Tidying up google play services/play store - Galaxy Ace S5830i Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

These are screenshots on my 5830i system and data directories. I know you can integrated update into system with link2sd, but for these it just causes the service to halt. I have to restore it to get it working again.
Since there isn't much memory on the phone, having multiple copies of the same service (old and new) is taking up a lot of storage space.
What can I do to have one copy of latest version of these two processes, without causing service crashes?
I was thinking, if I uninstall updates. Disable wifi. Move processes to user app. Delete anything left over in system. Re-enable wifi, let play services and play store update. It should re-write \data thus just having one copy, the latest? I could then either leave it in data. Or if I move it as a system app, it it re-download another copy? Or have similar crashes?
ROM is Simplicity V5 with 5.2 update.

All these files are necessary and will get updated anyway until you modify the apk to resist updating. And what do you need system storage for? System storage and data storage are on two different partitions.

I think my solution has worked. Instead of 5 files, I now have two. So saved quite a bit of space, and nothing has halted since doing it. Since the phone has very low storage, try and trim the fat.
So now just have one of each file, and latest version in \system. None in user. Must have saved 20MB?
How do I change those buttons? They're too dark.

Berties123 said:
I think my solution has worked. Instead of 5 files, I now have two. So saved quite a bit of space, and nothing has halted since doing it. Since the phone has very low storage, try and trim the fat.
So now just have one of each file, and latest version in \system. None in user. Must have saved 20MB?
How do I change those buttons? They're too dark.
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Read this guide and use SystemUI.apk Instead if framework-res.apk as it contains status bar icons


Strange Problem - System Memory filling up

Hi Guyse,
I'm having a very strange problem with my a70.
My system memory is getting fuller and fuller. Usually, I had about 60 - 70 MiB of empty storage left.
Since yesterday, I got the low memory message a few times. Uninstalled a few apps, everything was ok again.
Low memory message again.
After doing this a couple of times, I checked my system memory with
Data 299 MiB
Applications 89,1 MiB
System Data 187,2 MiB
Free Space 23,2 MiB
That is way too much System Data, I thought. And I was right.
I work in a retail store. Unboxed a brand-new A70, installed 2.326, looked up empty Storage - 235 MiB !
So the original Android needs only 64 MiB - that's a huge difference.
I already used Cachecleaner, bought me exactly 1.5 MiB.
Any idea how to solve this Problem?
I'd be grateful for every hint.
The only things changed in the last days before this happened:
- Updated to 2.326
(But I guess more users would report this if it was a bug)
- Finally got an prepaid Credit Card and went wild on the market.
(I have a slightly strange feeling that the downloaded apk's from the market are stored in the system memory, but can't go further in because of missing root. and knowledge. and why didn't I experience this problem sooner when downloading demos from the market ?)
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
I have the same problem with my A101IT. It says I still have 335mb left and i started downloading and installing some apps and the message said low on disk space. So I started deleting all the apps. And now it's saying I have 160mb left.... It should give back atleast 250mb space but it didn't......
I was having this problem, and tracked it down to an application 'Perfect Viewer' which was building image cache in the system memory (about 30MB). After contacting the author, he moved the cache to SD storage and the problem was resolved. You may have a similarly misbehaving application. Go to Settings->Applications->Manage applications->All and hit Menu->Sort by size. Check each application to see how much data they have stored. If you can, move it to internal storage. If you can't, and it's in the tens of MBs, contact the author - or just uninstall it and use an alternative.
Try app2sd
macemoneta said:
I was having this problem, and tracked it down to an application 'Perfect Viewer' which was building image cache in the system memory (about 30MB). After contacting the author, he moved the cache to SD storage and the problem was resolved. You may have a similarly misbehaving application. Go to Settings->Applications->Manage applications->All and hit Menu->Sort by size. Check each application to see how much data they have stored. If you can, move it to internal storage. If you can't, and it's in the tens of MBs, contact the author - or just uninstall it and use an alternative.
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As I wrote, I already used CacheCleaner, didn't bring much.
My biggest application is 5 MiB on the system partition.
I still think my date\system folder is way too big. Can someone please check the size on their device? (You can do it with DiskUsage from the market; start and choose "App Storage")
It looks like /cache folder is mounted on /data partition...
If you root your device and you clean /cache folder you probably will have back all your lost space... In this folder there are downladed apks from market app that are cached for the install but are not cleaned by the system after the installation...
Try also to delete all dex file from /data/dalvik-cache
Then reboot...
The reboot will be very slow because dex file will be recreated... but dex from old apps no more present on the device will be cleaned up .
umberto.sulla said:
It looks like /cache folder is mounted on /data partition...
If you root your device and you clean /cache folder you probably will have back all your lost space... In this folder there are downladed apks from market app that are cached for the install but are not cleaned by the system after the installation...
Try also to delete all dex file from /data/dalvik-cache
Then reboot...
The reboot will be very slow because dex file will be recreated... but dex from old apps no more present on the device will be cleaned up .
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damn, I was afraid of something like that.
Never read about this kind of behaviour before, is it a general bug in android?
Is there any possibility to fix this without rooting? I don't want to lose my warranty and temp root would not work if I understand this correct. If there would be any for 2.326.
Best regards,
pintness said:
damn, I was afraid of something like that.
Never read about this kind of behaviour before, is it a general bug in android?
Is there any possibility to fix this without rooting? I don't want to lose my warranty and temp root would not work if I understand this correct. If there would be any for 2.326.
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Temp root would give you the possibility to clear out the cache since it's on the /data partition.
Archangel is reported to work sometimes on 2.3.26 you can always try.
It really works!! Thank you!!

