[Q] Adreno Libs+Icecream pureness[14]+Alliance kernel(night elf)-Should I go for it? - Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo, Pro

I really like the above combination and think my phone will work smooth and zippy,also no problem with moderate gaming and battery life,but i'm not too sure cause this is my first time reverting from stock rom....Few questions---->
1.Will the adreno libs work with the rom,cause in the thread it was written they work only with stock rom,maybe it should have been stock based rom.....
2.Should i first flash the kernel and then the rom or the order dosen't matter.....
I would like all of your opinions of personal use of the rom,over time,if anyone has this combination please let me know how this works for you,should I or should i not go for this...,
Anything and everything you have in your thoughts about this please let me know and please answer my questions...{on a Neo V not a Neo}
always thankful:good:

Icecream pureness already have the new adreno libs.You dont need to flash it.And the combination is good.

siankatabg said:
Icecream pureness already have the new adreno libs.You dont need to flash it.And the combination is good.
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Thanks dude!

i am using pureness build 14.
smooth and good battery life. adreno libs is included in the rom. no need to flash it.
the only way to know how good a custom rom is to try it .
you can always revert back to stock fimware or whatever rom you were using before it.

xperia ultimate hd rom - suave v 6 kernel .

I was using Ice Cream Pureness build 14 with adreno libs ( have in the build ), it's very smooth and very good battery life, but when changed my kernel for Lupus Kernel, rom stopped work. :crying:
Only was bootlooping.
PS: My english is bad, sorry for that.

Ofcourse.. because as far as i know lupus kernel is jb based.. how will it work on ics?? U cannot have a jb kernel and ics rom
Hope this fulfilled your need.. hit thanks if i did..
Sent from my Neo V using xda premium

vishal_android freak said:
Ofcourse.. because as far as i know lupus kernel is jb based.. how will it work on ics?? U cannot have a jb kernel and ics rom
Hope this fulfilled your need.. hit thanks if i did..
Sent from my Neo V using xda premium
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There is Lupus kernel based on stock ICS as well...Don't get it confused with Jb kernel...
Its just that that guy has not followed steps properly I think ...
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Ohhh.. can you give me its link please..??
Sent from my Neo V using xda premium

In my SIG bro....
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda premium

Yeah got it..
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Neo V can flash xperia neo's ROM or kernel?

I am asking this for my friend. He wanted to have miui on his neo V. Also a stable overclock kernel. Can I flash ROM or kernel to my friend's neo V?
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA Premium App
If your friend wants MIUI he will have to use the MIUI based kernel
Which afaik don't support overclocking
If he wants overclocking he will have to use InteksKernel V15
For ROMS and Kernels the phones bootloader wll have to be unlocked
The same can me done very easily
~But you void warranty
Qwerty123 \m/ said:
If your friend wants MIUI he will have to use the MIUI based kernel
Which afaik don't support overclocking
If he wants overclocking he will have to use InteksKernel V15
For ROMS and Kernels the phones bootloader wll have to be unlocked
The same can me done very easily
~But you void warranty
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No no.....miui kernel is overclockable. Check my rom thread. JasonS maked us nice kernel
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk
My friend has a xperia neo v but not neo, not sure whether it is suitable to flash neo's miui in neo V
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA Premium App
taaviu said:
No no.....miui kernel is overclockable. Check my rom thread. JasonS maked us nice kernel
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk
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No way !! :O
taaviu can you link me to the ROM ?!?
I'm not sure which one to use
I only found the OC Neo rom
Cant seem to find the Neo v one
Qwerty123 \m/ said:
No way !! :O
taaviu can you link me to the ROM ?!?
I'm not sure which one to use
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Lol tavi Rom roxx
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taaviu said:
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Same Kernel for neo and NEO V right ?
MIUI Version - 1.12.16
Theres none for Neo V ?
Flashed MIUI ROM 1.12.16 !
And Provided kernel
Apparently it supports both Neo and Neo V
And it Oc'able
fxzy said:
I am asking this for my friend. He wanted to have miui on his neo V. Also a stable overclock kernel. Can I flash ROM or kernel to my friend's neo V?
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Yes, i tried DooMKerneL (stable OC up to 2GHz on my Neo V), Inteks kernel (stable 1.8GHz), MIUI kernel works, and CyanogenMod7 from Neo works too. The only disadvantage is not working camera (it can be fixed, but there is no 100% fix for it), but camera is a ROM issue, kernel doesn't affect it

