Run game from USB via org? - Nexus 10 General

Is it possible to play games such as asphalt 7, nfsmw, and modern combat 4 off of a USB to save storage space?
Sent from my HTC Ruby using xda app-developers app

I'm not sure but wouldn't it make more sense to store large files such as movies that you are not always going to want to use. Are you really that desperate for storage space on your device that you need to do this, or are you just interested if it is possible?

nathanhd123 said:
I'm not sure but wouldn't it make more sense to store large files such as movies that you are not always going to want to use. Are you really that desperate for storage space on your device that you need to do this, or are you just interested if it is possible?
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Well, a little of both, I have the 16gb version, and I am running a little low on space having download a few games. Is it possible to do this?
Sent from my HTC Desire C using xda app-developers app


Can green hornet be moved to SD card

Is it already on the SD card because if it isn't I'd like to free some space on my phone
I could not find it on the sd card, also i was not able to see it on my i dont know but i never tryed to play it on my evo 3d when i got the phone i raplidly changed the sd card
Its not on the SD card the movies are accessed like netflix
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
he meant the green hornet movie that comes with the phone.
The movie itself is in a hidden folder on the SD card.
Sent from the 3VO
yeah this is pretty true because i tried using a different sd card and i thought i copied everything over to the new one and my movie or the spiderman game couldnt load
You people are giving me different answers. If its on the phone can I put it on the SD card? Also has anyone played plants v zombies on the 3VO. It's so awesome. Just search for the apk on google. Thanks
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
ssojyeti2 said:
You people are giving me different answers. If its on the phone can I put it on the SD card? Also has anyone played plants v zombies on the 3VO. It's so awesome. Just search for the apk on google. Thanks
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Probably a system file and can't be removed without root access?
can HTC install a trackball on this thing?
ssojyeti2 said:
You people are giving me different answers. If its on the phone can I put it on the SD card? Also has anyone played plants v zombies on the 3VO. It's so awesome. Just search for the apk on google. Thanks
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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The movie "The Green Hornet" is in a hidden folder on the sd card....PERIOD!!!!! That is your answer, can't be anymore straight forward than that.
i found the movie under .data htcwatch preloaded movies and i copied all of the files to the movie over to my 16gb micro.
It's on the SD card. I couldn't play it until I copied the stock card over to my new card.
Yes its on the SD CARD. Look in the .data folder. No data, but .data that .(dot)data
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
malav36 said:
i found the movie under .data htcwatch preloaded movies and i copied all of the files to the movie over to my 16gb micro.
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Ditto, I did the same.
ssojyeti2 said:
Also has anyone played plants v zombies on the 3VO. It's so awesome. Just search for the apk on google.
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Yes, I have it on my 3D and it looks amazing with the qHD screen. The resolution actually looks better than it does on my computer (probably because it's more compact and not stretched).
Pay the $2.99 for it on the Amazon App store and support the company for making such a great game.
I did not copy anything from the original SD Card and my spiderman worked just fine
ssojyeti2 said:
Is it already on the SD card because if it isn't I'd like to free some space on my phone
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what do you need more space for just curious? I ran into trouble on my EVO 4G with space, but with the 3D i currently have over 800mb of space for apps
any movies and music n stuff you should put on your SD card
what you need stored on your internal phone drive?
SayWhat10 said:
what do you need more space for just curious? I ran into trouble on my EVO 4G with space, but with the 3D i currently have over 800mb of space for apps
any movies and music n stuff you should put on your SD card
what you need stored on your internal phone drive?
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Very curious to know the same thing. Tons of app space on this thing.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
sniperkill said:
Do you guys know that the EVO 3D takes a SDHD (HD) sdcard? You can't put a regular micro SDHC card in there. Cuz I bought a "Lexar" class 6 16gb micro SDHC card from Lexar, for $60. The manager at the sprint store said I couldn't use it in my EVO 3D, cuz it took a SDHD sdcard, not a SDHC.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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He lied or has no clue what he's talking about. I have this card in my 3vo with no issues.
SDHC = Secure Digital High Capacity. A few google searches and I can't find anything that shows SDHD.

[GAME] Dungeon Hunter 2 - Gameloft (Atrix 4G)

It is unfortunate that some of the better Gameloft games are not yet available for the Atrix. I have been messing around with the APKs for other devices and managed to get Dungeon Hunter 2 working on my Atrix 4G. I decided to share this with those of you that want to give this a try. Note that the videos don't play since they haven't been converted into a device-supported format, but the game is full screen and all controls seem to be functional.
The Process:
Take the HTC Sensation v1.0.0 APK, extract it with the APK Manager and edit the data.txt in the \res\raw folder to point to the LG P970 PVR textures data download:
Then, edit the gi_settings.xml in the same folder to specify PVR textures for the Atrix instead of DXT. Zip the APK back up, sign it with APK Manager.
That should do it. Install and let the data download.
well, i'm pretty sure this is illegal to post.
Even if this falls in the non-legal side of the wheel, the point behind it is quite clear. There are a lot of apps that only require a small tweak to have them working on the android system.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Yes. Bad move on gameloft not bringing those games to atrix.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
I know your trying to help but posting apps that cost money is illegal here and can get you in trouble so i suggest you to remove it. I hope you understand and I appreciate your work but next time, mod a game that is free or something.
Download removed. But I've left the instructions for those that want to purchase the HTC Sensation version and modify it.
Nickel3ack said:
Download removed. But I've left the instructions for those that want to purchase the HTC Sensation version and modify it.
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Thanks for understanding.
Amazing game! Beat it twice already, haha.
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G MB860 using XDA Premium App
Hey, Nickel, is there any way you could figure out how to run BackStab HD on here?
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G MB860 using XDA Premium App
Since this APK for the sensation could be edited. cant we edit the HTC weather Apk to work on other devices too?
i wonder if i can do this with all sensation games....

