Bunch of Issues. - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

First of all,since this is my first post please excuse any noobish things that I might say.
And I have done a reasonable amount of research but was unable to find a solution and would really like to apologise if this has been asked before.
I bought a sgs2 about an year ago and since the very first day I had problems with receiving calls and even making them.
If I'm sitting at one place everything's good but as soon as I move something goes very wrong and the call drops.well if I'm moving I'll be glad to even get or make a call although the signal in the notification shows full.
Now on the stock ROM,the signal strength is about -61dbm 19-20asu but on any other ROMs that I've tried it never goes beyond -89dbm 11-12 asu.
Next I read a lot about flashing different modems that might solve the problem but no.its like nothing seems to work.(BTW I tried a lot of modems for my country and others as well and used getril also to match the ril's as I read about that in forums.)
So im really very pissed with my phone and yesterday I was researching for a solution for the above mentioned problem and came across someone having a problem about losing the baseband and imei after flashing and thanking heavens that at least I don't have that problem.
But WHAM.The same problem hit me right in the face ASA flashed a modem.
So NOW I have a ****ty network problem(please excuse my language but you have no idea what its really like)and now no imei and no baseband.
Luckily I had a backup of the stock ROM and when I restored my phone at least I got the imei and baseband but when I rebooted my phone for something,the problem came back.
This phone is otherwise very nice but I'm really having a hard hard time getting through with this and unfortunately my father won't buy me a new phone for another one year as I promised him I'd use this phone for at least two years since this was way above the budget he gave me.
BTW I'm currently using revolt jb ROM by johnhany.
I'd be really very greatful if one of you millions of geniuses could help me.
If you need any further details in finding a solution I would provide it ASA I see what it is that you might want to know.
Thank you in advance.

Moving to Q&A - Read this - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1763193

Hello sir.
Well sorry for posting it in the wrong place but were you trying to give me the solution to my problem or just telling me to post a question in the q and a forum?
Sorry for being so dumb.

Oh.My bad.just read it clearly. Sorry for posting at a wrong place.


Disabling Data Q..

Hi all,
This is my first post, I'm glad to say I have managed without the need to ask any questions up until this point but I could use some clearing up on this. Also thank you in advance to all.
So my question is after unlocking and flashing to cm7 mod2, I had some battery issues.. While trying to narrow the problem down I see alot of people saying how they run their phone with data off and leave just wifi.. my question since I know very little about the difference from 2g/3g, different radios what have you, is what are you losing while turning off 3g or mobile data(assuming they are they same) wouldn't you not get calls and sms? Just a little confused with this one.
And on the radios thing.. since it obviously can brick your phone.. why switch radios, and what exactly does that even mean(assuming again that it has to do with that tower you are connected to). Ive read somewhere about windows phone that people would specify one tower to keep from bouncing back and forth from two about equal distance towers and wasting power but not sure if that applies here.
Sorry for so much text but again first post n got some basic questions which I'm sure you guys can answer easily.

manual install of radio?

sorry if wrong place to post this, but basically I have been racking my brain trying to figure this out.
i have an S3 mini (like that isnt bad enough)
and i decide to root, flash cm10 (mcklaw golden beta2 and enjoy all the perks of cm10 and enjoyed the phones greater usability for at least 1 day,
suddenly i get the old signal drop issue, so i figure my phones modems playing up, the baseband is XXXX and im convinced i need to reflash it, so i do, (data wipe/wipe) and the same thing happens usable for a few hours, but after the third time i realise this isnt a long term solution.
So i look around for various solutions, im pointed to the efs folder and .nv_data, to which i say to myself 'im glad i backed that up!'
...i restore efs and i see everything is normal however i dont seem to have nv_data at all, (im not convinced it was ever there?)
more to my surprise, i have IMEI, I check *#*#4636#*#* everything looks ok, the radio seems to function and i have everything but baseband,
signal comes and goes, sometimes its fine 3g etc other times nothing
im just asking basically does it sound like i have lost my efs folder? and any ideas what i could try to narrow down the issue, or possibly resolve it?
thanks alot for your time,

