[Q] Wifi Landing Page like iOS - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've been using Android for a little while, iOS before that, and WM6.x before that. I've really enjoyed Android, but there is one thing I notice on iOS that seems to be missing on Android. Specifically, with iOS, if you connect to a WiFi network that has a proxy/login page (e.g. hotel, commercial space etc) as soon as you attempt to use any app that requires a data connection, it recognizes it isn't connecting to the internet and pops up with login/landing page.
However, my observations on Android seem to be that it just doesn't recognize that happening, so for instance today I was at Lowe's (I had previously saved their public wifi) so my phone connected automatically. I then went into Gmail and I get a 'no available connection' which then meant I needed to launch Chrome which loaded the last page I was one, but since it did it from cache it loaded, which meant I needed to reload it which finally brought me to Lowe's landing page and allowed me to login. Compared to iOS this substantially more cumbersome, and I'd have to imagine it's a lot more complicated for those folks that understand what is going on behind the scenes.
Right now I'm running a de-sensed ICS rom on htc rezound, previously tested with thunderbolt and droid charge (all with stock and custom roms)
Does anyone know of any hacks/mods/applications that will give me more of that seamless functionality in Android?



[DISCUSSION] Touchpad OTA Updates

HP may have abandoned the TouchPad, but that apparently won't stop the company from issuing a post-mortem OTA update for its webOS tablet. Yesterday, an HP spokesperson confirmed to CNET that "HP TouchPad owners can look forward to an over-the-air update that will enhance the platform and add functionality and a growing applications catalog." The rep didn't offer any specifics, but reaffirmed that HP remains "fully committed to the ongoing support and service of customers who purchased webOS devices." The news comes on the heels of a Quickoffice HD update that dropped yesterday, and at a time when TouchPads are selling like hotcakes -- which probably explains HP's decision to issue a tweak. Indeed, the company went on to say that it's seen "huge spikes in activations and between 3-5X downloads of apps," since the TouchPad fire sale first launched.
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[Q] New Touchpad OTA update safe?
Doesn't say exactly when this update will be available. Is it safe to assume that we shouldn't accept the update, if given the option, if we're planning on eventually flashing Android port?
Good question.
I was also wondering if the folks who actually wanted to stay with web os, will the homebrew patches and kernel have to be re-written to work on the updated firmware?
Given that it just says "a future update" with not even a vague indication of *when* that might be, I don't think it's something that we should fret over for now
PiZauL said:
Good question.
I was also wondering if the folks who actually wanted to stay with web os, will the homebrew patches and kernel have to be re-written to work on the updated firmware?
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it depends how drastic the changes are.. i have a feeling the update won't be anything major...
This isn't iOS. The updates don't ever do anything in theory to close down the OS, other than required security hole fixes. Anything you could do prior to the update, you can do after. The webOS doctor is what is probably going to become hijacked for allowing Android installations, and this in theory, will never stop working. Remember, we have always been able to recover a "bricked" device through the webOS Doctor; unlike the many other platforms available. Also, it has been close to 2 years since we had to remove all patches prior to updating. I'd suggest waiting 24 hours, if you can, to verify. Patches and homebrew should not be broken in the update.
One thing they should fix is the browser. Upgrade their libraries up to the level Honeycomb 3.2 or iOS 5 (all of which is open source) to improve the performance (especially JavaScript) and support more HTML5 standards (like SVG). They should also allow users to modify their user agent string to the iPad UA via a hack, so all tablet-oriented websites display as they are meant to.
Although the Touchpad browser is not horrible, it could do a lot better compared to the Android and iOS browsers which are based on WebKit as well. Having an awesome browser could give this tablet much more life while just running webOS with web apps!
DCKing said:
One thing they should fix is the browser. Upgrade their libraries up to the level Honeycomb 3.2 or iOS 5 (all of which is open source) to improve the performance (especially JavaScript) and support more HTML5 standards (like SVG). They should also allow users to modify their user agent string to the iPad UA via a hack, so all tablet-oriented websites display as they are meant to.
Although the Touchpad browser is not horrible, it could do a lot better compared to the Android and iOS browsers which are based on WebKit as well. Having an awesome browser could give this tablet much more life while just running webOS with web apps!
