Apk multiTool I almost give up help! - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I spent 3 days trying to decompile one APK before I came here. I have the following programs on my hard drive .
You can tell me how to do it with any of them.
I open downloaded java, adk, sdk and a bunch other things different guides claimed I needed. I can open script. It will run. I can navigate there in comand propmt to the right folder.... but then what?
So im sitting in C:/android/ApkMultiTool/ im in cmd propmpt what do I type?
Script (correct?)
then the script runs.... I get a option I choose pick my project
(swype keyboard)
It picks it then I go to decompile app...
Then it quits back to CMD prompt (the app stops) is this what should happen? I assume when decompile something it decompiles... the apk looks the same.... so im confused why wont? it run after that? why would just stop I heard about framework. I downloaded a file with like 25 frameworks in it but I got no idea what it means and I can't find a clean explanation on this.
If someone can get me past this simple first step of how to get the program to decomiple it (comands and frameworks I need plus explain what framework means)
whats if framework-res mean? I don't understand which means I can't do it on my own
Thanks a bunch I tried to not ask for help but im tired

Alright I managed decompile swipe then Mod it but after I tried recompile it it says error and to push number 21 and it also said compression level (when I push the option it tells me to)
Why won't it compile? Did I do something wrong or I heard you compile with framework (i know where framework is on my phone) but what frame work files do I need where do I put them also? please or send me to a good help site on this or basic comandds. I just wana mod my keyboard and recompile it Ive downloaded like 10 packages already trying get right tools...
1. Must I run adb comand from the sdk folder every time I want to use multi tools (to decompil and recompile)
2. Can I use the cmd prompt with abd and android comander at the same time? Or is it one abd program at a time.
Thank you

1. Where should my main tools be can someone just list like C:/android/ (place adb here and rest of my tools?) or does sdk-tools go in my apkmultitools spot


You're all going to hate me, but how do I go about creating a CM7 Theme?

I looked around and found a whole lot of nothing.
To create a theme your going to want to edit the visual ui of the phone. A good place to start is the systemui.apk and the main theme of the phone, in cm7's case, the cyanbread and system themes witch you can also find in system/app. Bassically with the systemui.apk and theme you are editing of your choice will be the finished product if your just starting, making a theme from scratch is a bit more complicated. As for boot animations that I believed is located in data/local and fonts should be in a folder for them selves I cannot think of the topr off of the top of my head but it is easy to identify I'm sure.
the way I edit and make themes is use the above apk's and just go crazy with transparencys and colors in gimp. Be in mind your going to need a Linux based os to edit the apks and place and take them from your zip rom your theming. I also think ther might be a apks editor for windows but idk what it is called.
To create a theme your going to want to edit the visual ui of the phone. A good place to start is the systemui.apk and the main theme of the phone, in cm7's case, the cyanbread and system themes witch you can also find in system/app. Bassically with the systemui.apk and theme you are editing of your choice will be the finished product if your just starting, making a theme from scratch is a bit more complicated. As for boot animations that I believed is located in data/local and fonts should be in a folder for them selves I cannot think of the the closer off of the top of my head but it is easy to identify I'm sure.
the way I edit and make themes is use the above apk's and just go crazy with transparencys and colors in gimp. Be in mind your going to need a Linux based is to edit the apks and place and take them from your zip Tom your theming. I also think there might be a apks editor for windows but idk what it is called.
ya you are going to need to have the android sdk setup for the ADB and then you will use something like apk manager for pulling, extracting, decompiling, image edits, or xml edits which you can find here:
you will need the SDK setup first
which can be found here:
and here
then you need to know simple ADB commands like:
"adb pull /system/app/Mms.apk" and push command which is "adb push Mms.apk /system/app/"
more commands here:
it is also a GOOD idea to learn to use Eclipse for the compiling of the .9.png files which cannot be just simply edited and saved like a normal .png file can.
NOTE: the best way to edit the .9.png files are going to be with the Draw9Patch tool that is included in the SDK and draw the black lines (guides) this is located in the tools folder and then you use Eclipse to compile .. get rid of the black lines pretty much.
info about the .9.png can be found here:
info for eclipse, like how to set it up and download it is here:
does say to use the classic version of Eclipse.
once you have all of that figured out then you are pretty good. But there are other stuff to learn to like the programs themselves and stuff .. you will have to look on Google a lot .. I know that there isnt anything much there about any of this stuff .. I kid you not .. it took me a good 2 days to figure out how to use the apk manager and eclipse and how to alter the .9.png files. That was from getting bits and pieces off the web and a lot of trial and error .. the support around here sucks so dont expect much.
there is also a video that shows you how to setup the sdk along with the eclipse that is here
just use the previous links above to get the stuff like the sdk is at version 10 now and then the Eclipse Classic.
