[Q] Bought a Galaxy SIII , turns out the ESN is bad..What to do? - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys, seems being on AT&T made me too comfortable with SIM swapping being so easy and I bought a S-III off craigslist that turned out to be on MetroPCS's bad esn list. I have done tons of research on the seller, his full name, he's a student at a local college and his phone#, etc and I have the text messages and ad. He won't return my calls or texts and now I'm not sure what to do. With all that info is there anyone that has actually gotten their money back if reported to the police? I'm not sure if the phone was his and he reported it stolen or if it was someone elses? Any insight would be greatly appreciated

You must be very unlucky. First, you've bought faulty phone and now posting in wrong place.....
Ask in Q&A for more help

Thanks..thought I was in there..stupid headache. Will repost

bludiamond said:
Hi guys, seems being on AT&T made me too comfortable with SIM swapping being so easy and I bought a S-III off craigslist that turned out to be on MetroPCS's bad esn list. I have done tons of research on the seller, his full name, he's a student at a local college and his phone#, etc and I have the text messages and ad. He won't return my calls or texts and now I'm not sure what to do. With all that info is there anyone that has actually gotten their money back if reported to the police? I'm not sure if the phone was his and he reported it stolen or if it was someone elses? Any insight would be greatly appreciated
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Better to post in the American variants thread, more likely to get an answer regarding how the police treat cases like this.........you are, after all, a law unto yourselves

slaphead20 said:
Better to post in the American variants thread, more likely to get an answer regarding how the police treat cases like this.........you are, after all, a law unto yourselves
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which is that? i don't see one for the carrier that this phone is for....

Posted it under Sprint...thanks
Can a mod please close this..thx


Changing imei

Hi i just bought a sgs2 thinking it just needed unlocking to find out its been blacklisted. but orange couldnt tell me by who. so the only other step i can think of is by changing my imei number so can anyone help please
its a stolen phone. no one will help and the thread will soon be locked.
And there is definitely no reason whatsoever for posting the exact same question on two parts of the board Mods won't be interested in any excuse you might come up with for same, so save it.
Unlucky.. but you wont get any help here.. i have an iphone in same state.. you could sell it however as in some countries the phone wont be blacklisted
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
well im not thief. is it possible to ring all the carriers to find out which one its blocked by and have it unblocked? or will that just get the police round
also doesnt mean its stolen. i read that people on contract who dont pay their bill get their phone blocked
You need to return your phone or file a fraud case with your Credit Card company, but we aren't going to help you circumvent a blocked IMEI

Network blocked handset?

