[ROM]Smart Xperia™ROM JB/ICS_[ Discontinued for 2011 lineup ] - Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo, Pro

Danis Ariandi proudly present you a new custom ROM with compilation between JB and ICS.​​for Arc, Arc S, Neo, Neo V, Pro and Ray with unlocked and locked bootloaders​SMART XPERIA™ ROM JB/ICS​
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You must read first before you follow my procedure. BACKUP FIRST AND You make sure careful to install this and follow the instruction first !!:laugh:​
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Smart Xperia™ ROM JB/ ICS is a Xperia Jelly Bean ( 4.2.1 ) style custom ROM for all 2011 Xperia HDPI devices. It's based on stock ICS 4.0.4 - 4.1.B.0.587. This ROM is fast, stable, smooth ever and integrated Xperia Jelly Bean lockscreen and small apps into main ROM. I recommended 100 % no bootloop issue after you performed factory reset. Do you know what's features on this ROM ?. I have included some Jelly Bean features such like Google Now, Adreno JB drivers that made it smoother as silk and Easter Eggs. So, It has more features from Sony such as Walkman, Album and Movies that I included on this ROM also I've tried to implement some apps from Xperia T Jelly Bean and still included some apps from Xperia S/T and V, So, another one is Xperia Z style framework and themes that I integrated this to make looks like Xperia Z or Xperia Jelly Bean. Do you want to know this performance ? It's tweaked, better battery life, perfect multitasking and RAM management is raised. This ROM is guaranteed for gaming. Wow !!. If you install it, I'll give you some options in AROMA. choose stuffs that you want or accorded from your devices. Let's INSTALL !!! YOU'LL TASTE SUCH AS XPERIA Z or IF YOU WANT TO UPDATE INTO JELLY BEAN OFFICIALY FROM 2011 XPERIA LINE UP !!!, GOOD LUCK !!!
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- "you rom is really cool", i have no bugs everything is working like it should and it is really fast rom
- "I got no Bootloop and all is working Fine, very nice Icons btw"
- "Installed the rom and working so good!! No lags and at the moment the battery is amazing!!"
- "root works fine for me and the rom is awesome"
- "it is natural for this rom to use more ram.. as you can see. there are lots of apps from xperia t which is obviously android system use."
- "Awesome Rom bro, It is so beautiful, testing your Rom for 1 day, and no bug found"
- "amazing job this rom!! I use with stock kernel and it's very very smooth! Thx a lot!!"
- "it's a very good ROM, I recommend it 100%"
- "ROM is very good perfect:thumbup:"
- "Great ROM! Like revive my Ray as latest phone from Sony!"
- "Hi, at first, great job. I like this rom. Until now the 2.1 works fine on my Ray."
- "I think it work More smooth than it was.:thumbup:"
- "this rom is awesome bro...very fast and smooth ...i'm loving it". "i installed rom and its working perfectly .. i'm using alinance kernel for my unlocked bl neo v.."
- "very nice rom ported.....thx...Danis Ariandi"
- "Great Rom, runs so fast and smooth. Congrats."
- "with suaveV6 it works fine! I'll stay at your awesome ROM, I like it! Thanks!"
- "Great job man. This Rom is perfect. No lags(not even in phone app). Though there are many Roms which claim to be jb like, you have really nailed it. The multitasking works good, WiFi and GPS connect in an instant, everything's smooth, thank you very much."
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Rebased from Sony fw ICS 4.1.B.0.587 that should be integrated with fabulous AROMA installer
Supported for 2011 Xperia HDPI devices ( Arc, Arc S, Neo, Neo V, Pro and Ray )
Supported for Unlocked and Locked Bootloaders
Works 100 % in unlocked and locked bootloader when installed with full wipe.
Android version 4.2.1 ( as Jelly Bean )
100 % bloatware ripped
Smooth, fast, stable and useful looking
System memory up to 335 MB
Deodexed all framework files
Latest Busybox version and current Superuser app
SuperSU included in AROMA
RAM management experienced
Xperia Jelly Bean Lockscreen
Location Based Wi-Fi
Xperia Z looks framework-res and themes
Supercharged ROM
New icons and interfaces for each apps redesigned by me
Some apps from Xperia T/V and Official Jelly Bean
Xperia Jelly Bean home launcher
Latest Sony's media apps ( Walkman, Album and Movies )
New Sound Enhancements and Bravia Engine 2 mod
init.d fix permission has been done
Xperia Tablet S style Xperia Keyboard
Xperia 4.2 Jelly Bean status bar( small apps port )
Small apps and Lockscreen are included into main ROM
Tweaked as well
JB Adreno libs
Latest Cybershot mod
Dual font ( Roboto and SoMA )
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Build - SX.04.2.B.0.9
Removed OTA as experimental
Updated SystemUI
Updated Rush and Vengeance kernel modules in AROMA
Xperia T JB Phonebook included
Dalvik tweak fix
More RAM will be increase 150 MB at boot
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What do I need to install this ROM ?
One of supported devices
stock firmware ICS .587
Unlocked bootloader ( recommended to use testpoint method not officialy ) and locked bootloader
Baseband 77
SD Card
CWM Recovery
Thinking brain
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for ARC and ARC S
KTG Kernel 587
Rush Kernel
VDS Kernel
Vengeance Kernel
for NEO and NEO V
Alliance Kernel
for PRO
Riyal based Kernel
StockPlus Kernel
Vengeance Kernel
for RAY
Sirkay's XKernel
VDS Kernel
Obviously, make sure you have rooted, stock kernel .587 and CWM installed on locked BL
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Only Arc ( LT15 ) users and Neo ( MT15 ) user, follow this to increase system partition
for Arc ( LT15 ) users, download Arc S LT18 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool with exclude kernel.sin and simlock.ta
for Neo ( MT15 ), download Neo V MT11 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool with exclude kernel.sin and simlock.ta
Arc ( LT15 ) users
for Arc ( LT15 ) users, download Arc S LT18 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool ( system, userdata, and kernel )
after booting, flash Arc S 562 kernel via flashtool
Root via Doomlord's ICS Xperia 2011 Rooting toolkit
after rooting complete, flash Arc S ftf .587 kernel again
Neo ( MT15 ) users
for Neo ( LT15 ) users, download Neo V MT11 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool ( system, userdata, and kernel )
after booting, flash Neo V 562 kernel via flashtool
Root via Doomlord's ICS Xperia 2011 Rooting toolkit
after rooting complete, flash Neo V ftf .587 kernel again
for Ray, Pro, Arc S, and Neo V users skip this steps
First flash stock ftf for your device ( below is the link )
For arc ( LT15i ) and neo ( MT15i ) users, make sure system and data partition increased into 419 MB and 440 MB ( instruction in above )
Download this ROM in download link below and copy into SD Card
for locked BL, make sure CWM installed on your phone
for unlocked BL, flash one of recommended kernel via fastboot
Reboot into CWM
Select Factory Reset/ Wipe data ( wipe data > yes )
Select Mount and storage and Format system ( format system > yes )
Wipe cache partition ( wipe cache partition > yes )
Select Advance and wipe dalvik cache ( wipe dalvik cache > yes )
and then wipe battery stats ( wipe battery stats > yes )
Select install zip from SD card and select my zip 'Smart Xperia ROM.zip' that you downloaded on link below. then, Install it
follow anything option in AROMA
Select Install and wait for 2-3 minutes
after installation completed, untick 'Reboot device' in Aroma and Reboot via CWM
when Setup Guide appeared, Select language 'English ( United States )'
enjoy full version of my ROM and tick unknown source
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Why did some Xperia devices like normal Arc and normal Neo must be flashed by Arc S and Neo V ftf before installing this ROM ?
- Because, This ROM has a used memory of system partition is 360 MB or 370 MB. So, you should flash arc S ftf into normal arc if you use normal arc and you should flash neo V into normal neo if you use normal neo. In case. It will give you 420 MB of data memory and 419 MB of system memory for both.
What would I do, If I got a battery drain or lag ?
- Change kernel that I recommended in above
I want to use Location Based Wi-Fi, Where is a Location Based Wi-Fi ?
- In Settings > Wireless and Networks > More > Location Based Wi-Fi
If you want to change theme
- Go to Settings > Display > Theme
If you want to activate Xloud and Clear Phase when using Walkman
- Don't activate Xloud in Sound Enhancement. But, in Settings > Sounds
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Fix some apps issues
- Did you got some issues from some apps ?. Open root explorer, navigate into system > app. Look some apps/apks that it caused issues as parse problem if you open. Resolve ? Open my zip, extract some apps. after this, copy into system > app and set permission. finally reboot. It works completely.
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Smart Xperia Theme Accent Changer
What's new !!
This mod is used to change theme accent color like NXT Theme
It can change theme color of each apps such like OnOffTools, SemcClock, Calculator, Calendar, and Messaging
Integrated in AROMA installer
Build - TA.01.S.0.2
Initial Release
Make sure you are using Smart Xperia ROM
Download my add on below is the link
Copy into SD Card
Reboot into CWM and Wipe dalvik cache
Select 'Smart Xperia Theme Accent Changer' and press install
In Aroma options, select theme accent color that you want.
Select install
after installation complete, reboot in CWM
Enjoy my add ons
Download Link
Smart Xperia Theme Accent Changer
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Till-Kruspe( Sony Media apps and FB integrated for new media apps )
AeonWorld( Lockscreen and Small apps mod )
Knight47( ROM development with root ftf method )
Ddc Cabuslay( Xperia Z framework )
Rizal Lovins( Cybershot )
Sony( Base )
datagubben( some Xperia T apps )
Jader13254( Walkman sound reduce fix ROM installation tutorial )
georgeiulian89( new adreno libs )
Jerrytan93( Download music info fix for both BL )
Pranav( new sound enhancement )
Pandemic( Xperia Go settings mod ) Here !!
gagan.u20( lockscreen style, small apps and xloud fix also wifi direct )
and... THAT'S ALL ...
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New Rom !!!
Thank you

