[Q]Boot failure with a blue arrow logo - XPERIA X10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have UL bootloader , Doomkernel and Feralab V20
I uninstalled Equalizer app from titanium backup by using uninstall exploit (sth like that). Phone did reset after I pressed ok and now I cant boot up. After kernel logo an icon appears similar to the one below but there is a yellow caution symbol and behind it a blue arrow down..
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I cant get to recovery, therefore I cant flash anything.. What do I do guys?


Original Droid Boot Animation

Would it be possible to get the regular Android boot animation on the Atrix?
I'm talking about the one that says Android and the letters flash.
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Is it also possible to get rid of the red and white M logo completely? Or are we totally stuck with it?


I have a problem after i flash the custom kernel nAa 03..The "sony ericsson" logo was gone and replace with black white screen.....
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some one help me to solve this problem please....
That's fine. It's a known issue with nAa kernel.
While the distorted image you can spam BACK to acces CWM, if not it should boot normally.
Anyway, take a look into this thread in the subforo for X10 mini.

[Q] Phone stucked at logo

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Dear Friends,
i am using a local android phone, last night something strange happened and the phone turned off. now it is stucked at the logo. i even tried the recovery mode but everything i click, the android logo with red triangle (inside sign of exclamation) appears. now my PC also doesn't showing or detecting the phone. please help.
Thank you.

Samsung J8 wont continue to boot

Need help on my Samsun J810Y problem is it suddenly wont continue to boot so i flashed the same binary and firmware that i can see on recovery, after flashing it still wont continue to boot it just shows samsung logo booting then black screen... and when i went to recovery it shows this
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Original Nabi SE softbricked?

I've read nearly every article about this device, but nobody has an issue like mine.
So, currently it's bootlooping, and I can neither boot to recovery, nor normally.
The charging light glows red, and it gets to the boot mode selection screen. (pwr+vol up)
ADB and Fastboot don't recognize it, but SP Flash Tool does.
When I try to flash a stock ROM, it throws an error...
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What do I do now?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

