Rezound on Straight Talk using Verizon towers- no sim card.(talk,text,MMS,Internet) - HTC Rezound

I had my evo 4g on Straight Talk, so I knew how to do it but the rezound is different because it has two ports.
I copied all the information from my evo 4g to rezound because I was not able to *228 activate like with the evo 4g. ( I have two phone now with the same esn number on straight talk, I keep the evo turned off with battery out.)
* you will not be able to *228, so you have to manually put in the settings.
What you need:
* CDMA Straight Talk donor phone & service plan (phone model ends in C for CDMA), and a 30-day unlimited service plan. For example, you can get the LG 220C for $50 with a 30-day plan, makes the phone cost just $5 bucks Never turn this phone on or put the battery in it. You just need the red card with the esn number on it.
HTC Sync to install drivers (after you have drivers you can uninstall):
HTC Diag Drivers
CMDA WS 2.7 (3.8 is ideal if you have the cash to buy it! I think you could do the whole phone with the full version.)
DFS - download from and register for Demo account at it shouldn't expire and a Demo account will work fine, just has a nag screen making you wait 60 seconds every time you run it. After you download & install make sure to enter your login that you registered.
QPST 2.7 build 366
PRL and DFS settings: Contains the Straight Talk PRL for VZW/Sprint phones, and screenshots for how the DFS settings should look on a phone to get 3G working: I am using prl - 59299
This guide was for Flash VZW HTC Rezound/Vigor Full Flash to Cricket Wireless but it works the same and credit does to jtheis23 at XDA. from kr8zeivan's post.
First make sure you install HTC Sync for your drivers, put phone is DIAG mode (##3424#) and pull up you device manager to unsure your phone is recognized. You should see two ports:
HTC Diagnostic Interface
HTC Diagnostic Interface 9k
I understand that 8k (HTC Diagnostic Interface) is voice and 9k is net/web. If you are all good its ok to uninstall HTC Sync. Make sure you disable any anti-virus that may be running as it will remove CDMA WS it will think it a trojan because of key generator. Next I used CDMA WS to unlock phone, write NV only, write NAM 1 & 2 and write prl. If you are using the cracked version click on the yellow round icon with a small star and it will launch key and open program. WS 2.7 can use ports 1-25 so make sure you have your device connected to ports 25 or under.
1. Connect to HTC Diagnostic Interface port from the MAIN tab. Go to SECURITY tab look for SPC area (Do not read) just
enter 000000 click on SPC then click send. You should get a message saying your phone is unlocked.
2. Go to OTHER tab look for R-UIM Config: Select NV only then click on write. Should get a message saying change was successful. You can now write your prl.
3. Look for PRL on the OTHER tab should be just above R-UIM. Make sure it stays in "universal" and NAM1 and click write
load your preferred prl it should say prl written successfully. Then do the same for NAM 2. Click on MAIN tab and disconnect.
4. Connect to HTC Diagnostic Interface - 9k port from MAIN tab. Go to SECURITY tab look for SPC area (Do not read) just enter 000000 click on SPC then click send. You should get a message confirming you are unlocked. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
5. Go to MAIN tab and disconnect. Reboot phone. On my first reboot I notice it did not write but reverted the prl back to Verizon's 58008 prl. However when I continued to write the Nam info on the next steps it stuck. I don't know why.
6. After reboot put phone back into DIAG mode and reconnect to 8k port go to SECURITY and unlock the phone. Go to NAM tab. From here I was able to read from phone and write without errors. Read from Nam 1. Update MIN/MDN, MCC (310) MNC (00), local SID (whatever yours is)/NID (65535)/IMSI (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) make sure you replace the X's with your area code and MIN. I used PRL enabled, System Standart, Otapa enabled. Write to phone. Repeat steps for Nam 2. Go to MAIN tab and disconnect.
7. Connect to HTC Diagnostic Interface - 9k port. Go to SECURITY tab and unlock phone. Go to NAM tab and repeat step six. Write to phone. Go to MAIN tab and disconnect. Reboot phone. After reboot from phone go to settings >Wireless networks> Mobile Networks> Network mode> Change to CDMA only. Go back to home screen. From dialer press *#*#4636#*#* and call. Go into Phone information and set preferred network type to CDMA auto (PRL). Press turn off radio (this may take a few seconds) then turn radio on (this may take a few seconds) exit. You should now have talk and text. (My rezound is rooted and I downloaded LTE switch here to change the radio to cdma prl auto)
8. Put phone back into DIAG mode ##3424# call and to to WS 2.7 to unlock only. Go to QPST and connect to 8k port. Read from phone .For me I was able to follow the QPST tutorial with no problem and update both profiles did M.IP and PPP and wrote to phone with no issues. Reboot. When I tried doing the same on 9k port I got "Serious error encountered write aborted". I tried doing it without reading just writing and still got the error message. So I finished the EVDO settings for 9k port in DFS.
Follow the pics for dfs settings.
9. Put phone in DIAG mode go to WS 2.7 to unlock phone. Launch DFS (I used Demo version and it worked for me) connect only to port 9k do not read! Go to PROGRAMMING tab select DATA tab enter PPP UID ( pwd (vzw) write. Then Go to M.IP go to Selected Profile Settings enter NAI ( Set Prim HA address to, set Sec HA address to go to Share Secret User Profile. AAA shared secret (verizon) HA shared secret (verizon). Write current profile settings. At this point you may get failed to write messages at the bottom. Just ignore them. Repeat these steps for NAM2. Press Reset upper right hand corner. If your phone does not reboot on its own reboot it. If you want you can go back into DFS and read phone from PROGRAMMING and DATA tab to see if your PPP settings stuck. Do the same for M.IP if they did not try repeating the process. I had to do it a couple of times got error messages but sure enough they wrote to phone and I was successful in getting data 3g on phone.

Grats on getting it to work on Verizon. I also have thought about doing this but just wish there was a way to get their 4g service
I got it working on straight talk with an att sim on hspa. Still want to tweak with it more to get my speeds better and connection more stable.
Sent from a galaxy far..far..away....

anubis2k3 said:
Grats on getting it to work on Verizon. I also have thought about doing this but just wish there was a way to get their 4g service
I got it working on straight talk with an att sim on hspa. Still want to tweak with it more to get my speeds better and connection more stable.
Sent from a galaxy far..far..away....
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I have a at&t sim card from straight talk on order. I was going to give it a try also, since all you do is transfer the number over. I want that 4g too, but like the $45 for everything.

watt19 said:
Update MIN/MDN, MCC (310) MNC (00), local SID (whatever yours is)/NID (65535)/IMSI (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) make sure you replace the X's with your area code and MIN.
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Where do I get the info to update these fields if I never turn on the donor phone to obtain it's phone number/info?