Taste it such as Xperia V
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium

nice, a JB rom for neo. will be testing this after download. Thanks!

Don't forget to flash neo V ftf pack
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium

Nice.... But what features of Jb?
Would you mind to share?
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium

I'm having diffiuclty d/ling parts 1 and 2. probably bandwidth related, i'll keep trying

Rom looks very nice with full of features. Can we have the on screen buttons? Downloading now....

On screen buttons would be add ons if I had good idea as well

I need Onscreen Button too

Okay, I'm going to start this
UPDATED!! On screen button is available

flashing part II is mandatory or optional? if one doesn't want small apps and nxt lockscreen

I think it's mandatory. Because, It must be recommended to get Xperia T looks
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium

danisariandi said:
I think it's mandatory. Because, It must be recommended to get Xperia T looks
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
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It musn't.
In the Update of my ROM i have also Xperia T Look, and nothing w/ 2 parts...
Part II is just taken from someone else, so don't say by danis ariandi..

In updater-script ? If you want to get NXT lockscreen and small apps, I'll provide part II and It might be Xperia T looks
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium

what the baze of this rom ics or jb ??
does it contain google now or the new camera app of 4.2 ???

Only google maps
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium

Base is Ics. 587 fw
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium

MERDEKA.... hidup Indonesia !!!
What abaut Performance ?

Better RAM calculation, battery life


[ROM]Smart Xperia™ROM JB/ICS_[ Discontinued for 2011 lineup ]

