Steps to flash .54 - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go

Please give me step by step guide to flash..54 fw on xperia u.I have not used flashtool before,that'swhy i am asking.
I have locked bootloader.I also want to root .54
Some have experienced grey screen after flashing b.1,10 kernel to root .54 so i don't want to take the risk.
Thanks in advance.
Follow this as said to flash ftf

drsanket_xperia_u said:
Follow this as said to flash ftf
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It only guides how to flash fw but i want to root it as well.
How to root it?

umair42 said:
It only guides how to flash fw but i want to root it as well.
How to root it?
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post #245

is there any stock sony ics 6.1.1.b.1.54 not vodafone branded?
i don't want vodafone bloatware on my phone

umair42 said:
is there any stock sony ics 6.1.1.b.1.54 not vodafone branded?
i don't want vodafone bloatware on my phone
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borchouk said:
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That's for xperia P
I want for xperia U

umair42 said:
That's for xperia P
I want for xperia U
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check this thread.........

umair42 said:
That's for xperia P
I want for xperia U
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Thanks all.
I'm going to flash Nordic b.1.54 as it is bugfree(users say).
Waiting for the .75 but not knowing when it will come,I decided to flash this.

How to flash CWM recovery in b.1.54 firmware?
I have locked bootloader.

Check this out

Does flashing Firmware removes internal storage data? (i.e music,pictures etc)

umair42 said:
Does flashing Firmware removes internal storage data? (i.e music,pictures etc)
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Then what is wipe data option in flashtool?

umair42 said:
Then what is wipe data option in flashtool?
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It will wipe /data partition.i.e where the apps are installed.

neectron said:
It will wipe /data partition.i.e where the apps are installed.
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Should I wipe that partition or not?

You should.

nevermind.Solved it

how to flash kernel.sin using flashtool?


[ROM][XPERIA SOLA] 6.0.B.3.184 Central Europe

Can't say much more about the ROM than what's already in the title, I grabbed it from i-don't-quite-remember-where (but not from warez type sites) since I couldn't update with PCC 'cause of unlocked bootloader. Checked it and it's the real deal, got it flashed and running on my Sola. FTF packaged neatly in a RAR.
Yes the rom came from Irontech so all credits and thanks go to him for publishing it (i only remembered it was him who released it on forum when rohit gave the link), but i think its place is here where it won't be lost in waves of threads like on general.
File Size: 242.95MB ,will give it a try.
Here is the post where it was originally post
The Rom is quite good, I also flashed it.
How to flash it? Sorry, I'm new.
cnkhanh said:
How to flash it? Sorry, I'm new.
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You can flash it using Flashtool
cnkhanh said:
How to flash it? Sorry, I'm new.
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Check in the Update Centre, and if it is available, simply download and update your device. And no need to flash too!– I updated my phone this way today and it is completely safe. Hope that helps, mate
Imperial_Raj said:
Check in the Update Centre, and if it is available, simply download and update your device. And no need to flash too!– I updated my phone this way today and it is completely safe. Hope that helps, mate
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Im using pc companion, it simple.
Sent from my MT27i using xda premium
i_looq said:
Im using pc companion, it simple.
Sent from my MT27i using xda premium
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Yeah, both ways, using PC Companion or update centre, you'll save yourself from flashing.
Dnt Mirror Links And Downloads
Give Credit To The Real Post And It Maker
Does this ROM removes Sola GPS not getting lock problem?
Is this rom better than "KA02 Xperia SSpeed"?
pngoc256 said:
Is this rom better than "KA02 Xperia SSpeed"?
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This is a STOCK ROM not a custom rom...
PS : stock roms are official firmware!!
Sent Form Sony Xperia Sola White
I know. But if I flash this rom, will I lost root? And I am using custom rom KA02 Xperia SSpeed, should I flash this stock rom?
pngoc256 said:
I know. But if I flash this rom, will I lost root? And I am using custom rom KA02 Xperia SSpeed, should I flash this stock rom?
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Yes you will loose root!! If you wana keep the root, flash it with a custom kernel with root!! N ul hv .184 with root bro!!
Or if u using a custom kernel already untick flash kernel in flash tool and I guess u van keep the root!!
Sent Form Sony Xperia Sola White
Flashed this rom on my sola with KA Xperia SSpeed kernel V3 and still have root after flashing.:good:
Mathias.W said:
Flashed this firmware on my sola with KA Xperia SSpeed kernel V3 and still have root after flashing.:good:
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U will keep the root if u flashin wd custom kernel!!
Sent Form Sony Xperia Sola White
rooting .184
soulhackereborn said:
This is a STOCK ROM not a custom rom...
PS : stock roms are official firmware!!
Sent Form Sony Xperia Sola White
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i got my new sola and updated the the firmware using the PCC. now i have the official .184 version . but i want to root the devices now . how can i root it . i already unlocked the boot loader and removed some bloatware . please guide me on the same .
thank u .
vone1974 said:
i got my new sola and updated the the firmware using the PCC. now i have the official .184 version . but i want to root the devices now . how can i root it . i already unlocked the boot loader and removed some bloatware . please guide me on the same .
thank u .
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same Question...
vone1974 said:
i got my new sola and updated the the firmware using the PCC. now i have the official .184 version . but i want to root the devices now . how can i root it . i already unlocked the boot loader and removed some bloatware . please guide me on the same .
thank u .
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musvi said:
same Question...
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If I remember right you can't root manually yet. You have to flash a kernel with auto root etc.
If anyone knows otherwise please share!
evilmtv said:
If I remember right you can't root manually yet. You have to flash a kernel with auto root etc.
If anyone knows otherwise please share!
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That's wright!!! No other way to root without flashing a rooted kernel or Rom!!!
Sent from my MT27i using xda premium

