Skin request. - HTC Desire X

would some of you please please make this for me if possible.
a skin with the look of the steel skin. and also with the dock of steel. (it would be totally awesome if it could get transparent.)
but then keep the weather clock widget like the normal htc skin. because i don't like the look of the steel skin...
it would be so cool and i would love the person who made this.
but first.. is it even possible. and if it is, would someone take the effort to make it for me.
i'm on ckpv's mysensedx3.0 rom..
thanks already,

NigelDX said:
would some of you please please make this for me if possible.
a skin with the look of the steel skin. and also with the dock of steel. (it would be totally awesome if it could get transparent.)
but then keep the weather clock widget like the normal htc skin. because i don't like the look of the steel skin...
it would be so cool and i would love the person who made this.
but first.. is it even possible. and if it is, would someone take the effort to make it for me.
i'm on ckpv's mysensedx3.0 rom..
thanks already,
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Yes it is possible, I'll make one tomorrow.
Sent from my awesome fridge

MaartenXDA said:
Yes it is possible, I'll make one tomorrow.
Sent from my awesome fridge
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woowww thanks alot !!!!! but do you make one with or without transparent dock????
and do i have to flash it or just install it as an .apk
EDIT: and if you would can you also make it look like blue if you know what i mean. like when you select a wallpaper the crop size thing that is standard red that it becomes blue. or when you touch the application button that it lights up blue in place of red..

NigelDX said:
woowww thanks alot !!!!! but do you make one with or without transparent dock????
and do i have to flash it or just install it as an .apk
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I'll make two, one with transparent dock and one without.
You'll be able to install it without flashing anything.

MaartenXDA said:
I'll make two, one with transparent dock and one without.
You'll be able to install it without flashing anything.
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ow wooww amazing hahaha maybe i am asking to much... but can you do this also with the concrete skin ..........

NigelDX said:
ow wooww amazing hahaha maybe i am asking to much... but can you do this also with the concrete skin ..........
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Sure. I'll base it on a Sense 5 skin, so everything gets turned into blue as you wanted

One question is it actually possible to make htc desire x infinite scrollable. Like a samsung ??
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app

NigelDX said:
One question is it actually possible to make htc desire x infinite scrollable. Like a samsung ??
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app
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Yeah but you need full sense for that. Doesn't mysense have that feature?
Sent from my awesome fridge

No, not as far as is know.. mine has 7 pages but isn't infinite scroll any idea how i can make it like that ?
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app

When di you think you are done?
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app

NigelDX said:
When di you think you are done?
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app
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oh, woops. Sorry, I'm kind of busy building apps.
Well, I guess I'll start now. Won't take long.

MaartenXDA said:
oh, woops. Sorry, I'm kind of busy building apps.
Well, I guess I'll start now. Won't take long.
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okayy thanks alot D would be very nice to see how it looks

NigelDX said:
okayy thanks alot D would be very nice to see how it looks
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Try this, push it to /system/app/Aluminium.apk
I don't have time to make one that you can install right away, sorry.

MaartenXDA said:
Try this, push it to /system/app/Aluminium.apk
I don't have time to make one that you can install right away, sorry.
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ow okee thanks anyway
EDIT: but i dont get it how do you install it ??


NigelDX said:
ow okee thanks anyway
EDIT: but i dont get it how do you install it ??
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Here a flashable zip :

Thanks but i dont see any diffrences or do i still have to install the apk
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app

NigelDX said:
Thanks but i dont see any diffrences or do i still have to install the apk
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app
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Yeah I already suspected that. You might want to ask someone else to do this, I'm really busy for now.

Ow okee so is there someone else who would like to make this for me please
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app


Green Segmented Circle Battery??

