About JB - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

Which are the stable & bugless or less buggy JB ROM for xperia mini
i want to try one as i never did till now..
now days don't know why devs dont put bug list when presenting a ROM
To developers : Please list out bugs when representing a ROM so other people can know.
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piousheart said:
Which are the stable & bugless or less buggy JB ROM for xperia mini
i want to try one as i never did till now..
now days don't know why devs dont put bug list when presenting a ROM
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well the only rom of which other rom are modifications..... is fxp142..... it the most stable in terms of everydayUSE....
i am using it and am seriously astonished of how buttery it makes your phone

Afaik all JB Rom are based on Cm10 which make all of them have +/- the performance of cm10 including fxp and others..But anyway I recommend you to use FXP Rom.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

FXP 142 CM10 is the best. Nearly no bugs and it's so fast. :good:
Don't use FXP 144 it has more bugs, touch freezes, etc...

mihahn said:
FXP 142 CM10 is the best. Nearly no bugs and it's so fast. :good:
Don't use FXP 144 it has more bugs, touch freezes, etc...
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Download links please:laugh:

piousheart said:
Download links please:laugh:
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Go here

piousheart said:
Which are the stable & bugless or less buggy JB ROM for xperia mini
i want to try one as i never did till now..
now days don't know why devs dont put bug list when presenting a ROM
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Try the PACman Rom by AllenHu. The bugs are:
1. YouTube reboots
2. Accelerometer
3. Panorama in camera.
Sent from my SK17i using xda app-developers app

mihahn said:
Go here
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What are the bugs?:fingers-crossed:

piousheart said:
What are the bugs?:fingers-crossed:
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Camera preview not working, calculator has a fc, accelerometer must be reset with advanced tools before every use, proximity sensor works only if you fix it by changing some values.
And youtube sometimes reboots on watching videos, and the lights of the back and menu key not working.
That should be all, the only really annoying thing is the youtube reboot :good:
Sent from my SK17i running Jelly Bean via CM10

I'm using PAndroid with FXP 142 and its pretty cool, but sometimes it drains soo much ram



