kernel 3.0.x - Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo, Pro
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
above is url of a thread of kernel3.0.x port for galaxy s plus which has same hardware as of neo v...also there is also one more device of same hardware which has 3.0.x kernel
About the 3.0.x kernel...we have a few places we can start because there are msm7x30 devices that have a fully working 3.0kernel
Desire Hd github link
Another one
thanxx to paul for posting this info

3.x on 2011 Xperia will NEVER happen, don't waste your time on this. Just a friendly advice.

Srsly dude if u want 3.x than go buy N4 or S3

adridu59 said:
3.x on 2011 Xperia will NEVER happen, don't waste your time on this. Just a friendly advice.
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iamrajeev said:
Srsly dude if u want 3.x than go buy N4 or S3
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a new mob for a kernel...
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium

varunrocks17 said:
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You probably don't know that adridu59 worked (not alone) on 3.x kernel, so he knows what he's saying.
And we we have msm8 not msm7... look at their specs carefuly and compare.
But... You can start to learn C programming and do it for whole xda community.
Sent from my Nexus 7

voyteckst said:
You probably don't know that adridu59 worked (not alone) on 3.x kernel, so he knows what he's saying.
And we we have msm8 not msm7... look at their specs carefuly and compare.
But... You can start to learn C programming and do it for whole xda community.
Sent from my Nexus 7
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C'mon guys how can he know everything about it, I'm back here and I've worked on 3.x kernel for Xperia S, so maybe I can do something here.

There's no harm in trying
@ krab....
Already many are......however
There's a remote possibility!
Good luck!
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2

I was asking for Sony to release at least a 3.x Kernel for us. To say the truth begging. I got an answer of them in their official forum. I asked again after this answer that Sony would give us the 3.x kernel, because all the FXP, AOKP, PAR, PAC, and etc. community would be happy.
I don't have hope, but at least this time they answered.
Here is their answer:
"Platform decisions made out of a complex number of parameters, involving things such as performance, price, component availability, timing etc.
When it comes to the kernel, we did actually investigate to release the 2011 products on a new kernel, but we found out it would have delayed the much desired SW releases since it takes time to trim a kernel to a stable state. We have also done a lot of patches to the kernel that we would need to migrate and that would have delayed the SW upgrades even more. It was simply a prioritization decision. For the new 2012 products we use a new kernel.
For more information and further questions regarding these things, please head over to our developer pages at ."
Here is the link:

They just are not willing to say a simple Yes or No!
Sometimes being blunt is better,I guess!
But anyways, Sony doesn't want to spoil the business by giving The news out so early!
They would be wanting to release 2013 phones and then say this!
They haven't confirmed about Jb which again is very doubtful and I'm not hoping for that!
So now, considering kernel development takes more time, so
We are most likely to hear a No in near future in an indirect manner!
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2

Ghostfreak NB said:
There's no harm in trying
@ krab....
Already many are......however
There's a remote possibility!
Good luck!
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
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Oh ok who has already tried it?

krabappel2548 said:
Oh ok who has already tried it?
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Making 3.x kernel to work on 2011's? Adridu59, kamarush and someone in arc forum. They all tried with CAF I think.
Sent from my MT11i

Doom, FXP aka Jerpelia too! I heard so!
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2

krabappel2548 said:
C'mon guys how can he know everything about it, I'm back here and I've worked on 3.x kernel for Xperia S, so maybe I can do something here.
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@krab if u would like to develop a 3.x kernel gud luck for it
.....but at last its all upon u tat u want it or not...well thanx for supporting
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium

Guide to kernel dev

voyteckst said:
Making 3.x kernel to work on 2011's? Adridu59, kamarush and someone in arc forum. They all tried with CAF I think.
Sent from my MT11i
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Ghostfreak NB said:
Doom, FXP aka Jerpelia too! I heard so!
Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
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ok, didn't know that. But I'll need some time to investigate the possibilities too!
I've never build a kernel for a 2011 device

krabappel2548 said:
ok, didn't know that. But I'll need some time to investigate the possibilities too!
I've never build a kernel for a 2011 device
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Goodluck..hope you make it for our devices