One thing I loved about the vibrant was the custom battery icon I used. Any chance of getting the same for the 4g???
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
sicdroid said:
One thing I loved about the vibrant was the custom battery icon I used. Any chance of getting the same for the 4g???
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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If you can give me a link to where it was, I would have no problem doing it for you.
Master™ said:
If you can give me a link to where it was, I would have no problem doing it for you.
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Hey that would be great. Very appreciated. This is the link of the one I was using... Great look with the percentage.
Again thanks alot.
sicdroid said:
Hey that would be great. Very appreciated. This is the link of the one I was using... Great look with the percentage.
Again thanks alot.
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Oh, accurate battery MOD..
Could of just said that LOL
I always fail on that MOD for some reason. I will see if s0niqu3 can do it.. I that.
Ive been working on it this week... i should have it done hopefully tonight or tomorrow... Ill post a flashable as soon as i get these last couple things done
im doing a segmented circle, smooth circle, and battery style... if you want something different itll be easy to pop in just let me know what
pack said:
Ive been working on it this week... i should have it done hopefully tonight or tomorrow... Ill post a flashable as soon as i get these last couple things done
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Ok, well that would work.. Guess she wouldn't have to do it..
Master™ said:
Ok, well that would work.. Guess she wouldn't have to do it..
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yeah def im happy i saw this... always sucks when 2 people do the same exact work lol
pack said:
yeah def im happy i saw this... always sucks when 2 people do the same exact work lol
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hahah, yeah. I have been in that position before.. It is like, ok done!
Then what you just did pops up by someone else.
Thanks for all the work. If I new what the hell I was doing..... Lol. I will be looking out for the post.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
pack said:
Ive been working on it this week... i should have it done hopefully tonight or tomorrow... Ill post a flashable as soon as i get these last couple things done
im doing a segmented circle, smooth circle, and battery style... if you want something different itll be easy to pop in just let me know what
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The Segmented has always been my flavor.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
This is exactly what i was looking for!
Ive been trying to put battery icon Version E or I on my phone from here
i pulled the framework-res decompiled it replaced the xmls and added/replaced the pngs then recompiled it, but this is my first android phone and ive never edited android frame work before so i was hoping someone could tell me if i did it right before i flashed it. but if you are already creating a flash able one then i could use one that i know will work!
halfcalf said:
This is exactly what i was looking for!
Ive been trying to put battery icon Version E or I on my phone from here
i pulled the framework-res decompiled it replaced the xmls and added/replaced the pngs then recompiled it, but this is my first android phone and ive never edited android frame work before so i was hoping someone could tell me if i did it right before i flashed it. but if you are already creating a flash able one then i could use one that i know will work!
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Send it over to me or post it... I have a nandroid backup. I will let you know if it works.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
sicdroid said:
Send it over to me or post it... I have a nandroid backup. I will let you know if it works.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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I can send you mine in a sec
Uploading now, it is for 2.2.1
Edit: Here
File is hosted by
I would flash it, but hell. Don't really need this mod.
If you get a bootloop, then send me your Framework-Res.apk
I've been poking around with ninja morph for my framework edits, its really neat! No computer or flashing nessicary, just edit and reboot, makes backups for you aswell
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
ESKIMOn00b said:
I've been poking around with ninja morph for my framework edits, its really neat! No computer or flashing nessicary, just edit and reboot, makes backups for you aswell
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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We are not talking about changing some icons though..
Master™ said:
I can send you mine in a sec
Uploading now, it is for 2.2.1
Edit: Here
File is hosted by
I would flash it, but hell. Don't really need this mod.
If you get a bootloop, then send me your Framework-Res.apk
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No go... Boot loop.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
sicdroid said:
Send it over to me or post it... I have a nandroid backup. I will let you know if it works.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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I will! unfortunately i did it on my work computer so ill have to redo it again, but it should only take me like ten min
Old is my current framework
framework is my edited one
halfcalf said:
Old is my current framework
framework is my edited one
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Any chance on a flashable??
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
sicdroid said:
Any chance on a flashable??
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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Sorry, Im brand new to this. i dont know how to create flashable apk files...
I will try and figure out how to...
try this...

Themed htc_ime keyboards?