If this is too much for you to do and figure out then you are out of luck.
Yeah, I've used ADB and Eclipse before. I'm quite ****e at Eclipse, but I guess I could mozy around a bit and see if I could get the hang of it enough to do themes. I'm really eager to do that stuff.
Anyway, is there anything I'll have to look out for in regards to turning my phone into a lovely paperweight?
wauterboi said:
Yeah, I've used ADB and Eclipse before. I'm quite ****e at Eclipse, but I guess I could mozy around a bit and see if I could get the hang of it enough to do themes. I'm really eager to do that stuff.
Anyway, is there anything I'll have to look out for in regards to turning my phone into a lovely paperweight?
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eh nothing that I have come across or know about.
so if you know ADB and a little with eclipse . what exactly are you trying to figure out?
Right now I'm trying to figure out how to open the APK. I used WinRAR to open the file and now when I try to open it in Eclipse, it just opens WinRAR. >_>
wauterboi said:
Right now I'm trying to figure out how to open the APK. I used WinRAR to open the file and now when I try to open it in Eclipse, it just opens WinRAR. >_>
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the easiest and the best method is to use that apk manager that I linked in there and use that to extract the apk after you pull it from the phone using ADB
I usually use the adb pull /data/app and adb pull system/app to get all the apk files out at the same time.
after they are out you will put the ones you want to alter (up to 10 at a time) into the place apk here for modding folder and then open apk manager terminal ..
1) type 22 to select the apk that you want to mod.
2) then you will type 1 to extract it.
3) then you can go to the projects folder to see the extracted apk contents.
- usually the images that you want to alter will be in the res/drawable or the
res/drawable-hdpi or res/rawable-hdpi longfinger
- also some of the apps that do not use the .9.png files you will have to find
the image in two folders ... one for portrait mode and landscape mode.
alter the images you want and put them in the original folder.
4) then you will optimize the images which is option number 2.
5) then you will sign the apk which is number 3.
- if it is a system app select the correct option
6) then you will see an unsignedsomething.apk in the place apk here for modding.
7) to sign the apk you will hit number 4.
8) and then number 5 to zipalign the apk.
when you go back to your place apk here for maodding folder you will see that the unsignedsomething.apk is now signedsomething.apk
then you will push that to your phone using the adb/push something.apk /sdcard
then simply install the apk from the phone ... may have to uninstall the original app first.
winrar will not open the apk .. 7zip will . but i rarely use this as I cannot see the thumbnails for the images and cannot optimize the apk with it or anything else for that matter.
Here is a link to the wiki for the T-Mobile Theme Engine.

Theming Guide Help.. These are the things I dont see How-Tos for.. plus some thoughts

This guide will assume the basics (image editing, apk manager setup, adb, etc..) are understood. Minus 9png's, I will go over that. The point is to have a base here for discussion on how to edit things properly. If anyone has something to add, please do.
OK, lets start with something that caught me off guard when switching to a phone with blur... there are certain apps that have dependencies. You have to set those dependencies up. The easiest way to do this is, from whatever ROM you are running, open the zip up with 7zip. Also open up your APK Manager and go into the "other" folder. From your ROM grab framework-res.apk, blur-res.apk, moto-res.apk, settings.apk and systemUI.apk and copy them into the "other" folder. Once there, open up a command prompt. change directories until you are in the "other" folder. Once there do this for each item. apktool d framework-res.apk and hit enter. Then, apktool if framework-res.apk. Do that for the rest.
9pngs.. Everyones afraid... they are a walk in the park. 1 extra step and its done. Decompile your apk, Edit it to your liking and save it. Open it up with draw9patch and add the guides back in and save it. The right and the bottom just make a big ass black line from one side of the image to the other (most of the time). The left and top side require a little fine tuning. Basic rule is to stick a dot in "the middle". Over on the right, see if it looks right. If it doesn't, adjust it. Once done, save it. Recompile and you are done. If using apk manager 4.9 or newer, make sure you delete the images you edited in the keep folder.
Editing xmls....
You are going to be editing xmls to either change background color or text color. Heres a general rule that will help... open the xml in notepad++ and hit ctrl +f. search for android:background .... you can change whatevers there to a hex color. like, if you wanted a dark red.. #ffbc1010. if changing text colors, do a search for android:textColor. Do the same thing with searching and changing.
