[Q] XML Questions for my apk ... - HTC Droid DNA

I've been trying to make this app mostly for personal use.
I actually am just changing/designing the images to just skin it really.
Feel free to check it out ( http://db.tt/qfFVq7uz ) (see attached as well), but I have a question or two about the xml stuff.
In the settings, I want to change the links that are inside there that go to other site to basically reroute them to our website.
I have tried looking at the xml files, I'm assuming that's where the link gets it's info, but not 100% sure.
Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to change these links. Changing the images and signing the apk is no problem for me so far.
Just a little help needed with the xml stuff. I can see it with an xml reader/editor, but it all looks foreign when I open it. I know html and what should do what, so I'm not completely useless when looking at it!
Thanks so much!

The links for the buttons are not going to be in the XML files. XML is just going to be the visual stuff, anything that does anything is going to be the java files. I know how to edit XML in apps, but I have no clue how to do smali edits, which is what you'd have to do in order to get the results you want.

Thank you. I have no idea how to edit them yet either! Doesn't mean I can't learn. I've decompiled the classes file to get to the smalis, but that's where I've stopped for now.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app


[Q] My Framework Edits = Force Closes

I'll try to provide as much detail as possible. I am no expert (probably obvious) at theming, but I'm interested in learning. So I decided to try my hand at adding an accurate battery to Eugene373's Ginger Clone R2. Here's what I did:
1. Decompiled the framework-res.apk using the Android Theming & Tweaking v2 Alpha5 tool. This resulted in missing chunk errors with the quick_panel_list_stroke_01.9.png, status_bar_background.9.png, and status_bar_close_on.9.png.
2. I grabbed the 3 9patch files from a stock JK6 rom to replace the corrupted ones.
3. I replaced the battery icons, stat_sys_battery.xml, and stat_sys_battery_charge.xml with the ones neccessary for the mod.
4. I recompiled the apk with the same tool.
Now the battery mod works, so I doubt any of those files caused the issue, but I did notice two things. First, the file is now almost a full meg smaller than before. Second, the directory structure inside the new framework-res.apk is completely different than previously. Eugene's framework has a "-v4" extention at the end of all the drawable directories (ex: drawable-hdpi-v4 instead of drawable-hdpi).
I have a feeling that there's some fundamental difference between my compilation and Eugene's, but I had no errors at all when compiling the apk. I've tried to find the answer without bothering anyone, but all my searches have resulted in no answers. Hopefully someone out there can help with this.
TLDR version: What the heck is the difference between drawable-hdpi and drawable-hdpi-v4 (and similar directories) and is this the cause of my force closes?
Shameless bump
any one have the answer to this?
i cant find much but this help some http://forum.androidcentral.com/fascinate-roms-hacks/45526-framework-res-apk-utility.html
roscoenr said:
i cant find much but this help some http://forum.androidcentral.com/fascinate-roms-hacks/45526-framework-res-apk-utility.html
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I have to say this guy seems to have the answer. I was unable to build a working framework at all until using this guy's app. Thank you very much for bringing it to my attention!
MWBehr said:
I have to say this guy seems to have the answer. I was unable to build a working framework at all until using this guy's app. Thank you very much for bringing it to my attention!
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Your welcome I just hope it works I'm the same problems have not tried this to much
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app
roscoenr said:
Your welcome I just hope it works I'm the same problems have not tried this to much
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app
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Well I had to manually add the "-v4" extensions to his .bat, but it really seems to be working well. Apparently it's all about packaging the new .apk, but then copying over all the new images, xmls, etc. to the original apk. Whatever it is he's doing, I applaud him for it I was just about to give up framework edits before you found this. Thanks again!
I'm glad it works cause I was in the same boat
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app

[Project] MIUI Dialer/Contacts for Stock and Eclipse [Zipped APK's/Framework files]