Straight talk gives you the phone number after you activate the phone with the meid. Phone doesn't need to be on to do this I don't think.
Sent from a galaxy far..far..away....

isn't this cloning the esn, which is illegal?

rjuds82 said:
Where do I get the info to update these fields if I never turn on the donor phone to obtain it's phone number/info?
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The min is all you need and you can get it when you call straight talk and activate, like the post by anubis2k3 states.
When you get ready, I will help with that part.

nrfitchett4 said:
isn't this cloning the esn, which is illegal?
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That's what flashing is. I pay for the service but use what phone I what, so How is that wrong? I payed for the phones, so I use what I want.

watt19 said:
That's what flashing is. I pay for the service but use what phone I what, so How is that wrong? I payed for the phones, so I use what I want.
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Agreed. Not illegal. In fact, it was ruled that modifying any electronic device by the user is legal. However, the manufacturer has the right to not accept the device under warranty after said modifying.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

Followed the guide and at the end of step 7 I do NOT have talk and text. Not working.

nrfitchett4 said:
isn't this cloning the esn, which is illegal?
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Per the FCC, yes it is.
Sent from my Honey Badger

rjuds82 said:
Followed the guide and at the end of step 7 I do NOT have talk and text. Not working.
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You was able to get the esn and prl saved, correct. When you look at the settings what do you have. It should look like the pictures for the zip file.
At step 7 did you go to the market and download the lte switch and change to CDMA prl auto only?
I looked at the guide and I did not explain how to change the esn on the phone. This was the only way I was able to change my esn on my rezound.
Changing the MEID...
1.Dial ##3424# on your phone and plug it into your computer.
2.Open QPST Configuration and connect to the HTC COM port.
3.Open the EFS Explorer client using QPST Configuration
4.Make a folder called "open sesame door" in the root directory of the phone.
5.Restart your phone and connect to it again the same way. This time, the "nvm" folder will be unlocked in EFS Explorer.
5.Open the "nvm" folder and copy the "0" and "1943" files to your computer. The file named "0" contains your flipped ESN, and the file named "1943" contains your flipped MEID. with a hex edit.Change the ESN/MEID to whatever you like (make sure it's flipped) in the files and copy the files back to the phone. Restart the phone, and you're good to go!
Note: A "flipped" ESN or MEID means that the ESN or MEID is reversed in groups of two. For example, if your phone's MEID were A1000012345678, it would become 78 56 34 12 00 00 A1 when flipped. The same applies for the ESN.
7. Delete file 0 and 1943 on the phone. The drag your edited files back to phone.
8. Refresh to make sure you copied the files.
9. “adb reboot” to reboot the phone.
10. Delete the “open sesame door” folder.
11. After done, check whether esn is good.

Still nothing. No voice. Try to send a text and I get cause code 65535 error class 3. Pretty sure it did that before anyway though.

rjuds82 said:
Still nothing. No voice. Try to send a text and I get cause code 65535 error class 3. Pretty sure it did that before anyway though.
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Change those setting that I sent to you and let me know.

Update: Watt19 has been helping me with this. Tonight I finally got 3G working nicely but still can't call or text. Is it possible for data to work while having the wrong meid?
What happens if I turn on the donor phone to copy settings?

rjuds82 said:
Update: Watt19 has been helping me with this. Tonight I finally got 3G working nicely but still can't call or text. Is it possible for data to work while having the wrong meid?
What happens if I turn on the donor phone to copy settings?
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I just sent you a reply,

Where can I get PRL 59299?

dviperbigt said:
Where can I get PRL 59299?
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should be in the zip file.

If anyone has an MEID starting with a letter A, can you look in settings/about phone/phone identity and see if the letters are uppercased or lowercase? Not sure if it even matters but mine are lowercase and just seems odd.

rjuds82 said:
If anyone has an MEID starting with a letter A, can you look in settings/about phone/phone identity and see if the letters are uppercased or lowercase? Not sure if it even matters but mine are lowercase and just seems odd.
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That does not matter. Mine is the same way.


