Gb on ics firmware? - HTC Rezound

Is it possible to run sense 3.5 on the ics firmware?
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VictoriousShooter said:
Is it possible to run sense 3.5 on the ics firmware?
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Yes, you need to add the new firmware patch to fix your SD mount points though.

mjones73 said:
Yes, you need to add the new firmware patch to fix your SD mount points though.
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Where would I get that?
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VictoriousShooter said:
Where would I get that?
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Google, I honestly don't know who's got it posted these days, "new firmware patch rezound" should turn something up though.

Superchilpil has what you're looking for in this thread:
"[FIRMWARE] ICS/GB Firmware combo's"
Look for the new firmware patch file in this repository from the thread:

Who would still want to use GB?

zetsumeikuro said:
Who would still want to use GB?
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I want to use gb because I've never run sense 3.5 natively. I've had an EVO 4g and 3d and have only ran sense 3.5 via ports.
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Sense 3.5

How to get sense 3.5 already rooted right now wit 3.0
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Flash a 3.5 ROM.
U got one
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Bamf SoaB is a 3.5 rom
FabianDM said:
U got one
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jmztaylor said:
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That was awesome!!!! I literally LOL'd...
OP, please do some reading.
jmztaylor said:
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kite edit: yeah, that's not gonna fly...

Roms that support MHL

Does anyone know which Roms support mhl?
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aFoodStampBaby said:
Does anyone know which Roms support mhl?
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Not necessarily which ROM but which kernel, most of your sense roms support it. Some of the anthrax kernels do as well. Not sure about the aosp roms. Flash a sense ROM and anthrax test 14 and have at it.
Sent from my Infected Evo3D
djaykid11 said:
Not necessarily which ROM but which kernel, most of your sense roms support it. Some of the anthrax kernels do as well. Not sure about the aosp roms. Flash a sense ROM and anthrax test 14 and have at it.
Sent from my Infected Evo3D
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Thanks for that. I looked for the anthrax tread but I can't find it. Can you lead me on the right path. Thanks.
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Here's a link
You have to sign up to view the kernel dl link.
""Shooter on Deck""
laie1472 said:
Here's a link
You have to sign up to view the kernel dl link.
""Shooter on Deck""
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I tried that kernel and it didn't work. O well maybe its the port or the mhl its self. Thanks anyway.
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aFoodStampBaby said:
I tried that kernel and it didn't work. O well maybe its the port or the mhl its self. Thanks anyway.
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Can you be a little more specific ??? Which kernel did you try ?? I have read on multiple threads that one of chads kernels do offer full mhl support. I'll try and track down the exact version for you. In the mean time did you try test6 ??
laie1472 said:
Can you be a little more specific ??? Which kernel did you try ?? I have read on multiple threads that one of chads kernels do offer full mhl support. I'll try and track down the exact version for you. In the mean time did you try test6 ??
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I've tired the newest test 14. I couldn't find the other older versions.
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aFoodStampBaby said:
I've tired the newest test 14. I couldn't find the other older versions.
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test 6 has working mhl
..well, they all do, but prior to test 6 - some people got weird reboots
chad.goodman said:
test 6 has working mhl
..well, they all do, but prior to test 6 - some people got weird reboots
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So where can I find your older versions chad?
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aFoodStampBaby said:
So where can I find your older versions chad?
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all my stuff is at infectedrom - old and new
new 2.17 kernel supports mhl as well
aFoodStampBaby said:
Does anyone know which Roms support mhl?
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i know alot about hboot 1.5 and GB (gingerbread) but i do have to ask.... what do you mean MHL?
I checked and I only see test 14 aosp, sense, ics and test 6. Does test 14 have mhl support?
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aFoodStampBaby said:
I checked and I only see test 14 aosp, sense, ics and test 6. Does test 14 have mhl support?
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Try test 6
laie1472 said:
Try test 6
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Just tired it test 6. I'm using nocturnal v2.60 Rom. It's not working. I'm.not sure what to do.
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aFoodStampBaby said:
Just tired it test 6. I'm using nocturnal v2.60 Rom. It's not working. I'm.not sure what to do.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Try a diffrent Rom is my next suggestion also check your mhl adapter to make sure it not a faulty one.