[Q] Temporarily "make available offline" for Google Music?

So, I love Google Music, it's great.
My only caveat is making a playlist available offline temporarily, and then deleting it once I'm done.
It makes sense for the subway, etc.
I'll load up a new album, and I normally listen to the album as a whole and then get rid of it to free up space (and to decide which songs make it to my main playlist).
I'm using a HTC One X, so 16gb is a bit limiting and I can't have it full of music.
Any ideas?
I think Google needs to implement this feature.
Yeah, that would seem useful.
You have a HTC One X, doesn't that have around 25 GB usable space?
It does come with 25gb of space, but I dont want to rely on data usage too much when it comes to media.
Kills the battery too quickly lol
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Not the Dropbox space. 25 GB phone storage + 25 GB Dropbox right?
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
The phone on att comes with 16gb of space with about 11ish or so available, plus 25gb extra on dropbox.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium

SGS3 RAM problem

Why my S3 has big RAM usage after about 4 days use? I checked RAM in taskmanager and about 500+MB of RAM is in use. At that time, my high-end games ,like amazing spiderman, start to lag and sometimes it even closes itself.I think this happens because it had not enough free RAM.So, I had to restart my device to lower RAM usage(only 200+MB RAM is in use, just after restarting).Why is that? Why RAM usage grows bigger if I didn't restart my device in 4 days? I've tried to limit Backgroung Processes in developer options of setting, but not working. It seems I should restart my phone everyday to get the full performance of my phone.
Any suggestions??
Wow so you don't restart your phone in four days?
☞ sent from GS3 or Nexus
ceo.mtcl said:
Wow so you don't restart your phone in four days?
☞ sent from GS3 or Nexus
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Should I need to do so?
NaylinnMaung said:
Should I need to do so?
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use fast reboot from market or some similar apps to clear up your memory
NaylinnMaung said:
Should I need to do so?
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Don't know if you need to but like my laptop I restart my phone atleast once a day.
☞ sent from GS3 or Nexus
I would have thought the inbuit task manager would handle all this, from what i've read it is excellent. I normally go a week or two before a restart. But i only play games like sprinkle an angry birds.
Nicholas68 said:
I would have thought the inbuit task manager would handle all this, from what i've read it is excellent. I normally go a week or two before a restart. But i only play games like sprinkle an angry birds.
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Yes, U R right. No need to restart(clean memory) if U only plays small games.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
I always have 592 out of 779? If I reboot I get 400, but after the apps load I go back to 592? I really don't see any problems with the phone? But is it normal?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Poker gypsy said:
I always have 592 out of 779? If I reboot I get 400, but after the apps load I go back to 592? I really don't see any problems with the phone? But is it normal?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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That's normal. Play high-end games and U'll see.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
I'm never retarting my phone and I have no problem. Same with my desktop PC always on sometimes 2 month uptime and no issues.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 ♥_♥
If you play some games which need a lot of memory android will kill other apps, that are running in the background to free the needed memory. Android is not windows! It will not run out of memory. Even the applauncher gets closed if it's necessary. I play heavy games to (nova 3) and there are no lags, so ram is not the problem I think.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
no issue with spiderman game here , one bad thing it require wifi to be on whenever gameplay is needed , did you force shut or freeze the apps ?
Hydrony said:
If you play some games which need a lot of memory android will kill other apps, that are running in the background to free the needed memory. Android is not windows! It will not run out of memory. Even the applauncher gets closed if it's necessary. I play heavy games to (nova 3) and there are no lags, so ram is not the problem I think.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Nova 3 is ok for me also. Spider-Man needs more RAM than Nova3.
If U received a message while playing Spiderman, the game will close and u'll have to start over.
That's not good.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
Samsung screwed with this low ram thing.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Sometimes when browsing a thread full of gif the browser will run out of ram and close. Sometimes the music player close when running memory heavy apps. Not good.
I really have not one issue so far with ram on games browsing etc even running spider man leaving and going to browsers chrome and stock very low ram left but still no issue
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Seek and ye may find .
JJEgan said:
Seek and ye may find .
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jj, your link is for storage space extension not for RAM extension...
my s1 with 391 ram have about 200-170 free ram with many apps running s3 with 761mb ( i think ) with same free ram wtf samsung u r doing with s3 ram management
i know android can handle ram very good but i'm still wondering -_-
a67543210 said:
Samsung screwed with this low ram thing.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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nativestranger said:
Sometimes when browsing a thread full of gif the browser will run out of ram and close. Sometimes the music player close when running memory heavy apps. Not good.
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That's definitely true.S3 should have at least 1.5GB RAM , 1GB RAM is not enough.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

Android 4+ Game Data?

Is it possible to move game data (for big games like Shadowgun or TDKR) onto the Micro SD card on Android 4 onwards without having to root the device?
Sent from my R800i using xda-developers app.
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