Resurrection Remix 3.1.3 seems to cause lockups on my S2 - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Not sure where to report this kind of thing but I seem to be getting frequent lockups on my S2 with the Resurrection Remix 3.1.3 that I wasn't getting with the previous 3.1.2.

abc.mikey said:
Not sure where to report this kind of thing but I seem to be getting frequent lockups on my S2 with the Resurrection Remix 3.1.3 that I wasn't getting with the previous 3.1.2.
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You mean freezes and/or fc's? You actually have to ask in the RR-thread, but I understand you only have posted 8 posts for now.
Remember RR 3.1.3 is still very new and under development, and isn't as stable as 3.1.2 is. If you want more stability, flash the 3.1.2-version.
And did you flash it with a full wipe? It's a must.
Sent from the Matrix

abc.mikey said:
Not sure where to report this kind of thing but I seem to be getting frequent lockups on my S2 with the Resurrection Remix 3.1.3 that I wasn't getting with the previous 3.1.2.
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The normal procedure would be to first read through the posts on the roms dev thread and see if others have had same issue and what (if any) solution is. if you dont see any comments then make one of your own explaining issue (You wont be able to do this until you have 10 posts).
Before leaving any replies on topic you should try doing a wipe/factory reset in recovery then boot to system see if you have same issues. Its advised to wipe recovery before each rom flash (Unless you have stock kernel, If you have stock rom/kernel you need to flash custom kernel before wiping. You can mostly ignore wiping if you are updating to new version of same rom however its still advised as somtimes can lead to issues.
You dont need to worry about apps/appdata and sms etc as you can easily backup them with Titanimum Backup Pro and SMS Backup etc. Get pro version of TB as you can batch backup/restore app/appdata in one go.

Donnie Sins said:
You mean freezes and/or fc's? You actually have to ask in the RR-thread, but I understand you only have posted 8 posts for now.
Remember RR 3.1.3 is still very new and under development, and isn't as stable as 3.1.2 is. If you want more stability, flash the 3.1.2-version.
And did you flash it with a full wipe? It's a must.
Sent from the Matrix
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Thanks for the replies!
It freezes as in apps start becoming more and more unresponsive, sound if playing starts to stutter more and more until it ceases playing at all and phone us completely unresponsive except to a long hold if the power button. Sorry but I don't know what FC is.
I upgraded because the notifier informed me that there was a new ROM; I see now that it's a good idea to wait a bit now. I've downgraded to 3.1.2 which I've been very impressed with the responsiveness and stability of.
My first attempt at installing 3.1.3 was an attempt at an upgrade but didn't work very well as I think I followed the wrong procedure. But the issues I was having were with a wipe and reinstall following all the steps in the manual plus an undocumented one to install the keyboard patch for the S2 to make the keyboard work at all.
TheATHEiST ok will try reporting there next time, hopefully my post count will allow it by that time

TheATHEiST said:
The normal procedure would be to first read through the posts on the roms dev thread and see if others have had same issue and what (if any) solution is. if you dont see any comments then make one of your own explaining issue (You wont be able to do this until you have 10 posts).
Before leaving any replies on topic you should try doing a wipe/factory reset in recovery then boot to system see if you have same issues. Its advised to wipe recovery before each rom flash (Unless you have stock kernel, If you have stock rom/kernel you need to flash custom kernel before wiping. You can mostly ignore wiping if you are updating to new version of same rom however its still advised as somtimes can lead to issues.
You dont need to worry about apps/appdata and sms etc as you can easily backup them with Titanimum Backup Pro and SMS Backup etc. Get pro version of TB as you can batch backup/restore app/appdata in one go.
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I can confirm that I have followed all the procedures (flashed at least 20 differet roms by now) and can also confirm that I have been facing a laggard and slow responsiveness throught out the rom, with couple of FCs and lockups as well. At least thrice I had to force reboot. Also I have done an extensive search and the only thread I could see on the similar issue was this.
I am posting here because of same reason as OP as I have a low post count but I have been following xda for over 2 years now.
I know the obvious answer is to downgrade to 3.1.2 or not install RR at all. This is "just reporting", you know!