All ginger - very fast fully functional but really old.
Official ics - Laggy , self rebooting sth , Fully functional
CM9 - smoother but torch and camera flash need patch to fix. CM9 have none of XLOUD , BRAVIA , Dual mic need patch to fix. Camera performance is drop down from official. i don't know why. may be it cause by sony camera app ( we can not port sony camera app to CM9 for now )
CM10 and Jelly rom - Alpha one. fast but extremely not fully functional ( i think)
Every one here love to use Official ics as base ( MIUI , Tweaked rom or what ever ) cuz it fully functional.
for me, I need some rom that use CM9 stable version as base. cuz it was super fast.
I want a rom for locked bootloader, I cant unlock my bootloader on my phone bcuz my carrier has locked fastboot mode
how did carrier lock fastboot mode .. .___.
Currently stripped customize Official Stock ICS firmware is the best choice for Xperia ray. But most dev here are focusing on CM10 development. I recommend you to join and develop with them to get stable Jelly Bean.
ZN6 by Tapatalk 2 HD Version
I think a MIUI ICS fully multilaunge and stable..fast..battery friendly..
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
-Jesco- said:
how did carrier lock fastboot mode .. .___.
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Its just locked, I cant unlock the bootloader without any fastboot:/
emosis said:
I think a MIUI ICS fully multilaunge and stable..fast..battery friendly..
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
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I sent a message about my ideas check your inbox
Jellybean is the future. Jellybean is super fast and battery friendly. But not fully functional yet. I wait for a fully working jellybean tweaked rom.
at last..you bought a ray..before this use x10 also and im a huge fan of your rom..very2 smooth and fast..never thought u gonna change your phone..what about your development in x10 thread?
Yeah work on CM10 with other devs
lokenok said:
Yeah work on CM10 with other devs
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As i told..wanna develop few roms... jelly bean is in the list for sure
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asip92 said:
at last..you bought a ray..before this use x10 also and im a huge fan of your rom..very2 smooth and fast..never thought u gonna change your phone..what about your development in x10 thread?
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Cant say anything..thanks..as you see..no development for now at all due to ma network..but if i will have enough free time i can help x10 users..andy..9andar..,bares..jeffry..and many others are in my contact list..in fb or skype..so..
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
welcome fera. the only thing missing when i switched from x10 to ray was your perfect rom. cant wait to enjoy it on my ray DD
Hi, I would definitely go for something stock-based, quite lite, similar to JJ's Hybrid ROM, but faster like RayOniumICS and with loooooooot of customisatinos. I like all the present ROMs but every ROM has something. It would be nice if you could take the best from each ROM and put it together. Oh and please don't forget the CRT effect from CM9 I'm a big fan of that. I would also suggest to make some addons as well because developers usually like to their ROM without the SONY stuff like 3dcamera, Timescape...
i'd like to see tweaked miui rom, with alot of customization of course.
miui is great on customization, and i like my phone being different
If you could develop an app or mod to enable ad-hoc WIFI support that would be great.
I see many great ROMs here, but some of them lack this support.
Fantomas. said:
Hi, I would definitely go for something stock-based, quite lite, similar to JJ's Hybrid ROM, but faster like RayOniumICS and with loooooooot of customisatinos. I like all the present ROMs but every ROM has something. It would be nice if you could take the best from each ROM and put it together. Oh and please don't forget the CRT effect from CM9 I'm a big fan of that. I would also suggest to make some addons as well because developers usually like to their ROM without the SONY stuff like 3dcamera, Timescape...
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Thx for advance..will test evry rom out here and try to mix the best of 'em in one....and i use aroma....so...installation process will be kind of building your own feralab rom..selecting engines..apps..etc..that you like.
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
Already downloaded latest aroma binaries and writing scripts for it now..cuz its quite long hard work stuff..first release will be somewhere in 15 september...first one will be stockbased.. and next one will be cm10..all roms will use feralab kernel..and..anyway...time will show us what will be done.. will try to do my best..thanks for feedback
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app

Best Rom :D?