Danis Ariandi proudly present you a new custom ROM with compilation between JB and ICS.​​for Arc, Arc S, Neo, Neo V, Pro and Ray with unlocked and locked bootloaders​SMART XPERIA™ ROM JB/ICS​
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
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You must read first before you follow my procedure. BACKUP FIRST AND You make sure careful to install this and follow the instruction first !!:laugh:​
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Smart Xperia™ ROM JB/ ICS is a Xperia Jelly Bean ( 4.2.1 ) style custom ROM for all 2011 Xperia HDPI devices. It's based on stock ICS 4.0.4 - 4.1.B.0.587. This ROM is fast, stable, smooth ever and integrated Xperia Jelly Bean lockscreen and small apps into main ROM. I recommended 100 % no bootloop issue after you performed factory reset. Do you know what's features on this ROM ?. I have included some Jelly Bean features such like Google Now, Adreno JB drivers that made it smoother as silk and Easter Eggs. So, It has more features from Sony such as Walkman, Album and Movies that I included on this ROM also I've tried to implement some apps from Xperia T Jelly Bean and still included some apps from Xperia S/T and V, So, another one is Xperia Z style framework and themes that I integrated this to make looks like Xperia Z or Xperia Jelly Bean. Do you want to know this performance ? It's tweaked, better battery life, perfect multitasking and RAM management is raised. This ROM is guaranteed for gaming. Wow !!. If you install it, I'll give you some options in AROMA. choose stuffs that you want or accorded from your devices. Let's INSTALL !!! YOU'LL TASTE SUCH AS XPERIA Z or IF YOU WANT TO UPDATE INTO JELLY BEAN OFFICIALY FROM 2011 XPERIA LINE UP !!!, GOOD LUCK !!!
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- "you rom is really cool", i have no bugs everything is working like it should and it is really fast rom
- "I got no Bootloop and all is working Fine, very nice Icons btw"
- "Installed the rom and working so good!! No lags and at the moment the battery is amazing!!"
- "root works fine for me and the rom is awesome"
- "it is natural for this rom to use more ram.. as you can see. there are lots of apps from xperia t which is obviously android system use."
- "Awesome Rom bro, It is so beautiful, testing your Rom for 1 day, and no bug found"
- "amazing job this rom!! I use with stock kernel and it's very very smooth! Thx a lot!!"
- "it's a very good ROM, I recommend it 100%"
- "ROM is very good perfect:thumbup:"
- "Great ROM! Like revive my Ray as latest phone from Sony!"
- "Hi, at first, great job. I like this rom. Until now the 2.1 works fine on my Ray."
- "I think it work More smooth than it was.:thumbup:"
- "this rom is awesome bro...very fast and smooth ...i'm loving it". "i installed rom and its working perfectly .. i'm using alinance kernel for my unlocked bl neo v.."
- "very nice rom ported.....thx...Danis Ariandi"
- "Great Rom, runs so fast and smooth. Congrats."
- "with suaveV6 it works fine! I'll stay at your awesome ROM, I like it! Thanks!"
- "Great job man. This Rom is perfect. No lags(not even in phone app). Though there are many Roms which claim to be jb like, you have really nailed it. The multitasking works good, WiFi and GPS connect in an instant, everything's smooth, thank you very much."
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Rebased from Sony fw ICS 4.1.B.0.587 that should be integrated with fabulous AROMA installer
Supported for 2011 Xperia HDPI devices ( Arc, Arc S, Neo, Neo V, Pro and Ray )
Supported for Unlocked and Locked Bootloaders
Works 100 % in unlocked and locked bootloader when installed with full wipe.
Android version 4.2.1 ( as Jelly Bean )
100 % bloatware ripped
Smooth, fast, stable and useful looking
System memory up to 335 MB
Deodexed all framework files
Latest Busybox version and current Superuser app
SuperSU included in AROMA
RAM management experienced
Xperia Jelly Bean Lockscreen
Location Based Wi-Fi
Xperia Z looks framework-res and themes
Supercharged ROM
New icons and interfaces for each apps redesigned by me
Some apps from Xperia T/V and Official Jelly Bean
Xperia Jelly Bean home launcher
Latest Sony's media apps ( Walkman, Album and Movies )
New Sound Enhancements and Bravia Engine 2 mod
init.d fix permission has been done
Xperia Tablet S style Xperia Keyboard
Xperia 4.2 Jelly Bean status bar( small apps port )
Small apps and Lockscreen are included into main ROM
Tweaked as well
JB Adreno libs
Latest Cybershot mod
Dual font ( Roboto and SoMA )
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Build - SX.04.2.B.0.9
Removed OTA as experimental
Updated SystemUI
Updated Rush and Vengeance kernel modules in AROMA
Xperia T JB Phonebook included
Dalvik tweak fix
More RAM will be increase 150 MB at boot
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What do I need to install this ROM ?
One of supported devices
stock firmware ICS .587
Unlocked bootloader ( recommended to use testpoint method not officialy ) and locked bootloader
Baseband 77
SD Card
CWM Recovery
Thinking brain
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for ARC and ARC S
KTG Kernel 587
Rush Kernel
VDS Kernel
Vengeance Kernel
for NEO and NEO V
Alliance Kernel
for PRO
Riyal based Kernel
StockPlus Kernel
Vengeance Kernel
for RAY
Sirkay's XKernel
VDS Kernel
Obviously, make sure you have rooted, stock kernel .587 and CWM installed on locked BL
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Only Arc ( LT15 ) users and Neo ( MT15 ) user, follow this to increase system partition
for Arc ( LT15 ) users, download Arc S LT18 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool with exclude kernel.sin and simlock.ta
for Neo ( MT15 ), download Neo V MT11 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool with exclude kernel.sin and simlock.ta
Arc ( LT15 ) users
for Arc ( LT15 ) users, download Arc S LT18 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool ( system, userdata, and kernel )
after booting, flash Arc S 562 kernel via flashtool
Root via Doomlord's ICS Xperia 2011 Rooting toolkit
after rooting complete, flash Arc S ftf .587 kernel again
Neo ( MT15 ) users
for Neo ( LT15 ) users, download Neo V MT11 .587 ftf below, flash it via flashtool ( system, userdata, and kernel )
after booting, flash Neo V 562 kernel via flashtool
Root via Doomlord's ICS Xperia 2011 Rooting toolkit
after rooting complete, flash Neo V ftf .587 kernel again
for Ray, Pro, Arc S, and Neo V users skip this steps
First flash stock ftf for your device ( below is the link )
For arc ( LT15i ) and neo ( MT15i ) users, make sure system and data partition increased into 419 MB and 440 MB ( instruction in above )
Download this ROM in download link below and copy into SD Card
for locked BL, make sure CWM installed on your phone
for unlocked BL, flash one of recommended kernel via fastboot
Reboot into CWM
Select Factory Reset/ Wipe data ( wipe data > yes )
Select Mount and storage and Format system ( format system > yes )
Wipe cache partition ( wipe cache partition > yes )
Select Advance and wipe dalvik cache ( wipe dalvik cache > yes )
and then wipe battery stats ( wipe battery stats > yes )
Select install zip from SD card and select my zip 'Smart Xperia ROM.zip' that you downloaded on link below. then, Install it
follow anything option in AROMA
Select Install and wait for 2-3 minutes
after installation completed, untick 'Reboot device' in Aroma and Reboot via CWM
when Setup Guide appeared, Select language 'English ( United States )'
enjoy full version of my ROM and tick unknown source
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Why did some Xperia devices like normal Arc and normal Neo must be flashed by Arc S and Neo V ftf before installing this ROM ?
- Because, This ROM has a used memory of system partition is 360 MB or 370 MB. So, you should flash arc S ftf into normal arc if you use normal arc and you should flash neo V into normal neo if you use normal neo. In case. It will give you 420 MB of data memory and 419 MB of system memory for both.
What would I do, If I got a battery drain or lag ?
- Change kernel that I recommended in above
I want to use Location Based Wi-Fi, Where is a Location Based Wi-Fi ?
- In Settings > Wireless and Networks > More > Location Based Wi-Fi
If you want to change theme
- Go to Settings > Display > Theme
If you want to activate Xloud and Clear Phase when using Walkman
- Don't activate Xloud in Sound Enhancement. But, in Settings > Sounds
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Fix some apps issues
- Did you got some issues from some apps ?. Open root explorer, navigate into system > app. Look some apps/apks that it caused issues as parse problem if you open. Resolve ? Open my zip, extract some apps. after this, copy into system > app and set permission. finally reboot. It works completely.
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Smart Xperia Theme Accent Changer
What's new !!
This mod is used to change theme accent color like NXT Theme
It can change theme color of each apps such like OnOffTools, SemcClock, Calculator, Calendar, and Messaging
Integrated in AROMA installer
Build - TA.01.S.0.2
Initial Release
Make sure you are using Smart Xperia ROM
Download my add on below is the link
Copy into SD Card
Reboot into CWM and Wipe dalvik cache
Select 'Smart Xperia Theme Accent Changer' and press install
In Aroma options, select theme accent color that you want.
Select install
after installation complete, reboot in CWM
Enjoy my add ons
Download Link
Smart Xperia Theme Accent Changer
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You should choose one of signature pics that you want
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Till-Kruspe( Sony Media apps and FB integrated for new media apps )
AeonWorld( Lockscreen and Small apps mod )
Knight47( ROM development with root ftf method )
Ddc Cabuslay( Xperia Z framework )
Rizal Lovins( Cybershot )
Sony( Base )
datagubben( some Xperia T apps )
Jader13254( Walkman sound reduce fix ROM installation tutorial )
georgeiulian89( new adreno libs )
Jerrytan93( Download music info fix for both BL )
Pranav( new sound enhancement )
Pandemic( Xperia Go settings mod ) Here !!
gagan.u20( lockscreen style, small apps and xloud fix also wifi direct )
and... THAT'S ALL ...
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Did u already port it? So you don't need my help...
jader13254 said:
Did u really port it? So you don't need my help... But update your OP, the english is strange
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Okay, I'll fix it again
i would try that now,but then i read something strange with language? whats wrong with the english?
edit: oooh i think the OP language means the thread language here,not the ROM? i try the ROM
Sorry for bad english
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
Downloading it now bro
Waw, anak tangerang,.... Samaan kayak ane
i need some picture.............
See my screenshot
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
The NXT framework you use is not by pandemic. Its all made by Till-Kruspe. ask him
flashed all step-by-step
- no homescreen (xperia gx launcher...black, second pic)
- when in settings or somewhere else, cannot close and go cannot go homescreen
immerblind said:
flashed all step-by-step
- no homescreen (xperia gx launcher...black, second pic)
- when in settings or somewhere else, cannot close and go cannot go homescreen
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Oh my god, I'm forget to make add ons ' Xperia GX Home Preferences issues fix ' on my OP.
you have an idea how long take time upload add on?
how can fix? flashing ROM with xperia t launcher work?
Yes, It worked on me
rom jb
please! can you give screen shot?
You can see this on my OP
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
more free ram it, but the other room!!!
can you fix this?
Mmmmm... Okay, I'll fix it later as next update soon
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
thanks for the nice rom, with xperia t launcher everything works fine.
one time i had the same error like anhmat122.
no other errors or freezes/crashes, seem like everything works.
the first hour was a bit laggy, but now getting better and more smooth
made some screenshots (antutu test etc.) with 1,2ghz i got better result than with PAC ROM.
by the way, are the weather- and notewidget available for other ROMs too? (apk?)
danisariandi said:
Mmmmm... Okay, I'll fix it later as next update soon
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
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Also go into settings > apps > all. Find contact storage and clear data
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
Thanks for the Nice ROM
By the Way, i noticed that the notif led didn't worked when sms Come while the screen is off. Anyone facing the same?
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app


