infared remote problem help - Sony Tablet S

hi my problem is that I was recently on ics 4.0.3 and on the infrared remote app I had a sky+ option but since I rooted and upgraded to release5a I have no option for sky+ or logik . Could some one please tell me if its just me or if they have removed the support for sky and logic.
i have also tried copying the 3 files irremote, api and service files to datapp/vendor0/app, datapp/vendor1/app, vedor/app and system/app and still no look.
ive also changed my region back to uk sgpt112gb/s
Any support is appreciated.
Thanks matt

Hi Matt,
I see you have some troubles with the infrared connection on the tablet. I know it's an old issue already, but personally I never got running the IR connection on my tablet S model sgpt113ch/s, even with the originally installed remote-application. In some blogs I read the hardware is ok but the software (some activation programming) is not integrated and must be built. Apparently some guy wrote the corresponding code around 2014, but the project was stopped. Maybe I'm missing some other files. What I see is, whatever app I use (e.g. television remote device) to run the IR connection, the led is not lighting up at all ! Maybe some file containing HEX-Code is also needed ? You are mentioning the Irremote and other two files... can be I also miss those ? Appreciate any help, buddy. Sorry for the long mail, but this stuff drives me crazy
Thanks, cheers


Toshiba folio 100 users - general info

Dear Toshiba Folio 100 user.
I have created this thread to use it as a place it discuss all ideas, suggestions, problems, improvements about this device. In this way we can clean some of the general issues in the Dexter ROM thread.
Applications using the big screen ?
Looking for the best (screen usage) for email and calendar.
The email client in 1.0b is the default one for Android, looking at the email client in Samsung Tab its much better at using the big screen. Also the Folio is much better with white/light background as the "stock" email-client does not have.
Any pointer to a better app ?
The calendar app is much better and uses the screen much better.
Please write about your experiences with apps that works with big screens and works good on the Folio.
where do you find email client samsung???
Using Startup Manager, would it be possible to disable the phone service or would that result in a nuclear explosion or something like it? i mean, is android dependant on it one way or another, or would it be safe to disable it?
why foliomod ?
Hi to all
mhgonzalez great idea to create this "general" post.
I bought two folio for as Christmas gift, now they are hidden .. but, when I can, I do some test.
I never used android till now but I'm trying to understand why I should install foliomod. During my little usage I didn't find any bug, I only wasn't able to open a ebook (.epub) using the default reader (and I have put the file in the Books folder, anyway) but I suppose it's only because I need to improve my "knowledge".
But at the moment no bugs where find, all the apps installed work properly, wifi it's ok and, after I installed flash plug-in, browsing is ok too.
Not only but I was able to find the few app I saw googoling around the web.
What the folio mod make me able to do more than this ?
mhgonzalez said:
where do you find email client samsung???
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It can be downloaded from
but it does NOT work on the Folio
[FIX] Background picture correctly scaled.
Download the app "Multipicture Live Wallpaper" from the market, enable it, and set the background image you want in the settings. YAY! HiRes background
ma1999 said:
It can be downloaded from
but it does NOT work on the Folio
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That is one of my frustrations. The current email.apk on the folio, as well as the calender, look pretty terrible. In email, I can't even scroll through the different emails, everytime I have to open a message, read, close and open the next. Even on the (rather basic) email.apk on the Galaxy S I have small arrows on top with which I can scroll through to the next or previous message. The Galaxy-TAB email.apk doesn't work (well) on the SGS either.
Also, Samsung have another email-client from com7, I'can;t get that version installed ( a specific Samsung version with great HTML-email-presentation, but alas, missing scroll-arrows also). I'll check the com7-site to see if they have a more general Android version of their email-app and come back on that one.
So if anyone has an other email.apk which works on the Folio, let me know.
kakkio said:
Hi to all
mhgonzalez great idea to create this "general" post.
I bought two folio for as Christmas gift, now they are hidden .. but, when I can, I do some test.
I never used android till now but I'm trying to understand why I should install foliomod. During my little usage I didn't find any bug, I only wasn't able to open a ebook (.epub) using the default reader (and I have put the file in the Books folder, anyway) but I suppose it's only because I need to improve my "knowledge".
