Could not open Selected VM debug port on eclipse debian x64 - Android

i install new version of eclipse and Android sdk , but when i run an android project i get this error
Could not open Selected VM debug port (8700). Make sure you do not have another instance of DDMS or of the eclipse plugin running. If it's being used by something else, choose a new port number in the preferences.
ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *
i try to solve the problem by following this , but i still get the same problem:
-Window -> Preferences -> Android -> DDMS
-Set Base local debugger port to "8601"
- Check the box that says "Use ADBHOST" and the value should be ""
i am also tryng to reinstall android pluing for ecipse and even the android sdk , but i still get the same problem , any help !
OS : debian6 x64bit
IDE : eclipse juno
thanks in advance !


android emulator for windows7

is there an android emulatur to Windows7 as can run Android applications?
It's included in the Android SDK, based on QEMU.
I have downloaded the windows version here:, and installed it, but how did I start the emulator, sow I can install my Android applications ?
Virtual Devices seems like a very obvious hint, doesn't it
I can not figure out what to do about this error, can not understand what is meant by "Hint: use '@ foo' to launch a virtual device named 'foo'."
I have set up a virtual drive - see attached picture.
invalid command-line parameter: Files\Android\android-sdk\tools/emulator-arm.exe.
Hint: use '@foo' to launch a virtual device named 'foo'.
You installed in Program Files and the android tools don't like spaces in their path.

[q] adb issue, need help

Hi friends ,
I just cannot get rid of the issue with the 8 things I tried (see below). I need your help pls, it has taken me alot of time and still unsolve.
I am running on window7, 64bits. I am building the "hello world" program and follow the instruction from Andriod developer website. At first, everything went well including the installation. I even manage to run the program on my Samsung S5. However, in a while, I notice something is wrong after I edited the code, so I delete and re-install the SDK and ADT package, objective is to bring the code back to the same factory state. I had tried installing both version of 32bits and 64bits Eclipse package but encounter the following problem when i click RUN as Android application:
******************** Return the following txt: ************************
The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
You must restart adb and Eclipse.
Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\ADT\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.
I did the following troubleshooting:
1) Restart the computer and my phone (samsung S5)
2) Check that there is a connection icon on my PC (USB connected between phone and PC)
3) Update adb in the SDK using the SDK manager
4) Make sure i go to the "help-->Install new software" in the Eclipse and key in the dl-ssl weblink every time i re-install the Elipsce package.
5) Make sure I click "help-->check for update" in the Eclipse every time i re-install the Elipsce package.
6) Checked that I am the adminstrator of my PC
7) Run command at command prompt. I did the follwoing steps:
a. Close the Eclipse if running
b. Go to the Android SDK platform-tools directory in Command Prompt
c. type adb kill-server
************************* Return the following txt ************************
* server not running *
--> adb server is out of date. killing...
ADB server didn't ACK
* fail to start daemon *
d.then type adb start-server
Return the same txt as above.
8) I suspect some other process is occupying the port 5037 which the adb access. So I attempt to find the PID (process id) of the process which occupied the port 5037 by giving the command "D:\Android\sdk\platform-tools>netstat -aon|findstr 5037"
************************ Return the following txt *****************************
Then I go to PC Task Manager, but there is no PID with 3640.
I also type at command prompt the below:
tasklist /fi "pid eq m3640
************************* Return the following txt ************************
No task are running which match the specified criteria
Seems that the adb is not responding to any re-installation, or restarting of PC and device. The task manager shows PID 3640 but couldn't see any process related to it.
I am a electronics engineer and much a novice in this field of computer.
pls help

Android Studio - JDK - Recommended versions and settings on Windows XP 32-bit?

My aims:
- Use Android Studio to develop a basic Android application - should be possible
- Use Android Studio to back up my physical phone (Hisense phone running Nougat 7.0) and create an emulated version of it running on my PC - should be possible, is it?
My PC:
- Windows XP 32-bit
- Pentium Dual Core T2330 processor NOT supporting Intel® Virtualization Technology (VT-x)
- 2 GB RAM
- Are the above aims possible to achieve with my PC?
- If yes, what are the recommended Android Studio and Java SE Development Kit versions/settings to use that work for sure?
Story: I have tried to use Android Studio 3.0.1 with various versions of Java SE Development Kit 8 (including 121, 144, and 152) and various settings/hacks constantly running into various bugs/issues, most of which were seemingly resolved by new settings/hacks, yet I ended up with the same error messages after I have tried everything I have found online that nice people suggested on forums.
I am unable to even compile and run a default Android app, I get these error messages:
Gradle build finished with 2 error(s) in 21s 591ms
Error:java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: No server to serve request. Check logs for details.
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'.
> Error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: No server to serve request. Check logs for details.
I am unable to run a default-loaded Android Virtual Device, I get this error message:
Emulator: Process finished with exit code -1073741511 (0xC0000139)
I am clueless how to continue. If my aims are possible to achieve, could someone tell me the Android Studio and JDK versions and settings that work 100% under 32-bit Win XP?
Thanks in advance!

