[Q] Wich kernel source should I use for Kyobo ? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I would like to add some usb devices drivers like usb serial etc
I already rooted my kyobo, with the boot.img I found on this forum
I pulled the /boot/config.gz to build my own kernel
I load the config with make menuconfig save it but after the config is very deifferent from the one I pulled
I build the msn kernel 2.6.35 downloaded from google with that config, but my zImage seems to be small against the boot.img/zImage currently installed
[email protected]****u:~/kyobo/msm$ ls -l arch/arm/boot/zImage
-rwxrwxr-x 1 jpdumont jpdumont 3103940 Dec 26 15:15 arch/arm/boot/zImage (the zImage generated with my kernel build)
[email protected]****u:~/kyobo/msm$ ls -l ../boot/zImage
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jpdumont jpdumont 3661940 Dec 26 15:04 ../boot/zImage (the zImage extracted from boot.img currently installed on my rooted device)
So i'm affraid to install my own boot.img
Is there any method to test a kernel without risk on the device itself ???
Thanks in advance

Hi JP,
How is this project with the Kyobo progressing?
I've recently picked one up myself and am trying to achieve the same thing, except for sailing rather than soaring. I've overcome the first hurdle in a different manner, I've used the TetherGPS app to wifi in my gps location in from an android phone. I took a bit of fiddling as the "ACCESS MOCK LOCATION" is not available in the development menu of Kyobo. Instead I've edited the settings.db and changed a 0 to 1 next to MOCK LOCATION to get it working.
I'd still like to get other NMEA data in from various instruments in the future and will possibly continue down the wifi route rather that the usb option you are attempting.
regards Simo


[Q] AMI304 not happy with custom kernel

I'm having an issue building and booting a kernel on my Optimus V. Hopefully someone here can help.
I've got the updated VM670 sources (I think), with the kernel package as:
$ md5sum LGVM670_kernel_02.tar.gz
24b000f647c919afb63d68caaf8b6202 LGVM670_kernel_02.tar.gz
I extracted and built this with the stock vendor config. Then I booted it using fastboot with the stock vendor ramdisk and the commandline "mem=477M console=ttyMSM2,115200n8 androidboot.hardware=thunderc".
It boots and runs fine but the accelerometer is unhappy. This repeats several times per second:
I/AmitDaemon( 2009): AMI304+(KR3DM & KR3DH) Middleware Tester (daemon), Version:
I/AmitDaemon( 2009): Copyright (c) 2010 all rights preserved by AMIT Technology Inc.
E/AmitDaemon( 2009): Cannot open KR3DH!!!
E/AmitDaemon( 2009): Cannot open KR3DM!!!
The config has "CONFIG_SENSOR_AMI304=y", of course.
Just to be sure, I diffed my config against the standard /proc/config.gz and it looks the same.
Any ideas what could be wrong?
Nevermind, I'm an idiot. The kernel commandline was wrong. It should be:
mem=477M console=ttyMSM2,115200n8 androidboot.hardware=thunderc uart_console=disable recovery=off lge.rev=10
Sorry for the spam.

[BASIC DONE] A simplified 2ndinit (2ndihkvc) for experimenting

>>>> In a post further down, I have released a updated zip file which contains the 2ndihkvc program as well as its source as well as few support scripts to allow experimentation with this mechanism of multiple user spaces <<<<
Hi All
I have been following the below thread, as well as working on my own on some of the concepts. You can get the details till now from my posts in the below thread.
I was not able to get the SETREGS to succeed in setting PC required for the current/existing 2nd-init logic, nor wait was waiting to lock the process, SO I tried a new and simpler alternate method for triggering/execve the init process a 2nd time using only POKE and it seems to have succeeded. I am guessing this based on my nooktablet having got messed up and it keeps rebooting again and again when it reaches my logic potentially. I have to restore back to factory settings and try afresh in the morning (Well it is almost morning ;-) now here) with few more debug messages to pin point it fully.
The code I am injecting directly into init process is in the attached txt file which is actually a .s (assembly file). (NOTE: Currently I am not handling environment variables, not sure if that is causing my boot to keep looping).
In turn the logic to hijack the init process and inject the code is as simple as
Step3) PTRACE_POKETEXT (Regs.ARM_pc, code to inject)
I will upload the code in a day or two - however the jist of the logic is above, if anyone wants to experiment on their own.
NOTE: The code is very simple and experimental and expects the pc address to be known before hand to massage the .s file appropriately.
NOTE: The above algo with the corresponding .s file is still EXPERIMENTAL and also requires additional shell scripts to get access to the boot flow to trigger the hijack. And the current code will break the nooktab booting, so don't experiment this logic and the .s file unless you know what you are doing.
NOTE: I am not that much into Custom Roms etc, so don't expect anything much shortly wrt Custom Roms etc, this is just a experimentation for myself and to feel happy inspite of BN removing some useful features like sideloading as well as forcing a signed bootloader on everyone.
can you make a 2-init zip like on the milestone
because then the devs can go on and make a recovery
Bit more exploration with init hijacking - 2ndihkvc src package for EXPERIMENTATION
NOTE: Source code package is attached with this message. However this is WIP and provided for anyone wanting to EXPERIMENT on their own parallel to me. Because I think the basic logic is done now. It is more of cleaning up the init rc files and or killing some additional tasks before restarting init or some such things HOPEFULLY (NO harm in hoping and being positive . HOWEVER NOTE that the current version will loop your boot and fail. I have put a timed triggering logic to try and reduce the risk, check out the documents in the package, but it can factory reset or worst case wipe your partitions and render the nooktab dead.
After yesterdays initial init hijacking, I have cleaned up the .s file so that it passes the Args properly as well as added the environment variables set by Android by default. Also the ptrace code I have updated to do relocation (using a simple custom table) of injected code. Also rather than a minimal ptrace code, I have put a bit more full fledged one with my logic as well as skrilax's logic as well as reg dumping and few other stuff to help experimenters.
In turn I have cross verified, that init is actually getting restarted and it is running thro the scripts and setting up the properties as specified by my modified default.prop as well as in the process rerunning all the commands/services/prgs.
However some where beyond rild/vold sequence it seems to be blocking and looping the boot. Also I had modified the init a bit, have to check that also once later.
Enjoy and experiment
NOTE: Not sure how to avoid having to put the same message in two threads. I created this thread only becasue the original thread was in the wrong category (i.e non development), when it should have been in development also.
This is interesting. I have minimal experience with assembly, none of it ARM. I would like to help, if possible. I appreciate the work you have put into this. I'm really hoping to be able to have CM7 on this tablet eventually.
