[discussion] where does snapchat store photos/videos? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I've went into the /data/data/com.snapchat.android/ folder, and it is only about 200KB, so the image/video files can't be stored there.
I also noticed if you have a new message, and you close and open the app, it will have to redownload it. So it seems that snapchat is storing the images in the RAM.
So I dumped the ram of my snapchat PID, using this method. I had to download a compiled gdb binary.
I then used photoRec to scan all the *.dump files [I concatenated them all first, the file was about 100MB]. For filesystem I said "Other."
All I got was one txt file. It seemed to be xml, and contained a lot of usernames of my friends, but that's all.
If anyone has any input on the subject, here is the thread for it!

Bump for interest

mvmacd said:
So I've went into the /data/data/com.snapchat.android/ folder, and it is only about 200KB, so the image/video files can't be stored there.
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Snapchat save picture under /data/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/received_image_snaps. You then have to copy and paste the file out of the folder, and rename the file extension from .jpgnomedia to .jpg
I can not find where the videos are stored. That's how I found this thread.

Like the previous poster said images are stored in /data/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/received_image_snaps. They are deleted when they are viewed though so you must copy them to your sdcard or wherever and change the file extension before viewing them. Videos are stored in /data/media/0/Android/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/tcs_pahn

Samsung Infuse
Where can I find these files on my Samsung Infuse? I go into /data/data/com.snapchat.android/cache but the folder is empty.

JCBucks said:
Where can I find these files on my Samsung Infuse? I go into /data/data/com.snapchat.android/cache but the folder is empty.
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I have not had time to check this location, however I have sort of discovered a workaround. [HTC Rezound CM10.1]
Ideally you should have a wifi toggle in the statusbar.
Open snapchat and then click on your snaps, after it loads the images [It will say "Loading image..", then "Tap to view"], turn off WiFi. Then you can view the snapchats [pic or video], and before enabling wifi, wipe Snapchat's data.
This way you can screenshot while offline and they will not know.
Alternatively you can use TitaniumBackup. Backup app while logged in, after viewing snapchat offline, restore data from backup so you do not constantly have to login.

JCBucks said:
Where can I find these files on my Samsung Infuse? I go into /data/data/com.snapchat.android/cache but the folder is empty.
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same here....
Galaxy Nexus CM 10.1

If you can't find the video folder, it's because it deletes it and the videos when they are not loaded. They are stored under /data/media/Android/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/received_video_snaps/ in mp4 format with a .nomedia file extension. As soon as you navigate away from the app, they are deleted, so I set up a tasker gesture to allow me to copy them while they are loaded.
As people said before, the images are stored in /data/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/received_image_snaps/ with the jpg.nomedia extension. If that folder doesn't exist, try making sure you've received and loaded a snapchat first. The images seem to stay until they're viewed.

shenkenstein said:
If you can't find the video folder, it's because it deletes it and the videos when they are not loaded. They are stored under /data/media/Android/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/received_video_snaps/ in mp4 format with a .nomedia file extension. As soon as you navigate away from the app, they are deleted, so I set up a tasker gesture to allow me to copy them while they are loaded.
As people said before, the images are stored in /data/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/received_image_snaps/ with the jpg.nomedia extension. If that folder doesn't exist, try making sure you've received and loaded a snapchat first. The images seem to stay until they're viewed.
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That location you name for videos doesn't exist on my phone.
- I have /data/media/ "0" and "obb" are the only 2 folders within there
- I have also read that the videos are stored in /Storage (SD CARD)/Android/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/... but there isn't anything further from here, my 'cache' folder is empty, there's never been a "received_video_snaps" folder, let alone any content within here.
- I am able to get the photos from /data/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/received_image_snaps/ but never been able to intercept videos
Note: this is all done BEFORE "viewing" the material and allowing it to "load" and show "tap to view" from within SC
I'm using the EVO 3D CDMA version

