[Q] Kernel Tuner repeatedly crashes - HTC Rezound

Please Delete this post; bug noted in description

gleggie said:
Kernel Tuner keeps crashing on reboot? So Kernel Tuner was working fine on my Infection 1.2 then all of a sudden today after i got a gallery freeze reboot (i have gotten that in the past without Kernel tuner crashing), Kernel tuner repeatedly crashed over and over again. In order to get it to stop i had to uninstall the app.
After i reinstalled it and reboot it, I got the same problem, so now idk what to do.
Any suggestions?
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What kernel are you running and settings, and was there an update to Tuner? It may interfere with something else that you have installed or your settings if you changed them may not be compatible with Cm10.1/Linaro.

dragonstalker said:
What kernel are you running and settings, and was there an update to Tuner? It may interfere with something else that you have installed or your settings if you changed them may not be compatible with Cm10.1/Linaro.
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There was an update on the 26th. I'm on Sense and having issues though they seemed to have calmed down now as my phone has run for a couple of hours. The dev has made a note that he knows about the issue and is working on it in his listing.
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LOBBS said:
There was an update on the 26th. I'm on Sense and having issues though they seemed to have calmed down now as my phone has run for a couple of hours. The dev has made a note that he knows about the issue and is working on it in his listing.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
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Ok, i was just going to say if the problem wasn't an app issue i would talk to Justin.


[Q] Bamf 2.0.5 lockscreen not properly working

Did some searching and didnt find anyone with this problem. I have the lockscreen with the ring but the 4 apps to choose from aren't there and it seems to not care that I change between the 7 available different lockacreens. Anyone have a fix for this or experience it yet?
Would have posted in the BAMF thread but it says i need more posts befote I can.
Did you try rebooting?
First time I loaded, it didn't show up, but after a reboot, it's been working fine.
Reboot didn't work, grr.. I wonder if it has anything to do with spare parts?
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atm0sphere said:
Reboot didn't work, grr.. I wonder if it has anything to do with spare parts?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
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One more question...
Did you do the update through Rom Manager or Clockwork Recovery?
Reason I ask, I noticed when I used Rom Manger the first time, not all everything worked correctly and things were missing.
So I restored my backup then went into clockwork recovery and installed the zip.
Then everything worked properly. I know others have reported odd issues when trying to flash through Rom Manager as opposed to Clockwork.
Not sure if that will help you, but you can always give it a try.
I wiped everything and used clockwork not rom manager
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Sorry I couldn't be anymore help.
Only thing I could think to do is try and reload the rom again.
About to do that now
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Yea took me 2 full clears/installs to get 2.05 installed correctly and fully
this is so frustrating, i did a reinstall and it worked for like 10 seconds then stopped working again.
i'm restoring my backup with everything that was working right now so i have a phone to use for the rest of the day but tm i'm gonna load up the froyo radio in case i wanna go back to das bamf 1.6.3 until some more of these kinks are worked out (random force closes of apps i wasn't even aware were running lmao)
thanks for all the help as always guys, this rom has SO much potential its amazing.
Would like to update this: the bamf remix Rom after a full wipe fixed literally every issue I had with the old ROM.
Best of luck to other early adopters, and these guys are doing a fantastic job..
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atm0sphere said:
Did some searching and didnt find anyone with this problem. I have the lockscreen with the ring but the 4 apps to choose from aren't there and it seems to not care that I change between the 7 available different lockacreens. Anyone have a fix for this or experience it yet?
Would have posted in the BAMF thread but it says i need more posts befote I can.
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I had this issue after trying to solve a separate issue. The lock screen works in conjuction with a group of other operations, and if one of those other operations is stopped/removed/frozen/whatever, it messes up the lockscreen. I had to do a full data wipe and reinstall. Haven't had an issue since.
Yeah I had the problem once again. Driving me nuts
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
I have been having this same problem since coming from 2.0-4 to 2.0-5 and remix.
Almost thought I was the only one with this problem. I did a full wipe twice before loading remix. Worked for a while until I fixed permissions then rebooted. No more lockscreen icons
No idea what I did but now my lock screen is back to normal.
I hope this isn't something that happens all the time with this ROM. that would get super annoying
did you have any issues with previous versions?

