Replacing TouchWiz apps. - Galaxy Note II Themes and Apps

Hi all,
I have an unlocked/international GN2 and would like to replace the contacts/people, dialler, SMS and email apps. I've searched high and low but cant find the answer - which is what brought me here in search of the solution.
I don't want to flash with custom ROM/CM 10.1 or anything, I want to keep the TouchWiz ROM but want the stock Android/Jelly Bean apps.
Any assistance greatly appreciated, apologies in advance from an Android noob, was an iOS user up until recently... I'm learning, so please go easy on me


[Q] Reinstall Stock Launcher help

hey sorry im new here, I just successfully rooted my x10. However, during the end when i used cleanup.cmd to remove some apps I by mistake removed the stock Launcher app. I have adw and timescape but id rather have the stock one to play with first.
Does anyone know how to reinstall the stock Launcher app? pls help!
I think this is what you are looking for, Next time don't post in development but instead post in APPS section.
Thank you
sorry ..thanks

MIUI ROM Questions

Hey everyone! Tryed using search but couldn't find definitive answers.. So here goes:
How to change the typing language? I installed the english ROM but want to type in russian sometimes. Do I need to download a separate keyboard app? But I like the MIUI keyboard layout. I don't want to install russian MIUI ROM since I want everything to be in english but sometimes type in russian.
How do I transfer my Notes (from stock ROM) to MIUI Notes? I had quite a few so retyping them would be a pain.
For some reason birthdays from contacts stopped showing up in Calendar. It syncs fine as it seems but they are not there. All the entries that I entered manually in calendar show up fine. It's just birthdays from contacts that don't.
Just one general question about ROMs (noob one). How do I go about restoring the original ROM? Do I donwload it separately here from XDA and flash it just like any custom ROM or is there a more "correct" way? Just wanna auto update when ICS comes out.
Thanks in advance and sorry for noob questions! I learn fast though and will help others when I learn more
Try the MIUI forums.
oinkylicious said:
Try the MIUI forums.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's slow and not many people hang out there. Although I still did..
Anyone else?
Found an answer to my question 4 here if someone is interested:

I need someone who knows compilig, edit, build apk's !

Hello, I am currently working on a custom rom (the first that I do in fact :laugh: ) with the nexus style, you can see
it here in its first version , but it need certain things,
most of all edit some apk's, for example, the phone app, contacts etc ... for here comes my request, there
is someone who can help me to customize-edit those apk's cyanogenmod nexus-style? (since I do not know how)
Thanks in advance
Oh almost forgot, I have the samsung galaxy s advance, with android 4.1 jelly bean :good:

[Q] porting apps info/guide/help?

Hi all, as the title say's IS THERE ANY porting apps info/guide/help? on xda or anywhere on the net ????
My head hurts from searching the net, and all i can find is that someone is looking for a help for porting apps..
It feel's like it's a top secret, and no one is sharing their knowledge
I do not need someone to hold my hand through the process , i just need some basic info/directions .
Or... if there is no relevant "porting info/guide/help.." can someone please give me links of the SAME app -> original (JB 4.2) app and the ported (ICS) app, so that i could learn from comparing the code.
I'm trying to port something from JB 4.2 to ICS 4.0.4
So... no one doesn't know how to port... , or it's definitely a top saved "secret of the trade"
OK, thank you all.

[Q] M-D-4™ TW ✄ PORT lollipop Style -N4-S5-S6- {{4.4.4}} ✄V13

I have two questions!
1. I'm using back to noot rom and I'd like to have s6 dialer like in m.d.4 rom, how can I get it?
2.I like the 'lock in status bar' feature m.d.4 rom has, how can i get this one too?
And I'd like to add that how can help, please help @Romancy to get some money to buy s3 and continue developing his beautiful rom. He doesn't need that much (about $50), so those who can help, a lot others will appreciate.
Thank you!
thanks for this thread
i hope to help me and donations
iam so so sorry for this proplem

