Bluetooth documenation - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Android General

I know that the person who initial help develop the Bluetooth stuff is gone.
Does anyone know if there is any documentation or other resources left over from their effort?

You can look over their repo's I guess...
Most of the BT effort was tied into the acoustic effort - at least that's how the chap made it sound. It was the same person who originally developed the acoustic code & bluetooth, so it could just be a coincidence...
At this stage, his repo is probably horribly outdated. You'd probably do better by looking at the most current XDAndroid repo's rather than JB's. You've been warned...


Original work

I'm curious about something. Are there any roms for the photon that's built from the ground up by the dev and not based on anyone else's work? I've noticed that most of the roms for the photon are in some way based off another devs work on another phone just with minor tweaks here and there. Joker seems to be the only dev I've noticed that has done most of his own work.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA
Looks like you missed the point
This all here is the Android community and everyone uses others work, when making roms.
Even Joker uses others work. ;-)
Do not say anything about something,if you know nothing. ;-)
Except for pure AOSP builds, ALL ROM's are based off of either CM or stock (ports fall under one of these two groups as well). Pure AOSP builds are very rare as the dev has to write a lot of the drivers, framework and such from scratch. This applies to all android devices.
Pure AOSP builds on devices without full sourcecode from the component manufacturers are considered so time consuming that most devs never even both. A perfect example is the Tegra2 development board. Even those that have purchased the dev board do not have access to all the sourcecode as there's a lot of proprietary code that does not fall under opensource. Short of somebody risking some serious legal issues by releasing proprietary code the code is never released. At last check, nobody has all the source code for the Tegra platform.
Another example is during a conversation with agraben at the android bbq the subject of sourcecode came up. Both he and I were a little pissed the handset manufacturers are using wrappers (closed source) to get things like cameras and the like to work. In some cases the released drivers (open source) are pretty much useless as most of the functions are handled by the wrapper. Think of it as soft-drivers (proprietary) vs hard-drivers (opensource).
There is also a lot that goes on behind the scenes. It's not uncommon for devs to share fixes and such with each other. Lets say I find a way to make the mopho print money (I wish this was true). Unless I'm a complete d*ck, I'd send other devs a PM/email and give the code to any devs that want it. The most I may ask for is a mention in the credits.
Lokifish Marz said:
Except for pure AOSP builds, ALL ROM's are based off of either CM or stock (ports fall under one of these two groups as well). Pure AOSP builds are very rare as the dev has to write a lot of the drivers, framework and such from scratch. This applies to all android devices.
Pure AOSP builds on devices without full sourcecode from the component manufacturers are considered so time consuming that most devs never even both. A perfect example is the Tegra2 development board. Even those that have purchased the dev board do not have access to all the sourcecode as there's a lot of proprietary code that does not fall under opensource. Short of somebody risking some serious legal issues by releasing proprietary code the code is never released. At last check, nobody has all the source code for the Tegra platform.
Another example is during a conversation with agraben at the android bbq the subject of sourcecode came up. Both he and I were a little pissed the handset manufacturers are using wrappers (closed source) to get things like cameras and the like to work. In some cases the released drivers (open source) are pretty much useless as most of the functions are handled by the wrapper. Think of it as soft-drivers (proprietary) vs hard-drivers (opensource).
There is also a lot that goes on behind the scenes. It's not uncommon for devs to share fixes and such with each other. Lets say I find a way to make the mopho print money (I wish this was true). Unless I'm a complete d*ck, I'd send other devs a PM/email and give the code to any devs that want it. The most I may ask for is a mention in the credits.
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The manufacturers are looking to create a competitive advantage between themselves and their "competition" (re: HTC vs. Motorola) so they proprietarize and hope to win. Where they lack foresight is that those "competitors" are the least of their problems; external forces drive the competitive market and these include Apple, RIM and Nokia. Open sourcing more of their code would leave them with many benefits and a handful of weaknesses, but the benefits would far outweigh the losses. They may not want the community to see their sloppy code or quality untested code. When everyone's watching, the audience able to poke holes in your quality is magnitudes larger than your QA folks. I've had my fair share of holes poked, but that's the joy - live and learn.
OP, the entire Android platform is based off a combination of coders' work, from the home dev up to Linus Torvalds.
I'm thankful for what those who dev on here do, because it can be a grueling and unappreciated process; but when it works >= expectations, hallelujah!

Decompiling baseband firmware?