Google maps and nav.

is anyone else having problems with navigation force closing then making the phone haptic feedback constantly with the newest update?
I had to uninstall and reinstall from an older backup.. This has happened with both my fascinates on miui and on pool party
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
No I'm good here
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
Yea.. Always starts when i enter a address. It goes to load screen, takes a long time there. Then force closes, then get a continual hepatic, feedback that makes you reboot phone to stop.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
neh4pres said:
Yea.. Always starts when i enter a address. It goes to load screen, takes a long time there. Then force closes, then get a continual hepatic, feedback that makes you reboot phone to stop.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
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ive had nonstop maps issues on eh09, ei20, and eh03, doesnt seem to matter
I've had the same issue. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Maps to see if that helps. So far no other issues, but it's only been a little bit of time. Anyone else? I'm currently on EH03 debloated (courtesy of nitsuj17 I might add).
jerkules said:
I've had the same issue. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Maps to see if that helps. So far no other issues, but it's only been a little bit of time. Anyone else? I'm currently on EH03 debloated (courtesy of nitsuj17 I might add).
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For me it started with their update that spilt maps into specific versions based on you're phones screen resolution
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
I have been having this problem for the last month. The only thing that sometimes fixes it is the hold power 30 sec/pull battery then launch maps first.
I have had this issue also. I noticed that clearing the data or cache before using navigation will prevent it from happening.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
I had this problem as well. After I reinstall it hasn't occurred again. Hopefully it'll stay that way
cm7 w/ glitch v13
oc 1.4 ghz undervolt -100
Okay nvm, happened again. Though it seems to only want to do it when it's connected to my car dock.
I have also had this same issue. Everything else on my phone is working fine but Google Nav, Waze, or Sygic all crash with a force close error when trying to launch. Reinstalling the apps doesn't work for me.
I haven't tried Wiping data....It might work but I'd really hate to start over again.
Does anyone have an old version of maps I can install that doesn't have this problem? I've been trying to start up maps first before navigation, but I still get the haptic feedback crash from time to time.
Had to replace Pandora with an older version to keep songs from skipping.
Which version of Pandora did you go back to get the songs to stop skipping? Been having this problem myself. Is it possible for you to post the .apk?
Honestly, I was so fed up with Pandora being nonfunctional, I just grabbed the themed unlocked apk floating around here. The version is 1.3 and I haven't had any of the problems since.
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alphax_0 said:
Does anyone have an old version of maps I can install that doesn't have this problem? I've been trying to start up maps first before navigation, but I still get the haptic feedback crash from time to time.
Had to replace Pandora with an older version to keep songs from skipping.
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I'll try to figure out how to link it to you on a pm.. It will be a couple days before I'm back to my computer. Or if your comfortable giving a email in pm I'll send it with titanium backup to you.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
Thanks, would you be able to upload to a file sharing site? From the topic, it looks like I'm not the only one whose been having these problems
In case anyone else needs older versions of apps, check out http://www.freewarelovers.com/android/app/
Maps 5.8.0 seems working for me. Hasn't crashed yet.