i know i know you guys will look at me and say things like "wtf you asking this for now!!" 
The benchmarks post and test all roms page hasnt been updated since 12 days ago and before i say anythiong i tried all roms seriously no joke but havent tried the new updates for most ics roms since 3 weeks ago but im currently on gxg jelly bread and love the rom for playing games but still gingerbread is kinda boring and i see all mods and new stuff coming out is for ics
can any just tell me which is the best rom?
im thinking between superleggera, jellysandwhich, iced bean and flylight....
and again sorry for asking but i need just some advice
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
Nothing against the devs of ICS ROMs but ICS can never be as good as JB. Tried PACman and it's amazing. Btw I've tried every single ROM and I say this one's the best. But try all of them, it's worth it.
Sent from my Xperia Ray using xda premium
I've been using flylight for a while now and can strongly recommend it. As a base Rom it's clean and fast and it has coped with all the mods I've layered on top
The other approach is to choose something like jelly sandwich; with its aroma installer you have your choice of all the best mods out there.
As far as I can tell all of the 587 roms are pretty tight so it really is a choice between a stripped Rom like fly light or s fully featured one like jelly sandwich.
Don't discount CM either the ics build is excellent imo.
Sent from my ST18a using xda premium
Parkside said:
I've been using flylight for a while now and can strongly recommend it. As a base Rom it's clean and fast and it has coped with all the mods I've layered on top
The other approach is to choose something like jelly sandwich; with its aroma installer you have your choice of all the best mods out there.
As far as I can tell all of the 587 roms are pretty tight so it really is a choice between a stripped Rom like fly light or s fully featured one like jelly sandwich.
Don't discount CM either the ics build is excellent imo.
Sent from my ST18a using xda premium
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+1 for flylight. everything works lightning fast
also can try SuperleggeraV3 !
PAC alpha 11.2. Best for daily use. Lots of customization! Go for it
My favorites are JellySandwich and Aires repacked by 4pda.ru rom (gb).
Miui if you want customization... or flylight or jellyswandwich for performance!!!
Haven't checked out iced yet !!!
Sent from urushi
Fantomas. said:
Nothing against the devs of ICS ROMs but ICS can never be as good as JB. Tried PACman and it's amazing. Btw I've tried every single ROM and I say this one's the best. But try all of them, it's worth it.
Sent from my Xperia Ray using xda premium
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i think pac is the worst one jb rom
fxp140 is better
pa is the best
+1 for PACman with latest update. Recent update fixed front camera issue and now good for a daily rom!
urushi my love said:
i think pac is the worst one jb rom
fxp140 is better
pa is the best
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which version of PAC did you try?
i'm verry happy with PAC alpha 11 +1st patch.
verry responsive, fast (3200 antutu @ 806/134mhz) many many options and good battery life
(in alpha 10 battery life was bad, 11 is very good).
Hey guys I really appreciate for this advice thank you
I'm on jellysandwich now 6.2 and it still has bugs and I feel that its slow don't know why but whatever. I'm going to try superleggera now than flylight and than ill make my choice. Pac and fxp don't work since they are cm based don't why but both of them give me fc android.phone.process I believe its sim related because I can't get a single bar of reception. If I put it on airplane mod I don't get fc
Anyways thanx guys but please keep on replying on your favorite rom thanx
Sent from my ST18 using xda app-developers app
I'm using Superleggera V3 myself and for now is the fastest ROM i've tested. Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
And I'm back to gxg jellybread looks and feels great
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
demez said:
I'm using Superleggera V3 myself and for now is the fastest ROM i've tested. Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Superleggera V3 is the Best ROM i've tried.......
Supracer said:
Hey guys I really appreciate for this advice thank you
I'm on jellysandwich now 6.2 and it still has bugs and I feel that its slow don't know why but whatever. I'm going to try superleggera now than flylight and than ill make my choice. Pac and fxp don't work since they are cm based don't why but both of them give me fc android.phone.process I believe its sim related because I can't get a single bar of reception. If I put it on airplane mod I don't get fc
Anyways thanx guys but please keep on replying on your favorite rom thanx
Sent from my ST18 using xda app-developers app
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Try with a new fix, personally i didnt have problems with JellySandwich (except wifi obtaining ip problem in first versions)
Apsolutely smooth on 800Mhz, deep undervolted, Antutu benchmark 4295 (on 1,4 ghz)
6.2 is not yet polished, maybe you can try 5.0 (bug free)
urushi my love said:
i think pac is the worst one jb rom
fxp140 is better
pa is the best
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What's wrong with PAC?! It's got everything PA and FXP have. It's like a hybrid of those + aokp.
Sent from my Xperia Ray using xda premium
Fantomas. said:
What's wrong with PAC?! It's got everything PA and FXP have. It's like a hybrid of those + aokp.
Sent from my Xperia Ray using xda premium
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Well for me I always get force close with android.phone.process when I put with sim card, and without sim card it works perfect. All rims work with my phone except for Roms that have cyangenmod
In it
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
for me i like FXP CM 9.1 and MIUI ROM
since other ROM ROM just a stock ROM has been strip down and tweaked...
The AOKP on its own gave me really bad graphical errors, though PAC worked fine. BUT for MMS problems......
Tried a few of the other ICS roms.. Jelly, Opti, MIUI(liked the least), Pureness, HD......
I really like Opti and Jelly Sandwich6.2(not tried the newer one) For now I have settled on CM9.1

[Q] Why is the Go ICS so laggy?