Danis Ariandi and Yarman2000 proudly presents you a new custom ROM with compilation between JB and ICS.
for Mini,Mini Pro,Active and Live with Walkman with unlocked and locked bootloaders
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
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You must read first before you follow my procedure. BACKUP FIRST AND You make sure careful to install this and follow the
instruction first !!:laugh:
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Smart Xperia™ ROM JB/ ICS is a new fabulous custom ROM that was made of compilation between Jelly Bean and ICS that was looking fast, stable, and smooth. This ROM is separated to two parts. Part I is main ROM and Part II is small apps and lockscreen port. It's based on stock firmware ICS 4.0.4 - 4.1.B.0.587. but, I changed Android version is latest version of Jelly Bean 4.2.1. Why did I change this ?. Because, I included JB features such like JB Adreno drivers, Project Butter, and Google Now on this ROM. So, It can be colaborated with lots of Xperia T or V apps, modded something, brand new themes and frameworks, small apps, NXT Lockscreen and latest Sony media applications that was being experienced on this ROM. Do you know how about performance for this ROM ?. It has some performance which I made it better. Such as tweaked of RAM Management, Better battery life, no lags, suitable for gaming, and smoothness. Do you want to install this ? You should download twice and If you want to update via OTA when used current version, you just download part II and you can update part I only through OTA. I give you an additional something AROMA to customize them that what you want. So, If you don't choose anything for this ROM that you didn't need for example some bloatwares like Timescape, That's right. So, you can customize or add something that provided you in AROMA. Do you interested for this ?, LET'S INSTALL !!
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- "you rom is really cool", i have no bugs everything is working like it should and it is really fast rom
- "I got no Bootloop and all is working Fine, very nice Icons btw"
- "Installed the rom and working so good!! No lags and at the moment the battery is amazing!!"
- "root works fine for me and the rom is awesome"
- "it is natural for this rom to use more ram.. as you can see. there are lots of apps from xperia t which is obviously android system use."
- "Awesome Rom bro, It is so beautiful, testing your Rom for 1 day, and no bug found"
- "amazing job this rom!! I use with stock kernel and it's very very smooth! Thx a lot!!"
- "it's a very good ROM, I recommend it 100%"
- "ROM is very good perfect:thumbup:"
- "Great ROM! Like revive my Ray as latest phone from Sony!"
- "Hi, at first, great job. I like this rom. Until now the 2.1 works fine on my Ray."
- "I think it work More smooth than it was.:thumbup:"
- "this rom is awesome bro...very fast and smooth ...i'm loving it". "i installed rom and its working perfectly .. i'm using alinance kernel for my unlocked bl neo v.."
- "very nice rom ported.....thx...Danis Ariandi"
- "Great Rom, runs so fast and smooth. Congrats."
- "with suaveV6 it works fine! I'll stay at your awesome ROM, I like it! Thanks!"
- "Great job man. This Rom is perfect. No lags(not even in phone app). Though there are many Roms which claim to be jb like, you have really nailed it. The multitasking works good, WiFi and GPS connect in an instant, everything's smooth, thank you very much."
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1.Rebased from Sony fw ICS 4.1.B.0.587 that should be integrated with fabulous AROMA installer
2.Supported for 2011 Xperia HDPI devices ( Arc, Arc S, Neo, Neo V, Pro and Ray )
3.Supported for Unlocked and Locked Bootloaders
4.Works 100 % in unlocked and locked bootloader when installed with full wipe ( part I ) and wipe dalvik cache only ( part II )
5.Android version 4.2.1 ( as Jelly Bean )
6.Bloatware ripped and some apps has been included in AROMA in the rest
7.System memory up to 366 MB
8.Deodexed all framework files
9.Latest Busybox version and current Superuser app
10.SuperSU included in AROMA
11.RAM management experienced
12.NXT Lockscreen with shortcut settings
13.Location Based Wi-Fi
14.NXT Looks framework-res
15.Accent color blue on SemcGenericUxpRes
16.New icons and interfaces for each apps redesigned by me
17.Modded SEMCSetupWizard with AX looks
18.Xperia T Home launcher and Xperia GX Home w/Preferences ( in AROMA )
19.Latest 2011 Sony's media apps ( Walkman, Album and Movies ) from AX dump
20.New Sound Enhancements and Bravia Engine 2 mod
21.Lots of Xperia S/ T apps are being optimized
22.init.d fix permission has been done
23.Xperia Tablet S style Xperia Keyboard
24.Xperia T Jelly Bean style status bar ( small apps port )
25.Lots of small apps being included in main ROM
26.Included RAM, Renderer, System, Zipalign and Speed tweaks are being included in AROMA
27.Brand new themes and frameworks
28.JB Adreno libs
29.Latest Cybershot mod
30.Rebuild ICS preferences layout for each apps by me
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Build - SX.02.5.F.1.32
1.Build number SX.02.5.F.1.32
2.Added Jelly Bean Xperia Home Launcher in AROMA
3.NXT Lockscreen and Small apps port are being included in main ROM
4.100 % full wipe will work during installation
5.No bootloop after wiping data
6.All in one on ROM flashable zip
7.Some apps from Xperia V
8.Latest modded Settings ( with clear phase menu )
9.Added On Screen enable/ disable option
10.JB 4.2 Status bar tabbed with NXT style and preferences
11.Removed some tweaks and changed another tweaks
12.Some UI of framework-res are being modified
13.Better Battery life
14.Facebook inside and Timescape integration are being removed
15.Other bloatwares removed
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What do I need to install this ROM ?
1.One of supported devices
2.stock firmware ICS .587
3.Unlocked bootloader ( recommended to use testpoint method ) and locked bootloader
4.Baseband 77
5.SD Card
6.CWM Recovery
7.Thinking brain
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All phones:
Just be sure that you have any of custom ICS kernels
Obviously, make sure you have rooted, stock kernel .587 and CWM installed on locked BL
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1.Download the ROM and place it into your SD Card.
2.For locked BL,make sure you have CWM installed on your phone.
3.Or unlocked BL,flash one of ICS kernels that you like.
4.Reboot into CWM.
5.Select Factory Reset/Wipe data (wipe data > yes).
6.Select Mount and storage and Format system (format system > yes).
7.Wipe cache partition (wipe cache partition > yes).
8.Select Advance and wipe dalvik cache (wipe dalvik cache > yes).
9.And then wipe battery stats (wipe battery stats > yes).
10.Select install zip from SD card and find "Smart Xperia ROM" then, Install it.
11.Follow instructions in AROMA installer.
12.Select Install and wait for 2-3 minutes.
13.After installation completed, Reboot your device.
14.After booting successfuly, go into Settings > Security and tick unknown source.
15.For locked BL, install CWM Recovery via Xparts or RecoverX.
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I want to use Location Based Wi-Fi,Where is a Location Based Wi-Fi ?
- In Settings > Wireless and Networks > More > Location Based Wi-Fi
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Fix some apps issues
- Did you got some issues from some apps ?. Open root explorer, navigate into system > app. Look some apps/apks that it caused issues as parse problem if you open. Resolve ? Open my zip, extract some apps. after this, copy into system > app and set permission. finally reboot. It works completely.
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Smart Xperia ROM
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X-loud fix - here
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This launcher is based on Xperia T Launcher that was made to brand new themed !!. So, I modified some pngs and redesigned interfaces on homescreen. It looks fast and smooth. So, It still have 4x4 app drawers. Let's go !! You should choose my modified Xperia T Launcher
See and feel what's new from framework !!. Why did I made to a brand new ?. Because, I modified some interface of framework-res in both of parts. So, It looks like upcoming Sony Yuga interface. But, in part II that ported lockscreen and small apps, I themed them that it being aimed to appeared perfect !!. It also supported fixed Default Themes ported into some apps that I implemented to fix black background issues for some apps such as Xperia T apps.
Are you bored about Cosmic flow themes ?. It's easy !!. I'm providing you brand new default themes which it's designed by me. It's awesome and included on this ROM, It's better to get someone new for you such as new Xperia Jelly Bean looks
In Smart Xperia, you've got awesome Project Butter tweaks !!. Why ? Because, It should make it faster, smoother, and stable on this ROM. By using this, You can feel about RAM management has been increased slightly. Also, It's better for gaming. Besides, Battery life is better, no lags, no redraws and anything that looked stable FOREVER
If you installed part I, you've got modified AOSP lockscreen with JB style, and If you installed part II, you've got my modified NXT Lockscreen
You've got tabbed status bar with Jelly Bean style and Xperia T style quick panel,also it's compatible with small apps port.
In Smart Xperia, I included modified Cybershot mod that I was taken from Rizal Lovins to included for this ROM. after I taken from this. I modified some icons to make looks like Xperia V. So, It has a HDR Scene mod that it makes a better quality of capturing and photos and also It included modified 3D camera app with label name "Cybershot 3D"
Let's feel with experienced of latest Sony media applications such as Walkman, Album and Movies. It works awesome fine !!. But, It had a problem with Xloud with activated clear audio. It might be reduced sounds on speakers when used new Sound Enhancement, So...I'll fix it later
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1.danisariandi (for permission to port)
2.Till-Kruspe (NXT framework,Sony Media apps and FB integrated for new media apps)
3.AeonWorld (Lockscreen and Small apps mod)
4.Knight47 (ROM development with root ftf method)
5.leonyeh (keyboard app)
6.Ddc Cabuslay (JB Xperia GX status bar)
7.Rizal Lovins (Cybershot)
8.Sony (Base)
9.datagubben (some Xperia T apps)
10.Jader13254 (Modded camera and ROM installation tutorial)
11.Samak46 (Xperia T bootanimation)
12.georgeiulian89 (new adreno libs)
13.YeoZy96 (Xperia T lockscreen)
14.Pranav (new sound enhancement)
15.Kevin3688 (AX dump)
16.Pandemic (Xperia Go settings mod)
17.gagan.u20 (modded settings)
18.sandy7 (helping me)
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awesome:silly: really tks u
what does JB/ICS mean ????
i dont get it is it 4.2.1 or 4.0.4
Will it work on WT19i???
Xperia Live With Walkman
Rom : CM10 Nightly Built 20121224
Kernel: FXP 152
chotu222 said:
what does JB/ICS mean ????
i dont get it is it 4.2.1 or 4.0.4
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It is ICS 4.0.4...danis like to call it JB/ICS because it has some of "JB-ish" element...that all..
where screenshot ?
mrahmanda said:
where screenshot ?
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I think they should look alike ...
The ROM is promising, I am flashing it right now.
The rom is booting very loong time,so if it it boots long on your phone,it's not a bootloop,i tested.
You will have problems with superuser.
Just flash the su fix from attachment.
So,small apps,newest walkman,BE2,sony apps?no AOSp ICS junk?i hate AOSP stuff in stock based roms.NXT rules ^^
yiumanchi said:
I think they should look alike ...
The ROM is promising, I am flashing it right now.
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eem so can you give me some feedback after few hours using this ROM ?
just sent me a pm or post on this thread, i will thanks
mrahmanda said:
eem so can you give me some feedback after few hours using this ROM ?
just sent me a pm or post on this thread, i will thanks
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The ROM boots after awhile, the rom is beautiful and new, however the setup wizard loaded at first boot is not ported to mdpi properly,
everything are too big and out of the screen, but I can still bypass it luckily. It is very smooth and bugfree (except the setup wizard maybe)
Nice! Really Brilliant
edit: I think the slider in the slider panel is a bit (just a bit) oversized, but it is acceptable and still looks beautiful.
shadik555 said:
So,small apps,newest walkman,BE2,sony apps?no AOSp ICS junk?i hate AOSP stuff in stock based roms.NXT rules ^^
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agree this !
aosp its for android , but we are sony ! we have own interface
btw is this ROM have timescape ? i've been searching for this
Will this work on WT19i
Xperia Live With Walkman
Rom : CM10 Nightly Built 20121224
Kernel: FXP 152
Yes,it's for all MDPI.
Just change kernel to any custom ICS kernel and flash the rom.
Wipe all(that's data,cache partition,dalvik cache)
Flash rom
Reboot(it's booting so long)
When it booted,reboot to recovery
In recovery wipe dalvik cache and install part 2
Reboot and enjoy!
An other port man u are awesome and fast!
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
i dont have flashlight
Yarman2000 said:
Yes,it's for all MDPI.
Just change kernel to any custom ICS kernel and flash the rom.
Wipe all(that's data,cache partition,dalvik cache)
Flash rom
Reboot(it's booting so long)
When it booted,reboot to recovery
In recovery wipe dalvik cache and install part 2
Reboot and enjoy!
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Won't work on FXP kernel??? Xperia
Xperia Live With Walkman
Rom : CM10 Nightly Built 20121224
Kernel: FXP 152
Change the tittle to "ICS"...the "JB/ICS" thing make people confuse...
This rom is ICS not JB...
can u port this to xperia mini??? :good:
ICS rom + JB launcher.....hmmmm....