But at the moment no bugs where find, all the apps installed work properly, wifi it's ok and, after I installed flash plug-in, browsing is ok too.
Not only but I was able to find the few app I saw googoling around the web.
What the folio mod make me able to do more than this ?
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Dear Kakkio.
Modding the most important in my case was to be able to download application from Android Market, reason why the Toshiba Market is a joke. It depend on what will you do with the Folio. If it is only to browse internet and reading book, dont mod. If you need more, I recomend to mod.
dear mhgonzalez
tnx for your answer, in a few word you give me axactly the info I needed.
Mainly I'll use the tablet to read, listen music, watch video and browsing... but I like to "play" so, after a few, I'm sure I'll go to install foliomod...
In this moment I'm installing android emulator on my ubuntu in order to get a little bit more involved.
TnX again
I quote a post from "pekka91166" from the dexter section because I think is perfect for this section ...
"...I agree with one of the earlier posts on Android (especially Tegra2) tablets versus others, including iPad.
If you're simpoly looking for a tablet which works and works very well, get yourself an iPad. And accept it's a pretty much closed OS.
If you're looking for a working Android tab, go for the SGT, although I'm not sure how well the TAB is working.
With all these tegra2 tablets, we're in for some disturbing months. Right now, these products all seem to suffer from pre-release firmwares which haven't been adapted well enough to the powerful (and partly cheap) hardwarechoices the various suppliers have chosen.
In the case of the Folio100, I knew very well I was buying a product with factory-default rubbish FW, but after reading Dexter's posts I figured it was worth trying, playing, failing and reinstalling.
All in all, I'm happy with the Folio, it's definitely NOT the product is should become, but pretty decent workeable and, last but nost least, FUN (and irritating at the same time).
I just hope Toshiba will, at some point, come with an acceptable FW AND that, in the meantime, Dexter and others will be able to cook some nice firmwares based on 2.2.
The Folio FEELS at some point very powerful, so the Tegra2 should be able to perform, but most of the times it seems lazy. For me a clear indication its the firmware of the machine. Unfortunately, it's a bit the same with a Galaxy S-phone. Powerhouse, but the firmware (2.2) is yet not there to unleash the full power.
Let's hope we'll get 2.3 running on our Tosh and that it supports dual-cores. I expect until then we'll have a nice (and often frustrating) toy to fiddle around with....."
why mod?
For me the big disappointment with the Folio was that none of the Google stuff worked and I expected this from a device with Android.
Dexter has fixed this with his mods and now i can see all my picassa pics in the Gallery, my contacts calendar and email all sync perfectly. Try Google maps with the street view addin and zoom down streets, spin around, it is the sort of app that the tablet excells at.
He has also fixed the Market and there are plenty that are free and work great like tunein radio, some are worth paying for like Bria if you want a good sip client.
I have gone for the v2 mod as it seems to fly, It is not perfect but it is 1000% better.
Others have found v1 mod better for their use. Dexter has made it easy to try them and roll back and has proved to be adept at fixing issues with easy to apply updates , he can also be stimulated with his Donate button, Early reports are that the other tablets arriving with Froyo are hardly better than stock Folio all crippled at birth. Anyway I am grinning. I had a Nokia N800, ****e at first but then the second os release brought it to life and included a cpu overclock. Some have said we are not using both cores properly so I am looking forward to the next Android even if we have to stimulate Dexter to make it work again
but after foliomod I'll found the original apps ? or I have to re-install them again ? or I'll found others ones ?
and if toshiba will create a FW upgrade I'll have to roll-back to the original state to install it?
sorry for the stupid questions
kakkio said:
but after foliomod I'll found the original apps ? or I have to re-install them again ? or I'll found others ones ?
and if toshiba will create a FW upgrade I'll have to roll-back to the original state to install it?
sorry for the stupid questions
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Some will be there and some better ones have been included plus you have acess to the market where you should find everything you need , this is a bit trial and error but people will hopefully post reports of apps that work well on the folio. Yes you would have to go back to stock rom to get the Tosh update. Hah lets see if that comes:
Somehow I got stuck in the Foliomod V01...