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I feel this brower is just as good if not better than the android browser. I had issues with some links and pages on my android tablet but they work perfect on my touchpad
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
i imagine the update will bring things like a native ebook reader or an updated marketplace, nothing radical like a fully skinned version of honeycomb
I too hope for some improvements to the browser, there are a few issues with it, nothing tragic but irritating enough at times.
OTA Update = Android Honeycomb?
It could happen.
(I'm such a troll today)
maybe we will get more than a ota, maybe actual support for webos.
Basic first.
Sound loss and Wifi problems.
Now if we want to go Fancy.
Rotation while playing phone apps is always portrait.
Youtube full screen is up side down (if using a case)
speed up calendar.
speed up photo "fine" loading.
browser minor issues.
Cursor issues.
Do not accept. If they are designing the Android for 3.0.2 then leave it. It's only a matter of a Week before an Alpha is available from Cyanogen.
Android, that way they can collect the $1600. Hell, they have to make back the stock money they lost somehow
I'm thinking the OTA will just be Homebrew/Preware kind of stuff and maybe some new apps.
However, a tabbed browser and a VNC client that works would make me really happy.
Don't Know why people knock the browser. I feel that the WebOS browser is honestly the best mobile browser I have EVER used functionality wise... Never before on a tablet or tablet-like device have I not had to fiddle with user-agent settings and such to get where I need to go... So far only one site has failed on the Touchpad... Hulu, And we all know why that doesn't work...
Other Note: I would laugh if the OTA was just to pre-install preware and homebrew ability... (although it would be a BIG smack in the face of apple, Who leaves their old products to rot instead of supporting them like HP has so far.)
Then again, I find WebOS in general to be the best Mobile OS ever made, And also the best Mobile OS killed before its time...
c01e said:
Don't Know why people knock the browser. I feel that the WebOS browser is honestly the best mobile browser I have EVER used functionality wise... Never before on a tablet or tablet-like device have I not had to fiddle with user-agent settings and such to get where I need to go... So far only one site has failed on the Touchpad... Hulu, And we all know why that doesn't work...
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The caching issues make browsing forums a nightmare.
Also, Gmail doesn't work in the browser.
c01e said:
Don't Know why people knock the browser. I feel that the WebOS browser is honestly the best mobile browser I have EVER used functionality wise... Never before on a tablet or tablet-like device have I not had to fiddle with user-agent settings and such to get where I need to go... So far only one site has failed on the Touchpad... Hulu, And we all know why that doesn't work...
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I have to agree that functionally, it's an excellent browser. It's just that internally (performance en compatibility with technologies) it's not quite as great as Safari in iOS 4 or the Honeycomb browser. Check this link to see what I mean.
The reason why it's important is that by the end of the year all webOS support for native apps will have definitely dried up, which means that webOS users will have to rely on web apps. Web apps can be freaking amazing if the browser supports the latest technology and has good JavaScript performance. Although the Touchpad is not bad there, it should be doable for HP to update its performance and compatibility to the level of iOS 5.
Cube1701 said:
The caching issues make browsing forums a nightmare.
Also, Gmail doesn't work in the browser.
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+ 1 trying to browse forums can be terrible. Constantly have to use the refresh button.
Sent from Gingerbread Speedy 4G

Chrome OS and webtop functionality?

I was wondering about the possibilities of a chrome os replacing webtop on our photons. Since it is Linux based like webtop, could it be possible to relayed ubuntop with chrome os?(see ubuntop forum for elaboration) Either way I was just thinking it would be perfect since there's Eucharistic simple GUI for the os.
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
I can't believe I didn't see this post til now, sorry. Your question is very valid and deserves an answer.
ChromeOS and Moto's Webtop are, at their core, a web based OS (think cloud computing) in functionality. Granted, ChromeOS would be much smaller and faster than Moto's Webtop but still has all the failings of cloud computing. Cloud (ChromeOS, Webtop and so on) are based on the premise that you will ALWAYS have a working internet connection. We (the world) all know that this is rarely ever that case. So the premise is flawed from the start. Let's look at a real world scenario.
