[Q] Do you think our OneX+ will be officially supported by miuiv5? - HTC One X+

I'm just wondering this, because the original HOX got official ROM and *maybe* get v5, too.
What do you think about ours?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app

thinking is not necessary and does not help.
we must wait after chinese new year holidays

Chinese New Years? Why's that.
Sent from my HTC One X+

AW: [Q] Do you think our OneX+ will be officially supported by miuiv5?
Spring Festival (new year in China)?

Seeing as MIUI is developed by a Chinese team, it's likely none of them are working during what is, for many, the only holiday of the year in China, which can be a two week celebration.
And though it was put rather abrasively, it's true it's very unlikely that anyone here can give you a satisfactory answer about the chance of MIUI development.
I understand you want to hear reassuring hope for the possibility, but you won't find much help unless someone sees this and manages to contact the development team (you could try yourself!).

Im waiting for MIUI for HOX+ too. Lets keep this forum up to date if onyone has any news about
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda premium

Ok, guys, this is EXTREMELY important.
Please take yourself to the Official MIUI Facebook page, scroll down a bit and find their poll "Quick question: What's your current device?" and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for HTC One X+!!! I already created a device.
May be we will get support for our device. And ask everyone you know to vote for the same.
A quick link to the poll: http://www.facebook.com/questions/488439574548956/


Have all the recognised devs moved to One X?

Looking to choose between the One X and the S3.
Upgrading from the Desire. All the devs I'm used to seem to have moved to the One X.
Just wondering who will develop ROMs for the S3?
Never had a Samsung phone before so not familiar with the S2 devs.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
Well Gadget Check who is the co dev of the best ever ROM for the SGSII said he will be getting a Galaxy S3 so there is just one of the leading developers who will be coming onboard.
The developers of SiyahKernel and NEAK and Chainfire have also already signaled their support for the S3.
The only question is, whether there will be one or two development threads like the S2.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
harise100 said:
The developers of SiyahKernel and NEAK and Chainfire have also already signaled their support for the S3.
The only question is, whether there will be one or two development threads like the S2.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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There will be at least two because im sure the retarded US Carriers will want there own branded version to be different. I expect most developers however will either be buying the international version themselves or will be getting one from our community on XDA ... So if u want the most dev support I suggest the international version.
To each their own.
Sarcastic mode on
There will be no ROMS/KERNELS/MODS for S3 and it will rot in hell just like any other low activity devices.
Sarcastic mode off
As soon as i have source i will be cooking. Im an oldie not a newbie. I already have in works. Also i may put together a bulk buy for S3 if interested. I have business acquaintance's at Samsung corporate that can make this happen.The gods of ROM will squat on S3!
We will sort you out!

Should I get this phone?

Hey guys, I'm about to trade this phone for an HTC Sensation 4G and I figured I'd ask you guys about this phone before I do it (since you own it). I know the hardware upgrades (RAM, processing power, NFC, and connection speed), but how good is the development? I saw there were a lot of ROMs available, which is good, but what are you guys thoughts? Good? Bad? Worth the change? It seems like a definite upgrade, but as usual users may have different opinions. Thanks in advance for the advice!
*Sighs*, I'll do it before anyone else does since it might not be as nice, WRONG FORUM DUDE, lol.
IMO it's a great upgrade from the sensation, but as I always say, everything is down to personal preference, ROM wise, we have some great devs that produce great roms, I've yet to hear of any complaints that we couldn't resolve or of any bricks (well people panic and call it a brick when it's not), that we couldn't fix.
Development is slower, for the amaze but that aside its a better phone I enjoy the amaze more then I did my sensation, especially the camera and added storage because I have lots of music.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
Yeah sorry about the wrong forum, didn't know. But thanks for some of the input!
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA
No worries if a mod needs to move it they will bottom line if u don't need to flash a new Rom everyday then your good to go with the amaze as long as you enjoy sense, the Roms we have are great and the devs are working for sense 4.0 and CM9
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
As soon as we have the complete source from HTC the ROMS will rapidly expand and currently it's booming, just that it'll be way more easier on devs to get more roms out for us.
Amaze is what sensation should've been from the get-go. I went from sensation to amaze as well. No regrets here. Picked up one s and messed with it for a day, before deciding to re-sell it and stay with amaze
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
monkor said:
Hey guys, I'm about to trade this phone for an HTC Sensation 4G and I figured I'd ask you guys about this phone before I do it (since you own it). I know the hardware upgrades (RAM, processing power, NFC, and connection speed), but how good is the development? I saw there were a lot of ROMs available, which is good, but what are you guys thoughts? Good? Bad? Worth the change? It seems like a definite upgrade, but as usual users may have different opinions. Thanks in advance for the advice!
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Instead of creating this thread (in the wrong section btw), you could have just checked out the Sensation develolpment thread to check dev support for this device.
15 people could tell you its a great phone, and to get it, but it really comes down to what you like. YouTube is a great resource for answers to questions like this. Lisa, over at MobileTechReview does a great job at revieeing. Its wirth a looky loo.
I'm closing this thread only because there is already tons of information available to you. Soend a little time researching. The information you're looking for is right at your fingertips. Not to mention all question related threads belong in Q&A.
Thread Closed.
Nine months before I was born, my dad took me to a party where he met my mom and took her home.
Brought to you courtesy of my Galaxy Note (i717), using XDA Premium.