Custom rom for gb

Any one suggest me stable and nice custom rom for GB in my neo v
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
CM7.2 FXP125, stable and fast. With nightelf kernel.
If you want something which is based on sony gb (everything working including xloud) i can recommend codename 7. Really fast and stable.
sudarsan s said:
Any one suggest me stable and nice custom rom for GB in my neo v
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
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please search instead of asking
Nyways have a look here
valetto said:
please search instead of asking
Nyways have a look here
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I.knw to search ..i wanted knw the.personal opinion thats why i askd ...
from my NEO V ICS reverted to GB
sudarsan s said:
Any one suggest me stable and nice custom rom for GB in my neo v
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
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tried many ROMs, even new ' awful ' ICS, but this one is the best IMHO !
everything's working fine.
CM 7.2 stable
If you want stock xperia look the GB ROM by shardul_seth suggested earlier is good. If you dont mind the looks u can try installing Cm 7.2 official build from cyanogen mod site (you will have to patch the build.prop and updater script since it is for Neo). I got the highest Qudarant benchmark score in my Neo V for this CM 7.2 only.

[Q] Request Custom Kernel

Hello everyone,
i have Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo V(MT11i) with Xperia Ice Cream Pureness build 14.0 ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1737862 )
Kernel Version: [email protected] #1
Baseband Version: 8x55A-AAABQOAZM-203028G-77
Now, as you have all the information needed, i want a custom kernel to overclock my mt11i but i don't want to change this rom....
I have Locked Bootloader, but if it need it i know how to unlock it....
PS: please tell me exaclty what i must do, so i will not brick my phone...
Here's everything you need..
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iamdchosen1 said:
Here's everything you need..
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using SwiftKey
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Okeyyyy... Maybe you don't understand my question. I will repeat again... On the link you sent me I found some kernels but which kernel I choose for Xperia ice cream pureness??
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oxygen935 said:
Okeyyyy... Maybe you don't understand my question. I will repeat again... On the link you sent me I found some kernels but which kernel I choose for Xperia ice cream pureness??
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
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any Kernel for ICS boss.....Best is Stock Base .587 Best battery life & smooth
suave kernel is good
Try the alliance kernel he's good
Also bro
Could you send me some links, cause I am unable to find these kernels. Ty for help
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
oxygen935 said:
Could you send me some links, cause I am unable to find these kernels. Ty for help
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See, now you're being ignorant.. The thread I posted to you at the beginning has the list of kernels in it..
I suppose you didn't read it!
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using SwiftKey
N!geR said:
Try the alliance kernel he's good
Also bro
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It is the best kernel for this ROM.:good:
oxygen935 said:
Hello everyone,
i have Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo V(MT11i) with Xperia Ice Cream Pureness build 14.0 ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1737862 )
Kernel Version: [email protected] #1
Baseband Version: 8x55A-AAABQOAZM-203028G-77
Now, as you have all the information needed, i want a custom kernel to overclock my mt11i but i don't want to change this rom....
I have Locked Bootloader, but if it need it i know how to unlock it....
PS: please tell me exaclty what i must do, so i will not brick my phone...
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Hi there,
I am pretty sure you have got many replies in here.
Actually you can flash kernels above roms, just download a kernel that suits your needs and flash it using flashtool or flashboot.
As you are using an ICS ROM, any ICS kernel will do. I am myself using Alliance kernel, it has got pretty good battery backup and can be overclocked too.
Previously I was using suave kernel, thats good too, You can try it out yourself, Suave is pretty good as I have been using it on my Neo V since 4-5 months, just today I moved to alliance, which I am pretty much enjoying
Checkout for Alliance and suave in Neo V android development forums
I'd like to thanks from my heart everyone who helps me to choose one kernel for ICS Pureness.
Finally, i selected The Alliance Kernel and now i have not any lag on any game...
Thanks so much everuone
oxygen935 said:
I'd like to thanks from my heart everyone who helps me to choose one kernel for ICS Pureness.
Finally, i selected The Alliance Kernel and now i have not any lag on any game...
Thanks so much everuone
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you can Thanks button also.