I am considering buying a handset from a seller on ebay that is network blocked in Australia (my country).
Can this be undone by flashing a new ROM? Or is the block done on the hardware or at the nerwork level?
And what are you going to do with it pal.I'm not going to get abusive....,but surely your not that stupid.
Crachel/Mistahbungle its over to you..
Sent from my GT-I9100
You will need unlock code. Network lock is stored in EFS.
What's he saying that the seller got the phone network blocked (maybe didn't pay the bills or its stolen). The device is identified by the IMEI and that does not change regardless of what ROM you have on the device.
Changing of the IMEI is illegal.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
block is done on a network level by the provider.
I suggest you get the IMEI from the seller and phone your provider and find out the reason for the block.
If it is a simple thing, like non payment ofd bills, once you show that it is going on a new account, it maybe possible to unblock it.
If they consider the handset stolen, you will not be able to d anything.
Did you steal it? If you change the imei you will go to prison for a long time and the Americans will probably deport you to Guantanamo and soldiers will pee on you and stuff.
The reason I asked was because it was going cheap on eBay and I thought if I could unblock it it would be a cheap way to buy a phone.
And wow, some of the people who replied here make retarded look smart.
mrnaz said:
The reason I asked was because it was going cheap on eBay and I thought if I could unblock it it would be a cheap way to buy a phone.
And wow, some of the people who replied here make retarded look smart.
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Do you mean its its network locked, ie to one network or do you mean its blocked from all networks?
If its network locked you can download an app from market to unlock it, its easy and takes few minutes, called galaxy_unlock or somthing, worked for me.
If its blocked to all networks then you cant unblock it (easily) for use in same country as you would need to change it IMEI which is very illegal in most countries. However if you're importing it then it wont really matter as the networks wont be blocking it in another country. You should be able to just stick a sim card in and off you go.
So do some of the retards who consider buying phones that are IMEI blocked
Check. Your move.
mrnaz said:
The reason I asked was because it was going cheap on eBay and I thought if I could unblock it it would be a cheap way to buy a phone.
And wow, some of the people who replied here make retarded look smart.
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MistahBungle said:
So do some of the retards who consider buying phones that are IMEI blocked
Check. Your move.
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Not everyone is born with all of the knowledge that they are going to die with. Sometimes esoteric knowledge, such as the various details considering network blocking of communications devices, can be exchanged on internet forums where those who are well versed in those details can provide assistance to those who are not as familiar with them. Unfortunately, not everyone on the internet is polite to those who ask questions, or acknowledges that they may be experts in fields other than the one they are asking about. Consequently, they respond with sarcastic and unhelpful comments.
mrnaz said:
Not everyone is born with all of the knowledge that they are going to die with. Sometimes esoteric knowledge, such as the various details considering network blocking of communications devices, can be exchanged on internet forums where those who are well versed in those details can provide assistance to those who are not as familiar with them. Unfortunately, not everyone on the internet is polite to those who ask questions, or acknowledges that they may be experts in fields other than the one they are asking about. Consequently, they respond with sarcastic and unhelpful comments.
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Hello yes can be done find the right threads. Anything is achievable as long as u can get download mode
s2 RR jb siyah
mrnaz said:
Not everyone is born with all of the knowledge that they are going to die with. Sometimes esoteric knowledge, such as the various details considering network blocking of communications devices, can be exchanged on internet forums where those who are well versed in those details can provide assistance to those who are not as familiar with them. Unfortunately, not everyone on the internet is polite to those who ask questions, or acknowledges that they may be experts in fields other than the one they are asking about. Consequently, they respond with sarcastic and unhelpful comments.
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You'll find a lot of them sort of people on here, thats why its got a bad name, plenty of helpful people left though, thank God!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
mrnaz said:
Not everyone is born with all of the knowledge that they are going to die with. Sometimes esoteric knowledge, such as the various details considering network blocking of communications devices, can be exchanged on internet forums where those who are well versed in those details can provide assistance to those who are not as familiar with them. Unfortunately, not everyone on the internet is polite to those who ask questions, or acknowledges that they may be experts in fields other than the one they are asking about. Consequently, they respond with sarcastic and unhelpful comments.
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Lol,this q + a section isnt a patch on the development section.See what happens when you ask stupid questions in there,or dont search the thread for questions that have been asked dozens of times before.
The only thing that I can imagine is that because eBay allows them to be listed,then it must be legal somehow then you think theres no harm done and you can "sort" the phone>you get cheap working phone.
If you were considering buying a used phone or water damaged one,then you wouldnt have got such a rough ride.
If blacklisted phones were simple to modify then it would lead to more phones getting stolen.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
+1 in the real world if u asked a simple question ud get a... Dunno or a sensible answer in a forum u usually get abuse because these people hide behind there screens. Face to face ud jus jaw the lairy ones.
Try to help everyone cos everyone knows something.

Changing the imei - please Help

HI all,
My Name is Morne. I live in RSA. and I am a new owner of a Galaxy S3.
I picked up this phone about a month and a half ago laying in front of a pub and I reported it to the police station who took my details and the phone details. the owner of the phone was still not found and they have made me the legal owner of the phone now. but there is one problem the imei is blocked and the police said that I should get samsung to change it. I have asked but they want me to ship it away to them and pay for the change. but unfortunatly Im a little broke. So I was wondering if it was possible that any of you GURU's could help me with this. I have read through your forums and I have noticed that XDA does not really like sharing this information. Due to stolen phones. But in my case is there anyone who is out there who could help as the phone was not stolen and is legally mine. you can private message me or send a link with video instructions. Its the Galaxy S3 32GB running on ICS(Ice cream Sandwich).
Thank you so much