When I'm in system recovery trying to upate to a later version I only get:
E:Can't mount DEFAULT_PATH
Finding update package
Opening update package
E:Can't open /sdcard/
(No such file or directory)
Installation aborted.
Formatting MISC:...
When I choose: apply
The same message pops up.
Anybody who has got an idea, how to fix this?
I would delete the and put a fresh one there, check on the pc that the zip opens and is not corrupt. Ian
this launcher looks awesome, i'm gonna try it on the folio and see if it's sucessful =)
kakkio said:
dear mhgonzalez
tnx for your answer, in a few word you give me axactly the info I needed.
Mainly I'll use the tablet to read, listen music, watch video and browsing... but I like to "play" so, after a few, I'm sure I'll go to install foliomod...
In this moment I'm installing android emulator on my ubuntu in order to get a little bit more involved.
TnX again
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Hello from Argentina, I see you are Italian, my mother is Italian from Calabria, and my best friend here is Italian who is working in the Italian consulate in my city (Fabio Zarzaca).
More my little daughter is studing in an Italian school called Da Vinci School.
Regards and enjoy your devices.
Anybody know a way to use bluetooth for tethering, like it's possible with the archos tablets?
I've got 2 phones here wich are capable of making a dial up connection, but they are not as advanced as complete smart phones.
First is a LG GD510 POP and the second is a Samsung U600. Neither phone has a wlan connection, so it must be connected through bluetooth.
I can make a bluetooth connection with either of them and can send files and contact cards to them, but a tethering connection is not (yet) possible.
I know in the archos tablets, there is a possibility to tether, but in the folio (and mods) it's not.
Searching only delivers solutions, where the android device is the phone and a pc is the client or where a connection is made through wifi.
jbbrans said:
I know in the archos tablets, there is a possibility to tether, but in the folio (and mods) it's not.
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i dont there is any need to compare other hardware platforms..
the you could say Windows7 works fine with flash, but my android does not..
or my milestone works quite wll too, but still not same platform...
Best is put into accepting Toshiba/Nvidia is still work in progress, other major companies seems to plan using tegra2 and then we will for sure see much better support..
Toshiba released the folio100 too quick, comparing to Malata T2 which is still not out, as they realize its not in an acceptable state, although Nvidia is helping them to improve, they have yet to release their tablet and provide updates.

[Q] (SE LiveView) Is it possible to read .txt files?

Hi guys, I've done a lot of research during these days, and I've found a miscellaneous heap of plug-ins, but astonishingly I've found none that actually enables me to read a .txt/.doc/whatever text file.
Isn't that odd? Do you know any?
I was using Gmail plugin for that but it has character limit that makes it unusable for longer txt.
Not sure I understand what's the point?
Isn't the very teeny display a horrible way to read anything?
It's not like I would use it as ereader, but I figured out that it could be very useful in tests and whatsoever..
After hours of research and many tries to find se liveview plugin suitable for my needs there it is. Was not working until today for me, fortunately dev updated it to new version. Google play store com.sonyericsson.extras.liveview.plugins.txtliveview OR just search for liveview txt.
Plugin is paid - but in my country price can be compared to cost of 1 beer.
Working on my sgs2 with Ics Turkbey v9 rom.
I hope somebody will find it useful.
By the way if you got reconnect problem with your LV device try also app "Liveview Charm ".
I've found it too, but I can't pay for apps in my country cause I don't have any credit card.
Can you please respond on PM?

[Q] Gadmei T863-3D

I have just received this tablet and it sucks.
But I paid much money for it and it took a very long time for it to arrive, so I just want to give it a try.
It runs android 2.3.4, but it has no android market. I managed to install the Market APK, but to my surprise, there was no way to add a google account, so I can use the market. Anybody knows how to accomplish this?
Second, I want to root this sucker. I tried SuperOneClick 2.3.3, but when I put the device in debug mode and connect it to the pc, it does not search for drivers, even though I have the android SDK installed. Anybody???]
Plus, if anybody has this device too, please share your experiences and maybe one day we have a developer willing to make a ROM for it.
I also have just received this tablet, I am a bit disappointed too (for the display quality actually), but I am trying to understand what I can make out of it.