Thumbs up :silly:

Fxp started to work on kernel 3.4, this is a dream :fingers-crossed: , he started a thread on arc forum
But now who knows something about kernel developement could help his team

Yovecio said:
Fxp started to work on kernel 3.4, this is a dream :fingers-crossed: , he started a thread on xda forum
But now who knows something about kernel developement could help his team
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wat..!!!!!!..really.....where is thread?
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium


What would the benefit of a 2.6.32 kernel??

Question in topic...
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
We can have better ports like ICS
USB OTG,etc,etc...
than why doesnt somebody port it!!! like freexperia team!!!!!!!!! this suc.ks!!!
addak said:
than why doesnt somebody port it!!! like freexperia team!!!!!!!!! this suc.ks!!!
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It's the second time today that I have to ask you to watch your language.
There won't be a third time.
If it were easy, it would have already been done. Either help the developers do it, or wait patiently and be grateful of what has been accomplished already.
iR¡[email protected]!* via Tapatalk 2
oh ok whatever u say.........................ok at least they can make ics for locked u mean that its impossible to put .32 kernel for x10 right???? am sure
addak said:
oh ok whatever u say.........................ok at least they can make ics for locked u mean that its impossible to put .32 kernel for x10 right???? am sure
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Hey pal if u want to get. 32 kernel to work so much try doing it yourself rather than complaining that someone hasn't done it for u already. Ps hey iris nice to see your moderation skills
Sent from my X10S using XDA
Some of these people are too demanding, Be grateful for whats been done and if you can please donate to these awesome developers.
Sent from my Xperia X10 using xda premium

Whos the most skilled android developer on XDA ?

You may refer one person per each post with a little backup words, on why did you choose him ?
The point of this question is to find that skilled developer and try to know how he started on developing apps so we can try do the same as he did
1 2 3 start!!
Ps: Dont forget to link his profile and his work too.
Studing maybe?
Sent from my E10i using xda premium
Every single one of the devs in the xda community, all amazing!!
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Paul-xxx, ported 2.3.7 to X10 MP, that have only 2.1 official, and is porting ICS to it
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
Felimenta97 said:
Paul-xxx, ported 2.3.7 to X10 MP, that have only 2.1 official, and is porting ICS to it
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
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Im sure those ports are using CYANOGENS code. So, with that said, it is by far Cyanogen. 99% of the custom ROM's use code from cyanogenmod.
I admire cotulla because of what he has done for the hd2, but I'm more than sure we have devs equally and more talented, just don't know them.
$1 gets you a reply
u cant ask that
cause there are many more than good developers on xda
lowandbehold said:
Im sure those ports are using CYANOGENS code. So, with that said, it is by far Cyanogen. 99% of the custom ROM's use code from cyanogenmod.
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Yeah, it's a CM ROM, but he ported it.
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk
mv_style said:
u cant ask that
cause there are many more than good developers on xda
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I couldn't agree more. All of the developers have their own niche. There are ROM devs, kernel devs, app developers.
Absolutely no offence to the op . It's kind of like asking who makes the best car parts (best analogy I could come up with off the top of my head ). There are so many parts that go into making that car work.
Edit: Thinking about it, maybe a better question would be "Who are some developers that you would like to recognize as being just plain awesome at what they do?" These are the people who do their best to improve the community by dedicating hours of their lives to giving away the cool "thing" they made without expecting anything in return. There are so many of those people around here.
Dsixda because he created such a wonderful kitchen for all of us and made Porting ROMs a breeze

