google maps and battery drain while not in use - AT&T LG Optimus G

after the maps update a couple months ago I noticed it keeping my phone awake with partial wake-locks and firing up GPS, wifi, and wireless location services while my phone is asleep. I have location services set to *not* collect anonymous location data so I'm puzzled why it's doing this. anyone else notice this? any solutions?

Go to maps press menu settings location and look at this:
Make sure it is all off.
Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2

Also, go to Settings, General, Location services, and UnCheck Google's location service and Location & Google search. I do allow GPS satellites though. I fully charged my phone (lgog) and unplugged it before going to sleep, this morning when I woke up, battery was at 98%. I am running nottach's base ROM 0.7.3 with fast dormancy disabled.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

Oh yeah, been there, done that. Back in the day the forced latitude stuff was killer....
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app

I've just turned off the wireless networks one so only gps is enabled. I'll see if that makes a difference. Just knowing you guys aren't having problems is very helpful. Thanks.
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app

Also, if you added Google Now, go turn that off in settings. That app polls location, weather, news, etc. I lost as average of 45min to 1 hour on my Galaxy Nexus and the only change was GNow
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2

robstunner said:
Go to maps press menu settings location and look at this:
Make sure it is all off.
Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
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I'm missing something simple. I don't get those options when I'm in maps and go settings-location settings. I get a white screen with a map saying I haven't turned on latitude/location sharing. Do I not get your black menu because i don't have it enabled? Is not sharing the same as sharing and then turning everything off?


My battery is draining fast?

Hey guys for some reason my battery is being hammered, I've got trillian running cus I like to be signed in all times but I'm using battery saver mode and push to email
I have launcher pro widgets on half hour refresh I've amended that to 1hr and plume every half hour.
Screen is on automatic and im using gmail for email
At work I had 98% didn't use it % (in my pocket) 2 hours later I'm on 69%?
Is it trillian hammering me? I used to love being signed in all the time on blackberry so would like a similar solution
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
check the battery saving mode under the settings on trillian.
I think there were some apps that were running. You can go tothe navigation: setting/application/battery use to see them. The another way, you try factory data to clean everything which you installed.
In the other hand, new battery is unstable. It needs about 2 weeks
Good luck
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Look at your battery stats.. Sounds like something is keeping the phone awake.
As a general rule the phone should only very rarely be "awake" when the screen is off.. If it's on alot then start trying to troubleshoot the various apps.. Although trillian is definitely where i would start.
Yeah id say it be trillian, its a battery drainer program as its uses constant internet connection
I'm still calibrating my battery (it's been on 0% for half an hour and it's still hanging on for dear life with the screen on constantly!) but I have trillion so I'll check it out on next charge
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
If you are out and about turn off WiFi, it's a battery drainer.
Turned trillian off, still losing battery
Says android system 95%
Wifi off
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Mine says android system 93% :-/
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Its only lasting a few hours lol well about 8 without use
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App

Auto-switch between wifi and 3g

Does your connection auto-switch between wifi and 3g?
I was out earlier and the wifi was still locked onto to my home network yet I was no where near home. I wasn't able to browse etc as there was obviously no connectivity. I would have expected it to switch over to 3g or H.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Switches back and forth for me. No issues incountered.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Anything I might be doing wrong? Or settings that may need tweaking?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Could it be down to the fact that I have gps turned off so phone cannot track position? Do you leave this on permanently and if so what's the battery drain like with it on?
Let's get some response on this please. I would like to determine if I have a faulty device and whether I need to start arranging a return.
I have GPS on, but it doesn't use any battery unless an app tries to use it. But I don't think this has anything to do with your issue. There aren't any settings that I've changed. Try a reboot.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Y5 Saver
There's a very good app called Y5 Saver - which autoturns your wifi on/off depending whether your in the proximity of the wifi router (uses network triangulation).
Only issue is that it seems to override 'airplane mode'.