incarceration said:
That location you name for videos doesn't exist on my phone.
- I have /data/media/ "0" and "obb" are the only 2 folders within there
- I have also read that the videos are stored in /Storage (SD CARD)/Android/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/... but there isn't anything further from here, my 'cache' folder is empty, there's never been a "received_video_snaps" folder, let alone any content within here.
- I am able to get the photos from /data/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/received_image_snaps/ but never been able to intercept videos
Note: this is all done BEFORE "viewing" the material and allowing it to "load" and show "tap to view" from within SC
I'm using the EVO 3D CDMA version
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I'm running TouchWiz. I wonder if you are on a 4.2.2 ROM or something, cause I've experienced the sdcard being moved around before...
Does your "0" folder have any subdirectories? such as Android/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/
In any case, videos are special: You need to actually click "load" (but don't hold, or else you'll actually view it before saving) if it doesn't do that automatically. Unless I misinterpreted, you didn't do that step. I think they might load automatically on Wi-Fi or something, though. For a general rule: As soon as it says "Load", the video is no longer (or never was) on your device. Furthermore, the sneaky little application deletes the folder at the same time, which is why you're never seeing "received_video_snaps" within the cache folder you found (assuming that one actually stores the videos in your version) because in my experience, almost everytime you navigate away from Snapchat, it unloads the video.
If you want to test for whether a file exists in a particular directory using Tasker, mess around with different directories in a File Modified profile (and have the associated task flash something). It'll flash as soon as something is added to that folder (including another folder, it seems).
Otherwise, check out my thread for this here.

I'm not familiar with Tasker. is it possible to have it automagically copy and rename the files that show up in the picture cache folder upon receiving a snap?
From reddit:
I've got one method working on doing this, albeit I dislike it because this is questionable practice as is.
you''ll need Tasker and the Secure Settings plugin (tasker's run shell didn't like playing nice most of the time, but the secure setting run command does).
so i have tasker wait for snapchat to be opened, then the opening tasks are to wait 7 seconds (gives you time to load any pictures, honestly, i tried doing this with a file closed but tasker doesn't seem to like using wildcards in that command. if you really want, you can make this an exit command and open snapchat then back out before viewing)
then run shell as root cp -r /data/data/com.snapchat.android/cache/received_image_snaps/ /storage/emulated/0/snaps/ (you'll need to change the second directory, mine is for a gnex on 4.2.2 so that's why it's emulated/0)
next, you'll need to make a script in atext editor, and for sake of sanity, push it to /system/bin with chmod 755 (rwxr-xr-x)
the script then reads as CODE
!/system/bin/sh #there should be a hashtag in front of this but reddit's formatting is being wonky
cd /storage/emulated/0/snaps/ #wherever you copied them to
for file in *.nomedia
mv "$file" "${file/.nomedia}"
then in tasker, as an exit action, run a secure settings run command with the command of whatever your script name is (include location if you do no push to bin).
it should work
You can play with the triggers and such, but i was having no luck including the scripted portion with the copy actions, it never seemed to run the script (secure settings has options to notify that it's running/completed).
Again, this is mean to be instructional on how to automate this with tasker, since I wanted to solve a puzzle. Not for anyone to be a creepy ass person saving snapchats that you shouldn't.
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Couldn't post link =/

nannus said:
I'm not familiar with Tasker. is it possible to have it automagically copy and rename the files that show up in the picture cache folder upon receiving a snap?
Couldn't post link =/
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Is it possible, yes. Will it work flawlessly, not really.

Once I move the file and remove the no media extension. I can open the image but it is blank. Any ideas? Anyone know how to retrieve deleted Images

kprz24 said:
Once I move the file and remove the no media extension. I can open the image but it is blank. Any ideas? Anyone know how to retrieve deleted Images
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Deleted images are deleted. That's the point of Snapchat. As for the file you moved (I'd recommend you copy it instead, cause Snapchat'll show a blank screen when you view it if you moved the file), make sure it ends in .jpg (for images) or .mp4 (for videos).

kprz24 said:
Once I move the file and remove the no media extension. I can open the image but it is blank. Any ideas? Anyone know how to retrieve deleted Images
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Actually there is a program called PhotoRec that scans a disk for files using the headers. So as long as the file is unfragmented and not been written over, you can retrieve it with the software. Of course you'll have to either plug in your phone to your PC with usb mass storage mode [if your phone supports it], or else put it in a card reader.

mvmacd said:
Actually there is a program called PhotoRec that scans a disk for files using the headers. So as long as the file is unfragmented and not been written over, you can retrieve it with the software. Of course you'll have to either plug in your phone to your PC with usb mass storage mode [if your phone supports it], or else put it in a card reader.
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Nice! I didn't think that technology was available on phones at this point.

quantemplation said:
Nice! I didn't think that technology was available on phones at this point.
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Well actually it's not run from the phone [as I mentioned in my previous post], you must plug your card into your PC with usb mode in order for it to work.
I have used PhotoRec in the past and it has worked pretty well. The only thing, and it's not PhotoRec's fault, your files will have a random number. There's no way to know what the old filename/path used to be, so you have to figure that part out on your own.
In short, always backup your sdcard unless you don't mind losing everything, and depending on the damage, might be able to recover the files, but only the ones not fragmented and they will be randomly named.