[Xperia S]Root Question on 6.1.A.2.45 that we have a new ftf file(6.1.A.2.45)....some of us had a clean instal with wipping everything!And we lost our root acces!
The question is...How can we root the new firmware on unlocked bootloader?The old methods work olso for this firmware or we must wait for a kernel with root acces?
aresbv2000 said: that we have a new ftf file(6.1.A.2.45)....some of us had a clean instal with wipping everything!And we lost our root acces!
The question is...How can we root the new firmware on unlocked bootloader?The old methods work olso for this firmware or we must wait for a kernel with root acces?
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Flash advanced kernel 14, it's working. That's what I'm currently using.
nokia 3310 > sony ericsson t250i > nokia 5530 > htc wildfire > sony ericsson xperia play > sony xperia s
rhogz said:
Flash advanced kernel 14, it's working. That's what I'm currently using.
nokia 3310 > sony ericsson t250i > nokia 5530 > htc wildfire > sony ericsson xperia play > sony xperia s
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Yes...but the Advanced Stok Kernel doesn`t have the old ramdisk?
I understand that in this version(6.1.A.2.45) the ramdisk is newer and we get more free ram with it!By installing the Advanced Stock Kernel don`t we also install the old ramdisk?
Have you tried the method described here?
hush66 said:
Have you tried the method described here?
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As i said...i had a clean install as my old rom was all messed up!
A clean install for any new rom i think is recomended if you want the full optimisation of it!The question stands still...How do we root a clean install of 6.1.A.2.45 ?
aresbv2000 said:
Yes...but the Advanced Stok Kernel doesn`t have the old ramdisk?
I understand that in this version(6.1.A.2.45) the ramdisk is newer and we get more free ram with it!By installing the Advanced Stock Kernel don`t we also install the old ramdisk?
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you can flash the stock kernel via flashtool. It will retain your root.
So leave the box ticked for kernel?
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
Ben36 said:
So leave the box ticked for kernel?
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
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I thought that loses root?
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
Ben36 said:
I thought that loses root?
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
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It doesn't lose root, only BusyBox.
rhogz said:
you can flash the stock kernel via flashtool. It will retain your root.
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Witch kernel i need t flash to get my root back?
duikeend said:
Witch kernel i need t flash to get my root back?
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advance kernel 14 by arakmar
rhogz said:
you can flash the stock kernel via flashtool. It will retain your root.
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Thank you. This method works.
Just to recap, fastboot flash adv stock 14, then reboot normally until home screen. Reboot into fastboot again and flash stock kernel.sin from FTF. Root is retained.
But you'll lose CWM won't you? Even tho you'll be rooted?
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
Ben36 said:
But you'll lose CWM won't you? Even tho you'll be rooted?
Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
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Offcourse you will, and guess we have to wait for it for a little while. But for now, the root access works good for me =)
Flash whatever you need while on adv stock 14 before going back to stock. Then wait for adv stock 15
You can try this, I have not tried it though:
CWM for Xperia S/Acro HD