After the upgrade from GB to ICS, the Xperia Go performance seems to have been somewhat degraded. The homescreen is not smooth anymore (it was in GB), and most games seem to periodically stutter/lag.
I tried rooting my phone, and changing to the 'performance' scheduler, thus locking my CPU at 1GHz, the problem goes away. I don't really know much about these details, but I find it odd, that the 'ondemand' scheduler not longer gives a smooth experience.
I assume the GB firmware also uses the 'ondemand' scheduler.
What differences could be the cause for the stutter in ICS, and why is the scheduler no longer able to keep performance smooth ?
Hope someone can bring some insight, I'm curious!
if you notice the ram usage is quite high...
there seems to be a problem with kernels for xperia go at the moment all stock based ics kernels are laggy .custom roms have just been released by free xperia project but there seems to be a problem as i seem to be 1 of very few go owners not a lot of troublehooting gets done for the go .waiting to hear from FXP regarding his kernel not booting
yep... they have bootloop issue... think they are fixing it
Sent from my A500 using xda app-developers app
calvin_ng said:
yep... they have bootloop issue... think they are fixing it
Sent from my A500 using xda app-developers app
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could you share the source of this info i have been looking for some work arounds for this but doesnt seem like any devs have this device so its hard to comunicate ideas with people that dont exist
Check the thread there is a work around but I doubt it's stable yet my advice wait for next release
Sent from my ST27i using xda app-developers app
please can you point me to the thread there was a fix my munjeni but he has pulled all his fxp source to be hnest if i can get it booting it will be better than my stock ics i cant even use the browser it lags that bad
nosmaster said:
please can you point me to the thread there was a fix my munjeni but he has pulled all his fxp source to be hnest if i can get it booting it will be better than my stock ics i cant even use the browser it lags that bad
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Give the infinity rom a try at the moment i bet that the most stable and fastest ROM you can get until the FXP team and other pure CM9/10 build release
calvin_ng said:
Give the infinity rom a try at the moment i bet that the most stable and fastest ROM you can get until the FXP team and other pure CM9/10 build release
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i have tryed the infinity rom everything goes ok in cwm but when i bot to system i cant see any changes at all
nosmaster said:
i have tryed the infinity rom everything goes ok in cwm but when i bot to system i cant see any changes at all
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so far I feel the infinity rom is faster than the stock ICS course the kernel is by munjeni
calvin_ng said:
so far I feel the infinity rom is faster than the stock ICS course the kernel is by munjeni
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i cant seem to get infinity to run under about phone it shows munjeni kernel but stock rom
Infinity Rom is based on original go Rom but it is lighter
Sent from my ST27i using xda app-developers app