[Tutorial] HTC Evo 3D FLASH from SPRINT to CRICKET

FIRST OF ALL.. ALL CREDIT GOES TO MYCRICKETFORUM. One of the best tutorials I have ever seen, especially for beginners.
Full Flash Sprint HTC Evo 3D to Cricket: Talk, Text, MMS, Internet
This is a revolutionary phone and hopefully some we see some of it's technology in other phones.
At this moment there is no 4G with Cricket. They have already made moves to establish a partnership and have an LTE network. It has been rumored that Sprint is even trying to move away from the Clear 4g network (WiMAX). This means that you will have no 4G service when you flash this phone. I believe the radio gets it's authentication by MAC address so it might be possible to put this on a Clear account. One of my customers said he was able to do this with his Epic that I flashed. He was also a Clear reseller.
Until we get permanent root, this tutorial will just cover putting the device on the $55 Android plan.
Let it be known that sometimes Cricket says they have put you on the $55 Android plan, but they put you on the All in 55 Plan (5m5). This is not where you want to be. You're paying 10 more bucks a month for absolutely nothing over the 45 dollar plan.
We offer plan change for free to forum members. Just use the contact us link at the very bottom of this page. Supporting members of the forum receive additional benefits such as free ESN changes on your account. No more paying $15 everytime you change phones. To become a Supporting Member, just go to the settings up top and find Paid Subscriptions on the left hand side. Choose a membership level of your liking. Also use the contact us form for any modifications you need made to your account or additional help.
Anyways moving right along. We'll establish the items that you will need. This is usually similar across the board.
NOTE: At the very end we'll include some wireless tethering instructions.
A. QPST (QPST Version 2.7 Build 355)
B. HTC Diagnostic drivers for the Evo (attached on this thread [32 and 64 bit])
C A Windows PC with either Win7, XP or Vista plus your Evo 3D with a USB cord.
D. PRL (*STICKY* Official Cricket PRL Thread)*sticky*-official-cricket-prl-thread.html
E. CDMA workshop (google) OR CDMA Workshop 2.7 Download) to get the MSL (aka SPC) if you don't know it already. Alternative would be MSL reader from the Market or attached below.
F. OPTIONAL: Android SDK which includes ADB drivers. (Android SDK | Android Developers)
Please watch the videos and use the tutorial here. It helps to use both.
SPC/MSL Obtaining
Skip through all these screens on the EVO 3D until you are at the home screen. Go into the phone dialer and hit ##3424#. You might have to hit talk after this. It'll cause the phone to go into DIAG mode. You'll see the device on your computer. Use the diagnostic drivers (specify their specific location) to complete the install.
Now you can find your MSL using CDMA Workshop.
For CDMA Workshop, the port number has to be fairly low. I think we're talking about under 30. You'll see when you start it though. Look at your device manager to figure out the port that it's on. Select that port and then hit connect. Go over to the security tab and for SPC hit read. It'll give you your MSL/SPC. The best thing to do here is to use the SPC button then SEND command to send this number back to the phone and unlock it. Then type in 000000 or some number that's easy to remember. Hit the SPC button and WRITE. Now the MSL/SPC is 000000 or whatever you typed. This is all you need to do with CDMA Workshop.
This is the point where you will be using QPST. Use this tutorial to setup the EVO correctly. Note that the mobile IP behavior must be Simp or you will get errors on your Evo from time to time.
Ignore any NV read errors you get when writing to the phone.
Once you get done with this part, talk and text will work. If you are on the $55 Android the Internet should work. However...
Working with new devices (never activated)
If you watched the video, between part 1 and 2 we have a little change in plan here. This was due to the fact that our device was brand new and never activated. The hands free activation kept on popping up, and we don't believe the device had accepted all of the programming at that time. Our hunt led is to Sprint's website.
Dial ##(and your SPC, we set it to 000000)#. This will open up the EPST menu. Click edit mode. Put in the proper Mobile Directory number (your phone number) and the MSID (your MIN). Hit the menu button and then select commit modifications. The phone will reboot.
Once the phone has rebooted, go to the dialer again and hit ##data#. Click edit mode and enter your SPC for access. Make sure the settings look like it does below:
Active Profile: 1
User Name: [email protected] (put your phone number in this)
Reverse Tunnel Preferred: Enable
Home IP Address:
Primary Home Agent:
Second Home Agent:
HA Shared Secret: cricket
AAA Shared Secret: cricket
You can try hitting menu and commit modifications, but it will most likely tell you there were no changes made. Back out, go to advanced and then continue with the multimedia streaming setup below.
Media Streaming
Youtube videos might not play unless you modify some settings. Sprint by default routes media through their servers. To change this dial ##data# from the dialer on the Evo. You will get to the EPST settings. Click edit and then enter the MSL. It will prompt you for a password which is the MSL aka SPC.
Once you get past that, go to advanced > RTSP Proxy Address (for stock Gingerbread it's advanced > RTSP/HTTP Setting > RTSP Proxy Port). Make this Also make the HTTP PD Proxy Address Also change the ports for both of these to 0. Back out and you should be good.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<apn name="Production" numeric="310012" mcc="310" mnc="012" apn="1" user="your10digit#[email protected]" server="" password="cricket" proxy="null" port="null" mmsproxy="null" mmsport="8080" mmsprotocol="2.0" mmsc="" type="mms" />
Just edit the "your10digit#here" part with your phone number and save this.
Place it on your phone's SDCard under a folder called "apnbackuprestore". Then open the Android App APN Backup and Restore (included in this thread and on the Market) on your Evo. Backup the stock settings. Then delete APNs and restore the new APNs you just created.
You should have everything working now. Talk, text, MMS, and Internet. There are a few more steps left to enhance the experience. Below is my attempt to fix a step that I left out.
TEXT: It is possible that your text messages will come in with the wrong time. If this is the case, you can download SMS Time Fix from the Market and set it up however you prefer.
although this is helpful i am moving mine to boost but i get WS to scan any readable addresses ? please advise thanks
I see no contact us link at the bottom of your post. Also who are you affiliated with/ business. Just wondering I saw "We offer plan change free to forum members" Thanks
EDIT: Thanks. I also fixed the grammar around the first statement. Someone suggested a change in the original wording... I modified part of the sentence and forgot to look at the rest.
Thanks for this, I will be using it to flash a 3d later. I'm also going to join the other forum to check some info on a few other phones I'm flashing.
I'll let you know if anything comes up.
A question as well, I know that with the Evo 4g Sprint removed the stock voicemail notification service as they used their "visual" voicemail app, is the Evo 3d set up the same way?
Unfortunately the Evo 3D is also. You can try Voicemail Notifier (extorian) and see if that works. I posted a download in my forum.
For some reason they removed it from the Market. Maybe it won't work. Not sure. I've forwarded my voicemail to Google Voice so I have a type of Visual Voicemail now.
When I flashed my OG evo over to cricket, sometimes the stock browser and dolphin did not work. When this happened, I used opera..only when cricket services for data where not working with them and always connected. So if you cricket guys get these same type of random not working..have it loaded on your phone as a backup browser.
hey what if the phone got flashed back to sprints latest 2.3.5 stock firmware from cricket but the msl code was never put back instead its still 000000, i want to take the phone in for service the s is on and the phone is not rooted, my usb port is broken so i cannot root my device or turn s off or diag mode for cdmaWS. Will sprints repair look at this as a sign of voided warranty beacuse the msl code is now 000000, is there anything else i can do?
No4g4Me said:
hey what if the phone got flashed back to sprints latest 2.3.5 stock firmware from cricket but the msl code was never put back instead its still 000000, i want to take the phone in for service the s is on and the phone is not rooted, my usb port is broken so i cannot root my device or turn s off or diag mode for cdmaWS. Will sprints repair look at this as a sign of voided warranty beacuse the msl code is now 000000, is there anything else i can do?
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Most likely yes they will look at both as voiding the warranty. Technically any modification done on the phone will void the warranty.
how do i get the free plan change???
can i get my phone put on 55 android plan plz have no 3g on my phlashed phone its a sprint evo 3d to cricket
dial ##786#, then press menu and then reset it will reset the whole phone also will restore your msl
Spc problem
Im trying to get my evo 3d spc, but the method this guys is using in the video is not working. Im using 01f2030f5f678ff9 as password and is telling me "Password is correct Phone is unlocked. But it doesnt show me any spc on spc box.
Can anybody tell me how?
Alright as much as I love a poll on a tutorial I made that originally didn't include a source, here's the entire forum on flashing the 3d.
I don't know why you are sending anything to get the spc. All you have to do is connect and then read the spc from the security tab.
im doing that but nothing happend it doesnt show me the spc. im using radio 2.17... Radio matter in this case?
Ah... One of my phone flashers notified me of this problem. I'll reply here and in your thread over there...
Try this SPC method from this tutorial.
Good luck.
chrisngrod said:
Ah... One of my phone flashers notified me of this problem. I'll reply here and in your thread over there...
Try this SPC method from this tutorial.
Good luck.
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Danmm Dude thanks a lot you save my day.
Does anyone know how you can get it to work on the 25 or 35 dollar plan? I think the 25dollar plan would be better because I only need 300 minutes.
Is there a need for a "donor" phone, or an already active account with cricket to get the 3vo to work? Cuz trying to open new account, I was told my phone couldn't be activated with cricket...
sent from my nocturnaled Ice Cream Sandwich
powduh09 said:
Is there a need for a "donor" phone, or an already active account with cricket to get the 3vo to work? Cuz trying to open new account, I was told my phone couldn't be activated with cricket...
sent from my nocturnaled Ice Cream Sandwich
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Can anyone answer this?
Also is getting the 25/35 dollar plan just a scam? No one wants to answer questions about it.