One thing that bothers me about my Android phone is the opaque, closed-source baseband firmware ("radio" as it's often called here). Since the baseband is interposed between the OS and most hardware functions, its firmware presents a major unknown in the total security of the device.
It's unlikely that the source code for any of this baseband firmware is going to be released, and the open source OsmocomBB baseband is a long way off from supporting Android or the dominant Qualcomm chips. But I would settle for decompiling an existing baseband firmware image, so that I can start to understand some things about it's behavior, and perhaps compile modified versions.
Does anyone know where to begin with this? Many thanks.
I wish somebody participated in this with you. I need it also /
funkydaemon said:
One thing that bothers me about my Android phone is the opaque, closed-source baseband firmware ("radio" as it's often called here). Since the baseband is interposed between the OS and most hardware functions, its firmware presents a major unknown in the total security of the device.
It's unlikely that the source code for any of this baseband firmware is going to be released, and the open source OsmocomBB baseband is a long way off from supporting Android or the dominant Qualcomm chips. But I would settle for decompiling an existing baseband firmware image, so that I can start to understand some things about it's behavior, and perhaps compile modified versions.
Does anyone know where to begin with this? Many thanks.
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Good idea. Although most probably it'll all be native C code compiled into binary form, not amenable to decompiling.
So you'd probably need a very good debugger and a system call tracing facility in strace.
I guess hell might also break loose because SIM encryption(?), voice encoders(?), network locking(?) and god knows how many of those proprietary tidbits may be sitting in there.
SIM encryption broken leading to duplication of SIMs and leading to smartcard encryption and open source tools to reprogram your credit cards with more money.
That's not hell. That's hell in a hand basket with us enjoying the ride
Keep us posted. It's guys like you who think outside the radio that gave us the TV
For Qualcomm based devices you need to decompile Hexagon code.
For other Intel XMM6260 etc based devices suffice IDA (ARM).
In both cases the raw binary blobs may be encrypted, but extractable from running machine.
I'm working on it, in a fashion, and am writing up a document compiling everything that has been done on cellphone radio hacking. I've not found much on baseband firmware; there's a lot of info out there but it's been tough to find amongst all the other hacking that has similar keywords. Currently most quality info around this subject involve an extra (and depending on desired features; expensive) bit of hardware and two open source software packages with their decencies. As the hardware is currently outside my budget ($300 for the best bang for buck) I'll be working on getting the software to recognize the hardware built in my Android devices. Provided that all goes well I should be able to read and write on the frequencies that the in-built hardware supports and hopefully, as I always get an identical device when getting one, read and write with my backup android device. Be warned if you decide to follow me down this path; there are laws restricting what non-licensed persons/companys can do on certain RF frequencies and this depends on where you live, I'm no expert only a person capable of reading lots of dry informative documents, provided I do achieve direct contact between devices this hack could (and likely will) fry one of my antennas so be warned you'll likely do the same :banghead: so do this on an old device that you don't care about before ever trying on something you use daily. With the warning out of the way lets get down to the quick version.
Currently all the developing I've found educational has involved the before mentioned "expensive hardware" known as software defined radio, shortened to SDR, go a head and pop open a new tab and Google search either. You'll eventually find that cellphone manufacturers have likely already put these into many devices. You'll also hopefully find the two kickstarters, HackRF ~$300 and bladeRF ~$400, these are likely what I'll be saving up for; HackRF for sure as the next release will likely be able to send and receive at the same time instead of switching quickly between modes. If you dig deep enough you'll find a blog post from a hacker that plugged an Android into a much more expensive SDR and was able to place calls and send/receive text; the blog poster stated something to the effect that this was not a useful hack but I believe that it's a great proof of concept and totally worth another look. However, this hacker has also almost been sewed for some of the demonstrations with this kind of technology involving the capture and description of calls and texts so tread carefully.
The software I mentioned before boil down to GNU Radio and Open BTS; there's dependencies for each but all seem to be installable on Linux running on top of Android. Furthermore I see that someone (I'll edit your name in in a sec Edit: idcrisis ) previous mentioned wanting c or c++ support, GNU Radio uses these languages perhaps I can ask for some help when I get a little further in porting this to run without Linux in the middle so much? I think if we use the GPS to set the time then the signal shouldn't drift to much.
I'm using an app called Debian Kit to give me a flavor of Linux called Squeeze for testing the software. If you choose to try what I'm doing then make use of the readme that the developer wrote or the guide I wrote for general Linux on Android installation and interaction fund in my sig to get started. If you want access to the document I'm compiling then you'll want to PM me at this moment as the chances of hardware frying is high and I'll share a link to Google docs; I'll be releasing a full guide when I've figured out how to avoid damage.
Eventually I hope to port many of the functions in GNU Radio into an app that makes use of internal hardware. Currently I've found a few that make use of hardware plugged into Android through USB "on the go" or "host mode" just search "RTL SDR" in the app store and you'll see'em, but, currently nothing making use of internal hardware. If any are interested in joining forces and helping figure out how to do all this I'd be glad to offer any support I can.
Other things related to cellular antenna hacking other than the above mentioned software and hardware that I'm compiling into the same document. Well this is where we get into the parts I'm hitting the wall on. It looks like I'll have to get into Kernel modification as this is one of the things used to communicate between software and hardware. There's also the flashable files known as radios and I'll be digging further in how these files are modified.
Basically this is a very tough question to answer and has taken many months of reading, searching, and more reading to get this close bit if we all work together I know that we'll be able to modify how the antennas in our devices work.
Edit 01142014- Found a guide on reverse engineering embedded device firmware, the guide is on a router but as the chips in our phones are embedded perhaps the steps are similar
Sent from either my SPH-D700 or myTouch3gs or M470BSA
Guide for running Linux on Android that I'm writing:
^^ NO! The embedded chips in the Linksys routers are MIPS based and not ARM like all our Androids. Very different, although technique is the same.
But thanks, for taking time to check up on all this.
Any updates ?
Hey Guys,
I'm looking into this, I've successfully extracted files from the OnePlus One's baseband, its running RtOS called REX, QC calls it AMSS.
Have a look at the thread here:
Waiting for the OsmocomBB update it projects
QCOM modem leaked sources.
Type in google/bing: "AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_MR1_RB1."