Sony Xperia S added to AOSP

Good news
The Sony Xperia S is being added to AOSP as the first experimental device:
Check out the dev discussion forum (if you're interested in contributing or just learning how to build a complete ROM from sources (like I am)):
This should really amp up development for our device. :good:
XDA-Developers video mostly musing on why they have chosen to add experimental devices:
*yawn* Old news....
Use the search function before you decide to post a new thread.
Breaking news
scook94 said:
*yawn* Old news....
Use the search function before you decide to post a new thread.
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Ohh man,
I literally searched General and Android development for "AOSP" and came up with nothing
Maybe cause it's an old post. I'm sorry for failing at search
This is so 1 week ago...
Sent from my LT26i with Tapatalk 2
What does it mean anyway ?
YousifNael said:
What does it mean anyway ?
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The Xperia S will get updates directly from Google, just like the Nexus phones.
Logseman said:
The Xperia S will get updates directly from Google, just like the Nexus phones.
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Not exactly that. For now, it's only a project.
Sent from my LT26i with Tapatalk 2
Indeed. But if it comes to fruition, the idea is that.
The experiment is just to see how difficult it would be to add an unsupported device to AOSP without having to make changes to core components of AOSP. I don't think Google will ever maintain updates for this phone, being in the NXT series from Sony, it comes with their own UI.
Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
A few tweaks will make it fit for XS I guess...
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app

Why are devs leaving?

