[Q] Phone stuck on boot logo ... HELP !!! - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I did not flash any new rom for the last 2 months, I was under neatRom lite LS8 all this time and I used my phone normally.
Yesterday, when I looked at my phone, it was stuck in the boot logo, I made ​​a call with it 5 minutes before.
I have access to download mode and recovery mode, I formatted the cache and dalvik cache, it did not change anything, then I restored an old backup of neatrom LS8, no change, and now I just flashed stock LS8 with PC ODIN, and it does not change anything.
What happens in my phone? What should I do?

Can you flash a custom kernel.
alliance 7.3
apollo 4.5 regular

yes, flashed latest philz and also latest siyah, no change .

Can you get into cwm. Try nandroid restore again?
alliance 7.3
apollo 4.5 regular

I think you may have a ROM issue. trying installing another ROM which is compatible with SGS2.
To boot into recovery
Power off you phone then press Voilume Up + Power + Home button untill you see boot logo.


[Q] Help with getting into recovery, soft brick?

Running Task's " the beginning," ICS ROM and A1 kernel v1.7 wifi only on my Galaxy Tab 10.1 wifi 32gb US model and having soft brick issue. Will only let me turn tab on and off not boot into download or recovery mode. How can I get into recovery otherwise or any other suggestions/fixes? Thanks for the time and help.
Edit: Never mind booted into recovery using Odin reflashed backup to restore ROM. Had to data wipe factory reset and wipe both caches to reinstall Task's ICS ROM. Only then was issue resolved after flashing A1 kernel v1.7 that was stuck at Samsung logo every reboot. Now using Yoda kernel instead with no issues on this ROM.

Galaxy s2 Soft brick/bootloop problem

hey guys so what happened is after flashing siyah kernel onto the pac rom so i can overclock my phone but after flashing the.zip file my phone would be in a black screen after getting past the sgs2 gt-i9100 screen and siyah kernel the screen would go black when it would have the boot animation i think this is a soft brick/boot loop because i can go into clockworkmod and download mode i tried doing a wipe data wipe cache and wipe dalvik cache but still no hope so could anyone please help me thanks
Don't flash siyah on cm/aokp rom. Use dorimanx. So to fix go to recovery and flash dorimanx 9.xx and reboot. If it stays black then go back to recovery and factory reset. Get dorimanx from link below.
thanks for the kernel i will try it out later but i fixed the problem by just reflashing cm 10.2 as it comes with its own kernel

HELP 25pc210 test b/d?

Hi my phone is behaving as though it is bricked but its never been flashed until now. the phone was working fine all of a sudden the phone wont boot up in normal mode but will boot in download mode and recovery.
if i do a battery pull and the power on phone it boots straight to recovery. I have tried flashing two different stock roms and also installed siyah kernel and a custom rom but same issue when trying to boot up with a reboot in recovery the screen stays black and the computer recognises it a Sec S5PC210 Test B/D
Phone boots okay in recovery and download just not normal mode
Edit when i put siyah kernel and add second rom it starts booting but then the rom is in bootloops ????
Are u flashing roms through odin? If so try flashing it via cwm recovery. Before u do that try wiping cache, Dalvik cache and then Flash rom.
santhosh502 said:
Are u flashing roms through odin? If so try flashing it via cwm recovery. Before u do that try wiping cache, Dalvik cache and then Flash rom.
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when flashing through cmw it boots rom bot rebooting the phone it crashes and with odin phone jus boots into recovery
I think you flashed siyah kernel with non stock rom. Siyah works only with stock based ROMs. Were you in Stock rom and kernel when your phone acted strangely?
santhosh502 said:
I think you flashed siyah kernel with non stock rom. Siyah works only with stock based ROMs. Were you in Stock rom and kernel when your phone acted strangely?
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no the phone was never flashed i went into download mode to flash with odin and ever since its been acitng strange
chwads2k8 said:
no the phone was never flashed i went into download mode to flash with odin and ever since its been acitng strange
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at moment i jus managed to get wanam lite on it and it boots up and acts fine when on but sometimes phones turns off when screens off i have to do a battery pull and power back on it boots back up. when the phones on everything works fine which is why i dont think its hardware related
still dont understand why it wont boot up properly even with full clean odin flash, i tried using oding and nand erase all but odin just froze on erase and didnt go further so not sure what prob is
I don't know bud. Even when your phone was never flashed it acted strange. Since it works now, u may try wiping data, cache, dalvik cache, system, battery stats and Flash new rom via cwm recovery. And make sure u flash compatible kernel too.
santhosh502 said:
I don't know bud. Even when your phone was never flashed it acted strange. Since it works now, u may try wiping data, cache, dalvik cache, system, battery stats and Flash new rom via cwm recovery. And make sure u flash compatible kernel too.
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this is soooo wierd . i tried to flash kernel on the rom but went back to square 1. so flashed with odin and flashed siyah kernel and added second rom. phone rebooted ok but stuck in bootloops so this time i decided to do a full wipe and install wanam lite without updating kernel and modem. This has worked and now phone is fully working tested it for 12 hours no random reboots phone boots up normally ok.
So why doesnt it work if its flashed with stock from odin. iv have had many android phones so kinda know what am doin but the issue with this S2 is baffling. not gna flash this now as at moment its working perfect
chwads2k8 said:
this is soooo wierd . i tried to flash kernel on the rom but went back to square 1. so flashed with odin and flashed siyah kernel and added second rom. phone rebooted ok but stuck in bootloops so this time i decided to do a full wipe and install wanam lite without updating kernel and modem. This has worked and now phone is fully working tested it for 12 hours no random reboots phone boots up normally ok.
So why doesnt it work if its flashed with stock from odin. iv have had many android phones so kinda know what am doin but the issue with this S2 is baffling. not gna flash this now as at moment its working perfect
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LOL this just gets worse now my mobile network disconnects completly and comes back up so wierd and annyoing time to throw the samsung crap away and go for nexus

