[Q] CM 10.1 Dialer call log bug - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have searched extensively on google but couldn't find an answer, so posting question here in case if someone has figured it out.
Let's say I have a contact ABC with phone number 1234 and I use WAIT feature while saving number. so number in cm10.1 is something like 1234;56789 (where ; = WAIT).
When I dial the contact it dials correctly, gives me the number to send correctly. Issue I have is that, in the call log it only shows 1234 as a totally new number and doesn't show up as the contact name at all.
I have read that it is a issue with CM10.1 & aosp dialers (somewhere in contacts.apk) what I did like to know is how to fix it (not using an app).
Would appreciate any advice/guidance on it.



Can anyone tell me how received text messages will dispaly caller info? My xda just gives the phone number so I have to trawl through the contacts to recognise the number.
Can anyone give me a good link for cool info as in skins,clocks etc..
This is a very well known and documented problem (try searching before posting), firstly upgrade your ROM to the latest version. Edit all of your contacts to include the country code (for me in the UK that means +44 & dropping the 0).

[Q] Smart dial - only 1 number (from a list)?

I just received my SGS2 and I'm trying to get to grips with it..
I'm on Villain ROM 2.4.2.
My question is about the smart dialling feature. It appears to find the contact that I want ok, the problem here is that it will only allow me to choose the first number that is saved under the contact and offers no way to access a different number for the same contact.
I have many contacts that have a home landline number as well as a mobile telephone number and in the majority of the cases, it defaults to finding the landline number and doesn't let me choose that contact's mobile number instead or any other number I might have saved for that contact.
I know that there is a little arrow/drop list option next to the found contact's name but it just brings up other possible matches to different contacts - not any other numbers?
I hope that makes sense! Does anyone have a solution for this?
I think I know what you mean and if you press the little arrow and you see the list of possibles you need to click the contact for the person you want and it gives you a further list of all the numbers stored for that contact.
You have to be careful though because you mustn't first press your desired contact on that first list or will "lock in" the first number stored for them.
Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for that. I'm sure I tried doing that but now you've described it better, it definetely works. Would much prefer it if they could just list all the numbers straight off..

[Q] Predictive Dialer

I am just getting used to this phone but am running into a couple of issues
1) When I try to lookup/dial a contact from the dialpad it only seems to search/recognize first names? In other words if I have a contact John Smith I have to look it up by dialing 'John'...is there a way to set it to search based on last name
2) when there are multiple numbers for a contact it shows you the number but does not indicate if it is a mobile, office etc...very hard to know which one to select
Thanks in advance.

Phone number matching in Android

I've been trying to organize the phone numbers in my address book so that:
The phone calls I receive show the contact name (and not only the number).
The SMS messages I receive show the contact name (and not only the number).
Android is able to join the WhatsApp contact with the main contact based on the phone number.
I live in Brazil and the phone numbers have a few particularities: you can include the country code or not (55), you can include the city code or not (which is usually prepended with a 0), you can include the phone carrier code or not, etc. So matching those numbers is not a trivial problem.
I have the impression that Android has an internal logic for dealing with this issue. But it's not working particularly well for me. Does anyone know if this logic is configurable?
The issues I'm having right now are:
The numbers shown in the SMS messages don't have a consistent pattern: I've seen "+55CCNNNNNNNNN", "NNNNNNNNN", "0CCNNNNNNNNN". The numbers in my address book are following the pattern "0CC NNNNN-NNNN", so only a few SMSs match.
The WhatsApp numbers are using the pattern "+55CCNNNNNNNNN", so Android doesn't join them with the main contact, which uses the pattern "0CC NNNNN-NNNN".
I'm not sure this issue is specific to my ROM (Chameleon v2.01 for the Galaxy S II). I'm posting here because it looks more like an Android issue. Right now, I'm using Android 4.0.4 (ICS).
Thanks for the help!
Edit: I forgot to mention one thing: I live in São Paulo and mobile phone numbers have recently changed from 8 digits to 9 digits (the number 9 was prepended to all existing numbers). I have already updated the numbers in my address book. Could this be breaking the parsing logic for Brazilian numbers?
OK, the problem wasn't on my phone. I stumbled into this thread which made me think perhaps the problem was with Google's contact management system and not the phone:
so I went to https://contacts.google.com then clicked the "cog" settings and changed my language and phone number settings country away from the UK, did ok, went back in and changed back to UK.
now I can enter contacts in the preferred +44 1234 567890, with the spaces, and an incoming call matched!
it doesn't seem to retrospectively match old call logs, or old SMS chats, which is disappointing.

call history / logs

I've got the samsung s3 4g version but I believe the normal S3 has the same issue. When I go into the call history it shows calls from everyone over the last 30 days or something which is good, but when you click on an individual number it only shows you the history for that specific day.
I used to have a S1 and on that if you clicked a number it would show you the history (calls/sms) for the entire history duration, so you could see you spoke to that person a 3 days and a week ago for e.g.
Is there anyway to get the S3 to do that... ? it seems silly if they took that feature out of the S3 ?
I was looking on google and someone said to get "mr number" I tried that, but that seemed to make it worse and not show me any history (just a list of all the ppl who i spoke to)
If anyone knows howto get the history/logging to do what I need that would be great.
surely someone else is having the same issue ?
I've got the same problem.
Before I9300 I had Touch HD where I used an Address Book app. There I could click on any number in call history and get the entire history of calls and sms from that contact or number.
But on SGS3 I can only get the history/logs of calls for the contacts that I've written to my contacts: logs(call hystory) - long tap on contact - open contact- menu soft button on the bottom left - journal.
But I've got a lot of calls that are not in my contacts and I don't want to save them and I need to see if that number allready called me.
How can I find it out?
Thanks in advance.