You need to write a report for school or work and are using Cloud (ChromeOS, Webtop and so on). While working on the report your internet connection goes down. It's a cellular outage/ internet provider outage and you do not have an alternative connection. The webpages you have open are still there but with cloud you can no longer continue to write that report. Your document creation/editing is somewhere on that, now inaccessible, internet. I, on the other hand, am running a stand alone OS (webtop+/ubuntop). Like you, my webpages are still open but I can also continue to work on that report due to me not being tied to the internet for document creation/editing.
The argument could be made that you could always use an Android office suite to continue working which is true. Try doing any real document work in android, it's a real pain in the ass. I know, as almost all things related to the Evo Desktop PC project was done in android.
Lokifish Marz said:
I can't believe I didn't see this post til now, sorry. Your question is very valid and deserves an answer.
ChromeOS and Moto's Webtop are, at their core, a web based OS (think cloud computing) in functionality. Granted, ChromeOS would be much smaller and faster than Moto's Webtop but still has all the failings of cloud computing. Cloud (ChromeOS, Webtop and so on) are based on the premise that you will ALWAYS have a working internet connection. We (the world) all know that this is rarely ever that case. So the premise is flawed from the start. Let's look at a real world scenario.
You need to write a report for school or work and are using Cloud (ChromeOS, Webtop and so on). While working on the report your internet connection goes down. It's a cellular outage/ internet provider outage and you do not have an alternative connection. The webpages you have open are still there but with cloud you can no longer continue to write that report. Your document creation/editing is somewhere on that, now inaccessible, internet. I, on the other hand, am running a stand alone OS (webtop+/ubuntop). Like you, my webpages are still open but I can also continue to work on that report due to me not being tied to the internet for document creation/editing.
The argument could be made that you could always use an Android office suite to continue working which is true. Try doing any real document work in android, it's a real pain in the ass. I know, as almost all things related to the Evo Desktop PC project was done in android.
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Sorry to resurrect this. All of the above being said, would it be difficult to use the most current version of chromium OS for web top?
elessarelfstar said:
Sorry to resurrect this. All of the above being said, would it be difficult to use the most current version of chromium OS for web top?
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Even the latest Chrome OS is still mainly a cloud based system. For what programs that do have standalone functions they still fall short of what UbunTop offers. For example, GIMP and OpenOffice are long term "standards compliant" programs and supported on multiple platforms. ChromeOS also offers far less in the way of software choices when compared to UbunTop which can run most ARM compiled programs based on Debian.
The other factor that now has to be considered is the removal of Webtop support by Motorola. Support for Webtop and webtop replacements will disappear with the ICS update on all webtop enabled phones leaving the users with Android based tablet mirroring mode. Even if you were to replace Webtop with the latest ChromeOS, it will no longer function as soon as you move to ICS. In short Webtop OR ICS, can't have both. The same applies to ChromeOS as well.
Projects, like Ubuntu Installer, that use disk images and VNC will still function on ICS. The draw back to this is that you loose audio support and external device support like flashdrives. Another issue is how VNC interacts with the disk image. There is also the issue that using disk images on the Atrix and Photon have very limited support. A specific Kernel/ROM combination has to be used to even get it to function.

did u switch back to WM6.5 after trying android ?

just curious if anyone switched back to WM6.5 after trying android on HD2 ? any particular reasons ?
After being an exclusive Windows Mobile user from the Pocket PC days in 2001, I tried Android on my HTC HD2 with great fear and trepidation. After 2 months i am VERY satisfied with Android and can't imagine ever going back.
Good luck with your decision.
never left WM, just run android on SD card
here more statements
I only tried one rom, it didn't work that well, and I hated not being able to customise it how I liked.
I absolutley hate sense/titanium/spb mobile shell... none of them work as well as my setup, I have my phone doing exactly what I want, when I want, and everything I use or need to see at all times is on my today screen. No other UI can currently give me that.
Every OS upgrade has brought less usability at the expense of 'looking nice', I hate having to go through multiple screens to do something as simple as turn on bluetooth and start a media player, one click for me and it's done. Same for many things.