[Q] The fastest and most stable ROM

I've already tried out a few ROMs (CM9, MIUI JB, AOSP JB, AOKP B4).
I was very happy with CM9 - it had many features, was stable and also smooth. But it got after awhile a bit laggy.
Then I decided to go on MIUI JB. At the beginning it was the best i ever had, but then it was laggy as hell (even with overtakting) and unuseble.
I was very very happy with AOSP JB - cleanest and fastest ROM I've tried so far. Bugs and the less features told me to switch AOKP.
AOKP is good, but not as good at the rest. It's sometimes unstable and the booting time is just way too long.
I dont need thousands of features, but what I need are the notification switches (so important for my daily life!)
Any recommendations to me? And ofc, it must be FAST and STABLE.
dav. said:
I've already tried out a few ROMs (CM9, MIUI JB, AOSP JB, AOKP B4).
I was very happy with CM9 - it had many features, was stable and also smooth. But it got after awhile a bit laggy.
Then I decided to go on MIUI JB. At the beginning it was the best i ever had, but then it was laggy as hell (even with overtakting) and unuseble.
I was very very happy with AOSP JB - cleanest and fastest ROM I've tried so far. Bugs and the less features told me to switch AOKP.
AOKP is good, but not as good at the rest. It's sometimes unstable and the booting time is just way too long.
I dont need thousands of features, but what I need are the notification switches (so important for my daily life!)
Any recommendations to me? And ofc, it must be FAST and STABLE.
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I would definetely recommend eman's codename... So far it is the most stable and fast ROM I have ever tried!
Jelly sandwich 7.4 very fast and stable, but why post a new thread if you ask it in GENERAL CHAT ?? and thread is already excist, but better test it by your own instead keep asking, not everyone have test all roms, so its way easier if you test it by your own mate
Try Xperia Ultimate HD Rom is really smooth and stableDDDDD
Sent from my MT15i using xda app-developers app
dav. said:
I've already tried out a few ROMs (CM9, MIUI JB, AOSP JB, AOKP B4).
I was very happy with CM9 - it had many features, was stable and also smooth. But it got after awhile a bit laggy.
Then I decided to go on MIUI JB. At the beginning it was the best i ever had, but then it was laggy as hell (even with overtakting) and unuseble.
I was very very happy with AOSP JB - cleanest and fastest ROM I've tried so far. Bugs and the less features told me to switch AOKP.
AOKP is good, but not as good at the rest. It's sometimes unstable and the booting time is just way too long.
I dont need thousands of features, but what I need are the notification switches (so important for my daily life!)
Any recommendations to me? And ofc, it must be FAST and STABLE.
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I see u tried most of the JB Roms.... How about paranoid android JB?
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
Pandemic said:
Jelly sandwich 7.4 very fast and stable, but why post a new thread if you ask it in GENERAL CHAT ?? and thread is already excist, but better test it by your own instead keep asking, not everyone have test all roms, so its way easier if you test it by your own mate
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You must be mistaken me with someone else. And the other threads I found are not really up-to-date and ROM-developing is very fast nowadays so I cant test them all... and that's why I aked.
I'll try out PAC and Jelly Sandwich or Ultimate HD
But I dont like to have too many features... Simple and clean is the best :good:
I have Tried so many ROMs so far but I came back to Stock ics .587 with Night-elf 1.5 kernel+ Holo camera also few other tweaks and I am fine with it. I really love stock Rom and with a few mod its the best for me.
I tried several ROMs:
*Stock ICS from Sony (two days)
*Spacious Smooth & Light ICS (four weeks)
*Icecream Pureness Build 13 (several days)
* JellySandwich 6.2.5, 7.3 and 7.4 (as of the middle of October)
So far JellySandwich 6.2.5 is the fastest I ever tested and worth a try. Some bugs though: No LED notification 2G-toggle-bug and "Xperia Home has stopped"-bug. But these don't count very much, everything else is running fine!
It's even faster than 7.3 and 7.4! These versions do not seem to be stable yet...
c1ph4 said:
I tried several ROMs:
*Stock ICS from Sony (two days)
*Spacious Smooth & Light ICS (four weeks)
*Icecream Pureness Build 13 (several days)
* JellySandwich 6.2.5, 7.3 and 7.4 (as of the middle of October)
So far JellySandwich 6.2.5 is the fastest I ever tested and worth a try. Some bugs though: No LED notification 2G-toggle-bug and "Xperia Home has stopped"-bug. But these don't count very much, everything else is running fine!