What should I do if the tool package fails to run when I integrate the HUAWEI AppGallery Connect SDK to Eclipse?

Background​I had recently planned on integrating the Crash SDK to my app. However, my app was developed through Eclipse and the integration process was different from that in Android Studio.
By referring to the official materials, I downloaded the tool package and used it to generate an Eclipse project package.
However, when the build.bat file in the aar2eclipse/aar directory was executed according to the procedures in the document, an error was reported in the command line. The error information was as follows:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Task ' assembleRelease ' not found in root project ' aar '.
Problem Reoccurring​1. I first thought that the problem might be caused by my company's intranet. But when I connected to the Internet, the problem remained unsolved.
2. Then I guessed that it might have something to do with the Android development environment.
I borrowed a colleague's PC to execute the build.bat file, and it that did the trick. Therefore, I was able to conclude that the problem was caused by incorrect configurations in the Android development environment. I compared the configurations on the two PCs and found that the environment variables were different. ANDROID_HOME was missing from the environment variables on my PC.
Cause​Huawei's Eclipse tool package is unable to run properly and reports an error without the ANDROID_HOME variable.
Solution: Right-click This PC and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. In the displayed dialog box, click the Advanced System Settings tab and then click Environment Variables. In the System Variables dialog box, create a new ANDROID_HOME parameter.
Set the value to the installation path of the local Android SDK, and the problem will be resolved, as shown below.

Is there an app that allows to pair/ connect to Android 11 device with ADB on iPhone?

I have iPhone 12 Pro Max with iOS 14.4.1. I got NewTerm3 installed.
I'm looking to pair/connect to Android 11+ device with ADB (pairing is a new feature for Android 11+ for wireless debugging). I got the android hostname, port and pairing code.
From Windows 11, I use adb.exe from command line (which is part of the Android SDK Platform Tools to download from [ to do that.
In that link, there are 3 options to download:
* Download SDK Platform-Tools for Windows
* Download SDK Platform-Tools for Mac
* Download SDK Platform-Tools for Linux
I download the first option for Windows, that gives me a folder (it's only 6MB) with the adb.exe inside it.
Usage example pair, connect and send commands:
C:\adb>adb pair 192.168.X.X:YYYYY
Enter pairing code: 993914
Successfully paired to 192.168.X.X:YYYYY [guid=adb-XXXXXXX-YYYYY]
C:\adb>adb connect 192.168.X.X:YYYYY
connected to 192.168.X.X:YYYY
C:\adb>adb shell echo hello world
hello world
If I download the second option for Mac, will I be able to run it on NewTerm3 on my iOS or does it require a special conversion to make it compatible?
How can I do the same thing from within an iPhone? Can I just download the adb.exe from the above link and run it in NewTerm3 or it won't run as it's compiled for a different architecture? I see u/saurik provided a link to it here 8 years ago on this post: [
This is the link: []( (but it appears to be broken now)
That was adb-1.0.31-1 which my understanding is it's a 32bit version. Someone replied a year ago asking "Any chance for an updated version of this for arm64e?"
I wonder how Fire TV app allows me to send keyboard input from my phone to my Fire TV Stick, doesn't it also uses ADB since it's running on Android as well? Is the component that the app uses is available somewhere to download from Cydia or Github as an ipa?
Someone suggested to try running adb on iSH app? because Alpine linux supports android-tools package. So I downloaded the iSH Shell app from the App store.
I see someone posted about here:[](
He used this command and repo:
apk add android-tools --repository=[
I tried to run this command too, looks like it got installed. When I do adb version it says it's 1.0.41.
But when I try to connect to an ip that's on the local network that's already been paired with, it fails to connect:
Welcome to Alpine!
You can install packages with: apk add <package>
You may change this message by editing /etc/motd.
iPhone:~# adb connect 192.168.X.X:YYYYY*
daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037*
daemon started successfully
failed to connect to 192.168.X.X:YYYYY
I tried to connect with another app that uses adb, and it has no problem to connect with the same iport. So it's only an issue when either running it from iSH Shell app and/or the specific package that I installed for adb. I tried to restart the Android phone but to no avail.
Are you able to connect with it? Any other suggestions/apps that support running adb?
Thank you.
Many people as me download latest ADB / Fastboot drivers from here:
SDK Platform Tools release notes | Android Studio | Android Developers
Android SDK Platform-Tools is a component for the Android SDK.
xXx yYy said:
Many people as me download latest ADB / Fastboot drivers from here:
SDK Platform Tools release notes | Android Studio | Android Developers
Android SDK Platform-Tools is a component for the Android SDK.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok, that's just a side note for the PC right? I'm talking about the iPhone now...