I tried American Android on my HTC HD2. Battery life on all android sucks, so I am back on WM6.5. I am very sad Microsoft switched to WP7 after 6.5 is so cool.
Android must take care of battery management before releasing OS as now it just ruins the pleasure of Android OS. My WinMo6.5 lasts more than 4 days on one charge. I wanna see Android doing this
bbobeckyj said:
I only tried one rom, it didn't work that well, and I hated not being able to customise it how I liked.
I absolutley hate sense/titanium/spb mobile shell... none of them work as well as my setup, I have my phone doing exactly what I want, when I want, and everything I use or need to see at all times is on my today screen. No other UI can currently give me that.
Every OS upgrade has brought less usability at the expense of 'looking nice', I hate having to go through multiple screens to do something as simple as turn on bluetooth and start a media player, one click for me and it's done. Same for many things.
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I particularly like Spb Mobile Shell. But if you've got something that works better for you than it does, I'd be interested to know what that might be. Can you tell me what makes your WinMo 6.x work so well for you?
FWIW I've never tried Android and don't anticipate doing so for quite awhile. Same for Windows Phone. I have too much invested in Windows Mobile Apps to move off it, especially since they do what I need them to do so well.
I came from using the original HTC Touch for nearly 4 years with WM6.5 and promptly went to try Android when I first got my HD2. The 2 most important thing to me on my phone is the email client and the web browsing. I couldn't get used to the native email app or K9 in Android and came back to WM6.5 for about a week.
I then took the dive to go to WP7 Mango and I love the email integration there. The web browsing is not very nice and Microsoft pushing the use of Bing is very frustrating, but the browser itself is decent. So while the battery life is absolutely horrible in WP7, it can still get me through the day on light usage.
So, I tried coming back to WM6.5 but there certainly are many things to like about the current generation operating systems. WM6.5 just feels sluggish comparatively because everything seems several more clicks away for me. There are various things I miss though. Apps I had purchased are a big one, but I can live without it for now. The other is the task manager. The automatic task management concept is a nice idea in Android but I like quick access and control over it (something ICS possibly has addressed). WP7 its not an issue for now because non-native apps don't run in the background.
Overall, I think you at least owe yourself to try Android since it can run alongside WM6.5. Give it a real shot because there are only going to be more and more things that are available to current gen OS that won't be ported to WM6.5
Tref said:
I particularly like Spb Mobile Shell. But if you've got something that works better for you than it does, I'd be interested to know what that might be. Can you tell me what makes your WinMo 6.x work so well for you?
FWIW I've never tried Android and don't anticipate doing so for quite awhile. Same for Windows Phone. I have too much invested in Windows Mobile Apps to move off it, especially since they do what I need them to do so well.
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I guess that to me the essence of these new OS, and SPB Mobile Shell is that it puts form over function, to perform any action with those requires a lot more effort than it does with how I've set my phone up, it also seems to work slower.
For a start, I have on my Today Screen the things which I want to use or see most often. SPB Diary, easy today launcher, and alarmToday. I also use wkTask task manager for the tabs. My two soft keys are also customised, one runs WM5NewMenu (which is also run by long hold of the send key), the other runs a script I made with mortscript which closes all open programs, and resets the system settings to my default preferences, such as screen orientation and brightness.
In my WM5NewMenu popup menu, I have shortcuts to all the other things I use most frequently, such as messaging, not to open my inbox, but to open a text or email with the person I'm sending it to pre-defined. So for example if I want to text my wife, it's only 3 clicks from any screen. Note that WM5NewMenu is as quick as pressing right click with your mouse on your desktop, and each submenu is just as quick. I also backup my PIM data every day automatically have a script which sends it via email to myself, so if I have lose my phone or have to hard reset and my storage card get corrupted (or any other worst case scenario) I'll never be without the information I really need.
I also have google mobile in the launch menu, a couple of scripts to start/stop my media player, which will turn on bluetooth, allow me to connect my headset, then set the volume to maximum, offer a playlist selection and then lock the screen etc.
There are quick links to toggle WiFi and BlueTooth and start menu (the hardware buttons are too low for one handed use). I have one which opens my file explorer (apparently missing on WM7) to my IE favourites folder, and after I pick one it will close the file explorer again.