[Q] Android Development for Operating Systems class

Hi guys,
I'm new to the forum, but I plan on developing ROMs with a few people, so I will probably frequent them soon.
In my Operating Systems class, I was asked to come up with ideas for a project. Well, since I'm just starting to build Android ROMs anyways, I was going to see if I could use this idea for class. I guess my question is, do you guys think this would be a good project to last a few weeks of the semester (at least)? If not, can you suggest ways that will make it longer or shorter? We would be building them for a Droid Incredible.
I have a general idea, and it seams that just getting an AOSP ROM up and running would be no problem at all, from what I read anyways. It seems like the tailoring or the importing of ROMs is what really takes time and effort.
Thanks in advance for the input.
It depends on the class skills. But it's really great idea to study Linux and low level Android features. uh.. I didn't have such interesting project during my university years ((
The only big issue is high initial level of knowledge. Also many peoples may quickly give up fighting with some unclear compile or deploy issues. It's not trivial to debug on such devices. They may quickly lost their interest. But overall this is great idea. Where are you teaching?
I'm not actually the professor, I'm a student at Saginaw Valley State University (Michigan). I'm the "Class Leader" so I told the professor that I would give him the list of ideas I had for projects.
If it's for a grade, it might be a good idea then. They may lose interest, but if their grades are on the line, I would hope they struggle through it. Plus, we are all in groups, and they can pick another project if they don't like this one.
Thanks for the info, Purler.
Does anyone know how different it would be to make a ROM for something that requires a mouse input, like the Raspberry Pi?