Sent from my BNTV250 using xda premium
Potentially working Alternate Userspace in uSD using 2ndihkvc
Hi All,
I have updated my 2ndihkvc package a bit more and now you can boot into a ALTERNATE Android user space in uSD (NOTE: Userspace only and not kernel - locked bootloader doesn't allow alternate kernel).
For this you require to copy your required android /system and /data partitions into a MicroSD card in its 2nd and 3rd partitions which should be ext4 (specified in the init.omap4430.rc file in 2ndihkvc directory).
NOTE: Best way of getting a working /system and /data partitions is to ==> After rooting your Nook and removing all unwanted Apps/Junk, make a copy of the /system partition from eMMC to uSD. Same for /data/partition. Then you can copy what ever additional applications you want in this uSD based Android /system/app or /data/app partition. Thus you can have different sets of Android user space in different uSD cards.
Follow the instructions in INSTALL file for experimenting this on your rooted NookTab. BUT REMEMBER IT IS STILL EXPERIMENTAL. ALSO as a SAFETY FEATURE, as of now it will boot into this ALTERNATE MODE (in uSD) only when the current HOUR is specified in the start2ndihkvc.sh file appropriately. Otherwise it tries to boot into the your normal Andorid system in eMMC. This should hopefull CATCH any mistake, BUT THIS IS NOT GUARENTEED AND THIS IS A DANGEROUS THING TO EXPERIMENT, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
NOTE: One time it did reboot from my alternate android system, I haven't debugged this yet, as it has not occured after it (Well I have tried only once more) so cann't say one way or the other yet. But definitely, there are some corner cases.
NOTE: If something gets messed up or if something is different or even if there is some corner case in my code, which I haven't handled yet, it may MESS UP your NOOK TAB so EXPERIMENT WITH THIS only if you know how to recover on your own, provided the NOOKTAB is recoverable (90% should be, but NO GAURENTEE).
Now the BRAVE HEARTS can experiment and Enjoy a alternate Andorid system in uSD card.
NOTE: With this one should be able to boot into any Custom ROM after suitable updation of the scripts in my zip file, as well as by copying their /system and /data/ partitions into uSD 2nd and 3rd partitions. AS long AS that Custome ROM doesn't have any specific kernel requirements.
BYPASS Kernel and Ramdisk check for People with UART ACCESS
NOTE: THis is based on a initial look at the source code and then the objdump of u-boot.bin. I haven't cross checked this yet, because for now I haven't opened up the nooktab for uart access yet. Also this assumes by default booti command is used for booting in BN uboot. If some one wants to use bootm, then a different location requires to be patched wrt the image loading security check.
If you are a lucky ;-) person working with opened up NookTab with UART access, then basically replacing the memory contents of these two offsets with NOP will 90% BYPASS the security check successfully and allow you to boot a MODIFIED KERNEL or RAMDISK as required.
All offsets specified Assuming u-boot is loaded at 0 (adjust for the actual address where u-boot.bin is loaded, haven't looked into that yet).
Check for Security check of Kernel image is at
[ORIG] 0x48c0 => bne 0x48d8 (0x1a00.0004)
Make this a NOP by overwriting using uboot memory write command to
[MODI] 0x48c0 => mov r0, r0 (0xe1a0.0000)
Check for Security check of RAMDisk image is at
[ORIG] 0x4928 => bne 0x4958 (1a00.000a)
Make this a NOP by overwriting with
[MODI] 0x4928 => mov r0, r0 (0xe1a0.0000)
Someone (Hi Adamoutler, maybe you) with opened up NookTab can try this and tell me if it worked or not.
NOTE: you have to add up the actual u-boot load address to the offsets specified.
UPDATE1: It appears the load address is either
Possibility 1) 0x80e8.0000 OR
Possibility 2) 0x80e8.0000-0x120 (More likely).
Have to dig thro bit more, but one of these two will potentially work.
So that means to NOP RAMDisk security check the offset is
Possibility 1 ==> 0x80e8.0000+0x4928
Possibility 2 ==> 0x80e8.0000-0x120+0x4928 (More likely)
Best is to cross check if the resultant address contains the BNE instruction bytes specified above.
Same concept applies for the Kernel security check Nopping offset.
NOTE: It appears there is a 0x120 size header before the actual u-boot.bin code starts and in turn, when I did the objdump, it included the 0x120 bytes of header also assumed as code. And inturn the full (including the header) u-boot.bin or for that matter the u-boot from emmc seems to load into 0x80e8.0000-0x120.
Code around the locations to be noped to help identify the same in memory, in case my offset calculations are wrong
48b4: eb0030f1 bl 0x10c80
48b8: e59d3010 ldr r3, [sp, #16]
48bc: e3530000 cmp r3, #0
48c0: 1a000004 bne 0x48d8
48c4: e59f0104 ldr r0, [pc, #260] ; 0x49d0
48c8: e594100c ldr r1, [r4, #12]
48cc: e5942008 ldr r2, [r4, #8]
48d0: eb0015db bl 0xa044
491c: eb0030d7 bl 0x10c80
4920: e59d3010 ldr r3, [sp, #16]
4924: e3530000 cmp r3, #0
4928: 1a00000a bne 0x4958
492c: e59f00a4 ldr r0, [pc, #164] ; 0x49d8
4930: e5941014 ldr r1, [r4, #20]
4934: e5942010 ldr r2, [r4, #16]
4938: eb0015c1 bl 0xa044
UPDATE 3: ... for a rainy day in future ;-)
UPDATE 4: For maximum success, first try a changed RAMDisk rather than Changed Kernel. If Changed Ramdisk works then try Changed Kernel (THere is one more thing in Code, which I am not sure if it will impact a modified kernel or not yet, only way is to experiment).
How can I run 2ndihkvc just to load a new default.prop using the existing userspace? What I did so far was to remount / in rw, updated default.prop, pushed 2ndihkvc to /data/local/, changed permissions to 755 and executed. Here is the output
# ./2ndihkvc -p 1 -w 0 -c 0 -m 2
INFO:2ndihkvc: Tracing process with pid = 1
INFO:2ndihkvc: NewPrg = /init
INFO:2ndihkvc:PTRACE: Attached to (1)
INFO:2ndihkvc: Giving 2 secs to the likely traced process
ERROR:2ndihkvc:WAIT:Failed (No child processes)
INFO:2ndihkvc:hkvc2: InjectAddr (Regs->ARM_pc) = 0xffff0520
INFO:2ndihkvc:hkvc2: /init found at offset 0x100
INFO:2ndihkvc:hkvc2:ProgramToExecute: /init replaced with /init
INFO:2ndihkvc:hkvc2: At offset 0x208 relocating from 0x100 to 0xffff0620
INFO:2ndihkvc:hkvc2: At offset 0x200 relocating from 0x208 to 0xffff0728
INFO:2ndihkvc:hkvc2: At offset 0x280 relocating from 0x288 to 0xffff07a8
INFO:2ndihkvc:hkvc2: At offset 0x288 relocating from 0x300 to 0xffff0820
INFO:2ndihkvc:hkvc2: At offset 0x28c relocating from 0x307 to 0xffff0827
INFO:2ndihkvc:hkvc2: At offset 0x290 relocating from 0x312 to 0xffff0832
ERROR:PTRACE:POKE failed at location ffff0520
INFO:2ndihkvc:PTRACE: Continue/SingleStep ...