[Q] Launcher performance

Am I the only one that is sometimes seeing major lag when an app closes and the launcher redraws? In by case it is sometimes over a second.
Well known issue that has been mentioned already in numerous threads. I use SS launcher so don't have that problem.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
the stock launcher will not lag on its own, check for background cpu utilization with os monitor app and disable those apps .
Dr.Paul said:
Am I the only one that is sometimes seeing major lag when an app closes and the launcher redraws? In by case it is sometimes over a second.
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The latest firmware update fixes it
Oli2k said:
The latest firmware update fixes it
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I thought that but still happens sometimes :-(
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Still happening with me after the update. Annoying.
Dr.Paul said:
Still happening with me after the update. Annoying.
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Not sure but what is the build number? LF2?
Yeah LF2, solved my issues straight away even with a different launcher
watsa said:
Not sure but what is the build number? LF2?
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Yeah, I'm on fl2? Oddly enough I only got one firmware update though. Is that correct? My build number is IMM76D.I9300XXALF2
Dr.Paul said:
Yeah, I'm on fl2? Oddly enough I only got one firmware update though. Is that correct? My build number is IMM76D.I9300XXALF2
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If you read carefully enough, Dr. Paul, you'll find that you are on ALF2!
Is LF2 only through Kies? I got the OTA update to LF1, and that's all the OTA updater says is available. Or it's just VodaGroan being rubbish as usual.
Tachikoma_kun said:
Is LF2 only through Kies? I got the OTA update to LF1, and that's all the OTA updater says is available. Or it's just VodaGroan being rubbish as usual.
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I'd say it's voda and there slow releases
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA
Been looking in the forum and found this issue under another heading. I fixed it by rooting and changing the davlik VM heap size from 256 to 128mb. How did Samsung manage to screw this up?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Another thing to consider is whether you've got power saving on or off? If it's on and CPU power saving is turned on, the CPU runs at 800mhz rather than 1400mhz. This will show a noticeable difference in smoothness.
Dr.Paul said:
Been looking in the forum and found this issue under another heading. I fixed it by rooting and changing the davlik VM heap size from 256 to 128mb. How did Samsung manage to screw this up?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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God knows but as with any phone there are always issues at first. As long as they are resolved then it's not a big deal
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bortak said:
Another thing to consider is whether you've got power saving on or off? If it's on and CPU power saving is turned on, the CPU runs at 800mhz rather than 1400mhz. This will show a noticeable difference in smoothness.
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Not me, I turned off all power saving the day I got the phone
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Oli2k said:
The latest firmware update fixes it
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Still happens for me also.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
i just wanna share how i got rid of the lag and home respawn issue on my sgs3... i'm not saying it is a fix but these are the only things i did that work for me... there is no harm in trying...
1. disable double tap home button to activate s voice.
2. disable s voice using application manager
3. reboot... and after 3 days, no lag or whatsoever... but there was always the home respawn thing when i'm running a lot of apps on background...
4. uninstall facebook app... this app seems to eat most of the memory... reboot... now, i don't need to close any program running thru task manager... i check it and see 12 apps running but never had a respawn.. all is well now... i don't even think of rooting flashing a rom now... everything just seems to be running so well...
**i know some of you would say that it's not an option to uninstall FB app, i for myself would love to use it but i'd rather have a lag and respawn free sgs3 and use the FB desktop mode... but then again...that's just me...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Try using fast facebook, a lightweight facebook app, its getting better all the time
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Freezing ISSUE SHOstock 1.3