JellyBean confirmed?

unknown1205 said:
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Not a repost. Did you even bother looking at the link? Its saying HTC is confirming that JB is coming to the ATT HOX and the Tmo S. Geez whats with all the a holes posting in this forum lately?
Awesome news, can't wait for project butter to take effect
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
jspsuperman said:
Not a repost. Did you even bother looking at the link? Its saying HTC is confirming that JB is coming to the ATT HOX and the Tmo S. Geez whats with all the a holes posting in this forum lately?
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It's not something that's just started happening lately, there have always been a-hole posters.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Pretty sure it's a repost:
International One X and One S are being prepared for JB
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
eXplicit815 said:
Pretty sure it's a repost:
International One X and One S are being prepared for JB
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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Right. But that's for the international One X with a tegra processor. This one is for the US variants with a snapdragon processor. Sure, this probably could have fit in that thread but it's not a "repost".
Anyway, to stay on topic: As much as I want to be excited, this is for the One line and I know our devices are pretty similar but until I hear it from HTC I wont be holding my breath. I'm sure we will also get the update, it's just comforting to hear it straight up from them.
HTC's quote doesn't say anything about the AT&T and T-Mo variants specifically...Just that the One S, One X and One XL...all of which I believe also exist out side the US.
Now that's not saying that I don't believe we will eventually get some JB love.
But also, our phones are different from the One series and it still doesn't mention us.
Racer Of All said:
Right. But that's for the international One X with a tegra processor. This one is for the US variants with a snapdragon processor. Sure, this probably could have fit in that thread but it's not a "repost".
Anyway, to stay on topic: As much as I want to be excited, this is for the One line and I know our devices are pretty similar but until I hear it from HTC I wont be holding my breath. I'm sure we will also get the update, it's just comforting to hear it straight up from them.
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You're not much of a reader, are you?
The article from Engadget was referring to Telestra. An Australian network that just so happens to have the dual-core S4 processor version of the One X, dubbed the "One XL." It also mentions this:
If you happen to own a non-LTE, Tegra 3-based One X, then the absence of that handset on the list doesn't mean much -- that model simply isn't part of the carrier's line-up.
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GG, though.
Yeah the xl referres to the att one x. I saw that article also. It is from yesterday I believe. Not 100 sure.
Anyways if the one xl gets it we basically get it
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Correct, on the other article. This release came just now (looking at Engadgets post time). Reason would dictate that this IS for the US variants. It would seem strange for HTC to announce the same thing twice. Not to mention that Engadget also made two articles about it.
Regardless your attitude is unwarranted. There is no need to be a jerk. You don't know if I read or not. I did. The above is what makes logical sense. "GG" What is that even about? There is no competition. I shared my opinion, if you can't be nice about it, don't reply.
Sent from my Evo 4G LTE
Racer Of All said:
Correct, on the other article. This release came just now (looking at Engadgets post time). Reason would dictate that this IS for the US variants. It would seem strange for HTC to announce the same thing twice. Not to mention that Engadget also made two articles about it.
Regardless your attitude is unwarranted. There is no need to be a jerk. You don't know if I read or not. I did. The above is what makes logical sense. "GG" What is that even about? There is no competition. I shared my opinion, if you can't be nice about it, don't reply.
Sent from my Evo 4G LTE
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There's nothing I need to be nice about. It's a repost. That's the problem with these threads. For some reason, everyone seems to think that there's only 1 page of threads started, and completely ignore the autosearch when creating a new thread. Someone before me posted saying it was a repost, then someone called him an "a hole," and said it wasn't a repost. Then I post, with a link for proof and explain, and all of a sudden it's, "Well, that's the Tegra 3 version" (Which it wasn't). What does it matter what version of the phone it is?
Are we going to have a new thread started when they announce that the One X for AT&T gets confirmation? Then the one that's for Vodafone? How about creating a new one as well for when O2 gets confirmation? Then one for Rogers...