Hey, I am also experiencing the same thing as the OP and 7mojo. My S2 would randomly freeze and the only way to get it working is a hard reboot. It happens randomly but quite often, I would say atleast 3 times a day. I have done a full wipe and re-install but no luck. Like 7mojo said, I too have searched the web and the only thing relating to this issue is this thread. Anyone else having this problem? any solutions? I hope there is an update soon.

Nevethen5 said:
Hey, I am also experiencing the same thing as the OP and 7mojo. My S2 would randomly freeze and the only way to get it working is a hard reboot. It happens randomly but quite often, I would say atleast 3 times a day. I have done a full wipe and re-install but no luck. Like 7mojo said, I too have searched the web and the only thing relating to this issue is this thread. Anyone else having this problem? any solutions? I hope there is an update soon.
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I've had similar problems.. am guessing its due to bugs in the unstable rom. Will have to wait for the dev to release an update. For the time being, better stick with 3.1.2.
As for me, I switched to JellyBAM. And then to CM10.1. And then to Omega.
"To err is human, to forgive is divine"
Sent from my SGS II


[Q] Cyanogenmod 7.1 Galaxy SII?

I can't seem to find a stable release, yet a lot of youtube videos show people using it?
I've tried the nightly versions and for some reason it just hangs at the samsung load screen.
Anyone know what's happening with it? are we waiting on CM9+ICS instead of CM 7.1 now?
richfreestone said:
I can't seem to find a stable release, yet a lot of youtube videos show people using it?
I've tried the nightly versions and for some reason it just hangs at the samsung load screen.
Anyone know what's happening with it? are we waiting on CM9+ICS instead of CM 7.1 now?
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I've installed a couple of the nightlies and not had major issues. There were indeed bugs, which made me move on to other ROMs (among other reasons, including the fact that my old HD2 had CM7 and it got a bit old).
As far as my experience goes, the nightlies have been quite stable. As mentioned, there were bugs here and there, and a force close from time to time. But I didn't have the problem you've mentioned with hanging at install.
They did take a while to load the first time, longer than I remember was the case on my HD2. Did you wait long enough? Delvic/cache cleared?
EDIT: I also found a CM9 around New Years, but it wasn't as stable and had charging issues. But I think it's out and the waiting's over, really.
EDIT AGAIN: The other option would be to try out the official ICS release, which can be found at That's my plan for the weekend.
like the previous...Sounds like your flashing over existing roms without wiping everything first...From recovery mode after backing up, the best way I find is to wipe data/clear cache and wipe dalvic cache from advanced menu before flashing any roms...that way your starting with a clean slate and will be less conflictions from old to new.
for me CM7.1 not stable
I'm waiting a stable CM9 its promising
If you follow the instructions on how to install it, it's stable for everyone. I'm using it for many many months now, and it's stable.
If you're coming from other ROM's, make sure you do a FULL wipe, and flash the rom TWICE in a row, without rebooting recovery.
And yes, we're waiting for CM9. CM7 is not supported anymore for SGSII.
I cleared the data, the cache, went into advanced and cleared the dalvik cache.
Installed the nightly, which I thought was trange was only 100mb, normally ROM's are like 300mb.
I'll try flashing the ROM twice as TheSaw has said. However, after seeing that CM7 isn't supported, I may think twice, i'm just getting bored of the stock.
Might also be worth noting, i'm using [email protected] #k2-18 kernel.
Also, by the way Sean is here, did you know you've got a USA flag in your mini profile under your username? will the official release be a odin flash? or can I just use a .zip through CWM to flash it? and would I still be able to use the speedmod kernel with ICS?
Always working for me and thousands of others .
Usual story is wrong install .
I managed to get this working, by installing the ROM once, and then installing it again straight after.
I was just wondering, is there a way to move the lock screen lock down to the bottom of the screen, i.e. above the unlock and camera buttons? and is there a way to change the clock?