Some edits will be found in the values folder... this would either take place in Colors.xml, drawables.xml or styles.xml
As I have found, some xmls just dont have a call to a bacground or text color so.. you just have to make one yourself. I always stick those in right after the androidrientation stuff. For example, you want a red background and nowhere in the xml can you find a spot to change it. No worries.. add this... android:background="#ffbc1010" . Good to go.
Some apks wont decompile with apk manager 5.01. You get an out of bounds error. Use apk manager 4.9 for those.. it will open them.
If you try to install an app and something doesnt work.. 1 minor thing, even though the rest does work.. do not try to install another re-edit until you have gone back to a fully functional version. Otherwise, none of your new edits will take hold even if they are correct. (Learned that one the hard way)
Remember, trial and error siis the Android Way!!!
Lastly, I leave you with this... each app has its own "fun-ness" to it. If you are ever stuck and need help, please feel free to ask. I can't do magic.. like looking at Sense... cause I dont have it.. but if you are running GB stock, Blur or its just an app for any phone.. please ask. I will answer, even if I dont know the answer and we have to work together to figure it out.
This is my contribution to XDA. Let's keep progression moving forward. I want to see more themers and more options!!!!
I copied this over from my how to on DF... The links are probably still good (I just updated them) but just make sure you are getting the latest version... I wrote the how-to in January.
Since I see a lot of people trying to figure out how to get into theming and such, might as well share my knowledge...
I would also like to thank Devildog8791 and say that he went thru and added a lot to this via PM (which I then pasted here). He also made it a lot more detailed and easier to follow along for everyone.
Things you will need:
-APK Manager located here. It is the one from post #226. It uses apktool version 1.3.1 instead of the newest one, 1.3.2. The new version has some bugs that have not been worked out yet.
-Android SDK located here. There are two different files for Windows: a zip file and an .exe file. I downloaded the zip file, but you can try the .exe file.
-7zip located here. Make sure you pick the right installation for your setup (32-bit or 64-bit)
-Java JDK located here. Make sure you pick the right installation for your setup (32-bit or 64-bit)
Before I begin, please keep in mind that this is just how I did it. Maybe it's perfect, maybe its wrong, BUT... it worked for me.
Unless you are going to be pushing apks to your phone or pulling them directly from the phone, you do NOT need to bother with steps 3-6 and 9-11. You also only need to add the Java stuff to your Environment Variables.
OK here is how I set all this up and in the order that I did it.
1) Install the Java JDK. You probably don't need to, but I rebooted after the installation was complete.
2) Install 7zip.
3) Extract the android SDK file and move the extracted folder to the root of the C: drive. I renamed the folder "androidsdk", but you can rename it whatever you want. On my computer, the SDK is at C:/androidsdk (whatever you name this and anything in its filepath, make sure there are NO SPACES).
4) Go into your sdk folder and run "SDK Manager".
5) When the "Android SDK and AVD Manager" screen opens up, select "Available packages". Select the packages you want to install and click on "Install Selected". If the "Choose Packages to Install" screen comes up automatically, then select "Accept All" and click "Install". This will take a few minutes. Go ahead and get a drink and stretch your legs.
6) When your packages get done downloading and installing, close the "Installing Archives" and the "Android SDK and AVD Manager" screens.
7) Extract the APK Manager zip file and move the extracted folder to your user file. Mine is located at C:\Users\Tim\apk_manager_4.9.
8) Now you need to set your environment variables. To do this, click on "Start" and then right click on "Computer". Left Click "Properties" and in the left pane you will see "Advanced system settings". Click on that and it will open up a new window called "System Properties". Click on "Environment Variables" at the bottom of the screen.
9) Now that you are in the Environment Variables screen, you want to look at the top part of the screen first. Under "User variables for <your name here>", click on "New...".
10) In the "Variable name" section, type in ADB.
11) In the "Variable Value" section, type in C:\androidsdk\platform-tools\adb.
12) Now go to the bottom part of the screen and find "Path" on the left side under "Variable".
13) Double-click that "Path" section and it will bring up the edit screen.
14) Go to the end of the "Variable value" section and add the following: ;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin;C:\androidsdk;C:\androi dsdk\platform-tools;C:\androidsdk\tools. Verify that the bin file locations for java are in the same place as indicated here. They should be the same, but check it to be safe. Also, don't forget to change the name to whatever you named your sdk folder. One last thing is to make sure you have a semi-colon in between each path as indicated.
15) Click "OK" when done and close all the windows.