S3Boi said:
HI all,
My Name is Morne. I live in RSA. and I am a new owner of a Galaxy S3.
I picked up this phone about a month and a half ago laying in front of a pub and I reported it to the police station who took my details and the phone details. the owner of the phone was still not found and they have made me the legal owner of the phone now. but there is one problem the imei is blocked and the police said that I should get samsung to change it. I have asked but they want me to ship it away to them and pay for the change. but unfortunatly Im a little broke. So I was wondering if it was possible that any of you GURU's could help me with this. I have read through your forums and I have noticed that XDA does not really like sharing this information. Due to stolen phones. But in my case is there anyone who is out there who could help as the phone was not stolen and is legally mine. you can private message me or send a link with video instructions. Its the Galaxy S3 32GB running on ICS(Ice cream Sandwich).
Thank you so much
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Changing the imei yourself is completly illegal in most countries and you will not get any help with it here, all you can do is what the police have told you to do.
We don't share information about it because of the legal implications of doing it yourself, Samsung doing it would be legal because they have recognized you as the legal owner of the device.
delsus said:
Changing the imei yourself is completly illegal in most countries and you will not get any help with it here, all you can do is what the police have told you to do.
We don't share information about it because of the legal implications of doing it yourself, Samsung doing it would be legal because they have recognized you as the legal owner of the device.
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Im not sure if that is completely true in south africa. I know it is in UK and other countries. Hence why I asked if it was possible someone contacts me via PVM(private mail) instead. As I really would like to start using this phone.
S3Boi said:
Im not sure if that is completely true in south africa. I know it is in UK and other countries. Hence why I asked if it was possible someone contacts me via PVM(private mail) instead. As I really would like to start using this phone.
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This is a legitimate forum though, you will very rarely if ever get any information that could be illegal either publicly or via PM, we don't know the laws in every country so it's better to be safe than sorry.
delsus said:
This is a legitimate forum though, you will very rarely if ever get any information that could be illegal either publicly or via PM, we don't know the laws in every country so it's better to be safe than sorry.
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Ok thanks alot. whats the quickest way to get hold of samsung?
You can go to the police to give you a legal document that said the phone is yours by law; with this document you can go to a samsung official service to unblock the phone, paying this service of course, so you will never have problems using this phone.
Personally i don´t believe your story....
S3Boi said:
Ok thanks alot. whats the quickest way to get hold of samsung?
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I would go to a service center because of what you need to get done, if you go to the Samsung website it will have a page for you to find a service center near you.
Remember to take any documents the police gave you to prove you are now the legal owner of the phone or they could refuse.
I hope you get it sorted.
Discussions like this are not allowed. Thanks for your cooperation.

[Q] Provider unlock code not working. Any idea why?