INFO:2ndihkvc: Detaching...
ERROR:2ndihkvc:PTRACE: Failed DETACH (No such process)
Do I need to push your init to /system/2ndihkvc/init? I am just trying to play around with it and Adam's BHT just to see what I can do them. Thanks.
Hi Brianf21,
As specified in the INSTALL file with in my zip
Copy my 2ndihkvc.zip file to /data/local/tmp
Then mount /system in rw mode.
Next unzip 2ndihkvc.zip into /system. It should create 2ndihkvc folder.
Next run ./install.sh from with in 2ndihkvc folder.
This will setup the boot process to start into 2ndihkvc. And it inturn will restart init with new set of init.*.rc as well as default.prop files.
Have a look at the 2ndihkvc folder, it already contains a default.prop file. If you want to change anything in default.prop then do the changes in this default.prop in /system/2ndihkvc folder.
Also remember to change the time check in start2ndihkvc.sh file in /system/2ndihkvc folder to the current hour, when you will be experimenting. Otherwise, it will not run 2ndihkvc, but continue with the normal Android init flow.
Cross check my INSTALL file once again for the details/steps to setup 2ndihkvc.
Once you have done the above. When you restart your system, it will trigger 2ndihkvc as required and the default.prop will be the new one which you would have edited/updated in /system/2ndihkvc/ folder.
NOTE: Looking at the address, it seems like you had tried 2ndihkvc once before in the same session. Try following the install step specified above/In the 2ndihkvc zip file and see. There is a minimally modified version of init.omap4430.rc and default.prop already in the 2ndihkvc folder, modify those if you want to modify them. This is because start2ndihkvc.sh will copy these files from /system/2ndihkvc/ folder when it is run to restart init.
I will have to read more, to avoid setting up system and data up on an sdcard. Once the setup is done, will it always hijack init for every following boot until it is removed or only one reboot? i am just to get a clearer picture of what's going on, I wanted to just see the hijack of init work independently of the other processes.. I kind of like to break things down into parts so I can get a better understanding of the entire process. Thanks for the work you've out in so far.
hkvc said:
Hi Brian21,
As specified in the INSTALL file with in my zip
Copy my 2ndihkvc.zip file to /data/local/tmp
Then mount /system in rw mode.
Next unzip 2ndihkvc.zip into /system. It should create 2ndihkvc folder.
Next run ./install.sh from with in 2ndihkvc folder.
This will setup the boot process to start into 2ndihkvc. And it inturn will restart init with new set of init.*.rc as well as default.prop files.
Have a look at the 2ndihkvc folder, it already contains a default.prop file. If you want to change anything in default.prop then do the changes in this default.prop in /system/2ndihkvc folder.
Also remember to change the time check in start2ndihkvc.sh file in /system/2ndihkvc folder to the current hour, when you will be experimenting. Otherwise, it will not run 2ndihkvc, but continue with the normal Android init flow.
Cross check my INSTALL file once again for the details/steps to setup 2ndihkvc.
Once you have done the above. When you restart your system, it will trigger 2ndihkvc as required and the default.prop will be the new one which you would have edited/updated in /system/2ndihkvc/ folder.
NOTE: Looking at the address, it seems like you had tried 2ndihkvc once before in the same session. Try following the install step specified above/In the 2ndihkvc zip file and see. There is a minimally modified version of init.omap4430.rc and default.prop already in the 2ndihkvc folder, modify those if you want to modify them. This is because start2ndihkvc.sh will copy these files from /system/2ndihkvc/ folder when it is run to restart init.
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brianf21 said:
I will have to read more, to avoid setting up system and data up on an sdcard. Once the setup is done, will it always hijack init for every following boot until it is removed or only one reboot? i am just to get a clearer picture of what's going on, I wanted to just see the hijack of init work independently of the other processes.. I kind of like to break things down into parts so I can get a better understanding of the entire process. Thanks for the work you've out in so far.
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If all you are interested is run 2ndihkvc with a modified default.prop but no other modification (i.e no uSD /system and /data partitions), then
a) overwrite the init.omap4430.rc in /system/2ndihkvc with the one in / . However if you have already booted into a system with 2ndihkvc then in /data/local/tmp.
Or if required you can directly edit the init.omap4430.rc in /system/2ndihkvc and update the mount commands in there to mount from emmc instead of uSD.
b) Remove the 2 lines in restart-userspace.sh corresponding to mount -o move ....
This will allow you to boot into a system with a modified default.prop but no other change from a runtime perspective (unless I have forgotten something).
Also 2ndihkvc will be applied each time boot into NookTab provided the current hour matches the hour set in start2ndihkvc.sh. Once the current hour no longer matches the hour set in the sh file, it will boot into the normal BN Nooktab environment.
NOTE: I purposefully modified the init.omap4430.rc file to replace the /system and /data from emmc to uSD, so that if someone is experimenting something, he doesn't corrupt the emmc easily as long as he doesn't become root user. HOWEVER with root access emmc can still get corrupted if one is not careful, because eMMC is still available and mounted.
tried but rebooted few times until factory reset kicked in
ok. maybe a bit too optimistic, but I compiled ICS for pandaboard and put the system to sd card (partition 1 ext4 empty, partion 2 ext4 system with panda stuff, partion 3 data, partition 4 empty).
I hit adb reboot and the device booted a few times until it restored factory. Uff.
Is there a way without serial console to see what happens?
There's also small glitch in install.sh. It doesn't find init.rc in /system/2ndihkvc.
chrmhoffmann said:
The device booted a few times until it restored factory. Uff.
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If it's counting boots like the Nook Color you can stop it by running this (if the rom partition is mounted at /rom-- it's p2 on nc and I guess p5 on nt).
chrmhoffmann said:
ok. maybe a bit too optimistic, but I compiled ICS for pandaboard and put the system to sd card (partition 1 ext4 empty, partion 2 ext4 system with panda stuff, partion 3 data, partition 4 empty).