[I9505][AOSP][Q] Using Samsung OSRC content in AOSP builds

I'm sure I'm not the first developer to ask this question, so at the risk of possible embarrassment I pose this question to the development community as a way for myself and others to learn:
When we build AOSP projects we often do based on the repos from that project. But in Samsung's OSRC releases you often get 2 packages: kernel source and a "platform" package. In there is what Samsung "says" is needed to build AOSP for that given device. For example, I often see bluetooth and audio source in there.
So here's the question....
Given the issues we're seeing in i9505 variants for Bluetooth and headphone call audio, why do we not try using this source for testing purposes? Sure, it may not be the newest but if it works where we are currently having issues; couldn't the differences be merged and hopefully resolve the issue?
Obviously Samsung's solution of just "dropping" the source on top of stuff already being used doesn't make sense. But I can't believe I'm the first to ask and there has to be a reason why. Hopefully some maintainers can shed some light and by doing so, help newer devs (like me) understand the background behind it.
garwynn said:
I'm sure I'm not the first developer to ask this question, so at the risk of possible embarrassment I pose this question to the development community as a way for myself and others to learn:
When we build AOSP projects we often do based on the repos from that project. But in Samsung's OSRC releases you often get 2 packages: kernel source and a "platform" package. In there is what Samsung "says" is needed to build AOSP for that given device. For example, I often see bluetooth and audio source in there.
So here's the question....
Given the issues we're seeing in i9505 variants for Bluetooth and headphone call audio, why do we not try using this source for testing purposes? Sure, it may not be the newest but if it works where we are currently having issues; couldn't the differences be merged and hopefully resolve the issue?
Obviously Samsung's solution of just "dropping" the source on top of stuff already being used doesn't make sense. But I can't believe I'm the first to ask and there has to be a reason why. Hopefully some maintainers can shed some light and by doing so, help newer devs (like me) understand the background behind it.
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The stuff in platform isn't what is needed for AOSP - it is (with rare exceptions) only GPL-licensed stuff Samsung is legally obligated to release.
Occasionally little bits and pieces of it are useful (like a single GS2 or GS3 release that included libsecril-client source code), but usually not.
For example, the BT stack in all GS1 platform releases was useless for AOSP, because it was Broadcom's hacked-up version that had dependencies on a proprietary binary (I forget its name - they got around GPL by making it a separate program that communicated using sockets with the rest of the BT stack.)
All of the BT/headphone problems with Snapdragon-based GS4s are, as I understand it, issues with libcsd-client (same library that was troublesome for Note2 and CM until someone ran libcsd-client through Hex-Rays Decompile to see what Samsung mangled...)
It seems like OEMs have a bad habit of hacking up libcsd-client in undocumented ways - LOTS of Qcom devices have had miscellaneous weirdness stemming from libcsd-client lately.