[Q] How do I flash my RAZR XT912 to Metro

Is there anyway to flash the Droid Razr to metro pcs and if so can someone provide me with a link? If I'm posting in the wrong place just let me know.
i'm thinking you may need more than just flashing for that.
Do you know what I might need then? This verizon bill is killing me. I know people have successfully flashed the razr to Cricket. I mean I know I'm gonna need to root kit which isn't a problem I've done that kind of thing plenty of times and I've just been procrastinating on doing it on my Razr for some reason.
i know how to flash it to metropcs just cant get it into the metropcs system so if someone can help me as far as getting it into the system i can definately help them on the falshing part
you just have to houdini the phone, tha'll will get the phone in their system
candel said:
you just have to houdini the phone, tha'll will get the phone in their system
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ive tried running it through houdini and it isnt on their compatible phones list
Flashed on cricket
Noodlez916 said:
Is there anyway to flash the Droid Razr to metro pcs and if so can someone provide me with a link? If I'm posting in the wrong place just let me know.
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I found this
At the moment this is a placeholder for notes. The tutorial might have to be finished by someone who has more time than me to work on this device. Mine is on Verizon now. I will probably poke at it a little bit more when I get home and back to a normal schedule, but throughout December, it's going to be hectic for me. I'm going to try and add pictures so someone will have some knowledge going into this where I had none. If someone can get a hold of a Bionic tutorial, this might be similar.
Currently talk and text works but 3g data drops out. It works when it's connected but wants to cycle off and on A LOT.
As a good rule of thumb, always try to backup your settings before modifying them.
Verizon Droid RAZR Diagnostic Mode How To
NOTES (semi based off Thunderbolt tutorial)
CDMA WS 3.5 or later will give you more options and another method of writing data profiles to the device.
QPST does work HOWEVER you cannot read and then write the original settings to the phone (after modification of course). You have to start fresh and write ONLY.
CDMA AUTO (PRL) MODE (info from RLockwich)
Go into *#*#4636#*#* - Went into phone information (Set to CDMA Only PRL, DNS check allowed, Query CFU enabled).
Add the port for the device if required under QPST configuration. It's going to be the DIAG port. Just check device manager to see what port that is.
Use the Service Programming application under the QPST folder to access the phone. Connect to it but don't read.
Now follow this tutorial to write the proper information:
Write to the phone. Reboot it once all the writing is done and catch the boot to put it back in DIAG mode. If you don't it's no big deal, but you will have to power it down and get it back in DIAG mode before continuing.
Open up CDMA WS and connect to the port with the RAZR. Go to the security tab and send the SPC 000000. Then go to the memory tab and send the DROID NV items which can be found at It should write the NV items and fix the data.
UPDATE: The following might be required
Go to the "Other" tab and navigate to "R-UIM" then click read.
Change it to "NV Only" and write to phone. It should say Successful
Close out CDMA WS and reboot the phone.
Phone Settings (info from RLockwich)
Go into the ##PROGRAM select option 14 for LTE I turned off LTE bppanic, LTE Movement detection, and disabled Class 1,2,2 APNS
Additional Instructions (info from RLockwich)
Just went through all the settings again, I hope everyone can have as much luck as I just did. I was thinking, and I remember seeing the end of the thunderbolt tutorial says the last step is to remove the 4G LTE microSIM. I had tried that before early on when I first flashed it, but when I removed the card, it showed No Sim, no network connection and a SIM symbol with a exclamation point. I just tried it again a hour ago...Pulled the SIM, showed no network and then I rebooted the phone... FIVE times on and off all with immediate and STABLE 3G at 10 minutes a time between rebooting. FIXED. Done messing with it.
UPDATE 12/19 - After this last post it's been 4 days since we cracked the 3G cycling issue, and my phone is working excellent! I'm very glad I was able to be a part of this and get credit work any work I put into this.
Dina's Notes:
Got everything working THANKS to Chris and RLokwich! Oh, and for those of you that are not yet successful with this flash, just re-read the entire thread. Everything you need is HERE!
It was not all smooth in the beginning.
1) No need for BP tools. If your phone is on the homescreen, just connect it to the cable, choose PC mode and set up the port in HW.
2) Mine took like 5 master resets before 3g showed up. So in case you are pulling your hair as to why 3g not showing up, master reset the phone. Turn on wifi. Bypass activation screen (backwards C method works if you keep trying for like 2 minutes), go through the set up pages and 3g will be there.
Everything is stable so far. 3g working like a charm.
Discovered a secret!
If you do not get 3g up, make sure to Enable at least one APNs in the LTE settings (##PROGRAM menu)
Now time for some icecream
Read more: Full Flash Verizon Motorola RAZR to Cricket Wireless (talk, text, MMS, and Internet)
MMS (needs to be tested)
The only thing I've realized now that is wrong, is no MMS. I have MMS through the tutorial on bypassing the apn through GoSMS, but I would very much like to not have it to be that way. I thought early on in this flash that I did have MMS, I think I was just being a smart ass so I changed some settings in ##PROGRAM for the SMS/MMS part that I copied from the Thunderbolt tutorial. I don't know if I messed something up. I was also thinking I've seen people having two Cricket apns? One for internet and one for MMS, does anyone know if that may fix it? I was thinking it may be that, but in my apn for cricket already, I edited it and filled in all the MMS settings for that APN. Maybe that's something I did wrong, I don't know.
If anyone does have working MMS on their flashed Razr, please post anything that might help us. Please post all your settings in SMS/MMS in ##PROGRAM and into your APN edit settings for Cricket APN you have for MMS (if you have anything filled out in the MMS blanks)
Enter SPC "000000"
SMS/MMS Settings
MML Server Name
[email protected] >
Address for Upload to Online Album
438749 > 111111
Maximum MMS message size (Byte)