I have been running SHOstock 1.3 for about a week now and I've been getting this persistent issue. My phone tends to freeze for a couple of seconds usually on the lock screen. And maybe at times when I'm texting. I have reflashed multiple times, full wipe, cache wipe, etc. I have also tried reflashing the kernel it self with the kernel cleaner zip. Still no luck I give up on looking around I never usually ask questions. I love the ROM its great to use very fluid and fast. I came from AOKP and I think I made a mistake in doing so. I just need the freezing part to stop. If not I am going back. Thanks if anyone has an answer.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
I don't have this problem. But one of the first things I did was disable help on lock screen under lockscreen settings. Report back on if it did anything for you.
Second. As always I Always move all of my apps that are on SD card to phone memory. This keeps the phone in its smooth state. (This may be your solution)
I assume you're running SHOstock3 1.3? There have been some issues reported with the lockscreen widgets and/or wifi - read the SHOstock3 thread and search for these keywords. Not sure if there is a fix, but I don't have any major problems using the lockscreen widgets/shortcuts with wifi. Maybe once in a while, but not often.
kjportie said:
I have been running SHOstock 1.3 for about a week now and I've been getting this persistent issue. My phone tends to freeze for a couple of seconds usually on the lock screen. And maybe at times when I'm texting. I have reflashed multiple times, full wipe, cache wipe, etc. I have also tried reflashing the kernel it self with the kernel cleaner zip. Still no luck I give up on looking around I never usually ask questions. I love the ROM its great to use very fluid and fast. I came from AOKP and I think I made a mistake in doing so. I just need the freezing part to stop. If not I am going back. Thanks if anyone has an answer.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
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It's a known bug. I think Sho mentions in the v1.4 changelog that he [possibly] found a fix.
Yes, it seems we'll have a fix soon:
(v1.4) UPCOMING Soon
-Added Flashlight Toggle
-Added Black and Red INK Lockscreen Effect
-Edited powerprofile.xml for sgs2 (Was set up for sgs3) Also Disabled a bool setting for a notification LED widget we don't have. (both seem to have fixed the lockscreen hang)
-Added JellyBean AOSP Lockscreen Toggle
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bellino13 said:
I assume you're running SHOstock3 1.3? There have been some issues reported with the lockscreen widgets and/or wifi - read the SHOstock3 thread and search for these keywords. Not sure if there is a fix, but I don't have any major problems using the lockscreen widgets/shortcuts with wifi. Maybe once in a while, but not often.
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O no, 1.3.5
I've had all apps on phone storage as well as the lock screen help was disabled. I did over look my apps to make sure thanks for the response.
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bellino13 said:
I assume you're running SHOstock3 1.3? There have been some issues reported with the lockscreen widgets and/or wifi - read the SHOstock3 thread and search for these keywords. Not sure if there is a fix, but I don't have any major problems using the lockscreen widgets/shortcuts with wifi. Maybe once in a while, but not often.
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Thats exactly what im running.Thanks for the info I'll over look it when I'm home on the PC.
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dsmboost said:
It's a known bug. I think Sho mentions in the v1.4 changelog that he [possibly] found a fix.
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I'll just be patient and wait it out. I'll end up flashing 1.3.5 as well.
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kjportie said:
I'll just be patient and wait it out. I'll end up flashing 1.3.5 as well.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
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It's a bug with xxlsj. Mentioned all over this and the i9100 section. Just searching my thread would have yielded you results of this. I may have found something since I don't get it anymore but others claim it's kernel related so we'll see. Remember this is a leak.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] GE S4 rom by dubsy