I developed an easy way to sync the received pictures and videos with your Dropbox account.
If it is interesting you can check my thread here

Using the Droid DNA and looking in com.snapchat.android and the cache folder is there, but that is empty. There is no received images folder. Anyone know why this is the case? I know I've gotten plenty of images from snapchat.

jaredkent said:
Using the Droid DNA and looking in com.snapchat.android and the cache folder is there, but that is empty. There is no received images folder. Anyone know why this is the case? I know I've gotten plenty of images from snapchat.
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The same thing is happening with my Galaxy S3


Hide Picures in album

i have install program from the SD memory and some of the pictures displayed
in the album.
is there any were to hide the pictures or remove them without getting error on the software.
Thanks in advance
Search the Market for hide photos, I'm sure there are a few options
you can create an empty text file (using notepad), call it ".nomedia" and remove the ".txt" extension.
Place this file where you want pictures/audio to be ignored...
works for me.
I tried to upload a sample file, but for some reason, I can't, but it is pretty straight forward.
Thanks For the Help. but when i copy the txt-nomedia nothing is happening- i can still see the files
Or, rename the folder the pics are in to .(name here)
Android ignores folders that have a (.) as the beginning character
wow it works but the program wont open :/
thanks anyway. i learned something new
PiloterB said:
wow it works but the program wont open :/
thanks anyway. i learned something new
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Oh well that seems to be a problem. I suggest you email the developer and ask him to put it so that the pics don't show in the gallery. It has a simple fix on his part
Yes, Maybe i will do it.
Thank you For you Help
maybe some how i will learn how ti use the commands in Linux
guys i did put [.] before a folder in my hero which many images but still those images are visible in gallery. i even tried putting .nomedia file in that folder but still images are visible. any idea? cheers
dying4004 said:
guys i did put [.] before a folder in my hero which many images but still those images are visible in gallery. i even tried putting .nomedia file in that folder but still images are visible. any idea? cheers
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Reboot your Hero.
The problem is that after a few days the files in the directory containing the .noname file are gone. The directory is than empty exept for the .noname file, that still exists.

3D Gallery App - Select Viewable Folders?