Do you see where I'm going with this?
No need to get at each other's throats guys. In all fairness explicits thread was first but this threads info is technically new and (official). The original article posted yesterday was based on Telstra's support website. All articles that were written based off of that info assumed since the One XL (equivalent of ATT One X) was getting it as well as the One S to expect the Tegra 3 One X (International One X) to get it as well as other variants. This article is HTC officially confirming that the (International) One X, One XL, and One S are getting it.
Cordy said:
No need to get at each other's throats guys. In all fairness explicits thread was first but this threads info is technically new and (official). The original article posted yesterday was based on Telstra's support website. All articles that were written based off of that info assumed since the One XL (equivalent of ATT One X) was getting it as well as the One S to expect the Tegra 3 One X (International One X) to get it as well as other variants. This article is HTC officially confirming that the (International) One X, One XL, and One S are getting it.
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So then add that to the original one. Then the OP (Myself) will update it. That's what people should be doing when creating threads, managing them. If you can't take the time to manage the threads you create, don't create one.
eXplicit815 said:
So then add that to the original one. Then the OP (Myself) will update it. That's what people should be doing when creating threads, managing them. If you can't take the time to manage the threads you create, don't create one.
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Trust me I get that, but we all know what happens here on XDA. When new articles pop up people look at the first page and if they don't see anything about it make a new thread. I'm not excusing it because yes the info can be consolidated. However the OP will just state they know that there is a thread with similar information but this is new or official or what not and wanted to make a thread about it so the info doesn't get lost. Some will agree, some will not. If you don't you can just report the thread and mods will deem whether it should be closed or merged.
eXplicit815 said:
So then add that to the original one. Then the OP (Myself) will update it. That's what people should be doing when creating threads, managing them. If you can't take the time to manage the threads you create, don't create one.
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You're not a moderator. If you want to be one so badly, apply to be one. This is a community, therefore you have an obligation to act like it, as does everyone else here. Play nice or don't play at all. It's an elementary concept. If things bother you so much, use the report button so moderators can do their jobs instead of everybody trying to police the fora themselves.
Tapatalked from my shiny new HTC Evo LTE
All though this is good news we porbably wont see an Update untill after Thanksgiving...
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Explicit, your thread is buried, and the title doesn't imply that any US versions are getting JB. The image within the thread is in regards to Telstra, which is just one carrier. This statement is from HTC themselves, and it presented right away as such. Therefore, even though your thread came first, this one has information more pertinent to us.
So get over it.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
SoraX64 said:
Explicit, your thread is buried, and the title doesn't imply that any US versions are getting JB. The image within the thread is in regards to Telstra, which is just one carrier. This statement is from HTC themselves, and it presented right away as such. Therefore, even though your thread came first, this one has information more pertinent to us.
So get over it.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Actually, they're both talking about the same phones really, considering the Telestra model is the same as the AT&T model (Processor and all).
Cordy said:
Trust me I get that, but we all know what happens here on XDA. When new articles pop up people look at the first page and if they don't see anything about it make a new thread. I'm not excusing it because yes the info can be consolidated. However the OP will just state they know that there is a thread with similar information but this is new or official or what not and wanted to make a thread about it so the info doesn't get lost. Some will agree, some will not. If you don't you can just report the thread and mods will deem whether it should be closed or merged.
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Exactly. I saw the other thread but it was a completely different article about a leak. This is HTC themselves saying "yes JB is coming". That other dude is just being rude cause it wasnt in "his" thread.