[ROM][UPDATE][18march2013]Smart Xperia™ROM JB/ICS For XPERIA NEO L MT25I

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Smart Xperia™ ROM JB/ ICS is a Xperia Jelly Bean ( 4.2.1 ) style custom ROM for all 2011 Xperia HDPI devices. It's based on stock ICS 4.0.4 - 4.1.B.0.587. This ROM is fast, stable, smooth ever and integrated Xperia Jelly Bean lockscreen and small apps into main ROM. I recommended 100 % no bootloop issue after you performed factory reset. Do you know what's features on this ROM ?. I have included some Jelly Bean features such like Google Now, Adreno JB drivers that made it smoother as silk and Easter Eggs. So, It has more features from Sony such as Walkman, Album and Movies that I included on this ROM also I've tried to implement some apps from Xperia T Jelly Bean and still included some apps from Xperia S/T and V, So, another one is Xperia Z style framework and themes that I integrated this to make looks like Xperia Z or Xperia Jelly Bean. Do you want to know this performance ? It's tweaked, better battery life, perfect multitasking and RAM management is raised. This ROM is guaranteed for gaming. Wow !!. If you install it, I'll give you some options in AROMA. choose stuffs that you want or accorded from your devices. Let's INSTALL !!! YOU'LL TASTE SUCH AS XPERIA Z or IF YOU WANT TO UPDATE INTO JELLY BEAN OFFICIALY FROM 2011 XPERIA LINE UP !!!, GOOD LUCK !!!
Rebased from Sony fw ICS 4.1.B.0.587 and .631
Supported for Xperia Neo L MT25i
Supported for Unlocked
Works 100 % in unlocked when installed with full wipe.
Android version 4.2.1 ( as Jelly Bean ) but bulid.prop still 4.0.4
100 % bloatware ripped
Smooth, fast, stable and useful looking
Deodexed all framework files
Latest Busybox version and current Superuser app
SuperSU included
RAM management experienced
Xperia Jelly Bean Lockscreen
Location Based Wi-Fi
Xperia Z looks framework-res and themes
Supercharged ROM
New icons and interfaces for each apps redesigned by danisariandi
Some apps from Xperia T/V and Official Jelly Bean
Xperia Jelly Bean home launcher
Latest Sony's media apps ( Walkman, Album and Movies )
New Sound Enhancements and Bravia Engine 2 mod
init.d fix permission has been done
Xperia Tablet S style Xperia Keyboard
Xperia 4.2 Jelly Bean status bar( small apps port )
Small apps and Lockscreen are included into main ROM
Tweaked as well
JB Adreno libs
Rebuild ICS preferences layout for each apps by danisariandi
Original Xperia V SemcClock included
Fixed Jelly Bean Small apps and task switcher
Fixed Jelly Bean Messaging app ( with dual panel )
Xperia Jelly Bean Lockscreen are decompressed
New style of framework-res.apk
Magnification glass mod ported
White themed stock Sony setup guide
Lockscreen style remove ( temporary )
Xperia Jelly Bean style themed Xperia T Phonebook and SemcPhone
New style of Xperia Z Status bar
Free RAM has been increased-i think
Advance selection
Google Ears are included
Added Boost My Xperia
Xperia Z Calculator added
Smoother UI and decompressed main ROM size
-Unlocked bootloader
-SD Card
-CWM Recovery
-Thinking brain
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1879202 THANKS TO BOOTBU9
http://www.mediafire.com/?6s2dyenn9a62pru THANKS TO BOOTBU9
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1994064 [DOWNLOAD NTX KERNAL AND WIFI FIX]
Download this ROM in download link below and copy into SD Card
for unlocked BL, flash one of recommended kernel via fastboot
Reboot into CWM
Select Factory Reset/ Wipe data ( wipe data > yes )
Select Mount and storage and Format system ( format system > yes )
Wipe cache partition ( wipe cache partition > yes )
Select Advance and wipe dalvik cache ( wipe dalvik cache > yes )
and then wipe battery stats ( wipe battery stats > yes )
Select install zip from SD card and select my zip 'Smart Xperia ROM ( SX.03.1.B.2.495 )_NEO_L_MT25i.zip' that you downloaded on link below. then, Install it
Select Install and wait for 2-3 minutes
after installation completed Reboot you phone wait until you phone reboot
when Setup Guide appeared, Select language 'English ( United States )'
enjoy full version of the ROM
ORIGINAL THREAD HERE http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2023472
All Member For This Forum
-update framework
-update lib
-update setting.apk
-modify setting.apk by me
-system ui new with new .png
-fix sound when take video
-new walkmen
-remove many app that will cause our device get lagging
-and more
isusse wifi location-based wi-fi and media server setting force close,i forget to include this app on the rom
-internal relase

