
Radio is recommended to be EH03 though I think ec09 and anything newer than eh03 work fine. I am running EH03 and no complaints.
I think I remember reading something about torch not working in ICS... is that the type of app that turns on the LED? Believe it or not I use that a lot and it would be a pain if it didn't work when I switch.
Also, is there any way to check what radio you're currently using before flashing? Tried looking that up but couldn't find it
Ah yes...torch doesn't work but you can use the tiny flashlight app to turn on the flash and achieve the same functionality.
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bobloblaw1 said:
Ah yes...torch doesn't work but you can use the tiny flashlight app to turn on the flash and achieve the same functionality.
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The Tiny Flashlight + LED app? That's actually what I'm using now and if that works then I'm all set... I thought when people said 'torch' they just meant any app that turns on the LED
I flashed and ran into 1 problem. I had to flash Team Hacksungs Build 2 ROM first. Flashing glitched put me in an endless boot. Then I couldn't boot to recovery. I really was flipping out.
I had to Odin a new recovery in, wipe, then flash Team Hacksungs Build 2 ROM. For some reason, it booted into AOKP (?) then. I went back to recovery, wiped, reflashed AOKP and got it working.
I haven't searched yet, but anyone know where I can change the boot screen? It's really not a "wife friendly" boot screen.
As I understand it, torch refers to the built in flashlight feature in aokp called torch. Tiny flashlight plus the widget give similar functionality.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium


Hi I'm prepping my phone for a non tech person to purchase. Need help determining the best/ most stable Ics rom
Any help is appreciated
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Honestly, I wouldn't give a rooted phone to a non tech person. They won't know what to do if problems arise, and they could take an update or do something that could permanently brick the phone.
i just want an ICS rom that doesn't randomly reboot on me
I agree with sitlet. Put a stock rom on it, sell it, call it good. If they want ICS let them flash it. Its better to sell an up-to-date stable phone than something that hasn't even been released yet.
"We're coming from a pure power source."
thesabri said:
Hi I'm prepping my phone for a non tech person to purchase. Need help determining the best/ most stable Ics rom
Any help is appreciated
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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If you want to still install a custom Rom, I recommend either MeanRom or Viperrom (for CDMA). Remember though that although these work well, they are based on a non Sprint leak, so there could be issues for a non tech person.
Sent from my PG86100
As of Today, Sprint has announced that the official ICS build will be out in June/July.
Personally, I would give them a FULLY functional, stable ROM. The ICS leak roms have a lot of issues right now. Major functionality is being made to work (wifi, timestamps in sms, etc.). I prefer a very stable, functional MeanRom 2.17 OTA base until we see some custom roms/kernels on the ICS Sprint OTA release.
You dont want to give them a ICS rom that has issues bc they wont be able to update and flash new version of the ROM. Have you looked at the changelog for some ICS roms? Check out ICS MeanRom for example. It has a lot of major fixes applied in the last few releases. IMO, ICS is not ready for prime time and especially not for a newb who cant properly troubleshoot and flash new roms.
thesabri said:
Hi I'm prepping my phone for a non tech person to purchase. Need help determining the best/ most stable Ics rom
Any help is appreciated
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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It would help to know if you are talking CDMA or GSM?
Personally i use king cobra GSM and it's rock solid.
I gave my mum my old desire HD which is rooted and oc'd to 1.5ghz, it's never crashed, but then again, if it did i could always pop over and flash the rom again for her.
If the phone is going out of your hands and into someone you'll never see again, then i'd leave it in a state where it can be s-off'd and re rooted but isn't.
If it's someone you know then just leave it with a custom and show them how to reflash it if a problem occurs.
I'm sure they're not that much of a technophobe to read clear instructions.
Run superwipe.
Flash rom
Sign into google
Use phone.
Not too hard
I'd love to know what's on ICS that it warrants having an unreleased, unstable build?
Just leave a stock GB-ish rom on there and I guarantee they will have a better experience for it. And if you give them stock, once the update is ready, they'll get it, and it will be the one that is supposed to be released and actually stable.
Or you could give them some piece of junk now, that's running dual-core for some reason, killing the battery. And then having things like contacts pictures not show up, reboots, and other issues. Just run GB Stock.