which one is better [Kernel] Suave&alliance&lupus

which is better than the kernel?
Is there anything better than these? battery-friendly
+++??? cevap vercek yokmu
osmancan71 said:
which is better than the kernel?
Is there anything better than these? battery-friendly
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Alliance and Suave are ICS Kernels and LUPUS is a JellyBean Kernel..
U Cant Flash a Jellybean kernel for ICS ROM and vice versa...
n in between Aliance and Suave... I vote for Suave coz its very Battery Friendly..
LUPUS is an awesome Jellybean kernel...
Hit "Thanks" if i Helped you....
manoj_nike15 said:
Alliance and Suave are ICS Kernels and LUPUS is a JellyBean Kernel..
U Cant Flash a Jellybean kernel for ICS ROM and vice versa...
n in between Aliance and Suave... I vote for Suave coz its very Battery Friendly..
LUPUS is an awesome Jellybean kernel...
Hit "Thanks" if i Helped you....
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manoj_nike15 said:
Alliance and Suave are ICS Kernels and LUPUS is a JellyBean Kernel..
U Cant Flash a Jellybean kernel for ICS ROM and vice versa...
n in between Aliance and Suave... I vote for Suave coz its very Battery Friendly..
LUPUS is an awesome Jellybean kernel...
Hit "Thanks" if i Helped you....
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osmancan71 said:
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Suave not only optimized for battery but also for performance ! Hopefully one day i can use that kernel on my xperia Neo L
suave is better than alliance and lupus ?
manoj_nike15 said:
Alliance and Suave are ICS Kernels and LUPUS is a JellyBean Kernel..
U Cant Flash a Jellybean kernel for ICS ROM and vice versa...
n in between Aliance and Suave... I vote for Suave coz its very Battery Friendly..
LUPUS is an awesome Jellybean kernel...
Hit "Thanks" if i Helped you....
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OnLupus thread it says STOCK-ICS
I have not tried it yet (not home till wednesday )
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Please can anyone tell me if shardul seth's kernel can be used in cm9.1 instead of the stock cm kernel?
Sent from my Neo V using xda premium
I dont want to make a new thread, please guys what is the best Kernel for CM7, they are so rare, so far I couldnt find any kernel other than the one that comes with CM7.2 zip
Are there any other kernels that support CM7?
Thats true.. m facing the same problems.. the alliance kernel. As they say is for cm9 n i gues its FXP 128 cm9.. i have not found any kernel for cm7 or cm7.2 yet excpt the stock kernel itself.
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vishal_android freak said:
Thats true.. m facing the same problems.. the alliance kernel. As they say is for cm9 n i gues its FXP 128 cm9.. i have not found any kernel for cm7 or cm7.2 yet excpt the stock kernel itself.
Sent from my Neo V using xda premium
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I found doomkernel for xperia play I think its compatible with neo, im afraid to flash it
If you are not sure, then dont flash it.. it might brick your phone in worst case or cause bootloops.. experienced it myself..
Never ever do that.. you have xda.. ask the experts for the proper kernel.. its better to ask instead of the risk..
Hit thanks if it helped..
Sent from my Neo V using xda premium
Best kernel/ROM threads aren't encouraged here. Everyone will have differing opinions and all kernels will offer something that maybe the others don't. Best way is to read the threads and learn about them and if the features are what you're after then flash them.