[Q] CM9 Battery Problem

I have a the same issue every time i flash new nightly build CM9 rom.
Every time I flash/update CM9 the battery charge so slow and overheat the SGS2 also thy battery drains so so fast.
it takes one or two days then it will become normal (i don't know how) but when i flash the new nightly build i have the same issue.. i don't know what is the matter.
I believe it's a common problem and already be solved
Please inform me if anyone know how to solve this.
thank you
Please don't double post word for word in two different threads. Be patient & wait for someone to answer you in the CM9 discussion thread.
Having said that, I'm not sure there is anything you can do about this. I remember this used to happen to me using Galnet Miui & early builds of GB Siyah. It would heat up (a lot: particularly when charging) for the first few days after a flash then settle.
You could always do a completely clean install of CM9 - either do a wipe/factory reset or go the whole hog & format cache, data, system, & sd card then do the noob-proof install by flashing Resurrection edition via Odin & see if that helps. Rather than restoring your apps/data, you could also do a clean install of these as well.
Or you could always live with the phone overheating a bit for two days after you flash a build ;-)

[Q] Phone Constantly Crashing

I'm on my 2nd S3 now. First one suffered from the "sudden death syndrome".
My 2nd S3 has been perfectly fine bar the odd lock up. It's rooted and flashed with Supernexus by Faryab on v4.2.2
It has been freezing a lot lately, maybe 3 or 4 times a day but over the past few hours, it's now locked up approximately 20-30 times and I have to keep the power button pressed to reboot it. I've uninstalled any apps I have installed over the past few days. Booted into recovery and cleared cache and davlik cache (it's now saying Android is Upgrading upon every reboot). I can't even get time to backup my apps using Titanium Backup without it crashing.
What is going on anybody? Any help is much appreciated.
Try having a read of the freezing thread over in general.
boomboomer said:
Try having a read of the freezing thread over in general.
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Thanks. It appears my full microSD card was causing the problem. Cleared a few movies off it last night and it's not crashed since. Fingers crossed!
5aq1b said:
Thanks. It appears my full microSD card was causing the problem. Cleared a few movies off it last night and it's not crashed since. Fingers crossed!
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I guess i spoke too soon. More crashes again today
Did you do a full wipe including system format before installing the ROM? . It may be a data problem. Don't forget that 4.2.2 is also a beta firmware mate and not official like 4.1.2 so these things can happen. Also there are no custom kernels to flash to try and see if it's kernel based either.
cooza said:
Did you do a full wipe including system format before installing the ROM? . It may be a data problem. Don't forget that 4.2.2 is also a beta firmware mate and not official like 4.1.2 so these things can happen. Also there are no custom kernels to flash to try and see if it's kernel based either.
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Hey, yeah I did a full wipe including system format before I installed the new ROM. I've had this ROM for probably 3 months now and haven't had any problems with it up until the last few weeks. Infact 4.1.2 was killing my battery in a matter of hours. 4.2.2 ROM made me love my phone again as it fixed my battery woes!
This is so frustrating...
4.2.2 being a beta version can do this but re-installing can sometimes cure it though. Changing the kernel in 4.1.2 can give you better battery if you play around with a few and if course is more stable being an official release too. You can also try a different 4.2.2 ROM. They aren't all the same.
Thanks for the reply. Im not too comfortable/confident in changing kernels due to my lack of knowledge on them!
I do however like Faryabs ROMS as I like the original Android flavoured ROMS.
Will try a reinstall!
Same Problem
5aq1b said:
Thanks for the reply. Im not too comfortable/confident in changing kernels due to my lack of knowledge on them!
I do however like Faryabs ROMS as I like the original Android flavoured ROMS.
Will try a reinstall!
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I have the exact same issue, I was running Faryaabs rom version M1, Android 4.2.2. And a couple of days ago, I noticed it started freezing, and I have to reboot with power button. Now I installed the leaked Touchwiz 4.2.2. but the freezing remains and it has started to be worse. As you mention, 20-30 times a day. I have noticed though, when I shutt of internet, both wifi and 3/4G I get less crashes. Have you noticed the same?
If you find a solution, please inform me to.
Niko_v said:
I have the exact same issue, I was running Faryaabs rom version M1, Android 4.2.2. And a couple of days ago, I noticed it started freezing, and I have to reboot with power button. Now I installed the leaked Touchwiz 4.2.2. but the freezing remains and it has started to be worse. As you mention, 20-30 times a day. I have noticed though, when I shutt of internet, both wifi and 3/4G I get less crashes. Have you noticed the same?
If you find a solution, please inform me to.
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I think you may have found it
Wifi for example is controled by the kernel but there is no source codes released by Samsung so thats why there are no custom 4.2.2 kernels available for the S3 or you could flash one and most likely sort the problem out.
Its a shame cos there are for other phones on this version.
Hi dude
I went to the freezing thread here and found that the DFG method solved it all. So for anyone willing to try this please head over to that thread or just download the dummy file generator apps (2 in app store) although one is only necessary.
Gl and ty for the reaponse
Xda 4life
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

