[Q] WhatsApp Lockscreen MIUI - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I use MIUI v4 on my Sony Experia Arc S and it is great but now i have a question. Is it possible to show the last WhatsApp messages on the lockscreen like a SMS? I don't want to use the PopUp windows from Whatsapp.
I read about the object ContentProvier and it have to provide the data for other apps. So if the app stores the data in this object other apps can get the information from WhatsApp. Can anyone edit WhatsApp for this feature or do you have to edit the lockscreen app from MIUI too?
Would be very nice if someone can give me some information about this topic.

well, actually, u can enable pop up in Whatsapp setting. under "pop up notification", click "always show pop up". It will show your messages even in lock screen.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium

Thx 4 info

Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium


Message count in SMS/MMS app

Does anyone know how to get the number of messages to show next to the contact's name in the stock SMS/MMS app? Thanks in advance.
Sent from my MB525 using XDA App
I do not see an option for it, which leads me to believe that you will have to use a 3rd party SMS app if you want that feature.
Hey! try usin go sms or handcent sms from the market!
Sent from my MB525 using XDA App
I would defiantly give handcent a go its got some pretty good extras also like multicoloured notification LED light depending on event and also you can show a SMS when the screen is locked for quick reply.
Well that's the thing, I meant without a third-party app, like it is on stock Android. I've had Go SMS, but I prefer to have notification icons that actually match with the app, I guess.
Sent from my MB525 using XDA App

[Q] Handcent blacklist question

So I'm trying to figure out the point to the blacklist feature in Handcent. I know it hides all the texts that are on the list, but they are still accessible via the stock messaging app no problem. Is there a way to stop the stock app from showing particular messages, or disable the stock app all together? Just seems like a pointless feature to have if it is bypassed so easily.
remove the stock app from your phone, with root explorer
G1-evolve said:
remove the stock app from your phone, with root explorer
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I wouldn't advise that. Isn't the stock MMS app tied into the framework? I believe this would kill your ability to send and receive messages.
I think the blacklist is to block who ever u want from texting you.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
This is pretty much what it does .. I have done it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
G1-evolve said:
remove the stock app from your phone, with root explorer
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I always wondered if that was possible without breaking something....
With launcher pro you can hide it in the hidden apps list..or on adw just put it on your homescreen then.hold it then edit then change the name and change the icon then take off notifications
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
Launcher Pro allows you to hide applications and in the stock messaging app go to settings and disable navigation notifications. Problem solved.
Edit: I missed the post above mine.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
TJBunch1228 said:
So I'm trying to figure out the point to the blacklist feature in Handcent. I know it hides all the texts that are on the list, but they are still accessible via the stock messaging app no problem. Is there a way to stop the stock app from showing particular messages, or disable the stock app all together? Just seems like a pointless feature to have if it is bypassed so easily.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
if u are looking just to hide dome text so your partner wont find out....you need to download sms guard on the market ,install and go to settings and put a password do no one wont getting......that works perfectly....now the only problem is if the sent u a multimedia message it wont block ....hope it hepls
I've tried the blacklist from handcent myself but really didn't like it nor worked for me that well. Now I'm using blaclkist app from the market. Much better than the blacklist that comes in handcent.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

[Q] SMS unread notification

Hi all. New the the Atrix! I had an HTC Desire before and I actually prefered it because HTC Sense seemed so practical. Im going to continue with the Atrix tho.
One thing I find strange is when I recieve a new text message, the only visual notification I get is in the bar at the top. On the HTC it would place a little number on the icon to let me know have unread messages. Any idea on how I can get the Atrix to do this?
Try this app:
Many thanks. Ill give it go.
This might be more what you are looking for:
SMS Unread Count
Hi. Cheers for the info. I tried them both but just kept getting the same text coming through untill i uninstalled.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Some launchers have an extra option to set if you want an unread messages counter or not (Launcher Pro for example). And some launchers need extra stuff (GO Launcher).
Sent from your device
Lunchbox115 said:
Some launchers have an extra option to set if you want an unread messages counter or not (Launcher Pro for example). And some launchers need extra stuff (GO Launcher).
Sent from your device
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks. Ill try Launcher Pro.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App

[Q] SMS lockscreen popup app?

does anyone know of any app that can show a popup of your sms over the lockscreen, kinda like how the iphone does but without the screen backlight turning on?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Handcent has a popup feature.
WiredPirate said:
Handcent has a popup feature.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i tried handcent, and so far its the closest thing ive found but it doesnt actually show the popup over the lockscreen, it kinda half unlocks the phone and makes the pulldown bar accesible while locked (which i dont like). i want it so it just shows over the lockscreen like on the iphone or on the htc sense phones
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Go sms pro works great!
Pops up on top of.lockscreen u can reply or delete right from the lockscreen.
Sent from my Defy. Using XDA App.

Notification Popup

i would like to have some info over here maybe i could manage to make it work for all apps or even the needed one....
if you take a look on the attached picture it shows you normal notifcation for calls, messaging, and emails.....
what i would like to know if there is anyone specially devs no anythings in the buid of the apk that provide this popup so i cant try to edit another apps to support it also
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium HD app
just to keep it alive
Hello :laugh:

