[Q] Remove baidu from android phone - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everyone,
I have purchased china made phone which is similar to samsung note. I has a baidu input and which shows everything in chinese. I changed the language from the language and input under settings but still it wont change app language from english to chinese. I also tried to download and install google play store apk but its not working. It asks me to use google account but when I press yes to do so, it closes the app. Please let me know if anyone has any idea what to do. Thanks a lot.

ajitbaridun said:
Hello everyone,
I have purchased china made phone which is similar to samsung note. I has a baidu input and which shows everything in chinese. I changed the language from the language and input under settings but still it wont change app language from english to chinese. I also tried to download and install google play store apk but its not working. It asks me to use google account but when I press yes to do so, it closes the app. Please let me know if anyone has any idea what to do. Thanks a lot.
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You should root it!

bebito0077 said:
You should root it!
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I dont know how to root this particular phone.

same phone
You have to set the time, date, and time zone to get google play to work on this phone. I just got one and that made it work. Still not sure how to remove the chinese from it, though.
BTW: It's already rooted and unlocked. Mine is an S822D Baidu Hot Pepper, AKA MTK6588, AKA LA-I Dual Core (even though it has quad core)


x10 Mini - Hebrew Fonts - How to Install?

Hi. I need your help please. X10 mini was rooted and now I need to install Hebrew fonts, I did it before on Galaxy S , HTC Desire but here when I enter terminal cant see any keyboard, how should I type? Do you have any other way to install Hebrew?
absolut79 said:
Hi. I need your help please. X10 mini was rooted and now I need to install Hebrew fonts, I did it before on Galaxy S , HTC Desire but here when I enter terminal cant see any keyboard, how should I type? Do you have any other way to install Hebrew?
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did you try to install the "Israel pack" ?
Google "android israel pack" (I can't send links from outside websites yet...)
it did the job on my x10 mini.
and I'm using SlideIt who also support Hebrew (and also anysoftkeyboard)
numbers sometimes are backwards, and i can see the headline in gmail (but i can read the mail in Hebrew)
absolut79 said:
Hi. I need your help please. X10 mini was rooted and now I need to install Hebrew fonts, I did it before on Galaxy S , HTC Desire but here when I enter terminal cant see any keyboard, how should I type? Do you have any other way to install Hebrew?
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Push these fonts to /system/fonts, reboot.
tomereitan said:
did you try to install the "Israel pack" ?
Google "android israel pack" (I can't send links from outside websites yet...)
it did the job on my x10 mini.
and I'm using SlideIt who also support Hebrew (and also anysoftkeyboard)
numbers sometimes are backwards, and i can see the headline in gmail (but i can read the mail in Hebrew)
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Hi to everybody,
i just bought x10mini pro (my first android phone) and trying to install hebrew fonts, following the quoted procedure i get a message where it's said that no results have been found in android market for israelpack...
and i don't know how it works to push the fonts
anyone can help me please?
scialy said:
Hi to everybody,
i just bought x10mini pro (my first android phone) and trying to install hebrew fonts, following the quoted procedure i get a message where it's said that no results have been found in android market for israelpack...
and i don't know how it works to push the fonts
anyone can help me please?
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assuming that you already rooted your phone
1. Google for "android israel pack" , use the first link on Google: "israelpack - Project Hosting on Google Code"
2.use the direct download link
3.copy the IsraelPack_latest.apk file to your SD card.
4.use the application installer (on your phone) to install the pack.
5.on the pack download the Hebrew fonts.
6.restart the phone.
that's it...
worked on my phone, x10mini.
URGENT. Installed israelpack - everything in Chinese now
Rooted Motorola DEFY (2.1) and installed israel pack as described. Selected only the fonts option. After reboot, everything is in Chinese fonts. How do I get out of this? I tried to uninstall israelpack but the buttons have text in Chinese so I do not know what to click on.
Need help badly!
Update: somehow, after rooting the phone and installing israelpack, I got some malware into the phone - everything was displayed in Chinese and ads for new cars were shown at the bottom.
In my attempts to restore defaults, I also unplugged the battery and ... the lovely English fonts came back!! And when I go to a website with Hebrew text, the text is displayed correctly.
All in order now but I wish I knew what malware was installed and how to get rid of it FOR GOOD.

How to install samsung Chinese input on Omega

Hello, as i write in the title, i would like to know how to install into the samsung keyboard the chinese input method???
Thanks for the help.
Download Google Pinyin, 搜狗手机输入法 or any of the other myriad of input methods from Google Play.
If you don't have Google Play, Sougou can be downloaded as an apk from http://shouji.sogou.com/download1.php
I dont want use this kind of program cause it says that its not secure for your password and so on ...
I got a china mobile phone that i rooted and Flash Omega on it to get playstore and so on .
On Omega it gives me a files to download a Chinese Keyboard samsung one but when i go to CWM and install it ~~~~~it crash all the time and nothing happen....
So i need the help from someone who got the files of the chinese keyboard or someone who can help me with Omega Kitchen....
Thx by the way for the advice.
Swype is better than other software i tried by the way and also have chinese input and handwriting also
I am looking for Chinese input for stock Samsung keyboard too.
Sogou maybe not. But Google... I personally trust Google.
In any case I don't think Samsung is inherently more trustworthy than Google. At least equally so.
If you can't find it online just use checkfus to download a Chinese rom and extract the apk from it.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Simply from Omega application that should be installed within the rom in apps directory , launch it , go to languages , the chineese language if off by default , download the chineese files .
Note : internet is must to launch omega online

N7000 Clon with Samsung Apps! Help!

Hi XDA! I need your help with this trouble:
- My friend has an n7000 clone (chinese XD), he want to install Play Store, so leave that work for me. After installing Play Store all went OK, but when open apps like Message. Phone or Contacts it give a FC telling that is not authorized... So, I looked at apps and all of them are from Samsung, I copy these apps from an other phone, now all open ok, but when I want to call to some number give me a FC (com.android.phone stopped). Sorry for very bad english, I leave some pictures from the clone, if someone have a firmware or rom to install please let me know! I will test differs phone.apk searching for one working...

[Q] Freedom won't work on S2

I installed the Freedom app but when I open it, it starts loading it but then goes back to my apps and sais "Freedom isn't available in your country", I tried to use android market unlocker with T-mobile US and a Russian provider. (imgur com ekJKRHG) I can't post a link because this is my first post but I hope it's okay this way, it's a screenshot of the error. I am in the netherlands, my device is SGS 2 and my Android is 4.1.2. I also tried to change timezone's and that didn't work either. My phone is rooted.
I hope someone know's how I can fix this.
Well thanks for reading this and have a nice day,
Hey guys does anyone know what to do?
Did you change your timezone to Moscow?
You need to go to settings--->apps and find Google Play Store and click uninstall updates
Tutorial that I found and might work here:
Hankaws said:
Did you change your timezone to Moscow?
You need to go to settings--->apps and find Google Play Store and click uninstall updates
Tutorial that I found and might work here:
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Thank you for the response but I did everything in the video and it still gives the same error how it's not available in my country ( The Netherlands)

lollipop OC 1 ROOT how to add another language system

Phone updated to the official 5
need to add the Russian language, which is not in the system
or it will not work because of the sanctions?
I need language China Taiwan zh_TW someone help me?
When i saw this thread I smiled , finally something I have an answer to!
Download the app morelocale 2 from the play store, you can change your systems language to whatever you want. To change it back to the default you have to go to the settings app.
I use this app for Hebrew locale
Matthew M. said:
When i saw this thread I smiled , finally something I have an answer to!
Download the app morelocale 2 from the play store, you can change your systems language to whatever you want. To change it back to the default you have to go to the settings app.
I use this app for Hebrew locale
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the application system does not translate, only the ability to make some app
method does not work
Any ideas?
I really hope you guys!
Morelocale 2 worked for me, you need to be rooted, it changed some app labels, time and date, but most importantly the play store language was changed....
Thanks for the help...
p.s. Language Enabler did not work for me...
I was on 4.4.2/NK1 Rooted with Kingoroot

