Some very annoying problems and solutions so far! Please read and check! - HTC Desire X

EDIT: I will include fixes / solutions whenever i find them for problems we face in DX
DX is an awesome device, spec and style wise. But over the few days i had used my DX i have found some rather annoying problems. This is the list. Please read and check each event and report if you also have the same problem with same apps also. And its not a problem with the app, just the DX doesnt play nice with them. Atleast thats what i think as i have used them in other devices and are problem free.
1. Viber + Poweramp: We all like viber chatting and may at the same time listen to music on Poweramp. But if you maximize and minimize the keypad in viber, there is a sound lag and a pop crack sound always. The only solution is to disable your profile to silent or vibration. Note: Stock player does not create any sound hiccups. I havent tested any other player either.
SOLUTION: PowerAmp > Settings > Audio Focus > Untick "Short Audio Focus Change"
** After un-ticking there were no sound hiccups when i repeated the scenario as explained in 1
2. Poweramp: no need for an introduction as no one i know uses the stock htc music player. Suppose you are listening to a song and your device is in standby mode (screen off) and the song changes to the next song, the volume of the next song suddenly reduces to a low level. But the volume knob is same as where you set it. The solution is to close poweramp and start that song. This doesn't happen much, but it does happen.
3. Status bar drop down: While you are browsing a site like 9gag, you may stop to read the meme. During that time the HTC browser or HTC Sense decides to drop down the status bar automatically. This happens like every 10-20 seconds. The status bar just drops down instead of staying hidden. It does go hidden again within a second, but is rather annoying. The status bar should not show up unless i touch or drag the page down.
Please share your experiences if you have similar or any other problem.



Anyone tried this app yet? It seems to be able to do... um... everything?! Ha! I am interested to see what custom profiles and tasks people have set up in theirs!
You can download a 14-day trial from the developers website:
(it is £3.99 in the market for the full version)
Wow, I would have normally glazed right over this. For some reason I read the articles and this is pretty cool. I started thinking of a bunch of uses for it. I bought it outright. Thanks for the post, moonrock!
I noticed in the wiki or forum (somewhere!) that they were able to set up a profile that remapped the camera button -- I am wondering if this can be used to remap the power button while the camera app is open, maybe?
So I haven't had much time to play with Tasker, but the two scripts I have currently running:
* Silence from 11pm > 8am, simple, but it replaced the other 'profiles' type apps
* Disable screen rotation when in the Kindle app, for whatever reason this isn't an option in the Kindle app itself.
I have it set to turn on my Bluetooth when plugged in and off when unplugged works great!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Fantastic! I need to set up a (again, simple!) task that will turn on bluetooth in the times that I am always in my car (commute to work and home, same time every day) which won't be difficult.
I have Locale already, but this may replace it (gotta love paying for apps to find out another one does 10000x more things! oops!) I've had Locale since first getting my G1 though, so it's gotten plenty of use.
So glad you posted about this app... its amazing..
18. 4009
Sent from my Samsung vibrant.
I have a couple tasks set up. First, I have gps automatically turn on and off when entering and exiting google maps. I also have one that lets me pick input style when I go into or leave remotedroid (swype's backspace doesn't work in it). And I have a couple apps that like to hang around after I close them, so I set them to be killed upon closing.
All in all it's a great app, well worth the $6.
Sent from my Vibrant using XDA app
Also worth noting is that it is £3.49 from the developer directly (paypal, via his website) and a larger % goes direct to him that way.
I have it setup for text to speech on SMS messages when my phone connects to my cars bluetooth.