1228800 > 228800
SMS to Email Gateway
Anyone? Currently set at 6245
Try adding an APN for Cricket's settings or modifying the existing APNs to reflect Cricket's MMS settings.
this is what i used to get my phone on metro but the only issue im having is getting the phone itself into metropcs inventory....
i have a droid 3 esn im willing to use or if theres a way to just get the razr into the system that would be the better method
adventuressmalik said:
I found this
At the moment this is a placeholder for notes. The tutorial might have to be finished by someone who has more time than me to work on this device. Mine is on Verizon now. I will probably poke at it a little bit more when I get home and back to a normal schedule, but throughout December, it's going to be hectic for me. I'm going to try and add pictures so someone will have some knowledge going into this where I had none. If someone can get a hold of a Bionic tutorial, this might be similar.
Currently talk and text works but 3g data drops out. It works when it's connected but wants to cycle off and on A LOT.
As a good rule of thumb, always try to backup your settings before modifying them.
Verizon Droid RAZR Diagnostic Mode How To
NOTES (semi based off Thunderbolt tutorial)
CDMA WS 3.5 or later will give you more options and another method of writing data profiles to the device.
QPST does work HOWEVER you cannot read and then write the original settings to the phone (after modification of course). You have to start fresh and write ONLY.
CDMA AUTO (PRL) MODE (info from RLockwich)
Go into *#*#4636#*#* - Went into phone information (Set to CDMA Only PRL, DNS check allowed, Query CFU enabled).
Add the port for the device if required under QPST configuration. It's going to be the DIAG port. Just check device manager to see what port that is.
Use the Service Programming application under the QPST folder to access the phone. Connect to it but don't read.
Now follow this tutorial to write the proper information:
Write to the phone. Reboot it once all the writing is done and catch the boot to put it back in DIAG mode. If you don't it's no big deal, but you will have to power it down and get it back in DIAG mode before continuing.
Open up CDMA WS and connect to the port with the RAZR. Go to the security tab and send the SPC 000000. Then go to the memory tab and send the DROID NV items which can be found at It should write the NV items and fix the data.
UPDATE: The following might be required
Go to the "Other" tab and navigate to "R-UIM" then click read.
Change it to "NV Only" and write to phone. It should say Successful
Close out CDMA WS and reboot the phone.
Phone Settings (info from RLockwich)
Go into the ##PROGRAM select option 14 for LTE I turned off LTE bppanic, LTE Movement detection, and disabled Class 1,2,2 APNS
Additional Instructions (info from RLockwich)
Just went through all the settings again, I hope everyone can have as much luck as I just did. I was thinking, and I remember seeing the end of the thunderbolt tutorial says the last step is to remove the 4G LTE microSIM. I had tried that before early on when I first flashed it, but when I removed the card, it showed No Sim, no network connection and a SIM symbol with a exclamation point. I just tried it again a hour ago...Pulled the SIM, showed no network and then I rebooted the phone... FIVE times on and off all with immediate and STABLE 3G at 10 minutes a time between rebooting. FIXED. Done messing with it.
UPDATE 12/19 - After this last post it's been 4 days since we cracked the 3G cycling issue, and my phone is working excellent! I'm very glad I was able to be a part of this and get credit work any work I put into this.
Dina's Notes:
Got everything working THANKS to Chris and RLokwich! Oh, and for those of you that are not yet successful with this flash, just re-read the entire thread. Everything you need is HERE!
It was not all smooth in the beginning.
1) No need for BP tools. If your phone is on the homescreen, just connect it to the cable, choose PC mode and set up the port in HW.
2) Mine took like 5 master resets before 3g showed up. So in case you are pulling your hair as to why 3g not showing up, master reset the phone. Turn on wifi. Bypass activation screen (backwards C method works if you keep trying for like 2 minutes), go through the set up pages and 3g will be there.
Everything is stable so far. 3g working like a charm.
Discovered a secret!
If you do not get 3g up, make sure to Enable at least one APNs in the LTE settings (##PROGRAM menu)
Now time for some icecream
Read more: Full Flash Verizon Motorola RAZR to Cricket Wireless (talk, text, MMS, and Internet)
MMS (needs to be tested)
The only thing I've realized now that is wrong, is no MMS. I have MMS through the tutorial on bypassing the apn through GoSMS, but I would very much like to not have it to be that way. I thought early on in this flash that I did have MMS, I think I was just being a smart ass so I changed some settings in ##PROGRAM for the SMS/MMS part that I copied from the Thunderbolt tutorial. I don't know if I messed something up. I was also thinking I've seen people having two Cricket apns? One for internet and one for MMS, does anyone know if that may fix it? I was thinking it may be that, but in my apn for cricket already, I edited it and filled in all the MMS settings for that APN. Maybe that's something I did wrong, I don't know.
If anyone does have working MMS on their flashed Razr, please post anything that might help us. Please post all your settings in SMS/MMS in ##PROGRAM and into your APN edit settings for Cricket APN you have for MMS (if you have anything filled out in the MMS blanks)
Enter SPC "000000"
SMS/MMS Settings
MML Server Name
[email protected] >
Address for Upload to Online Album
438749 > 111111
Maximum MMS message size (Byte)
1228800 > 228800
SMS to Email Gateway
Anyone? Currently set at 6245
Try adding an APN for Cricket's settings or modifying the existing APNs to reflect Cricket's MMS settings.
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can someoen please send me their email if they have a solution and i will pay for it!! i add esn's to metros inventory they dont accept ones with 99xxxxxxxxxx . any help would be appreciated
Bionic fully flashed and all working 100% but only 1g. Tried all the posted tips. Any
I fully flashed my bionic to cricket and everything is working 199% EXCEPT I only have 1G PERIOD!!!
ANY ideas?
99 imei #
You have a 15 digit imei number correct?
Just remove the last number and google for a meid or esn converter
Enter your 14 digit 99 # and hit enter
you should get a 256 #
Smiles and good luck!