I hit adb reboot and the device booted a few times until it restored factory. Uff.
Is there a way without serial console to see what happens?
There's also small glitch in install.sh. It doesn't find init.rc in /system/2ndihkvc.
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The missing init.rc is not a glitch, I purposefully left it out while packaging, so that one doesn't modify it drastically and botch up the boot. init.4430.rc is the only thing required to change the mount partitions.
Also if you are using my default start2ndihkvc.sh script, then it has a time check, so while xperimenting if you have goofed up. Just let the time you have set in this script pass by (i.e don't power on), then it will automatically go back to the stock NT boot, thus avoiding the factory reset.

[Q] Help completing a10 allwinner kernel compiling guide

Hi all,
My aim has been to compile a kernel for an Allwinner a10 F1-LY tablet (pengpod 700) that features PS3 and other gamepad support. I can upgrade my ROM to Cyanogenmod 10 to achieve this but then the hard buttons and screen rotation stop working.
After days of searching, reading and testing, I feel like I am close but need help getting over the line. I am running a virtualbox installation of Xubuntu.
Once I have this running, I will contribute a guide with screenshots back to the community.
My steps:
0. My device is running this ROM, which is JB 4.1.1 with root and CWM 5.5 installed. The image is based on a Seby build, and modified by Magica.
1. Install virtualbox and then 32 bit Ubuntu 13.0.4. Make sure you have 3D acceleration enabled and a decent amount of RAM allocated or it will run incredibly slow.
2. Install guest additions and a shared folder with the windows host machine.
3. Install some packages for later use:
sudo apt-get install gedit git ncurses5 jre-default
4. Make a folder in the home directory to work from. Open a terminal in it and then install the kernal library:
git clone https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi linux-sunxi
cd linux-sunxi
git checkout sunxi-3.0
5. Install the cross compile tool chain.
Download http://www.codesourcery.com/sgpp/lite/arm/portal/package7853/public/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/arm-2010.09-50-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin
Install with:
sudo ./arm-2010.09-50-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin
6. Setup kernel config.
make ARCH=arm sun4i_crane_defconfig
make menuconfig ARCH=arm
The second line opens up a GUI for configuring the kernel, where I activated the following options using here as a guide::
--- Networking support <*>
Bluetooth subsystem support --->
<*> HIDP protocol support
Bluetooth device drivers --->
<*> HCI USB driver
[*] HID Devices --->
Special HID drivers --->
<*> Sony PS3 controller
<*> DragonRise Inc. game controller
[*] DragonRise Inc. force feedback
<*> Pantherlord/GreenAsia game controller
[*] Pantherlord force feedback support
<*> GreenAsia (Product ID 0x12) game controller support
[*] GreenAsia (Product ID 0x12) force feedback support
<*> SmartJoy PLUS PS2/USB adapter support
[*] SmartJoy PLUS PS2/USB adapter force feedback support
I'm not sure if my thinking is correct here, but I went through the config and changed any modular options to included, to avoid the need for additional files to be copied to the device.
7. Compile kernel:
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/root/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
This runs for a long time and will eventually produce a zImage file in the linux-sunxi/arch-arm-boot/ folder.
8. Get original boot.img from device.
To do this I booted into recovery mode and used the backup feature. This made a folder on my external SD card with boot.img and other archives. I then copied boot.img to the shared folder on my windows host.
9. Split original boot.img into zImage and ramdisk, replace zImage
Make a new folder in your home directory to keep this clean. Copy the original boot.img into this folder.
I downloaded and unzipped Adi_Pat's scripts from here. into the new folder.
The boot.img file will be unpacked with:
Your zImage will be in kernel/zImage
Your ramdisk will be in ramdisk folder (unpacked)
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I then deleted the zImage in the kernel folder and replaced it with the one compiled earlier from linux-sunxi/arch/arm/boot/. The ramdisk was left alone.
10. Modify script and repack boot.img
I'm aware that Adi_pat's script is for a different device, so I modified the pack_boot.sh script to suit the a10. Line 31 becomes:
./tools/mkbootimg --kernel kernel/zImage --ramdisk ramdisk.gz -o out/boot.img --base 0x40000000 --cmdline 'console=ttyS0,115200 tw init=/init loglevel=8' --pagesize 2048
This is based on searching and the the information given when running extract.sh. The updated script can now be executed:
A new boot.img is created at out/boot.img.
11. Put new boot.img onto device and flash.
I copied the new boot.img into my shared folder and then onto a SD card. Using a root file explorer on the device, move the boot.img file to the /sdcard directory. Open Novo7 tools and then go to the flash boot.img option.
12. Reboot device
When the device reboots, it hangs on the first Android logo, so clearly something has been done incorrectly. Fortunately I can recover to a working device from the backup in CWM recovery in just a few minutes.
Obviously I'm doing something wrong here, and would appreciate any pointers to get it working.
I have searched and read for days, so I am sorry if I have missed a thread that answers this for me.
Many thanks in advance.
lawgic said:
Hi all,
My aim has been to compile a kernel for an Allwinner a10 F1-LY tablet (pengpod 700) that features PS3 and other gamepad support. I can upgrade my ROM to Cyanogenmod 10 to achieve this but then the hard buttons and screen rotation stop working.
After days of searching, reading and testing, I feel like I am close but need help getting over the line. I am running a virtualbox installation of Xubuntu.
Once I have this running, I will contribute a guide with screenshots back to the community.
My steps:
0. My device is running this ROM, which is JB 4.1.1 with root and CWM 5.5 installed. The image is based on a Seby build, and modified by Magica.
1. Install virtualbox and then 32 bit Ubuntu 13.0.4. Make sure you have 3D acceleration enabled and a decent amount of RAM allocated or it will run incredibly slow.