whoa. you're amazing dude. i'm gonna try this rom. thank you for sharing.
Great Work, seeing a lot of ROMs for NEO L from you.
how about lockedbootloader ?
can install it ?
Android version 4.2.1 ( as Jelly Bean ) but bulid.prop still 4.0.4
what is that mean??
is it jelly bean or ICS?? or ics with jelly bean style??
harrier3 said:
Android version 4.2.1 ( as Jelly Bean ) but bulid.prop still 4.0.4
what is that mean??
is it jelly bean or ICS?? or ics with jelly bean style??
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Actually this Rom base ics but I looking like jellybean..please see the android developer neo thread..you will know it..
For everyone who wants working wifi and kernel use this kernel
Keep porting bro...you're amazing :good:
Great man! you're build ROM so fast! thank you so much! I'm testing now!
Nothing to say just one word for you elol : Amazing :good: !
I'll stick with this ROM for life
Funny qoutes : Porting !!! Call elol may be
Edit : Don't know what happend after i flashed the ROM my neo L have transform to Xperia Z
Saingpor said:
Nothing to say just one word for you elol : Amazing :good: !
I'll stick with this ROM for life
Funny qoutes : Porting !!! Call elol may be
Edit : Don't know what happend after i flashed the ROM my neo L have transform to Xperia Z
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hey does tigris kernel have custom recovery like cmw ? if not how to install ? and what kernel u use in this rom
Nice Rom... I wanna try...
ok i try this how...
Sent from my MT25i
---------- Post added at 03:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ----------
did any one hare try wifi?is it work or not?
Sent from my MT25i
Every things work fine after 1 hour testing! Thanks man!
chanhtrungnct said:
Every things work fine after 1 hour testing! Thanks man!
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does it have gapps ?
chanhtrungnct said:
Every things work fine after 1 hour testing! Thanks man!
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what kernel you use man?
Sent from my MT25i
aminsetan said:
what kernel you use man?
Sent from my MT25i
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i use tigris kernel and it has cmw but im stuck at instalation screen i already flashed it but its too lonngg help
EDIT : it booted up now but wifi wont work on tigris zzzz
Raleiigh said:
i use tigris kernel and it has cmw but im stuck at instalation screen i already flashed it but its too lonngg help
EDIT : it booted up now but wifi wont work on tigris zzzz
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that our main problem...wifi..
aminsetan said:
that our main problem...wifi..
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use nxt kernel it has wifi

[ROM][Xperia 2011]Xperia Revelation HD[7/11][ RV.11.2.45B ][ RC1 Release ][ OTA ]

