Samsung Keyboard Question - Galaxy Note II Themes and Apps

Has the Samsung Keyboard on the Note II been upgraded with slide texting. I recently saw a demo video and it appeared to have it.
If so, would someone please post the APK. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanx in advanced.
Sent from DaStAgE

It's available on older firmwares but it's disabled by default. You can enable it in the keyboard settings.
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CreepyDroid said:
It's available on older firmwares but it's disabled by default. You can enable it in the keyboard settings.
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I see a setting that says "keyboard sweeping" but it doesn't seem to activate anything. When I slide my finger across the keyboard as if I'm Swype texting, nothing happens.
Sent from DaStAgE

It's called continuous input
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CreepyDroid said:
It's called continuous input
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Edit: Is it possible to install the Samsung Keyboard from the Note II on the original Note?
Sent from DaStAgE


Autocorrect on the sgs2

I cant seem to get auto correct on. I tried the settings menu from the keyboard and turned on x9 text but nothing. Any ideas?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I went with SwiftKey due to this. It's better
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ronnyb29 said:
I went with SwiftKey due to this. It's better
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So there is no auto correct?

XDA app FC

Anyone have a fix? Every time I hit back the XDA app fc?
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda app
Until the last update the xda app was useless. Since then its usable, but still not great. There is no way to change settings. There is no menu key, and I can't get soft key simulators to bring up the menu so you can't change any settings. It FCs for me if I try to open settings from the more tab.
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777)
sweetboy02125 said:
Anyone have a fix? Every time I hit back the XDA app fc?
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Uninstall, fix permissions in recovery, reinstall.
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Mac Wireless Keyboard on SIII?

As the title says, will it work? or does anybody had a mac wireless keyboard and tried it?
I'm planning to buy a Bluetooth keyboard for my PC, I just want to know if it will work on my SIII to make the keyboard dual purpose. TIA
It does work however some shortcuts/key mapping won't function as expected.
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wins90 said:
It does work however some shortcuts/key mapping won't function as expected.
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Did you mean the F-keys? Fine by me if only that "shortcuts" won't work. Have you tested it and did work?
I'm currently have one for my S3, Nexus 7 and iPad. Yes, only F shortcuts doesn't work. Also I am still trying to figuring out how the tab key works in Android.
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I just switched from a iPhone5 to note 2 and i hate the predictive txt on swype

how do i turn of predictive txt i tried every option on the settings do i have to root? i searched everywhere before asking plz help
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What settings did you search?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
If you aren't hooked on swype, you might want to try some of the aftermarket keyboards...they do some amazing things (and some do have swype or something similar included). Especially if you are used to the iOS keyboard...its probably one of the biggest day to day functional improvements on Android. Smart Keyboard Pro, Thumb Keyboard and Kii are all awesome.
@kintwofan i have that off and my swype keyboard still has the predictive txt and i downloaded kii is ok ill do for now
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boogief1 said:
@kintwofan i have that off and my swype keyboard still has the predictive txt and i downloaded kii is ok ill do for now
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My friend that's because I'm an idiot. First some reason I thought the picture was the Samsung keyboard. That setting has no affect on the swype keyboard
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
so is there a way to turn off predictive text on swype ?
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boogief1 said:
so is there a way to turn off predictive text on swype ?
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Uninstall swype!
Seriously not if there is a bug with it. Have to wait until they fix it.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
I would download the jellybean keyboard. I like it better anyway and also has a swipe feature
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
What's wrong with the stock keyboard? I just swiped this from it
sent from my Note 2
It sounds like the complaint is the suggestion bar because you can't turn it off. But it is less annoying if you turn off auto correction and next word prediction.
But there are many good keyboards. No one should feel stuck with a keyboard they don't like.
Note 2 - Nexus 7 - Charge - Player 5.0 - Fascinate
Read twice, flash once
@littleguevara i want to turn offf predictive txt i turned off in all settings but nothing works
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
boogief1 said:
how do i turn of predictive txt i tried every option on the settings do i have to root? i searched everywhere before asking plz help
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Try swiftkey then, it has the swype thing too....
Device = Note 2
Rom = Omega 12
([email protected] black,[email protected] pack)
Kernel = Perseus 32
(Cpu [email protected],Gpu [email protected])
Audio = AC!D + Noozxoide
boogief1 said:
@littleguevara i want to turn offf predictive txt i turned off in all settings but nothing works
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Thats not the stock keyboard. Thats swype. This is the stock keyboard:
If youre rooted, I can give you the stock kb with the auto correct turned off and ability to remove predictive text as seen above, in a flashable zip file. I cant help you with swype, I think stock is far superior though. Ive used 4.2 keyboard, swiftkey etc. I came back to stock
sent from my Note 2
Not rooted but will need to do soon thanks 4 all help so is it a bug in swype ?
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boogief1 said:
Not rooted but will need to do soon thanks 4 all help so is it a bug in swype ?
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Its not a bug, I think they consider it a "feature"
sent from my Note 2
Ohh ok blahh it suxs thanks for info
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boogief1 said:
Ohh ok blahh it suxs thanks for info
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Just cause your not used too it doesn't mean it sucks. You have to remember coming from an iPhone you are going from a windows 3 computer to windows 8.
Lotta capabilities you will need to get used too.
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I had a s3 before and the swype keyboard wasnt that anniyingbi had more androids than iphones and yeap this new swype keyboard suxs ill just stick with stock samsung keyboard
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A bit off topic but try hitting the first word suggestion and keep doing it to see an "easter egg" from samsung lol (stock keyboard)...its the sentence it makes lol
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Split Keyboard

Just got the 2014 and was wondering if anyone has come across a split keyboard for it or even a Swype version for it? Been using Swype since my G-II days,... very comfortable with it. But sure wished I could find a split keyboard option. Thanks!
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
The native samsung keyboard splits. Push and hold the mic icon chose split, normal or floating. If you dont like that try swiftkey or thumbsplus both are good
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
rockjock2020 said:
The native samsung keyboard splits. Push and hold the mic icon chose split, normal or floating. If you dont like that try swiftkey or thumbsplus both are good
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Thanks rockjock!
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Just hit the thanks button we work for cheap
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Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
ericpd said:
Just got the 2014 and was wondering if anyone has come across a split keyboard for it or even a Swype version for it? Been using Swype since my G-II days,... very comfortable with it. But sure wished I could find a split keyboard option. Thanks!
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rockjock2020 said:
The native samsung keyboard splits. Push and hold the mic icon chose split, normal or floating. If you dont like that try swiftkey or thumbsplus both are good
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Since you mention Swype, the Play Store version does have a split function as well.
Try SwiftKey. I have and it's the best yet. I think. There is a free trail version in the play store. Swipe works in split mode to. Takes a little to get use to.
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Another keyboard you might like to try is one of the original split keyboards on the market in thumb keyboard. Tons of customization options to fit it to how you want it to feel like. I used it on my other tablets before the Note. I'm mainly stick to stock because it like the ability to write from time to time and it has native split like others have mentioned.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
Try Multiling keyboard from PlayStore
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
Kii is by far the best split keyboard I've used. I've tried swiftkey and swype but always go back to Kii.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
sorry.. deleted my post.. i've misunderstood