2. Install guest additions and a shared folder with the windows host machine.
3. Install some packages for later use:
sudo apt-get install gedit git ncurses5 jre-default
4. Make a folder in the home directory to work from. Open a terminal in it and then install the kernal library:
git clone https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi linux-sunxi
cd linux-sunxi
git checkout sunxi-3.0
5. Install the cross compile tool chain.
Download http://www.codesourcery.com/sgpp/lite/arm/portal/package7853/public/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/arm-2010.09-50-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin
Install with:
sudo ./arm-2010.09-50-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin
6. Setup kernel config.
make ARCH=arm sun4i_crane_defconfig
make menuconfig ARCH=arm
The second line opens up a GUI for configuring the kernel, where I activated the following options using here as a guide::
--- Networking support <*>
Bluetooth subsystem support --->
<*> HIDP protocol support
Bluetooth device drivers --->
<*> HCI USB driver
[*] HID Devices --->
Special HID drivers --->
<*> Sony PS3 controller
<*> DragonRise Inc. game controller
[*] DragonRise Inc. force feedback
<*> Pantherlord/GreenAsia game controller
[*] Pantherlord force feedback support
<*> GreenAsia (Product ID 0x12) game controller support
[*] GreenAsia (Product ID 0x12) force feedback support
<*> SmartJoy PLUS PS2/USB adapter support
[*] SmartJoy PLUS PS2/USB adapter force feedback support
I'm not sure if my thinking is correct here, but I went through the config and changed any modular options to included, to avoid the need for additional files to be copied to the device.
7. Compile kernel:
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/root/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
This runs for a long time and will eventually produce a zImage file in the linux-sunxi/arch-arm-boot/ folder.
8. Get original boot.img from device.
To do this I booted into recovery mode and used the backup feature. This made a folder on my external SD card with boot.img and other archives. I then copied boot.img to the shared folder on my windows host.
9. Split original boot.img into zImage and ramdisk, replace zImage
Make a new folder in your home directory to keep this clean. Copy the original boot.img into this folder.
I downloaded and unzipped Adi_Pat's scripts from here. into the new folder.
The boot.img file will be unpacked with:
I then deleted the zImage in the kernel folder and replaced it with the one compiled earlier from linux-sunxi/arch/arm/boot/. The ramdisk was left alone.
10. Modify script and repack boot.img
I'm aware that Adi_pat's script is for a different device, so I modified the pack_boot.sh script to suit the a10. Line 31 becomes:
./tools/mkbootimg --kernel kernel/zImage --ramdisk ramdisk.gz -o out/boot.img --base 0x40000000 --cmdline 'console=ttyS0,115200 tw init=/init loglevel=8' --pagesize 2048
This is based on searching and the the information given when running extract.sh. The updated script can now be executed:
A new boot.img is created at out/boot.img.
11. Put new boot.img onto device and flash.
I copied the new boot.img into my shared folder and then onto a SD card. Using a root file explorer on the device, move the boot.img file to the /sdcard directory. Open Novo7 tools and then go to the flash boot.img option.
12. Reboot device
When the device reboots, it hangs on the first Android logo, so clearly something has been done incorrectly. Fortunately I can recover to a working device from the backup in CWM recovery in just a few minutes.
Obviously I'm doing something wrong here, and would appreciate any pointers to get it working.
I have searched and read for days, so I am sorry if I have missed a thread that answers this for me.
Many thanks in advance.
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I am heavily into the allwinner tablets and would like to get CM10 install. I ran into the same issue until I build kernel 3.0.8 but you MUST put the generated NAND.KO file into the ramdisk folder and edit the init.sun4i.rc file to load it before anything else...this should get rid of the issue. I have a serial port I added to my tablet so Its a bit easier to troubleshoot and edit uboot vars when needed. If you would like to collaborate let me know.i have a 95% working android build environment that works for my tablet, only the gsensor is inverted which is a simple fix.
Michael Pizzileo
I am working with a Polaroid Tablet (pmid10c) and have been attempting to build and install a newer kernel with no success. Any help/guidance would be great. I am currently working in this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=46685741#post46685741 please chime in with any advice you may have.

Help build kernel module for MiBox 1S

So long story short, I wanted to build the ftdi_sio.ko module for the linux kernel of android based MiBox 1S. I was able to build the module but once I run "insmod" via adb, the system crashes and reboots (I couldn't see any error message because of this). Please could anyone suggest how to find where the problem is or whether what I wanted to do is even possible?
The device is running system version 1.3.88 rooted by the Chinese 360 root app. Kernel version follows:
adb shell cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.10.33 ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.7.3 20130205 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-4.7-2013.02-01-20130221 - Linaro GCC 2013.02) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 16 00:38:26 CST 2015
As Xiaomi doesn't have kernel source release for MiBox (afaik), I went to look for the Amlogic kernel source for AML8726-MX (M6).
The closet kernel source I could find was from Stane1983's github repo amlogic-m6_m8. I'm using the earliest commit for 3.10.33 kernel version.
For the building of the kernel module, I pretty much followed a github document named 'Android-Build-Kernel-Modules-HOWTO.txt' by marco-pratesi. I downloaded the toolchain from the archive of linaro releases 13.02 which shows the same version of the android kernel above. I copied the .config from arch/arm/configs/meson6_deconfig and use 'make menuconfig' to add OTG_support and USB FTDI Single Port Serial Driver. Make the module by "make M=drivers/usb/serial/". And then adb push the generated ftdi_sio.ko file to /mnt/sdcard.
For loading the module, I run
adb shell
insmod /mnt/sdcard/ftdi_sio.ko
Then the box freezes for 10 seconds and reboots...
So my questions are:
1. Is there a way to find some logs of insmod to know what's gone wrong? As the system freezes and reboots, I can't use the dmesg method normally suggested, can I?
2. As the kernel source is from Amlogic, could it be that Xiaomi created their own kernel that is very different from this one to cause this problem?
3. Even if Xiaomi used exactly the same source code, as i'm using the meason6_defconfig file from the repo, it is likely to be different from the one Xiaomi was using. Would it matter for just building a module?
4. Is it possible to recover the config file from the prebuild kernel? I counld't find /proc/config.gz. And modprobe has error "can't open 'modules.dep': No such file or directory. "
5. What else I can try?
Sorry for the long post. I'm very new to this type of work and this forum as well. So any comments would be appreciated.

ArnoldTheBat r72 booting to blank screen on Acer Chromebook C720P

I am thinking of starting a new thread to solve the issue of ArnoldTheBat r72 booting to blank screen on Acer Chromebook C720P
oops I just did -
Building Chromium/Chrome OS r71 or r72 Kernel RFC
It seems the only way to tackle drivers issues is to build the Kernel.
So, trying to build a Chrome OS r72 Kernel to use on ATB r72 to address these drivers issues, particularly the inability to boot Acer Chromebook C720P -
As I have never done this before, I need some pointers as documentation for this is very sketchy on Google groups. RFC alesimula...
What I have available is Ubuntu Bionic, & necessary storage to build (over 100 GB) -
I also have a chromefied Nocturne then eve 73/swtpm.tar SSD (on top of ABT r72) with Bionic crouton with same over 100 GB storage available.