[Q] Question about two specific ROMs

I'm a little late to the game. I've been running AOSP GB for a while and just decided to flash an ICS ROM yesterday. The kernel I have is imoseyen's leankernel.
I flashed http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1879151 Liquid Smooth ICS.
It seems to be working fine but i have one qualm about it. The touch screen doesn't seem to flow as naturally as it did when I had GB. It seems to be more sticky. Is anyone else having trouble with this?
Also Navigation seems to be dumbed down as it doesn't say street names anymore. Not a big deal but I'm confused at how the UI of specific apps has changed in the upgrade when it is still the same app.
My other question is in regards to this ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2122886 ICY-S by MaceksMod
I'm thinking about moving over to this ROM if the stickiness isn't resolved.
However, What is the kernel used for this ROM? I'm pretty sure it's AOSP but I kept seeing mentions of Sense & Team BAMF (who uses Sense).
Glad to see there are still devs for this phone!
You cant use a gingerbread kernel with an ics ROM. Just use the kernel that comes with the ROM.
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Not to say anything bad about MaceksMod's mod but it is very new, may need time to mature. If you like Liquid's ICS try Twisted Umbrella, its essentially the same thing with more updates/fixes whatever. And yes the screen scrolling is fixed on that one.
Sent from my ThunderBolt using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the replies.
I will check out Twisted Umbrella.
Where can I find an ICS kernel for the Thunderbolt? What type of file is the kernel in the ROM package? Is it typically the boot.img? Does every ROM downloaded have a kernel that is attached to it?
There aren't any custom kernels yet,I do believe twisted has been working on one for his Rom. Kernels are usually baked into the Roms
Sent from my ADR6400L using xda app-developers app
zilla. said:
Thanks for the replies.
I will check out Twisted Umbrella.
Where can I find an ICS kernel for the Thunderbolt? What type of file is the kernel in the ROM package? Is it typically the boot.img? Does every ROM downloaded have a kernel that is attached to it?
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There aren't any aftermarket ICS kernels for the thunderbolt yet because we don't have the source code to build them yet. Yes the boot.img does contain the kernel and all Roms have to have a kernel or they will not boot.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
My other question is in regards to this ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2122886 ICY-S by MaceksMod
I'm thinking about moving over to this ROM if the stickiness isn't resolved.
However, What is the kernel used for this ROM? I'm pretty sure it's AOSP but I kept seeing mentions of Sense & Team BAMF (who uses Sense).
Glad to see there are still devs for this phone![/QUOTE]
I flashed 8.5 yesterday and all is supposed to be working. I am currently having issue with the WIFI connecting or staying connected if it connects.
I am not sure if it is r/t to the MaceksMod's rom. I am sure there will be many as soon as the OTA is widly distributed.
That ROM is essentially sense since it is based off of the leak. If you want to found some really goof and stable ICS Roms then I suggest going to infectedrom.com. Santods sense Roms are the best and you won't be disappointed.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Thank you guys for the responses.
I've been using TwistedUmbrella's ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2056575 for a little over 24 hours now. I like it but random apps keep on crashing and rebooting the phone.
Some examples include: making a phone call, ruzzle, facebook, gmail, quickpic, etc. I'm not sure if these are app specific but some of the freeze-reboots happen when executing a command such as deleting pictures and entering a username/password.
I don't really know where to start troubleshooting this or if this is just a ROM instability. My install procedure was wipe cache, wipe dalvik, flash the kernel that was supplied in the thread (baseKernel-184Mhz_01-14-2013_22.55.zip), flash the ROM, and reboot. Earlier today, I decided to wipe the cache and dalvik again to see what would happen. The ROM does seem to run a little better but I am still experiencing the random reboots.
Have you guys experienced this? Is there a fix to this?
stfleck said:
I flashed 8.5 yesterday and all is supposed to be working. I am currently having issue with the WIFI connecting or staying connected if it connects.
I am not sure if it is r/t to the MaceksMod's rom. I am sure there will be many as soon as the OTA is widly distributed.
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I used MacekMod's ROM for a little while but found the lack of customization to be unappealing. I like using the power widgets on my phone (not sure if it's the correct term but that bar of toggle icons that appears when you slide down the android menu) and was sad that it was not available.
zilla. said:
Thank you guys for the responses.
I've been using TwistedUmbrella's ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2056575 for a little over 24 hours now. I like it but random apps keep on crashing and rebooting the phone.
Some examples include: making a phone call, ruzzle, facebook, gmail, quickpic, etc. I'm not sure if these are app specific but some of the freeze-reboots happen when executing a command such as deleting pictures and entering a username/password.
I don't really know where to start troubleshooting this or if this is just a ROM instability. My install procedure was wipe cache, wipe dalvik, flash the kernel that was supplied in the thread (baseKernel-184Mhz_01-14-2013_22.55.zip), flash the ROM, and reboot. Earlier today, I decided to wipe the cache and dalvik again to see what would happen. The ROM does seem to run a little better but I am still experiencing the random reboots.
Have you guys experienced this? Is there a fix to this?
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I have heard of this and I have heard santod suggest that the ramdisk may need some tweaking. Probably won't get fixed anytime soon but what do I know.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
disconnecktie said:
I have heard of this and I have heard santod suggest that the ramdisk may need some tweaking. Probably won't get fixed anytime soon but what do I know.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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I guess I can hold out til a fix is released. It is annoying but I have to say it boots up pretty fast.
Yea most aosp Roms will because they have such a small footprint. Try unsense on infectedrom.com. Its a heavily desensed rom that is so close to aosp you won't be able to tell a difference and it has a working camcorder too.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Maceksmod icy-s
I am running this mod and it seems very smooth... took 2 minutes for my SMS to backup using SMS Backup and Restore, taking it about 18 hours to restore them though (ugh... gotta be a better way to move SMS messages from one ROM to another!!!)... anyway, what I am wondering is... it looks like the icy-s camera app is going to work fine for front facing camera and recording video, but how do you make Google+ use that camera instead of the stock one in order to use google hangout???
I am currently running Beta 8.5 RC4... It is running pretty well except radio doesn't seem to be a solid as the old .19, and the camera is flakey with google hangouts. I see there is a 9.5 now... can I do a dirty flash to update? Does it have an updated radio??

