[Q] Android & Exchange - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all, very stuck!
I have tried setting up my work exchange email on 7 different android handsets,
(Different models, makes and os versions (non rooted, all standard os))
on non of them does it ask to "update security settings" during setup, and as such the account does add but does not sync.
So your aware I’m actually one of the tech guys for the company and when I set all other staff accounts up (so far) on android it does ask for the update which I accept and it then works fine
i have no other phones attached to my account & only the one email address.
and every aspect of my account as far as I can see matches that of others whom it works fine for
Any advice on this would be great and very much appreciated
thanks in advance


[Q] Help with Exchange email

Hey guys-
I had been using TouchDown Exchange to access my work email. When I first got android I asked my IT department if they could set it up for me but they replied that they "don't support Android, and because there are so many different android phones, they probably wouldn't ever support". Anyways, I found I could use the web-exchange server (http://xxx.xxxxxxxx.com/exchange/) as my domain on the android app and it would end up sync'ing my email to my phone.
I guess they eventually found out I was doing this somehow and they blocked it. They do support the iPhone, though, and through a coworker I was able to get the server and domain that they use.
Is there anyway I can trick the server into thinking I'm using an iPhone so it will allow me to connect and sync? I tried using the "ActiveSync Device String" and setting it to "iPhone" before connecting to the server, but that didn't work. I don't know much about exchange servers if you couldn't tell, but is there a way they can authorize only certain users to connect? Could I potentially borrow my girlfriends iphone, have them set it up on her device, and then once I get the login permissions, switch the info over to my fascinate?
Sorry to any IT administrators out there, I bet this post will annoy you haha. I just want to have email on my phone because I hate walking into work in the morning and getting blindsided by an email that was sent to me at 2am.
Thanks in advance for your help guys.
Our IT department also has a "no android" policy but I figured out that if I left the Domain blank and used the Webmail url as the Exchange server address everything would sync perfectly. I started out using Touchdown but dropped it for the stock email client.
They specifically denied your phone from syncing via ActiveSync? Even with Touchdown, which more fully supports the ActiveSync protocol than even the iPhone? Sounds like your IT guys are morons. I can fully understand not wanting to support Android phones because of all the variances. I know, because I work for an ASP hosting company that does just that. But really, if they wont support Touchdown, they're just shooting themselves in the foot, because that app will work the sane no matter what Android phone it's installed on, meaning you will have a standardized mail platform for Android that supports any and all necessary security features, including full encryption of the local mail database and any data it stores on the SD card.
I don't know if you'll get anywhere with it, but I would recommend showing the the feature list for Touchdown, including the security features, and ask them to support that one app. If you make the case that they only need to support one app for any Android phone, they should be willing to work with you on that.
Besides, every serious corporate user should be using Touchdown anyway. The stock mail client, no matter what Android phone you have, is lacking some of the most basic features, is buggy,and is essentially useless. And if days encryption is required, you're out of luck with the stock clients. Exchange syncing is really an afterthought by Google, and until they make enterprise features and data security a primary focus, things wont get any better.
Sent from XDA Premium on my Super Clean Fascinate
Oh, and btw, I'm not an expert on the matter, but I know that mobile device syncing can be disabled on a per-user basis. What I'm not sure about is if it can actually allow only certain devices to connect or not.
Sent from XDA Premium on my Super Clean Fascinate

[Q] SGS2 Exchange 2010 client and modded ROMs

Hi, there
New to this forum group, having just taken delivery of SGS2, with three.co.uk.
Prior to this I had an HTC HD2 with O2 UK, and made much use of the HD2 forum groups in modding that phone.
This forum group has been so active, I see a steep learning curve ahead. This is all to the good - it means folks are enthusiastic about this phone.
A major reason for me choosing the SGS2 was that Samsung Exchange client supports SMS sync with Exchange 2010 accounts.
This is vital for work, as I can send up to 1000 sms a month to clients and staff.
With SMS sync, I can keep a message history for past and current issues and projects.
My question is: should I stick to the standard Samsung ROM (it isn't "3" branded, as I got it through a reseller, and came unlocked) to keep SMS sync?
Or, can I give in to my inner geek and get modding?
There seem to be 2 main branches for mods - Samsung ROM based and "other" ROM based.
If I were to install a modded ROM would I preserve the functionality?
Or, could I reinstall the Samsung Exchange client if it wasn't present in a modded ROM?
Please excuse me if the answer is out there. I have done extensive reading and searching, but haven't found an answer yet.
If the answer to my question is "search some more, son, this has been answered already", please let me know politely.
I would suggest learning first which things do you need to be able to run SMS sync. If the only thing you need its Samsung Exchange Client, you can use any ROM you like and you can install Samsung Exchange Client app in there so you would be able to run SMS sync without problems.
If SMS sync requires certain kernel or more deeper system stuff, it would be harder to move to another ROM.
Hi, AzureusPT, and thanks for replying
I suspect it is just the Samsung Exchange client I need - it is the only one, other than WM6.1/6.5 that has the SMS sync feature enabled. Standard Android and other variants (HTC, etc.), Apple and Windows Phone 7/7.5 don't enable the necessary features.
I've tried Nitrodesk Touchdown (on a HTC Wildfire I set up for my Mom as a second phone) and it's implementation is spotty.
I guess you're right - I will have to bite the bullet and try out various options. It will be the only way to know for sure what is necessary. From your comment, I take it the Samsung email (Exchange) client is available as a separate download?
Also, I see you are using HyperDroid-Androidmeda - I was thinking of giving that a go as my first ROM rooting adventure. Is it a variant of the Samsung ROM?
I'd also be very interested about this.
Here's another (older) thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1012634