[GUIDE] Flashing Evo Lte to Page Plus

Page plus is a prepaid CDMA wireless carrier that operates on the verizon network. They are the only (that I know of) prepaid carrier that always you to add your sprint ESN (good or bad) onto their network. Other carriers do not allow you to flash your own phone onto their network, thus you have to buy a "donor phone". This is why I chose page plus, I didnt wanna pay for a donor phone or clone my ESN.
Page plus
(800) 550-2436
This guide will get you talk text and data.
Warning you will only get 1x speed with this guide, you would need to extract 3g keys from an actual verizon 3g phone to get working 3g. My 1x speeds tested around 200 kbps both up and down, sadly faster then Sprint 3G in my area.
Go to settings>about phone>phone identity and grab a pen and paper and write your 14 digit MEID number down.
First read the guide to make sure you can do this. It is actually super easy, the longest part is downloading the necessary software and drivers.
Read the guide? Comfortable with the process? Call Page Plus at (800) 550-2436. Expect to sit on hold for 5-30 minutes. Tell the rep that you do not have an account and you would like to flash your sprint phone onto their network. They will ask you for your ESN. Give them the MEID you wrote down and they will ask your city, state, and zip to give you a local area code. The rep will give you a phone number and a MIN, write these down.
There is an option to activate your phone online instead but DONT. If you call they will do it for free and give you 20 minutes of airtime, if you do it online it will cost you 10 dollars.
Cool! Your phone is now ready to be flashed to the phone number that page plus gave you. Lets make a checklist on necessary software.
You MUST do this on a sense based ROM, as you will be putting your phone in USB diagnostic mode, and CM10 does not recognize it when you do this.
Download MSL Reader off of the market (requires root) this will you give you your SPC code.
CDMA workshop Only need the demo, no need to buy full version
HTC diagnostic drivers Diag
Page Plus prl files (see attatchment)
Install QPST and CDMA workshop demo.
Plug your phone into you computer and dial ##3424# which will put it in diagnostic mode.
Head over to device manager on your PC and look for “HTC Diag” it should be there. If you dont see it, try restarting your phone.
Once you see “HTC Diag” right click it and select update driver. Pick browse from computer and point to the HTC diag drivers you downloaded. Choose the x64 folder for 64 bit or x86 for 32 bit.
We are now ready to flash to Page Plus.
Open up CDMA workshop demo.
Click “port” on the top left and it should say HTC diagnostic interface. Double click it.
Click “connect” at the top
Click the security tab at the top.
On the bottom right it says “SPC/user lock” in the box below where it says Default (nv_read) enter the number the MSL reader app gave you.
Now click the SBC and select “send”. It should say device unlocked successfully. Now click SPC again and select “write”. Should say SPC successfully changed.
Now click the “other” tab at the top. Under PRL click the Write tab and browse to the pageplus prl folder and select pageplus.prl
It should say successfully writen.
Now click the “main” tab at top. Click where it says “read” above the security tab. Now click “read” on the bottom right.
You will see two different boxes that say “MIN” punch the MIN number page plus gave you into both of those boxes.
Next you see towards the bottom of the page “Dir_Number and Dir_PCS” boxes. Enter your page plus phone number into both of those boxes. We are now done with CDMA work shop. Click the red X at the top right, and the program will ask you to save your changes. Click yes, and the phone will reboot.
Let your phone boot back up, we will now finish the job with QPST.
Dial ##3424# again once your phones back booted up to make sure its in diagnostic mode.
Navigate on your PC to start all programs QPST and select QPST configuration.
Click “add new port” there should be one with a COM number that says USB/diagnostic. Click that and select ok.
On top select start clients then service programming.
Double click phone and a new window should pop up with a bunch of tabs.
Click “read from phone” at the bottom left. Enter again the code the MSL reader app gave to you.
At the top right press the right arrow until you see the “M.IP” tab
Where it says mobile IP behavior towards the bottom click the drop down menu and select Simple IP only.
Double click profile 2.
In NAI put [email protected]
For tethered NAI put [email protected]
For HA shared secret select enter text string and type “vzw” Do the same in the AAA shared secret column.
Look to the right.
Home address should be set to
Both primary and secondary HA addresses should be set to
Hit ok at the bottom left and navigate to the ppp config tab
Click “um'
For user ID enter [email protected]
For tethered NAI enter [email protected]
Click in the password box and type “vzw”
Click the AN tab
User ID is your phone*[email protected]
Password is "vzw"
Click "write to phone"
Your phone should now reboot and be fully operational on the page plus network with your new phone number. When your phone boots up dial *22890, if it fails no worries just call anyone you would like and it should say press 1 for english then tell you your account balance is low as they only give you 20 minutes of airtime for free.
Head over to and register an account so you can add PIN numbers to replenish your account.
I suggest buying PINS at They will give you a PIN instantly upon purchase. Just enter that pin through your account at
Use coupon code B2S125 and get 5 percent off
If you appreciated my guide and I helped you you can order your PIN number through
This gives me a few cents via affiliation credit. Thank you!
What about porting your phone number over from Sprint?
Is that possible?
I'm getting sick of Sprint so I might get rid of it altogether.
And thank you.
Indeed... you can.
Wrote the guide assuming a lot of people were gonna be throwing bad ESN's onto page plus.
Just remember you cant be in contract or owe sprint any money at all.
You can port right on page plus's website for free
inb4 thread lock/delete
What are Page Plus's plans like?
Do they offer good deals? Currently for 5 smartphones with unlimited data, we pay $250. That's $50 a phone. Does Page Plus offer anything better or worse?
This has my attention. I actually might consider this.
Thanks OP!
Sent from my HTC
Voicemail notification
How do you get voicemail notification?
fuk 250$ for 5 phones thats a gangster ass deal fool i pay 210$ for 2 phones how u do it?
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
wierd... i just noticed how many of you joined in the month of June.. beware of the Slaughter.
Hey guys, I'm considering buying a EVO 4G LTE to run on MetroPCS, since the DROID RAZR I bought is incompatible with Metro's network. The reason being, MetroPCS doesn't accept MEIDs beginning with anything other than A00000 or A100000, and the RAZR's MEID begins with 99x. So my question is what does the EVO 4G LTE's MEID start with? Thanks in advance!:good:
I just bought an Evo 4G LTE to try this. Now i had in mind flashing it to boost mobile however, i know PP runs on VZ network and VZ network is very reliable, but i cannot stand 1X speed of 200kbps coming from an 29Mbps phone on AT&T. has 3G been sorted out yet? and on 200kbps, how is facebook and instagram loading? do they take time? I USE those the most and i just dont want to wait a long time for my feeds and tp upload and download pictures.
Also another things is, if i do this on stock ROM and happen to change ROMs, will I still have PP? I like trying out many custom roms to find the best one that suits my need for speed, stability and battery life.
Reserved!! thanks for the Guide
I flash ROMs all the time. It wont affect anything as long as your not flashing radios.
Osmosis perhaps today if I get time I'll take a video of my evo loading Facebook with my 30 meg WiFi and page plus.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
pcwireless said:
How do you get voicemail notification?
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Anyone have this working?
Working voicemail
Download Google voice from market
Hit skip
Sign in
Hit next
Do not use for calls
Click next
Hit configure navigate to voicemail select Google voice then click setup
Click the phone number delete the 28 at front and put 92 i instead and call phone beeps then hangs up.
You now have voicemail good night!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
pcwireless said:
How do you get voicemail notification?
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Anyone figure this out, to get Voicemail notification working?
Out of curiosity, why would you create a new M.IP profile under Profile 2 instead of just changing what's in Profile 1?
Is it just so you can return it back to stock more easily?
Just wondering because the ROM always shows "Current account" in the About screen as the NAI of Profile 1 no matter what I set Active Profile to be, and if I want that to be accurate, I have to change Profile 1 instead.
reverse this process?
I bought an evo lte from a lady who had this done because she was sick of sprint. I want to flash my phone from page plus back to sprint. Can anyone help? Or does anyone want to trade a phone that's still on sprint for one that's flashed to page plus?
deff doing this tonight, is it the same steps for the ogevo? my wife has an ogevo and im going to need to flash it over aswell
Also is there maybe a way someone can port a prl that has 4g lte? Idk if its possible but that would be freaking awesome
okay i got a question, i got an old bb laying around for vzw and it has a bad esn but could i extract the 3g keys from it to use on my ltevo?