16) Reboot your computer.
Now that you have your environment variables set, you should be good to go to use APK Manager. One thing that you might have to do is set up your adb drivers for your phone. I have a Droid Incredible and I went to this site to get mine set up. If you have a Motorola Droid 1 (which most on this site do), then it should set up with the proper drivers when you plug it in the computer. My wife has a Droid 1 and that is what happened for me.
So, now you have 7zip, SDK, Java and APK Manager installed, setup and ready to use. Fantasmagorical!
Great, now, what the hell do you do with it...lol
1) You decide on an apk file (let's choose phone.apk) to use. You can grab it from the stock ROM your using, pull it off your phone, whatever...
2) Now that it is on your computer, move it into the APK Manager's "place-apk-here-for-modding" folder.
3) Run the script.bat and select option 22. Then choose the apk (project) you want to work with.
4) Now select option 9 to decompile the apk.
5) Once that's done select option 11 to recompile the apk. If it asks you if it's a system app (y/n) then you are in business. If it says there is an error, it is most likely that the apk has some .9.png images without guides. If this occurs, grab the stock images and stick them in by using 7zip and choose "open archive".
6) OK, so it works fine, now what? Just choose "N" and when it's done, go to the "place-apk-here-for-modding" folder and delete the "unsignedphone.apk" file.
7) Now go back to the script and choose option 9 to decompile again.
8) Once it's decompiled, navigate to the "projects" folder and go into the phone.apk folder.
9) Make all your xml edits.
10) Now, go back to the script and choose option 11. Choose "Y" and then choose "Y" again.
11) Now, go into the "KEEP" folder and delete the resources.arsc file and also delete every single xml you edited. Then go back to the script and "press any button to continue".
12) Once that is done, you are done. Go into the "place-apk-here-for-modding" folder and you will see an unsignedphone.apk file.
13) Put it in an update.zip that you can install to your phone and then rename it to phone.apk.
14) If you are wanting to now stick your own images in, use 7zip and select "open archive" and then drag your images into the proper folders.
15) Close 7zip and select "yes" to the box that pops up.
16) Now you are ready. Move the zip file to your phone, reboot into recovery and install it.
Going to add something blur related here. AK Manager 4.9 will give you errors recompiling phone, contacts and dialer. To fix it, go into the decompiled apk and open apktool.yml with notepad++ or similar. You will see 3 lines.. -1, -3 and -2. Put them in order.. -1, -2 and -3. Good to go.
Very nice thanks for this
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
No problem. Get out there and make some good stuff!!
Hey thanks for the guide. I have a lot of programming experience but I am fairly new to android.
With that said, you state that: "This guide will assume the basics (image editing, apk manager setup, adb, etc..) are understood."
Is there a page were this things are explained, I have the image editing down, but have no idea about the apk manager,adb,etc...
I found this and I was wondering if this is the apk manager:
Thanks, and sorry if this sounds too noobish.
Yes, that is apk manager. I would use 4.9 though because 5.01 will give you a lot of "out of bounds" errors when decompiling. 4.9 wont. And the apps work.
There is also another thread here on XDA .. So you want to make a theme.. or something like that.
I also wrote a How-To on installing java, apk, adb and setting all of your environment variables. That is in the "Team Inversion Conversion" area on droidforums.net.
Edit: Added the how to to the original post.
So i wanted to theme and started reading guides on xda and came to the conclusion that it was a lengthy process requiring knowledge of may different programs, most of which was over my head. Just recently i started digging into roms wanting to change the lockscreen background and incall backgrounds. using 7z i located the lockscreen background file at system\framework\framework-res.apk\res\drawable-hdpi\zz_moto_gradient_bg2.png I then copied the file out and opened it and using paint, changed the image to a different one and then pushed the modified file back into the zip and then flashed the rom. I was very happy to end up with this
My question is, not using apk manager or apktool or a command prompt or any of the methods that ive read, am i doing something wrong? Will editing roms in this method run me into problems? Or is it just a noobish approach that actually works?
afm1118... There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you are doing things. Just make sure you don't mess with any 9pngs. if you edit those with your method, it will break the signature. The image would still work but the guides would be gone. When I first started learning to theme, I didn't understand what a guide was. So, heres my explanation... look at your keyboard... in landscape mode, the buttons are bigger than they are in normal view. guided 9s will make the images stretch perfectly to fit the required dimensions. unguided 9pngs will just take the actual image and make it bigger. Kind of like if you went into an image editor and re scaled a 40x40 pixel image to 100x100 pixels. It would still be there but it would be a little distorted.