[ROOT] Firmware 6.1.1.B.1.54

This is the same method used by naruto20007 in [Root - Locked Bootloader] Xperia P 6.1.1.B.1.54 so thanks him, i've only packed the two kernel ftf files for sola.
This works with LOCKED and UNLOCKED bootloader
I assume that you are running 6.1.1.B.1.54 firmware
You need:
1. Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry LINK
2. 6.1.1.B.1.10 and 6.1.1.B.1.54 stock kernel ftf files LINK
3. Flashtool LINK
1. Flash MT27i_6.1.1.B.1.10_KERNEL.ftf with Flashtool and reboot
2. Root using Bin4ry's method
3. Flash MT27_6.1.1.B.1.54_KERNEL.ftf with Flashtool and reboot
After flashing the 6.1.1.B.1.10 kernel your icons can turn black, don't worry and go on.
If you have unlocked bootloader you can also root by flashing TheBrainsKernel
Is there no way to obtain root without unlook BL right..?
this is for locked bootloader
Argasil said:
Is there no way to obtain root without unlook BL right..?
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Try Bin4ry b4 flashing anything!
i think it would get your phone rooted
Argasil said:
Is there no way to obtain root without unlook BL right..?
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this is for all bootloader
Sent from my MT27i
I think i couldn't flash a flashtool if i am this right or online a noob thing..?
Argasil said:
I think i couldn't flash a flashtool if i am this right or online a noob thing..?
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no, you can do it for official kernel only, just flash kernel.sin
Sent from my MT27i
Ok, i'll try tomorrow and report, crossed finger
Argasil said:
I think i couldn't flash a flashtool if i am this right or online a noob thing..?
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in the zip linked in the first post you find 2 stock kernel from sony, not custom. I'm on locked BL too and tested on my phone before posting
noob question, but will i lose all my data if i follow this process ?
i have never used flashtool before...
You will
Sent from my MT27i using xda premium
christos4 said:
noob question, but will i lose all my data if i follow this process ?
i have never used flashtool before...
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No, you're going to flash only the kernel, not wiping
slackerzz said:
No, you're going to flash only the kernel, not wiping
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If I recall, flashing via flashtool will result in a wipe.
Snowstormzzz said:
If I recall, flashing via flashtool will result in a wipe.
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If you exclude userdata.sin data will intact
If flashing a part other than above file you can retain your data
Flashing kernel or baseband has nothing to do with data
Sent from my MT27i using xda premium
EDIT:- CWM touch recovery v5.5.0.4 by Munjeni works too!!! Awesome
Really works amazing!=)
Work but bluetooth dont work. Why?
Edit. Restar phone and its work's wtf?
with tapatalk
any CWM for this .54 firmware?
freshbooy said:
any CWM for this .54 firmware?
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Yeah... Munjeni's v5 working perfectly
Sent from my MT27i using xda premium


rooted lww gingerbread... but my android is not able to install updates over the air ... any other way to stay rooted and install ics??/
vaibha said:
rooted lww gingerbread... but my android is not able to install updates over the air ... any other way to stay rooted and install ics??/
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See the guide how to update to .431 and stay rooted, but replace the .431 ftf with the .587 (so flash .587 instead)
mihahn said:
See the guide how to update to .431 and stay rooted, but replace the .431 ftf with the .587 (so flash .587 instead)
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link plzzzz... cant find
mihahn said:
See the guide how to update to .431 and stay rooted, but replace the .431 ftf with the .587 (so flash .587 instead)
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if i flash it anythin stays rooted is it..
vaibha said:
if i flash it anythin stays rooted is it..
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The link is in my rooting guide :good:
Yes, you run the local-prop.bat, update to 4.0.4 without wiping data and run push-root-files.bat
I m already rooted.. Do i need to follow all step... Or just push root
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vaibha said:
I m already rooted.. Do i need to follow all step... Or just push root
Sent from my WT19i using xda app-developers app
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can i flash ics and than just push root files as i m already rooted..??
vaibha said:
can i flash ics and than just push root files as i m already rooted..??
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rooted and ics... thz buddy...
my build no is .431 an can i update it now after rooted ics???
vaibha said:
rooted and ics... thz buddy...
my build no is .431 an can i update it now after rooted ics???
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updated through OTA will i remain rooted???