It's even faster than 7.3 and 7.4! These versions do not seem to be stable yet...
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Bro I have added a fix in the first post for the led bug in my JS thread!
Sent from my Neo V using tapatalk 2
@Dev: Yeah, I read that, it's the link under "v4.5 Base..." right? Well, this patch dismisses my reboot-option in the standby-menu. If that is the only problem I will give it another try. Is there something else I should know that could be messed up after applying this patch?
Then I wanted to use your new "Xperia Home"-patch. Unfortunately the link sends me to the "Mediafire" homepage. Maybe you could fix that link or send me the correct URL. I would like to eliminate that bug too.
Well, as I already said, the ROM is great, Bro! :highfive: Thanks for that! And it's even a port, right!? Crazy...
c1ph4 said:
@Dev: Yeah, I read that, it's the link under "v4.5 Base..." right? Well, this patch dismisses my reboot-option in the standby-menu. If that is the only problem I will give it another try. Is there something else I should know that could be messed up after applying this patch?
Then I wanted to use your new "Xperia Home"-patch. Unfortunately the link sends me to the "Mediafire" homepage. Maybe you could fix that link or send me the correct URL. I would like to eliminate that bug too.
Well, as I already said, the ROM is great, Bro! :highfive: Thanks for that! And it's even a port, right!? Crazy...
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I will see to that link thing
Yeah it was a port a bit modified by me like the wp7 stuff
Sent from my Neo V using tapatalk 2
Jelly Sandwich 7.4 is a good ROM for everyday use. Smooth and stable i say.
Sent from MT11i Jelly Sandwich 7.4
Try PAC rom....u will never want to change...!!!!awsmmm feeling of tablet, phablet,notification toggle like you want...!!!
All roms are good because there is a lot of effort on every individual roms.
You don't have to search best rom you may fall in to conclusion.
day by day every Rom is keeps on improving. Devs are doing every bit of best. We are not suppose to say this is the best or that. every rom has its own good feature.
choose a Rom which suits you best it depends on how you use daily basis and how it attracts you..
I thanks to all devs who are giving us free custom Roms which we have not asked for it.. So far I just say they all or best keep it up...
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
Nemeziz 56th said:
Try Xperia Ultimate HD Rom is really smooth and stableDDDDD
Sent from my MT15i using xda app-developers app
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But this rom have some bugs as Can't install Poweramp and camera is not good!
c1ph4 said:
I tried several ROMs:
*Stock ICS from Sony (two days)
*Spacious Smooth & Light ICS (four weeks)
*Icecream Pureness Build 13 (several days)
* JellySandwich 6.2.5, 7.3 and 7.4 (as of the middle of October)
So far JellySandwich 6.2.5 is the fastest I ever tested and worth a try. Some bugs though: No LED notification 2G-toggle-bug and "Xperia Home has stopped"-bug. But these don't count very much, everything else is running fine!
It's even faster than 7.3 and 7.4! These versions do not seem to be stable yet...
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Oh what is not stable then in JS 7.4?
Nothing in my eyes, all stable and fast no bugs no lag and no game crashes
Simple right
Sent from my Xperia Neo V with JS 7.4 with Dutch cream cheese + Ham and peppers !!
M a guy who change rom 2 get a good & stable rom...So far i only found 2 ROm....Good & stable....Pureness & Ultimate HD ...In which Ultimate is fast & lag free rom
iamrajeev said:
M a guy who change rom 2 get a good & stable rom...So far i only found 2 ROm....Good & stable....Pureness & Ultimate HD ...In which Ultimate is fast & lag free rom
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Sent from my MT11i
Facing problem in loading cutom ROM Jelly Sandwitch
Dev Jaskirat said:
Bro I have added a fix in the first post for the led bug in my JS thread!
Sent from my Neo V using tapatalk 2
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@Dev, I am a noob. Having Neo V running .587 rooted & with locked bootloader. Used x-parts to install cwm and then installed Jelly Sandwitch rom. It was a success but after rebooting stuck at Sony logo. Could not go to recovery when I tried booting the phone again (I had to remove battery to switch off). After reading the steps once again, I find that probably I missed "Flash kernel modules via cwm". If that is true, how it is to be done? x-part has no such option and rom manager did not do that? Pl help.
regds, Madan Mohan
Nemeziz 56th said:
Try Xperia Ultimate HD Rom is really smooth and stableDDDDD
Sent from my MT15i using xda app-developers app
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+1: Ultimate HD v2.0 - Fast & Stable

