A need polish language in Lumia 920 AT&T - Nokia Lumia 920

Sory for my english. Today I bought Nokia Lumia 920 in AT&T and I need polish language. My rm-820, polish language is in rm-821. Can I flash my phone polish firmware rm-821?? I wont use phone in USA in AT&T.

decniety said:
Sory for my english. Today I bought Nokia Lumia 920 in AT&T and I need polish language. My rm-820, polish language is in rm-821. Can I flash my phone polish firmware rm-821?? I wont use phone in USA in AT&T.
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No, if you do that your phone will become a useless brick. You can only install RM-820 ROMs.
And as far as I know there is no way to unlock AT&T L920 yet. So, I'm not sure how you plan to use your phone outside of USA.

This is so stupid from MS. Window 7.5 has all lang you want to use.

randy_c said:
This is so stupid from MS. Window 7.5 has all lang you want to use.
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Not so. The languages included on a specific phone are determined by both carriers who branded it and the maker of the phone. AT&T phones are traditionally lean on included languages.

My last phone "Samsung Focus" from AT&T running window 7.5 and you can select any language you prefer.

Case in point:
Nokia Lumia 810 (on T-Mobile): all languages
HTC 8x (T-Mobile variant): only 5 European languages
Another case in point:
AT&T Lumia 920: tiny number of languages
Rogers Lumia 920: huge number of languages, including Polish
Easy to blame Microsoft, but this is not a Microsoft issue, it's one with the handset maker and the mobile operator, as another poster noted.

decniety said:
Sory for my english. Today I bought Nokia Lumia 920 in AT&T and I need polish language. My rm-820, polish language is in rm-821. Can I flash my phone polish firmware rm-821?? I wont use phone in USA in AT&T.
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My friend all you have to do is load the rogers firmware onto your phone (i.e. flash the firmware), i have the rogers version and it has all the languages

Who know what kind of rom PWBASSY RM-820 LIGHT SWAP ENG ATT (059R6K1) ??? Maybe this rom have polish language??

decniety said:
Who know what kind of rom PWBASSY RM-820 LIGHT SWAP ENG ATT (059R6K1) ??? Maybe this rom have polish language??
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My friend that is also AT&T firmware, download the rogers firmware instead, it has all languages and polski too. I have the rogers version of the lumia 920 and i can vouch for you


[Q] Update to Lumia 800 come from Germany or Portugal?

I have a problem regarding the update of my lumia 800. I bought via ebay a lumia 800 from germany but know i am using it in portugal with vodafone. The phone i think is unlocked but is branded to vodafone germany as the product code is the one from germany as it i can see in the nokia webpage support. There i can see that there is an update available for my device "059L701" but via zune its just says that my device as already the latest firmware. Currently i have the 12070 firmware and i don´t know why it won´t update. Can it be because i am using vodafone portugal as carrier and not vodafone germany? And how do i know if the phone is factory unlocked or was unlocked by some sort of firmware?
I have an unlocked United Kingdom Variant phone I am using in the USA on T-Mobile, so similar issue.
Try the disconnect trick on Zune, but make sure both your Cell data and Wifi are both turned OFF, or it won't work.
why you dont flash with NSS
i´m portuguese to and i dont receive update to
but i´m download FW from United Kingdom Variant TANGO
and its work very well
apollo15rover said:
I have an unlocked United Kingdom Variant phone I am using in the USA on T-Mobile, so similar issue.
Try the disconnect trick on Zune, but make sure both your Cell data and Wifi are both turned OFF, or it won't work.
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Being trying this trick for like so many times...no success on my lumia 710..!!!
O2 variant(germany) using in India