Selling HTC Flyer IOIDroid Senseless 4.5 Edition

Hi All,
I am looking to sell my HTC Flyer as it is no longer required
The tablet is rooted and has The ROM I created on it called IOIDroid Senseless Edition, you can view more about the ROM in the development thread.
This is the 32 gb, WiFi and 3g edition
If anyone is interested either comment on this thread of PM Me.
So you're leaving Flyer development? That's really sad. Others are mentioning Dexter busy with other devices. So with you gone, it seems that development may really be over for the Flyer.
redpoint73 said:
So you're leaving Flyer development? That's really sad. Others are mentioning Dexter busy with other devices. So with you gone, it seems that development may really be over for the Flyer.
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Unfortunately Yes, and i really need to sell my flyer as i have hit hard times :/
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium HD app
You might have better luck posting in the marketplace
If u ar leving...Im leaving too......I am also looking for sell my HTC flyer WIFI+3G , 32GB )...Looking for N7....Gud luck..We miss u...
Anyway thanks for ur contibution thus for FLyer community
Dwars said:
If u ar leving...Im leaving too......I am also looking for sell my HTC flyer WIFI+3G , 32GB )...Looking for N7....Gud luck..We miss u...
Anyway thanks for ur contibution thus for FLyer community
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Then i want to buy yours if its cheap

[Q] Anyone herd about official CM for HOX+?

Have anyone herd if cyanogenmod are planing to officially add hox+ to officially supported devices?
p.s. yes i know there few unofficial builds here, but iam just curious about CM state on our phone model, thats it ^^
tzmx said:
Have anyone herd if cyanogenmod are planing to officially add hox+ to officially supported devices?
p.s. yes i know there few unofficial builds here, but iam just curious about CM state on our phone model, thats it ^^
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And if you had done a search you would have found the thread talking about the differences between official and non official CM and how negligible any difference is. If you would have decided additional comment was necessary you could have then added to that conversation.
In the meantime you can check the original android development thread. Lior did a great job with his CM10 builds
Sent from my HTC One X+
Kraizk said:
And if you had done a search you would have found the thread talking about the differences between official and non official CM and how negligible any difference is. If you would have decided additional comment was necessary you could have then added to that conversation.
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Yet again i repeat: iam not asking about the differences.
Iam asking about the fact it self: do they (cm) plan to do it?
This is not about anything of if there is cm on hox+ or not.
I know there is (unoffcial ports), i know they work very good... iam aware of all that!!!
Iam just asking a simple question... Just the fact it self if they plan to do it or not! Thats it.
tzmx said:
Yet again i repeat: iam not asking about the differences.
Iam asking about the fact it self: do they (cm) plan to do it?
This is not about anything of if there is cm on hox+ or not.
I know there is (unoffcial ports), i know they work very good... iam aware of all that!!!
Iam just asking a simple question... Just the fact it self if they plan to do it or not! Thats it.
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Clearly when it has been explained in the posts above, you must know your answer by now: no one knows. Now I know this doesn't REALLY answer your question but I think you can assume it probably never will
Molotovski said:
Clearly when it has been explained in the posts above, you must know your answer by now: no one knows. Now I know this doesn't REALLY answer your question but I think you can assume it probably never will
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Actually you did answer my question more or less.
Before you i was searching google for 20mins and dint find any info at all regarding it (also it take a lot of time to filter info thats about hox+ not hox). I just wanted to know cm's state on it, thats all. No disrespect to any unoffical ports what so ever (heck, u can be sure that i probably try most of them).
Thank you for somewhat answer.
what's so important to have an official build?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
maxwen said:
what's so important to have an official build?
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
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Well, nothing. I was just curious about what CM is planing to do. Just a curiosity. Thats all
I feel like gave some kind of wrong impression about this.
I don't understand why your getting bagged for this lol
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
To get official cm you need unofficial.... Some point I'll make it official but it's not at the top of my todo list
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
Lloir said:
To get official cm you need unofficial.... Some point I'll make it official but it's not at the top of my todo list
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks for you great answer!
Thread can be closed, sry if i wasted anyone's time with this ^^