Hey guys.
I've been searching with no luck. I want the HTC IME keyboard with white letters and baby blue tiles. I can do the tiles just fine but not change the colors of the letters.
If you know of any themed HTC IME keyboards please share so I can try to further customize it to what I'm looking for.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Max_Pain said:
Hey guys.
I've been searching with no luck. I want the HTC IME keyboard with white letters and baby blue tiles. I can do the tiles just fine but not change the colors of the letters.
If you know of any themed HTC IME keyboards please share so I can try to further customize it to what I'm looking for.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Warm 2.3 has a themed IME, it's black and green, but you could rip it and look thru it, maybe that will help?
You can ask absolutezero he has themed one for honeysense.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Free Radical said:
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What keyboard do you check to get the right size? froyo high res doesn't fill the whole screen
Sent from my Preium XDA app
Free Radical said:
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have you tried it? it doesn't work for our phones. the biggest size they have leaves a space on the right hand side. i've already spoken to Gimpsta himself and still waiting on an official ETA for qHD screens.
il Duce said:
Warm 2.3 has a themed IME, it's black and green, but you could rip it and look thru it, maybe that will help?
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killakarl said:
You can ask absolutezero he has themed one for honeysense.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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thanks I will check those two out.
Anyone have the HTC Keyboard with the Directional Arrows?
Anyone have the HTC Keyboard with the Directional Arrows?
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I think there is one in the sensation thread it should work I think?
if you like my work hit the thanks button!
mayfield103 said:
I think there is one in the sensation thread it should work I think?
if you like my work hit the thanks button!
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I just sesrched over there... Its a no-go
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using XDA App
mayfield103 said:
I think there is one in the sensation thread it should work I think?
if you like my work hit the thanks button!
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I Tried one that I found, But None of them seem to work! Anyone know of one (HTC Keyboard with Arrows) that Works?
I Tried one that I found, But None of them seem to work! Anyone know of one (HTC Keyboard with Arrows) that Works?
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using it now. it works
aedon said:
using it now. it works
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Will this Work with Sense 3.5 though?
No clue there. Make a copy of your HTC_IME.apk incase it doesn't.
If it doesn't just push your old one back using root explorer or whatever your choice program is
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Will this Work with Sense 3.5 though?
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No, but this one will

[Req] Sense 4 HtcIME

Found a nodded version of it already... But it kept forceclosing. Guessing it wasn't tweaked correctly for 3.6. Can someone with the knowhow out there tweak the HTCIME from 4.0 to work with 3.6? I like the look of it a lot better,plus it adds the directional pad to boot which would make life a lot easier at times =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
AndroidAutobot said:
Found a nodded version of it already... But it kept forceclosing. Guessing it wasn't tweaked correctly for 3.6. Can someone with the knowhow out there tweak the HTCIME from 4.0 to work with 3.6? I like the look of it a lot better,plus it adds the directional pad to boot which would make life a lot easier at times =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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do you have a link? i can check it out for you.
also, try just getting the keyboard from a sense 4 rom from the one x
ziggy46 said:
do you have a link? i can check it out for you.
also, try just getting the keyboard from a sense 4 rom from the one x
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Since this is the only one I found in a very long search, I gave it a shot anyways, understandable that it didn't work since its probably tweaked for vanilla android -
Hmm... Short of installing a Rom and extracting the apk with astro, jot sure of the vest method to successfully extract. Simply digging through the one S's Rom and extracting the apk from the zip directly failed (I got "did not install" from package installer). If there's a better way to extract the apk error free that might be all it takes to get it working for us =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Now we're talkin.
I don't have the luxury of creating a back up at the moment because I'm waitin for my girl to be off of work and need to leave my phone on for the time being.
Can someone confirm whether this one works for us ICS Amazers or not? It's from the One S ROM -
I imagine this keyboard isn't this high in demand yet because not a lot have had the opportunity to see it, but its EAY better =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
AndroidAutobot said:
Now we're talkin.
I don't have the luxury of creating a back up at the moment because I'm waitin for my girl to be off of work and need to leave my phone on for the time being.
Can someone confirm whether this one works for us ICS Amazers or not? It's from the One S ROM -
I imagine this keyboard isn't this high in demand yet because not a lot have had the opportunity to see it, but its EAY better =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Testing right now.
AndroidAutobot said:
Now we're talkin.
I don't have the luxury of creating a back up at the moment because I'm waitin for my girl to be off of work and need to leave my phone on for the time being.
Can someone confirm whether this one works for us ICS Amazers or not? It's from the One S ROM -
I imagine this keyboard isn't this high in demand yet because not a lot have had the opportunity to see it, but its EAY better =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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It failed to install. By just clicking.
Yep, that's what I've been seeing. Can anyone get this IME to work with our ICS? It's worth the effort. Let me tell ya. If anyone is curious, all you gotta do is walk into a t mobile store and play around with a One S for a few mins =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
AndroidAutobot said:
Yep, that's what I've been seeing. Can anyone get this IME to work with our ICS? It's worth the effort. Let me tell ya. If anyone is curious, all you gotta do is walk into a t mobile store and play around with a One S for a few mins =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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You got that right.
Instead of trying to install it, push the apk to system/app. Make sure to set permission first before pushing.
Remember to back up your stock IME.
coupetastic-droid said:
Instead of trying to install it, push the apk to system/app. Make sure to set permission first before pushing.
Remember to back up your stock IME.
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Please don't do what the guy above me said...It wont will only be able to talk to your phone and loose keyboard funtion
For WORKING Sense 4 replica keyboard on ICS Sense 3.6.. have a look HERE..
garveygibbs said:
Please don't do what the guy above me said...It wont will only be able to talk to your phone and loose keyboard funtion
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Yeah, I'd already tried that. Doesn't work =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
jerrytan93 said:
For WORKING Sense 4 replica keyboard on ICS Sense 3.6.. have a look HERE..
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Sweet. Thank you =). The only thing (from the screenshots anyways) it seems to be missing are the arrows that allow you to move the cursor... But I presume that'd probably be pretty difficult to get to work on sense 3.6?
Also, thank you for using mediafire. Best upload server from my experience... It's never let me down and has no bs =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
coupetastic-droid said:
Instead of trying to install it, push the apk to system/app. Make sure to set permission first before pushing.
Remember to back up your stock IME.
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I did install via adb and also through recovery. And nada.
AndroidAutobot said:
Sweet. Thank you =). The only thing (from the screenshots anyways) it seems to be missing are the arrows that allow you to move the cursor... But I presume that'd probably be pretty difficult to get to work on sense 3.6?
Also, thank you for using mediafire. Best upload server from my experience... It's never let me down and has no bs =)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Need some smali skills to hack the keyboard to unlock it's 'hidden' arrows.. but unfortunately I don't have such skills.. sorry for that..
Future plan: I will ask for other themers / modders help for changing the keyboard text color to white, so that it will match the Sense 4 theme.. grey kb with black text looks ugly for me..
Looks like the updater-script does not works with your device.. even zip flashed successfully but the apk does not actually installed.. I will make another updater-script later and repack the zip file
For now please extract the HTC_IME.apk from the zip, push it into system/app, set permission, reboot and enjoy
The keyboard with arrows suck major donkey Richards. I wouldn't recommend it unless you really want it.
Wait....I sent this with Tapatalk?
Double0EK said:
The keyboard with arrows suck major donkey Richards. I wouldn't recommend it unless you really want it.
Wait....I sent this with Tapatalk?
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Hmm. That's not the impression I got of it at all. It's the exact same keyboard (HTC ime) with arrows added to it (which makes it way easier to move the cursor). What specifically didn't you like about it?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium

[Skin] Sense 3.6 Flat Black & Gray

This is a new skin I just finished.... Flat Black & Gray !!!!
This will work with all roms running Sense 3.6....
Sense 3.6 Flat Black & Gray Skin
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Question I have.. where are the hidden files at for the lock ring for 3.6 sense.. I can't find it to save my ass.. love to change that thing.
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
ezgoing2406 said:
Question I have.. where are the hidden files at for the lock ring for 3.6 sense.. I can't find it to save my ass.. love to change that thing.
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
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Awesome, will have to try this out when i get home. Thanks
mutant13 said:
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Which one is it.. I checked there. Thanks for help
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
ezgoing2406 said:
Which one is it.. I checked there. Thanks for help
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
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You have to decompile the apk with M10 Editor. Unfortunately, those files can not be changed at this time until the M10 Tools are updated.
ezgoing2406 said:
Which one is it.. I checked there. Thanks for help
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
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Its in fusion.apk\assets\Default\drawable\m10
mutant13 said:
Its in fusion.apk\assets\Default\drawable\m10
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Your freaking great bro.. thanks again
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
One more question. How did you get pull down to be lite clear. Where you can see the screen behind it..
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
ezgoing2406 said:
One more question. How did you get pull down to be lite clear. Where you can see the screen behind it..
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
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If using Gimp, hit Ctrl + L
this allows you too create transparency
mutant13 said:
If using Gimp, hit Ctrl + L
this allows you too create transparency
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Wow. I am lost now sorry.. I am still new at customizing ****. I know how float around files and change stuff.. I am learning things as I go.
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
ezgoing2406 said:
Wow. I am lost now sorry.. I am still new at customizing ****. I know how float around files and change stuff.. I am learning things as I go.
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
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there are many great guides and references to themeing here on XDA, this is one....
Interactive Phone Modification, I will help you as much as I can....
Cool. Thanks
Sent from my HTC Rezound 4.2
Man this looks great good work!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Where's the download link ?
mcluvn said:
Where's the download link ?
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It's in the market or on his site for $1.99
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
This skin isn't showing up under Personalize. It says it installed successfully but nowhere to be found. tried installing twice. Any ideas?
mbarry55 said:
This skin isn't showing up under Personalize. It says it installed successfully but nowhere to be found. tried installing twice. Any ideas?
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goto...... personalize/Display/Skin/Black_Gray/Apply
mbarry55 said:
This skin isn't showing up under Personalize. It says it installed successfully but nowhere to be found. tried installing twice. Any ideas?
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Same here. I can't find it to apply. Installed twice as well. When I go to skins there is only the stock skin to choose.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