I've 800/900 songs on my phone each has an attached "album art" image (due to the way I had to format them for my Sansa Fuse, each song in a folder with album art) any to get to the point of this thread, the gallery app shows everything, caches the lot, I don't want to see millions of pictures of the same thing, I just want to be albe to ignore these folders & just show my camera/wallpapers/whatever else I choose, not every image on my phone
Please tell me there is a way to do it, or point in the direction of an app that will perform the way I want it
Surely this has been raised before, but I can't find it mentioned
put a . (dot) at the start of the folder name and it tells the lynix based android system that it is a hidden folder and then it will not show in the gallery.
Cheers Lenny, but as I mentioned above, that would be 800/900 folders I'd have to edit, I'd prefer to select the folders I want to view and would the dot prevent my music apps from seeing the folders too?
I could go back and re format all my music just to have one album art image in, but I'd rather not & the extra folders would still show up
Apologies for the bad grammar & spelling the in the previous post the edit function here seems to be very aggressive
if your running windows there is a way to rename folders on mass, can't remember how though its been years since I did it.
Lennyuk said:
put a . (dot) at the start of the folder name and it tells the lynix based android system that it is a hidden folder and then it will not show in the gallery.
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This worked, as a test of the theory. I'd a folder named MP3 on my card containing them all, I moved that into the .mixzing folder (couldn't rename MP3 Folder to .MP3 windows won't let you), but the only problem with that is now there appears to be no music on my card, Gallery works perfect as predicted
The .mixzing folder is not selectable by MixZing.....
Archie The Leper said:
This worked, as a test of the theory. I'd a folder named MP3 on my card containing them all, I moved that into the .mixzing folder (couldn't rename MP3 Folder to .MP3 windows won't let you), but the only problem with that is now there appears to be no music on my card, Gallery works perfect as predicted
The .mixzing folder is not selectable by MixZing.....
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ah never thought that far ahead. you can still play the files using something like astro though (as a not so perfect workaround for the time being).
Try adding a file in the directory you want ignored with the filename '.nomedia' The gallery will ignores these folders. (Works for music and videos too)
dingatron said:
Try adding a file in the directory you want ignored with the filename '.nomedia' The gallery will ignores these folders. (Works for music and videos too)
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Don't make this mistake.. his will simply delete the files!
In theory, that should work, but i experienced many problem with this .nomedia file:
dingatron said:
Try adding a file in the directory you want ignored with the filename '.nomedia' The gallery will ignores these folders. (Works for music and videos too)
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profete162 said:
Don't make this mistake
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No, no I won't, 800/900 .nomedia files, which, no doubt, will hide the the mp3 file too
Try this so that your music files are not deleted:
1. Backup your folder that contains all the music and album art onto your pc.
2. in the PARENT directory of the 800/900 folders put a file in there called ".noimage" (without the quotes).
3. now your album art shouldn't show up in pictures, but your mp3's will come up in the player.
4. If it does delete the music/album art after a restart, then keep the .noimage file in the parent folder and then put your files back from the PC.
5. if you don't have the 800/900 files in a seperate parent folder then do so.
6. let me know how you get on. but please make sure you have backed up your media.
Put a new txt file into the folder, remaned it with Astro File manager, Windows won't let you do that, images still in Gallery, still no luck Bad4ss, thanks for trying
It didn't delete the music by the way
I will try something else.
profete162 said:
Don't make this mistake.. his will simply delete the files!
In theory, that should work, but i experienced many problem with this .nomedia file:
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Please explain to me where it does delete the files when you place .nomedia?:
// ignore directories that contain a ".nomedia" file
if (pathRemaining >= 8 /* strlen(".nomedia") */ ) {
strcpy(fileSpot, ".nomedia");
if (access(path, F_OK) == 0) {
LOGD("found .nomedia, skipping directory\n");
return OK;
// restore path
fileSpot[0] = 0;
Please do so sir...
I've never really taken a look at the android source code but are you even sure that's the _ONLY_ code related to .nomedia in the entire project?
There is something that deletes those files and it does seem related to .nomedia according to all those reports.
us1111 said:
Please explain to me where it does delete the files when you place .nomedia?:
Please do so sir...
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Are you telling all the people complaining in Google code are liars?
I don't want you to have the same issue than me ( 1.2 Gb of beautiful holidays pictures that were lost with a .nomedia file in the same directory.
I tried to mount the SDCard on a mac and a PC and both of them showed an empty directory!
I succes to get back my pictures with some tools for getting back files on a formated disk!
I don't care about what you thinbk, i just told my story so that don't happen to other users! Feel free to say i'm a fool, but so.. i am not alone!
When a ".nomedia" file is added to a directory that has already been
scanned by the media scanner, any jpg and gif files in that directory and
all sub directories will be deleted.
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I just had the same experience with video files (*.mp4) deleted from a folder when I've
put the .nomedia file in it and the videos were already indexed by the Media Scanner.
So it seems this issue is general for all file types.
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Have the same issue using Android 1.6.
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This is serious. I have lost files I can't replace because of this. Managed to rescue
some through undelete. Please fix and force phone firmware providers to rush out the
fix imediately
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I too have noticed undesirable behaviour when using the .nomedia file. Indeed, as
metago.inc states, when images or movieclips are added after the .nomedia file, these
files do not get deleted.
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This is the most serious issue I have found on the Android platform and, in my
opinion, should be addressed immediately so people stop having important files
arbitrarily deleted by the OS.
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This is huge. What I don't understand is why the media scan even has code to delete
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and more and more
profete162 said:
Are you telling all the people complaining in Google code are liars?
I don't want you to have the same issue than me ( 1.2 Gb of beautiful holidays pictures that were lost with a .nomedia file in the same directory.
I tried to mount the SDCard on a mac and a PC and both of them showed an empty directory!
I succes to get back my pictures with some tools for getting back files on a formated disk!
I don't care about what you thinbk, i just told my story so that don't happen to other users! Feel free to say i'm a fool, but so.. i am not alone!
and more and more
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WOW.. This is unbelievable.. Sorry for my assumption and possible misdirection, i have a HTC hero without problems and I checked the source so I thought no problem but after some more research it appears that the problem starts even at some other hero users..
us1111 said:
WOW.. This is unbelievable.. Sorry for my assumption and possible misdirection, i have a HTC hero without problems and I checked the source so I thought no problem but after some more research it appears that the problem starts even at some other hero users..
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The code you were looking for in your first post was this
The above is pretty standard. So how does this delete files off the SD card? When a row is deleted from the table there is a little piece of code that's run called a trigger. The trigger is defined earlier in this file
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db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS images_cleanup DELETE ON images " +
"BEGIN " +
"DELETE FROM thumbnails WHERE image_id = old._id;" +
"SELECT _DELETE_FILE(old._data);" +
i used a program named "Mp3tag" and included the albumart into the files. It will take some time but i found it the best soloution.
Is there any sucessful tweak or alternative to the 3D gallery?
Gallery Excluder.

