[Q] Think i bricked xperia U - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go

Yo all,im new here!
so, as you see in title i think i bricked my xperia U.. currently i was flashing cyanogen mod to my phone and i think i made it wrong(for surely i did), now i cant turn on my phone so maybe any solutions?
I Appreciate every help,ty!

You can flash stock ROM. Use flashtool and download stock ROM from here.
For step by step instructions see this page.

What were you trying to do? Details man, details!
The most common mistake is just flashing the CM mod without changing the kernel. Or the other way around, flashing the kernel and panicking when the stock rom does not show up.


[Q] how to get clockwork mode flashed to htc g2/desire z

im trying to flash MIUI rom onto my Desrie Z, and im having problems with clockwork. and rooting is a problem too.
could someone please linki me a easy step-by-step guide for doing this, rooting too?
then if it doesnt work, id really like support
thanks in advance!

[Q] I need help ? which rom is the best :D

I just got galaxy ace and i need ur help guys (btw its new phone with stock 2.3.3 fw)
im searching for rom with best performance for gaming and internet browsing
I would be happy if someone just can post me tutorial with all steps:
1.which firmware to flash first(european)
2.how to install cwm recovery (i used odin on my old phone)
3.which rom to download (pls be clear about flashing rom and flashing updates,and on what firmware to flash rom)
4.how to install rom
5.any usefull scripts to flash on that rom(like ungaze,supercharged and kickasskernelizer)
I hope someone will help me cuz im new in this forum and i cant read all posts to find out some things about this phone
Thanks guys
Chutura said:
I just got galaxy ace and i need ur help guys (btw its new phone with stock 2.3.3 fw)
im searching for rom with best performance for gaming and internet browsing
I would be happy if someone just can post me tutorial with all steps:
1.which firmware to flash first(european)
2.how to install cwm recovery (i used odin on my old phone)
3.which rom to download (pls be clear about flashing rom and flashing updates,and on what firmware to flash rom)
4.how to install rom
5.any usefull scripts to flash on that rom(like ungaze,supercharged and kickasskernelizer)
I hope someone will help me cuz im new in this forum and i cant read all posts to find out some things about this phone
Thanks guys
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read this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1034145

[Q] Please help ! Wrong ROM installed [Xperia Mini]

Hello, friends. I'm writting to ask you for a help, because i have a very big problem.
Some time ago I installed wrong ROM for my Xperia Mini, which was made for Xperia Pro.... I found some good ideas and offers in this forum, like install lastest firmware .62 with FlashTool and then rom, for example, hybrom_v10 via Recovery Mode (CWM). The main problem is I cannot install ROM, because my phone is totally wiped now (there is no CWM). Secondly, I cannot install CWM because i can't enable USB Debugging because of the TouchScreen, which is NOT WORKING. I've been serching for some information a lot about this, but nothing helped..... If you know the solution, PLEASE help me some how, i don't know what to do and I really need to fix this phone. Thank you for your attention.
Lansingas said:
Hello, friends. I'm writting to ask you for a help, because i have a very big problem.
Some time ago I installed wrong ROM for my Xperia Mini, which was made for Xperia Pro.... I found some good ideas and offers in this forum, like install lastest firmware .62 with FlashTool and then rom, for example, hybrom_v10 via Recovery Mode (CWM). The main problem is I cannot install ROM, because my phone is totally wiped now (there is no CWM). Secondly, I cannot install CWM because i can't enable USB Debugging because of the TouchScreen, which is NOT WORKING. I've been serching for some information a lot about this, but nothing helped..... If you know the solution, PLEASE help me some how, i don't know what to do and I really need to fix this phone. Thank you for your attention.
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You don't need USB debugging to install CWM! Just flash any kernel that has cwm in it. Almost all the custom kernels have cwm. If you haven't unlocked your bootloader, then I suggest that you do it so that you can flash a kernel which has cwm.
Maybe you should unlock your bootloader, because after that you can flash a custom kernel that has cwm built in
Sorry, did not see abcdjdj's post, was writing mine while he posted his one
Lansingas said:
Secondly, I cannot install CWM because i can't enable USB Debugging because of the TouchScreen, which is NOT WORKING. I've been serching for some information a lot about this, but nothing helped
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There are numerous threads on the touchscreen issue, they're as annoying and as common in this section as best ROM threads are in the Arc section, so I'm not sure why People can't find the solution.
Thank you very much ! Now on the last step left. I installed .62 firmware, hybrom. TouchScreen still not working, but I will figure out how to fix it from orhers threads, well, i hope.

Xperia U Rom HELP!!!

I have a xperia u and i was following a tutorial on how to install a custom rom. The problem is when i got to the cwm menu bit and i try to install rom from zip file it keepsy saying ''installing update...installation aborted''.
I absolutely need someone to help me asap please because i am so scared that my phone is messed up right now :S
Is there any way i can restore things to how they were before???
Please help people at xda forums
flash the stock firmware of ur device
always do a backup before flashing new roms

i need help to install ROM and how to install them

hi i am new on this forum and totally fascinated with your work guys.
i have sony ericsson xperia pro mk16i and i want to install ROM on my phone
but i am facing problems with understanding all the details and steps about installing the things
i am not sure how to use all the flashtools and other stuff to install ROM
i tried it once but my phone got bircked up. after everything i went through it got unbricked. i rooted my phone again and everything is fine now but m not sure how to get CWM and many things like twrp and etc are giving me hard time to understand process of installing please can someone give me some suggestions about it...
big fan of XDA....