Danis Ariandi proudly present you a new custom ROM for 2011 Xperia with HDPI Devices ( Arc/S, Neo/V, Pro and Ray​​for Unlocked and Locked Bootloader​XPERIA REVELATION HD​
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You must read first before you follow my procedure. BACKUP FIRST AND You make sure careful to install this and follow the instruction first !!​:laugh:
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Xperia Revelation HD is also for 2011 Xperia devices as side project. This is a Xperia Jelly Bean ( 4.1.2 ) style custom ROM for all 2011 Xperia HDPI devices. It's based on stock ICS 4.0.4 - 4.1.B.0.587. This ROM is fast, stable, smooth ever and integrated Xperia Jelly Bean lockscreen into main ROM. I recommended 100 % no bootloop issue after you performed factory reset. Do you know what's features on this ROM ?. I have included some Jelly Bean features such like Google Now, Adreno JB drivers that made it smoother as silk and Easter Eggs. So, It has more features from Sony such as Walkman, Album and Movies that I included on this ROM also I've tried to implement some apps from Xperia T Jelly Bean and still included some apps from Xperia S/T and V, So, another one is Xperia Z style framework and themes that I integrated this to make looks like Xperia Z or Xperia Jelly Bean. Do you want to know this performance ? It's tweaked, better battery life, perfect multitasking and RAM management is raised. If you install it, I'll give you some options in AROMA. choose stuffs that you want or accorded from your devices. Let's INSTALL !!! YOU'LL TASTE SUCH AS XPERIA Z or IF YOU WANT TO UPDATE INTO JELLY BEAN OFFICIALY FROM 2011 XPERIA LINE UP !!!, GOOD LUCK !!!
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Rebased from Sony fw ICS 4.1.B.0.587 that should be integrated with fabulous AROMA installer
Supported for 2011 Xperia HDPI devices ( Arc, Arc S, Neo, Neo V, Pro and Ray )
Supported for Unlocked and Locked Bootloaders
Works 100 % in unlocked and locked bootloader when installed with full wipe.
Android version 4.1.2 ( as Jelly Bean )
100 % bloatware ripped
Smooth, fast, stable and useful looking
System memory up to 335 MB
Deodexed all framework files
Latest Busybox version and current Superuser app
SuperSU included in AROMA
RAM management experienced
Xperia Jelly Bean Lockscreen
Location Based Wi-Fi
Xperia Z looks framework-res and themes
Supercharged ROM
New icons and interfaces for each apps redesigned by me
Some apps from Xperia T/V and Official Jelly Bean
Xperia Jelly Bean home launcher
Latest Sony's media apps ( Walkman, Album and Movies )
New Sound Enhancements and Bravia Engine 2 mod
init.d fix permission has been done
Xperia Z Xperia Keyboard
Xperia Z style status bar
Lockscreen are included into main ROM
Tweaked as well
JB Adreno libs
Latest Cybershot mod
Dual font ( Roboto and SoMA )
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What do I need to install this ROM ?
One of supported devices
stock firmware ICS .587
Unlocked bootloader ( recommended to use testpoint method not officialy ) and locked bootloader
Baseband 77
SD Card
CWM Recovery
Thinking brain
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You should choose one of signature pics that you want
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NEW VERSION !! RV.11.2.45B ( RC1 )
NEW VERSION !! RV.11.1.105A
If you downloaded this ROM, press ' Thanks ' button n Rate 5 stars as supporting me
ARC S .587 FTF
NEO V .587 FTF
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Build - RV.11.2.45B
Xperia 4.2 Quick Settings
Xperia ZU Clock App
Xperia ZU Clock Widgets
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for ARC and ARC S
KTG Kernel 587
Rush Kernel
VDS Kernel
Vengeance Kernel
for NEO and NEO V
Alliance Kernel
for PRO
Riyal based Kernel
StockPlus Kernel
Vengeance Kernel
for RAY
Sirkay's XKernel
VDS Kernel
Obviously, make sure you have rooted, stock kernel and CWM installed on locked BL
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Only Arc ( LT15 ) users and Neo ( MT15 ) user, follow this to increase system partition
for Arc ( LT15 ) users, download Arc S LT18 .587 ftf above, flash it via flashtool with exclude kernel.sin and simlock.ta
for Neo ( MT15 ), download Neo V MT11 .587 ftf above, flash it via flashtool with exclude kernel.sin and simlock.ta
Arc ( LT15 ) users
for Arc ( LT15 ) users, download Arc S LT18 .587 ftf above, flash it via flashtool ( system, userdata, and kernel )
after booting, Root using THIS
Neo ( MT15 ) users
for Neo ( LT15 ) users, download Neo V MT11 .587 ftf above, flash it via flashtool ( system, userdata, and kernel )
after booting, Root using THIS
for Ray, Pro, Arc S, and Neo V users skip this steps
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Make a backup via CWM and backup your personal data ( app, APN, and etc )
For arc ( LT15i ) and neo ( MT15i ) users, make sure system and data partition increased into 419 MB and 440 MB ( instruction in above )
Download this ROM in download link below and copy into SD Card
for locked BL, make sure CWM installed on your phone
for unlocked BL, flash one of recommended kernel via fastboot
Reboot into CWM
Select Factory Reset/ Wipe data ( wipe data > yes )
Select Mount and storage and Format system ( format system > yes )
Wipe cache partition ( wipe cache partition > yes )
Select Advance and wipe dalvik cache ( wipe dalvik cache > yes )
and then wipe battery stats ( wipe battery stats > yes )
Select install zip from SD card and select my zip 'Xperia Revelation HD.zip' that you downloaded on link below. then, Install it
follow anything option in AROMA
Select Install and wait for 2-3 minutes
after installation completed, untick 'Reboot device' in Aroma and Reboot via CWM
when Setup Guide appeared, Select language 'English ( United States )'
enjoy full version of my ROM and tick unknown source
Backup first
Go to Settings > Advance Settings > System Updates.
Select Available updates and It will shows an new updates and select Update
Wait for 2-3 minutes and It will placed on sdcard/OTA-updater/download/Xperia Revelation HD RV.xxx.zip
Move ROM zip from sdcard/OTA-updater/download into sdcard
Boot into CWM and do a full wipe ( same as procedure in above )
After installation complete, reboot and enjoy my updated ROM
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Till-Kruspe( Sony Media apps and FB integrated for new media apps )
AeonWorld( Lockscreen mod )
Knight47( ROM development with root ftf method )
Ddc Cabuslay( Xperia Z framework )
Rizal Lovins( Cybershot )
Sony( Base )
Jader13254( Walkman sound reduce fix )
georgeiulian89( new adreno libs )
Jerrytan93( Download music info fix for both BL )
and... THAT'S ALL ...
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Nice sir :thumbup:
Sent from my Xperia Ray SUPER JELLYBEAN
This is ICS rom isnt it? Why did you write 4.1.2?
This is ICS rom isnt it? Why did you write 4.1.2?
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Because, I inspired from Xperia Z 4.1.2 ROM
danisariandi said:
Because, I inspired from Xperia Z 4.1.2 ROM
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OK but people will ask again this question to you! Try to write like : Style from Xperia Z 4.1.2 but Rom is 4.0.4 ICS ) Or something like that)))
OK but people will ask again this question to you! Try to write like : Style from Xperia Z 4.1.2 but Rom is 4.0.4 ICS ) Or something like that)))
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It's seems like Xperia Z or L ROM nd it's based from 4.0.4 ICS and It also seems like 4.1.2 "Stock"
danisariandi said:
It's seems like Xperia Z or L ROM nd it's based from 4.0.4 ICS and It also seems like 4.1.2 "Stock"
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40% downloaded) Going to try and feedback later)
Downloaded, First Impression is :
1. Smooth Performance
2. RAM isn't bad
3. Black SystemUI and Grey OSB , Not match each other (If you want to, Please provide two color of the systemUI & OSB (Black and Grey) on AROMA Installer for the next release
4. Uknown Battery Backup, Report Tommorow
Nice ROM as Always :Good:
Sent from my Xperia Mini using Tapatalk 4 Beta
My First impression is
1. Very smooth
2. Available RAM is 130~150MB
3. With CTCaer's gaming script, can play HD games
4. Some theme color mismatching( like Browser URL input box)
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
+ The ROM is really smooth
+ Not many apps thats better than in other roms
+ Free RAM (190-170)
- Cyber-shot not last version just 7xxxx
- Battery not soo good
- Xperia Z freamwork is not ALL
Ho, ho, ho, the worst supporting developer strikes back ...
"I'll never come back to 2011 phones - they're so slow and outdated" - remember?
arthurpl said:
Ho, ho, ho, the worst supporting developer strikes back ...
"I'll never come back to 2011 phones - they're so slow and outdated" - remember?
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Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
Good ...
I hope this time history won't repeat itself (not-working updates etc.) ........
Sounds good, will try this ROM soon. :good:
new updates
no new updates yet? waiting
Guys, please someone delete this thread. I didn't hope for 2011 devices
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
danisariandi said:
Guys, please someone delete this thread. I didn't hope for 2011 devices
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
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Go push that report button yourself and tell the Moderator to Close your Thread.
Sent from my Xperia Mini using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Guys, I have changed my mind. I'M STILL CONTINUING FOR 2011
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
its ICS or jelly bean?

[ROM][Xperia 2011]Xperia Revelation HD[7/11][ RV.11.2.45B ][ RC1 Release ][ OTA ]