So far, I have downloaded the newest MIUI Rom version, and pulled the APK for Phone, Contacts, and Contacts Provider. I am not sure where to find the rest of what I need. I know how to push them to the phone, but I don't know how to make a flashable version. I tried to push them to my phone as is, and got a FC along for phone, as well as the phone app itself didn't work.
Anyone have more info and want to help?
Edit: I uploaded the files for anyone. They are from MIUI 1.10.14.
Edit 2: Here is the link with the zipped APK's and Framework. It is in my Google Docs account so it should downlod fairly quick for anyone who wants to play with it.
I think u have to decompile and then recompile with correct x2 framework... Could be wrong here...
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
No idea how to do that, that is what I am getting at. I am just providing what I have dug up to make it easy for someone who has the ability. Or, if someone can learn me what to do, I would be happy to do it myself
If I get free time tomorrow, or this week, I'll gladly see what I can do. With a son due any day I can't make any promises. I've done some of this in the past.
I can get you links to de-compiling and what not tomorrow when I have access to my laptop.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
AtLemacks said:
No idea how to do that, that is what I am getting at. I am just providing what I have dug up to make it easy for someone who has the ability. Or, if someone can learn me what to do, I would be happy to do it myself
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Here is a link from the Fascinate group, it pretty much applies to Android in general though. It goes over the tools needed to decompile and whatnot. I'm sure there might be more to it than this, but it will get you started at least.
Wow... thanks man! Looks a little over what I am comfortable on using/testing myself on my only device. lol
Anyone comfortable with trying this?
It can be done. You will need to add all the framework resources that the apps are calling. Pull the framework from the miui build so that you know what to add.
as far as a flashable zip, can we just repackage your flashable for eclipse nitroglycerine33? When I worked on the Fascinate I just reused a theme zip to be able to flash instead of pushing.
God, how I would love to see MIUI on the X2. I actually just bought an older phone so I could run it.
I tried to upload the APK files and the Framework in 1 zip and it won't let me attach it. Says I am missing a security token. I am going to upload it somewhere else and post the link for you guys.
Added zip with framework and apk's.
Link is not working
Can any one extract these apks and post ?

[Q] Help with XML editing

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Don't look only in framework-res.apk, look in app and systemui.apk too
You are probably further ahead then myself, but I understand the frustration. I cant get the damn apktools to work for me to extract or decompile.i dont know if I have it installed right or what, but I didnt get any help yet. So far what I hear u can just extract system apks with 7zip/winrar if u are just swapping images(pngs)from originals as system apks sign themselves on boot.*Just passing information from what ive read in threads.Maybe u dont have 2 edit xml?Just tryin 2 help.
Sent from my R800a using xda premium
**Read next post**sorry triple posted...?
Sent from my R800a using xda premium
First off there plenty of theme tut threads. Second the blue bar is a .9. PNG not am XML. The second will be in the settings apk. Look at the display XML and that will lead you to it. Next one should not expect a reply mainly when the info is out there to be found aand by trial and error
first off im not an idiot. i know theres a bunch of theme threads. theres also a billion posts. even if i searched for this id have to go thru 100's of posts. dont be an asshole know it all. you can just answer my question and it'd be over with.
glenny buster said:
first off im not an idiot. i know theres a bunch of theme threads. theres also a billion posts. even if i searched for this id have to go thru 100's of posts. dont be an asshole know it all. you can just answer my question and it'd be over with.
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OK well see here is the thing that image is not in the rom for my device. I only know the where to look from an older device I used to have. Second swearing on the forum is not allowed and yes there is alot of info that needs to be gone over. How do you think we did it. Search and ye shall find
And just to help a little to get the whole bar color changed you will need the framework Res, any device framework file and the contacts apk. Each section is a seperate .9.png that will need to be remade and then run the the tool in the sdk tools.
2.1 Language: XDA is a worldwide community. As a result what is ‘ok’ to say in your part of the world may not be ok in someone else’s part of the world. Please think about who is reading what you write. Keep in mind that what you think of as acceptable use of language may not be acceptable to others. Conversely, while reading member posts, remember that word you find offensive may not be to the writer. Tolerance is a two way street.
first, there is a lot of info in the rules but the word swearing was never included. a quick search and ye shall not find it. and i found your use of language by talking down to me very offensive. its a "two way street" remember.
second, a better way is to decompile the framework in apkmanager, edit the files in gimp/photshop/whatever, compile back with apkmanager. no messing with the 9 patches. but you already know that. because you know everything. senior moderator.
zelendel said:
Bottom line is people just cant talk to anyone any damn way they feel. This is not a site to make people popular. Hell I dont give a **** how many people use the kernel, rom, mod, or hack. Act like a fool and you deserve to be banned for good. The rules are here for a reason. Either follow them or leave, your chose.
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did you seriously tell me about swearing? this is right in your sig. practice what you preach son.
cyrusalmighty said:
You are probably further ahead then myself, but I understand the frustration. I cant get the damn apktools to work for me to extract or decompile.i dont know if I have it installed right or what, but I didnt get any help yet. So far what I hear u can just extract system apks with 7zip/winrar if u are just swapping images(pngs)from originals as system apks sign themselves on boot.*Just passing information from what ive read in threads.Maybe u dont have 2 edit xml?Just tryin 2 help.
Sent from my R800a using xda premium
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try apk manager. take your framework and put it in place-here-for-modding folder. run script. select 22 to set your project, select framework-res.apk. select 9 to decompile, keep the terminal open. the files you want to edit are in the projects folder. if you mess with the .9 png's dont touch the 9 patches on the outsides of the image. also, write down all the files you edit, youre going to need it later. after youre done making all your changes, go back to the terminal and select 11 to compile. if youre editing a system apk select Y when it asks you, then say Y to limit the amount of errors. it will then ask you to delete all the files you edited from the keep folder, the keep folder has all the original files, you want to delete all the files you edited from the keep folder so it can overwrite the originals with the edited ones. if you edited any xml files, delete the resources.arsc file also. after you deleted all the files you edited from the keep folder, go back to the terminal and press any button, it will finish compiling the apk. thats it
edit: i think its called apk multi tool now but i believe its all the same
I appreciate that detailed explanation. I couldnt do anything with the program, because I never hit 22 to set the project in the first step.lol. Now I was successful in decompiling my systemui.apk to swap out files & change colors in statusbar clock/date with another systemui.apk from a theme. I thought I did it right by compiling ,signing it afterwards, & changing permissions as I placed back in system/app folder but It just kept force closing anyways? The files I swapped were Clock.smali-Clock$1.smali & Dateview.smali- Dateview$1.smali. Dont know if these files are only in Sony Ericsson xperia play as this is phone im working with or what. Anyways thanks for helpful advice. Did you get any help with xml? Maybe try posting in phone specific forum?
Sent from my R800a using xda premium
Yes I did post that because people come here thinking they can disrespect anybody they want.
You can go ahead and edit the .9 that way all you want and I will keep an eye out for your next thread. Then ill even help you to show you how to properly edit the .9 or even do what I do and make your own.
I was not talking down to you. Sorry if you took it that way.I was telling to look for the info you needed as it is all here in the threads. Searching and reading is requried before opening a new thread. No spoon feeding here
As for your rule ref it states it right there. "What might be OK for you may not be ok for every one." Swearing is never cool in any civilized place. And no swearing has always been the rules.
Now I pointed you in the right direction. Take or not, your choice. Even if you want come on over to my teams themeing thread in the captivate or the inspire section. There is always great info in those threads.