Hey guys, so I got my S4 around July 4th and realized the same day I didn't like touchwiz. Got home, rooted and threw Dubbsy's rom on it.. I have been in love with the rom since I got it, never had an issue with gibberish provider name (except once) the lack of LTE bars didnt bother me because it still worked. The only major issue I ever had with it was my recent apps option stopped working. Well I just got the chance to update it to the newest build of the deoxed version and it has fixed the LTE bars and recent apps works again. It is fantastic and I really appreciate all the work you do! The ONLY issue I have is I only have 3 home screen pages. Is this a limitation of the rom, am i missing something simple??? I could use some help here and if it is a limitation of the rom, no big deal I can live with it until a newer version comes out
andrewdexter20 said:
Hey guys, so I got my S4 around July 4th and realized the same day I didn't like touchwiz. Got home, rooted and threw Dubbsy's rom on it.. I have been in love with the rom since I got it, never had an issue with gibberish provider name (except once) the lack of LTE bars didnt bother me because it still worked. The only major issue I ever had with it was my recent apps option stopped working. Well I just got the chance to update it to the newest build of the deoxed version and it has fixed the LTE bars and recent apps works again. It is fantastic and I really appreciate all the work you do! The ONLY issue I have is I only have 3 home screen pages. Is this a limitation of the rom, am i missing something simple??? I could use some help here and if it is a limitation of the rom, no big deal I can live with it until a newer version comes out
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Dubbsy's ROM is nice and stock, with very few modifications.
If you want more home screens, I highly recommend simply throwing Nova Launcher on there. Grab it in the Market. It looks and performs 99% identically to the stock Nexus home screen, but adds a bit of customization. It's what I'm running on Dubbsy's and I've got no issues whatsoever.
If you still have a copy of one of the older versions of the ROM, pull launcher2.apk out of it's /system/app/ folder. I noticed the same thing and use 5 screens myself.
Once you pull the .apk replace the launcher2.apk in your current /system/app/ with it using a root enabled file manager under rw mode. Like the CM installed on the 4.9 edition or Root Explorer.
Once you've done that go ahead and reboot and you should be good.
At least, that's what I did.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using xda premium
Have you tried just pinching the screen to add some...???
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scottgalit61 said:
Have you tried just pinching the screen to add some...???
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda premium
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That doesn't work on the stock Google Edition launcher.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using xda premium
davehasninjas said:
If you still have a copy of one of the older versions of the ROM, pull launcher2.apk out of it's /system/app/ folder. I noticed the same thing and use 5 screens myself.
Once you pull the .apk replace the launcher2.apk in your current /system/app/ with it using a root enabled file manager under rw mode. Like the CM installed on the 4.9 edition or Root Explorer.
Once you've done that go ahead and reboot and you should be good.
At least, that's what I did.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using xda premium
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Is that the only thing it changes? Any major changes to the system??
Yea, I've heard of nova launcher, would prefer a stock option, and if not then i will pick up nova launcher
andrewdexter20 said:
Is that the only thing it changes? Any major changes to the system??
Yea, I've heard of nova launcher, would prefer a stock option, and if not then i will pick up nova launcher
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Yea, it only changes the launcher. That's the only apk you would be replacing, and you wouldn't be using a third party substitute, it would be the genuine launcher since you would've pulled it from one of Dubbsy's older builds. I personally pulled it from 4.7.5 test since that's what I had on my sdcard at the time. Works fine.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using xda premium
davehasninjas said:
Yea, it only changes the launcher. That's the only apk you would be replacing, and you wouldn't be using a third party substitute, it would be the genuine launcher since you would've pulled it from one of Dubbsy's older builds. I personally pulled it from 4.7.5 test since that's what I had on my sdcard at the time. Works fine.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using xda premium
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It worked perfectly! now I just have to re-arrange my icons, haha.
andrewdexter20 said:
It worked perfectly! now I just have to re-arrange my icons, haha.
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Yea, I had to do the same thing lol, but now you get all 5 home screens back.
Glad I could help.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using xda premium
So I ran into another issue, when I go into the battery, and click on the graph to see the full data it always crashes. any ideas there?
andrewdexter20 said:
So I ran into another issue, when I go into the battery, and click on the graph to see the full data it always crashes. any ideas there?
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GPS doesn't work either never gets a lock.
s0m3f00l said:
GPS doesn't work either never gets a lock.
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Yea ive noticed that too, guess its the sacrifice for using the rom. oh well, no big deal.
GPS works fine for me.
I thought I only put the 3 page launcher in my odex version. I may have accidentally put it in the deo also. I'll fix that on next release if that's the case.
sent from my GE gs4
andrewdexter20 said:
So I ran into another issue, when I go into the battery, and click on the graph to see the full data it always crashes. any ideas there?
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That's odd, I've never seen that issue before. I would say to do a fresh install and see if it continues. Im not able to reproduce the issue.
s0m3f00l said:
GPS doesn't work either never gets a lock.
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No issues with GPS here. Try and flash back to a stock based ROM, get a GPS lock and then flash back. It's an odd fix, but it seems to work for some.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using xda premium
davehasninjas said:
That's odd, I've never seen that issue before. I would say to do a fresh install and see if it continues. Im not able to reproduce the issue.
No issues with GPS here. Try and flash back to a stock based ROM, get a GPS lock and then flash back. It's an odd fix, but it seems to work for some.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using xda premium
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Yea I had this issue on the last build, it was weird, it didnt work for weeks then randomly it started working fine, but would randomly freeze once in a blue moon.
The GPS also never got a lock on the last build, and i just double checked, it just sits there saying searching for GPS never gets an exact lock.
im glad i saw this thread,now i wont have to make a new one.i love dubsys rom.but one thing that i cant seem to find is a thethering option.am i missing something. help?
payaso805 said:
im glad i saw this thread,now i wont have to make a new one.i love dubsys rom.but one thing that i cant seem to find is a thethering option.am i missing something. help?
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Under more in wireless and network settings
sent from my GE gs4 using xda premium
Dubbsy said:
Under more in wireless and network settings
sent from my GE gs4 using xda premium
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-__- having a hard time finding it.
payaso805 said:
-__- having a hard time finding it.
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That doesn't look like Google Edition or BluKuban?
GE is what this thread was talking about
davehasninjas said:
That's odd, I've never seen that issue before. I would say to do a fresh install and see if it continues. Im not able to reproduce the issue.
No issues with GPS here. Try and flash back to a stock based ROM, get a GPS lock and then flash back. It's an odd fix, but it seems to work for some.
Sent from my GT-I9505G using xda premium
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Flashing back to my stock build getting GPS lock and than re flashing the ROM worked for me! Now it seems to be working fine....
What a strange fix...