I installed some versions of Google Market (and also the GoogleServices) but its seems unable to connect with my account. Will search some more if I can find some way to have it working, this post was just to let you know that there is also somebody else in your situation.
As always, any suggestion/step forward shared is more than welcome.
Hey I managed to install the Market and GoogleAccount and have them working.
I installed the gapps packages found at this url and they seem to work: (I cannot post links so please remove the spaces from the address below)
h t t p : / / www . androidtablets . net / forum / coby-generation-2-technical / 17833-video-how-install-android-market-coby-kyros-7022-a-2 . html
Hope you'll be successful too.
I have a ROM that is built for the GADMEI T863. It already has Market cooked in as well as some other tweaks.
I shared it on my google account.
Just unpack and copy the four items to the root of the sd card. Turn off the tablet. Hold volume up en power button to begin flashing.
Nice dude... you scared me a little when I realized that it has chinese as the default language but I managed to set english quite easily.
Thank you!!!
You save my device. My internal sd was corrupted and i've tried a lot of solutions without success. Flashing this rom repair it.
allright, more users with this particular device.
Question, is the wifi on your's slow? My wifi is terrible. I can only get about 1mb/s a second. My router is a Linksys E4200 and my internet is cable 120mb/s.
It is slow with this frimware, the old firmware and the new (official firmware), no matter what.
Please share your thoughts.
My top speed is 1284 kbps with a line with 30mb/s very slow
New fellow
Hi everybody,
Happy to find some users of this tablet. I'm really satisfied by this stuff. The 3D effect is nice and the performances barely good. I've put on the back a door hinge to create a kickstand
I rooted my device thanks to two little things : PdaNet to get a generic driver, then DooMLoRD's Easy Rooting Toolkit :
@hyellow : Thank you very much ! Where did you get this rom ? I'm curious to know the modifications provides by this rom, and i would to follow his evolution
Misutsu said:
Hi everybody,
Happy to find some users of this tablet. I'm really satisfied by this stuff. The 3D effect is nice and the performances barely good. I've put on the back a door hinge to create a kickstand
I rooted my device thanks to two little things : PdaNet to get a generic driver, then DooMLoRD's Easy Rooting Toolkit :
@hyellow : Thank you very much ! Where did you get this rom ? I'm curious to know the modifications provides by this rom, and i would to follow his evolution
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I found the ROM on facebook. It is a dual device facebook page, because it is also offering roms for the GADMEI T820.
there is also this chinese forum, from GADMEI themselves.
This rom is great, finally my Google account and better performances in the system and 3D player. 'm Waiting for the next version
Does anyone see in the 3D mode strange rainbow-like color effects? Is it a low-quality panel or is it my device that has problems?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
today all cheap panels 3d glasses-free are low quality with rainbow colors and duplicates.
Best view at 50cm distance with low tilt in the y axis, when you stop to see the rainbow effect is the optimal distance-tilt, best with a solid color foreground in the movie.
I got one 2 weeks ago from BRANDO.
I don't think it's expensive, the 200 $ get exact change to euros, so it's 160 euros with delivery included.
The hardware is Ok, not the best but quite reasonable. And the glasses free display really works with the included video and photo players. The screen is HD-ready resololution and the video works quite well with every format I have tried.
On the bad side: the screen gets scratched easyly just by using it. It comes with very little documentation in chinese and just a few apps installed and some more on the internal SD, included a chinesse market. The construction looks a bit cheap and the plastic back makes sounds when you catsh it.
Still haven't tried to root it, with the Android Market installed surely will get more from it. Does anyone know if there is a chance we could upgrade it to Honeycomb or Icecream?
hyellow said:
I have a ROM that is built for the GADMEI T863. It already has Market cooked in as well as some other tweaks.
I shared it on my google account.
h t t p s : / / docs . google . com / open?id = 0B3fxq6Qouia0MzZiOGU2YmYtMWJhYi00YjY0LThjMGItMzhhM2UwZjkzYTA5
Just unpack and copy the four items to the root of the sd card. Turn off the tablet. Hold volume up en power button to begin flashing.
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Does this ROM pack with the original 3D player? Thanks!
hiung2002 said:
Does this ROM pack with the original 3D player? Thanks!