[Q] Radio - Signal Problems after Custom Rom

I'm looking for some help with my son's sgh-i757m phone. I'll try layout my history on the phone and question in some hopefully easy layout.
What I did
at my son's request, I changed the stock rom on my son's sgh-i757m (Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE) for him. He wanted to be able to install apps and customize his phone as he wished. i installed the paranoid android rom for him successfully.
Once installed he began losing cell phone network connection. This progressively got worse and now it barely works.
My troubleshooting
I tried installing other custom rom's to see if this would resolve the problem. Nothing seems to work. The present rom I have which is Dadoes. This one seems to work the best BUT i only get signal within 1 block of the cell phone tower. (oh ya... i live in a small town where we only have two cell towers in the valley here.)
I tried researching terminal commands to boost the radio signal but I haven't found anything for the sgh-i757m.
I've also done the *#*#4636#*#* trick... nothing... i've installed network boosters but those don't do anything.
What Haven't I done
I haven't tried to install a different radio rom... (maybe I did, but in my research there isn't an explanation if this is different from the OS rom).
I haven't tested whether it is a hardware issue as I don't know how
What I am asking
Can I get help regarding radio roms; is this different from OS rom's? if it is different... where do I find them and more information on this?
Can I get help on steps to test my hardware to see if this is the issue?
Any pointers if I am missing anything?
Thank you... oh and this is my first post.
I'm out of lurking and posting now.
HI buddy , welcome to our section .
Now your problem, did you tried to reflash the stock ROM back after you saw that your phone is having problems to see if the problem is solving?
I did took a search on this forum and I found this thread :
There you'll find a cwm and other useful stuffs for your phone
Sent using my Zanpakutō{斬魄刀} using my Shinigami POWERS{死神} <+> ლ(◣_◢)ლ
Fixed - sgh-i757m connection problem
Well... thank you for your reply. I didn't have a backup of my son's original rom but my daughter just broke her phone and it was exactly the same. So, I thought I would back her's up then put it on my son's. What she did was break her screen. So, I thought I could swap screens or parts to make this work. I was able to take my daughters apart and was able to take my son's apart. In taking apart my son's phone, I found that the attenae cable wasn't attached to it's connector. So I plugged that in then tested and voila! It works!! pheew!! Was getting worried that I was losing my mind (maybe I did?).
Thank you for your help. I did do the custom roots and roms. Now my son can choose which one he wants!

[Q] Elife e3 signal problems

This is Sreehari. I asked this question in the "XDA Assist" forum, but since there is no forum for my device I was suggested to post it here.
the following is what my issue is:
I have been sing Gionee Elife E3 from October last year. First 3-4 months it worked without any problem.. But after that, it started to have frequently signal strength problems..
Frequently the signal bars goes from full to cross very fast. I cannot make a call at that time, but if I put the same SIM in another phone there is no problem. Even rebooting the phone doesn't solve the issue. many of my friends started to say that it is impoosible to get me on the phone most of the time..
Then I gave it to the service center and they flashed it.. It worked well from that point for around 2 weeks, then the problems started again.. after that I started flashing it on my own.. I installed the Chinese firmware to install custom ROMs (for Indian firmware custom ROMs were not available till recently) to see how it goes.. I tried the ColorOS over the Chinese firmware and things felt alright for around 2 weeks again.. now the problems started again and more severe than ever.. the phone is practically useless now that it cannot be relied at all..
I completely annoyed and puzzled by these.. if it is a firmware problem how does it go away after flashing and return after sometime? Could it be a problem with the radio/modem software?
I love this phone, it is awesome model and I don't want to leave it.. can anyone help me? I am not an Android developer but I do have some knowledge on flashing, recovery, backups etc. I can post any screenshot or logs as needed.
PS: I have a doubt on its wi-fi range as well since that also seems to drop very fast, not completely sure though..
can anyone help??

[Q] Help!! Can't get my galaxy on , I think I need the right firmware. Help

Well I'm first gonna say that : i apollagize for my writing and if you can atleast read all of it even though I tend to rant a lil I could really use sum assistance!!
I got a Samsung Galaxy S3 It was unlocked n pretty sure refurbished & then I rooted it....not sure on where this phone originally came from but but now it's dead & I need help turnin it on and getting it back to working state.. cause I'm a newbie at all,,
& I'm prepaid so switching with the unlocked device shouldn't of been this difficult but I was at first with speakout (711) & set the apn setting in my S3,then my Data worked just no sms ....so I figured when my plan expired I would switch to telus & maybe get better signal / service But I've now come to realize that thinking was incorrect ...after signing up for telus everything went bad I barely could hold a signal or even make calls it just wouldn't pick up signal eve though it says telus
But it's had problems with wifi/signal since day one so I did a little research (2/3 days reading )but obviously not long/ well enough & in the midst of being half asleep I hit factory reset.. This is where it gets interested cause. Immediately after that my phone only went to either just the samsung logo , battery page or recovery etc
So then I did a lil research & found sum guidance I downloaded Oden,drivers etc
And after following instructions and running oden my phone hasn't tuned on maybe a lil flash but that's it ...
Is this fixable ?? ...can someone please help me ... I was thinking of changing Roms but always a lil scared tp even try and attempt but I did like the looks of :Cm11, PAC , Vyper
I need some guidance...proper guidance , I ain'ta smart cookie but I catch on fast ) I'm just a silly stoner lol help me get my cell back to working state
Take it to a repair shop, they can try a jtag.