[Q] How to make Archos Gallery not display .hidden items?

On my other Android devices I can simply put a . in front of folders that I don't want the gallery to display (such as avatar pics and shortcut icons and what not) and it wouldn't. Then I could use eStrongs file manager or similar to browse to them when I needed them. I popped a 2GB MicroSD card I had laying around that already had some files on it from another Android device and ALL of the folders with images are showing up in the gallery... even those with a . in front of them.
Is there any way on an Archos 101 to set the Gallery to NOT display items inside of a '.' folder? Seems this is default with other Android devices so I'm hoping it's at least an option on these.
Thanks for the help.
Moved to general as not android development.
OstrichSak said:
On my other Android devices I can simply put a . in front of folders that I don't want the gallery to display (such as avatar pics and shortcut icons and what not) and it wouldn't. Then I could use eStrongs file manager or similar to browse to them when I needed them. I popped a 2GB MicroSD card I had laying around that already had some files on it from another Android device and ALL of the folders with images are showing up in the gallery... even those with a . in front of them.
Is there any way on an Archos 101 to set the Gallery to NOT display items inside of a '.' folder? Seems this is default with other Android devices so I'm hoping it's at least an option on these.
Thanks for the help.
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Create a 0kb file called .nomedia. Place it in the folder of items you don't want shown. That should work.
blazingwolf said:
Create a 0kb file called .nomedia. Place it in the folder of items you don't want shown. That should work.
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Doesn't appear to work. I searched before posting this and found a few things about .nomedia and thought maybe you had to rename the actual folders w/the images within to .nomedia to hide them? Seems like this would be a PITA way to go about it.
Am I doing something wrong? Any other ideas?
OstrichSak said:
Doesn't appear to work. I searched before posting this and found a few things about .nomedia and thought maybe you had to rename the actual folders w/the images within to .nomedia to hide them? Seems like this would be a PITA way to go about it.
Am I doing something wrong? Any other ideas?
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It should work just fine. Did you name the file specifically .nomedia? No ext name. Did you reboot to see if that helps? Did you put the file in the folder of the items you don't want showing?
Here is some more specific instructions (I didn't write them):
1. On your computer, open Notepad or any other text editor
2. Save the blank file with the filename “.nomedia”, make sure that the Save as type is set as “All Files” instead of “Text documents”
3. Copy that file to the folder on your SD card containing picture files you don’t want to show up in the gallery. (Example: If you want to block aDyno image files from coming up, place the .nomedia file in the sdcard/aDyno folder)
4. Reboot your phone and hopefully the unwanted files should no longer be viewable.
blazingwolf said:
It should work just fine. Did you name the file specifically .nomedia? No ext name. Did you reboot to see if that helps? Did you put the file in the folder of the items you don't want showing?
Here is some more specific instructions (I didn't write them):
1. On your computer, open Notepad or any other text editor
2. Save the blank file with the filename “.nomedia”, make sure that the Save as type is set as “All Files” instead of “Text documents”
3. Copy that file to the folder on your SD card containing picture files you don’t want to show up in the gallery. (Example: If you want to block aDyno image files from coming up, place the .nomedia file in the sdcard/aDyno folder)
4. Reboot your phone and hopefully the unwanted files should no longer be viewable.
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Alright, w/more information I tried it again. I created a file just using a file browser on the device. This time around I created a file in Notepad on my PC called .nomedia and made sure the filetype was set to 'all files' before saving and that there was no extension (deleted the .txt) and then copied that file to my Archos 101. I first tried in the folder on the SD card that contained all the folders in question. I rebooted and it didn't seem to help. I then copied the file into each folder and rebooted. Still no dice. Whenever I open Gallery all the folders and images are still there. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to clear a cache or something or delete any tumbnails or ?? I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I keep searching and am coming up with nothing. This was SO easier on my other Android devices as I just put a period in front of the name of the folders I didn't want to display and it was done. Simple as that. This is a royal PITA and I feel I'm not making any progress.
In the market search Studiokum or .nomedia. whit this app is easy control. Nomedia files
ramso said:
In the market search Studiokum or .nomedia. whit this app is easy control. Nomedia files
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Do either of these allow you to simply hide w/o signing in or encryption? I found two other programs & both required this which I don't want to deal with. Just seems odd that others are saying this is working for them & I'm not having any luck. I don't mind installing an app as long as it works but I'm not sure why my Archos 101 would be different than the rest.
OstrichSak said:
Do either of these allow you to simply hide w/o signing in or encryption? I found two other programs & both required this which I don't want to deal with. Just seems odd that others are saying this is working for them & I'm not having any luck. I don't mind installing an app as long as it works but I'm not sure why my Archos 101 would be different than the rest.
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This app working rigth for me, only add the .nomedia in the folders. Now the pictures in the folders i marked don't displayed in thr gallery
OstrichSak said:
Do I need to clear a cache or something or delete any tumbnails or ??
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Reset multimedia library in Settings - Repair & formatting.
lolo33 said:
Reset multimedia library in Settings - Repair & formatting.
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Yes! This is EXACTLY what I needed. Thanks!