My lock screen is customised with the slider exactly where I find it the most comfortable to use, and the message is my phone number, in a different font, so I can show people easily when they ask and I've forgotten it.
A few other things without dragging on forever -
A Script which programs my work schedule into my diary with as little as 2 clicks for each day's work.
And I don't profess anything but a superficail knowledge of other OS, but the ability to use the same .LNKs and parameters as on my PC is extremely useful. For example, I can make a .LNK to the messaging .EXE, and include any or all of the following, To, CC, BCC, Subject, Content, and attatchments. Examples of use can be if you text the same thing each day, like 'I'm on my way home' would take a maximum of four clicks to send from any screen.
A coreplayer link which also sets the sreen brightness to max.
A lot of my .LNKs have different icons to the default program's
I've removed as much of the HTC customisations as I could find out how to, such as the HTC messaging.
I have a basic keylogging system in place (not a true keylogger, but it logs every time I use any program) so I can check when I did things. This sounds really anal or obsessive but, for example, it's usefull for when I take a break at work and forget when I started my lunch hour, I can just check what time I turned my phone on.
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Gastaroll said:
I tried American Android on my HTC HD2. Battery life on all android sucks, so I am back on WM6.5. I am very sad Microsoft switched to WP7 after 6.5 is so cool.
Android must take care of battery management before releasing OS as now it just ruins the pleasure of Android OS. My WinMo6.5 lasts more than 4 days on one charge. I wanna see Android doing this
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I have an external battery charger and have often managed to deplete one battery before the other has been charged, but this is while watching a film with a bluetooth headset and the screen brightness at maximum.
Tried Android on HD2 & native device, HD2 soon went back to WM6.5.3 because:
-Better battery life & charging control
-Customization of WM is unbeatable
-Every icon, position, text, background can be what I want
-Fast access to all daily tasks (wifi,tethering,BT,SIM switching,email) all handled within 1 or 2 touches & all status easily viewable
-Better Asian language support
-Better Language suite applications
-Better Office applications
-Excellent Video & music players.
-OS file system is easily handled & integrates & shares better with my Notebook files.
-Stability of my WM custom rom is faultless & backup/contact/file integration to Windows applications I use are not wanting replacing due to cost & time of setup.
bbobeckyj said:
A coreplayer link which also sets the sreen brightness to max.
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How do you do that? I haven't checked, but does Coreplayer have command line options that will allow you to start with max screen brightness?
Tref said:
How do you do that? I haven't checked, but does Coreplayer have command line options that will allow you to start with max screen brightness?
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I thought that might be it. I haven't messed with mortscript for a couple of phones now. I once wrote a long script I used to report on calls, minutes and data, but it's been awhile.
u can always boot Android from SD card and be certain that it won't mess up your WM...i've successfully ported gingerbread, froyo, honeycomb and ics on my HD2 and i'm very satisfied...have fun!
though, NAND versions are faster, more stable and have better development
no , but we wish that we can boot wm6.5 from nand / dual boot winmo and android like wph7 and android in that way maybe we boot winmo because i miss some apps there
When I able to do this from my HD2 on android will switch on it until then wm 6.5 is my love hehe. Stupid microsoft and metro sh...t!!!!!!!!
Do not want to miss my tethered sync with Outlook
rabilancia said:
After being an exclusive Windows Mobile user from the Pocket PC days in 2001, I tried Android on my HTC HD2 with great fear and trepidation. After 2 months i am VERY satisfied with Android and can't imagine ever going back.
Good luck with your decision.
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I keep with WinMo6.5 because I want to do everything locally. I just don't like the buzz about putting everything on third party servers and airtime communications.
My mails are on my own servers and those of my company. When I sync my mails& contacts I use only my own electrons flowing through my private USB cables.
Neither Apple, nor Google, nor Microsoft need to know what I am doing, who i have as contacts and where I curently am located.
Additionally I am traveling frequently abroad and don't want to pay horrid sums per MByte on roaming fees.
I don't like androids behavior to start applications without asking me and there is no way to stop that, so I will keep using WM. Suck it android!