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yes, it has the 3d player. But make a backup of the 3d content (movies and pictures). because, that is not included.
Does anyone know if there is an SDK to activate 3D mode?
LG and HTC have them for their phones. I assumed this device only needed the image to be vertically interlaced, but it appears something needs to switch on for the parallax barrier to activate.
hyellow said:
yes, it has the 3d player. But make a backup of the 3d content (movies and pictures). because, that is not included.
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Thanks. Does it also fixed the internal SD problem and improved Wi-Fi performance? Do you know how to make a backup of the existing ROM before upgrade? Could you share any screenshot?
Trying to install this rom,
It boots to the sd install screen and gives an error
E.Bad Boot Loader Arguments "(null)"
E.unkown volume for path [/udisk/factory_update_param.aml]
E.Can't mount /udisk/factory_update_param.aml]
anyone know what this is?
have you put the extracted files on to the internal or external sd card?
It might not make any difference, but i put it on the external sd card.
Be sure to extract the rar file and copy it to the sd card.

Cannot get past WIFI selection on Hudl 1

Hi guys, I hope someone can help coz I'm at the end of my tether!.
I've got a Hudl v1 which I factory reset because it was getting slow with stock ROM (never changed anything).
I come to the Let's get started and I click Start to get to the WIFI selection bit. I connect to my own router and it quickly says Authenticating (which it does), then it say Cannot connect to the internet, check your WIFI, and I click OK which takes me back to the WIFI connection screen. If I reboot at this point and start again, at the connect to WIFI point it says connected and there's the WIFI icon but no triangle icon to continue.
I've tried it on several networks, both open and secured and set it static IP but no luck.
If I use the Google keyboard method of getting to Settings I can browse Ok using Chrome and access Play Store etc and install apps.
I have tried 3 different ROM's now and all are the same. Used RKTOOL to flash it. Factory reset after installing each of them.
Debug mode and rooted now BTW.
I used ES explorer to browse to system/apps folder and renamed the HUDL SETUP apk to something different then reset again. The only difference now is that I have the 3 nav icons at the bottom.
Is there a way around this to skip the WIFI screen and continue to the next setup screen?
Is there a way of killing this process (if so what's it called?) of removing it?
Much appreciate any help.
Factory reset HUDL - cannot get past the wifi screen
I am having exactly the same issue my HUDL. I have not been through as many processes as you to get around the startup screen. My main theory now is to wipe the HUDL software and install alternative Android OS. Not sure if that would work in practice, but seems just the HUDL thats the issue.. Is it possible this is a deliberate bug by HUDL to kick the systems gradually off the market? Seems a waste as my HUDL still works well, so be stupid to bin it just yet.
Can you add any advice on how you did the other actions - how did you get your three buttons and did they operate as expected - presuymably not:? Even when I by pass to the keyboard section I am unable to download or update apps or install the Google Now Launcher.
Seems stupid to me. Really keen to find a post a fix for this stupid stupid issue?
pwigg said:
Hi guys, I hope someone can help coz I'm at the end of my tether!.
I've got a Hudl v1 which I factory reset because it was getting slow with stock ROM (never changed anything).
I come to the Let's get started and I click Start to get to the WIFI selection bit. I connect to my own router and it quickly says Authenticating (which it does), then it say Cannot connect to the internet, check your WIFI, and I click OK which takes me back to the WIFI connection screen. If I reboot at this point and start again, at the connect to WIFI point it says connected and there's the WIFI icon but no triangle icon to continue.
I've tried it on several networks, both open and secured and set it static IP but no luck.
If I use the Google keyboard method of getting to Settings I can browse Ok using Chrome and access Play Store etc and install apps.
I have tried 3 different ROM's now and all are the same. Used RKTOOL to flash it. Factory reset after installing each of them.
Debug mode and rooted now BTW.
I used ES explorer to browse to system/apps folder and renamed the HUDL SETUP apk to something different then reset again. The only difference now is that I have the 3 nav icons at the bottom.
Is there a way around this to skip the WIFI screen and continue to the next setup screen?
Is there a way of killing this process (if so what's it called?) of removing it?
Much appreciate any help.