Yeah i just stay away from the 9pngs because i dont understand them and just know not to touch. You definitely helped me understand them better tho. What i dont understand is the need to use apk manager, or what recompiling/decompiling is. Like just using 7z i modified phone.apk in the same fashion i did the lockscreen, changing the incall background. Im guessing apk manager is necessary for editing xml. I really want to understand all this.
afm1118 said:
Yeah i just stay away from the 9pngs because i dont understand them and just know not to touch. You definitely helped me understand them better tho. What i dont understand is the need to use apk manager, or what recompiling/decompiling is. Like just using 7z i modified phone.apk in the same fashion i did the lockscreen, changing the incall background. Im guessing apk manager is necessary for editing xml. I really want to understand all this.
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I dont do .9 pngs and I still create alot of themes, dont be scared to theme cuz u cant do .9.
TheMuffStuff said:
I dont do .9 pngs and I still create alot of themes, dont be scared to theme cuz u cant do .9.
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Im not scared of um, i just thought i would figure them out when i wanted to change one. but so far,with nitros rom and with muffstuff xkape and funkencools themes along with uot kitchen ive been very happy. The themes are great, im looking forward to whats next.
afm1118 said:
Yeah i just stay away from the 9pngs because i dont understand them and just know not to touch. You definitely helped me understand them better tho. What i dont understand is the need to use apk manager, or what recompiling/decompiling is. Like just using 7z i modified phone.apk in the same fashion i did the lockscreen, changing the incall background. Im guessing apk manager is necessary for editing xml. I really want to understand all this.
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TheMuffStuff said:
I dont do .9 pngs and I still create alot of themes, dont be scared to theme cuz u cant do .9.
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.9s are integral to theming....cheating them and not doing them arent an execuse
Nitsuj. Instead of bringing negativity into the thread, try being useful. This is a help section not a your doing it wrong thread. If you would like to discuss it further pm me.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Nexus S.. Ha.. Editing the build.prop har further reaches than I thought.
Anyway, yes, editing an xml requires decompiling and recompiling... or does it? Not so fast. You can use a Hex editor to edit those colors but, I have no clue. I never went that route.
I guess the easiest way to think about apks that are compiled or decompiled is like this... lets say you have a game.. Football.exe on your computer. you click it, it opens. Now, to save space, you zip it up and its now in a zip file called Football.zip. You click it, it does NOT open. The OS cant read a zip file as an executable file.
You open a compiled xml, can't read it. you open a decompiled xml.. its all right there in plain English. Why would you want to edit an xml? Many reasons. I am going to give you an example right here...
This is the decompiled progress-horizontal.xml from the framework. It controls the color of the bar when you are dwnlading an ap, adjusting the ringer or media volume, etc..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item android:id="@id/background">
<corners android:radius="0.0dip" />
<gradient android:startColor="#ffdfdfdf" android:endColor="#ffdfdfdf" android:angle="270.0" android:centerY="0.75" android:centerColor="#ff000000" />
<item android:id="@id/secondaryProgress">
<corners android:radius="0.0dip" />
<gradient android:startColor="#ff000000" android:endColor="#ffbf0d0d" android:angle="270.0" android:centerY="0.75" android:centerColor="#ffbf0d0d" />
<item android:id="@id/progress">
<corners android:radius="0.0dip" />
<gradient android:startColor="#ffbf0d0d" android:endColor="#ffbf0d0d" android:angle="270.0" android:centerY="0.75" android:centerColor="#ff000000" />
Im not going to go look at a hex chart but I think this is from when I was making an orange theme the other day. You can see there are 9 hex codes for color. You can edit those and make the progress bar have a different background and color. If I remember correctly, the first 3 control the background and the other 6 control the color of the bar. Play around and experiment til you see one you like. you can also add in transparencies and such to get fading and whatnot. like #80dfdfdf instead of #ffdfdfdf.
Some xmls wont be as clear cut.. it mught say something like android:background="@drawable/status_bar_bg"
This still can be changed. You can actually add something to a folder..image, color, etc.. but you also need to make an xml for it too. (I think, never done it).
You can make it point at a different item or, you can just give it a hex color.
ok so with the lockscreen i did, i could have done it two different ways. i could have changed the xml to target a different file or what i did, modify the image file itself. its just like html or any programing, its been a while.
correct man. Deciding which way to go is key. some of those images show up all over the place. In each instance just have to decide if its better to point it something else or just change what its pointing to looks like.