Where'd all the space go?

After playing with all the different android versions out there I think I'm running out of space on the device. The unit is a 16gb version and even with no apps or video or anything on it, I'm lucky if I have 4gb left with webos and CM9. Is this normal? If no, how do I fix it? Would wiping the unit completely and starting again be advisable?
Try installing "Tailor" from preware on webos to find out what the partitions are like; using that you can readjust the sizes to get what you need.
Nice....thanks. What about flattening the android side and going from scratch? There a howto for that?
install "file manager for honeycomb" I think its called. There's an option to view size which will tell you what files/folders are taking up space. Easiest way IMO. On my phone it helped me find out that lost.dir was taking up nearly 6 gigs of space, so I deleted it. You might have the same issue. The app is made by rhythym software
I actually am a huge fan of this app. Best file manager/root browser IMO. And I paid for root explorer! Since file manager has a root option, I don't know that I will ever use root explorer again.
Dumb question but is there any documentation on how to install it? I don't see it in the webos store
He's talking about an android file manager.
If you want to wipe completely and start fresh, there's a really good thread for that HERE that allows you to remove everything - including all of the partitions - and remake them from scratch.
ve6ay said:
He's talking about an android file manager.
If you want to wipe completely and start fresh, there's a really good thread for that HERE that allows you to remove everything - including all of the partitions - and remake them from scratch.
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Yes, you can download it from the market, or play I guess. Thing is, I doubt that doing a uninstall will do much for you. It sounds like you simply have a lot of old files built up over time. Android is partitioned on the hard drive, so it would *probably* take up the same amount of space whether you uninstall/reinstall or not. The rest of the hard drive is treated as SDcard space, which is why I suggested that app to see what's taking the most space.
In my case, lost.dir took six gigs of sd card. Reading up about it, it seems lost.dir is a folder for "orphaned" files, sort of like the recycle bin on a pc. It might be the same case for you.
Who makes it? I'm having trouble finding it. How would I install Taylor? I tried looking but the lost+found folder is small on mine.
File manager HD by rhythm software
Also, if you've been making a nandroid backup each time you flash a new rom, that could be taking up a fair bit of space too. It's under /clockwordmod/backup
You have to install "Preware" first before you can get Tailor. Just search this site on how to install preware on the TouchPad or google it. Preware is like another app store for WebOs. You just have to follow a couple steps to get it on the TouchPad. Wish you luck.
Cant find "Tailor" on Preware.
i second that
BigBadWolf84 said:
Cant find "Tailor" on Preware.
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cant find it either
I believe it may require alpha or beta testing feed access. Go here
To learn more about that en.m.webos-internals.org/wiki/Testing_Feeds?wasRedirected=true
Rootin' and fastbootin' on my Droid razr