[Q] Change firmware nokia 920

Hello, i was wondering, it is possible to change the firmware of the nokia 920 (ie from rm-820 to rm-821 euro)? Also will the frequencies stay? I just want to buy the 920 from rogers and flash the firmware to get my home language on it and be still able to use it on wind mobile))
alex21074 said:
Hello, i was wondering, it is possible to change the firmware of the nokia 920 (ie from rm-820 to rm-821 euro)? Also will the frequencies stay? I just want to buy the 920 from rogers and flash the firmware to get my home language on it and be still able to use it on wind mobile))
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It does not appear so, no. I tried to flash my Nokia 920 (RM-820) with a RM-821 ROM and it killed it. Had to wait until just the other day when the RM-820 ROMs finally appeared.
tomcahill said:
It does not appear so, no. I tried to flash my Nokia 920 (RM-820) with a RM-821 ROM and it killed it. Had to wait until just the other day when the RM-820 ROMs finally appeared.
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Ok, I guess we can wait and see, because if i cannot add Russian to my planned rogers' lumia 920, then i wont buy the phone at all, i'll stay with my N8((( I know one could flash the lumia 800 to different firmware numbers, maybe they just need to figure out how to do this i guess))
The Rogers 920 comes with the COMPLETE set of Windows Phone languages, including Russian.
No need to flash any new ROMs.
tai4de2 said:
The Rogers 920 comes with the COMPLETE set of Windows Phone languages, including Russian.
No need to flash any new ROMs.
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ok thanks, this is the display language right? not just the keyboard?
alex21074 said:
ok thanks, this is the display language right? not just the keyboard?
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That is correct. All of those are *display languages* and not just the keyboard (there's a separate but similarly huge set of supported keyboards).
tai4de2 said:
That is correct. All of those are *display languages* and not just the keyboard (there's a separate but similarly huge set of supported keyboards).
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ok thank you for the information))

[Q] Portugal - Bought Clove.co.uk nokia Lumia 920 and now no 4G! :(

I am from Portugal and because I am an early adopter I bought my unbranded nokia Lumia 920 in Clove UK. But now, all portuguese Lumias have 4G enabled in my network (TMN) and I have not. The highest option in definitions is 3G.
Can you please help me on what ROM I should flash unbranded with 4G enabled? I don't understand very much of the ROM names. I have RM-821_eu_euro1_276, with Operator Name 000-GB and configuration ID 118847 (what is this?). I have Portico 1232.5951.1249.1004.
If I flash a ROM will it stop future updates?
Thank you for your help.
I have just written up a tutorial, which should help you flash a different ROM on the device.

Lumia 920T RM-867

Hi all
i'm new in this forum. i bought a new Lumia 920T with China Mobile, the shame is i can use only the Chinese Marketplace, and i would like to use other, like, english, american or italian. The issue is the only solution is to intstall new firmware, but the other issue is the Lumia 920T is sold only in China by ChinaMobile, and the hardware is a little bit different form a standard Lumia 920. There is a way to install a different firmware form the RM-827?
Download NaviFirm 1.7+ then find ur phone model RM-827, and look if there is any other firmware that u might reflash on ur device. Since 920T is a China exclusive, I don't think u can do much about it
The reason - censoring the Internet in China... Sorry about that
any possibility to install another firmware of another Lumia 920?

[Q] how to RM-820 ATT to RM-821

I just bought a lumia 920 branded ATT from USA, i live in France so i try to put a different rom on it.
So i've tried to use NCS to replace the current rom RM-820 to a new one that i've downloaded : a french RM-821,
but that doesn't work and i don't know why : when i'm in ncs, it's show me the current version of the lumia, but in "new software version"
that tells me not available while i've put my rm-821 rom in a folder rm-820 in products folder.
Can someone help me ?
it is possible to do the switch between ATT rm-820 to RM-821 fr? if not, can i put an unbranded rm-820 rom at least?
Thanks a lot in advance (and sorry for my poor English)
can someone help me please ? :'(
It's ok, i did it, i debranded it!!!
Now i need to unlock it from at&t.
But i have another question, I have another lumia 920 at&t which is unlocked, if i debrand it too, will it still unlocked ?
Thanks in adavance
Killermix said:
It's ok, i did it, i debranded it!!!
Now i need to unlock it from at&t.
But i have another question, I have another lumia 920 at&t which is unlocked, if i debrand it too, will it still unlocked ?
Thanks in adavance
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it'll be unlocked no matter what firmware you install. I had locked AT&T and after unlock I tried different roms, but be careful when updating from RM-820 to 821 if you update rogers pre-portico via OTA to portico you won't be able to return to RM-820 anymore see there are many threads here about the steps.
Thanks ok so i will flash it too,
But i don't understand why someone would return
from rm-821 to rm-820, there is any disavantage to have the rm-821?