Req) inverted sense 4.0 skin

I am running nilsp sense 4.0 CIS 4.0.3. I have,searched everywhere for an inverted skin. Attached is a,pic of the,aluminum skin. I'm really looking for the clock letters to be same size but in white or grey and the background obviously inverted. Anyone know,where I can find such a thing?
Forgot to add screenie
stkiswr said:
I am running nilsp sense 4.0 CIS 4.0.3. I have,searched everywhere for an inverted skin. Attached is a,pic of the,aluminum skin. I'm really looking for the clock letters to be same size but in white or grey and the background obviously inverted. Anyone know,where I can find such a thing?
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Did you try the black clock skin in the rom?
NilsP said:
Did you try the black clock skin in the rom?
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Yes and it looks nice but I am partial to the larger font from 4.0/4.1. Seems tough to find as I have searched a lot this morning.
Here's the supplied one
Lmao, oh yeah, it's your Rom I'm sure you have seen it haha
Have you tried the Play Store? Mcluvn has a couple in there that you might like.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium's a pic of mine. The wallpaper has been changed to protect the innocent.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
Focused Haunter said:'s a pic of mine. The wallpaper has been changed to protect the innocent.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
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This is closer to what I'm looking for. I will look him up
stkiswr said:
Yes and it looks nice but I am partial to the larger font from 4.0/4.1. Seems tough to find as I have searched a lot this morning.
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Funny. I made it smaller because I don't like the larger HaHa
NilsP said:
Funny. I made it smaller because I don't like the larger HaHa
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That is funny.
Different strokes.
I still haven't found it. I mean I'm not going to loose sleep over this I was just curious,if anyone had seen something similar
stkiswr said:
That is funny.
Different strokes.
I still haven't found it. I mean I'm not going to loose sleep over this I was just curious,if anyone had seen something similar
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Try this...
If you're running Business ICS Sense 4.0, I think you need the qHD versions. Hope this helps...
Focused Haunter said:
Try this...
If you're running Business ICS Sense 4.0, I think you need the qHD versions. Hope this helps...
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Thank you I looked him up but for $2 I'd rather buy if it's exactly what I want, you know.
Nilsp I don't know,hard hard this would be but could I trade a donation for an apk? Hey, a guy can ask right :beer: exactly like your black clock skin just with the larger OEM 4.1 font
Kinda like this but with white numbers??
who MIKE D said:
Kinda like this but with white numbers??
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That is exactly what I am looking for.
who MIKE D said:
Kinda like this but with white numbers??
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Holy crap, where can I get this theme?
SirSigma said:
Holy crap, where can I get this theme?
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I made it for a donator
who MIKE D said:
I made it for a donator
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It's nice. I like it a lot.
Is it possible for me to get it if I donate as well?
SirSigma said:
It's nice. I like it a lot.
Is it possible for me to get it if I donate as well?
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Yea no problem
Let me see if i can find it real quick... i just reinstalled windows on my computer and forgot were i stored everything
Would you want a skin APK or a flashable zip?
who MIKE D said:
Yea no problem
Let me see if i can find it real quick... i just reinstalled windows on my computer and forgot were i stored everything
Would you want a skin APK or a flashable zip?
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Just a skin would be fine but if a,zip is,easier doesn't,matter I will backup. Big thanks.
stkiswr said:
Just a skin would be fine but if a,zip is,easier doesn't,matter I will backup. Big thanks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okay, i'll just do a skin... what skin do you want me to use as a base?