First steps to build Kernel
Build chrome os kernel and kernel modules
In a Chrome OS box (like Nocturne r71 with kernel 4.14) - install crouton Bionic
$ sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -r bionic -t xfce,xiwi,touch,extension,keyboard,cli-extra,chromium
after installation enter chroot
$ sudo enter-chroot
$ sudo apt-get install git-core make kernel-package bc nano
$ git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/kernel -b chromeos-4.14
TBC after download
adapted from https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton/wiki/Build-chrome-os-kernel-and-kernel-modules
Kernel download Chrome OS Kernel 4.14
After issuing the git clone command - I received some errors...
such as
error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-54): Error in the pull function.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed
& after several tries succeeded with the message:
remote: Sending approximately 2.11 GiB ...
remote: Counting objects: 24648, done
remote: Total 7215674 (delta 5927776), reused 7215674 (delta 5927776)
Receiving objects: 100% (7215674/7215674), 2.10 GiB | 1.59 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5927776/5927776), done.
Checking out files: 100% (62736/62736), done.
So now the next business after securing the source code is to compile the kernel adding the modules/drivers needed to resolve issues such as camera & graphics, etc.
Hopefully this info is in here too
I am using Acer Iconia W700 with chromefied nocturne on top of arnoldthebat r72...
crouton bionic with xfce4 is my chroot environment to compile the kernel...
I guess I need to dig in, get the proper commands, it should not be different from compiling other Kernels for Android, Ubuntu, Arch Linux...
What I know is that it takes time...
hopefully if I get drivers, it will be worth the effort
Extra refs to solve cloning issues
Compressed Chrome OS Kernel 4.14 using tar/xz is bleeming 2.4 GB!
$ tar cJvf kernel.tar.xz kernel
References for setting up configuration to build the Chrome OS kernel -
Building Chrome OS kernel 4.14
Putting it together - trial & improvement (PC of trial & error)
in bionic chroot
sudo enter-chroot
go to kernel source code (folder where cloned)
$ cd kernel
$ ls chromeos/scripts/
generate-its-script.sh kernelconfig prepareconfig README splitconfig update_smatch_whitelist
challenge - how to generate .config to build kernel - & what are the commands to build it - I know how to with Ubuntu & Arch Linux, even done it a few time for Android Jelly Bean...
scratch - here goes...
from bionic chroot - kernel folder source code kernel/
sh ./chromeos/scripts/prepareconfig chromeos-intel-pineview
sudo modprobe configs; zless /proc/config.gz
cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip > ~/Downloads/base.config
base.config contains all the current configuration of ATB v72 kernel. This file should replace the current file on path kernel/chromeos/config/base.config
Editing base.config - to get extra kernel modules
I use nano
cd ~/Downloads/
nano base.config
it starts like this:
# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
# Linux/x86_64 4.14.83 Kernel Configuration
First change is Apple backlight keyboard replacing where it says is not set by:
Improving Kernel 4.14.83 from ATB v72 Methodology
Extract base.config from FydeOS 5.3.1 (Chromium OS v70) & merge in its settings into base.config extracted from ATB Chromium OS v72...
Busy doing this, as I am not good at coding, so cannot devise an automated script, doing it manually is a long bummer
My comment in Telegram, frustration included -
Modifying kernel basic.config of ATB v72 to incorporate all settings/modules of FydeOS 5.31 (v70) is so tedious, it's a nightmare - I wish there was a way to automate this with a script that merges in FydeOS basic.config entries that are not present in ATB v72 - I am crap at coding & scripting, so doing it manually, it takes forever, & I keep making mistakes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: - as I am not sure what stops ATB v72 Acer C720P from booting, I have to include all missing settings in basic.config before building the kernel.
Chrome OS Kernel 4.14.96 built with extra modules for ATB v72
It does generate .config after all as usual for Linux kernels - got some issues from enter-chroot - had to do it from Ubuntu bionic proper with (from kernel source folder):
$ sh ./chromeos/scripts/prepareconfig chromeos-intel-pineview
$ make oldconfig
$ make -j4
Just now...
Finished compiling Chrome OS 4.14.96 for ATB v72 (which has Kernel 4.14.83), got vmlinux & modules - now need to find out how to deploy them on a Chrome OS installation...
After some struggle, managed to boot the new kernel as 4.14.96-09859-ga5c3f2f0428a-dirty
installed extra modules
by doing in crosh shell (not chroot)
in kernel compiled source code folder:
$ sudo make modules_install
it creates a new folder /lib/modules/4.14.96-09859-ga5c3f2f0428a-dirty
to get the kernel I just overwrite vmlinuz.A in /dev/sdb12 by kernel/arch/x86/boot/bzImage
(backup vmlinuz.A as vmlinuz.C)
to get to this:
$ mkdir efi
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb12 efi
$ cd efi
$ cd syslinux
$ sudo cp vmlinuz.A vmlinuz.C
$ sudo cp bzImage vmlinuz.A
It boots great on Acer Iconia W700 & MacBook Air mid-2011
the joke is despite modules still no WiFi & no trackpad for MacBook Air
other joke does not boot Acer Chromebook C720P
well at least I tinkered with building this darn Chrome OS kernel - not much documentation on it (apart from how to do this in arm architecture)
Linux localhost 4.14.96-09859-ga5c3f2f0428a-dirty #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 13 08:04:55 GMT 2019 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2365M CPU @ 1.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
As I do not know how to proceed from this due to lack of Google documentation - I will stop.
I think to get it working, I need to install Chromium OS from scratch, but documentation is unclear, & arnoldthebat has no instructions on how to do this.
So I am starting an effort to build a full Chromium OS from scratch - as
the best way to learn is to share know how.
New thread - https://forum.xda-developers.com/hardware-hacking/chromebooks/chromium-os-building-t3900245
Chromium OS building effort here -
Rebuilding Chromium OS kernel - a little extra...
Small improvement - removing dirty label from kernel name -
in scripts/setlocalversion # comment out:
if git diff-index --name-only HEAD | grep -qv "^scripts/package"; then
printf '%s' -dirty
will rebuild it again to see if this helps for deployment
Rebuilt successfully - works OK on Acer Iconia W700, including camera & camera migration...