When I first themed ShapeWriter(back when I hadn't even heard of a .9) I got into a whole new mess with .smali, turns out that's where the tracer color was defined. You could never edit smali without decompiling first, although for theming its rare to have to.
Once you start theming you start learning little things here and there. And usually if your theming, it's cause your trying to do what no ones done yet; so most of what your going to learn is from a LOT of trial and error.
I'm not good at writing guides or anything but anyone can feel free to ask in my thread or pm me if you have some specific questions, etc..
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
Also just thought I'd add: things may seem confusing sometimes but so would basic algebra if it hadn't been etched into your brain already.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
I was wondering is someone could explain to me a little better as to how to make a flashable zip.
I wanted to change the background image of the dialer, but when I have a finished apk I dont know hot to make it flashable.
Electroniko said:
I was wondering is someone could explain to me a little better as to how to make a flashable zip.
I wanted to change the background image of the dialer, but when I have a finished apk I dont know hot to make it flashable.
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Well I could get pretty indepth but if you just want one that works you could borrow mine or probably anyone else's and change it for your needs(deleting my files adding yours).
without getting into the actually scripting the basics are:
A script that tells you what files/dir go where(among other things) and the files.
Usually it will just unpack everything in the zip to the "root" of your system partition. So if you were to use my zip i would keep my dir's and just delete the actual files.
basically if you want to put a file in "/system/framework/" on your phone you would put the file in "/system/framework/" in the zip.
also a note if you use mine; it will only copy to the system partition and not sd or sd-ext. even with that it should fit your needs.
Hope that all helps


How to modify your framework-res.apk
There are plenty of "How-to's" out there that I've seen for modifying the framework-res.apk. I've tried probably 20 of them...all resulted in getting stuck in a bootloop. Finally figured out a method that works.
Here goes:
Go to www.jokersax.com and grab my tool.zip under Th3Bill Mods
Extract it in your HOME folder
Inside it you will find 2 versions of apktool. There is a good reason for that, which you will see later.
You also need a good xml editor like Editra (available in most distros packages)
Need an archive manager as well (I recommend File Roller)
[COLOR="green"[B][U]]Initial Setup:[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="3"]1) Open your Home folder and select to show hidden files
2) Open your .bashrc file
3) Add the following lines to the bottom of the file
export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
export PATH=${PATH}:~/tool/reg
export PATH=${PATH}:~/tool/ics
Then save the file
4) Open your .profile file
5) Add the following line to the bottom of the file
Then save the file.
Now, on to editing
1) Navigate to the framework folder that your framework-res.apk is in.
2) Open a terminal
3) Type in "reg if framework-res.apk" no quotations and press Enter
4) Type in "reg d framework-res.apk" no quotations and press Enter Now minimize terminal (you'll use it later)
5) You should see in your file manager the folder called framework-res. This is your decompiled framework-res.apk
6) Make your edits. be careful....this file controls a TON of things in your system, and you can make some major problems for yourself if you edit things incorrectly.
7) Once your edits are done, go back to your terminal session
8) Type in the following "ics b framework-res" no quotations (where *username* is your account username) and press Enter.
9) It should recompile correctly. You'll have a framework-res.apk in the /framework-res/dist folder. DO NOT USE THIS ONE WILL CAUSE BOOTLOOPS!!
10) Open it with an archive manager and extract the resources.arsc as well as any files you edited in the xml folder.
11) Go back to your ORIGINAL framework-res.apk and open (not extract) it in your archive program
12) Add in the files you extracted from the edited framework-res.apk, placing them in the appropriate folders
13) You're done!
P.S. If you get a recompile error that mentions plurals, you have some work to do. Go to the values folders one at a time and look for the plurals.xml files. You will see a bunch of entries....scroll all the way down till you see a section that looks like this:
<plurals name="matches_found">
<item quantity="other">%d of %d</item>
<item quantity="one">1 match</item>
you need to edit this section to look like this:
<plurals name="matches_found">
<item quantity="other">%1$d of %2$d</item>
<item quantity="one">1 match</item>
This must be done for EACH plural.xml file...placing 1$ behind the first % and 2$ behind the second one. Save each as you go. Then recompile, and you should be good to go.
Here's how to logcat so that a dev can actually help fix your issue
1) Download Android SDK from HERE
2) Place it directly in your HOME folder
3) Extract the file there and rename the folder android-sdk
4) Go to the platform-tools folder and double-click android
5) Download at least the tools and platform-tools. You can download other stuff, but that's unnecessary for this exercise.
6) Close SDK when it's done
1) Navigate to the /platform-tools folder.