Help on Android 4.3

Hello all, I am having some issues with 4.3 roms that I hope someone is able to help with.
I first noticed the problems after flashing PA 4.3, and after doing the usual restoration of my apps, I found that some of them now stutter very badly, the key apps that come to mind are Feedly, Dolphin browser, Opera, and the stock browser.
I searched the thread for users suffering from the same problems, but none seemed to have it. Therefore I took it as my own fault and tried to reflash the rom again. When flashing a rom, I always do the following: Full wipe, with system, preload, data all formatted. This I do via Philz recovery.
I then restored all my apps as usual via titanium backup, and still found the problem to exist. I took it as perhaps bad luck of mine, that my phone just would not play nice with PA 4.3. I then tried other 4.3 roms, PACman and liquidsmooth, but again the problems occurred.
This time, I eliminated my backups as a possible culprit by only downloading the affected apps via playstore immediately after a fresh install (after the entire wifi, google setup) and nothing else. However, these apps are still affected by the stuttering problem.
Flashing to 4.2.2 roms do not present this issue at all.
Therefore i searched for possible incompatibilities of the apps with 4.3, but was not able to find anything. Seeing as no other users of the roms are having the same problems as me, I can only concur that it may be something I am doing wrong, so I am hoping if anyone can help shed some light on this situation I am in, thank you.
- Several apps stuttering on 4.3
- Full wipe fresh install with no other apps installed does not fix problem
- Issue is not present on 4.2.2
- Multiple 4.3 roms tested
Liquidsmooth JB - v2.9
Googy Max kernel 1.7.5
Philz recovery 5.11.2
If more info is required, I would be happy to provide.
did your notification drawer stuttering to? Mine drawer did that but After 2 days in usage with Custom Kernel all Run very smooth maybi you should try that to
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk
CroW_D said:
did your notification drawer stuttering to? Mine drawer did that but After 2 days in usage with Custom Kernel all Run very smooth maybi you should try that to
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I did not notice my notifications drawer stutter, however i mostly run in expanded desktop mode with PIE and halo so i do not use the notifications much. I was always on googy kernel for my roms, and tried using the phone, but gave up after 1 day because the experience was terrible with stutters and all. I also tried a cache wipe and dalvik wipe but to no avail.
elencross said:
I did not notice my notifications drawer stutter, however i mostly run in expanded desktop mode with PIE and halo so i do not use the notifications much. I was always on googy kernel for my roms, and tried using the phone, but gave up after 1 day because the experience was terrible with stutters and all. I also tried a cache wipe and dalvik wipe but to no avail.
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the above is strange indeed. I am running SlimBean 4.3 since the first beta and never experienced stutters (also with TB restores).
You could try to setup your phone from scratch with MegaWipe (it will wipe anything clean, only leaves your external SD intact), whereas I would be surprised if this will help. Otherwise did you try another kernel (e.g. Yank's)?
chrismast said:
the above is strange indeed. I am running SlimBean 4.3 since the first beta and never experienced stutters (also with TB restores).
You could try to setup your phone from scratch with MegaWipe (it will wipe anything clean, only leaves your external SD intact), whereas I would be surprised if this will help. Otherwise did you try another kernel (e.g. Yank's)?
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Aye, hoping to exhaust every possible means before such a drastic "nuke" is attempted. I used yank before googy, but to eliminate all possible causes, i have only installed the apps that are affected on a clean fresh rom with no modifications or other apps installed. Since its impossible for 3 clean roms to be having the problem, its either me or my phone.
Oh and on an extra note, my phone has died from SDS twice, both times i have sent it back for repair. After the second time, i believe they updated my bootloader iirc, so it now has the red "!" sign after a software flash. Using the emmc checker app, it is also no longer the sds affected version.
elencross said:
Aye, hoping to exhaust every possible means before such a drastic "nuke" is attempted. I used yank before googy, but to eliminate all possible causes, i have only installed the apps that are affected on a clean fresh rom with no modifications or other apps installed. Since its impossible for 3 clean roms to be having the problem, its either me or my phone.
Oh and on an extra note, my phone has died from SDS twice, both times i have sent it back for repair. After the second time, i believe they updated my bootloader iirc, so it now has the red "!" sign after a software flash. Using the emmc checker app, it is also no longer the sds affected version.
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I guess you are correct considering that:
(1) your procedure of flashing a rom is following the guides
(2) you tried different ROMs
(3) you tried different kernels
knowing that you had SDS problems, maybe it was not resolved 100%? I had, for quite some time, also occasional freezes and lags and the procedure here helped me to solve them, maybe also worth a try?
chrismast said:
I guess you are correct considering that:
(1) your procedure of flashing a rom is following the guides
(2) you tried different ROMs
(3) you tried different kernels
knowing that you had SDS problems, maybe it was not resolved 100%? I had, for quite some time, also occasional freezes and lags and the procedure here helped me to solve them, maybe also worth a try?
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Thank you, I will try that out later. I AM having some bootloop issues but that is on 4.2.2, no freezes though, but the DFG seems like it wouldnt hurt to try.
elencross said:
Thank you, I will try that out later. I AM having some bootloop issues but that is on 4.2.2, no freezes though, but the DFG seems like it wouldnt hurt to try.
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Well I tested the DFG out, now back on 4.3 but issues still present sadly. One thing i did notice about my browsers though, is that it only starts to stutter when running 2 or more tabs. On one tab alone, it is smooth. Most of the other apps are also functioning smoothly. I guess I will stick with the setup for now and use replacement apps for the affected ones.