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---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------
I called TESCO contact centre and they confirmed that the software is no longer support and this sounds like a deliberate bug to stop the devices. - If you have a HUDL I would urge you not to factory reset as this will kill it altogether. I think from an environmental standpoint its atrocious to do this and for TESCO not to have a section about it on the website. They should also be telling people where they can send the devices for recycling or repurposing or offering a very basic OS so it can still be used even with limited fucnctionality. We need to start thinking about the whole picture and getting the information like this out there in the public domain.
load settings
stuartcm83 said:
I am having exactly the same issue my HUDL. I have not been through as many processes as you to get around the startup screen. My main theory now is to wipe the HUDL software and install alternative Android OS. Not sure if that would work in practice, but seems just the HUDL thats the issue.. Is it possible this is a deliberate bug by HUDL to kick the systems gradually off the market? Seems a waste as my HUDL still works well, so be stupid to bin it just yet.
Can you add any advice on how you did the other actions - how did you get your three buttons and did they operate as expected - presuymably not:? Even when I by pass to the keyboard section I am unable to download or update apps or install the Google Now Launcher.
Seems stupid to me. Really keen to find a post a fix for this stupid stupid issue?
---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------
I called TESCO contact centre and they confirmed that the software is no longer support and this sounds like a deliberate bug to stop the devices. - If you have a HUDL I would urge you not to factory reset as this will kill it altogether. I think from an environmental standpoint its atrocious to do this and for TESCO not to have a section about it on the website. They should also be telling people where they can send the devices for recycling or repurposing or offering a very basic OS so it can still be used even with limited fucnctionality. We need to start thinking about the whole picture and getting the information like this out there in the public domain.
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i know this is old but just going through this on my granddads old Hudl, he died so no way am I getting rid the first post got me interested but didnt know what they keyboard trick was have found out so am posting here to help other users
1. select anywhere that will let you type in text
2. when the keyboard comes up long press the microphone key
3. click on google keyboard settings
4. scroll down to about google keyboard
5. click on privacy policy (it will load up google chrome)
6. in the address bar type in google app
7. the google app will show click on it in the google search results
8. click open in play store
9 click on open
10. in the search bar type settings / play store
11. root your tablet following other guids
hope this helps fill in the blanks
Tesco HUDL1_Post-factory reset Workround
Hi All,
Over the past couple of years I've contributed to the MoDaCo forum on this topic as a HUDL user - since the MoDaCo forum is now defunct (sadly, recently confirmed to me by PaulO'Brien via email), I thought it might be useful to fill in some of the gaps for you by summarising the extensive history surrounding this problem, starting from the first Tesco server outage in early 2019. Much of this was documented in MoDaCo but is now no longer available.
I can also offer you a couple of workround solutions which I’ve tested on a factory-reset HUDL1, and documented as a detailed instruction set within a .pdf file.
Since it isn’t possible to attach anything other than image files to this post. I’ve transferred the file to Google drive. Unfortunately as a new user, it does not appear to be possible for me to include the shareable link within this reply to allow you access…..
If any of you are interested in viewing this file, please let me know via this post and I will look into alternative means of getting it to you.
viv001 said:
Hi All,
Over the past couple of years I've contributed to the MoDaCo forum on this topic as a HUDL user - since the MoDaCo forum is now defunct (sadly, recently confirmed to me by PaulO'Brien via email), I thought it might be useful to fill in some of the gaps for you by summarising the extensive history surrounding this problem, starting from the first Tesco server outage in early 2019. Much of this was documented in MoDaCo but is now no longer available.
I can also offer you a couple of workround solutions which I’ve tested on a factory-reset HUDL1, and documented as a detailed instruction set within a .pdf file.
Since it isn’t possible to attach anything other than image files to this post. I’ve transferred the file to Google drive. Unfortunately as a new user, it does not appear to be possible for me to include the shareable link within this reply to allow you access…..
If any of you are interested in viewing this file, please let me know via this post and I will look into alternative means of getting it to you.
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Hi would you be able to contact me somewhere regarding this? would be interested in taking look at the pdf file
I would certainly be interested in looking at the .pdf as I have 2x Hudl 1 both of which have been factory reset before I knew Tesco no longer supported them and had swithched off the server.