2) Open a terminal
3) Type in either A or B depending on your system
A) (works on Ubuntu derivatives)
sudo ./adb kill-server
sudo ./adb start-server
B) (Suse, Fedora, etc)
(enter your password)
./adb kill-server
Now, the server should be running....leave it open!
4) Plug your phone into the PC (making sure that if it's ON, that you have android debugging enabled...or the proper edit in build.prop listed below)
5) If your phone is OFF(meaning you can't get it to boot from a rom/mod you did), follow A). If your phone is ON (meanint working but has a FC somewhere), follow B)
A) Type into the terminal the following
./adb logcat -C
and press enter. Should say waiting for device. Turn on your phone. When it gets to a section where you see a large amount of red pass by on the screen (like 8-10 lines), go to step 6
B) Be sure to turn off ALL apps that are NOT related to your FC (this makes it nice and neat for us to read the logcat)
Open terminal and type in the following
./adb logcat -C
and press enter. You should see it start to log stuff...it'll be going by really fast...don't worry about that right now.
NOW, do whatever it is that fcs (open the app, process, etc) and wait for it to FC. When it does, go to step 6
6) With the Terminal being your primary window in the PC, Press Ctrl +Z. This will stop the logcat output
7) Search through the logcat for the section with all the red (you'll see a bunch of E's). Don't cut this up on us...we may need some of the other info
8) Select about 30-40 lines ABOVE the red error section through about 10-20 lines AFTER the error section
9) Paste this into Pastebin. Please don't send us this in an e-mail...it just looks a hot mess that way.
10) Link to the Dev.
Blank flashable zip
For all of you out there wanting to flash an app or framework file, here is a flashable zip that is blank. It contains instructions inside it, so PLEASE
This will make a simple process of flashing the items you want to flash.
Any questions...ask me
Could we use this to turn our phones into a space/time bending machine??
Lol jk. Thanks for the information and flash able zip!!!
Sent from my MB855 using XDA
tsdeaton said:
Could we use this to turn our phones into a space/time bending machine??
Lol jk. Thanks for the information and flash able zip!!!
Sent from my MB855 using XDA
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Don't I wish...or an intelligence enhancer...LOL
Glad to share
th3bill said:
don't i wish...or an intelligence enhancer...lol
glad to share
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lmao! +1476930593
Bad ass thread buddy thanks for the how to's and blank flash zips these will surely come in handy....
MIUI/ICS for the Photon
For deodexed I'm guessing.
Th3Bill said:
For all of you out there wanting to flash an app or framework file, here is a flashable zip that is blank. It contains instructions inside it, so PLEASE
This will make a simple process of flashing the items you want to flash.
If you wish to flash other items, you simply need to make sure that the item you want is in the folder it would be in within your phone, so if you want something to go into /system/lib, make sure that you create a folder /lib inside the /system folder in the zip and put the file inside that folder.
Any questions...ask me
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Also, I should add that I forgot something in the explanation for this file. Wherever you are putting the file you're flashing (app, framework), you will need to adjust the permissions portion of the updater-script to show that file. Otherwise, you will set your entire /system to those permissions and you will get wonderful boot-loops
So, for app Music.apk, that line would look like:
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system/app/music.apk");
Here is the updated file with the corrected instructions inside it Sorry for any issues fellas!
Blank CWM2.zip
Go to the site to download the file
Who doesn't love tools?
I've seen a lot of confusion over which versions to use for decompiling. Magic values being off with the current version of Android being pushed to 4.0.4.
Here's a helpful little tool kit. Disclaimer: It's for Linux based systems(save for the Androidsuite). I will try to find all these for Windows at some point, but with MIUI for Photon and Atrix, CNA for Photon, and Kitchen Sinks for both Photon and Atrix, I'm spread a little thin for some of these how-tos. I will post more soon once Kitchen Sink is Beta.
Go to the site and download the file.
There's a small file inside with an explanation of each tool. NOTE: I put that Android suite works in Wine. It does not. It will OPEN and look like it might work, but does not recompile or decompile anything. It's a windows only wonder...LOL
Is there any way you'd be able to write up a How-To on how to use Diff/Patch in the laments terms, with Android specific type files directions cuz I'm trying to figure it out but since all the info I find is for applying it to everything other than Android. I'm on a mac and have it all setup correctly but I fk shyt up cuz I lose a step or something.
By the way, thanks for this How to also. Awesome.