Firstly, this isn't a complain, just a way to try to understand what's happening.
I noticed some devs (from the few we already have) are leaving.
What is the problem? Personal? Phone power? It was only a temporary phone? Users aren't being polite or thankful? Xperia S seems that won't have much developers, this was a fact since the beginning.
Since the beginning, FXP and Xperia AOKP team are here, but a few other devs doesn't hurt. Doing mods, other ROMS (I confess I'm jealous of the number of roms and mods on the Arc forum. Heck, I want that Pureness Rom so bad).
Again, only trying to understand, I AM NOT COMPLAINING.
"I got my values. So you can keep yours, OK?"
A Serious Issue!
Maybe because some users are complaining too much for the hard work they get for free. I think that we should praise our devs more and also that we should donate more. Development of a rom takes days/weeks. Not everybody can afford to do that totally for free. Maybe xda could offer a humble-bundle-like buisiness model for professional devs. (pay what you want). With that we could attract skilled and motivated people. And paying at least 1$ for a rom wouldn't hurt anybody but reward the developers.
Please don't attack me for that. It's just a suggestion. I know how hard development is. At the moment I also have maybe a 100 interesting projects, but I can't afford to realize them cause I don't get paid for that. And everybody needs to live from something.
people here doing those for free, and of course they have life too.. it's sad to see some few people just rant about their mistakes...if there's bug in the kernel/ it, instead of ranting or venting anger :/
hope to see more development for our devices..
MAyB the user complain more & 4get to give credit to the DEV's who have put in hard effort to make it & sacrificed their useful time.
Maybe because they have gotten better phones than the Sony ones... But it is sad yes.. I would love a smooth and fast rom... But hope more devs will come... I have tried a little for my own and will maybe continue xsx kernel but I can't promise anything as I don't have much time because of my final masters degree assignment..
But we must hope for better days ..
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
DenmarkRootN00b said:
Maybe because they have gotten better phones than the Sony ones... But it is sad yes.. I would love a smooth and fast rom... But hope more devs will come... I have tried a little for my own and will maybe continue xsx kernel but I can't promise anything as I don't have much time because of my final masters degree assignment..
But we must hope for better days ..
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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Which, somehow, it's strange. Xperia X10 Mini/Pro, X8 are low end 2010 devices. They still have some active devs there.
"I got my values. So you can keep yours, OK?"
Look at x8! They even have miniCM9 n 10! Haha! And many Roms and juice to taste! What I can say is that let's became dev to serve our community! It's about time to do it ourselves!
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium!
Don't forget to thank me if i help!
because our bootloader isn't editable.
and sony phones are hard to develop for
monivan said:
Look at x8! They even have miniCM9 n 10! Haha! And many Roms and juice to taste! What I can say is that let's became dev to serve our community! It's about time to do it ourselves!
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium!
Don't forget to thank me if i help!
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Yeah... That's the spirit
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
Who's leaving? I'm not leaving, I'm temporarily studying
I think the MooDeD (what's the right capitalization in that) dev left, but I don't think we've lost much here. Doom is having a lot of problems IRL, and so do I for now. Jerpelea and Kali- are working on 8960 devices, me, Nick and Keiran on U8500 and AOKP for everyone, krabappel and others work on modded stock ROMs and stuff. What else do we really need? I mean, it would be great to see more skilled people here, but we're getting by as we are right now. Give Sony a month or two, and we'll get stable JB with all the stuff working*
* - likely except HDMI, Sony uses a custom protocol that's a PITA to reverse engineer, so it's not a priority.
P.S. Also, Xperia Nexus. If it's real and not Exynos (which I doubt), I'm totally getting it.
K900 said:
Who's leaving? I'm not leaving, I'm temporarily studying
I think the MooDeD (what's the right capitalization in that) dev left, but I don't think we've lost much here. Doom is having a lot of problems IRL, and so do I for now. Jerpelea and Kali- are working on 8960 devices, me, Nick and Keiran on U8500 and AOKP for everyone, krabappel and others work on modded stock ROMs and stuff. What else do we really need? I mean, it would be great to see more skilled people here, but we're getting by as we are right now. Give Sony a month or two, and we'll get stable JB with all the stuff working*
* - likely except HDMI, Sony uses a custom protocol that's a PITA to reverse engineer, so it's not a priority.
P.S. Also, Xperia Nexus. If it's real and not Exynos (which I doubt), I'm totally getting it.
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Eracher and mericon just left.
I know. I really wish I had knowledge to at least a Sony based ROM (from Arc to XS). But I really don't know where to start. No dev knowledge.
Felimenta97 said:
Eracher and mericon just left.
I know. I really wish I had knowledge to at least a Sony based ROM (from Arc to XS). But I really don't know where to start. No dev knowledge.
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I can confirm that we don't always get credit for our work. It's really annoying when users post 10 times the same bug with every release, or keep spamming my inbox with the same request over and over again...
Anyway I won't leave soon, I just have a lot of work to do for school, but I'll maintain my Xperia S stuff
As soon as I have some more time I'll also go to making rom from sources maybe
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
krabappel2548 said:
I can confirm that we don't always get credit for our work. It's really annoying when users post 10 times the same bug with every release, or keep spamming my inbox with the same request over and over again...
Anyway I won't leave soon, I just have a lot of work to do for school, but I'll maintain my Xperia S stuff
As soon as I have some more time I'll also go to making rom from sources maybe
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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Would be too much to ask that, if you have any time, to port the Pureness ROM from ThilinaC (if he allows, of course)?
krabappel2548 said:
As soon as I have some more time I'll also go to making rom from sources maybe
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Wanna work on aKernel then? I'd love to get someone to merge all the tweaky stuff
krabappel2548 said:
I can confirm that we don't always get credit for our work. It's really annoying when users post 10 times the same bug with every release, or keep spamming my inbox with the same request over and over again...
Anyway I won't leave soon, I just have a lot of work to do for school, but I'll maintain my Xperia S stuff
As soon as I have some more time I'll also go to making rom from sources maybe
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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I can only say that I also find it embarrassing so see the hard work you guys put into what we (should) enjoy. I for one am extremely happy with your work and wouldn't think of "this button's too dark" or "your rom isn't sexy enough" or whatever.
I'm sure many users also appreciate your work, but only the spammers and naggers seems to get the attention.
Whatever, thanks again for the hard work that makes our toys so much better - for free!
krabappel2548 said:
I can confirm that we don't always get credit for our work. It's really annoying when users post 10 times the same bug with every release, or keep spamming my inbox with the same request over and over again...
Anyway I won't leave soon, I just have a lot of work to do for school, but I'll maintain my Xperia S stuff
As soon as I have some more time I'll also go to making rom from sources maybe
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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I would love to get some help from you with the continuation of xsx kernel... If you want to help me a little?
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
DenmarkRootN00b said:
I would love to get some help from you with the continuation of xsx kernel... If you want to help me a little?
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
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Why continue the XSX kernel? I'll post some more info on aKernel later, it's going to be... interesting
TL;DR default kernel + universal ramdisk + tweaks and safe OC / UV
K900 said:
Why continue the XSX kernel? I'll post some more info on aKernel later, it's going to be... interesting
TL;DR default kernel + universal ramdisk + tweaks and safe OC / UV
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Because it is good.. But could be better
I will look forward to that
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
This sounds good. I'm looking forward to the work you guy's are gonna bring