Yes and No
I got my phone in July 2010 and loved it. Battery life was bad and a lot of tweaks had to be done (thanks XDA). I got the courage to flash a custom WinMo rom by November 2010. Heard so many things about Android and tried it in 2011 and hated it. It was still shabby with Gingerbread and I missed Microsoft Office on the phone and exchange services. I ran back to WinMo after some days and didn't look back.
The world seemed to pass by and with no interest in Winmo, app development ceased (except here). WP7/7.5/8 just looked like a giant leap backwards and never tickled my fancy. Blackberry was a no. Iphone seemed overpriced. Ubuntu not out yet. That left Android, the most like the WinMo we all love. I don't like being stuck in the past, and my phone will be changed as soon as I see a decent one. The great phones now are all android. Why not seize the opportunity the HD2 afforded us to try everything?
Feb 2013, I flashed Android on NAND with Jelly Bean 4.1.2. It really has matured as an OS and I found out the best things about my Winmo UI are almost all incorporated into the ROM without much modding/tweaking. Since then, I have been happy with the phone. It can once again do things 95% percent of phones can't do. Battery life is still bad, thanks to Google syncing the lives of millions needlessly.
I really prefer avoiding storing personal information on Google servers like someone noted. There should always be options for offline methods as a backup. Maybe I am getting old and should follow the trend?
This ended up quite long, but bottom line is Android on my HD2 is a necessary step in the evolution of technology for me. Thank you and God bless.

Android Device as Second Display

I'm looking to be able to use my Galaxy Tab as a second PC display. I've been searching for hours for a way to set this up and I've found a few solutions, but so far they've all been lacking. I'm hoping others might have some experience or thoughts on the subject. Here's what I tried or looked into so far:
iDisplay - Available on the Market. So far about the only solution that works, but it's god awful slow. If you try to use a browser with a couple tabs open, it practically stands still. It also disables Aero on Windows 7.
Screenslider - Available on the Market. Disables Aero. Doesn't like web browsing, FF and IE won't redraw when clicking anything (links, Java objects, tabs, etc).
Air Display - Available on the Market. Disables Aero and DirectX. This one was extremely responsive, but you just can't do anything on it. Not compatible with FF9 or later and can't handle dynamic web content.
Remote View - Available on the Market. Disables Aero and Background. Honestly, I don't even remember why this one didn't work. Pretty sure browsers just froze. Have to jump through hoops on their website to even get the server.
Splashtop XDisplay - iOS only. Looks like it would be perfect, but it's not on Android yet. They said they were working on it 6 months go, so I'm not holding my breath.
Virtual display + a VNC connection - This is the most promising, so far. The idea is to use software to create a virtual display that's normally hidden, then use a VNC server (that can deal with individual displays) to send that extra display to a VNC viewer on the Android device. It seems like this would be the most responsive, plus you shouldn't lose Aero or specific applications since you're essentially just sending out a video stream (I think). Some apps even combine the virtual display and VNC server into one. In reality, actually setting this up has been a royal PITA (due in no small part to my complete lack of experience with this sort of thing).
Other Android RDP or VNC apps that have this sort of functionality built in - ?
So, has anyone actually accomplished this, or have any interest in figuring it out?
I'm looking for a similar application for my Galaxy Note's display. I want to use it as a live display tablet for Photoshop. I tried iDisplay and Remote View. Both were too slow to update phone display. iDisplay also BSODs my Samsung laptop (primary work machine), so it's not a viable solution. I could always use my phone as a regular tablet (one that just moves a cursor on screen), but hey, it'd be cool to have!
Virtual display+VNC? Sounds too contrived, but I'll try to read up and figure out how to get it running. If that's as responsive as a regular display, I'll post the method here.
bloodyhippo said:
I'm looking for a similar application for my Galaxy Note's display. I want to use it as a live display tablet for Photoshop. I tried iDisplay and Remote View. Both were too slow to update phone display. iDisplay also BSODs my Samsung laptop (primary work machine), so it's not a viable solution. I could always use my phone as a regular tablet (one that just moves a cursor on screen), but hey, it'd be cool to have!
Virtual display+VNC? Sounds too contrived, but I'll try to read up and figure out how to get it running. If that's as responsive as a regular display, I'll post the method here.