[NeoL][Rom Tested Result] Find the best ROM for us together :)

[NeoL][Question] Where can I find the best ROM for Neo L
Hi all,
I've tried several ROMs on this forum for my NeoL (unlocked BL). But no one work fine. I have trouble with exchange email, wifi, lock screen can't work if you set PIN (my company email require that), crash process com.android.acore, etc.
So I want to make this topic for anyone who use Neo L like me can find the best ROM for him to use.
In this topic, WE will list out all current ROMs that we had tested and it worked fine for Neo L.
Thanks and Best Regard.
@MOD: Please help me rename the subject into "[NeoL] List of ROM work fine for Xperia Neo L (Only)". I think it will be fine and not break our rules. Thanks
There is nothing like best rom. Visit the dev section and find a rom for urself. Everyone has different preferences. Check
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
koradiavatsal said:
There is nothing like best rom. Visit the dev section and find a rom for urself. Everyone has different preferences. Check
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks guy. I've re-define the orientation of this topic. Hope it's ok
openbkit said:
Thanks guy. I've re-define the orientation of this topic. Hope it's ok
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U can edit the title urself. Why do u want mods to do it for you?
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koradiavatsal said:
U can edit the title urself. Why do u want mods to do it for you?
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
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How can I do that? I just see Edit button for edit content, not the title. Can you help me?
PS: I found it :"> Thanks
FXP of Xperia Play works fine with Neo L.
many of GB roms of Play can be used for gaming..
If you're keen on Cyanogenmod 10 ROM then have a look at @TakuyaZ's thread at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2217269
You can use any Xperia Play Rom , if the kernel support it (4.1.2 ,4.0.4 ,2.3.x)
If you want to use a ICS rom, that have everything working, use the stock one, or wait for the revolution ics hd (new one)
if you want to use gb rom, stock is too fast. (lmao)
Jb rom? Use my cm10 , or use slimbean
TakuyaZ said:
You can use any Xperia Play Rom , if the kernel support it (4.1.2 ,4.0.4 ,2.3.x)
If you want to use a ICS rom, that have everything working, use the stock one, or wait for the revolution ics hd (new one)
if you want to use gb rom, stock is too fast. (lmao)
Jb rom? Use my cm10 , or use slimbean
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Can you tell me what else xplay rom who can work in neo l?
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furansu_sagara said:
Can you tell me what else xplay rom who can work in neo l?
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As long as its for xperia play, and you have a suitable kernel, it will work
furansu_sagara said:
Can you tell me what else xplay rom who can work in neo l?
Sent from my MT25i using xda app-developers app
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you have to unlock bootloader.
then flash any kernel which support with Rom. then flash..
very simple.. it is a matter of selecting a appropriate kernel ..
I have used MIUIv5.. Nothing is broke in it.. Don't expect gaming in MIUI roms.. They r feature rich roms and d features r mind blowing..
Racing xplay by smokerman.. It's based on cm10.. Best cm10 I have used.. He included some mods and tweaked fxp source further to increase performance... Nothing is broke in this rom.. Everything works fine...
Turbo UI is by cosmicdan.. You shud b knowing him.. He gave us d Turbo kernel which works for gb, ics and jb... One kernel for all roms with multiboot... His rom is so good.. Some minor white text on white background issues... Nothing serious..
Most of d ics roms for Neo L have something broken.. Thats y I am sticking to jb... And d development is very good at d moment.. So just sit back and enjoy new jb roms... As far as gb is concerned there are some roms which are confirmed working on Neo L.. It's listed in ghostfreak NB's sticky thread...
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gin2kitkat is the most stable and fastest rom for NEO L