So i downloaded [email protected] battery monitor app. . Googles services had 406 wakelocks ... Is this normal??? My battery is crap on just 4g (even disabling mobile data on occasion). I get from 8am when i take the charger off till about 3pm. (maybe surf web for 10 mi.utes send a few texts, mostly the screen is off). See below... Is g services the culprit? I dont use gps either or anything for location
What app is that?
100% stock. 21 hours unplugged time and 5 hours 4 minutes screen on time. Just because they are "wakelocks" doesn't mean they are keeping your device awake. It means that they are able to. Only 35kb was sent and your device was only kept awake 69 times. That isn't much. I mean damn man, TOTAL awake time according to your screenshot is under 2 minutes lol. That isn't even denting your battery. The culprit is elsewhere.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
whats the name of this app?
I have the same app. Android services is at top for me and it says its using the gyroscope and light? Motion settings are off and my on screen time is only at 1h30min. What's up with this because its killing my battery.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
tried this on my Acer and Google services was contacts sync? has over 900 wake locks . also maps was a big offender! hmm....
Sent from my Acer Iconia A500
cmjkxa said:
I have the same app. Android services is at top for me and it says its using the gyroscope and light? Motion settings are off and my on screen time is only at 1h30min. What's up with this because its killing my battery.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Light is referring to the sensor. The ambient light sensor. The gyroscope and such are used for location data and screen orientation. Screen orientation is seperate from motion controls, so check and see if it's still active.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Yeah i dunno... It all the.sudden appeared when i put a contact widget on my.screen but i mean i took that.screenshot shortly after. I just notice battery dying a lot. I tjought powerAMP and widgetlocker were issues too.. Going to monitor
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
Its called Badass battery
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
Hey err0x what do u recommend checking? The minutes each app keeps awake or is there a better way?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
Err0xx said:
Light is referring to the sensor. The ambient light sensor. The gyroscope and such are used for location data and screen orientation. Screen orientation is seperate from motion controls, so check and see if it's still active.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Alright. So I turned off auto brightness and set if at medium. As for the gyroscope, screen rotation is locked and has been. Its clocked in at two hours now which is right on par with on screen time. Is this because i keep GPS on because i thought it was only used when needed. Also in the location settings under Gps there's another setting to use motion sensing indoors that will improve battery life should that be checked because i have that unchecked
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Here is another pic
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
Ugh now it won't let upload pics. Anyway i found the apps that use the sensor the most. Words with friends came out on top as well as the gallery. The gallery i understand because when you tilt your phone so does the UI but i don't use it for three hours. Also, since when does Wwf need the gyroscope ? I think I'm going to have to delete Wwf and see how that goes. What do you think about the gallery constantly using the sensor? Glitch?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium

Check your Task Manager....

What do you see running that you don't think should be?
- Google +: I don't use google plus nor did I set it up.
- Maps: After I killed returns. After I returns.
RedWingsFan said:
What do you see running that you don't think should be?
- Google +: I don't use google plus nor did I set it up.
- Maps: After I killed returns. After I returns.
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ive noticed that my last three phone (gnex, s2, E3d) all had maps going 24/7.. same as you i would kill it and it would pop back up..
I think the Maps service runs a bunch of the Google behind the scenes functionality and it is best just to let it be.
I use G+ but maybe you can disable it in the Apps section.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
I don't leave nothing on other than Badass battery monitor and screebl
Sent from my EVO using XDA
Eric1985 said:
I don't leave nothing on other than Badass battery monitor and screebl
Sent from my EVO using XDA
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Screebl is a fantastic app!
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
There is definately a lot more running on this phone than my 3d ever had running rooted and stock.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
maps run as it downloads very sippy slowly map data around your location, including updates, and always keeps a tab on your location, for things like traffic data, movement speeds, etc, always.
its in the eula

Location issues

Anybody else having issues getting location? Maps and other apps aren't getting location. I can get GPS now and then but only in the very open. Seems like I can't get agps or network location.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
I get a GPS lock in my living room within 5 seconds. No issues at all getting location.
Hmmm wonder why I'm having issues then
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
I had location nailed down before the map loaded <2-3 seconds. I am also on WiFi at my parents house.
Under settings>location I have all the boxes checked.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
Wizend said:
Under settings>location I have all the boxes checked.
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I was having lots of problems until I discovered the bottom box was unchecked. Check them all.
I have them all checked, ill try uncheck and re-check
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
Have you reboot the phone today?
So I unchecked all 3, rebooted and then checked them all. All looks good now.
Thanks guys!!
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
I can't get the weather to find my location I think I have a bad GPS chip I've tried resetting and everything but if I go to Verizon to switch it out I hope they don't try to get rid of my unlimited data
fireguy0306 said:
So I unchecked all 3, rebooted and then checked them all. All looks good now.
Thanks guys!!
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
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I did something similar and all of a sudden after a reboot it asked for permissions to use my Google account. After that everything has been working peachy.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
My question is why is this the only phone where you can't turn off the gps its always running and no line goes through it
cruckus said:
My question is why is this the only phone where you can't turn off the gps its always running and no line goes through it
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If you mean the icon next to your 4g icon, that isn't the GPS icon. That reticle stays there and does nothing.
GPS failing during Strava
When I start a Strava OR Endomondo cycling tracking the GPS seems to stop tracking during the ride. If I wake the phone to read a text or something it seems to come back. Is it possible it is being put to sleep by OS or Sense even though the app is still asking for data through the API? Otherwise it locks quickly and works as intended.