[Q] Media/Music Player That Can View Internal Storage?

Now that we are able to use the 11+ Gb of internal storage (assuming you are rooted) are there any media players (e.g., mp3 and/or mp4) that can view data or data/media?
Media files can be seen/played via Root Explorer or ES File Explorer (although it's very kludgy) but I have not been able to find any player capable of accessing this storage area.
I'm pretty sure that you can specify which directory to use with MX Player
SG Pillar said:
I'm pretty sure that you can specify which directory to use with MX Player
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And make sure you get the arm7 codec too.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
HMG10 said:
And make sure you get the arm7 codec too.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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Does it ever ask to download the codecs? It never asks to me download anything. I tried to play with the codecs and without them and I noticed no difference. However the player supports HW for h.264 codec only in both cases.
p.s. PowerAMP is a one of the best audio players. And it can access /mnt/* including "internal" linked to your internal storage.
I must have missed something here.
How exactly can we access the 11 gigs of storage on the nook?
Can someone point me to the thread that explains that process?
I used this method:
nook_lover said:
Does it ever ask to download the codecs? It never asks to me download anything. I tried to play with the codecs and without them and I noticed no difference. However the player supports HW for h.264 codec only in both cases.
p.s. PowerAMP is a one of the best audio players. And it can access /mnt/* including "internal" linked to your internal storage.
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Nope, doesn't work (neither MXVideo Player or Poweramp) at least does not work for me. I placed an MP4 and a MP3 in some subfolders in the data directory (which shows 11.6 Gb free). I was able to make data/media/vids and data/media/auds using Root Explorer - I can also see the files in ES File Explorer (and play them by clicking on either one and selecting the app to use.
But I cannot get any music or video player to find the file - is there some simple fix? And maybe I don't understand the meaning of "/mnt/* including "internal" linked to your internal storage" .
docfreed said:
Nope, doesn't work (neither MXVideo Player or Poweramp) at least does not work for me. I placed an MP4 and a MP3 in some subfolders in the data directory (which shows 11.6 Gb free). I was able to make data/media/vids and data/media/auds using Root Explorer - I can also see the files in ES File Explorer (and play them by clicking on either one and selecting the app to use.
But I cannot get any music or video player to find the file - is there some simple fix?
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That is because MXPlayer does not run as root, and thus cannot list the /data directory. (Which is "--x" for anyone but root)
You have to ensure that the permissions on your media directory are setup so that MXPlayer can actually perform a directory listing.
cfoesch said:
That is because MXPlayer does not run as root, and thus cannot list the /data directory. (Which is "--x" for anyone but root)
You have to ensure that the permissions on your media directory are setup so that MXPlayer can actually perform a directory listing.
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Just took a quick look at data/media and in Root Explorer, the permissions are all checked - that is for read, write and execute and the owner is shown as root.
Ah, Success
Changed the permissions of the /data directory to allow "others" to read and write and I can now play my media. Thanks to all for the help - that's why I absolutely love this forum!
doc, mind posting the full command you used?
howcansheslap said:
doc, mind posting the full command you used?
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No command - using Root Explorer. First, I set /data from Read Only to Read Write. If you long press on either a file or folder you see nine "boxes" . Three down read Owner, Group and Others and three across are Read, Write and Execute. All i did was to set Others, i.e., check the box, for Read, Write and Execute. I then reset /data to be Read Only. Of course, you need to be rooted.
I think by setting Others to Read, Write and Execute (rwx) it allows media players to access the file.
nook_lover said:
I used this method:
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I'm trying to follow this method, but keep getting an error telling me the operation is not permitted, when I try to use the "mount" command.
loribuono said:
I'm trying to follow this method, but keep getting an error telling me the operation is not permitted, when I try to use the "mount" command.