Notes -
in chroot
sudo enter-chroot
in kernel/
sudo make modules_install
sudo make install
outside chroot
in kernel/
sudo mkdir /boot
sudo make modules_install
sudo make install
in ~/Downloads
sudo mount /dev/sdb12 efi
sudo cp efi/syslinux/vmlinuz.A efi/syslinux/vmlinuz.A.83
sudo cp kernel/arch/x86/boot/bzImage efi/syslinux/vmlinuz.A
& for backup
sudo cp efi/syslinux/vmlinuz.A efi/syslinux/vmlinuz.A .96
I think this wraps it up - sadly still not booting Acer CB C720P
Linux localhost 4.14.96-09859-ga5c3f2f0428a #4 SMP PREEMPT Sun Feb 17 11:02:41 GMT 2019 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2365M CPU @ 1.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
Not exactly... always something
Installing Chrome OS Kernel removes crostini, wonder why that is...
solution might be flags - as new kernel, some flags might have been lost
will check
crostini already there - must be some settings lost with new kernel, or dependencies unmet
NB - all previous commands presuppose you have r/w privilege as root, i.e. issue:
$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /
$ sudo mount -o remount,exec /mnt/stateful_partition
Note - my gripe after all this is that drivers I needed do not seem to load, or I did not select the proper entries in base.config / .config
What's the point of building a kernel if modules cannot be loaded
Google Chrome OS is well protected, & Chromium OS does not seem to bypass kernel protection.
nabil2000 said:
Extract base.config from FydeOS 5.3.1 (Chromium OS v70) & merge in its settings into base.config extracted from ATB Chromium OS v72...
Busy doing this, as I am not good at coding, so cannot devise an automated script, doing it manually is a long bummer
My comment in Telegram, frustration included -
Modifying kernel basic.config of ATB v72 to incorporate all settings/modules of FydeOS 5.31 (v70) is so tedious, it's a nightmare - I wish there was a way to automate this with a script that merges in FydeOS basic.config entries that are not present in ATB v72 - I am crap at coding & scripting, so doing it manually, it takes forever, & I keep making mistakes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: - as I am not sure what stops ATB v72 Acer C720P from booting, I have to include all missing settings in basic.config before building the kernel.
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hi, how did you extracted fydeos base.config ? if possible, can you provide me with a dropbox link to fydeos 5.3.1 base.config. Thanks
improving kernel 4.14.96
Hello2Clans said:
hi, how did you extracted fydeos base.config ? if possible, can you provide me with a dropbox link to fydeos 5.3.1 base.config. Thanks
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Here is the dropbox link
it has the FydeOS 5.3.1 base config I extracted & your ATB v72 which I merged Fydeos 5.3.1 entries into - it updates to 4.14.96 from your 4.14.83 (replace z.config by .config)
It does compile a kernel OK - I did this manually, still learning how to do it signed. As I said details in my XDA thread.
I added all LCD panels modules, maybe it will finally allow to boot Chromebook C720P to GUI.
Oddly, I lose crostini, maybe unsigned kernels do that.
Linux localhost 4.14.96-09859-ga5c3f2f0428a #4 SMP PREEMPT Sun Feb 17 11:02:41 GMT 2019 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2365M CPU @ 1.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
You are welcome to improve on it - it builds, but modules I thought added did not work on MacBook Air nor graphics of Acer CB C720P
Hello2Clans said:
hi, how did you extracted fydeos base.config ? if possible, can you provide me with a dropbox link to fydeos 5.3.1 base.config. Thanks
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I show how to do it in a previous post - but you need to be in a running FydeOS box, same with ATB.
sudo modprobe configs; zless /proc/config.gz
cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip > ~/Downloads/base.config
.config for Acer CB C720P
Still no luck with Acer Chromebook C720P - tried several changes to .config with make menuconfig & manually - boots to a blank screen still
Fydeos 5.3.1 does not have this problem.
Also tried just the .config of FydeOS on its own, & strangely no luck - there must be something else -
will now try this
# Display Panels
scratch - learning about kernel blobs /dev/sdx2 & /dev/sdx4
Just building the kernel & forcing in vmlinuz.A in /dev/sdx12 syslinux using bzImage (& modules in /lib/modules)
is apparently not enough...
It seems I also need to generate a new blob for the kernel which is /dev/sdx2
From documentation -
we have
Kernel Root
pair A /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3
pair B /dev/sda4 /dev/sda5
in my case (as installed to usb)
Kernel Root
pair A /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdb3
pair B /dev/sdb4 /dev/sdb5
Some pointers here:
Major learning curve for me here...
what I need to do is upgrade the Arnoldthebat kernel blob KERN-A (4.14.83) with a new one for the new kernel (4.14.96).
I would appreciate if someone knew how to do this - that might be the cause issue of losing crostini when loading the new 4.14.96 instead of the original ATB.v72 4.14.83 one.
Share knowledge if you know how to do this, thanks.
Cooking -
I just flashed FydeOS 5.3.1 ROOT-A /dev/sdx2 blob which is 16MB over ATB v72 ROOT-A /dev/sdx2 blob which is 64MB & it booted, might be the solution I was looking for...
FydeOS (v70) is more compatible than ATB (v72) for many things. If the blob is involved, then it could be good news, easier than producing a new blob from scratch (don't know how either).
If so, working on blobs is an addition to-do list for hacking Chrome OS.
Hello. I am really glad someone is trying to build and install a custom kernel for ChromiumOS, as it will help fix *many* compatibility issues as well as it will make possible to add support for some hardware and features (for instance, audio over Bluetooth doesn't work as of now because the support library needed for BlueZ isn't included).
My computer isn't working properly and I don't have much space to build the kernel by my own, but I can help with testing and research. If you could share the binaries online (maybe a Git with releases?), this would be great.
What I have found and read about kernel on ChromiumOS so far:
1. Official documentation, it explains about the partition pairs:
2. More info (I think you have it already) but I think it is outdated as "console=tty1" doesn't work anymore (ChromiumOS now uses Frecon):
3. This is a nice repo, it explains a lot, specially about kernel modules (drivers):
From what I have used and tested, you can use GRIB to either boot from the vmlinuz.A/B image or use the partition with the kernel, using the partition is much complicated as you found out because it would need some blobs/keys.
lfom said:
Hello. I am really glad someone is trying to build and install a custom kernel for ChromiumOS, as it will help fix *many* compatibility issues as well as it will make possible to add support for some hardware and features (for instance, audio over Bluetooth doesn't work as of now because the support library needed for BlueZ isn't included).
My computer isn't working properly and I don't have much space to build the kernel by my own, but I can help with testing and research. If you could share the binaries online (maybe a Git with releases?), this would be great.
What I have found and read about kernel on ChromiumOS so far:
1. Official documentation, it explains about the partition pairs:
2. More info (I think you have it already) but I think it is outdated as "console=tty1" doesn't work anymore (ChromiumOS now uses Frecon):
3. This is a nice repo, it explains a lot, specially about kernel modules (drivers):
From what I have used and tested, you can use GRIB to either boot from the vmlinuz.A/B image or use the partition with the kernel, using the partition is much complicated as you found out because it would need some blobs/keys.