[Q] need some advice before i root my Xperia U

hello. im a user of Xperia u. st25i ics 4.0.4 build number 6.1.1.B.1.10. i just want to ask the experts before i root my phone.
1)what is the advisable method for me as a noob user?(easiest and safest way of rooting)
2)what are the disadvantages if i root? i've read somewhere that the led bar will function incorrectly is that true?
3)if the rooting process has been stopped, will it ruin the phone?
i have some more question but i cant remember it for now, maybe because im so nervous about rooting. thank you very much in advance.
Feratus said:
hello. im a user of Xperia u. st25i ics 4.0.4 build number 6.1.1.B.1.10. i just want to ask the experts before i root my phone.
1)what is the advisable method for me as a noob user?(easiest and safest way of rooting)
2)what are the disadvantages if i root? i've read somewhere that the led bar will function incorrectly is that true?
3)if the rooting process has been stopped, will it ruin the phone?
i have some more question but i cant remember it for now, maybe because im so nervous about rooting. thank you very much in advance.
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1) if you want to root .10 Fw you can do it easily by using binary method.... But why you don't flash .54???
2) no disadvantage as such until you know what you are doin..... And I don't think led has anything to do with rooting until you are on stock Rom
3) no it won't do any serious damage... You can repair easily....
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda app-developers app
@[email protected] said:
1) if you want to root .10 Fw you can do it easily by using binary method.... But why you don't flash .54???
2) no disadvantage as such until you know what you are doin..... And I don't think led has anything to do with rooting until you are on stock Rom
3) no it won't do any serious damage... You can repair easily....
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda app-developers app
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thanks for the answers. hmm how to flash .54? by the way my bootloader is locked.
Feratus said:
thanks for the answers. hmm how to flash .54? by the way my bootloader is locked.
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same way as you would flash .54 FW....... just rooting it is bit different........
@[email protected] said:
same way as you would flash .54 FW....... just rooting it is bit different........
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pc companion shows that the latest version for me is .10. is there a way to install .54 on mine? even if my bootloader is locked?
Feratus said:
pc companion shows that the latest version for me is .10. is there a way to install .54 on mine? even if my bootloader is locked?
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bootloader has nothing to do with stock ROM installation.....
for your region it may not be available but you can download it and install using flashtool.......
LINKS for the download and also how to root in the first quote....
@[email protected] said:
bootloader has nothing to do with stock ROM installation.....
for your region it may not be available but you can download it and install using flashtool.......
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ow i thought bootloader must be unlocked with that. is this the flashtool you are talking about?
thank you very much for entertaining me sir. by the way, what is the difference of .10 and .54? thanks in advance again.
Feratus said:
ow i thought bootloader must be unlocked with that. is this the flashtool you are talking about?
thank you very much for entertaining me sir. by the way, what is the difference of .10 and .54? thanks in advance again.
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Flashing details using flashtool...... with the link to flashtool site..........
@[email protected] said:
Flashing details using flashtool...... with the link to flashtool site..........
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thank you so much. going to download it. is rooting .10 is not the same as .54?
Feratus said:
thank you so much. going to download it. is rooting .10 is not the same as .54?
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no...... slightly different.......
ROOT as the following :
1. Flash ics 6.1.1.b.1.10 Kernel
2. Root with flashtools
3. Flash ics 6.1.1.b.1.54 Kernel
And your done .....
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look at the first quote in this link.......
@[email protected] said:
no...... slightly different.......
look at the first quote in this link.......
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so the flashtool that you gave me is the tool that i will use to root my phone isnt it? thank you very much in advance again.
Feratus said:
so the flashtool that you gave me is the tool that i will use to root my phone isnt it? thank you very much in advance again.
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yes that flashtool is to be used......
@[email protected] said:
yes that flashtool is to be used......
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okay sir, gonna try it. i will download everything first. im going to post here after i did it or is it ok if i pm you? thank you very much again for entertaining my noob questions. it is a very big help for me. thanks again!
hello everyone. here's what happen after i flash .10 kernel. i dont know what to do next. the root button is not clickable. what would be the next thing that i should do? thank you very much in advance.
hello just want to bump.
Feratus said:
hello just want to bump.
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You have both the kernels right???
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda app-developers app
@[email protected] said:
You have both the kernels right???
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda app-developers app
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yes sir i've downloaded it already. i also have the XPU_6.1.1.b.1.54.ftf that is 636mb.