Corporate Email on Galaxy Tab

I have this tablet, however Iam not able to set up the email client to use my work email. I keep getting a message saying that my server requires settings that are not supported by this Android device.
can anybody tell me what is going on? I even went into the settings and encrypted the tablet because my work email requires to have the device encrypted but it did not work. However I also have the Galaxy phone but that works ok with my email. so my issues is only on the tablets.
Am I m missing something?
What email system does your company use?
Also this may need to move to Gen discussion.
This is not in the right forum.
If your exchange admin has enabled security features that Android does not have then you're out of luck unless you can get them to change them. Otherwise your web based exchange should work ok.
Use your OWA address as the mail server.
Can you get mail on your phone? Then you should be able to get mail on your tab. If not, then your IS folks probably have owa sync disabled. We do for all phones except droid, apple, and bb.
I had the same problem with HC 3.1 and 3.2. You can try one of the ICS preview roms like Mabalitos ICS rom in this forum.
I finaly got it working with that after six months of struggeling.
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Moving to Q&A
My corporate exchange servers have some requirements that the stock email application won't support so I ended up using Moxier mail. Suggest checking it out, im not sure if they have a demoversion though. Retail version is pricey but worth it for me, ymmv.
Sent from my SCH-I905 using Tapatalk

Did anyone get Exchange emails working yet? [CM 7.1.0]

SGH-i777 running CM 7.1.0 on Android 2.3.7. Carrier is obviously AT&T.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to add my Exchange account to the stock e-mail program. I've tried:
* Countless variations of server, domain, and username settings. I've followed this guide **can't post link** and several other guides. I do have access to my company's server information, and while I'm not sure which server is actually being used, I've tried them *all*, several times, and gotten nowhere. With a WiFI connection (no firewall) and just 3G data, signed in or signed out of Outlook Anywhere. No luck, just "Unable to open connection to server".
* K-9 connected to my account, but I was unable to see any e-mails - none would load, even when I had it force check. So I uninstalled it (would rather use the stock app anyway).
Is this a problem with my signal? I read that someone got help from their carrier - they made a custom APN, but that was in another country so I'm a bit skeptical. Can't call Samsung (it's Sunday) and their website offers no help. It's possible my IT doesn't allow phones to read mail, but that's highly unlikely - we've got lots of employees in the field, so this seems like common sense.
I did a lot of digging and this might be an old issue, but it gets pretty technical and I'm obviously a n00b.
What am I missing here???? PLEASE fill me in - I've put hours into this!!
It's quite possible that your IT group who manages your Exchange environment isn't allowing non-approved devices to connect. Typically these are security-certificate based and/or mandatory VPN requirements. I would suggest asking your Exchange administrator in your IT department about this policy.
Under Domain/username, did you try putting the "\" in front of your username? To configure mine I did this and had to use the host name as the Exchange server. Some things to try anyway if you haven't already.
Also ran into issues setting up under a public wifi at work, had to use the ATT network to make it connect for some reason.
I have my work exchange account set up.
Are you making sure to connect to the external exchange server (sometimes different from internal)?
Have you asked your administrator for exchange login details (my IT dept sent out a company-wide email once with those details)?
You might have to type the server name in manually if it doesn't auto-detect (the case with my work email).
Now, my work isn't as strict, but as the previous poster said; you're exchange server might not allow unauthorized devices to connect. In which case you'll have to contact your IT dept.
They may have simply blocked all android devices (until recently didn't support hardware encryption, and spoofed exchange permissions). If that's true, educate them.
The server name may be a link rather than a server name. Ours is mibile.XXXXX.com for example.
probably related to your company's settings. I run my own exchange server and got it sync'd fine with the current cyanogen nightly
I had problems with the stock email and our ms exchange server. I could set it up, but after a while it stopped syncing and I could never really get it back to work. I switched to Touchdown, and after a little trial and error with setup, it's working fine for me. There is a trial version for 30 days or so that you could give a shot. Happy to give you some pointers.
AtlanM87 said:
I had problems with the stock email and our ms exchange server. I could set it up, but after a while it stopped syncing and I could never really get it back to work. I switched to Touchdown, and after a little trial and error with setup, it's working fine for me. There is a trial version for 30 days or so that you could give a shot. Happy to give you some pointers.
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+1 for touchdown. I've been using it for about a year. It's far superior to any exchange solution the Google offers. I only wish it would populate Google calendar as it does the Google contacts. The UI is getting dated as well. I wish they would come out with a cosmetic update or theme capability.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium

[Q] Help Trying to deploy 500+ Android devices and gmail accounts are being disabled

Hi -
Android Device info:
Android 4.0.4
Samsung Galaxy tab 2 10.1
I am trying to image and deploy 500+ Samsung Galaxy tab 2 10.1 devices. The requirement is, that the 500+ tablets configured and provisioned with the relevant applications for the end-users before delivery...December 31st 2012 - :crying:
I have been manually creating gmail accounts for each device via WiFi since I am not sure of a better way. Now I am starting to notice that some tablets have an error message "Your account has been disabled." Would Google disable these new gmail accounts because they are coming from the same IP address? I am so worried because I can not afford to lose any of the gmail accounts since they are specific to each end user.
I am installing a mdm - SOTI
I found a thread discussing Android mass deployment using an "update.zip" if anyone could help me do this I would be willing to pay. I don't see anyway I am going to make this deadline doing each one manually. I was just laid off from this company, but brought back on as a contractor to assist with this last minute project. I would hate to lose this opportunity since its the only one I have.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
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precessionpower said:
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Hey did you ever get a solution to this?