what just happend? apps on sdcard

I have the CM10 [skang jellybro] fascinate rom installed, and coming from a cm9 rom, all my apps didn't fit because they switched the partition around [making the app partition only 468MB, and the system partition 1.5 GB].
So anyway I had to move a lot of apps to the sdcard. So I just downloaded a newer version of my rom, and wiped cache/dalvik, nandroid backup, then I installed the new zip.
Then I rebooted, and it had to 'optimize' apps [create dalvik cache?] and after that finished...I only had about 15-20 apps show up in my app drawer. [I have probably around 40] So I clicked on Zedge, on my homescreen, and it said "App isn't installed." I then started to worry..:S I googled apps on sdcard disappearing.. and so I opened titanium backup, and under Batch operations, it said "Restore missing apps (6)," and they were 6 apps that I'd uninstalled but didn't delete the backup. so then I wasn't sure what to do next, because I did not create a fresh titanium backup prior to updating my rom [because I did a nandroid instead..] so then I went to Manage Apps, and then.. for some reason, all my apps showed up again! all the ones on my sdcard.
I tapped Zedge again on my homescreen, and it loaded up! So my question is, what happened? Why did my apps disappear, and then just show up again? was it loading titanium backup? or did the rom just scan the sdcard for apps?
Sounds like it just messed up the media scan of the sdcard which I have heard happens from time to time... not sure if that's related to your issue, but now are all your apps installed or are you still missing some? Next time I would just reboot again and let it re-scan to see if it helps
Crawshayi said:
Sounds like it just messed up the media scan of the sdcard which I have heard happens from time to time... not sure if that's related to your issue, but now are all your apps installed or are you still missing some? Next time I would just reboot again and let it re-scan to see if it helps
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ah.. yes they are all there, but I was just wondering why did they disappear, and then why did they just show up all of a sudden?
I guess if it is the media scan thing, that would explain it.
Fast Boot option may be the culprit
mvmacd said:
ah.. yes the [apps] are all there, but I was just wondering why did they disappear, and then why did they just show up all of a sudden?
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Some (not all) of my apps moved to SD (all by Titanium Backup Pro) have begun to disappear and (sometimes) reappear without warning after I began to add and delete large Virtual Machines created in QEMU from my 16GB SanDisc class 10 microSD card on my HTC Droid Incredible running rooted stock Verizon Android Froyo 2.2.3. I know this thread is far from my phone's "home base", but from what I can tell this problem with disappearing apps located on an sdcard is NOT determined by hardware or even Android version.
I also happen to use LauncherPro by Federico Carnales instead of the built-in HTC Sense launcher. I noted elsewhere on XDA that a user had suggested that because at least some (maybe all) launchers start before the SD Card that this may be a problem, especially if changes are made to the sdcard that the launcher did not perform, or was not active during their performance by other apps such as Titanium Backup. That fits my situation, because I unmounted the SD, physically removed it to a PC, and added/deleted large VM files to save (lots) of time. No problems of this sort before I did this, so there must be some connection.
I noted that other users have tried reformatting SD, substituting different brands of SD, using newer/older SD etc. None of these reliably helped. So I skipped these options.
//// The (simple!) solution I tried that SEEMS to work (only time will tell!) is buried in the main Android Settings (accessed from the Menu button while in Home screen). Under "Applications" there is a setting "Fast Boot" that I checked long ago and forgot about (it seemed like a good thing to do at the time). The text warns "Turn off to use some Market apps" (that shows the age of my 2-yr old used phone and Android OS -- ohmygosh!-- because it refers to Market rather than Google Play Store!) Anyway, I unchecked the option and rebooted the phone.
Yes, it took a bit longer to boot (maybe a whole minute!), but after waiting about another minute ALL my home screen apps had normal icons and loaded properly. Titanium Backup Pro batch scenarios confirmed there were no apps in a forced uninstalled state (i.e. I had not done the deed, the system somehow had done it or at least rendered the apps "invisible" to Titanium, which decided they needed reinstallation).
The only odd behaviour was that auto brightness was turned off after I unchecked Fast Boot and rebooted. Going into Android Settings > Display and rechecking "auto brightness" took care of that. No other oddities or strange behaviours thus far (but it has only been about an hour).
I will report back here on this thread only (Samsung Fascinate > Fascinate Q&A > What just happend? apps on sdcard) if anything else requires reporting. Silence implies success!
link: https://www.google.com/url?q=http:/...ds-cse&usg=AFQjCNE3D5NrpiSqCRSof-ou1mn6iyeGVg
(I am copying this original post (without edits) to other relevant threads, but will not post anything further elsewhere -- only here. This is a bit arbitrary (although this thread appears to be the most recent active one on this topic), but I hope this approach pleases the XDA sysops/admins) :angel:
EDIT 2012-12-26-a:
Nearly all of the 100+ apps on my HTC DINC (Droid Incredible) continue to behave normally after the "fast boot OFF" fix. (No disappearing act.) However, I did find one that appeared to be installed but really was not: ASTRO File Manager. I used Titanium Backup Pro to reinstall app+data from a backup. It only took a couple of minutes, and after that all went normally.