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Thanks for the resources, I am getting old, so rather hard to learn & deal with new stuff - tinkering OSes & software is a hobby for me, but I usually do test stuff, not create - I had nice experience with Hackintosh, before I owned my own Macbook Air, still use it from USB's & PC when needed.
So far, I find out blob does not improve matters, it just gets used, like above blob from ATB or FydeOS does same thing.
The way I started in this was just to get Acer Chromebook C720P to load Android, chromefy carried on better than where I started.
The most successful outcome for me is Acer Iconia W700 which works with eve 73 (leaked on Telegram)...
I have the resources to build the kernel - but it is not doing what I want, like booting ATB v72 in Acer CB C720P - it i not vital, C720P works well with FydeOS & cyan or eve 71, just a challenge - why is ATB v72 not booting properly - i's a graphics VESA or LVDS bios issue I believe (C720P board uses LVDS for graphics), but where does it get loaded, I believe it's before loading modules...
FydeOS 5.31 boots to a black screen on my Miix320 but I have to wait until it loads everything then I must hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 then go back to main screen and then it works properly thereafter. Is your Acer the one bellow? Maybe it's related?
By the other hand, I cannot enable clicking for the detachable touchpad (+keyboard), what is almost a dealbreaker... Neither it goes to tablet mode when I detach it from the keyboard (not a big deal).
By the other hand, it boots correctly on a ThinkPad 8 tablet, but if freezes after a few seconds unless I use acpi=off or noacpi as kernel parameters, what makes it usesless since it only detects USB hardware.
From the text I linked it seems that the extra data added to the kernel before flashing it to a disk partition is both its signature and kernel paramenters, so you may want to check if there is any special paramenter needed for the kernel to boot correctly on your C720P.
FydeOS base upgrading kernel from 4.14.67 to 4.14.96
Kernel 4.14.96 upgrade progress -
I allowed
in .config
& this allowed me to update a chromefied FydeOS with eve/caroline 71 to eve 73 dev by using chromefy2!
this in turn allowed me to use an edimax Wifi USB dongle in MacBook Air -
the onboard WiFi still not loading, no trackpad but still progress :relaxed:
so modules do get loaded unlike my concern, it's just a matter to identify the proper entry in .config to load them when compiling the kernel...
now what are the proper entries for internal WiFi & trackpad?
Extra - Icing on the cake -
FydeOS 5.3.1 with eve dev 73 - putting the correct files in place allows to load kernel 4.14.83 & its modules to get crostini -
of course loading FydeOS kernel which is 4.14.67 stops Android 9.
This amended chromefy.sh script might help with MacBooks for trackpad & WiFi.
*** Important note ***
To install the kernel modules in the Chrome OS box, you need to install Chromebrew to have access to the necessary commands -
$ curl -Ls http://git.io/vddgY | bash
In kernel source code folder:
$ sudo make modules_install
then copy bzImage over vmlinuz.A (after backing up the original)
I am planning to release an archive with kernels & modules including the one I built, it will be
vmlinuz.A.67(4.14.67); vmlinuz.A.83 (4.14.83); vmlinuz.A.96 (4.14.96); & corresponding /lib/modules folder
FydeOS 5.3.1 - ATB v72 - my built kernel
Notes -
Kernel 4.14.96 upgrade progress - I allowed CONFIG_TCG_VTPM_PROXY=m so this allowed me to update a chromefied FydeOS to eve 73 dev by using chromefy2! this in turn allowed me to use an edimax Wifi USB dongle in MacBook Air - the onboard WiFi still not loading, no trackpad but still progress :relaxed:
Icing on the cake - FydeOS 5.3.1 with eve dev 73 - putting the correct files in place allows to load kernel 4.14.83 & its modules to get crostini - of course loading FydeOS kernel which is 4.14.67 stops Android 9.
Cool progress - I managed to boot to the GUI of Acer CB C720P with eve dev v73 - still need to iron out something, but could get into guest mode, & to linux prompt - this is great :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: this is using kernel 4.14.83 on top of FydeOS 5.3.1
Finally managed to log into my google account in Acer CB C720P- next hurdle, will Android 9 work? - crostini back in the menu -
hurdle - despite changing vmlinuz.A to 4.14.83 or 4.14.96 - it still only loads FydeOS 4.14.67
I learnt something new, which means I need to learn more -
when you boot to a real chromebook from usb or internal, it will look for the kernel in the blob KERN-A /dev/sdx2, & will not use the vmlinuz.A in /dev/sdx12 -
so with FydeOS stuck with kernel 4.14.67 -
if I boot from other laptop, blob is not used, vmlinuz.A instead -
so I need to produce new KERN-A /dev/sdx2 blob for new kernel,
FydeOS blob is 16MB, ATB v72 blob is 64MB,
so to flash I need to play with partitions, tricky, & did not work...
still didn't figure out how to make a new blob for a new kernel...
RFC - how to produce a blob for loading a new kernel?
RFC - how to produce a blob for loading a new kernel?
If there is a way to find out how to produce a blob of an updated kernel for a genuine vanilla chromebook such as Acer Chromebook C720P - I will post it here...
Google open source documentation is very confusing about this - it might also be generated when setting up a Chromium OS from scratch (my thread on this is halted for now, but I have all the setup foundation to build)...
What I gather is that vmlinuz.A is the kernel, but for chromebooks, the kernel is also contained in the blob which is in partition /dev/sdx2 labelled KERN-A -
so I need to produce an image kern-a.bin which I then flash to /dev/sdx2 - with FydeOS 5.3.1 the KERN-A blob contains Kernel 4.14.67, with ATB v72 Kernel 4.14.83...
the dilemma is that KERN-A size for FydeOS 5.3.1 is 16 MB & for ATB v72 it is 64MB, so I cannot flash the latter onto the former.
I need to find out how to create a 64MB image for KERN-A from a given kernel, such as ATB v72 or my compiled one which is 4.14.96 -
Anyone who has a clue, & better has the correct instructions to do so, please help...
Actually, you don't need to: you can use the compressed image with GRUB2, and it will boot using your system and state (data) partition.
lfom said:
Actually, you don't need to: you can use the compressed image with GRUB2, and it will boot using your system and state (data) partition.
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Using a modified FydeOS 5.3.1 as base, no matter I change the kernel, it boots its own 4.14.67 kernel on Acer CB C720P - however using non chromebook devices such as macbook, allow me to boot vmlinuz.A & its associated /lib/modules/...
Care to share how to use grub2 to override the above?