Nexus 9 freezing constantly after Nougat update

Hey, guys. Searched around this forum for this topic but didn't see anything, apologize if it's a duplicate.
Basically my tablet has been freezing constantly since the nougat update. It wasn't happening all that often to begin with but over time it turned into something like once a day to a few times a day. It doesn't follow any usage patterns as far as I can tell (i.e. I use chrome mostly but if I'm on something like one of the regular google apps it might still happen). Once it freezes I have to force shutdown via power button. Every now and then it will freeze and restart itself without my having to force shutdown.
It's stock ROM, with virtually stock apps (dropbox is the only downloaded app). I read about some solutions which I've already tried, and so I wiped the cache, did a factory reset, have about 5gb free storage space, and the issues are still the same.
Any suggestions? Thanks
nickhx2 said:
Hey, guys. Searched around this forum for this topic but didn't see anything, apologize if it's a duplicate.
Basically my tablet has been freezing constantly since the nougat update. It wasn't happening all that often to begin with but over time it turned into something like once a day to a few times a day. It doesn't follow any usage patterns as far as I can tell (i.e. I use chrome mostly but if I'm on something like one of the regular google apps it might still happen). Once it freezes I have to force shutdown via power button. Every now and then it will freeze and restart itself without my having to force shutdown.
It's stock ROM, with virtually stock apps (dropbox is the only downloaded app). I read about some solutions which I've already tried, and so I wiped the cache, did a factory reset, have about 5gb free storage space, and the issues are still the same.
Any suggestions? Thanks
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YAY!!! someone else!
Can you try something for me. Flash this kernel FIRE-ICE N K10.5.3 (K10.5.4 seems to be having problems ATM)
i think your problem will be fixed.... please let me know! :highfive:
Hi, thanks for replying. I absolutely can do that but I literally have no experience flashing kernels. I assume it's same as flashing a rom but If you could provide some instructions for me I'd appreciate that. It's been a long time since I've even done that and I'd want to make sure I don't screw anything up.
nickhx2 said:
Hi, thanks for replying. I absolutely can do that but I literally have no experience flashing kernels. I assume it's same as flashing a rom but If you could provide some instructions for me I'd appreciate that. It's been a long time since I've even done that and I'd want to make sure I don't screw anything up.
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Simply... Flash TWRP
Flash kernel like any other ROM.
Reboot done!
ok, thanks. will let you know how it goes.
do i need necessarily need twrp to flash? or can i just use whatever recovery i currently have on there?
nickhx2 said:
ok, thanks. will let you know how it goes.
do i need necessarily need twrp to flash? or can i just use whatever recovery i currently have on there?
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Question did you unlock your bootloader?
honestly i don't remember. some time ago my n9 got stuck in some weird bootloop. i had to run the RUU (i think that's what it was) to restore everything back to completely normal. so if me having to do that meant i unlocked the bootloader then yes i did. if not, then i wouldn't have done it.