The only other noticeable issue right after the fix is that nearly all of my installed, functioning apps were listed as "missing" by Titanium Backup in its Batch scenario list (although they were NOT counted in the total number of apps listed with the scenario -- that number was 61, and it should have been nearly 170 based on the number of apps actually in the physical list). After about a day or so of regular usage, a re-check of the "missing apps" Batch scenario found all the functioning apps no longer listed; the 61 missing apps were valid -- they were all from earlier ROMs belonging to the original HTC setup and another phone (MOTO OG Droid). Since I have kept the MOTO as an emergency backup smartphone, I might conceivably want to revive some of these apps.
EDIT 12-26-b:
Some other potentially useful points I have gathered in my survey of this topic across XDA:
1. This problem happens most often when using the "Disk drive" option in the USB Debugger system app. It also happens after physically returning the sdcard to the phone after removing and inserting it into a PC.
2. Those who have wiped the app data cache also report serious problems.
3. Wiping the dalvic cache while in Recovery mode automatically triggers a rebuild of that cache, which may make apps behave oddly or disappear until the rebuild is complete, which reportedly "takes time"
Personally, I did only #1 myself, and the fast boot removal fix seems to work well for that one.
I cannot confirm the others, but they seem to make sense to me, and I doubt the fast boot removal fix would have any influence on them.
4. There are some signs that apps installed to internal phone storage can behave in the same way. This may mean that the fast boot OFF tweak may prove beneficial to any storage area, since they all come on-line after the OS loads from phone memory.
EXT4ALL (aka Convert2ext4) = final fix for dalvik cache related bugs (?)
Further investigation of the Dalvik cache reveals a significant connection between it and a number of odd and unpleasant behaviours, including Low Disk Space warnings and disappearing apps.
Fortunately, there are some excellent XDA forum threads about dealing with the Dalvik cache.
The best recent place to start seems to be here:
[Q] Incredible running CM7.2 "Low on space" message (launched 2012-12-14)
It is not because of the focus on the Droid Incredible or CyanoModGen in this thread, but the attention paid to the more universal fix "EXT4 4 ALL" aka "EXT4ALL" or "Convert2Ext4". (Thanks to Senior Member cmlusco for his post #9 on the thread that got me started in the right direction!)
Files can be found at these locations:
Goo.im site http://goo.im/devs/tiny4579/mods
DINC.does-it site http://dinc.does-it.net/EXT4_Mods/
One version of this fix (Convert2Ext4_no_data_limit_normal_dalvik.v2.0.zip) moves the Dalvik cache from the default, limited 150MB internal partition to the "unlimited" (or at least maximum) 750MB internal partition.
Any phone with a kernal installed that supports ext4 can utilise this fix.
[ I personally use gingertiny (2012-02-13), which has supported ext4 since late 2011]
My own experience has been to flash the "no data limit normal dalvik" zip file using ClockworkMod 5.x Recovery -- this was entirely painless. I just downloaded the file into my phone's downloads folder on the sdcard using a web browser, then ran CM Recovery (with a little assist from ROM Manager), selected "install a zip from sdcard" and navigated to the file. It was all done in 5 minutes. After manually rebooting a second time, everything seems to be working normally after about half a day of regular use.
For those who flash a new or updated ROM sometime in the future, you would need to flash this fix after doing so.
There is plenty of information contained on the main threads of this topic. Links aplenty can be found; just follow the ones provided in the thread I suggest here to get started.
Hopefully, this brings an end to my struggles with my phone's storage issues, and to others of you reading this post and following the links to the threads and downloads.
FYI -- My storage values changed as follows after running the fix:
Total Internal memory: 748MB --> 770MB (22MB increase)
ROM free space: <1MB --> 20MB (close to the value change of total internal memory)
Used internal memory: ~335MB --> 464MB (close to 128MB increase)
Remaining internal memory: ~420MB --> 306MB (close to 128MB decrease)
So, it seems that my ROM was being used to cache app data, which would explain why the value kept declining even though I NEVER added anything to it (using Titanium Backup Pro or anything like it). When free space on my ROM literally ran out, Android OS hit the proverbial panic button and warned me to free 512kb minimum to allow Gmail to download new mail. Now, it has 20MB free (and will hopefully stay that way, since I NEVER intend to transfer anything into the ROM!) -- The internal memory usage jump of 128MB probably indicates the Dalvik cache.
1. Turning off "fast boot" in Android settings helps some, but it does not get to the heart of the issue. It will NOT make a Low Disk Storage warning go away.
2. Once you have a Low Disk Storage warning, you MUST uninstall enough apps to make it go away (keep track of what you take away, because you can reinstall them very soon!)
3. With no LDS warnings showing, flash the "Convert2ext4 no data limit normal dalvik" zip file. THIS APPEARS TO BE THE REAL SOLUTION!
4. Reinstall your recently removed apps, and you should be good to go! :fingers-crossed:
PS>>> One last unresolved issue: I am still unclear exactly WHERE the dalvik-cache ends up, since my Astro file browser cannot locate anything containing the word "cache" that does not now report "EMPTY". There are a large number of "com." folders containing software I have installed found in the /mnt/asec/ folder. The total size of the contents of this folder (362 MB) is within 100MB of the amount of internal memory reported in use. Does that 100MB represent the current size of the Dalvik cache files, or at least include them? If so, where are they located? If anyone can help me figure this bit out, I would be grateful! :fingers-crossed:

System storage full

Hi all.
I have a rooted Nubia X.
The problem is that in order the google apps to work, the only options is they to be moved as system apps.
I have done that with Link2SD and everything was fine, until the tool showed that the framework is updated and offered to integrate update into the system.
I have done that, but during the process, complained "out of space". I have checked and it was 0% free (before - there was).
What i did is to remove some bloatware other apps to convert to user. There was enough space (in my opinion).
But again during the process again ran out of space. And again took everything available and left 0% free.
At the end there is a lot of place somehow locked.
As you can see in the attachment a lot of space is occupied there.
My question is. Can you give me some ideas what to do, so I can remove that parasite files.
Thank you in advance!
The first image appear to be broken.
Attaching again.

Is my storage completely broken?

Hello there.
My OnePlus 5T has got an issue today that is driving me crazy. Its storage is acting up in stupid ways.
I can browse its storage through the stock file manager and SD Maid without too many issues. However, everything else cannot access it, so it becomes impossible to save/download anything, upload anything, or even read anything (like these gallery pickers on social apps). Even the Play Store cannot update an app. I can't take screenshots either.
That OnePlus 5T is two years old and a half. I've tried removing a lot of files through SD Maid and nothing helps solving that issue. Rebooting my phone doesn't change anything either. Permissions are all good as well.
I haven't rooted my phone, however the bootloader is open.
Thanks for checking in.
It might be your File Explorer/Manager not showing the file i have that issue with Files by Google it doesn't show .img files on my sdcard and internal memory
ineedroot69 said:
It might be your File Explorer/Manager not showing the file i have that issue with Files by Google it doesn't show .img files on my sdcard and internal memory
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As I pointed out in the first post, absolutely nothing shows up in Files by Google, stock Gallery app, or even Discord or Telegram. The Play Store cannot download anything, same for Google Chrome and any other apps. Somehow only the stock file explorer and SD Maid can manipulate storage without issues.
At random reboots I face the same issues too. Not sure why.
thechloroform said:
At random reboots I face the same issues too. Not sure why.
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Did you manage to fix it? I've cleared the cache from the recovery menu and the problem persists, even after several reboots.
have you tried checking this app "Storage Permission" if they are allowed?
ineedroot69 said:
have you tried checking this app "Storage Permission" if they are allowed?
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This was the first thing I checked and everything was okay. Double checked just in case and storage permissions are still granted.
ImJulienB said:
Did you manage to fix it? I've cleared the cache from the recovery menu and the problem persists, even after several reboots.
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Unfortunately no. I am using a Moto Z play rom and sadly rom development for my device is meager due to the unpopularity of the device. The storage permissions have been granted by me too but yet some apps completely hang and restart when I try to download in them. Browsers and all are working fine. Even download manager. It is stuffs like Edxposed which freezes when I click on download on a particular module. Same thing happens to certain other apps like image downloading apps. Storage permissions are intact. I'm on Lineage OS 16.
Another concerning issue is sometime both the inbuilt gallery app and Quickpic completely fail to recognize any images or videos. I did a clean install of the ROM too.
I can't take screenshots too (at times). I can download and upload anything with the help of solid explorer or es file manager. Camera app sometimes cannot save an image to its own storage even though permissions are intact.
Trying to download or update anything makes the Play store crash. Sometimes it updates, mostly it crashes. Things get way annoying when I'm urgently trying to download an app and play store just rage quits on me.