Sense 4.0 video editor

I've ran lots of sense 4 roms, but I've settled with ViperS, only problem Is that the video editor is missing.
Does anyone have the .apk for it?
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Not off hand but if you could extract it from chubz
NineInchNails said:
Not off hand but if you could extract it from chubz
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I did, and I pushed it to system/app and changed permissions and it doesn't show its installed
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Datguy_n_Disguy said:
I did, and I pushed it to system/app and changed permissions and it doesn't show its installed
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NineInchNails said:
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Yes. Reboot=nothing. Reboot » wipe cache/dalivik cache=nothing.
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Datguy_n_Disguy said:
Yes. Reboot=nothing. Reboot » wipe cache/dalivik cache=nothing.
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Is one odex and the other deodex? Also, maybe there is a secondary apk that you need too.
Sent from my ICS 3VO with Tapatalk 2
coal686 said:
Is one odex and the other deodex? Also, maybe there is a secondary apk that you need too.
Sent from my ICS 3VO with Tapatalk 2
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Yes, ViperS is deodexed and VilleC2 is odex. And I don't know what else is needed.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Datguy_n_Disguy said:
Yes, ViperS is deodexed and VilleC2 is odex. And I don't know what else is needed.
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look for a deodexed rom to pull it from
Datguy_n_Disguy said:
Yes, ViperS is deodexed and VilleC2 is odex. And I don't know what else is needed.
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I just learned about this last week!
Apparently an odex Rom separates the app into the apk and an odex file (which is why odex is faster). A deodex Rom has the apk as one file (which is why deodex is easier to theme). So, you need a deodex Rom to pull from so you get the whole app.
Sent from my ICS 3VO with Tapatalk 2
Should have specified that when I originally answered his question. I knew they were different but just didn't hit me.. too damn tired
coal686 said:
I just learned about this last week!
Apparently an odex Rom separates the app into the apk and an odex file (which is why odex is faster). A deodex Rom has the apk as one file (which is why deodex is easier to theme). So, you need a deodex Rom to pull from so you get the whole app.
Sent from my ICS 3VO with Tapatalk 2
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Those are the only 2 sense 4 roms I know.
Is there a deodexed sense Rom with the video editor?
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Datguy_n_Disguy said:
Those are the only 2 sense 4 roms I know.
Is there a deodexed sense Rom with the video editor?
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there are plenty in sensation forum.

AT&T Moto X System Dump

Here is the System Dump and also Most files from the system Dump (In case you dont want to download the entire thing)
hyelton said:
Here is the System Dump and also Most files from the system Dump (In case you dont want to download the entire thing)
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Which Version?
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kornklown69 said:
Which Version?
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Which Version what? It`s listed in the title as the AT&T one lol.
hyelton said:
Which Version what? It`s listed in the title as the AT&T one lol.
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ohhh lol my bad guess my eyes skipped over it thanks!
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kornklown69 said:
Which Version?
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kornklown69 said:
ohhh lol my bad guess my eyes skipped over it thanks!
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Welcome it happens! haha
hyelton said:
Here is the System Dump and also Most files from the system Dump (In case you dont want to download the entire thing)
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Anyway to install the camera app? Tried pushing it and changing permission but it didn't work.
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UchihaKite said:
Anyway to install the camera app? Tried pushing it and changing permission but it didn't work.
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You'd need to have the required files from /system/lib/ for the app as well. I couldn't tell you which ones though without looking through the pull vigorously.
mattlgroff said:
You'd need to have the required files from /system/lib/ for the app as well. I couldn't tell you which ones though without looking through the pull vigorously.
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What if I have a leaked version already working on plenty of different phones. And has been confirmed! Do you think that you could possibly merge the, camera dump files with the leaked version??? If you think so I'll send you the files!
What's the apk name for the moto assist app?
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Does anyone have a link to the att stock firmware?? My download keeps failing from the droid developers site
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bajasur said:
Does anyone have a link to the att stock firmware?? My download keeps failing from the droid developers site
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Use a download manager like Orbit to make sure it won't fail.
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hyelton said:
Here is the System Dump and also Most files from the system Dump (In case you dont want to download the entire thing)
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What is the purpose of this dump, err..what do you want accomplished?
jimmydafish said:
What is the purpose of this dump, err..what do you want accomplished?
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Huh what your asking makes no sense....
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hyelton said:
Huh what your asking makes no sense....
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It makes perfect sense, and was simple.
What is hoped to be gained from posting the dump?
jimmydafish said:
It makes perfect sense, and was simple.
What is hoped to be gained from posting the dump?
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Makes sense to me too, he is curious what an AT&T moto x system dump accomplishes or what can be done with this dump. I too am curious what people can do with these?

Sense 5 rom?

Anybody knows or anybody working on a Sense 5 rom currently?
I think superAfnan and ChevyCowboy are working on sense 5 theming...
Not on sense 5 due to processor problem..
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koolman1993 said:
Anybody knows or anybody working on a Sense 5 rom currently?
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I'll make a Sense 5 ROM, or port one, once we get a 3.4 kernel from @ravike14. :good:
Shouldn't be too long since SebastianFM is helping him.
The reason why we can't get one right now is because we need a kernel, or it won't boot.
I've got the port ready, just waiting for the kernel...
There is progress, but nothing ready for release yet.
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SuperAfnan said:
I'll make a Sense 5 ROM, or port one, once we get a 3.4 kernel from @ravike14. :good:
Shouldn't be too long since SebastianFM is helping him.
The reason why we can't get one right now is because we need a kernel, or it won't boot.
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hey afnan you can also work on JB with sense 4.1 that would be awesome too wont it?
SuperAfnan said:
I'll make a Sense 5 ROM, or port one, once we get a 3.4 kernel from @ravike14. :good:
Shouldn't be too long since SebastianFM is helping him.
The reason why we can't get one right now is because we need a kernel, or it won't boot.
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chevycowboyusa said:
I've got the port ready, just waiting for the kernel...
There is progress, but nothing ready for release yet.
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That's great news :good:
hope it comes out stable
There will be a flood of sense roms of all kinds once the kernel is ready.
Right now it's having major rebooting issues.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
chevycowboyusa said:
There will be a flood of sense roms of all kinds once the kernel is ready.
Right now it's having major rebooting issues.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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Is it have a good battery life as stock?
Because now for me battery life is main headache ..
It must be have good battery....
That's my point of view...
Sent from my Amaze 4G using xda app-developers app
More information
omareziz said:
hey afnan you can also work on JB with sense 4.1 that would be awesome too wont it?
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Yes of course, that's what we're planning on doing.
koolman1993 said:
That's great news :good:
hope it comes out stable
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It should be perfectly stable depending on the kernel. What we really need is the Bluetooth drivers from TI (Texas Instruments) but they're proprietary unfortunately, plus HTC and TI don't care about us so they won't release their CODE.
chevycowboyusa said:
There will be a flood of sense roms of all kinds once the kernel is ready.
Right now it's having major rebooting issues.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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+1. Get ready for a tsunami of ROMS. lol
SuperAfnan said:
Yes of course, that's what we're planning on doing.
It should be perfectly stable depending on the kernel. What we really need is the Bluetooth drivers from TI (Texas Instruments) but they're proprietary unfortunately, plus HTC and TI don't care about us so they won't release their CODE.
+1. Get ready for a tsunami of ROMS. lol
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stock jb or aosp jb
Afnan and I are working on the sense roms. Jeepers pretty much has the corner of the market for aosp.
If you're meaning stock as sense, that's what we will be and are Woking on.
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chevycowboyusa said:
Afnan and I are working on the sense roms. Jeepers pretty much has the corner of the market for aosp.
If you're meaning stock as sense, that's what we will be and are Woking on.
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I'll also join you guys after getting some experience in porting stuff for sure..
Sent from my Amaze 4G using xda app-developers app
What would you like for Christmas?
Look for HTC Amaze booting sense 5 on YouTube!
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chevycowboyusa said:
What would you like for Christmas?
Look for HTC Amaze booting sense 5 on YouTube!
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Could you post link cause I can't find it
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omomo said:
Thanks!!! Would love to collaborate.
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Please post the link here..we'll see..
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chevycowboyusa said:
What would you like for Christmas?
Look for HTC Amaze booting sense 5 on YouTube!
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I've already seen it.
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Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
chevycowboyusa said:
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I've just got one word to say after viewing the clip...... Awesome!!!
I care more about the progress of 3.4 kernel. What about that?
Well, the kernel is in work. Ravike14 has a lot of work to do.
Must of the things that need to be done have to be written from scratch.
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