Official CM10 nightlies for SMULTRON-ST15i

We have official CM10 nightlies for the Xperia mini!! :victory:
Dont belive it?Check it out yourself!!!:victory:
http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=smultron&type=nightly :victory:
shadik555 said:
We have official CM10 nightlies for the Xperia mini!! :victory:
Dont belive it?Check it out yourself!!!:victory:
http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=smultron&type=nightly :victory:
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CM 10 or CM10.1? And the rest of the line 2011?
lvints said:
CM 10 or CM10.1? And the rest of the line 2011?
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He already said official nightlies...
These are developed by the CyanogenMod team... Not the FXP team... Though FXP has two members from CyanogenMod...
So the work is kind of shared
P.S. finally I can download CM10 from better file sharing network...
(no uploaded.net or rapidgator)
did someone test this rom? working/not working list?
seljachina said:
did someone test this rom? working/not working list?
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Using it.good,but reboots at videos.will go to MESA kernel to fix that.
Sent from my Xperia Mini using xda premium
active has it to.
so i guess lww and mini pro will come soon
Camera working or its legacy camera?
jpfigueiredo said:
Camera working or its legacy camera?
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unfortionately,modded gallery.camera will probably never work because SONY wont give cam libs for JB,or some problem of that kind
The spelling of nightlies is wrong in your title.
Sent from 4.2'ed mango
AWESOME so far!
Extremely snappy and fast. And everything working so far (smultron).
-Background Light
-Touch Button LED
-Camera (pictures taken, AF, Light working)
-INCREDIBLE game performance (like gingerbread, when you ask me!)
-Motion Sensor
Not tested:
MUCH better than CM9, best ROM I tried on this phone. Seems like perfect. And it's only the first nightly, guys!
Download and try yourself.
Antutu Benchmark: 5880
Released all 4 devices..................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
So.. known bugs? Is camera working (5mpx) and hd video? FM radio?
What is the differences between nightly cm10 and fxp cm10 !!! I'm using fxp 151 should i download the nightly version ... is there something new anybody tested ???
Sent from my Xperia Live with Walkman using Tapatalk 2
lilww96 said:
What is the differences between nightly cm10 and fxp cm10 !!! I'm using fxp 151 should i download the nightly version ... is there something new anybody tested ???
Sent from my Xperia Live with Walkman using Tapatalk 2
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Read the above post by me...
No there's not much difference... You should stay with FXP 151
new nightly available http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=coconut&type=nightly
mv_style said:
new nightly available http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=coconut&type=nightly
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New changes?and I have ROM manager premium.I know every thing :3
Sent from my Xperia Mini using xda premium
It's already a week since FXP151 release and there's no sign of update, usually they push an update once a week. Maybe official nightly is their new release and they won't update from their website again... (just my opinion)
Sorry for my bad english
Febryan_Uchiha said:
It's already a week since FXP151 release and there's no sign of update, usually they push an update once a week. Maybe official nightly is their new release and they won't update from their website again... (just my opinion)
Sorry for my bad english
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They will... Just see the changelog...
It might just be a delay... Or they will release 152 included with 153...the same way FXP merged 143 in 144
We have CM9 nightlies for months now but FXP is still releasing its updates on CM9
Nightlies are released alongside FXP release
Edit : FXP 152 released
mobei said:
AWESOME so far!
Extremely snappy and fast. And everything working so far (smultron).
-Background Light
-Touch Button LED
-Camera (pictures taken, AF, Light working)
-INCREDIBLE game performance (like gingerbread, when you ask me!)
-Motion Sensor
Not tested:
MUCH better than CM9, best ROM I tried on this phone. Seems like perfect. And it's only the first nightly, guys!
Download and try yourself.
Antutu Benchmark: 5880
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games like gingerbread eh?
you mean I can play temple run at 800mhz without single lag?
Can I flash cm nightlies on fxp 152 without factory reset?and use fxp kernel on it?
Sent from my Xperia Mini using xda premium