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i guess it didnt work..
Personally, I never went back and gave it another shot. Still think the VNC thing will work well with some effort.

[Q] Look familiar? You decide.

So I've watched the ICS Motorola Webtop Beta 3.0 video and it may be me but it looks very similar to the Evo Desktop PC in concept and function. Considering that ICS wasn't even available this time last year this would have been the logical progression of the project. I'm not asking for Moto to send me a check but I'm waiting to see how the credits roll out. If the Sun here on Mars has baked my brain then feel free to say so.
Lokifish Marz said:
I'm not asking for Moto to send me a check but I'm waiting to see how the credits roll out.
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The check is in the mail.
CCallahan said:
The check is in the mail.
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So are you going to send it on their behalf?
Actually I've been in contact with Moto since the videos surfaced and am getting the "hot potato" treatment. All I'm looking for is to have a civil dialog with them about it. All I'm getting is being told I need to contact Department A by Department B after just being directly referred to Department B by Department A. I have even gone so far as to include the direct referral and names in my communications. You probably have a good idea as to how well that's working.
The odd thing is that with 200+ views nobody has said I should have my head checked. Is everybody on XDA being nice?
Interesting question, locki. Definitely a fair one. If I understand correctly, from watching the video (I had the volume down - A cold and a headache coming down so I'm trying to minimize the noises). In any case, your version looks to me like phone mirroring with a keyboard and a mouse. Not sure how it's set up (you probably said it in the video). But I don't think the ICS demo is a complete demo. This looks like he just reviewed the phone mirroring version, but didn't do a complete webtop review. Also, webtop on the current system is also pretty limited. From that video, I don't see much difference between the ICS and what we have on our phone, except that this is a proof of concept. In any case, you could say the same thing about a comparable presentation from the webtop experience on the mopho if you only show the the phone window usage. could also say the same thing about your ubuntop if you only show a limited version of the capabilities. I guess my point is I don't think you have a fair comparison at this point. But my head is stuffy and I am on my way to an early bedtime, so maybe I'm missing something...
I replaced the video of webtop 3.0 with one that shows webtop3.0 in use. I also have a copy of the ICS RAZR leak and osh (or anything related to that partition) is nowhere to be found. Neflix is obviously Netflix for tablets. The desktop look of Chrome appears to be a ui switch for the mobile chrome browser. If the ICS leak is anywhere near what the official release is, then the tech/android reports are correct that the new webtop is nothing more than modified tablet mode mirroring.
I'm not saying it's not good work. Had HCL Launcher, Chrome mobile browser and Netflix for tablets been out when I released Evo Desktop you would be hard pressed to tell the difference.
My other concern is if the leak I have and the videos are correct this does not bode well for Webtop becoming a true desktop with ICS like many had hoped.
So If I am understanding things correctly, the new webtop is just tweaked phone mirroring, as opposed to now where there are 2 operating systems running side by side. I guess ubuntop won't work on that system then. very disappointing.
As nice as Evo Desktop was there were tons of drawbacks. So I can tell you from experience that this is going to be a serious step backwards for "Webtop". Open up a mobile browser and visit a page that has flash based chat embedded. You cannot leave that page (view another page in another tab) because as soon as you leave the chat page tab everything gets suspended. When you go back to the chat page tab you have to log back in and start over.
Document editing will also be an issue as you have to use cloud based editors like Google Docs because to my knowledge none of the current office apps have that tablet switch needed change how the ui is rendered. When you combine this with the browser tabs issue and that Google Docs puts a fairly heavy load on the browser, you can say goodbye to any real doc editing.
What it comes down to is that many app devs are going to have to add the needed ui switch and changes to keep the new webtop from being trash. This will not be easy. I fought for months to just get a browser with a "desktop ui" look with no success. Even with thousands of users on the Evo project nobody would touch it. I ended up having to modify an existing browser to give my users a desktop look. Multiply that by how many commonly used apps that would need a ui switch and Moto is just asking for failure.
My other concern is what happens to the, now wasted, 1.3GB osh partition? The leak has no mention of it in the install script. It looks like it will still present but only accessible via vnc which has it's own issues and drawbacks.