Photo Booth app ... Need some help

I've been trying to make this app mostly for personal use.
I actually am just changing/designing the images to just skin it really.
Feel free to check it out ( http://db.tt/qfFVq7uz ) (see attached as well), but I have a question or two about the xml stuff.
In the settings, I want to change the links that are inside there that go to other site to basically reroute them to our website.
I have tried looking at the xml files, I'm assuming that's where the link gets it's info, but not 100% sure.
Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to change these links. Changing the images and signing the apk is no problem for me so far.
Just a little help needed with the xml stuff. I can see it with an xml reader/editor, but it all looks foreign when I open it. I know html and what should do what, so I'm not completely useless when looking at it!
Thanks so much!
I have wrote a few simple webview apps and my link were inside my java code not in the xml. You should look in the smali and see if you see the links there.
edit. what are the links you are looking for and what do you want to change them to.
If you look in the settings of the app there are 6 different links.
-Locate a Photo Booth (Goes to Photobooth.net too)
-Rent a Photo Booth (Also to Photobooth.net)
I'm just looking to put our website in place of them.
-Projectbox will be BlackBoxPhotoBooth.com
-Mindsea will be BlackBoxWeddings.com
The Photobooth.net trio can be condensed to just one that links to (http://www.weddingwire.com/biz/black-box-weddings-dayton/1d7e46534e8fdfbd.html) Will name it to Write a Review
-Photoboothart.com will become Blackboxpartybus.com
Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction. I'm going to look into that now. Not completely sure I know what I'm doing once I get it open, but I'll probably be able to replace a link!
That's right, You should look in the smali and see if you see the links there
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Modifying Game APK. Help please.

So after fiddling around with theming and getting comfortable decompiling, recompiling and pushing system apk's to my phone I figured I would try to mod one of my games. The game is called chess time and is a free online pvp chess game. I am trying to find the movement permissions to the specific pieces. I have had no luck. I decompiled the apk and checked all the xml's and cannot find anything that seems relevant. Would anyone have any idea as to where those would be? If it would be in any of the smali files than I have more reading to do since I have no idea how to modify those. Here's the apk:
Im extracting APKs too, but I cant find the darn pictures. What did you to / where are the images of APKs?
xologist said:
Im extracting APKs too, but I cant find the darn pictures. What did you to / where are the images of APKs?
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Pictures, icons etc are usually in the drawable-hdpi folder for my device.
bump. anyone?