I am trying to find a way to let my replay to said SMS with the voice to text feature or just ignore it. Anyone have any idea how to accomplish that?
Also think it would be cool to have it change my wallpaper based on the weather conditions in my area, but Im not sure how to go about doing that either.
ritalin said:
Also think it would be cool to have it change my wallpaper based on the weather conditions in my area, but Im not sure how to go about doing that either.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Beautiful Widgets (paid app, couple bucks) and the (free) Beautiful Live Wallpaper. Uses the weather widget to make the wallpaper match the weather
Tasks that I've set up so far:
Silent / dim screen / timeout / alarm volume 7 while I am asleep (timed task)
Vibrate / auto brightness / timeout (slightly longer) while at work (timed task)
Bluetooth on while in my car (timed task -- specificlly during the hours of my work commute)
Load Vlingo when Bluetooth connects, Kill Vlingo when BT disconnects
GPS on when Maps, Navigation and Foursquare are opened
Display timeout (1hr) and brightness (max) when USB plugged in (for when i am in my car, typically listening to music and/or have vlingo up on the screen, annoying (and worthless) for the display to timeout if vlingo is supposed to be a one-touch process!)
Anyway of exporting a profile then importing it so some of the more advanced useres can create some and we can tweak them ?
Edit: Having hard time getting them to do what i want .
Probably, but I am not entirely sure how... lol
My initial use:
As previously mentioned on this board the bluetooth streaming volume is not the loudest, so I always end up turning up the volume for bluetooth. Then when I plugin my headphones I destroy my eardrums.
So I setup a task that when I connect to my bluetooth car stereo, it automatically sets the volume to max and turns off wifi for good measure.
I have another task that when I plugin headphones, it sets the volume to 60% and opens the doubletwist music player.
Finally I setup the standard battery task so that when my battery gets to 20% it turns of all the GPS, wifi, and bluetooth radios, as well as dimming my screen.
Shane_pcs said:
My initial use:
As previously mentioned on this board the bluetooth streaming volume is not the loudest, so I always end up turning up the volume for bluetooth. Then when I plugin my headphones I destroy my eardrums.
So I setup a task that when I connect to my bluetooth car stereo, it automatically sets the volume to max and turns off wifi for good measure.
I have another task that when I plugin headphones, it sets the volume to 60% and opens the doubletwist music player.
Finally I setup the standard battery task so that when my battery gets to 20% it turns of all the GPS, wifi, and bluetooth radios, as well as dimming my screen.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah, I keep meaning to setup the low battery task as well!
I have two keyboards i really like in 2 different orientations.
Droid X keyboard:
its sweet autocorrections and large real estate makes it ideal for two thumb typing in landscape
slower than droid X keyboard in landscape, but in portrait, this is possibly the fastest/most accurate keyboard around.
I tried to set it up so that i could change my keyboards depending on the orientation, but i could not figure it out
im also for an app that turns your screen off with a timer (in the background). and have that work when you turn your screen downward./
any with either of these would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone know how to make it so that the Incall volume goes up to max on the connect of the phone call? I cant seem to find it in the settings meeting seems to only answer on 3/4 volume. Thought Tasker might be able to .
This app is awesome. I only got a few tasks setup but one nice one is turning the screen timeout to 23hr when I open the web browser and back to 30 secs when I exit.
talltexan said:
Anyway of exporting a profile then importing it so some of the more advanced useres can create some and we can tweak them ?
Edit: Having hard time getting them to do what i want .
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
To export a profile tap the context (left) icon <profile<export. To import just open the file with Tasker as the chosen program I think. lots of premade tasks on the Tasker wiki. (it won't let me post a link)