Urgent Recommendation

A friend of mine recently got a Samsung Vibrant from someone in his family. The thing is still on Eclair. He wants a custom rom. Now, i know XDA's policy on "What's the best rom" kinda threads, and i would just tell him to try them all till he finds one that satisfies his needs, but he himself doesn't have a clue about the entire process, and i'm all he's got. He's also not gonna be in town for much longer, so i need to flash him a rom quickly before he leaves. The only requirements are:
1) Should be stable
2) Should have fair battery life.
3) should be atleast ICS. This part is absolutely crucial, as his college WIFI uses a proxy, and there's absolutely no way to access this on pre 4.0 devices (Well, it's also available in 3.0, but that's not applicable here).
Can someone recommend a good rom?
tintin.92 said:
A friend of mine recently got a Samsung Vibrant from someone in his family. The thing is still on Eclair. He wants a custom rom. Now, i know XDA's policy on "What's the best rom" kinda threads, and i would just tell him to try them all till he finds one that satisfies his needs, but he himself doesn't have a clue about the entire process, and i'm all he's got. He's also not gonna be in town for much longer, so i need to flash him a rom quickly before he leaves. The only requirements are:
1) Should be stable
2) Should have fair battery life.
3) should be atleast ICS. This part is absolutely crucial, as his college WIFI uses a proxy, and there's absolutely no way to access this on pre 4.0 devices (Well, it's also available in 3.0, but that's not applicable here).
Can someone recommend a good rom?
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CM10.1 Nightly or HellyBean will be my recommendations.
sada23 said:
CM10.1 Nightly or HellyBean will be my recommendations.
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Don't go with a nightly rom, they sometimes are not stable. Also avoid ICS roms, they have the EUbug (renders internal sd card useless). Go with a jellybean rom (4.2), my favorite is Avatar rom, very stable and tons of themes.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk 2
As much as I love all the available custom roms out there, there is a trade off with memory consumption, gps, Bluetooth, etc. I would have to recommend using a rom made for the phone if you want something stable. I would not use ICS though. I finally made up my mind and will be using a optimized Froyo rom with no bloat, customizations, themes. Just do what a phone was suppose to do.
If wants stability & speed try trigger(froyo 2.2,all works) if wants some modern try slimbean or infamous AOKP,but have GPS issues(4.2.2) this roms works with 170-210 free ram.Vibrant t959 is a good pet for daily work! Good Luck!
Sent from my SFG-T959 using xda app-developers app
The OP said it has to at least be a 4.0 ROM...........
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk 2
Yeah guys, i need a minimum of 4.0, there's no way to get proxy working on any of the lower versions.
Also yeah, i don't think i want a nightly, since this is gonna be a one time flash, there's no way he's gonna flash later nightlies or even a later stable. I give him a rom now and that's exactly what he'll be using for the next year.
Tomorrow I'll be updating infamous aokp. Its stable fast and gives me good battery life. You can flash that!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app