[Q] Boost Evo 4g LTE Data Problems

First of all, I'd like to thank you guys for everything you have posted on these forums. They have provided me with all the answers I've needed so far. But I'm finally stuck. I recently flashed a Sprint Evo 4G LTE to the Boost Mobile network. When I first completed the flash I had both error 16 and the data call failure error. I got rid of the error 16 by contacting Boost and complaining that my donor phone couldn't call out. They quickly amended the problem by doing whatever on their end. I played with the HA and AAA keys, and got the data call failure to go away by using the hex code from nv item 466, which was 34 digits long, where I just dropped the first two numbers. I also had to drop the first two digits of my second AAA key because it was 14 digits long. Using these numbers, I no longer get error 67 or a data call failure popup. When I enter ##debug# > EVDO Engineering, at the very bottom it just always says 1 = authenticated.
For the record, I have the Boost Mobile 61009 prl, but have tried various Sprint prls as well, because I read on this forum that might help. I currently have the Sense-based MeanRom installed in order to use the ## codes, and this forum has suggested to try to update profile and update prl, neither of which work. When I choose update profile, I get an error 1012, when I choose update prl, I get an error 1233. Any suggestions are much appreciated
As of right now, I am installing a different Sense based Rom, called MeanBean v2.3. I'll see if I have any luck.
For the record:
Build number: 2.13.651.1
Donor phone: Samsung Rant
Plan: $50.00/month Unlimited Plan
Update: Changing to this ROM has not yielded any results.
I'm going to relock the bootloader and update my firmware with the 2.13 RUU, and then unlock the bootloader and reinstall MeanBean 2.3 to see if that helps. In the MeanBean documentation, it states
If your baseband is less than, you have old firmware and should update else you could have problems with your data connection, reboots, etc.
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Data Fix (Profile Switch)
datatype_void said:
First of all, I'd like to thank you guys for everything you have posted on these forums. They have provided me with all the answers I've needed so far. But I'm finally stuck. I recently flashed a Sprint Evo 4G LTE to the Boost Mobile network. When I first completed the flash I had both error 16 and the data call failure error. I got rid of the error 16 by contacting Boost and complaining that my donor phone couldn't call out. They quickly amended the problem by doing whatever on their end. I played with the HA and AAA keys, and got the data call failure to go away by using the hex code from nv item 466, which was 34 digits long, where I just dropped the first two numbers. I also had to drop the first two digits of my second AAA key because it was 14 digits long. Using these numbers, I no longer get error 67 or a data call failure popup. When I enter ##debug# > EVDO Engineering, at the very bottom it just always says 1 = authenticated.
For the record, I have the Boost Mobile 61009 prl, but have tried various Sprint prls as well, because I read on this forum that might help. I currently have the Sense-based MeanRom installed in order to use the ## codes, and this forum has suggested to try to update profile and update prl, neither of which work. When I choose update profile, I get an error 1012, when I choose update prl, I get an error 1233. Any suggestions are much appreciated
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Open QPST and connect to ypur device,
Open QPST Service Programming
Go to M.IP Tab, click Read tab, enter your SPC/MSL Code,
On the right side under ACTIVE USER, (not in profiles) change it to "1" instead of 0,
(0 is only meant for Evo 4g not LTE )
Click "write to phone"
Restart the device and you should have data.
There are additional ways to increase 3g speeds as well, but they need to be performed AFTER this process.
Error 67 Fix
Note: Make sure you're on a Sense ROM or the ESPT codes you need will not respond or function (##3282#, ##3424#, etc).
Also, if you have questions about how to use the programs listed, then you're too far ahead and need to do a quick read/ trial and error of the basics so you know how to use them.
If you are having a hard time getting data back up and running, for the Evo LTE then I suggest the following using the following items:
CDMA Workshop
QPST - Service programming
- Connect your donor phone and open DFS
Click on the Programming Tab (Main Tabs),then read in the values from your donor phone and take screenshots of The Following Sub Tabs: NAM, Data, and Mobile IP
Within the Mobile IP Tab there are 2 radio buttons for Profile, click on each and make sure to get good screenshots of each.
First Check and Compare your Data Info in with what you have saved in your Donor Phone Items/Notes, if not save both your old and new notes to compare and change later.
Connect your EVO LTE and open DFS, and your screen shots. Compare and make any changes that do not match from your Screenshots, to your EVO LTE.
- Close DFS.
- Open QPST - Service Programming, read in your EVO LTE's info, enter your SPC (MSL). Click on the M.IP Tab and compare the information
with your and check for any errors, also be sure that Profile 1 is the active profile.
(Profile 0 is for non-LTE phones)
- Close out of QPST - Service programming.
- Open CDMA Workshop.
Click the Security Tab and send your SPC (MSL). Next click on the NAM tab and load and write your NAM 1 and NAM 2 files for their respective profiles
(hopefully you saved this as well as your NV Items from your donor phones profile).
Next, click on the Memory Tab and write your NV Items to your phone (465, 466, 1192, and 1194)
Finally click on the Other tab and write your donor's PRL (or one you've downloaded) Choose LG not Universal. and choose NAM1.
After which DO NOT disconnect, simply attempt to close the program and it will ask if you would like to restart the phone to apply modifications, click OK or restart your phone manually and you should be good to go.