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Are you typing the commands manually? I used the script attached. No issues for me. Of course Tablet is rooted.
nook_lover said:
Are you typing the commands manually? I used the script attached. No issues for me. Of course Tablet is rooted.
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Yeah, trying to enter them manually. I tried the script method, but the mkdir command didn't work for me either. It doesn't appear I'm allowed to do anything in ADB. Am I missing something? Is this even necessary? Someone else said they just changed permissions in Root Explorer. It's confusing. All I want is for non-B&N apps to recognize content I store in the large internal storage space, specifically music.
NT's rooted, too.
loribuono said:
Yeah, trying to enter them manually. That's what the instructions say. The script is in the next step. I assume I have to follow step 2 before step 3, or maybe I'm really not understanding this at all.
And my NT is rooted.
So, I don't get it. Do I have to follow the instructions as written, or not?
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You don't have to type them. Just replace the file after backing it up. Set the same permissions as the the original.
---------- Post added at 06:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 PM ----------
loribuono said:
Yeah, trying to enter them manually. I tried the script method, but the mkdir command didn't work for me either. It doesn't appear I'm allowed to do anything in ADB. Am I missing something? Is this even necessary? Someone else said they just changed permissions in Root Explorer. It's confusing. All I want is for non-B&N apps to recognize content I store in the large internal storage space, specifically music.
NT's rooted, too.
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Follow the steps as provided. Manual adding is optional.
Okay, rebooting now. I'm confused about what I just did, though. What was the purpose of the usrdata folder I created?
I don't really know if this worked. I can choose any folder on my Nook, from within MX Player, but it doesn't appear to be scanning in the following location: /media/My Files/Videos. No .avi files that are within that, or in its subfolders, show up in MX Player. It sees other .avi files, like one in /system/media/videos.
Is there something else I need to do?
Why are there so many "media" folders on this thing, and which one should I be putting things into? there's one under /. There's one under /mnt, although they appear to be the same location, as the contain the same files. There's one under /system. And, of course, I've got one on my SD Card.
If anyone can clear up any or all of these questions, I'd be eternally grateful. Well, at least, grateful for a long time... like a few weeks, at least.
loribuono said:
Okay, rebooting now. I'm confused about what I just did, though. What was the purpose of the usrdata folder I created?
I don't really know if this worked. I can choose any folder on my Nook, from within MX Player, but it doesn't appear to be scanning in the following location: /media/My Files/Videos. No .avi files that are within that, or in its subfolders, show up in MX Player. It sees other .avi files, like one in /system/media/videos.
Is there something else I need to do?
Why are there so many "media" folders on this thing, and which one should I be putting things into? there's one under /. There's one under /mnt, although they appear to be the same location, as the contain the same files. There's one under /system. And, of course, I've got one on my SD Card.
If anyone can clear up any or all of these questions, I'd be eternally grateful. Well, at least, grateful for a long time... like a few weeks, at least.
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If the script is working now, you can put any of your files to /mnt/internal.
nook_lover said:
If the script is working now, you can put any of your files to /mnt/internal.
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Okay. Why? Why would I put them there? You just added yet another folder option to my confusion. I appreciate your help, but I'm one of those people who like to understand what I'm doing and why I'm doing it, rather than just follow someone's instructions.
loribuono said:
Okay. Why? Why would I put them there? You just added yet another folder option to my confusion. I appreciate your help, but I'm one of those people who like to understand what I'm doing and why I'm doing it, rather than just follow someone's instructions.
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The script is linked to /mnt/internal and makes it possible to use the internal storage after each reboot keeping all of the permissions properly set.

Android Galaxy note 10Plus

I have renamed DCIM folder and its vanished, But it contained 30 GB of photos. But in microseconds.
Anyone could advice whether can restore. thanks.
Do you mean that folder and all photos in it have disappeared after you renamed the folder?
In general, this is impossible. Open the 'Files' app to find the renamed folder and your photos.
Hi Mr James,
Yes, totally gone missing. It was about 30gb.
James_Watson said:
Do you mean that folder and all photos in it have disappeared after you renamed the folder?
In general, this is impossible. Open the 'Files' app to find the renamed folder and your photos.
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After renamed, i did undo rename in windows PC. Then happened this
lakshmi_SG said:
After renamed, i did undo rename in windows PC. Then happened this
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Did you have them backed up on the PC?
Renaming that folder as is now obvious to you is not a good idea, here's why.
Why Does Every Camera Put Photos in a DCIM Folder?
Every camera — whether it’s a dedicated digital camera or the Camera app on Android or iPhone — places the photos you take in a DCIM folder. DCIM stands for “Digital Camera Images.”
The camera will also not recognize the renamed folder when you take a picture unless you edit the cam app's coding.
I copy the DCIM folder subfolders to a renamed folder on my SD card then back that folder up. I then delete the images in the DCIM subfolders and start over about once a month.
If you really deleted the DCIM folder (I don't think this is possible on a stock Android but never tried it!) things will get dicey.
Search by file type, image or jpeg and check the SD card. If MiX file explorer is already installed try using that. If they have been deleted the files are still there until they are overwritten. Using the device can cause this to happen.
Use only known good recovery software; some offer free recovery but encrypt the results and require a payment to unencrypted the actual images all the while potentially overwriting the originals if it hasn't already deleted them.
Be warned.
If you do manage to recover them it will only be the image files. The folder structure is already lost and the image exit information is disassociated from its image, lost is a sea of files. So there be no timespamp, pic number or any other information for the images and no way to recreate it. 30gb be a complete jigsaw puzzle of images in mostly random order. You can sort by file type but that's all.
You better hope it was renamed and not deleted!!!
blackhawk said:
Did you have them backed up on the PC?
Renaming that folder as is now obvious to you is not a good idea, here's why.
Why Does Every Camera Put Photos in a DCIM Folder?
Every camera — whether it’s a dedicated digital camera or the Camera app on Android or iPhone — places the photos you take in a DCIM folder. DCIM stands for “Digital Camera Images.”
The camera will also not recognize the renamed folder when you take a picture unless you edit the cam app's coding.
I copy the DCIM folder subfolders to a renamed folder on my SD card then back that folder up. I then delete the images in the DCIM subfolders and start over about once a month.
If you really deleted the DCIM folder (I don't think this is possible on a stock Android but never tried it!) things will get dicey.
Search by file type, image or jpeg and check the SD card. If MiX file explorer is already installed try using that. If they have been deleted the files are still there until they are overwritten. Using the device can cause this to happen.
Use only known good recovery software; some offer free recovery but encrypt the results and require a payment to unencrypted the actual images all the while potentially overwriting the originals if it hasn't already deleted them.
Be warned.
If you do manage to recover them it will only be the image files. The folder structure is already lost and the image exit information is disassociated from its image, lost is a sea of files. So there be no timespamp, pic number or any other information for the images and no way to recreate it. 30gb be a complete jigsaw puzzle of images in mostly random order. You can sort by file type but that's all.
You better hope it was renamed and not deleted!!!
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Thanks for your kind support.
i will try the above and update the output. thanks.

