Best rom for this phone
ROM comparison threads are not allowed.
Thread closed.
What 4.4.2 touchwiz port roms are you guys Running? And what are you experiences in that rom.
Mod Edit
"Best" or "Recommend" ROM / Kernel threads are not allowed on XDA.
Please test these things for yourself. That is the only way you will get an unbiased opinion,
and then, you can decide for yourself if it meets YOUR needs.
Thread Closed
Forum Moderator
In terms of battery life/performance?
Please do not post questions in Development sections. Also, "best" rom threads are not allowed
Seeking a good ROM for my htc Dna
since I found you lot lagean and locks.
sorry, but this isn't the htc section please, move the the thread in the correct section...
Yes this is in the device section and the wrong subforum (question should be posted in Q&A) and we also do not allow best ROM/Kernel threads on XDA. The question is subjective and you should therefore make u your own mind. Best advice is to head over to the development section and try some out.
Thread closed
i have xperia U st25i, and i want to install a custom rom to increase battery level and speed up
so please give me the best Custom ROM with No BUGS and everything working on it, and i want tutorial to install it simply
You've asked this question here which is a development thread. The correct section for this question is Q&A section. Moderators will either move this thread or delete it.
Please post questions in the Q&A section
And especially leave the development section for development threads/posts only
Thread moved
and since best rom/kernel threads are not allowed, just try then yourself and use the instructions in the OP to flash them
Thread closed
Hey everyone!
Has anyone actually tried flashing GSI ROMs on their A50? How's your experience? Will anyone kindly share your experience with us? And please specify what ROM you're using. Thanks!
You should be asking this in the existing GSI thread in the news and guides section. This section is for posting development stuff and your post adds nothing in this regard.
Do not place non development threads in development sections.
Thread closed.