[Wallpapers] Gearheads ONLY!! - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

I know, I know, your all saying "Dang, another freakin wallpaper thread!? For real!" Well, yes. I know there are tons, most of which are now so long its hard to sift through them easily though. I am simply trying to fill a niche for GEARHEADS ONLY!!
Thread Rules!:
-Images must be of good or better quality!(Its not a photo blog)
-Images must contain no nudity!
-images must be posted NO MORE than 3 in a post! (for the sake of users on slow connections)
-Have fun! But keep chit chat to a minimum!
-If a debate starts about "that car sucks" or "Chevy is better than Ford" or ANY kind of debate, squabble, bickering, etc goes on.... I will resort to "whining" to a mod and have the posts removed! This thread is meant to showcase/ share the worlds works of art on 4 wheels!
Fair enough!?
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Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Sent from my EVO using xda premium



Alright guys, this is my collection of wallpaper, all made exactly for the evo 540x960
And I know that there is another tread of this, but in that one a lot of ppl puts pics that are not 540x960 n in this one I only gonna puts pics wit that size. So u can troll or enjoy
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Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

FYI EVO LTE forum is open

That is all
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
About damn time.
Major thread shifting time?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

I can't help being evil

Sent from my EVO using xda premium
*grabs riot hose* ....bring it
Thanks for being a marine after 911...I've never been the same
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
I respect u om4
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
I'm a bit confused...
Lol dont be...Iraq made me who I am..I'm a killer
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Closed before trolls get this...

Jax FL. LTE.

I've been getting LTE in Middleburg.
8 mbps
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Lol..Middleburg has LTE...Congratulations man.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
middleburg....y u steal LTE >:{ ib4l
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Sorry I don't under stand.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
more cows with LTE
GrantG said:
Sorry I don't under stand.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In Before Lock....There are other specific threads deticated to tracking LTE. Check out my signature
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
There are a few LTE threads already. No need for specific ons for each city/place as that'd create a mess here overall.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

LTE Now in Clearfield/Ogden UTAH!!!

Now I feel Included...
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
I keep testing love the speeds
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Posted this on the list your lte area thread earlier today
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium

