Need help with modifying theme - Streak 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So i just started to customize my Streak, modifying the SystemUI.apk. So far I only managed to modify the notification bar/pull-down.
Some questions i couldn't solve myself, help would be appreciated:
As the lock screen is semi-transparent, my guess is that there could be a PNG-file for its bg. Where to find it to edit it, or am I totally wrong?
Also, where to change the other stuffs shown on the lock screen?
How does the battery icon in the notification bar work? It doesn't appear to be a set of PNG-files like the other objects in the notification bar.
Thanks for your help!

Here's another question:
After using apkmultitool to decompile SystemUI.apk, editing some hexcodes, then recompiling it again, I have no statusbar anymore!
What could be the problem?


[Q] Need help modifying framework-res.apk or twframework-res.apk

Hello, I'm porting a theme from the capti ate forums and for some reason my dropdown notifications have a transparent background and the text is black as well for any popup window like when you long press the homescreen to get widgets, and wallpaper chooser, so i think i need to modify either the framework-res.apk or the twframework-res.apk but don't kno exactly what file to modify to either get the text to white or get a background on those things... if anyone would advice me i'd appreciate it... thanks

[Q] Transparent notifications in TW JB?

Been trying to figure out what to edit in TW JB StatusUI.apk to make the backgrounds of the actual notifications themselves transparent. Tried editing a bunch of xmls, but I've only found values for the status bar, the notification dropdown background, and the categories and whatnot in the notification dropdown.
I suspect that the files I need to edit are some of the .9.png files in xhdpi, but I've also found that I can't edit or add any 9patch files without causing SystemUI.apk to fail to recompile, so I haven't been able to test those files. Probably just doing something wrong, there, as I've never messed with those files before.
Looking through the GS3 and GN2 question forums hasn't yielded much in the way of answers for this, so I'm just going to ask here. Any ideas?
Edit: This background (from a different phone):
I got my 9patch files working, still can't figure this out. I can make the status bar transparent, the notification dropdown windown transparent, the quick toggles transparent, but I just can't find what actually sets the background for the notifications themselves!
This is seriously causing me a massive headache. I've edited so many png files at this point that I think I'm losing my mind.
Hi there, willl this help?
Anyway I also want to know how did you make the statusbar transparent?

Edit systemui.apk to remove white bars and notification quick settings bar?

Got a question that hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I want to edit systemui.apk to remove white bars and notification quick settings bar as seen in my attached pictures.
I know how to decompile apk and all different stuff just need to know what changes are to be done inside SystemUI.apk - or where it points to these two?
The issue caused by my phone having a "stock" android 4.3 with some additional changes made to it.
I want to remove quicksettings all together (Don't use them) and change the bottom "clear" all bar to transparent so it doesn't colour blend.
Want to make the notifications black / transparent as well so they don't colour blend.
Could you please assist?
Thank you :highfive:
Tiny bump, no one no? I can upload a copy of my systemui.apk if that would help?

[Q] How to Mod SystemUI.apk (Ongoing Background)

hi, i modding systemUI.apk, and the ongoing background does not change, there's any file that change this background? if exist, can you guys give me the name?
i change all the quick panel place to looks like AOSP, but the ongoing background still blue

[Q] How edit framework-res or SystemUi to change status bar icons

Hi guys, like the title says, I'm searching for a way to edit the framework or the SystemUI apk to get rid of the icons. I would like to use the AOSP's ones but without using Xposed. Most of this because using overlays or themes it change the icons but when they're black, signal and data keeps white and that looks very bad. I'll leave an attachment. I've found only two tutorials on XDA but the one's from 2013 (JB, or KK idk) and the other is for Lollipop and both are very different and it confuses me so much. So, I beg for anyone who can help and I can do it (a tutorial, steps, something) and I will share with everyone in themes section the results!
Thanks in advance.
It should be inside SystemUI.APK, decompile it and change appropriate icons in hdpi, xhdpi and xxhdpi. If you have time, you may even want to change those in ldpi and mdpi.