Compiling AOSP

Yes yes, you may think that I'm crazy for attempting to compile AOSP, but in fact im just obsessed with getting AOSP to work (on my previous device I spent a full year on it without success), thanks to the experience I know much more know about the environment.
I've done several pure aosp builds so far, and they result in a ~280mb system folder, which is kinda the size of aosp I guess (atleast for xxhdpi)
But they end with errors of course, anyways. I used the devices specs with updated overlays,and added dependencies (such as hardware) to the environment.
But since the aosp environment is very mean to new devices its once again a real struggle. as expected, but I like the challenge.
Anyways, Im currently trying out this hybrid-ish environment. which contains the items listed above but with several elements of the AOKP environment added (only the essential ones for compatibility).
Compiling goes so far so good. hope I will get a working build. (don't expect this to happen tho)
Oh and since samsung is releasing the S4 Google Edition (AOSP) soon it must be possible. (the google edition is the qualcomm varian afaik)
More info soon!
I'm going to drop this here for now until I have time to mess with it more.!topic/android-building/_F67iLDcVzQ
Note: This leads me back to my previous question as to how we are supposed to build with this.
At face value it seems we're only getting fairly close to what we were with other OSRC releases.
Going to look at more later tonight.
Skilled devs can get pure aosp to work properly. It was done for sprints gs3 without using CM code.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
You don't necessarily need proprietary binaries to be released to build AOSP, although it does make it much easier. Sometimes you have to resort to trial and error and debug tools.
drewX2 said:
You don't necessarily need proprietary binaries to be released to build AOSP, although it does make it much easier. Sometimes you have to resort to trial and error and debug tools.
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I disagree completely. Without the prop' libraries and drivers that the OEM has built to manage the board you can most certainly expect the related hardware to fail or be only partially functional at best. Some other 3rd party generic driver would still be required if this example were true. In the good old AOSP days (maguro for example) had roughly a dozen proprietary files required for the device tree to build. With more and more OEMs making different hardware configs and spin-off APIs trying to lock down a lead in the game it has inflated that number greatly. In this instance, for example, S4 requires roughly 165 proprietary files in the vendor/ and device/ tree. Furthermore, with many of those stacks being required to pass for a successful boot complete (audio for example) there is little chance for even semi-functional usage without the required libraries and drivers.
broodplank1337 said:
(edit)...I'm crazy for attempting to compile AOSP...
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We're compiling pure AOSP already for this board. I'm not sure what your repo structure looks like but if you are based off a CM or AOKP base clone then you got some work cut out for you. The CM tree compiles completely different than AOSP. All EaglesBlood builds are compiled from our same main branch, which consists entirely of only pure AOSP + our own EB coding. There is no CM codeblock nor anything else polluting (no pun). Since CM and others have some custom hybrid APIs and such you may run into issues that are difficult to resolve or even identify. If you aren't the one committing those patches then it is difficult to know at a glance of what has been heavily CM-ified vs closer to native code; or unless you're very in-tune with CM, gerrit and GIT.
We'll be releasing AOSP 4.2.2 as soon as we get the kernel config where we want it to be. Stay tuned.
oOo B0XeR oOo said:
I disagree completely. Without the prop' libraries and drivers that the OEM has built to manage the board you can most certainly expect the related hardware to fail or be only partially functional at best. Some other 3rd party generic driver would still be required if this example were true. In the good old AOSP days (maguro for example) had roughly a dozen proprietary files required for the device tree to build. With more and more OEMs making different hardware configs and spin-off APIs trying to lock down a lead in the game it has inflated that number greatly. In this instance, for example, S4 requires roughly 165 proprietary files in the vendor/ and device/ tree. Furthermore, with many of those stacks being required to pass for a successful boot complete (audio for example) there is little chance for even semi-functional usage without the required libraries and drivers.
I think you misunderstood what I said. First of all, I am speaking from *experience*. I have ported AOSP to devices without RELEASED proprietary binaries and I have handled every step in porting; from display, audio, to calling, wifi, bt, etc. Released means the manufacturer provides a nice little package for you. I had to in many cases, figure out which libs from a stock rom were needed. Additionally, you can utilize libs from completely different devices as a temporary patch. I am very comfortable with kernel development and the android framework. If you were too, you would know what I am saying is true. Here is one tip, nearly every board is like another (within the same class; eg. MSM8960, APQ8064) with only slight variations (e.g. modem). Once you understand that, it becomes easier.
We're compiling pure AOSP already for this board. I'm not sure what your repo structure looks like but if you are based off a CM or AOKP base clone then you got some work cut out for you. The CM tree compiles completely different than AOSP. All EaglesBlood builds are compiled from our same main branch, which consists entirely of only pure AOSP + our own EB coding. There is no CM codeblock nor anything else polluting (no pun). Since CM and others have some custom hybrid APIs and such you may run into issues that are difficult to resolve or even identify. If you aren't the one committing those patches then it is difficult to know at a glance of what has been heavily CM-ified vs closer to native code; or unless you're very in-tune with CM, gerrit and GIT.
We'll be releasing AOSP 4.2.2 as soon as we get the kernel config where we want it to be. Stay tuned.
I agree with you on some points about CM code, however, you're group has been porting devices that were working or nearly working with base android code. Talk about an easy route. I can see you haven't had to do any hard work yet. Going from 4.1 -> 4.2 on a non google AOSP supported device or a device that has no CM build available for it is a whole different story. How do I know? I've done it. I was the first to build CM for HTC DNA and both CM/AOSP for Oppo Find 5. Next time before you "completely disagree," make sure you know what you're talking about.
Lastly, although I agree with you on some points about CM code, you should give them credit because your stuff is probably based on their stuff more then you lead others to believe; like nearly every other "dev group" out there. And by no means, am I some CM lover (I've had my quarrels with them), but you should give respect and credit to those who make what you do possible.
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See Above.
drewX2 said:
I think you misunderstood what I said. First of all, I am speaking from *experience*. I have ported AOSP to devices without RELEASED proprietary binaries...
...How do I know? I've done it. I was the first to build CM for HTC DNA and both CM/AOSP for Oppo Find 5. Next time before you "completely disagree," make sure you know what you're talking about.
Great, hi-five to you, but before making bold assumptions...
drewX2 said:
...(CM) you should give them credit because your stuff is probably based on their stuff more then you lead others to believe; like nearly every other "dev group" out there. And by no means, am I some CM lover (I've had my quarrels with them),....
See Above.
I never suggested anything about CM, they are top-notch. I said we dont use their base code like "every other dev". Sorry you have had quarrels; and there is nothing "probably based off them" as I just told you our repo is straight AOSP & EB.
Likewise you should "know what you're talking about", prior to making assumptions and speculations.
^read above
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Im currently working on this as well...anyone have anymore success? Im currently fighting my way through compile errors...but I would love to be able to atleast get a bootable pure aosp from source...ill keep at it...but if anyone has gotten it yet please help speed up my process and enlighten me on what you did to compile a working aosp
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
I guess we all are I'm working on one too. Lots of research on correcting errors
Cm10.2 anyone??
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk 2
Wrong post
I did it successfully with help of some external repos