Simplicity V4 UE Problems, anyone else?

Hello, Im using this awesome ROM, the only problems I found are two and they are very annoying.
1) Volume for notifications sounds too high. Why is this? The rest of volume like system, ringtone and such sounds fine and I can lower the volume. But the volume for notifications, even near to silence still sound a way high and kinda distorted for such high volume.
2) I found a little bug. Sometimes, some apps or websites shows my background instead of what should be there. A good example is when Im watching YouTube videos. The video starts fine, but once I rotate my phone for the full view, I see the background while the video still plays (using browser and not the YouTube app.
Also in the gallery I see like some square semintransparent boxes behind the albums but this isnt a big problem at all. More worried about the notifications sound problem, is very annoying :crying:
I hope someone can lend me a hand since I cant post in the original post yet and I havent too much time
Thanks in advanced
PS: I just noticed that I posted the threat probably in the wrong section. I had too much tabs open... sorry guys, if someone can move the threat that could help :/

Some questions by new owner and ex-tablet-Z owner.

OK so I got my Z4 tablet three days ago. Fantastic construction, fantastic specs on paper.
I had a Z tablet up until last weekend that I sold for a good price and got this as a much needed replacement.
Both are LTE versions.
Anyway, here are some things I've noticed and I would like to have your comments on.
1) The "antitheft" system for the first two days seemed to be a PITA. As my device is set for three users (me, my wife, my son), it kept popping for the others that it locked and needed MY credentials to unlock. I did unlock it at least five times for each, which means I can't really be... far from the device and let them use it. That I use two step authentication, makes things even harder. Once my "authenticator" phone was out of power and I had to wait several minutes to unlock the tablet. Yesterday I updated to latest firmware and I haven't noticed the issue since. But it's just one day, it may come back. Once (before updating firmware) I tried to disable My Xperia (although I love the find my device feature) so they could work, but it kept me "waiting". In the end I pressed back and it didn't get disabled. Any similar experiences with the theft protection?
2) Backlight (set in auto) seems to be too dark some times. I clicked on the intensity bar, set it brighter while STILL in auto (like it is now set to have a brighter "base value"?). Does this sound normal?
3) This is not a Z4 issue, I also had this in Z. It's probably a lollipop thing or I don't understand something properly. Clicking the volume buttons I can set it to "no" sound from home screen. Or so I think. Because even if I set it to "off", apps STILL have sound and I have to RE-adjust the volume to off from within the app (without the "priority buttons" under the volume bar)... Am I the only one to find this stupid?
4) Anybody notices some lag or ESPECIALLY stuck web browser, when other profiles (users) have run apps? If I reset the device and not visit the other profiles, the device is more snappy. If some other user goes in, even quiting every app they run, the device seems to get slower when back in "owner" user. Still fast but not as "snappy". Anybody noticed the same?
5) Any idea when we get Android M? Will we get 5.1 before that? I mean official firmware. Anybody?
6) Is there a way to go to test menu? The tablet Z method doesn't seem to work.
7) Serious. No restricted profiles. Why? Sony support replied that lollipop has this disabled only on 3G/LTE devices (that makes no sense), yet my Z was also LTE and both are on lollipop 5.0.2 and it DID have restricted profiles. What's up with that?
Thank you for your time people, have fun.
2) Yes.. brightness is usually set a little low at first for battery purposes.
3) There are different volumes for different things. Using the volume rocker on the home screen and putting it all the way down will only adjust ringer/notification volume. In-app sounds will use the media volume which you will need to adjust while media sounds are playing or you can adjust it in your sound settings. Not stupid imo, just gives more flexibility.
5) It'll come when it comes.. nobody knows except google and sony. I'd like to hope we'd get 5.1 before 6.
(pending something on the other questions above)
2) So the set value, when brightness is in "auto" is like a base value?
3) Well I find it stupid. Why: Because when I am in home screen I used to be able to manage the universal audio settings of the device. Turning device to mute, would turn it to mute. As simple as that. Also clicking a simple icon next to volume bar, you could separately adjust notification and ringer and stuff like that. Now? You THINK you set your device to mute, but you have only set the notifications. You sleep in a silent house (next to the wife or something), start a game, it YELLS with the last volume settings, ignoring that you set the device to mute in home screen and you have to "run" and re-adjust the volume to zero, usually with some delay (in the meantime waking everybody) since the device won't let you adjust anything while loading the game. No, I call this stupid.
5) Well if it won't delay 6, I don't mind for 5.1. But I want 6 the soonest possible.

Background video recording issue on HUAWEI

I am asking for some advice on the following issue.
I was always using the app Mobile hidden camera on several devices few Samsungs and on the Huawei p10. It always worked great. Recording video with locked phone worked fine. Then came the new update from Android/EMUI 8 to 9. And it stopped working or it works for one minute.
Video is recorded for exactly one minute and then freezes, but the sound is recorded for the whole time of the video.
I have read many threads on the aggressive app closing of the newer Emui versions but I think this isn't the fault, because the app is still running in the background with just sound recording. Could it also have to do something with new privacy policy in adroid 9. Have read somewhere that video and sound recording would not be possible any more. I have also tested all of the power saving settings (running in background, shut power optimization off, etc.). Tried also uninstalling the Powergeenie as suggested in an onother thread.
Do someone have any similar experience?
Nice greetings!!
Forgot to add that when the app is running on top it works normal. The problem is only when the app is minimized or the screen is locked.
Maybe somebody has some other app suggestion for background video recording?
The Solution to the problem were notifications of the app. If the app doesn't give any notifications (shown in the status bar or the locked screen) the system puts it to sleep and it cant run in the background. If there are enabled notifications in the app, their appearance still can be disabled in the notifications options in the android settings.

Noise canceling (STOCK/UNROOTED)

I like this phone a lot but it has some annoying features or lack of them and because I don't want to go through the potentially tedious process of selling and looking for a different one I'd rather request some help in finding a good room and root the damn thing instead.
My issues:
- Inability to disable noise canceling when recording voice memos with a built in voice recorded app (I also tested some other ones and it seems to be present with all of them. IM apps seem to be the only things where this isn't present).
- If I want to set a custom ringtone or notification sound there's no slider on the side that allows for quickly scrolling though many files or a search bar which is insane and requires endless scrolling. The only workaround is to rename the file into Aaaaaa or something so it's placed on top alphabetically.
Nothing else really bothers me besides this but the mic thing is really annoying.

