[Q] Sense Notification Problems - HTC Droid DNA

Hi all,
A few weeks ago i got a DNA and overall i like it but i am becoming increasingly frustrated with the sense. Nothing major just some glitchy little things that are rather irritating.
First off I dont like the default messaging app that comes with the phone. Its slow and lacks features such as a little checkmark when sending texts to other verizon customers recieve a text. the only way i have found to get this is to get a notification in the status bar every time one is delivered which is annoying when a small checkmark next to the text will suffice. I also do not like the skins they have for it, as i prefer an iphone bubble look to my texts. Thus i have resorted to third party sms apps such as handcent, gosms, and iphone messages by barleystudios. with all three of these i have the same issue that seems to be caused by the sense. Neither the icon in the dock/homescreen or in the pulldown bar will display a small unread count on the icon as they are supposed to and the Sense seems to block the message preview box under the lock screen completely when receiving a new text while lockscreen is engaged. Anyone know how to fix this or an app that this isnt an issue with?
Also i have a macbook and use iCal and i have synced it with my gmail account but the app on my phone and iCal dont seem to want to communicate at all. Any fix for this?

no one?


[REQ] Unobtrusive Alerts App

don't really know if this is in the realm of possibility or not but what I'm looking for is an app that could change how WinMo displays alerts (new SMS, email, reminder, missed call, voicemail, etc.). I guess mostly I want my Touch Pro 2 to show alerts similar to how Android and webOS display them, in a ticker at the top or bottom of the screen. it gets annoying having to exit all the way out of apps just to check a text message and the current Sense UI alert format takes up half the screen and requires attention for dismissal.
it wouldn't really have to change much except maybe the dimensions of the default alert box so it isn't so big, maybe about as large as the task bar is. and then i would need it dismissable on a timer or on any touch of the screen and a tap on the alert would show the whole message.
not sure if i'm asking too much here, or if there is something out there for this i didn't find, or for something that really isn't possible but after noticing how HTC changed how alerts are displayed through their Sense UI, i figure it's not out of the realm of possibility. i, and i'm sure others, would greatly appreciate an app like this.
oh and i'm personally using a Verizon Touch Pro 2 with the latest MightyROM Rhodium Official ROM if that makes any difference.

Is thre any way to get the little (1) notifications beside a non-stock sms/email app?

Hi guys
I've installed Yahoo Mail for my email and Go Sms Pro for my texts. When i get a text or email, i don't get double notifications in the notification bar, however, i really miss the little bubble indicator in the top right hand corner of the stock email & sms apps that let you know how many missed messages you have (i prefer this to the notification bar).
Does anyone know if it's possible to get these on anything other than Samsung's own crappy versions?
xiga said:
Hi guys
I've installed Yahoo Mail for my email and Go Sms Pro for my texts. When i get a text or email, i don't get double notifications in the notification bar, however, i really miss the little bubble indicator in the top right hand corner of the stock email & sms apps that let you know how many missed messages you have (i prefer this to the notification bar).
Does anyone know if it's possible to get these on anything other than Samsung's own crappy versions?
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its not samsungs own crappy version, its androids own 'crappy' version, imo it isnt crap, beats ios by 100 miles
blickmanic said:
its not samsungs own crappy version, its androids own 'crappy' version, imo it isnt crap, beats ios by 100 miles
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No it is Samsung's. The stock Android apps are far different and don't feature notifications.
You could use something like ADWLauncher which will allow it on certain apps.
Well I have K-9 as my email app and I also have Go Launcher which has a plugin for notifications and it does show the email count for K-9 so you could give that a go.
xiga said:
Hi guys
I've installed Yahoo Mail for my email and Go Sms Pro for my texts. When i get a text or email, i don't get double notifications in the notification bar, however, i really miss the little bubble indicator in the top right hand corner of the stock email & sms apps that let you know how many missed messages you have (i prefer this to the notification bar).
Does anyone know if it's possible to get these on anything other than Samsung's own crappy versions?
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install a program from the market called adwnotifier

Notifications on the lock screen?

Is it possible to have notifications pop up on the lock screen? I'm thinking specifically of text messages here, as the phone makes a sound but doesn't really give any visual indication apart from a tiny LED blinking away.
Can it be done on the standard UI or do I need to install something else? Sorry for the noobish question, this is my second day using an Android phone
I think you mean like the iPhone does? Because I was just looking into that, but haven't found if a launcher or SMS app. Any help greatly appreciated.
Pretty much like the iPhone does yeah. That's the one drawback I've found so far moving over from iOS
Ive been using Handcent SMS and it has a feature similar to what you are asking for. Under the applications menu go to Notification Settings, Popup Settings and uncheck Privacy Mode. It works on the Motorola Droid and HTC Sensation.
Check out GO SMS Pro. It's a free messaging app that is skinnable with a theme that looks almost exactly like the iPhone. It also has popup notifications when you have a text, and can even turn your screen on when receiving messages.

SMS Notifications - Tempermental

I've had my SGS3 for a few weeks now and I've noticed one issue that keeps happening. When I receive a new SMS I either don't get a notification OR it show up late. If I open the messaging app, I'll often find that there are new messages in there but I won't have had a notification either on the top bar, on the homescreen icon/widget or on the lockscreen.
Is this common and are there any known fixes? I've compared my messaging settings to those of a colleague at work who also has an SGS3 and they're exactly the same.
For now I've switched the Handcent SMS which covers most of the problem but it means I still don't get a notification on the lockscreen when I receive a new message.
My handset is a UK model, software build number IMM76D.I9300XXBLG8

Actionable SMS notification.

So I watching WWDC 2014 yesterday and really liked the Actionable Notification for SMS (dont care about other apps). IMO, its an essential part of phone and I really liked this feature. Anyways, for months now I been trying to find a popup quick reply app that lets me quick reply from lockscreen on my Nexus 5 running CM11. Some stuff I found was SMS popup which didnt work to good on handling multiple messages. I used EvolveSMS for a long time since it would unlock the screen to show you the popup sms and once you hit send it would bring you back to lock screen. However I was looking for something like ChompSMS where it did that but it gave me option to customize my popup menu, I have to option to open, close, reply, delete etc (I can customize buttons) for my popup screen. Plus I can swipe from one message to another if multiple are popping up at the same time. However I was more in line of something Apple introduced, simple and yet elegant, just sms straight from notification bar, pull down and type.
Anything like that?