MoPhoACTV Initiative
moonzbabysh said:
Is there any way you'd be able to write up a How-To on how to use Diff/Patch in the laments terms, with Android specific type files directions cuz I'm trying to figure it out but since all the info I find is for applying it to everything other than Android. I'm on a mac and have it all setup correctly but I fk shyt up cuz I lose a step or something.
By the way, thanks for this How to also. Awesome.
MoPhoACTV Initiative
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What are you trying to do? You looking to do rom porting? Try to change some features? Change colors in a menu? Need a bit more info. Depending on what you're wanting to do will determine what the steps will be.
Idiots guide to porting ROMs for Photon, now THAT would be great. Sure it'd be a PITA and 3/4 to make though lol, great work on keeping up this how-to thread and all your ROM work!
w0lf215 said:
Idiots guide to porting ROMs for Photon, now THAT would be great. Sure it'd be a PITA and 3/4 to make though lol, great work on keeping up this how-to thread and all your ROM work!
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I feel bad that I haven't written more "how to's" in a while, but with 6 downloads I'm currently doing (MIUI Photon, MIUI Atrix, CNA Photon, Kitchen Sink Photon, Kitchen Sink Atrix, TabletUI Photon), I'm being spread pretty thin....LOL. It's all good. I love doing this stuff.
I promise to write more of these as I get a chance. I like to have more people help with stuff.
Th3Bill said:
I feel bad that I haven't written more "how to's" in a while, but with 6 downloads I'm currently doing (MIUI Photon, MIUI Atrix, CNA Photon, Kitchen Sink Photon, Kitchen Sink Atrix, TabletUI Photon), I'm being spread pretty thin....LOL. It's all good. I love doing this stuff.
I promise to write more of these as I get a chance. I like to have more people help with stuff.
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I noticed that a little while ago, Congrats on the new title thats whats up.
btw check your pm
moonzbabysh said:
I noticed that a little while ago, Congrats on the new title thats whats up.
btw check your pm
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Check yours...got a book in there for ya...LOL
Updated OP How Tos.....Framework-res edit and Logcatting
Th3Bill said:
Updated OP How Tos.....Framework-res edit and Logcatting
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Just setting up on pc. Ready to try this. You may be hearing from me! LOL

[Q] Recompiling java files back into classes.dex then back into apk files

I used dex2jar to decompile classes.dex , and used jdgui to convert those files into java files to edit, now I don't know how to recompile back, I'm not even sure it will work properly, or at all, but worth a try, I was trying to mod the vanilla Messaging app and remove all the attachment options for videos, pictures etc. because it's a waste of space, any help?
Use baksmil n smil tool ita simple.....
don't forgot hit thanx....
Probably might not work. The java files you get aren't quite the right ones. They will give you an idea of what to edit in the smali though.
Seeing as it is the stock messaging app, you would be better to download the source of the app from AOSP, edit that and compile. As said above, dex2jar does not give perfect Java code, so even if you did recompile it, you might not get a working app.
Or you could use baksmali to decompile the app to .smali format, and then use smali to recompile after editing the .smali files (not as easy to edit as Java source files).
The Smali Files are the machine language file type thing isn't it?, I've learnt the basics at Uni (using Spim), and understand what each thing does, but as it isn't directly coded, there isn't enough comments, for me to do anything with, I need to have some kind of info about what this does and what that does.
And about AOSP, I've tried downloading the source and It should be all downloaded and I've tried compiling it for my device (Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray (ST18i, Urushi) but it always comes up with errors, so I have put that stuff aside and gone back to attempting to mod some apps (First time, newbie), but I don't know where the Messaging App would be and how to change it. Sony Ericsson have Source Code for their Stock rom right?, I have tried getting hold of that, but have no idea how to read the file, and edit it, so it's much like AOSP. How to read files and how to edit and compile them?.

Help modifying an apk

Good day,
I need help on modifying an apk, its basically a game that can be dowloaded on playstore. I read alot in the forum and I saw this APK tool reverse engineering an app.
apktool. I already ask a question but maybe it's better to create a new thread that I can monitor..
Now. what I achieved now is that I can decompile the apk, edit some things like splash.png, values on strings.xml and few line on androidmanifest.xml. I tried to recompile it and I have done it with no problem. Now i have the modified apk. I signed it using apk signer and followed all the procedure with no error. I copied it to my phone and test run it but sadly it says "App not installed". I also tried using zip signer from playstore and got the same result.. I dont know where am I messing it. Please help thanks.
There is Windows app called Virtuos Ten Studio, designed to do exactly that - it works pretty well and makes the whole process much easier (no need to use cmd line at all if I remember correctly).