Who wants to learn Kernel or rom developing? you need a teacher?

I got my more pm will be answered...
Amin` said:
ok guys first and the most important thing I won't charge you or something so don't worry...
if you're interested just pm me....
you can develop kernels , cook/port roms...fix , tweak...almost anything...this is a golden opportunity of you COME ON !
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Why not start a let's build and learn community thread. just a thought. then everyone can learn.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Im definitely interested But if possible, try to make it a Community thread like pvyPart suggests
pvyParts said:
Why not start a let's build and learn community thread. just a thought. then everyone can learn.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Min3r said:
Im definitely interested But if possible, try to make it a Community thread like pvyPart suggests
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there is a lot of threads like that...and what I'm going to teach is not like magic or something....:laugh:
and I'm very terrible at making threads
pvyParts said:
Why not start a let's build and learn community thread. just a thought. then everyone can learn.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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I'm really interested in learning cooking kernels and ROMs. It would be great having a sequential learning process like this, as right now we hunt online for everything, and thus we may have gaps in our knowledge that we don't know about.
A community is also a brilliant idea as then we can learn along side others, and also, we can trim down repeat questions.
Overall +1 . Great idea
Yeah i tried kichen and kernel in ubuntu ... the problem is they just don't work!!
If you know a new method it would be great to hear!
sounds great would love to learn been on android since droid 1 motorola came out ahh the beginning of it all...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
SaveMEH92 said:
sounds great would love to learn been on android since droid 1 motorola came out ahh the beginning of it all...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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YOU should be teaching us so
@OP count me in, I have 3 android devices, 2 can be bricked while testing.
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
Ya sure y not just tell us how to start
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda app-developers app
I want to learn and also have a friend who wants
Sent from my LT22i using xda premium
Just wondered whether you can write SoCs and gpio from scratch for my board?
Gives you a link to a suryey sight!!!
Says testing you (fools you to complete a lousy survey!!)
EDITED: Not a fake but a dev who uses survey tricks???
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda premium
soulhackereborn said:
He's a fake!!!
Gives you a link to a suryey sight!!!
Says testing you (fools you to complete a lousy survey!!)
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda premium
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I'm sad. I wanted to learn from him. Now, we can't write gpio and soc for varun.chitre15.
Thread reported!
soulhackereborn said:
He's a fake!!!
Gives you a link to a suryey sight!!!
Says testing you (fools you to complete a lousy survey!!)
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda premium
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It is already discussed with OP. If you'll find an issue, don't hesitate to contact us.
Thank you.
check this out:
I was hoping I could find some testers for my kernel for U,P,Sola
yeah I've sent that guy my download link of my kernel for x10...
To one and All
Checked out his development for X8 so edited my post acc.
He might not be fake (apologies for that)
But still the cheap survey is still der that that make one wonder
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda premium
Oh man I want in bro!
We need an IRC channel and all participants in it together
soulhackereborn said:
To one and All
Checked out his development for X8 so edited my post acc.
He might not be fake (apologies for that)
But still the cheap survey is still der that that make one wonder
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda premium
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you just deserve this:
Nice idea ... I read some guides on how to make a rom but to be honest none satisfied me ... so I guess I have a thread about it would make this section even better and complete
inviato dal mio XPERIA P
Cool. Count me in.
Sent from my ST25i using xda premium