[GUIDE/HOWTO] Droid DNA on PagePlus

Okay so I just wanted to help out anyone else who wanted to get their DNA flashed to PagePlus since there are no (complete / dedicated) guides for this. Also, I figure I'd save a couple of people ~$20 - $50 to pay to have their phones flashed. I'm no expert at this, but I did get voice, sms and 3G (see below) data working. I know how to get MMS working (natively) but I am only familiar on how to do it with Cyanogenmod / CM-based ROMs (I'm on ViperDNA). So here we go. (Sorry for the lack of pictures, I'm just short on time right now.)
What you'll need:
Phone Information: Know your MIN, MDN and SID. You can get this information from PagePlus.
HTC Sync. You can get it here.
CDMA Workshop 2.7. Get the full version.
HTC Diag drivers (read through for this, download below).
PagePlus PRL files (download below).
A stock DNA, or at least one running a stock ROM like this. It's needed to access Diagnostic Mode.
An unactivated Verizon 4G LTE Micro SIM card (you can get one here for $5). This is critical.
Once you have all of this ready, you can get to flashing!
Make sure you have everything prepped. Get your PagePlus account setup and activated (phone number and plan). You won't be able to add your phone to your account specifically yet, but you will put the number in service. Also, make sure you've got the SIM card with you as well. DO NOT PUT THE SIM IN THE PHONE YET.
Install HTC Sync if you haven't already. This will install the HTC Drivers for you.
Connect your phone to your computer and let all the drivers install.
Once completed, go to the phone dialer and dial ##3424#. This will put the phone in diagnostic mode. Windows will then install the HTC DIAG and HTC DIAG 9k drivers. Windows found and installed the drivers for me, so they may work for you. If the installation fails, just follow the instructions to install the DIAG drivers here. (Note: The Device Manager won't say HTC USB Modem, it'll say HTC Diagnostic Interface (COMX) & HTC Diagnostic Interface - 9k (COMX).)
Once installed, enter ##3424# on your DNA's keypad again if necessary, go to the Device Manager and check if the two HTC Diagnostic ports are listed under LPT/COM Ports without the yellow triangle. If there's no error triangle you're good to go.
Take note of the COM port that the "HTC Diagnostic Interface - 9k" diagnostic interface is on. This is what we'll be writing to.
You just got past the first hurdle. Now it's time to start actually flashing the phone.
Open up CDMA Workshop. Hopefully you'd have had this downloaded by now.
Connect to the COM port that HTC Diagnostic Interface - 9k is on. Click connect. YOU CANNOT CONNECT TO THE REGULAR (NON-9k) HTC DIAGNOSTIC INTERFACE'S PORT. This is normal.
The status bar at the bottom of the window will say "Ready..." if you are connected. Click read. If everything on the left hand side of the window populates, you're good.
Now for these next parts, I'm going to give my own experience. I had issues with the phone not responding to the write commands (it appeared) so I'd always write everything multiple times just to be safe. I'd also have to enter the SPC unlock code numerous times throughout working on the phone. It was quite annoying. Settings stuck though, which was good.
Go to the Security tab. Look for the SPC section. Enter "000000" (without quotes) into the box above the Read and SPC buttons. Then click SPC > Send. you'll then get a message saying the phone has been unlocked.
Go to the Other tab. Look under RU-IM. Click the drop down box and select "NV-only".
In the same tab go to the PRL box. "NAM1" should be selected in the drop down box. Under it click the Write button and browse to the folder with the downloaded PagePlus PRLs. I recommend choosing to write "52711.prl" as that's the one that worked for me. Write the PRL to NAM1.
Click the drop down box and select NAM2. Write the same PRL to it as well.
Switch the the NAM tab. Click the Read button at the bottom of the box. The fields should populate with data.
Overwrite the MIN field with the info PagePlus gave you. Enter your phone number into Dir_Number (the field to the right of MIN). then go down to SID and replace that number with the SID PagePlus gave you. Write the data.
Click read to ensure the data was written. Go back to the Main tab and then go to Mode > Reset. Disconnect from CDMA Workshop and reboot your phone.
Once rebooted, connect the phone to your PC again and enter DIAG Mode (##3424#). Open up CDMA workshop and connect to the appropriate COM port. Read the data and ensure everything in the NAM tab is what you entered. If it is correct, you may disconnect end get out of DIAG Mode.
Alright, here's where it gets changed up. Wifi was not working for me on the stock ROM that I flashed, so I flashed my DNA to ViperDNA after these steps (which I recommend). If wifi is working for you, you can just continue then.
Open up the Play Store and search for LTE On/Off (for the HTC Thunderbolt). Install it.
Open it up, scroll down to the radio settings and select CDMA auto (PRL). The settings may not stick at first. Just keep applying it and turn the radio on and off. (When I would select it, it would change to CDMA + EvDo/LTE and I'd have to keep toggling it and selecting CDMA auto (PRL) until it stuck).
Enter airplane mode for a minute and then disable it. Wait a minute or two. If the signal bars show up without the roaming sign, you're good. Go to Settings > Mobile Data. You should see your data mode set to CDMA (on ViperDNA at least). DO NOT EDIT THIS.
Shut your phone off. Insert your SIM card. Turn your phone on.
Open up LTE On/Off and make sure that it's still set to CDMA auto (PRL). You should be getting text messages (to check, just use Google Voice and send a text to your number). Call *22890 or *22891. It may not work. Wait a bit though as it may start auto activating for you without needing to actually open the phone app or anything (this happened for me). It'll activate the phone with Verizon Prepaid (obviously not PagePlus) BUT THIS IS NORMAL. Let the phone finish activating.
Make a call and listen to the instructions. It'll say something about your activation PIN being defaulted to the last 4 digits of your number, and to press 1 for English texting or something. Just press one.
Congratulations, your phone is flashed. You should now have voice, sms and 3G working.
If 3G isn't working for you, kick your phone into airplane mode for a bit and then disable it. Also toggle Mobile Data on and off once or twice. Eventually (within 15 minutes) 3G will start working.
Extended Notes
If for some reason the "52711.prl" list results in a roaming signal, try flashing one of the other lists included in the download. Make sure you are writing to BOTH NAM1 and NAM2.
If the HTC Diag drivers don't work for you / are not recognized, install PdaNet and then get the diagnostic drivers from there.
I am not 100% sure if this will work, so if any CM/CM-based ROM users can confirm this that'd be great. I used this same method on my Rezound to get MMS working on PagePlus. Just do this:
Can I ask those of you who have flashed their DNAs to PagePlus using this guide to please report back with 3G speeds (post a picture using the app)? Thanks! I just want to make sure 3G is working as best as it possibly can. So far speeds are pretty fast for me though.
TO GET MMS WORKING ON 8SMS: (Give thanks to CapnChaos for the solution!)
TO GET MMS WORKING ON THE STOCK SMS APP (for ViperDNA): (Give thanks to jeanr464 for the solution!)
I would never have figured out how to do this without the guide on flashing the Rezound to PagePlus from javamaan, Yura80, watt19, AsianCajun and the other guys in that thread. Also dhaval1's reply to a thread that I randomly came by also helped. And I'd also like to thank the guys from those threads and other places here on XDA who got these files onto the forums for use!
Also, HUGE thanks to CapnChaos and jeanr464 for solving the MMS problem!
It would probably be a good idea to omit
J D A said:
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from your tutorial.
.torrented said:
It would probably be a good idea to omit
from your tutorial.
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Thanks for the advice. The Rezound tutorial also stated that so I didn't think it'd be a real issue. I updated the guide though. Hopefully some people will find it of use.
I have been trying to do this for the past 3 weeks! Wow, it's a damn shame I caved and paid someone to do it, you really broke it down to a science!
JDA, can you post screen shots from dfs of of the data and mobile ip tabs? Blank out any of your numbers or other personal information.
gpz1100 said:
JDA, can you post screen shots from dfs of of the data and mobile ip tabs? Blank out any of your numbers or other personal information.
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I never used DFS for this but here are the screenshots from those tabs.
JDA, thanks for the posting. Seems a bit different than other profiles used, but also works.
Thanks JDA, a quick question does this mean we need the stock ROM only for flashing the prl, and after that we can move to any other rom as long as it support Verizon network?
Sent from my DLX using xda app-developers app
I am curious how similar the process is for flashing to Selectel? I have seen a few people around say that a phone setup to work on page plus should work without modification on selectel but I also understand page plus is prepaid and selectel is postpaid in terms of network access so I wonder about that a little.
Sorry for the late reply, hopefully you already did this though so I'll make an update for future users:
I was wrong. You only need a ROM with the stock phone app. I'm on ViperDNA and I found I can easily enter diag mode. I stated that because with past experiences on my Rez, diag mode could not be accessed through Cyanogenmod 10.1's dialer (so I had to revert to stock).
fordry said:
I am curious how similar the process is for flashing to Selectel? I have seen a few people around say that a phone setup to work on page plus should work without modification on selectel but I also understand page plus is prepaid and selectel is postpaid in terms of network access so I wonder about that a little.
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No difference in flashing to either...........
MMS Problem
I used this guide to flash my HTC Droid DNA to PagePlus With 3G and Talk and Text. I cannot get MMS to work for some reason. Can someone help me.Thank you in advance.
Thanks In Advance.
Talk- Works
Text- Works
3G- Stable/2.42 MBPS Lowest Speed
MMS- Not Working
Thanks for the guide.
I can't get data working and I'm having trouble getting my sim to activate. The first time I tried, it tried to activate on its own like you said, but failed (I think because I accidentally had my old phone still on and I did an esn swap). I thought maybe I just ruined that sim so I bought another blank sim. But when I put it in it just said "Preparing sim card..." and didn't try to activate.
I'm new to 4g phones, so if anybody could give me any clues how to get data working I'd appreciate it.
Give it some time to auto activate
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
basito723 said:
Give it some time to auto activate
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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How long should it take? Do I need to re-run the initial phone setup to make it activate?
And to your question, did you try the 8sms application here with the PagePlus setttings?
Yes I used 8sms and don't run the initial phone setup again
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
If that dosent work reflash it without the SIM in
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Thanks anyway
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
CapnChaos said:
How long should it take? Do I need to re-run the initial phone setup to make it activate?
And to your question, did you try the 8sms application here with the PagePlus setttings?
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I actually got 3g working without going through the activation process. I used DFS to match my settings to post #6 in this thread (replacing my phone number with the blurred out sections in the pics). I left the keys sections blank, but somehow my 3g still works. I thought the keys would be necessary and that I'd have to get them from a donor phone, but everything works without them.
How do you get MMS to work??
CapnChaos said:
I actually got 3g working without going through the activation process. I used DFS to match my settings to post #6 in this thread (replacing my phone number with the blurred out sections in the pics). I left the keys sections blank, but somehow my 3g still works. I thought the keys would be necessary and that I'd have to get them from a donor phone, but everything works without them.
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I need help with MMS and how to edit APN-CONF.xml and where that file would be. When i send a MMS it states "invalid destination address"