[Q] hidden data

hello everybody
my phone doesn't boot anymore, there were lines on the screen and it shutted down automatically, when I tried to reboot, it was stucked on the googymax kernel bootlogo (latest 4.1.2 wanamlite). So I tried to flash the ROM again to fix the issue. The phone booted but there wasn't my data anymore. It seems to be hidden because I have only 1 gb free remaiming on the internal sd card... Then I tried to flash wanamlite 4.3 to know if my data appears but I coudn't see it neither. So I flashed back 4.1.2 and now my phone is stuck on the ROM bootlogo (the samsung one)
So what can I do to make my phone booting and find my data back ??? (eventually without doing a factory wipe, that would be cool)
licha26 said:
hello everybody
my phone doesn't boot anymore, there were lines on the screen and it shutted down automatically, when I tried to reboot, it was stucked on the googymax kernel bootlogo (latest 4.1.2 wanamlite). So I tried to flash the ROM again to fix the issue. The phone booted but there wasn't my data anymore. It seems to be hidden because I have only 1 gb free remaiming on the internal sd card... Then I tried to flash wanamlite 4.3 to know if my data appears but I coudn't see it neither. So I flashed back 4.1.2 and now my phone is stuck on the ROM bootlogo (the samsung one)
So what can I do to make my phone booting and found my data back ??? (eventually without doing a factory wipe, that would be cool)
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The reason why you are in bootloop is because you flashed between roms without wiping!! now I know why you did that because you didn't want to lose your data right? I would flash a recovery via odin I recommend philz recovery then backup your data or use the aroma file explorer option in Philz recovery to copy files you need then wipe everything and flash a new rom. Also the reason your internal sd is full is explained here >> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2274218 <<

help needed- Samsung galaxy S3 rooted stuck in bootloop with twrp and samsung boot

Phone : Rooted Samsung galaxy S3 (I9300)
rom: CM 13 nightlies
problem: updated the cm nightly and now phone is stuck in bootloop.
unable to boot into recovery.
Phone is now off, but as soon as i press power button it will go back into loop.
please help!!!
I flashed cwm recovery using odin and that stopped it from looping,
but now its just stuck on the start up screen with "samsung galaxy s3..."
how can i or what do i need to flash to get back to the rom or recovery??
many thanks
Try flashing latest TWRP for i9300 via Odin, and then try to install the rom. If possible, instead of using your sd card, mount the internal storage on your pc, transfer the downloaded CM13 nightly and gapps (if you use them). Remember to wipe before flashing (data, cache, system, dalvik). If this doesn't solve your problem, try flashing a stock rom via Odin to at least get your phone working again. Good luck.
need to try and get back to the download on the phone.....
having trouble getting things to do what they should.
just taken out sd card and pulled battery, and it wont turn on.