Dear XDA fellows,
i requested a provider unlock code for my simlocked samsung s2
Unfortunately the code does not work at all.
Now i wonder why,
i have rooted the phone with the old ICS and used the galaxy s unlock app on it to use other providers cards.
A few months later (now) i updated Android to 4.12 and tried to use the provider unlock code on it but it did not work.
Rooted the phone again and tried various unlock apps, but none of them work.
Now i wonder why the phone has become so defiant to my attempts to unlock it, after all i treated it good for all the time that i used it.
Maybe someone has any suggestions on how to unlock the phone after all?
IMEI blocked
Hello Everyone,
I don't know if this is the right place to post my issue. Briefly.... After having a Samsung Galaxy s II, GT-I9100, with a contract in Italy (VODAFONE), having paid the phone in full, suddenly after two years, I decide to close contract,
The Vodafone bastards tell me that I must pay 380.00 € (threehundredeigthy) because of some invoices. This obviously according to them. I always paid everything. I refuse to pay this sum and open a controversy with them demonstrating with facts and papers at hand that it is not right I pay this amount. Anyway, after a week, they block my IMEI.
I think this is absurd. I PAID THE PHONE IN FULL!!! They want 380.00 € of telephone calls related to the SIM card. I don't want to pay this money. The phone is no brand.
I went to a lawyer, and he told me it's not worth the hassle to go to court for such sum.
What I want to know is:
Why should I have a phone that doesn't work after I have paid for it?
You need to contact a guy called "gaston" on here.
He works for vodafone italy in the customer service dept.
maybe your an iphone expert
If they IMEI block the phone, you're boned. Nothing anyone here can do to help. If they block it, the phone is blocked at the carriers end & in many countries on all networks in that country.
And further talk about changing the IMEI will likely see the thread closed, given this is illegal in most countries & talk of same is against XDA rules. Go see a local mobile repair shop, some might be able to 'help'.
arsy82 said:
Why should I have a phone that doesn't work after I have paid for it?
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Why should we care ?
MistahBungle said:
If they IMEI block the phone, you're boned. Nothing anyone here can do to help. If they block it, the phone is blocked at the carriers end & in many countries on all networks in that country.
And further talk about changing the IMEI will likely see the thread closed, given this is illegal in most countries & talk of same is against XDA rules. Go see a local mobile repair shop, some might be able to 'help'.
Why should we care ?
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I've asked for help..If you come up with "What should we care", then I guess you shouldn't care of anything and not be on the site. I think this site other than an educational point of view, can also offer expertise and technical assistence as it is a really important internet forum. I really don't understand your rude answer..honestly it has no sense or help to me.
Why should he care.....hes not getting paid.You are involved in a civil dispute with vodafone or whoever,so this isnt the carriers complaints dept.
Then you start talking about an illegal method to help you out which is against xda rules.
So dont pay then,sell the phone and use the money towards buying another phone.Make sure it isnt a vodafone one......lol
maybe your an iphone expert
bahmonkeys said:
Go on Ebay and look for faulty phones. Basically ones with broken screens. Stay away from water damaged ones and ones with the same problem you are having. Once you get it, you could swap out the motherboards and sell yours on Ebay. Sell yours outside of the country as it might work. This would be the easy way. It might cost you about 50 bucks but you could sell your motherboard and make it back.
Remember Google is your friend for changing IMEI. I would choose the option above.
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I just have 1 technical question: if i get a ****ty alcatel phone i have home and get my imei blocked samsung galaxy s2. CAN I TAKE THE ALCATELS IMEI E SHOVE IT IN THE SAMSUNG GALAXY S2?
And which part of changing an IMEI is both illegal, and more importantly, discussion of same is against XDA rules aren't you clever enough to understand ? I've reported this thread, hopefully your posts are removed (because the OP had legitimate queries about unlocking it until you hijacked it).
MistahBungle said:
And which part of changing an IMEI is both illegal, and more importantly, discussion of same is against XDA rules aren't you clever enough to understand ? I've reported this thread, hopefully your posts are removed (because the OP had legitimate queries about unlocking it until you hijacked it).
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I'm really sorry if I caused any sort of trouble to any member of the forum. Honestly it was the last of my intents. I will obviously put a stop to my curiosity, thoughts & problems regarding the IMEI related issue to avoid any sort of problems. Sorry once again.
Regardless of the circumstances changing the IMEI, discussing how to change the IMEI, and I believe in the UK even possessing tools capable of doing so, is all illegal and can get the site in trouble. This is an issue you would need to take up with your local representative or vodaphone and should not be discussed in anyway here.
This is non-negotiable.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Can my s9+ be unlocked even though I am owe tmo balance, PLEASE HELP

OK so I got my Galaxy S9 plus at the mall and my buddy got on my Plan with me.. Now it's about 4 months later and he disappeared off the face of the Earth and I paid it the last 2 months and cannot do that anymore.... Now I have a balance of about $400 that I cannot pay and was hoping there was a way I could unlock this phone so I could switch to a plan like metro or something along those lines.... Is any of you guys know anything that I could do I would greatly appreciate it thank you so much..
This is not the site to ask these type of questions. But I bet if you search google, there are a bunch of 3d party companies that will pop up for you.
IllyaK said:
This is not the site to ask these type of questions. But I bet if you search google, there are a bunch of 3d party companies that will pop up for you.
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Sorry I didnt know.... just wanted advice from people who actually knew what they were talking about
Yes you can unlock the device to work on another carrier, however just a pointer. Metro PC won't work since it's part of TMobile and once you owe a balance generally your IMEI is block on their network
I just found that out but 8 can still go somewhere else and that's fine, but how do I do it... how do I unlock it though, do you know?
This thread is now closed. I would recommend OP read the rules pertaining to what we can and can't do here in XDA. This is borderline theft of services. Ignorance is no excuse for breaking of rules.