Tesco HUDL1_Post-factory reset Workround
KingUsman said:
Hi would you be able to contact me somewhere regarding this? would be interested in taking look at the pdf file
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Since I'm new to this forum and there do seem to be quite a few restrictions on exchange of data, I'll need some advice on how to give folks access to the pdf file. As you'll appreciate, the amount of info is too large to insert into a post 'longhand', so a separate document was really the only way to go with this.
I suspect there will be quite a bit of interest, and it would be a shame if the site's restrictions prevented me from sharing the info.
I notice there is an icon on the post compilation page entitled 'Insert email link' - what exactly does this do, and could we use it to exchange email addresses offline ? I've no objection to corresponding with interested individuals, but I'd rather not broadcast my address too widely....
Cheers, Viv
Grimbo58 said:
I would certainly be interested in looking at the .pdf as I have 2x Hudl 1 both of which have been factory reset before I knew Tesco no longer supported them and had swithched off the server.
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Hi, Happy to let you have a copy, but please see my reply to KingUsman re how best to do it. Not sure why the forums are so restrictive...
My sympathies on being landed with 2 'dead' HUDLs by Tesco - you certainly won't have been alone in this, given the popularity of this tablet and continued buoyancy of the second hand market before the event....
viv001 said:
I can also offer you a couple of workround solutions which I’ve tested on a factory-reset HUDL1, and documented as a detailed instruction set within a .pdf file.
Since it isn’t possible to attach anything other than image files to this post. I’ve transferred the file to Google drive. Unfortunately as a new user, it does not appear to be possible for me to include the shareable link within this reply to allow you access…..
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Hi Viv,
I've sent you a PM, and hope you can share the link to the PDF that way?
viv001 said:
Since I'm new to this forum and there do seem to be quite a few restrictions on exchange of data, I'll need some advice on how to give folks access to the pdf file. As you'll appreciate, the amount of info is too large to insert into a post 'longhand', so a separate document was really the only way to go with this.
I suspect there will be quite a bit of interest, and it would be a shame if the site's restrictions prevented me from sharing the info.
I notice there is an icon on the post compilation page entitled 'Insert email link' - what exactly does this do, and could we use it to exchange email addresses offline ? I've no objection to corresponding with interested individuals, but I'd rather not broadcast my address too widely....
Cheers, Viv
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I've sent you a PM, can you see if you can send the link through there? If not maybe you can try enter it here with spaces between and see if that works
Sorry, folks - I've tried to unravel the complexities of exchanging information via this forum, but they do seem to me to be insuperable for a 'novice' user. I'll have to explore other ways of sharing the information....
In the meantime, best of luck finding ways to reactivate your HUDLs,
viv001 said:
Sorry, folks - I've tried to unravel the complexities of exchanging information via this forum, but they do seem to me to be insuperable for a 'novice' user. I'll have to explore other ways of sharing the information....
In the meantime, best of luck finding ways to reactivate your HUDLs,
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If you can upload the PDF to this link
I'll be able to share it with others for you.
Thanks to both you and Viv for helping out with this. If you manage to get that available on dropbox I would be keen (and very grateful) for a copy.
The restrictions on this forum do seem quite onerous. My original attempt to post a reply was rejected because it quoted your post which contained a link!
I just managed to get past the setup wizard and get both my Hudl 1's back into service. The problem is not that the Tesco server is gone, but that it's certificate expired on 26th June. If you can escape the wizard and get to settings to set the Hudl's time to before that date the wizard completes successfully.
I've written up how I escaped the wizard and got into the settings to do this - it's s combination of information from this thread and stuff I've found elsewhere, none of it is really mine . No rooting or USB debuuging required.
Find the write up here: Apparently I haven't posted enough here to be able to post the actual link, so try this ....
https colon slash slash rob dot themayfamily dot me dot uk slash hudl
If someone with enough privileges could post an actual link for others to click that would be excellent.
I hope this is useful. Please let me know if you find better/easier ways to achieve the same end effect. If I get time I'll have a look to see if the setup wizard can more easily be disabled, but for now this has got me where I need to be.
[Edited to add: you can find a clickable link under the Home Page in the contact info of my profile]
TigerRob, I went to the website and tried. It still says failed to connect. I did the same thing you did by resetting thinking it was a good idea but totally forgotten about this being a thing with hudls. Im gonna try again and hope for the best.
EDIT: OMG IT WORKS!!!! I guess setting it to 2015 was a bad idea. Should of checked before and set to 22/11/19. Thanks dude!
lemurmad said:
TigerRob, I went to the website and tried. It still says failed to connect. I did the same thing you did by resetting thinking it was a good idea but totally forgotten about this being a thing with hudls. Im gonna try again and hope for the best.
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Sorry, but not sure what website you went to. If you go to my site there are step by step instructions for recovering - but I still don't have enough posts here to link to it directly. If you click on 'TigerRob' to the left of this post and then follow the link to 'view profile' and then click on the 'Contact Info' tab you will find a link under the 'Home Page' - follow that to my write-up.
I've had a couple of other people confirm that they've made it work - let me know how you get on.
I'm working on a custom ROM, based on the latest stock ROM (JDQ39.20140424.153851) that will have the following features:
- boot 'chime' disabled
- setup wizard & Tesco updates disabled
- Tesco apps and branding removed
- Remaining stock apps updated to latest available for JellyBean/4.2.2
I'm probably a week away from having something that can be tested - if you're interested in having early sight and helping test then please let me know by replying here or PM'ing me.
Fixed as well!
Rob, thanks for what is probably the best described fix I've ever seen for a tech problem. It worked perfectly, just as you described at every step, including the lack of download of the settings app so I went back and reset the hudl again but was quicker through the process second time. Excellent job! Rob
lemurmad said:
TigerRob, I went to the website and tried. It still says failed to connect. I did the same thing you did by resetting thinking it was a good idea but totally forgotten about this being a thing with hudls. Im gonna try again and hope for the best.
EDIT: OMG IT WORKS!!!! I guess setting it to 2015 was a bad idea. Should of checked before and set to 22/11/19. Thanks dude!
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I'll add an instruction not to go too far in the past . The Hudl talks to other sites during setup, and if they have certificates then those certificates will have 'not before' dates, and if you set the time before these dates then those communications will fail ...
TMF Custom ROM v0.1 (for HUdl 1)
I have a working custom ROM that is currently running on 3 of my Hudl's. If any with a bit of experience of flashing the Hudl want to give it a shot then drop me a PM and I'll share a link - but I'd like to get some confidence of it working on other devices before I open up to general downloads.
This ROM is not Rooted. It just works around the issue of not being able to complete the setup wizard but disabling it and removes most of the Tesco branding. More information once I have confidence that it's good for wider distribution

[Question] How to pack a rom and flash for smart display

Hi guys. Not sure if I'm in the right sub but I'm desperate for help.
I've had a Lenovo smart display 8 and it was working okay before. I did not use it for some time until I moved back to my country lately.
I tried to set it up and it seemed to update to the latest firmware. Voice works but I noticed that the screen isn't responsive. Thinking that something was wrong, I tried to reboot the device but it didn't get any better, so I tried resetting by holding +/- buttons. It went through the setup process again but now at the final step, it won't go any further. It looks like a bug that has disabled the touch screen imo. I've searched and found a lot of people having the same issue with not just lenovo but also nest hub. Do anyone have an idea how we can flash an older firmware to fix this?? (I'm not in the US btw, so I can't send it to service center. And the device isn't distributed in my country so I doubt whether local support could help. I don't want it to become a paperweight) It gets even more frustrating that the device is connected to wifi network and can receive audio cast, even youtube cast but the screen will only show Almost done! Finish setup.
I've tried to collect resources across the internet. There is open-source from lenovo website. File in tar.gz and I don't know how to compile it into an img file for flashing. There is another thread when someone posted a system dump in another thread, but it's not active. I wonder which one to use and further steps to make it work. Can anyone with expertise help me, please??
This is from Lenovo site other topic post
Smart Display System Dump or APK
Hey, guys - I've been scouring everywhere whether anyone has been able to perform a system dump of a Smart Display device. Since the Home Hub is using Cast as its method of being display I'm almost positive it won't be able to be engineered on...
Thank you for reading and thank you more if you could drop me some support<3<3