Danis Ariandi proudly present you a new custom ROM for 2011 Xperia with HDPI Devices ( Arc/S, Neo/V, Pro and Ray​​for Unlocked and Locked Bootloader​XPERIA REVELATION HD​
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You must read first before you follow my procedure. BACKUP FIRST AND You make sure careful to install this and follow the instruction first !!​:laugh:
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Xperia Revelation HD is also for 2011 Xperia devices as side project. This is a Xperia Jelly Bean ( 4.1.2 ) style custom ROM for all 2011 Xperia HDPI devices. It's based on stock ICS 4.0.4 - 4.1.B.0.587. This ROM is fast, stable, smooth ever and integrated Xperia Jelly Bean lockscreen into main ROM. I recommended 100 % no bootloop issue after you performed factory reset. Do you know what's features on this ROM ?. I have included some Jelly Bean features such like Google Now, Adreno JB drivers that made it smoother as silk and Easter Eggs. So, It has more features from Sony such as Walkman, Album and Movies that I included on this ROM also I've tried to implement some apps from Xperia T Jelly Bean and still included some apps from Xperia S/T and V, So, another one is Xperia Z style framework and themes that I integrated this to make looks like Xperia Z or Xperia Jelly Bean. Do you want to know this performance ? It's tweaked, better battery life, perfect multitasking and RAM management is raised. If you install it, I'll give you some options in AROMA. choose stuffs that you want or accorded from your devices. Let's INSTALL !!! YOU'LL TASTE SUCH AS XPERIA Z or IF YOU WANT TO UPDATE INTO JELLY BEAN OFFICIALY FROM 2011 XPERIA LINE UP !!!, GOOD LUCK !!!
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Rebased from Sony fw ICS 4.1.B.0.587 that should be integrated with fabulous AROMA installer
Supported for 2011 Xperia HDPI devices ( Arc, Arc S, Neo, Neo V, Pro and Ray )
Supported for Unlocked and Locked Bootloaders
Works 100 % in unlocked and locked bootloader when installed with full wipe.
Android version 4.1.2 ( as Jelly Bean )
100 % bloatware ripped
Smooth, fast, stable and useful looking
System memory up to 335 MB
Deodexed all framework files
Latest Busybox version and current Superuser app
SuperSU included in AROMA
RAM management experienced
Xperia Jelly Bean Lockscreen
Location Based Wi-Fi
Xperia Z looks framework-res and themes
Supercharged ROM
New icons and interfaces for each apps redesigned by me
Some apps from Xperia T/V and Official Jelly Bean
Xperia Jelly Bean home launcher
Latest Sony's media apps ( Walkman, Album and Movies )
New Sound Enhancements and Bravia Engine 2 mod
init.d fix permission has been done
Xperia Z Xperia Keyboard
Xperia Z style status bar
Lockscreen are included into main ROM
Tweaked as well
JB Adreno libs
Latest Cybershot mod
Dual font ( Roboto and SoMA )
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What do I need to install this ROM ?
One of supported devices
stock firmware ICS .587
Unlocked bootloader ( recommended to use testpoint method not officialy ) and locked bootloader
Baseband 77
SD Card
CWM Recovery
Thinking brain
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You should choose one of signature pics that you want
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NEW VERSION !! RV.11.2.45B ( RC1 )
NEW VERSION !! RV.11.1.105A
If you downloaded this ROM, press ' Thanks ' button n Rate 5 stars as supporting me
ARC S .587 FTF
NEO V .587 FTF
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Build - RV.11.2.45B
Xperia 4.2 Quick Settings
Xperia ZU Clock App
Xperia ZU Clock Widgets
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for ARC and ARC S
KTG Kernel 587
Rush Kernel
VDS Kernel
Vengeance Kernel
for NEO and NEO V
Alliance Kernel
for PRO
Riyal based Kernel
StockPlus Kernel
Vengeance Kernel
for RAY
Sirkay's XKernel
VDS Kernel
Obviously, make sure you have rooted, stock kernel and CWM installed on locked BL
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Only Arc ( LT15 ) users and Neo ( MT15 ) user, follow this to increase system partition
for Arc ( LT15 ) users, download Arc S LT18 .587 ftf above, flash it via flashtool with exclude kernel.sin and simlock.ta
for Neo ( MT15 ), download Neo V MT11 .587 ftf above, flash it via flashtool with exclude kernel.sin and simlock.ta
Arc ( LT15 ) users
for Arc ( LT15 ) users, download Arc S LT18 .587 ftf above, flash it via flashtool ( system, userdata, and kernel )
after booting, Root using THIS
Neo ( MT15 ) users
for Neo ( LT15 ) users, download Neo V MT11 .587 ftf above, flash it via flashtool ( system, userdata, and kernel )
after booting, Root using THIS
for Ray, Pro, Arc S, and Neo V users skip this steps
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Make a backup via CWM and backup your personal data ( app, APN, and etc )
For arc ( LT15i ) and neo ( MT15i ) users, make sure system and data partition increased into 419 MB and 440 MB ( instruction in above )
Download this ROM in download link below and copy into SD Card
for locked BL, make sure CWM installed on your phone
for unlocked BL, flash one of recommended kernel via fastboot
Reboot into CWM
Select Factory Reset/ Wipe data ( wipe data > yes )
Select Mount and storage and Format system ( format system > yes )
Wipe cache partition ( wipe cache partition > yes )
Select Advance and wipe dalvik cache ( wipe dalvik cache > yes )
and then wipe battery stats ( wipe battery stats > yes )
Select install zip from SD card and select my zip 'Xperia Revelation HD.zip' that you downloaded on link below. then, Install it
follow anything option in AROMA
Select Install and wait for 2-3 minutes
after installation completed, untick 'Reboot device' in Aroma and Reboot via CWM
when Setup Guide appeared, Select language 'English ( United States )'
enjoy full version of my ROM and tick unknown source
Backup first
Go to Settings > Advance Settings > System Updates.
Select Available updates and It will shows an new updates and select Update
Wait for 2-3 minutes and It will placed on sdcard/OTA-updater/download/Xperia Revelation HD RV.xxx.zip
Move ROM zip from sdcard/OTA-updater/download into sdcard
Boot into CWM and do a full wipe ( same as procedure in above )
After installation complete, reboot and enjoy my updated ROM
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Till-Kruspe( Sony Media apps and FB integrated for new media apps )
AeonWorld( Lockscreen mod )
Knight47( ROM development with root ftf method )
Ddc Cabuslay( Xperia Z framework )
Rizal Lovins( Cybershot )
Sony( Base )
Jader13254( Walkman sound reduce fix )
georgeiulian89( new adreno libs )
Jerrytan93( Download music info fix for both BL )
and... THAT'S ALL ...
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downloading.. seems lack of ram a bit
dude Ur back again ... :highfive:
deccen90 said:
dude Ur back again ... :highfive:
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Yes, I'm back again. I made it as side project
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
testing now
//Welcome back Danis :good:
master_boy_dn said:
testing now
//Welcome back Danis :good:
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I'm back again as side project, Good luck !!
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
danisariandi said:
I'm back again as side project, Good luck !!
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
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Wow what a great surprise, your last rom before you discontinued the 2011 devices was awesome,i just flashed back your new one and coming from a 4.1.B.1.13 Ice Cream Sandwich based rom and i can say that your .587 based rom is snappier and more stable...and the battery life seems to be great .Thanks for this great rom
touns_j said:
Wow what a great surprise, your last rom before you discontinued the 2011 devices was awesome,i just flashed back your new one and coming from a 4.1.B.1.13 Ice Cream Sandwich based rom and i can say that your .587 based rom is snappier and more stable...and the battery life seems to be great .Thanks for this great rom
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So, I'd prefer 587 that was being best
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
I loved the visuals of Smart Xperia ROM but cause of poor RAM management i couldn't use it. My wish for Revelation HD
1. Better RAM management with Rom doesn't get slower after using some days.
2. In screenshot why total ram is 340MB, Please make it 360MB(like UH HD v4).
3. Good battery life as best u can give us.
4. Dialer is the most used app so i prefer stock one(first and RAM friendly)
5. NXT lockscreen
nishan432 said:
I loved the visuals of Smart Xperia ROM but cause of poor RAM management i couldn't use it. My wish for Revelation HD
1. Better RAM management with Rom doesn't get slower after using some days.
2. In screenshot why total ram is 340MB, Please make it 360MB(like UH HD v4).
3. Good battery life as best u can give us.
4. Dialer is the most used app so i prefer stock one(first and RAM friendly)
5. NXT lockscreen
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So, how about Xperia T ICS Phonebook and Messaging ?
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
danisariandi said:
So, how about Xperia T ICS Phonebook and Messaging ?
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That will be nice.
Can it possible to make setting more lite? I think 32MB RAM is Huge which setting use.
nishan432 said:
That will be nice.
Can it possible to make setting more lite? I think 32MB RAM is Huge which setting use.
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But...do you know ?
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
Why no neo L support
Sent from my MT25i using xda app-developers app
walkwitmeinhel said:
Why no neo L support
Sent from my MT25i using xda app-developers app
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Because this ROM has 320 MB
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
walkwitmeinhel said:
Why no neo L support
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dude i made neo l patch let me know it is working or not ... k
try this on simple roms like pure xperia, ics berkulium ... system size below 320mb ...
here is link http://d-h.st/1w7 try it :good:
danisariandi said:
Because this ROM has 320 MB
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
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There are kernel with 400+ mb system
Sent from my MT25i using xda app-developers app
ı have install how to install part but my phone not open why is that no boot amination no start wizard (( whats wrong I dont know and ı have used a lot of rom not first one like your wite instruction brain but in my neo dont do anything just black screen restart and restart do you use this ron in a neo devices please help me
super_script install this patch you will get extra ram more responsiveness ... i made it because this rom feels good suits my usage in short top rom out there need some changes in settings.apk i said before remove setupguide, add cpu control ... provide settings.apk with those changes, i will stick with this rom surely
deccen90 said:
super_script install this patch you will get extra ram more responsiveness ... i made it because this rom feels good suits my usage in short top rom out there need some changes in settings.apk i said before remove setupguide, add cpu control ... provide settings.apk with those changes, i will stick with this rom surely
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I will do it absolutely
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium

