how do i turn off lte and force 3g only? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note II

inside my work building the lte reception is extremely weak but the phone does not switch to 3g because there's still a little signal. on my old phone i was able to force 3g and the reception is pretty good. how do i turn off the lte on the note 2 and force 3g? i have stock factory rom... is there a way to do this without rooting? i've read there's an app 'phone info' but the one in the app store is no longer the correct one.
any help would be greatly appreciated!
thank you

im on sprint, but for me you go to settings>wireless and network>more settings>mobile networks>and you can turn lte off there.
im not sure if tis the same on vzw. hope it helps.

thanks but that option is not available on the verizon version :crying:

Use pimp my rom l. Under tools there is a hidden menu option
Sent from the dark on a Note 2

Does #*#*4636*#*# not work?

kintwofan said:
Use pimp my rom l. Under tools there is a hidden menu option
Sent from the dark on a Note 2
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The hidden menu doesn't work either to turn it off. The option is there but it doesn't work.

adrynalyne said:
The hidden menu doesn't work either to turn it off. The option is there but it doesn't work.
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My bad I didn't try it. Just opened the menu to make sure it opened
Sent from the dark on a Note 2

kintwofan said:
My bad I didn't try it. Just opened the menu to make sure it opened
Sent from the dark on a Note 2
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Yeah...been trying to figure out that one.

austin420 said:
im on sprint, but for me you go to settings>wireless and network>more settings>mobile networks>and you can turn lte off there.
im not sure if tis the same on vzw. hope it helps.
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Thats how mine is, but you gotta goto acces points then theres 2 options lte and then like ehrpd and it swirltches u from 3g to 4g

Yes this is definitely a needed option. Maybe someone will develop an app like 4GLte on/off like they had for the Thunderbolt
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app

ed270 said:
Yes this is definitely a needed option. Maybe someone will develop an app like 4GLte on/off like they had for the Thunderbolt
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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That wasn't really a complex app. It simply launched the built-in radio settings.
I have an app that does similar for us, but the hidden menu doesn't work right for it.

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This is a function on some ROM's like Rootbox.

nunyazz said:
This is a function on some ROM's like Rootbox.
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Its a function in probably any aosp rom.


Why did HTC or VZW remove the hidden test menu from ICS? (accessed via *#*#4636#*#8)

Why did HTC or Verizon remove the hidden test menu
from the upcoming official ICS update for the Rezound?
(the one that's accessed via *#*#4636#*#8)
Or did they just hide it better?
Just use LTE On/Off.
tekhna said:
Just use LTE On/Off.
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without the hidden menu, how does one put Rezound into GSM mode?
Kiersten_Kress said:
without the hidden menu, how does one put Rezound into GSM mode?
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A second time: just use LTE On/Off. It does the same thing.
As far as I know they didn't remove the menu, the just removed the shortcut through the dialer.
It's still there its *#*#3646#*#* just used it for a bootloop
just download an app "LTE OnOFF - Htc Thunderbolt" it works xD
Kensai said:
It's still there its *#*#3646#*#* just used it for a bootloop
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That's funny, you would think they are smart enough to know someone will find it out and post it
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
tekhna said:
A second time: just use LTE On/Off. It does the same thing.
As far as I know they didn't remove the menu, the just removed the shortcut through the dialer.
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Thanks! It works great... I was only confused because you didn't say LET On/Off was a Play Store app.
Kensai said:
It's still there its *#*#3646#*#* just used it for a bootloop
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*#*#3646#*#* doesn't work on my Rezound after I flashed the latest leaked ICS.
Kiersten_Kress said:
*#*#3646#*#* doesn't work on my Rezound after I flashed the latest leaked ICS.
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As recommended above, download LTE OnOff from the market.
Kiersten_Kress said:
*#*#3646#*#* doesn't work on my Rezound after I flashed the latest leaked ICS.
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Thats the fun part LOL. Why u diz try xD
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
my guess is that verizon has yet to get the whole kink work out on the gsm roaming charge. they said they will have it on a few of their phones and I think once they got it all worked out they may unlock them and start charging customers. Stupid carriers.
EclipseX said:
just download an app "LTE OnOFF - Htc Thunderbolt" it works xD
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written by jcase, no less.
what can you do with this (hidden menu) ?
Hey guyz, does lte on/off do the same job?????
taptaptouch said:
Hey guyz, does lte on/off do the same job?????
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yojoe600 said:
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taptaptouch said:
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lol sigh. sarcasm isn't taken well on these forums
red rage said:
what can you do with this (hidden menu) ?
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You can switch between CDMA, LTE, CDMA/LTE, and various GSM bands. For most people (like me!), its not super important...but don't take away my options!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but LTE on/off lets you access the hidden menu.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA

[Q] How to get Rezound's WiFi Hotpost working

I used wifi tether that was included on CleanRom 1.75 GBE.
Once I started ththering then it stopped right after that.
I also tried a app called wifi sharing.
I click starting tethering and it shows a msg "start tethering" on notification bar, but never get started.
Tried [MOD] Hotspot AP mode fix for GB/ICS too, not working either.
There's a thread about it in the development section. There is a search button for a reason
AshtonTS said:
There's a thread about it in the development section. There is a search button for a reason
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What's the keyword to search?
Try wifi hotspot or something... You could just look through the pages.. There are only a few with active threads...
Did you set profile to galaxy nexus lte and enable routing fix? Or are you talking about the Verizon hotspot?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Evocm7 said:
Did you set profile to galaxy nexus lte and enable routing fix
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I did
Evocm7 said:
Or are you talking about the Verizon hotspot?
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No, I don't have a Verizon sim card why would I use Verizon hospot
janet7682441 said:
I did
No, I don't have a Verizon sim card why would I use Verizon hospot
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Is that really a ridiculous question for him to ask? You have a Verizon phone, why would he NOT assume you have a Verizon sim. In any case, as said before, search. Start by searching through the rom thread and move on from there.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
Kennnny1 said:
Is that really a ridiculous question for him to ask? You have a Verizon phone, why would he NOT assume you have a Verizon sim. In any case, as said before, search. Start by searching through the rom thread and move on from there.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
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Planning upgrade my rom to ICS, will report later.
BTW, I don't live in America, so I can't get a Verizon sim and I don't need one.
If there's some misunderstanding, I apologize.
janet7682441 said:
Planning upgrade my rom to ICS, will report later.
BTW, I don't live in America, so I can't get a Verizon sim and I don't need one.
If there's some misunderstanding, I apologize.
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Should have mentioned that in the OP lol. Since you don't have a Verizon sim, that's probably why setting profile to nexus lte doesn't work. I take it you are a gsm user then? Have you tried setting it to galaxy nexus gsm? Or other gsm profiles?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Evocm7 said:
Have you tried setting it to galaxy nexus gsm? Or other gsm profiles?
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I will try. Thanks again.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

Is roam control working?

The subject says it all.
Is roam control working?
thanks in advanced!!
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Ahhhh mods please move. Thought I posted this in q and a..
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
dtr145r said:
Ahhhh mods please move. Thought I posted this in q and a..
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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It is not. For me anyway. It roams, then doesn't, but most of the time does not. Waiting for an update
loonytunes said:
It is not. For me anyway. It roams, then doesn't, but most of the time does not. Waiting for an update
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Can some please try Roam Control version 2.10.0 and select "Nexus 5" as the phone under the options menu?
This thread indicates that this setup is working on the Note 2, and I'm interested to see if it works on the Note 3 as well.
MrGreg said:
Can some please try Roam Control version 2.10.0 and select "Nexus 5" as the phone under the options menu?
This thread indicates that this setup is working on the Note 2, and I'm interested to see if it works on the Note 3 as well.
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Looks like it does not. I switched to Nexus 5 then selected "Roam Only", it went to no signal for a few seconds and then hopped right back on the Sprint tower. If there's anything I can do to help get it going, I'd be glad to!
datajosh said:
Looks like it does not. I switched to Nexus 5 then selected "Roam Only", it went to no signal for a few seconds and then hopped right back on the Sprint tower. If there's anything I can do to help get it going, I'd be glad to!
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Is there a chance you could tell me what was in the log file? You can find it under the options tab in Roam Control. Thanks!
MrGreg said:
Is there a chance you could tell me what was in the log file? You can find it under the options tab in Roam Control. Thanks!
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74:RC 2.10.0
202:RC Complete

CM11 working for Developer Edition

This is the discussion thread for Hashcode's release of CM11 for the Note 3 Developer Edition. Do not flash on a Verizon Retail device. It will brick your device.
To download the ROM, go here >
cam30era said:
I take absolutely no credit for any of this. I did a little research and flashed the international N3 version of CM11 on my DE this morning. It's working fine so far. FWIW, I've not tested everything, but after one hour I've not found any notable bugs other that speaker phone (mic doesn't work).
Go here >
For Gapps, go here >
You'll have to edit APN settings to work on our Verizon network. Go here >
Note that at the bottom of post #718 it explains how to get in to APN settings, which are grayed out.
And Post # 716 gives you our Verizon APN settings.
Note that I also edited the build.prop as follows:
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Nice post. Thanks for the share
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
im going to try this today since im off. you install via twrp or cwm?
and im going to use the tmobile one liquid smooth rom instead of international
oneandroidnut said:
im going to try this today since im off. you install via twrp or cwm?
and im going to use the tmobile one liquid smooth rom instead of international
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TWRP. Installed with no problems. Note that I have not yet been able to send SMS. Working on it now, but if you've any ideas let me know...
cam30era said:
TWRP. Installed with no problems. Note that I have not yet been able to send SMS. Working on it now, but if you've any ideas let me know...
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ok try the tmo one man that should be a closer build to verizon then the international one and im downloading a few roms and then going to grab note 3 and try installing them
oneandroidnut said:
ok try the tmo one man that should be a closer build to verizon then the international one and im downloading a few roms and then going to grab note 3 and try installing them
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Thanks. Let me know what you find...
cam30era said:
Thanks. Let me know what you find...
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will do currently trying to edit updater-script for liquid
Any luck or updates? I haven't had the time to dig in myself but I'm lurking like a mad man looking for green lights
oneandroidnut said:
will do currently trying to edit updater-script for liquid
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I looked through the liquid update-script and couldn't find the lines that were mentioned to delete.
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
jwilliams0100 said:
I looked through the liquid update-script and couldn't find the lines that were mentioned to delete.
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
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actually it was the cm11 you had to delete the lines for i could not find the lines in liquid either
dhufford81 said:
Any luck or updates? I haven't had the time to dig in myself but I'm lurking like a mad man looking for green lights
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This could be a daily driver, except for SMS not being able to send. We are going to need help to be able to use CM11 on our devices. I am going to flash this again, in a day or two and get a logcat. I'll post it here in hopes that someone can help us figure out what the problem is.
cam30era said:
This could be a daily driver, except for SMS not being able to send. We are going to need help to be able to use CM11 on our devices. I am going to flash this again, in a day or two and get a logcat. I'll post it here in hopes that someone can help us figure out what the problem is.
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I agree I had no issues besides the sms stuff. Everything else seemed fine well and data dropping
Sent from my HTC6600LVW using Tapatalk
oneandroidnut said:
I agree I had no issues besides the sms stuff. Everything else seemed fine well and data dropping
Sent from my HTC6600LVW using Tapatalk
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The data dropping is also an issue for their phones, and the devs seem to be getting a handle on it. The SMS issue is ours, alone. As such we will need help from someone with a DE to solve, I suspect.
cam30era said:
The data dropping is also an issue for their phones, and the devs seem to be getting a handle on it. The SMS issue is ours, alone. As such we will need help from someone with a DE to solve, I suspect.
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Yeah most likely. I guess I'll suffer on HTC one max some more
Sent from my HTC6600LVW using Tapatalk
A logcat attached to OP, but it doesn't show much. Anyone who can help, it's appreciated.
oneandroidnut said:
Yeah most likely. I guess I'll suffer on HTC one max some more
Sent from my HTC6600LVW using Tapatalk
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Do they have working cm11 for the max now?
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
mrlaigle said:
Do they have working cm11 for the max now?
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
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not that i am aware of. not many roms to speak of for verizon if any. i am running viper beta and it is very smooth and very minor issues. great daily for me
I am running tams latest build and it's fantastic! 4g works, 3g works, camera works, text doesn't. I can receive but not send. Phone is running cool and fast. Very impressive considering the state of things last week. vzw dev edition. On a side note does anyone have any idea why I'm receiving but can't send text?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
---------- Post added at 02:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 AM ----------
Also access point names under carrier settings is greyed out so I can't change APN.
dhufford81 said:
[/COLOR]Also access point names under carrier settings is greyed out so I can't change APN.
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In the OP I posted a link on how to access APN. Quoted here > "OK so I was messing around in settings under mobile networks when I pressed carrier settings it immediately FC's settings but when I went back in mobile networks I got two notifications (just ringtone) and I now have access to my APN settings. Weird huh anyone else done this?
Edit: I have to hit ok on the fc prompt and go back into mobile networks before the notification sounds. If I'm fast enough the access point names won't be greyed out anymore"
Be sure to click "save" before exiting editing APN.
This does work. But after changing APN to VZWinternet, we still have the same two problems, i.e. can't send SMS and can't hang up from a phone call.
The problem is not with APN settings. These affect data, LTE, 4g, mms, etc. And we can edit APN for VZW.
I suspect the root of the problem lies in build.prop commands. I made a few changes to build.prop related to network, radio and ril. Result was either no effect or would not boot. This is too complicated for me....

How to turn on the ' LTE only ' network at G9250 5.1.1

As title,
how to turn the lte only on the G9250 5.1.1 official rom without root.
I have been only able to do so with root on my g925p but lte only was literally lte only i could not call text or anything not involving data
Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk
nobody cant answer this //??
settings →mobile networks →network mode→LTE only.
I don't know if there is the choice on your phone. My device is also G9250,5.1.1,tomato rom,not stock rom.
hmily1993 said:
settings →mobile networks →network mode→LTE only.
I don't know if there is the choice on your phone. My device is also G9250,5.1.1,tomato rom,not stock rom.[/QUOT
thanks. for replying and i dun want to break my warranty, is there way by using engineering mode to switch to lte only?
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mh323kimo said:
hmily1993 said:
settings →mobile networks →network mode→LTE only.
I don't know if there is the choice on your phone. My device is also G9250,5.1.1,tomato rom,not stock rom.[/QUOT
thanks. for replying and i dun want to break my warranty, is there way by using engineering mode to switch to lte only?
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I'm afraid no?…Maybe you can find it by google?
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Try doing this. http://almost-a-technocrat.blogspot...orce-only-4g-or-lte-network.html#.VlQ7ukast30
Or there was an app in the playstore that did the same but redirected you the one where there was a button or something. Used to use it on my Note 3 just forgot the name.

