[Q] Unlock questions - Nokia Lumia 800

Hi! I have a Nokia Lumia 800 and I want to unlock it but I still have some questions, I think they are stupid but I am not able to find them on the Interner. I have already checked and I have a Qualcomm bootloader, so I should be able to full unlock my phone, and I was thinking on installing Raimbow Mod or something like that, but I have read that if you flash your Lumia 800 using NSS your Windows Live ID will get flashed too and you won´t be able to use it. Is that true? How can I prevent or fix that problem? Thank you very much!

juanichiloco said:
Hi! I have a Nokia Lumia 800 and I want to unlock it but I still have some questions, I think they are stupid but I am not able to find them on the Interner. I have already checked and I have a Qualcomm bootloader, so I should be able to full unlock my phone, and I was thinking on installing Raimbow Mod or something like that, but I have read that if you flash your Lumia 800 using NSS your Windows Live ID will get flashed too and you won´t be able to use it. Is that true? How can I prevent or fix that problem? Thank you very much!
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About Windows live ID, I'm NOT sure. But one thing I am sure is that
if you will flash your to official rom, then you will loose QUALCOMM boot-loader,
and therefore, you will NOT be able to install ANY custom/modded rom on your

Yep you cant use live id but is easy to solve that .
Just ask for activation code to microsoft and they will send you .
Its a portuguese link but you have a english one


[Q] Restore Lumia 710

Maybe it is a stupid question and if so, I apologize for this.
I bought a Lumia 710 and I want to interop-unlock it. Just checked for every thread in the forum but I don't have found anything that fits to me.
If I follow one of the guide in the forum, I flash my phone and everything goes ok.
When I want to return to stock ROM (example for warranty), what are the steps to follow?
very thanks to everyone!
I would imagine you'd need to download the stock ROM from NaviFirm and flash it with either Nokia Care Suite for DLOAD bootloader or for QC bootloader there is another program you need to use, but I can't find the name of it.
All info is here, just read everything
And this is what I thinked about, but I want a confirm.
The version I have of NCS Product Support Tool is 2012.12.5.3 in normal mode found my phone, but in QC bootloader don't find it.
If i wish to restore original rom, there is a guide for it?
yes, you use NSS to restore your bootloader. check it out in development thread and say THANKS to the Developer because he has mede it easy to use.
Use the NSS Suite to get back the Nokia DLOAD then just update normally to get back to the original state for your warranty claims
Sent from my Lumia 710 using Board Express
Ok, thanks to all, for now I don't have necessity to claim for warranty, but you know, Fortune is blind but bad luck sees us well!!!
installing rom on pre installed rom
can i install rainbow mod 2.1 on lumia 710...
i have rataplan v1.0 installed...
should i flash it or i have to do someting else..??

Lumia 800 Dload without Qualcomm Bootloader

Hi ,
We need a solution to unlock Lumia 800 without Qualcomm, someone could help to resolve this problem ???
i think somebody should port android to lumias having unlocked bootloaders
Is that even 0.1% possible ? -_-
alexslama said:
Hi ,
We need a solution to unlock Lumia 800 without Qualcomm, someone could help to resolve this problem ???
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Look for mobile phone repair shop with ATF flasher ...
I have 2012 Lumie 800 with original with DLOAD and with this tool is flashed to old firmware with Qualcom bootloader.
Flash price: 15 €. Now i use Rainbowmod 2.0.
alexslama said:
Hi ,
We need a solution to unlock Lumia 800 without Qualcomm, someone could help to resolve this problem ???
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You already have one ATF box and testpoint.
There is no way to replace the bootloader without one that is signed or via testpoint. (Same as with 2011 Sony Ericsson's)
Even if you managed to get interop unlock or full unlock you won't be able to replace the bootloader from that.
surya467 said:
Is that even 0.1% possible ? -_-
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Its 100% possible, though it will cost a lot of time and skills. The hardware is not diffrent then hardware used in Android Phones.
There are people working on a port of HaRET, back in the days of Windows Mobile this software was used to boot into linux/android from wm. Topic: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=22229756
@crimpy1 is it hard to find such a shop? Do they all use ATF or just some?
I looked on ebay but the ATF device is just to expensif.
crimpy1 said:
Look for mobile phone repair shop with ATF flasher ...
I have 2012 Lumie 800 with original with DLOAD and with this tool is flashed to old firmware with Qualcom bootloader.
Flash price: 15 €. Now i use Rainbowmod 2.0.
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How do you do it?
I 've contact many store but they don't know want the need to do it
help needed
hi i spent the last two days searching the internet for a solution to unlock my lumia 800 and i came to the conclusion that i have a dload bootloader i searched ur forum nearly all of it and still found no solution so please tell me what i can do or show me a way thank you
can updating with zune change boot loader from qualcom to nokia DLOAD
once before updating my lumia800 it was qualcom boot loader but later i hard reset and updated with zune it was changed to NOKIA DLOAD im confused is it possible ? can some body explain please!
From Nokia DLOAD to Qualcomm
m.rashyd said:
once before updating my lumia800 it was qualcom boot loader but later i hard reset and updated with zune it was changed to NOKIA DLOAD im confused is it possible ? can some body explain please!
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Okay, check this tutorial by me: how to get from Nokia DLOAD to Qualcomm
Good Luck
This one has one then you share that you

Unlock Nokia Lumia 800

Hi all,
Is there any way to unsimlock a Lumia 800, knowing that the material version number is: 112.1402.2.4.
I've heard it was impossible some time ago... The only way was to use a ATF box to flash qualcomm bootloader, right?!
I would like to flash it to a custom ROM as well to get it fully unlock, but my first point is to unsimlock.
Do you think it is possible?
Thank you guys
Without qualcomm , cant sim unlock.
So if you want to do the hardware mod..look in the dev section here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1587650 there are couple of posts with links
Ok, thanks for your input.
Exactly what i thought, only hardware mod...
Do you know if cell shops with ATF box are very common?

Custom Rom on my Lumia 800?

Hello People ..
Please dont bash be for making this thread.. i've looked and searched everywhere and i still dont have the answers for my questions ..
i bought a Lumia 800 Second hand a couple of days ago ( im more an android guy, but i wanted to try it )
- I've been looking everywhere on how to unlock it and install a 7.8rom on it ..
My issue is i cant find enough information to figure out if my phone is capable of doing this ..
It's a Lumia 800 with Windows Phone 7.5
Firmwareversion 1750.0805.8773.12220
Bootloader version:
I dont know what kind of information you need and where i can find it ..
but is it possible for me to unlock and install a custom rom on this device?
And in which case.. where do i start?
Any help would be appreciated..
PS. Im Really not new to this .. just new on the Windows Phone side
hi there.
First, i would recommend you to check if you've got qualcomm bootloader:
1. turn off your phone
2. press vol-up + power till you feel it vibrate
3. release both buttons
4. connect it to your pc
IF your computer shows "format mass storage", DO NOT FORMAT!!! This will brick your phone. But in case you see this message, you're lucky and have the qualcomm loader, which is needed for custom rom flashing.
If it shows you Nokia DLOAD, you have the locked bootloader and need special hardware & good soldering skills to make your DLOAD Lumia 800 to qualcomm
lordmaxey said:
hi there.
First, i would recommend you to check if you've got qualcomm bootloader:
1. turn off your phone
2. press vol-up + power till you feel it vibrate
3. release both buttons
4. connect it to your pc
IF your computer shows "format mass storage", DO NOT FORMAT!!! This will brick your phone. But in case you see this message, you're lucky and have the qualcomm loader, which is needed for custom rom flashing.
If it shows you Nokia DLOAD, you have the locked bootloader and need special hardware & good soldering skills to make your DLOAD Lumia 800 to qualcomm
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Well, it came up and said " Dload " something .. so i guess this wouldn't be possible for me!
- Too bad.. I am still able to update via zune tho, right?
darwich said:
I am still able to update via zune tho, right?
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Sure you are!
Here are some testpoint pictures what you need to do if you want to put qualcomm to your phone: http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/nokia-lumia-800-unlocked-done-via-tp-atf-nitro-tutorial-1564470/
lordmaxey said:
Sure you are!
Here are some testpoint pictures what you need to do if you want to put qualcomm to your phone: http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/nokia-lumia-800-unlocked-done-via-tp-atf-nitro-tutorial-1564470/
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Alright, Thanks for the help! ..
Since i only payed 150$ for the phone i might do that at some point ..
- i tried updaing thru Zune but it says i already have the latest update installed?
darwich said:
- i tried updaing thru Zune but it says i already have the latest update installed?
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Then the latest update is not yet available for your phone's product code.
lordmaxey said:
Then the latest update is not yet available for your phone's product code.
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Ofcourse it's not.. i hate being locked out! -.- ..
anyway.. thanks for the quick answers.. Was very helpfull
darwich said:
anyway.. thanks for the quick answers.. Was very helpfull
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You're welcome
If you don't want to wait, download Navifirm and search for latest fw of your product code.
If it's not available, just download a fw from another product code and flash this to your phone using nokia care suit / support tool for store.
There should be how-to's published here on xda.
lordmaxey said:
You're welcome
If you don't want to wait, download Navifirm and search for latest fw of your product code.
If it's not available, just download a fw from another product code and flash this to your phone using nokia care suit / support tool for store.
There should be how-to's published here on xda.
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Hi l just get a brand new Lumia 800 sealed package and came with 7.8 already installed ,but l have 1 prob....the screen lags...but one year ago when l ve been see a lumia 800 with the old software was no lag at all l wish to have 7.5 on it because what l hate most on a device is the lag this is the reason l ve gived up android.....between me and Lumia 800 was Love at first sight but l want somehow to install wp7.5 official not custom,and l don't know how
btw my phone is dload too.....can be done with navfirm? and how?

Fail to put android on nokia lumia 710

Hi everyone !
I try to upgrade my nokia lumia 710 into android and i fail. Now my cellphone cant open, cant recharge and my comouter cant read it... I think i crash the system when i miss my upgrade, so there is my question :
How can i reset my phone and is it possible ?
Thanks for answer and sorry for my english, my french is better.
Good job?
Sacamarde said:
Hi everyone !
I try to upgrade my nokia lumia 710 into android and i fail. Now my cellphone cant open, cant recharge and my comouter cant read it... I think i crash the system when i miss my upgrade, so there is my question :
How can i reset my phone and is it possible ?
Thanks for answer and sorry for my english, my french is better.
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Alright, your first mistake is trying to "upgrade" your Nokia Lumia 710 to android. You can't load any android ROM onto any recent WP phones unless ported and loaded through the Windows Phone Internals program thanks to Heathcliff74.
Second, you need a ported version of android that is compatible to the Nokia Lumia 710 in which I am highly positive there is no port out there yet.
Third, it'll be a while before there's a port for android that's available for Windows Phones, especially recent ones. The Windows Phone Internals program was only recently released and Android wasn't built for Windows Phone specifications.
To fix: Try the Windows Device Recovery Tool (unable to share link because I'm a semi-new user)
Finally, if your device isn't a developer phone, then I'm sorry and in order to load another ROM, you'd have had to unlock your phone, in which VOIDS ALL WARRANTIES, in which you could TRY to return it to the retailer that you bought it from and ask them to fix it, but I doubt it because your warranty was broken.
I hope I've helped in any way.

